Luke Jones and Nestor discuss Harbaugh, clock management and penalties on O line in Chiefs loss

welcome home we are wnst am570 Talon Baltimore and Baltimore positive uh we're going to try to be positive around here maybe the Orioles will win some games next 10 days uh Ravens are 0 And1 to start the season uh we're going to be watching football all weekend long we're going to be back out next Friday at Cooper in Fels Point come on down it is the Fels Point oyer Festival everyday is an oyster festival for me this month we're doing 26 oysters in 26 days to celebrate our 26th anniversary all of it brought to you by curio wellness and foreign daughter as well as Liberty Pure Solutions they keep your water clean well water clean they keep my well water clean I'll be talking about them uh really all football season they've been taking care of me for years with well water as well as for plumbing services and our friends of Jiffy Lop MultiCare sending us back out I'll have the Raven scratch offs next Friday I have a handful of the Gold Rush Sev doublers we had an unbelievable conversation with Mark vivano uh rig you'll be hearing that U today tomorrow into the next week as well as um Lawrence Gowen from sticks is coming on this week we've had all sorts of really cool guests um Nils lofman from Springsteen is not coming on for next week um but I do have a word in for Pearl Jam so we'll see how it goes and I am headed to Pearl Jam uh which my god dude we're going to have Pearl Jam Springsteen sticks all the stuff's going on next week before we play a football game again they're going to be 0 and one um they're going to be 0 and one on Sunday on the pregame shows and all of that stuff um and we'll be watching the Raiders and figuring that out and getting ready for Dallas and all of that but but um just the general sense of that first game Luke that you look at it and you say they not going to play a better team than that you know I mean so there is a point where you wake up on Friday and you're like well they came a tippy tippy ippy toe from maybe winning the game and hard ball had the balls to go two points and like all that maybe they would have won 282 by the way my pregame prediction was 2620 it was 2720 so I'm getting a little adab boys and pats on the back for my almost my near Miss on getting the score right too bad I didn't bet on it up at Hollywood Casino but but um you know you're seeing the elite of the elite to start the season on the road with your neight offensive line things didn't go perfectly things didn't went far from perfectly Lamar ran to all the offensive line all the things that went on they still almost beat the chief so I mean there is I'm gonna get into the moral Victory World but if they play that well against every team they'll be 16- one because they you know they came that close against the best team on the road they're still a very good team you know what I mean and they should beat the ra by two touchdowns next week but then they have to go do that and this next month with this offensive line with whatever whatever weaknesses they showed other coaches and tape and I Marvin was texting me after the game last night literally um whatever he saw they're going to try to figure out and you know the the Ravens are going to become at the way the Chiefs are but they're not going to have an opponent like the Chiefs the rest of the year yeah I mean I I I think look look they've had I don't know if I opportunity is the right word to to use but they've been afforded the chance to be so myopic as it pertains to the Chiefs I mean you played them in the AFC Championship Game you lost the the focus and the topic of conversation throughout the off season was what happened how do you overcome it where do you go from here with coaches walking out the door players walking out the door you bring Derrik Henry in you have this rebuilt offensive line and lo and behold they find out in in May that they're going to be playing the Chiefs again so it's been Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs and it really is important now and I think they're going to do this let me be very clear but it is very important to turn the page and I don't just mean the Raiders next Sunday but your next opportunity to play the Kansas City Chiefs will not come until you know the earliest the Wild Card round right uh I mean that's the absolute earliest you could play them again so the Chiefs need to go away in terms of what you're thinking about I don't mean that in terms of you've abandoned your big picture goals and understanding that yeah the AFC goes through Kansas City a big surprise there right even if the Ravens had won on Thursday night that still would be the case until we see otherwise but it really does become now okay you've you've exhausted so much attention and focus and preparation for the Kansas City Chiefs because as you know Nester I mean you get into training camp okay the first couple weeks yeah they're the dog days but you get to the last couple weeks of training camp you're taking a look at the Chiefs and also doing some advanced work on the Raiders and the Cowboys and the bills I mean you're looking generally at your first third your first three or four opponents as you get to the second half of training camp so so much focus on the Chiefs and understandably so when they're the the team you've played in each of your last two real games that's