Marcus Freeman IS NOT The Right Coach For Notre Dame Football | Notre Dame vs Northern Illinois

Joe Notre Dame goes down to Northern Illinois in an outright Thriller I know that you don't like hearing that but it was a thriller of a game a hell of a game a fun game if you had no rooting interest which I did actually have a rooting interest for Northern Illinois here but you're Northern illino you're Notre Dame Fighting Irish fall let's talk about this game what did you think of it look I said this after the Marshall loss I said this after the Stanford loss and then I allowed for myself to let Marcus Freeman prove me wrong after Louisville after Clemson I keep coming back to one thing that is so evident for Notre Dame in these types of losses they come out flat there's no attention to detail there's no aggressiveness in an opportunity to demolish an opponent that you're supposed to beat to have momentum to take pride in who you're going up against and that all comes down to the head coach plain and simple I understand a lot of people want to blame Riley Leonard and I know that we're going to talk about that I know some people want to blame Mike Den Brock but when your whole team specifically your offense is not fighting on a snapto snap basis and is getting punched in the mouth it means your head coach is not preparing your team during the week of practice and is not having the level of discipline necessary for your team to show up and play a great game it was one thing when it happened in year one Blake but we're in year three of this [ __ ] we're in year three I'm over it I said before I would have gladly allowed for Marcus Freeman to prove me wrong gladly absolutely would have allowed him for to him to show some things and he showed me last week but I'm done he's not the guy he is not the coach that is going to get Notre Dame to the National Championship prominence that they could possibly be at he's recruiting at a tremendous level but he does not push his guys to the level that need they need to be pushed on a week- toe basis it shows up too freaking often it is embarrassing that they lost to a pack uh a Mac team absolutely embarrassing there is no recoverability from this plag and I don't care if that is an overreaction they need to get an established sitting head coach and that needs to be the move I don't know when you get rid of him but there is no way that this turns into being a national championship contending team there's absolutely no way I'm not going to go that far man I do think you're overreacting and let me tell you why let me get Demarcus before I get to the game hold on one second I said this two years ago when you hired him and I'm going to continue to say it every single year and me and you discussed this at Great length multiple times and had multiple debates on this when you hire a firsttime head coach at a place like Notre Dame you are going to have these bad losses and it sucks and you hate it and I understand that you're in year three I get it I 100% get it however even though Nick Sabin in the very beginning of his career had some head coaching experience as an LSU guy I'm GNA tell you I'm not saying he's Sav and don't get what I'm saying Twisted they had some very putur losses very very very bad they lose to a ma team they lost to ULM but that was in his first year okay he did that at B but he did it at LSU too they lost to UAB okay there there have been times that we have seen really good coaches okay legitimately have struggles but the problem is is that Marcus is learning on the job and that's the problem that I think that people are continuing to miss here okay hold on BL I don't mean to cut you off but we said this last year after the Louisville game we said this last year after the Clemson game and at least those games were against competitive ACC teams it was one team that went to the ACC Championship game it's year three they lost team a team Joe you've never hired a coach that's never been you've never had at Notre Dame and maybe in a long time you've never had a coach that's never been a head coach before you hired him you're gonna have these situations now okay wait wait wait of course he's giving the look I understand what you're saying that like he he should be given a little Grace for like oh not no I'm not giving him Grace I'm not giving him Grace what I'm doing here is is just advising that when you make a move like this in your ad okay doesn't want to be that guy Notre Dame should let me tell you what Notre Dame should be okay and you push back on me on this all the time Notre Dame should be and I hate to say it like this they should start putting their nuts on the table with as much money as they have they should be running the sport and doing whatever they want but here's the thing that continues to plague you you you settled and you will continue to settle now here's where I'm going to defend Marcus Freeman into this part Joe Northern Illinois had 190 rushing yards on you and then Antonio Brown kid went absolutely bananas now the part in this is yes it is Markin Freeman's job to get this team up it's Marcus Freeman's job to get them inspired for every single game but at what point during that game did that really good Elite defense not look each other in the eye and say man we got to put this team away we got that's Marcus man's responsibility that's his responsibility for they they play flat the whole game Ben Morrison gave up a crucial third down on Third and eight because he got beat that's not on Marcus that's on you not want that's not on you not wanting to be there and here's another thing too but that's the coach's responsibility to to motivate