Irish Open 2024 - Group Stage - Mark Beattie vs James Trott

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:59:38 Category: Entertainment

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and obviously the main front door only B shoes to be worn on the max please that's the indoor uh green and we've got 33 brand new wi green light mats we're using so uh please make sure there's no outdoor shoes on those thank you and obviously no drinks on the rink either uh 32 groups of six rules of group information will be on the blue boards at the bottom of the stairs and on the screens by yes uh You'll Play four games today your last R game tomorrow each game is now 12 ends not the usual 10 we play here it's now 12 ends to align with our other events uh no trial ends uh running the Jack so obviously under the Ia rules you're not allowed to do it for the first two balls under snpt rules we always allow it but from this season now you cannot run the ja with your first ball that's for both players if your ball fully enters the ditch having been a toucher the ball will be removed but it's only with your first bow each uh you have all your school cards are in order of your matches please complete your score card if there is a dispute later on uh because group information is wrong we will require the score card to check the score please complete your scorecards and them into the desk where you completed your game uh on the back is your marking duties your marking Duties are compulsory as per terms of conditions of entry into this event uh also your lunch times are on there uh we will be taking photos and obviously live streaming throughout the weekend if you do not wish to be a part of the live streaming please inform us at the desk um other than that on behalf of the snpt can I wish everybody very best Lu this weekend and can I ask the 9:00 players and Markus to make way to the MS have a good day sping everyone thank [Applause] you right thanks to Simon frm introducing us to the Irish open here at the Belfast indoor bowls Arena chores Bridge just outside of Bell past uh we've got a full venue brand new match down 33 brand new match down white greens playing very well looks absolutely resplendant doesn't it this morning so welcome to everybody watching us just my opinion but possibly the best venue we go to quick look around see lots of people getting ready to play the first games some people already straight in and started in a minute we'll be filming James Trot of England and his opponent will be Mark V irand just going to say some hello hey hey my friend I [Music] so thanks everybody for joining us if you're just joining us we are at the Belfast indoor bows club for the Irish open organized and run by the short M BL tour and in this first game of the weekend on the show map we have Mark B of Ireland playing James Trot of England and you Mark today on this map the Steve Roberts of England very experienced Bowler all three of these very experienced Bowlers all play to a very high standard so enjoy the game and thanks for joining us James Trot leads off James Trot is bowling with Taylor Blaze ballls and M B he come bowling his first bowl of the weekend he's bowling with Taylor International good start from both players touch it from Mark BT just pushes the Jack back James line one shot good Pace again from James yeah good ball Mar stepping out slightly looks like he's just going to play a little bit of run on this just to draw to that split now he's just trying to draw this pace was good just slightly tight on the line jamr still laying two shots J looking to draw that split quite there just sits out looks a bad ball but it was literally probably an inch away from being perfect so Mark does look like he's just having a little run at this now trying to split through that Gap yeah close here can't quite see looks like a tight measure for shot now a good result from Mark's perspective he was two shots down try having a good look James just looking to draw this around on his back hand Pace looks pretty good here it's a good effort not quite there quite come back for him B just sits up didn't quite finish as you might have expected Michel so steady in the head can't see from here he's holding shot [Applause] just from my eyesight looks like Mark be might be lying shot there which is the ball to the left of the Jack as we see behind the Jack from our view not potentially what's he looking at here he's got back ball does he think he's shot down I'm not sure he's looking to just turn his other bow over it's not reached looks like yeah mon Mark VT we get a view here okay not too bad so to the second end be leading off on his [Music] backand brand new mats here 33 brand new mats purchased by the shoot back Players Tour has ever raising the standards of this game that we love James Tru also on the back hand looks to be good Pace this one yeah very good good touch it from James tro always a useful tool a touch out Mark SWAT the forehand now looking P sh of the bow or the Jack away yeah that that ball hasn't turned much tler International really reasonbly swingy bow not much turn on that one and like likewise with the Taylor Blaze is normally a reasonably good spin good turn on the blaze but that didn't seem to finish much so reasonably straight hand by the look of it so Mark just playing a little bit more run on this he gets a result there so Mark gets a toucher toucher goes in the ditch and will be marked be marked as a toucher and the position of it will also be marked James will come onto the back hand now tricky shot this it's only one shot down but Mark's got the back wood as well James is quite reached now coming to take a look he could play any other shot than a draw in the back hand suppose he could play a little bit of weight he's got all three best backs here he might love to bring the Jack back probably what he's studying now does he just play a draw or just try and move the Jack back touch you in the ditch very useful yes he's playing that way to try and move the Jack back looks like he's a bit tight