why you need to turn the page now and You' you've got to move on from that and you can't let that linger and to your point this is a really good football team you know I I I fully expect them to be there are they going to be 13 and four in the number one seed well the chances to do that took a hit Thursday night no question right and Kansas city has the head-to-head tiebreaker if it comes down to these these two teams are both I don't know 13 and four 12 12 and five whatever it is uh and you know whatever the number one seed might be and let's not forget about the other teams in the conference or some other teams including in this division so you really do get an opportunity now to as much as you're disappointed say look it's over we're not focused on stopping Patrick Mahomes anytime soon we need to focus on stopping the Raiders and then it's Dak Prescott and the Cowboys then it's the bills and then oh yeah the Cincinnati Bengals who even though the Jamar Chase thing and the T Higgins thing are are both these really interesting subplots in terms of the future of their two star star wide receivers Joe burrow is back in healthy so you know you you can't you can't afford to have a Kansas City hangover here I mean you really can't right so you've got to turn the page and now it's a case of getting back to week to week football in the regular season you can't do anything about January for another four months right I mean it's a long ways away and you need to play well enough over these next 16 games to make sure that you're in good position to do something in January so I think they will again you don't want to overreact to week one uh you you want to react right I mean if they need to look at their offensive line or they need to look at how they operate certainly the clock management and L you know burning two timeouts on defense early in the second half I mean you can't have that you can't have busted coverages you can't have blown assignments but again if you look around the league I'm guessing you're going to see other teams do those same things and again it's not an excuse they have to clean those things up point is you can't overreact a weak one and as disappointing as it is is as close as they came to potentially still having a chance to win and I mean my goodness we haven't even we've talked about this in passing but just imagine Nester if Isaiah likeley gets his toe in they go for two and Heaven permid they wouldn't have gotten it can you imagine what it would feel like then uh where you would have had a chance to tie the game with an extra point but you go for two in that spot and look let me be clear process-wise I would have been fine with that because you could see on that last Drive Kansas City's defense was tired there was no question about that those guys were sucking wind they called time out they stopped the clock when you wouldn't have wanted to stop the clock yeah so I well they did have what someone was banged up I guess right that's correct yes right right but but it's still it served the purpose that you could tell they were sucking win so with Lamar Jackson and then at that point presumably Derrick Henry would have come back on the field for a two-point try yeah uh but that doesn't mean you would have gotten it that doesn't mean it was guaranteed you would have gotten it so again it's frustrating you hate to lose they did not play clean football across the board by any stretch of the imagination they've got to clean up mistakes certainly you look at the offensive line and even if the pass protection was better as the game went on you know the Run blocking is know it's a question mark it was a question mark back in the preseason uh not not in terms of you know recognizing that yeah Linder bomb and Ronnie Stanley weren't out there and Lamar wasn't out there and Derrick Henry wasn't out there but you know they just they didn't move people you know even fele who if there's one thing you would think at face value he would do well with it would be as a run blocker at 380 pounds but he's better pass protect his pass protections better than than his run blocking so you know he was he settled in a little bit in the second half but you know there's a lot of evaluating that's going to go on and I think again you want to react but not overreact and understand that yeah you know in this day and age where you know it's not like 50 years ago where there were six preseason games and guys were coming in the training camp and playing football for six weeks because they were out of shape and they need needed to get into football shape now you know they approach it differently guys come into camp in shape physically speaking but now you do question not not the Ravens just anyone and how they approach uh training camp in the preseason you know how much is is too much but you know there's the flip side to that is there not enough and is there a drawback to that and you I think you would see I I I would venture to guess and I say this completely anecdotally because I I I don't think there's any data out there that would be objective enough to really draw the conclusion but I'm guessing across the league Nester I would venture to guess tackling in weeks one two and three is worse than it is at any other point during the season and I think it's a direct product of where we are in terms of just not tackling in training camp the the way they used to and