LRFC Live Watch Along: Liverpool vs Brentford

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 02:15:34 Category: Sports

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and [Music] you think that I'm invisible [Music] [Music] with [Music] [Music] best love in the land people best love in the land ever forget that indeed indeed indeed the watch along is back apologies I didn't do the pre-match you know starting line up on all that stuff being busy being busy I had to fix up the room well got a new layout now so I have to like watch the TV right in front of me no more getting the tablet right on top of me you know about 50 minutes behind now everything's right in front of me and I can watch the game and do the watch along it's amazing before the pandemic there wasn't that many of us like doing watchs now there's millions of people doing watch alongs I used to be like I think it was just anfield agenda United stand people like that in front of me other than that there wasn't that many people that used to do it it's strange like how you know a pic can change things if you know what I mean people but do me a favor bit of housekeeping please hit the subscription button notification but like button all that good stuff and let's do this in it let's do this people I can't wait really can't wait for the Liverpool game I'm sorry about the freezing because I need to like you know get things together I'll tell you about the lineup right now um Liverpool's lineup is Alison in go Trent as a right back Kate is coming for K Quanza obviously van djk Robertson is back in the team as well unfortunately uh I don't think he's fit enough to play yet but you know it is what it is I can't really argue with that you got mallister and graen bur in the middle and you got Salah soos and Diaz and then you got Jo out so more or less the same team that faced um um if switch but uh you know K Quan's come off and Kate's come on do I disagree with it yes slightly I think with K Quanza you got to give the kid a chance you can't really like you know take him out like that it's not right in my opinion anyway but it is what it is man it is what it is let me put my new headphones on you know people buying nowadays you know what I'm saying just to keep things quiet and that yes I've got my new headphones I got my new microphone I'm moving up people I'm moving up in a class yeah just stay with me up there stay with me man I'm joking I'm joking it's all good yeah just hit the subscription button notification button to alert you every time I come on and please hit the likes the like is the most important thing on YouTube the more likes we get the algorithm goes up if you've never been with me on live watch alongs know fasten your seat Bel because you're never going to see anything like this people it's a crazy man on on the stream don't know why my phone headphones ain't coming on let me just go back here yeah um people used to say to me uh the most enjoyable thing when I watch watch along is you you know going crazy on on on the live watchong yeah I'm back I'm back just for a short time let's see how it turns that if it turns out good I'll come back on a regular if it turns out bad thanks for no thanks man if you know what I mean people hopefully the microphone is on and you can hear me let me check it out let me check it out yeah just do me a favor people I know there's a lot of watch alongs hit that subscription butt yes it's working it's working it's working it's working yeah yeah I got a different camera I'm not using the Mac today that's that's another thing as well I normally use the Mac but I'm not going to be using it today the mech is a bit slow so I want to take as much as of it as I can until I get a new one yeah so listen our Rivals have won let me check like uh what's the scores in the other [Music] games okay I know Chelsea like just batted wampton 62 know there that was that's crazy absolutely Madness just bear with me B slow again okay so obviously man united um lost to brenford so hang on I'm he two voices bad right let me just set myself up people apologies I'm not as bad as this usually I haven't done it for a while um yeah so I know may night lost to Brighton by two goals to one great Bella toti fruty with a booty thank you very much I'm so happy when may nighted loses but it's my favorite thing in the world our Arch Rivals losing you know to lxo Brighton on that stuff with the new manager who's 31 years old just a little kid little puppy you know what I mean you know what I mean people a little puppy beats man united should be ashamed of themselves yeah tenh har is not good enough people man he's absolutely awful man he's timid is he he looks like a timid guy they need something stronger than that bloody hell man a big team like man united big bad man united are you mad are you mad seriously crazy so yeah Tottenham won by four goals to nil against the Evan H you know Pigford T-Rex you know he's all right for England but when it comes to is absolutely garbage absolutely garbage um Crystal Palace two so lost to West Ham Two n as I said one people said to me um need to get to P manager