Peterborough United v Wrexham 2-0

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:07:55 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: wrexham
hi guys welcome back to another video of the Bish bash P um sorry that I haven't done a video in a while um I've been a little bit um busy lately um but today's match is P3 nited versus rexon I'm very excited about this one I'm going fre one po and hopefully we'll get a win and as always I will see you all in there by life they re them come up pop come up boys it's a corner for reum come on boy get it out yes well done come on no no no no yes come on wake up and is still nil n still nil nil here but hopefully we turn things around and quickly so that we got more of a opportunity three KCK for the BX come on boys come on [Music] come [Music] on no a h Bo come on okay so 28 minute team and it is now 1 n so re we are now losing one n we are losing one n but hopefully we can turn things around I seriously hope that we can do this it's now a corner for reum come on boys please get it out come on yes oh it's almost half time but I'm hoping that we can score a goal during the first half I'm hoping that we can come on boys come on come on come on [Music] come on [Applause] oh I forgot to mention that the next home match here is um Lincoln City that should be another really good one stay tuned for that I'm really excited about filming that one and I'll see you then it's a corner for come on [Music] [Applause] boys no we are now losing 2N it is now 2N to vum oh we seriously need to turn this around but we only a tri now they just scored two goals in the first half I can't see us winning it free kick for the PO and we got one more minute left in first half oh come on come on oh [Applause] for the come on [Music] boys come we do it come we get this one in come on a [Applause] ah second half for the B to kick off hopefully we can do even better come on P free kick for the P come on boy get this one in come [Music] on come on boys come [Music] on be serious he need to go come on I'm hoping this one will go in unlucky [Applause] come on come on come on oh unlucky okay nearly 70 minutes in and it's still 2 still 2 N but yeah hope we things around I really want us to turn things around hopefully we will come on boys yes come on forward forward come on [Music] right I'm ending it there guys thanks for watching it's been a really tough match but it is what it is and I'll see you in the next one

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