not playing much in the preseason if you're starter so you know all that has to get better there's no doubt about that and and again from a game management standpoint from a clock management standpoint from a Tempo standpoint those are things that they go to they've got to clean that up there's no doubt about that and you know as I already had some people point to me on social media and it's difficult for me to argue with it even if it's still you know kind of drenched in some hyperbole but I made mention that their clock management was in preseason form some people said hey the Ravens have had issues with that over the years and it's hard to argue that that they haven't at times you know well that's on Hardball right I mean and sure and you know he doesn't like it when I criticize him which is why he threw me out but you know there there comes a point where the you he's losing these games to the Chiefs too and by a tippy tippy toe or whatever and you it's all the little things that go wrong in a game like that where flowers kept going instead of sitting in the back of the end zone that would have been a touchdown Lamar thought he was going to sit he didn't sit just little decisions in a game that would have changed everything but in the case of Harbaugh um the clock management thing Falls to him 15 years into this and saying there's 10 minutes left to go in the game how many times you're going to get the ball two or three you want to make it two let's take our time they did that let's kick a we're not going to kick a field goal let's go for it on Fourth let's choose some more then they kick a field goal anyway right but that being said they had a chance to hit flowers in the back of the end zone and um that's why you want to keep that drive alive because Harbaugh would say hey we go in fourth down we get four more new plays it's four more chances for Lamar to shake him and get seven and then we only need Tucker to hit a 61 y at the end instead of having to go to length of the field so I'll hear that but the urgy and the way the offense is and I think it's hard because Lamar's six years into this and you're like too and K oh he's managing the offense he's in complete control they want him to be in complete control they want him to have every you know when he gets up to the line of scrimmage make decisions make decisions make you know and then he decides to run around and play street ball because that's that's like it's his instinct when they're down 10 points is my best chance isn't the Slappy blocking for me Henry's not on the field because we're not going to run the ball my best chance is to I see a hole I I've done it before I can make that guy Miss I can get down you know and because he's he's the best that's ever done it right so that that would be his Instinct in that case and again this speaks to clock management not having timeouts you burn the timeouts earlier now you have a running quarterback and you're saying get down get down get down well he gets down your clock keeps going like there's all of not to mention just the risk that we you hate talking about but I'll talk about all the time you know I didn't love the way they played the game on Thursday night and I didn't love the way they played the game because they couldn't run the ball they could have Walter pton back there they could you know whoever they want back there they couldn't run the ball with their running game and until that happens until they're in second and two and second and three running the ball not passing the ball 50 times like they did last time until they're controlling the game that way and eating the clock up and the game's not a 3H hour and 25 minute Opus it's more of the oh look it's 3:42 and it's the two-minute warning you know that's the way they need to play to win that's the way they've won um they're not going to win with this being behind 10 points running around I mean they need to get the offensive line better or they're not I don't want to be like my dad you're not going anywhere you know like that's but they're not going anywhere if the offensive line isn't better than this in week 10 12 or 15 or don't figure that part of it out because they don't have good enough players in their offensive line right now as as comprised I'm I don't it's it is the weakness of their team and you could talk about Simpson and young guys and be likely guys stepping up and impressing I'm not sure that's going to be Vorhees or Ronnie Stanley or anybody on the offensive line where we're gonna we're going to forget about zitler and Moses on the right side that's fair um you know I I'll say this I would agree with what you said as it pertains to when you're going up against the best of the best and what that could mean in January if we don't see Market Improvement but again they're gonna have the best of the best Dallas Buffalo and Cincinnati that's three playoff games there it really is they're three very very good teams okay but the Ravens are really good too I mean like let's let's be clear about that well if they're if they're one and four at the time they won't be if they're three and two w say they're very good uh I'll I I'll bet you whatever you want they're not going to be one in four I mean it's just I'd be shocked by that that Kansas City's got a really good defense Kansas City's the best they lost by seven points I hear everything you're saying I don't necessarily