what I said was you can't judge a manager on his first you know half a season of the manager the team he needs he needs time let's see how good he is as time goes on then we could start judging him but the is people want people just go done well at the end of the season because nobody knows how he plays not not enough teams have studied them that's why he plays so well now teams know how to play against SCH Palace they're gonna start losing I don't think that manager is as good as people think he is as well um Southampton not for nor for won by one goal not bad all I had them for relegations bil full by one by two goals to one against Leicester man city is Man City they were they were losing one0 to iwit in the beginning and all of a sudden they come back out of no and you know you know usual stuff with Man City I thought howand was that for a while what a joke that was um Arsenal beat Aston Villa by two goals to nil at Villa Park Villa had a few opportunities didn't want to score them so AR took took it you know you know the rest of this history AR is going to be strong this year they're going to be very strong man uh Bulma Newcastle one1 just finished now uh Chelsea and uh wolver Hampton Wolverton chelse whatever whatever which way you want to go uh two uh 62 to Chelsea really okay so you know what I like about Chelsea at the moment they're playing with like a left Winger who's a left Winger left footed and you know right right winger is Right footed that's not bad is it it's not bad it's not bad man I like that old school you know old school kind of way of playing I don't know if hang on let me check I'm I could be wrong yeah they are actually and Cole Palmer just behind behind Jackson so it's not bad no bad at all man um yeah I really like that I really like that yeah 6'2 man I think cha is going to be a lot of teams this season guys you know Chelsea is gonna batt oh John W Henry is at anfield get lost now Liverpool's gonna start winning by six goals again like they did b a few season ago when we needed players and now he's gonna say no we don't need all players so now I'm going to go back to America and Liverpool's not going to sign anyone thanks a lot thanks a lot hate when he's there oh man really hate John W Henry man oh the chat is going the chat is going I'll be there with you guys in a minute man just keep going you don't have to go anywhere this is the best channel for you I know the internet is a bit rubbish but it will get better trust me it will get better when you walk through the storm yes Liverpool is back we're going to smash it today we're going to smash shit oh my goodness gracious me what can I do about the internet people I can't do anything you're going to see me like this for the rest of the game now foggy foggy foggy foggy let me see what I can do maybe I could fix it maybe maybe teams are coming at teams are coming out people they're coming out so let's hope we start good I don't want to be started like we know normally do which is you know the first few minutes they score a goal and we have to come from back from behind and start beating them you know I mean I'm tired of that I'm really really tired that so teams are out um oh God the referee is that useless player useless guy in it goodness gracious me why do we always get the useless referees people like it's annoying man it really annoys me that freaking dumbass referees always man I honest sl's first game at home let's see what's going to happen there he is never seen anfield before okay uh yeah they got the pictures up of shankley Paisley and all that stuff and klopp at the end of it I don't know ra Rafa did he did win the champions league is it so that's why they still got him on there yeah I'm looking forward to this man my first time on my new setup my TV is right in front of me right there and everything is around me I like this but yeah sorry about the internet people I don't know what's going on I really don't know what's going on it's not it's not happening for me today hopefully as time goes on it will fix itself come on Liverpool it's one of those games is um it's something that can test us as a team you know I mean how we going to come out of it that's that's that's what I want to know like um it's not easy game brenford can give like a game to anyone we already know that but it's it's this is where I want to see Liverpool at anfield with ar slot how good are we I mean I know there's only two games but still man you got to find out sorry people I don't know what's going on microphone hopefully my microphone is Right slightly better now I fixed it finally it went to somewhere else yeah you know what I did guys boys and girls I actually you know changed the whole thing in my setup basically so the next thing I want to get is a computer so it'll be you know less less less of that freezing stuff that I don't like you know what I mean yeah so we're singing you never walk alone I meant to go to the game today but I decided not to I've been like going come on guys I've been going to America and everywhere with Liverpool it's too many games man it's too many games I need to spend more