though he may have got away with that just opened up that head a little bit for James trot early days to be playing those shots they take a lot of control James will be disappointed in this and not reached at all it's shot to Mark BT yeah James not impressed with himself there but it's early days that's two in played two shots to Mark B who leads two shots to nil after two ends B BR Jack 3/4 length leads off on the back hand which US his usual Style slightly past the check 10 Ines maybe Mark BT has been a prolific winner at these snpt events James tro yet to win one but he's always there and abouts two world class players very good second bow from Mar B James TR changes his hand to just move his check back slightly just touches the jet has he got enough L look still shot to Mar Bey that's the front wood furthest from us as we View [Music] a good ball from Mark doesn't move the Jack so lies two [Applause] now okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] apologist just stepped away a minute some technical stuff be taking a long look at this head be shorter Pace here perhaps he's just protecting the head it's reasonably happy with that one [Music] M be's been on this tour since inauguration I believe 2011 he's been playing since good effort from Jones just didn't quite come back another shot to two shots to mount B go into a four shots to nil lead after three ends played yeah right so on to the fourth end B very consistent puts a jack 3/4 doors on the back end very good couple of inches three Ines short maybe soes just y ball just not quite making the pace it's early days long week ahead of us just pushing this one out not just finding a place a little better than James at the moment James will probably just play into this the split between two of Mark's bows slightly yeah just a little bit of pace but p it tight as often occurs when we are often happens early days the arms a little bit tight not quite loosened up not many people playing the best bows this early in the morning James looking disgusted with himself Mark looking to just that Mark was a little bit tight there and that came across a little bit it's definitely the slightly swinger hand if that's a word swinger just swings a bit more on that hand James reverts the draw here comes on to the forehand draw he's not far away is he good effort this but sit she'll be very close not quite sat down think watching James for many years now that's possibly strongest game he draw to anything very strong draw player and as lots of people would say drawings the game looks like Mark's going on the forand now he looked to draw to James's bow Mar currently line one shot it's a bit tight on this as well he set his ball down he'll be happier with that I expect James doesn't have a draw now so he's looking at that see where his toe is now looking to just push his ball through James does have the back ball as well so if the jaet comes back it's j has got best back waiting yeah up by his stany just a little bit of run on this nothing much it's a little bit tight I think again will he get a result oh I don't think that's run far enough a r smile did it make it no it's one to M be I think James hoping that would run another inch and been in for shot so Mark be picks up another shot and we'll go into a five shots to n lead after four ends played moving on to the fifth end back to three quter jack for Mark Mark in control at the moment good start from Mark Ball's not sitting down of noticed these are brand new match as I've said so this is literally the first game on this map there's been a few rollups people having a bit of practice on it but good first ball from James his time just use his marks push his marks away he just loosening his arm up a bit be looking to draw the perfect ball sneaks under the line James watching this intently just outside that line again not really turning as I would have expected to be honest it's a reasonably quick match would have expected a bit more turn a little bit of pace on this just going to take his own ball James Dr currently line shot James looks to be close again here James line two just give Mark a slight opportunity here Mark could play either hand probably favor the forehand just he's got the best back at the moment this is Mark's Bowl closest to us he's deciding which hand's going to play the only risk is if he's mat's not turning qu is expected I don't think the only risk is if he turns James ball James ball over the shot ball over he doesn't want to do that really that's exactly what he has done James I think still lies to just asking Steve Roberts the question certainly one shot anyway James will be looking to protect that we'll be looking to get to this back ball closest to us on the right hand side yeah coming on the back end she needs to cover that backwood doesn't look over happy with this got there for sh yeah he's there again let's give Mark a Target no no cuz that was last ball certainly two to James [Music] so two shots of James truck quick look at this measure for you those you're not familiar with the game see how tight it can be just see what goes on with the measure here you see the Umpire just putting putting a wedge into that b that's leaning slightly that's just so that when he touches it when he's when he stretches the string out here that he's not there's no risk of moving the ball slightly sometimes these measures are very very tight literally fractions of a millimeter fir quite quickly in here quite efficient looks like Jamesy shot from here yep that's three shots to James tro five ends played scoreboard ticks over James TR has pulled it back he's now in a deficit five shots to three Mark be is still in the lead so this these are all these games this weekend have been played over 12 12 ends which brings it into line with all the other SMPT competitions this was traditionally played over 10 ends the S SMP have decided to bring it all snpt decided to bring it all into line now games will be 12 ends James tro slightly shorter Jack middle Jack THS on the forand good touch up you can physically