disagree but I'm not going to be fatalistic about it either I I'm not going to sit here and say that I think their seasons in trouble right now their offensive line has to get better the offensive line was better in the second half than it was in the first half now run blocking wise that's much more Up For Debate right because they got in a position where they're down 10 and when you are down 10 and you're in a position where you're going to be throwing the ball more and you've got Justice Hill who has a different skill set than Derrick Henry so yeah you're not going to just line it up and play three yards in the cloud of dust when you're down two scores in the second half because just not it's not going to work that way just isn't again this goes back to my original premise on not feeling like Derrick Henry was going to fundamentally like completely metam you know transform what they do because the what they did last year and what they W how they won and they ran the ball they had leads in the second half and yeah Derrick Henry's going to be awesome when you do that and that's going to help protect leads and help you win football games but you've got to throw the football in this league you do you just do you're not you're not carrying the ball 50 times a game to the Super Bowl at some point in time you've got to throw the football so and and look Lamar Jackson proved that I actually kind of you made mention of commentary talking about how in command Lamar was of the offense it's like hello he won the MVP last year he was in command of the offense last year we talked about this the second half of the year we talked about his pocket presence and what he was able to do play from the pocket and you know in situations where yeah he was breaking away from Defenders when the pass protection wasn't great so so you know for me I was more unmoved about that in terms of I saw Lamar do this last year under Todd monin but yeah the operation was spotty at best right I mean I'm not going to sit here and say always is completely fine at the same time I'm not going to I am not going to sit here and say that it's all gloom and doom either you know let's see what it looks like in week two let's coaching staff look at the tape evaluate your offensive line do you need to make any changes do you need to adjust anything uh we saw them chip a little bit more uh in the second half they did use some Max protect at times we didn't see Patrick rard on the field a ton but are there times where you need to do that and if they do then so be it you have to I mean that's just the reality of it but again they went up against the Super Bowl champs they went up against the best they didn't play their best brand of football by any stretch of the imagination and they lost by seven I mean you do the math there I'm not saying that Improvement isn't needed because it is but at the same time I'm not going to sit here and suddenly say oh my gosh because they lost one game to the defending Super Bowl champions by seven points on the road that suddenly I feel that they season in Peril you know they got to clean it up but most teams around the league need to clean it up the Kansas City Chiefs over the next few days are going to see things on tape to say we need to clean it up because some of those calls that went against them and not debating whether they were the right calls or not but some of those penalties that went against Baltimore really changed the complexion of the game at some different points in that game where things that we did necessarily weren't doing well well would have been magnified a little bit more so there's always so much to like and so much not to like with with games other than those rare exceptions like what the Ravens did last year I guess against Detroit and Seattle right where they just pummeled teams and Miami later in the season where they just pummeled teams uh but by and large most weeks again that's why you need to be so process oriented you need to be focused on process and as I said to you if Isaiah lik gets the toe in and we're having a way different conversation and there's a way different tone if they go for two and they win the football game there's a Elation right you know everyone's elated right now yet every single play up until that point looks exactly the same as you and I and so many others and and fans you know whether they're having their morning coffee Friday or they're out at happy hour at some point over the weekend all the things they're lamenting still would have been the same even if they won that game so you got to go to work you got to clean things up you've got to get better uh they've got to be tighter with their clock management there's no doubt about that and I'm not going to sit here and excuse that um you know again end a half that was an opportunity there instead of a 25 yard field goal you know you look at the second or third play of that drive you know Lamar had a couple scrambles I mean 30 seconds came off the clock they had three timeouts in their pocket and I understand you don't want to burn all those timeouts right away but part of having timeouts is to what preserve time keep time on the clock as long as you preserve seconds on the clock you can continue to run plays if you let the the time run down you have timeouts it doesn't add time back on the clock right those seconds are gone once they they've come off so you know