time at home and you know do this stuff on a regular basis um I apolog olizee for the screen I don't know why it's really really really bad hopefully I could fix it somehow maybe it's the internet is connected to something else an looks beautiful guys best stadium in the world in my opinion nothing better than anfield nothing at all come on Liverpool let's start doing the business today it's it's Tren a Muslim now he's doing you know he's doing that I can't believe it if it is good luck man good luck uh 141 people watching around the social medias please come to YouTube channel subscribe the more subscription we get the better for the channel the more views we get better for the Channel I want to do this on regular me and news are trying our best to do this on a regular for you guys I wasn't even meant to do a watch along today but I came on and I'm doing it for you guys so please come to the YouTube channel subscribe and view it from here instead of like the other social medias such as you know X and uh Instagram and uh twitch and all that stuff I really I would really appreciate if you come on here and subscribe to us because that's what we want people we want subscription and more people viewing our stuff um on YouTube so far only two people watching but if you look at that rest of the social medias about 140 people are watching so this is what I'm trying to say people jump over to the YouTube channel get the views up and um help us you know get to the next level on this channel as well let's go let's go let's go let's go e e and gr man what we need here man scare those Yanks away scare them away there we go there's Robertson playing like a center back I don't know why you're a left back mate get to the left back section please there's mallister a lot of people criticized mallister the other day I thought he was all right I honestly thought he was all right I don't know why people criticizing mallister mallister is phenomenal people like that don't normally play for Liverpool Football Club you know possession keeping players players who are composed you know calm on the ball you know can create chances can you know hardly lose possession oh what oh Salah just ran yes Salah ah deflected Diaz got it back though come on Diaz come on boy don't let me down man I need Diaz to start performing guys I don't want him to be like money that money is a one-off I know that I know that you don't have to explain that to me but I want him to do something like close to that create chances score goals cause Havoc that's all I want you to do Diaz why is it so hard to ask for that come on man let's draw the defender bford go back clears it down the line Liverpool win it back gra B play a DM today assisted by um Mist fre kick to bford don't know what's [Music] going so happy today man just set up the room now I could watch it properly uh like the old days is it but slightly better in my opinion this is can't wait can't wait there he is look look at that people look at my headphones it's all glammed up you know I mean you know what I mean there we go there's Robertson Robinson Robinson Robinson three minutes 15 minutes yeah yeah that's is there's Diaz coming inside what what I want to see in this team here is when they when they are under pressure to keep possession better I don't want to see a team that's gonna be losing battles if you know what I mean so I know I know I know the screen looks poor I can't do anything about it I really can't I've tried everything um from my end I think it's the camera I'm using it's not HD quality but let me see if I could do something in stream let me see yeah I know I know there's nothing I could do it's difficult it is on top it is on HP U 1,80 HP it's on there but I don't know why it doesn't get better maybe it's just the camera that I'm using I can't use my Mac camera because you know it's on that side of me so if I look ahead that's what I need I'll get a proper camera don't worry about that there's always proper cameras out there with HD quality anyway as as our manager starts shouting at the Players saying Move Along man Move Along don't start still Robo getting favorite uh favorite favorite uh uh Team treatment oh sorry Robo getting favorite treatment um again well yeah 100% buto it's bad is it it's that's pathetic man here's BR coming forward though U Kate deserves a start for me a reward good performance yeah yeah listen I agree but I don't want to you know put down the young kids you know um you know K Quanza is Young he's going to make a lot of mistakes I'm not expecting too much from him I did say that in the beginning of the Season before the season start I did say k Quanza will need time he's going to make a lot of mistakes I rather you know a player make mistakes and learn from it or a player who's just you know constantly playing in a high level and then when he drops off form it's going to be difficult for him to get it back so let him learn a it life is a lesson at the end of the day people you don't you don't you know in life in your own personal life you learn things don't you even in at you know older age and all that stuff so this is