his team to want to be there Joe you can't put it all on Marcus when you have three defensive linemen they were getting their [ __ ] pushed in sorry when you have wait wait when you have have guys that are good enough to dominate in those games it's on your head coach to not motivate them when they're down 16 to 14 or when they're down early in the game or they're tied early in the game at what point did they look each other in their in the eye when when did they quote unquote look their yourself in the mirror and say you know what we're kind of getting our asses beat and we better turn it up I've never seen Marcus Freeman this this is something I pointed out yesterday to Sean I have never seen Marcus Freeman go up to guys on the sideline and yell at them and try to motivate them to try to get them motivated sure yeah it you would be great if the defense rallied around themselves but why isn't the freaking head coach doing that why is it why do we have to rely on the players to motivate themselves he is the head coach he does nothing to motivate them no Elite dudes govern themselves and you okay I no come on man we this is you're making an excuse for Marcus Freeman no he done this too many times there's no more excuses that no they lined up ran it right at you and you're and how cross that dline got their [ __ ] pushed in let's call because of the head coach he coach isn't on the field talk about on the sideline just standing there Stone faac emotionless defensive lineman got his [ __ ] pushed in Blake when this when wait no no stop for stop stop stop stop when your when your team does this multiple times I have watched this happen five times now against weaker opponents it has to go on the coach we can't keep finding different reasons for like oh well maybe it was this this game well yeah the defensive line didn't play well oh well Riley Leonard uh you know made some really bad decisions the general tone the general tone and feel of this team was pathetic it was effortless we have to look in the mirror and acknowledge that it is the head coaches responsible for for ring his team at halftime okay can we get past that for just a second Define what happened in the running game against Notre Dame because here's the truth two things happened in this game why you lost in my opinion you couldn't stop them running the football to consistent bases especially on third and fourth down and then on and then you you got away from running the football now I love Mike more than anybody but Mike has a tendency of getting away from running the football Jeremiah Love should have had 25 touches after he broke that long run yeah so again you say whatever you want about Marcus Freeman I got I understand what you're saying but there comes a part where you couldn't line up and dominate Northern Illinois and then you got away from the running game that's what got you beat if a business is failing and you know everybody's making mistakes across the board you have to and you will go and look the man running the operation the CEO is the one who is making the mistakes you have to you have to point to that if a if a if a ship is crashing and going down it all comes down to who is piloting that ship who is the captain of that ship I'm sorry I'd love you to death you can't come in here and blame everything on this on him when you have multiple hold on when you have multiple all all-americans okay a brw's award finalist okay and you know what else you can't do Marcus Freeman I guarantee you would not have told Riley Leonard to throw that deep post into double coverage sorry I'm I'm not absolving everyone else of blame there were there were tons of issues Riley Leonard played a bad game Mike denrock called a horrible game they should not have been throwing a deep post when you have four minutes to go to just close out the game that was an insan he had Chris Mitchell open at the sticks but he they shouldn't take that shot anyways they should have just ran they should have just ran the ball ran off the clock the game would have been over and you get out of there but they're trying to put points up the on the board so that it looks like they won by more points than they actually did but Blake my my issue and what I'm going to keep repeating is that if this was a one-off instance and this happened one time and it's just a frustrating bad loss it'd be one thing but when we're in year three and the same problem keeps happening that does not happen for other teams around the country top teams don't do this they don't lose to Mac opponents at home in year three when you have National Championship expectations you just let's get to something that we talked about all off season Joe I'm gonna look again what have I been telling you about Riley Leonard all off season I'm gonna let I'm gonna let you tell me because I don't want to be that guy what have I been telling you about Riley Leonard all it wasn't good enough of a passer that he wasn't a good enough of a passer but what was the bigger thing what I don't I don't remember that when you missed that much time with a new OC and you're not on the field doing it [ __ ] like this is going to happen now point of that game is to reestablish that chemistry that's the whole point of they don't have chemistry to start off with you can't reestablish chemistry when you've never had it so the DST I I I'm gonna be a little real with you I don't know how much I blame Riley lonard don't get what I'm saying Twisted but there's a chemistry issue there now Riley is in a very interesting situation I texted you when he threw that first interception Joe he panicked and that first interception that he's trying to