see both players settling down now excellent draw from Mark btad just joining us Mark BT bowling with with Taylor Internationals James truck the ball just come up here a Taylor Blaze jams is just snuck shot there already got Mark thinking about it Mark just playing a little bit of run on this he's got contact here oh he's a little bit unlucky so he gets a touch it but he just catches to the bow and ball comes off the mat Jes TR will draw another one in on the for hand wishing is willing this one on a bit bit shorter Pace 15 in short or so James just not quite on to his best game so far Mark just playing a little run on the backand [Music] so far James tro still ni shot Mark be's got second James just looking to draw in the forehand just come under his front ball which is a bit short this looks a better Pace doesn't it good effort this he's not sure slight Shake of the head there mark a bit of a Target see Mark very precise in what he's looking to do here looking to catch the edge of that Jack that edge of that the ball on the right hand side as we look yeah Mark play a little bit of run I think he's wide though that in concludes two shots to James tro says same again me meaning he wants a middle Jack scoreboard will tick over and the score will now be five shots all after six M's [Music] played and normally be looking at a bit of feedback from you guys but at the minute we're just trying a new system this morning so we're not seeing your comments so anybody's asking questions apologies we will get back to you when we can we'll sort this out after this game just a few technicalities is we're currently broadcasting to the short back Players Tour site and we're also broadcasting live to YouTube but I think we just got a couple of technical issues that need sorting out but the game hasn't changed didn't jooin the game and your comments will be picked up at some point by the short M players T guys so good start from James truck not beting very close as well here looks like Mark's actually got shot that's the accuracy James tro what an inch or so away Mark TR is right on it so Mark BT right on it good effort from James here not quite almost the perfect B another roll on that ball pushes Mark's ball away be going for dead draw again some accuracy there isn't there slightly passed but what a very good ball does give James a shoulder to sit on James is certainly in the region I think that's two balls now actually touching the Jack James finding his weight a lot better [Applause] now Mark taking a look what can he do here guess from that look from Mark he believes he a shot down Mark announ he a little bit of wait I don't think he'd be going silly here but he just trying to run into the head slightly doesn't want to be tight doesn't want to be tight take his own ball out there he is tight and he has taken his own ball out but he's he's run through let's have a quick look I think still shot to James Trot James tro still nice shot so that's the red ball to the left of the Jack as we see that is actually touching the Jack Mark Beach is about 35 mil or inch and a half away from the Jack James having a good look what can he do look to protect he's lying shot but chances are that Mark p is going to move that shot would CH going look at how to protect that does he put one slightly Short change the angle for Mark does he put one round the back cuz Mark has the back ball does he try and get to that one those are all the questions he'll be asking himself I'm sure some Bowlers out there will all have different opinions on this shot yeah so he's just drawn one in front which was a possible plan just changes the angle for Mark B here Mark still got a shot and you might play just to take James's bow out that's the shot ball so the last bowl of this seventh end Mar just takes another look I would say he's definitely looking at just moving Jones's outside ball and Mark win is on his best form and he's not far away just take that away and stay the sort of pace he's playing just outside the line I think yeah looks disappointed so shot to James Trot who was turned this game around a little bit scoreboard ticks over James tro goes into a lead for the first time six shots to five seven ends played so8 End five in to play just past middle the Jack TR leads off definitely finding his weight a lot better now very good response from Mark BT get a touch it moves the Jack back just short of a long Jack now James looking to draw just pulls up short 6 Ines short so Mark will come on the forehand now just draw right round the balls and sit not far away is he superb draw yeah and just sits down to touch Mark B at his finest never going to be much between these players James tro has a look at the head finds himself Two Shots down the can't quite see what the Chang is there if James has made a difference certainly one shot to M bely he's pushing it out wide on that back hand that's not coming back is it had stayed very straight so Taylor International quite a swingy ball not quite finishing perhaps as we'd expect difficult to tell but possibly two shots to might beat at the minute and he's got the back wood which is James just attacking slightly nothing silly yeah there that was James's last ball looks to be two shots down here Mark's got a big opportunity for four here I think he can just pick that jack up just bring it doesn't need to come far need to bring that Jack back six or8 Ines and he'd be lying four shots definitely an opportunity for that James's ball which is to the left of the Jack and and furthest away from us almost offers the perfect line I think Mar definitely taking a look at this sees an opportunity for good score this end already ly two yeah it's definitely the shot he's playing just a little bit of pace he's very close here has he done enough I would say that's guaranteed three is it for though good effort from Mark Jack just didn't expect come back quite as cleanly as he wanted the mark as all players do has a look from both sides so Mar Castro measure for the fourth shot we'll have a quick look at this measure valer