what I want him to do when he when he starts learning more I think he'll become a better Defender like just don't put too much pressure on him man if he made a mistake in the first game let him play the second game let him play the third game so he could get that out of his system if you know what I mean that's how I see it when I'm looking at Quan guys I think like people are too you know um jumping the gun towards him and they it shouldn't be like that in my opinion just give him time and patience and he will become that player that you want him to to be eventually people too much pressure is not good man believe me believe me here is uh Liverpool uh they lost the ball to brentford's coming forward not good enough is it brenford in the in the wing oh man this guy always goes against Liverpool as well crosses the ball into the box nobody's there Robertson retrieves the ball coming forward with it anfield looks beautiful man I wish if I didn't if I didn't go to you know America and all that stuff I didn't go in in and out of anfield that stuff I would have went to the game I would have went to the game but I need the rest man just do my streams at the moment I need to get my channel back up and you know going again we on the road to 2,000 people if you could help us out just subscribe to the channel man we're trying to make it as a as a you know as YouTubers now something like on top of the jobs that I already do if you know what I mean and uh it's free you know I mean likes are free subscriptions are free and we could we could do it together people man uh if you see what we do like the chat shows and all that stuff it's very entertaining it's like it's like um serious stuff and in between and you know you have a you know you could have Nega NE negative moments as well but you could have a laugh as well you know I mean at the same time and uh this is what what we will bring to you guys not the same stuff again you know those boring people that just do the same stuff again and again and again there's no comedy there it's just the same comedy if you know what I mean if you've seen it before you get bored don't you so we're trying to bring something different to you guys something exciting as well I've got a lot of people like you got myself new beats Anton Uncle rods on here statman stubs comes on here as well 12 man comes on here um beam bars comes on here there's a new guy called Kiran on here Musa you guys know Musa as well who's never a f now he goes on that channel a lot he goes on 's channel as well so yeah man and you got nine is's always who's always asking us to bring him on as well so you know Mr structure we're going to bring him on for the Man United hopefully you know we're trying we're trying people but without your help we can't get there you know what I mean like there's about 194 people watching but you on other social medias we need to to move to YouTube and get the views up on YouTube and you know subscribe on this side as well because if if you want some more contents like this it's it's all down to YouTube it's not down to uh I don't get paid from you know um Twitter X I don't get paid from Instagram I don't get paid from twitch or Facebook I get paid on on on YouTube so you know like it's something for you guys as well isn't it that's what it is free entertainment at the same time man Liverpool just they just got the ball at the edge of the area uh not going anywhere with it but we need more here's Diaz is he gonna do something he cuts in here's Diaz Diaz what's he gonna do what's he gonna do what's he gonna do pass it outside to Salah ah poor touch Salah man what is that he want it back though I'll go give him credit he want it back he want it back there's Robertson inside yeah sorry about the picture guys it's not it's not the best picture but I'm I'm fixing up the studio here so next step is getting the proper camera on here right in front of me so I can watch the TV as well is is sub I thought Sub in second second half was phenomenal guys honestly like the way he just took over the game and did whatever he wanted in that in that Midfield was just amazing in my opinion we got a special player on our hands you know that yeah people like we really got a special player in our hand we just got to give him time and patience and stop the SL I think like when we're putting too much on him right now it's it's not the way um you know like we wanted Bellingham Bellingham didn't come through the door so we shouldn't have a got at stop or SL you know in regards to not performing consistent basis if you I mean people yeah just give him time and patience we'll get there so 200 people are watching people please come to the YouTube channel subscribe we're on the road to 2,000 uh um come on guys we only got what 400 something like that to go um let's get there man let's get there help the brother out we're working hard I'm almost here every day you know what I mean I don't stop so yeah get the channel going people Liverpool are controlling the game but brenford have their moments as well people right it's not just you know Liverpool are you know dominating the game