check down to it's a bad throw it's a bad decision and and look listen as somebody who has conversations and had conversations with Mike and covered him the last two years knowing Mike's offense the way that I do and have seen the last two years that is not the way that it's supposed to be run Mike's Mike's offense is predicated predicated on Dunk Dunk Dunk deep Dunk Dunk Dunk deep that's all he does and then he'll get some running game in there Riley something is off with the communication between him and den Brock on how they want to accomplish the game plan but here's a here's the big thing and I love Mike Joe the bottom line was he got away from running the football Jeremiah loves a dude he that that kid is a dude and getting away from him I I think he had 11 carries 79 yards why are you not giving him the football more that see this is why I'm saying to some extent and this has got to be on Marcus when you hire a guy like when you hire a guy like Denver he's got to be yelling at Den Brock saying run the damn football if I'm going to blame Marcus about something the thing that I blame on him the most is not getting in Den Brock's year and saying run the football but this is my whole point what it all comes back to Marcus very clearly he's not you can tell that he's not confrontational because again we have never panned to the sideline and seen Marcus Freeman walking over to his offensive line and saying guys you need to lock in you need to get focused it's always just him stand standing there in his tight do you really think that he's not doing that by the way I don't have evidence of it and the way that they play suggests that and to your point yeah he probably should have pressed Mike Den Brock and I know that he didn't I know that he didn't no he probably didn't here's another thing too before we wrap up this game yeah essentially you had four turnovers you had the two interceptions by Riley Leonard and the two block field goals that's basically four turnovers right yeah Joe when you have that many turnovers you are not going to you legitimately are not going to win football games and I'll say this too Joe you have a problem on offense you have a massive problem and it starts with it starts with Riley Leonard you better line you better line up and start running the football because until you start giving that kid more reps in this offense you're gonna continue to have problems or Here's a thought you did it with Jaye Daniels in 22 run the piss out of Riley Leonard run the piss out of him run the football you hire here's what I think has happened you hired Mike Den Brock thinking that you were G to have a highflying offense and Joe I'm going to tell you something you're gonna hate you don't have the weapons on the outside the way that you think that you do you don't I hate that you come I I think it was just poorly schemed in execution of trying to get those guys the ball there was no separation from your wide receivers to their DBS and you know that the the route Concepts that they were calling were I I don't I don't I still refuse to accept that I think that there's PL of receivers that were not set up in a position to succeed again it it's a it's a coaching it's completely a coaching issue but I mean like I can't wait for them to fix these issues and to play in the Mayo ball like the Duke's Mayo bow like I can't wait for that man it's really exciting stuff what they're doing it's just really competitive great football that yeah you know tough loss they're going to they'll rebound they'll figure it out they're going to figure it out and they're going to go nine and three they're going to play in the Dukes Mayo bow really highly accomplishable stuff Marcus Freeman's [ __ ] it's a he's not the guy the quicker that they realize that the better for noted aame fans and they need to have a higher standard go get Eli drinkwitz go get Bill O'Brien I think that if the Giants fire Brian debal that should be the guy that they hire who Brian dbal go hire an NFL guy you want Notre Dame to hire Brian Dall I think Brian dbal is a great coach with a really crappy situation because he's screwed over by Daniel Jones I would absolutely believe in him you don't like to recruiting like that Joe you know you know who you know what may me think of him wait you know what may me think of him Pete Carrol Pete Carol was fired by the Patriots and then we saw what he did at USC listen to me you don't want that for your program I do okay I we need somebody who's been with somebody that I had with on the Alabama staff and now is at Ohio State I'm telling you D ball hates recruiting all right yeah go ahead go ahead and hire him see what yeah you know what know what I'll take your word he loves recruiting he loves recruiting go hire him I'd rather have I'd rather have a guy that screams at his team than one who recruits and and doesn't doesn't get them up for no you don't trust me no you don't all right this video is sponsored by the online Fitness training camp presented by Chris Gates fitness when I first started talking about Chris about partnering with our show Not only was I excited to have a fitness sponsor for our pod but more importantly when I found out about how he can help people achieve their goals I was even more bought in because when the football season starts it is so tough to stay on top of things and also to be able to enjoy yourself on Saturdays when it's game day with Chris Gates fitness's online training camp you're going to be able to effectively stay focused consistent burn fat build muscle and do it with a likeminded community of individuals working 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