I looked at that and I get it you didn't want to put the ball back in Patrick Mahomes hands but you would you sure as heck would have liked scoring a touchdown there uh rather than you know having to settle for a field goal and you know they they could have run you know potentially another couple plays so again you got to get better and yes the offensive Line's part of that yes your coaching's part of that yes your quarterback's part of that making sure guys are getting up to the line and getting in and out of the Huddle and yes you're making checks but you don't want the clock to wind all the way down to zero in the process so you know that's part of it and they've talked about it they're putting more on Lamar's plate than they did last year and last year they had put more on Lamar's plate pre- snap that's a process it absolutely is and I'll leave you with this as it pertains to clock management and all these different things and blaming John Harbaugh for it and look it it he's in charge of the operation I will also say that his mentor the guy that was coaching on the other side who he coached under for years in Philadelphia go look back at Andy Reid's longstanding reputation for clock management really until Patrick Mahomes got there and Patrick Mahomes is on his way to being the next Tom Brady let's what it is he's got to do it for another 12 years but that's what kind of path he's on right now with with three Super Bowls already under his belt you know before that even with guys like Alex Smith and Donovan McNab and and some really accomplished quarterbacks one of the first things that people mentioned when Andy Reid's name was brought up was his clock management stinks it's gotten better over the years and I think a big reason why is because he's got an all Universe quarterback that you know again that's all married and it's all in concert it's all synchronized and this is year two for the Ravens with monin Lamar took major steps forward last year in terms of playing from the pocket and pre- snap responsibilities things of that nature that frankly he really wasn't asked to do all that much under Greg Roman so let's see what it looks like again it was choppy across the board the operation was very choppy at best offensively on Thursday night and at at times it was way worse than that but let's see what it looks like again offensive line is a big piece of this they've got to I want to see a step forward you know if if you see a step forward next week then all right you know you continue to get better uh so they got better in the second half compared to how they were in the first half so that I'll take some level of encouragement there but no question it has to get better there's no doubt about that and it might be good enough to beat I don't know where it is right now is it good enough to beat half the teams in the league two-thirds of the team in the league three quarters of the teams in the league okay even if it's three quarters well what about those other eight teams that you're going to run into whether we're talking the next month or come January so there's a lot to work on and even if Isaiah likely gets that toe in there was still going to be a lot to work on so again that's where you have to move past the disappointment of losing to Kansas City again there's nothing you can do about it until mid January at the earliest so move on but we knew this is the way it was going to be if they lost right if they lost it was going to be like and we knew if they lost we'd look at the offensive line and say was it good enough we'd look at derck Henry and say what did he do was HE capable of doing and we'd look at Lamar and see how many times did he run the ball were they behind were they ahead how were the penalties bad bad bad bad bad okay and bad you know that's kind and they came a white shoe as Patrick Mahomes would say away from having a chance to in your words steal the game which is what they would have done they were outplayed they were outplayed they were outclass they were not the better team because of deficiencies um and because of strengths of the Chiefs and because of the home and Road thing so that doesn't mean they won't be the better team if they go back at the end of January but I'm telling you this offensive line I'm not on fire about it you and I have talked about it more than we've talked about anything the last eight months I saw it in action and as comprised right now they're gonna have a really hard time beating good teams with that with and running the ball and the way they're going to have to do it taking the ball away defensively um you know they was a turnover and they you know they didn't they didn't cash but like I said defense turnovers shorten the field defense needs to be worth seven or 10 points a week to kind of pitch in and help out a little bit because the offensive Line's not what it used to be and it's not where they want it quite frankly you know with a $50 million quarterback and A10 million running back and and two all World tight ends now and a wide receiver that they just try to get a little bit of space and make something happen they almost won the game with him last night Z flowers um you if he sits down in the end zone the game's different at the end so the offensive line the offensive line the off I mean I'm not worried about ran Smith I'm not worried about the back end I'm not even really worried