brenford are having their moments but you know Ivan Tony is not at front for them so they they no you know big presents if if you know I mean they need that big present with Ivan Tony and they don't have that at the moment um but you know it's still a danger still a danger there we go balls pass back it's just passing out the back they're not going anywhere my M down yeah with ir slot you know guys I I really like this manager you know what I like about him as well is like he doesn't take any bullshit he if he wants something he gets it and um you know uh fou is it m fil to play in uh was wha is it wha wh yeah wi he just fou him now they took a quick free kick here's brenford on the left oh man oh oh shoots yes Trent that's what I'm talking about son stop defending like a man is Trent again ref that's offside is it crossed in Trent again wins the ball corner is it or a goal kick he a corner Trent is defending pretty well Trent is learning how to defend I like that I really like that God damn nobody can say anything about Trent now he can defend uh yeah I understand um re I understand bro yeah uh strong lineup today yeah yeah listen K Quanza is that you know Kate is in it is what it is yes Hollywood Rock wolves got that P didy treatment yeah let's not talk about p man you know I'm saying we don't want to be talking about P did dangerous thing to say even that name k clear it from a corner Salah get stripped over Liverpool counter attack Counterattack Counterattack counter attack Diaz through on go come on Diaz please Diaz you beauty yes yes yes yes yes one n d left fo yes what a pass by by J and Salah what a pass yes that's what I'm talking about you y That's what I'm talking about yes let me change the score line man Diaz scores one nil to Liverpool see I've been talking about Diaz and look what happens I I need to talk about every player man then they probably going to play better yes oh man oh my God one nil Liverpool what a Counterattack so what happened was it was a corner from brenford brenford took the corner konate cleared it Salah woned ball back Salah got tripped over the edge of the box and then he ran towards J J was running with the ball you know direct as he always does that's what I've been asking for for years I missed that draw out that direct so he kept on running and then he made that little through ball to Diaz on his left foot left foot Banger goalkeeper had no chance man it was on the goalkeeper's right hand side no chance godamn that's what I'm looking at man yes yes just my club just my club nobody can mess with us I heard man united fans earlier oh Liverpool I hope they lose well what you gonna do now man what are you gonna do now Sunny Jim you gonna do nothing may not are rubbish for Life For Life man I missed this man I missed that watchong really missed them man been a few years been a few years man I'm back I'm back on form let's do this people let's do this you beautiful people oh what a finish bys what a finish uh oh it's a throw to brenford they're attacking us now throw taken cleared cleared Trent Salah again Salah they can't catch Sal guys they can't oh we got him we got him we got him what a tackle great tackle great Tackle by that brenford player son of a gun god damn his BR coming full now oh what a by DS see people if I talk about someone they start performing I'm going to keep doing it I'm I'm going to keep doing it I'm going to keep doing it yeah you know what's funny here when I look at YouTube the picture is different to the one I see on streamyard it's weird because it's HD on streamyard but on YouTube it looks dumb maybe it's just YouTube in it scumbags I was cheating I was cheating it is what it is people I can't do nothing about it just just as long as you can see me and you can hear me that's the most important thing there's brenford coming forward again Robertson wins the ball passes it insides of so slide to graen bur I swear to God people yeah if we don't sign anyone and graen bur is is our DM for the rest of the season I'm going to go berserk man there's no way no way as a Liverpool fan you should sit there and accept this nonsense listen people in the stadium if you can hear me yeah he's there the ghost is there that's what I call him now he become a ghost the ghost John W Henry is there he's actually there go and talk to him go and ask him why you not spending money on this team go and ask him are you interested in winning if you're not just sell up the club just leave we don't need you anymore just say that to him please they gonna see meway let I just hope Kata stays fit this season man it doesn't look like we're going to buy a center back anyway so if Kata stays fit that'd be good for the team this season season I mean we can't we can't lose a lot of players man we need to like if we had you know a bigger Squad then these players could have been utilized didn't it but we can't even do that first 11 is it really there so passes Trent Trent back to soly come on soas your beauty pass to Salah Salah Salah loses the ball again Salah throw to Liverpool let's see what's going to happen now K's got the W back but K ain't going