Category: News & Politics
I love her stance on small businesses she has absolutely positively helped not just small businesses around the country but in particular small black black businesses with her economic empowerment plans those are things that i've always always liked about her those are things that i actually supported... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Oh sure all huh yeah you remember your name i don't remember my name i'm slow you're an old park yeah i know man i'm an old guy you're an old par right i know you would know about that what c being old oh i know all right i'm a young timer he reminds me of the guys i grew up with there was always one... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And only debate between donald trump and camala harris is on tomorrow and let's take a quick look at the abc moderators david mure and lindsey davis are hardly impartial here is just a little taste of their anti-trump bias uh these are comments from less than a month ago from davis linking trump to... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ohio attorney general dave yos uh attorney general thanks for your time this morning these claims that mills just pointed out that haitian migrants are eating wi life people's pets it's garnering millions of views and shares elon musk also talking about it online but city officials say they have received... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I hit the streets of the city last night to understand who people were voting for and why because i don't trust these polls and these are four observations that i learned before i dropped the video who are you voting for and why i'm voting for less government so i'm voting for a republican number one... Read more
Category: News & Politics
My days are cooler nights are warmer and i put the blame on you time moves slow my heart beats fast when these eyes are looking right at you right at you you give me something to believe in just what i needed you're the closest want i want to get into these lyrics again with eminem who not only when... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] judge joe brown's all new barbecue sauce and seasoning justice in the form of flavor law firms will take this as a retainer what it must be a law firm when they hungry as hell now you gonna help me with this parole i'm dealing with j joe brown's all new barbecue sauce and seasoning justice in... Read more
Category: News & Politics
My days are cooler nights are warmer and i put the blame on you time moves slow my heart beats fast when these eyes are looking right at you right at you you give me something to believe in just what i needed you're the closest i want to go back to how i think there are levels to this maa stuff there's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] governor any reaction to your family saying they're going to support we're to stay [music] here okay that was k harris's running mate tim walls again avoiding answering reporters questions you know local reporters in pennsylvania say kis campaign is literally stopping them from questioning tim... Read more
Category: News & Politics
My days are cooler nights are warmer and i put the blame on you time moves slow my heart beats fast when these eyes are looking right at you right at you you give me something to believe in just what i needed you're the closest he he's not changing even if he wanted to even if he like every day gets... Read more
Category: News & Politics
My days are cooler nights are warmer and i put the blame on you time moves slow my heart beats fast when these eyes are looking right at you right at you you give me something to believe in just what i needed you're the closest uh let's head over to maryland and welcoming mr douglas douglas and maryland... Read more
Category: News & Politics
My days are cooler nights are warmer and i put the blame on you time moves slow my heart beats fast when these eyes are looking right at you right at you you give me something to believe in just what i needed you're the closest let me play the tyreek hill piece cuz i want to come back to it and maybe... Read more