about Marlon Humphrey other than you know the way he thinks um and what he says and what he does but other than that I'm not worried about him at all I I'm not worried about most of the team I'm not worried about Tucker missing a field long field goal I'm I'm worried that the offensive line over the next 16 weeks 17 weeks if you put the Buy in so is it really going to be better in December I don't know you know and is that going to make Derrick Henry better is that going to mean that Lamar doesn't have to run the ball so much is that going to mean that he's going to have time to throw the ball better and to make plays with these exceptional first round wide receivers and great talent at tight end um till they get the until the offensive line gets better they're not going to have an elite offense and I don't think they can have an elite offense this year because I think they're they're going to struggle against good teams to do what they want to do what they want to do is being in second and three second and four second and one running the ball running the clock that's what they want to do that's what they've wanted to do for six years they've wanted to do that through three cordinators now can't do that against the Chiefs because the offensive line isn't good enough well and we're going to see if it gets better I mean I still think it's going to be a high-end offense even if the offensive line is an issue because the offensive line was an issue back in 21 and they scored points then I I mean but your point is well taken and I agree that you need to have a much cleaner more efficient operation overall and that's going to begin with the offensive line you don't want we know Lamar Jackson can run 17 or 18 times and for 120 yards and you can win that way I'm I've always been in agreement with you you don't want to have to be forced to play that way every week if that's what you have to do you have to do it but boy that that's not the idea that's not how you draw it up when I look at the stat sheet on Friday morning after Thursday night's game I'm like that's not that's not they played the Chiefs game Lamar running around and playing street ball and we'll get you we'll get you on the ground and here's what I thought I I went to the bathroom at the two-minute warning and I almost text you and I almost tweeted out because 11:30 at night and I didn't want to be a jerk I thought Lamar would throw a pick on the last Ser you know I thought they would force him into running around and the ball would just go up in the air you know they would just be desperate you know what I mean like that's how I thought the thing was going to end is him running for his life and throwing the ball up in the air because they had to get the ball down the field they were better than that I mean I would have been embarrassed had I I didn't tweet it because I didn't want to be a dick and they win the game you know they almost did yeah but I thought this is a setup for Lamar to have to throw in a two-minute with no timeouts that he can't run and get down and get his head knocked off and get up and dirt the ball and runs a Flowers 40 yards back and you know that's how and they're and he's just going to throw a pick I I thought that what was going to happen and instead Kan city had a bust up Lamar got loose got the ball down to field to baitman because they do have fast guys they do have talented skill position players they do um now whether they can ever get the ball to them or not that's part of protecting Lamar and um so I I am heartened that they came as far as they did in a two-minute offense and they ran it better than I would have predicted they were going to run it given what I'd seen the first 58 minutes of the game well and that's where you kind of look at it from a big picture standpoint and I know this was a major talking point a few years ago when we talk about the Greg Roman offense I mean you'd like to be in a position where you can play with tempo right and I'm not saying you you run a two-minute no huddle K gun for the entire game but boy when you have Lamar Jackson when you have two tight ends that run the way that they do when you have Z flowers and Rashad baitman who's really fast also when you have that kind of personnel with your skill position players boy you'd love to play with Tempo because the the the opposition gets tired and that's when you could take you know you take a shot and you can make those big plays but your operation has to be clean enough from a pass protection standpoint and you've got to be on your Ps and q's and you've got young guys on the offensive line it that's a skill to be able to do that right so it's you again not saying they go to playing no huddle offense all the time but that's something I think you'd like to have in your bag and go to more but you've got to have an offensive line that can handle that and you've got to have an operation that's going to handle that because the the the tricky thing about a no huddle offense is you know and you try to play quick game and they played some quick game last year and they they did a good job go back and look at that that early season game in Cincinnati with they were banged up and they were afraid of you not afraid but they were cognizant of the Cincinnati pass rush they played a lot of quick game in that game the ball came out quick and the timing was really good that was a big reason why they