to do nothing so just pass it man just F get the B go rolling man rolling rolling rolling come on man roll yeah oh my God Robertson out wide oh why did you touch it Trent Salah had the ball in his head in his Bal head he he had that man oh man 17 minutes gone one Liverpool um Liverpool are dominant but you know Renford had their opportunities as well still a long way to go people still a long way to go oh damn there's brenford coming forward and mallister backs up Trev graen bir almost Trevor bir graen bir and and wins the ball back and SC back to Trent Trent looking for Robertson that's what I missed do you guys remember the old days when Trent and Robertson were doing Cross Field passes to each other I missed that man there's Robertson cross oh he almost scored in the near post Robertson with the goalkeeper read it oh the corner to Liverpool so Robertson was pretending to cross the ball but he hit in the near post right hand side of the goalkeeper and the goalkeeper read it like a book read it like a book almost sced if the goalkeeper didn't touch it it was a certain goal certain goal man could have been two n to the mighty Reds so it's a caller to Liverpool Trent is g to come and take it I guess fullback still takes it there we go yes is Trend like I said let me see um big up John Conway as always brother uh they got fiz up Hollywood yeah they're talking about the obviously wol Hampton big up Nick as always man big up man big up statman stubs big up Rob big up Trent takes the corner and it goes for a another one Trent tried to score from a corner actually you know and the defender read it um Don John W Henry is at the game yeah yeah somebody needs to speak to that guy have a word man please please have a word stman St says big up for let's get them three points big up chat yes let's do this people there's Trent again is he going to take the corner again yes yes he takes it goalkeeper punches it away to the edge of the Box bretford clear it and he goes all the way back to Graber who's the DM today this is passing it back uh uh yes RAV big up Rob big up man we have to take control today because man's like in in B Mo I don't know how to say his name hopefully I said it right can be dangerous he's very dangerous man I remember last season I think he he had a ligament injury or something like that so he was out maor of the season but he's a very dangerous player I like him you know I really really like him I wouldn't say like getting for Liverpool to be like a replacement for Salah but getting for liverp to be on the bench at least something like that like something dangerous coming on the bench like Shakir in back of the day when Shakir was there back of the day we used to get a lot oh Salah hits it over the crossbar yeah because you know when shakiri was on the bench he used to be the game changer didn't he when he used to come on so when um when the game was tight and you know teams were deep line defending Shakira used to come on and make those you know through balls and you know shots from outside the box uh hence why we used to win those games you know what I mean so this is what we need somewhat like that good to have a first team but you need something of the bench that can change the game as well if you know what I mean Mr structure he's so funny and S sound guy he said even with without his glasses he can still see Maguire is is rubbish player what can I say man that is funny man that defending by McGuire yesterday guys it was the worst defense I've ever seen in my life forget about Maguire is the man united defense that second goal yeah how can a whole team in the Box be on one side of the box but the backside is you know the back side of the box is is just completely open and there's about four players waiting for a tapping how is that acceptable in any walks of life that's what I mean about the quality of football today guys it's shit it's really shit there's no defense you know like the defense used to be passionate thing back in the day with bazes you know malinis costuras you know nesters you know stamps all these guys you know canavaro let goes on belong you know come on like let's go now there's there's no passion man we're only talking about one worldclass Defender which is Van dijk where's the rest where is the freaking rest of the defense man you can't even name five War class Defenders it's so bad I couldn't believe what those goals yesterday I really could not believe those goals one side of the pitch was empty a man even I hate man united yeah you you got to like say come on you're a passionate football fan you don't want to see the quality to go down like that last minute of the game and one side of the pitch is completely empty guys wow wow wow wow absolutely well guys I might have to change the camera yeah apologies cuz you know I'm going to be on this side of the of the camera because this is just a bad a travesty what I'm seeing man with the camera a travesty so let me get the other one on there you go I have to push this here so I have to get rid of this one there you go hopefully this is Bell maybe maybe you'll get Bell maybe H I don't think is