around here get you a better View [Music] [Applause] shot to J St so that's last B was James truck that's three shots to Mark B Mark B he will move into an eight shots to six Advantage eight1 played good start from Mark B James tro good draw on the back hand good response from m b just comes down on the forehand just a little bit of pace Jam get to play the same shot he's now got a touch in the ditch he's in the region for took Mar B hard to tell I think Mark Beach is probably line shot that's the ball to the right as we look see what mark look to do protect that back ball I guess cuz James is always going to be chasing this Jack now trying to get it in the ditch dead gr from Mark here yeah just a the dip of the knes from Mark be there signifying that he's not achieved what he wanted to achieve which was to protect that Jack Jam truck looking to push his Jack back again looks tight again that's not a good result for James TR is's very unlucky there now two shots down unlucky just too tight [Music] be looking to draw a third he wants to be beond this Jack IDE though he has got a back protector now still an opportunity for James truck it's a decent angle the balls the ball next to the judge pretty well in line no D just asking straight up here pops up then goes I I can't answer anybody it's got the actual comments so there with us everybody just a few technical adjustments she we'll get it right after this game just a few things to look at you stand ch [Music] apologies guys just trying to sort out some a few technical issues here we just wait for this ball to go let James bow and we'll get down the other end so you can see what's going on yeah just trying just trying a new system this weekend so we need to just get things settled down I'll follow this bowl up we going to have a look at the head for you James truck there just pushing Mark Beach's ball away just get you a better view from up here right back on it now technical issues we'll sort out after this game uh it's not impacting on the bows itself players bowling very well at the minute M be just looking to move the Jack back slightly TR L one possibly two shots here and as you see from the scoreboard Mark Bey now is in 11 shots to six Advantage after 9 in played so this end and two others to play cross good effort there sits that one down he one in one out I think be again just looking to move this Jack slightly quite that six is that good enough again Ball's not sitting down Mark nor expect that ball to sit down he'd be there for shot hasn't James shot then still Li shot this end James tro will be looking to draw to that last bow of Mark Betis he's close to run a touch now yeah looks like two to James truck Mark signifies so 10 in played scoreboard will take over Mark be leads by 11 shots to eight 10ins played still all to play for apologies again we normally like a little bit of interaction from you guys watching uh but not able to see your comments at the moment currently we're broadcasting to the short Players Tour live streaming and also streaming live to YouTube just some couple of technical issues this morning but we will sort them out just keep enjoying the balls great draw from James tro to start this end off 11th end of 12 be looking to draw around the back good effort this good position ball James looking to cover that back ball very good yeah two two excellent bows at the start of this end from James trot [Music] two choices from up beat looks like he's stepping out slightly so looks like he just play a little bit of run on this try to make contact with that front bow of James trops Spring the Jack nothing silly no massive Pace but just enough yeah gets the check out very good result for Mark B Truck step up set looking to draw on the forand right across the map here yeah excellent we would like that to come behind the Jack presents Mark of a small opportunity Mar now obviously play the backand and he's look at what we call a Jack or a bow situation they de' like the Jack clean and the Jack into the ditch If Looks on his side could be holding Two Shots yeah plays decent pace very close here as he got the Jack clean oh he's unlucky he can't believe that his Ball's g off so toucher comes off the mat dead ball but he is lying shot that's he presented Jam Dro an opportunity James con has second ball possibly third [Music] bow does James look to come through the Gap get rid of Mark Ball certainly what he's looking at he needs this to finish it's holding its line just held its line Matt's not turning as expected I don't think can it how to that one please can it how to that one thank you B looking to just draw this yeah very good two to Mark B game over for game TR can't come back come back now there's the scoreboard for you 13 shots to eight after 11 ends played [Music] so on to the last end of this game B puts the jaet back to his favorite three quarter leads on the forehand this time TR stage with the back hand in the region yeah good response just sits Mark's ball out and gets a toucher himself marel look to return the favor on the forehand very close here very close that's a great draw from Mark BT James just look at sitting that away has come to the split of those two balls that are closest together oh now he's come back and looking at building ahead rather than attacking early yeah very good positional ball [Music] a very good B from Mark be as well protecting that good head building here James just looking to move the Jack now he's close yeah gets the result he wanted a life shot Jack is wide open Mark just attacking James's ball yeah very good shot B lies to Steve Roberts just checking if that was a toucher but no it's not OB you can't get a slightly better angle here for you James looking to draw a shot which he has done a good game of balls thanks for watching everybody and we'll be back later s out our technical issues uh and we'll see you all later [Music] back I to stop that now completely different system moment only missing [Music] I guess that automatically download

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