won that football game so you want to be able to play like that but you've got to have an offensive line that is synchronized and comfortable and knows what it's doing and on the line of scrimmage Ron I was just you literally just took the words right out of my mouth and unfortunately the the it was a game about toes and feet right I mean offensive line or head right but you know what it's all I I even said this to my brother just you know in the moments of close moments of the game as you know we were waiting to hear from John Harbaugh and everything I didn't know your brother watched football I thought he'd be watching wrest he does he does he's not a big baseball guy but I said to him I said to him my goodness this was just another reminder that Sports it's such a cliche but it is so true it's a game of inches and it just shows the the the margin for error between winning and losing in the National Football League it's not much it really isn't you know it's not like college football where it's Georgia going up against some FCS Slappy school that is getting a Payday and has no chance to keep the game within six touchdowns you know the NFL the best team and the worst team you know it's not a dramatic difference it's not as big as we think anyway okay I get it Patrick Mahomes is you know already a a lock for the Hall of Fame and and all that but boy you've got to be on your p's and q's and you have to be sharp that's why to me me the clock management burn timeouts self-inflicted mistakes those are the kind of things that were disappointing because even with all of those factors they still had a chance at the end that's why it's frustrating so you can take that as a positive or you can take that as a negative but you can't dwell on it you got to go back to work and you got to get better and yeah I I'm in agreement with you I said it to you probably a month and a half ago you know right around the time they started training camp I said this offensive line you know it it's it's the factor to me it's the biggest question mark they've had from an onfield standpoint not talking about Lamar's contract a couple years ago or anything like that any off field issues anything like that this offensive line is the biggest onfield question mark they've had in a few years now uh in terms of three new starters and how this is all going to look you know week one I can't say I'm stunned by how it looked um but boy you you want to see progress starting next Sunday against the Las Vegas Raiders he is Luke Jones he is a Baltimore Luke he's covering the Orioles and the Ravens because they allow him in they don't allow me in I'll let you guess as to why or ask Greg Bader or Chad steel I am writing about it Eric dasta is getting a chef's kiss from me because I didn't eat any barbecue on Thursday night neither did Luke so uh we're going to be around all week the uh Orioles are home still in first place for a minute at least as I'm talking we'll find out see how it goes one way or another but I have a feeling things will go okay this weekend and uh they'll still be in position to play playoff uh baseball in October while we're watching regular season football next weekend the Raiders in town we're doing the Maryland crab cake tour the oyster tour is underway day three the oyster tour for me will take me to the Peppermill day four will'll have me out in Frederick at the U shuckin oyster Shack in Frederick I talked to the Frederick mayor about that down at moo last week uh we're also going to be getting around hamon all through the state and down to the Eastern Shore and talking about the oyster recovery partnership and how the oysters keep the water clean in the bay so that you can have crab cakes on the Maryland crab cake tour we're going to be at Cooper next Friday it is the Fels Point oyster festival come on down say hello we're gonna have some great guests Dave shining from The Washington Post uh my pal who's the agent for Josh Jacobs running the ball for the Packers down in Brazil uh from Brazil to Fell's point will be a Coopers next Friday Angela Al Brooks will join us on the 24th she is running for Senator we'll have her at State Fair I have invited Larry Hogan working that out on the 27th we'll be at cus in dundock as well and we're going to be back down at fedley's on the 20th before the or take on the Tigers on Friday Night Luke will be down there as well and um I have a guest uh I forgot who oh John sarban congressman sarban is Gonna Be Our Guest at at FY but lots and lots of good stuff all month long all of it brought to you by FRS the Maryland Lottery have the Raven scratch offs there out now I do have a handful of the Gold Rush Sev doublers I'll have at Coopers next week our friends at Liberty Pure Solutions keeping our water clean and Jiffy Lube MultiCare getting us out on the road at some point I'm going to have the 26th anniversary oyster crab cake thing I don't even know what it's going to be it's like a little creature we're going to have for our new logo but we are celebrating our 26th year because you guys listen and you follow and Luke's good at it and I anger you and you still listen anyway I'm Nester he's Luke we are wnst am570 talson Baltimore we're g to try not to suck great weekend it's a great month of sports around here we're 0 and one but trying harder stay with us we're Baltimore positive

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