the actual camera guys I think is the is is the there is Liverpool coming forward edge of the Box no no fou to Trent yeah and the camera people the internet unfortunately is very very slow so half timee I might have to switch off and come back on if it's okay with you guys yeah it's not it's not it's not it's not it's not the camera it's the internet just the Ping at the moment let's go let's go so one to Liverpool 23 minutes gone Liverpool smashing it man smashing out the can't see I can see myself I can see myself I can see myself on screen on screen he bford coming forward Diaz wins the ball back that's what I'm talking about Diaz I've been waiting for that for years brother defend like manone at least you know I mean I don't need you to do man skills defend like manone at least man yes great mate great I can see slightly B slightly B 239 people watching all around social media please do me a favor we're on the road to 2000 this you know what's funny it's all on my account actually my ex account we're on the road to 2000 in YouTube we're trying to make it something out of it please go to the YouTube channel And subscribe that's all I'm asking it's not hard it's free subscribe and support me that's it that's all you have to do I mean I'm doing this every day for you guys you know I mean so please like just come over and help us out there we go there um see if the view go views go up it's better for us if the likes go up it's better for us that you know I mean and not only that on the chat if you come and participate I'll you know you know have my opinion to your opinion so this is what we're trying to do like if you if you think something differently I'll try to put my point of view forward and see if we could come to you know an agreement or not that's the whole point so yeah listen this is this is what we're trying to do here so do us a favor subscribe to the YouTube channel um I can see now it's gone to eight but I could see 243 people on you know my X account come on guys man it doesn't hurt help a brother out um here K K's got ball uh comes inside but you know Trent yeah H Robertson's got the ball now you know with Robertson guys here the reason I'm not too sure about him at the moment it's not I want him at the football club the thing with him is he doesn't do what he used to do anymore he looks like an old man on the pitch where's the crosses gone where's the running ability gone where's the supporting you know the Winger gone you know like come on like there's so many stuff that's missing from his game at the moment so like I said like semic cast can offer things like that so this is why I'm having a go Robertson it's not like I want him completely gone I want him like you know to get those things back his Diaz again comes inside ref free kick yes edge of the Box Trent come on you beauty come on you beauty Trent please get a goal from this man get the likes up people I need the likes up come on yeah Mr stru is is a cool guy man fellow Mali they call us males in I don't even know what Mali is I know there's a country called Mali but when people call me Mali I said listen here I'm 45 year old my friend don't know what Al is apart from a country my country is Somali that's what we are somal land and Somali jabou that's what we're from I don't want to hear no Mali I don't know what mly is if this the new slang yeah but yeah come on man don't use it the old people man we don't use that so Trent and so standing over the ball with Salah who's going to take this free kick who's going to get it over the crossbar and get it into the back of the net and hit the you know hit the probably a bar or a post that that's the most beautiful free kicks I've ever seen in my life when the ball hits a bar or a post and goes in I've seen that yesterday actually there was a shot at the edge of the Box um for Tottenham that number eight there go I forgot his name man don't L play for Brighton he hit the you know crossb and in it was beautiful I love like that Trent come on bro like get the free kicks off the season mate maybe your contract will be about 300 Grand a week man if you start doing things like you me your defensive here he is takes that oh just over the cross one n still like a dangerous you know score line people we need another goal we need another goal man we don't want to go to the last minutes of the game one up and then they come back and score you the CL oh they got to you know draw at anfield do let's all celebrate you I mean we don't want go through that so what I said was at halim I'm going to switch off here I'm going to leave you guys for a minute try to do the internet again and then we hopefully you know it'll be better it'll be better be better from to Liverpool 246 people watching me so please like I always say come to the YouTube channel subscribe and tune in on a regular basis because this is a regular stuff we do over here as well it's a daily stuff we do and new beats we're not going to stop we're going to analyze the games as well we're going to do chat shows watch along side back as you can see today and you know we're going to do a daily thing like either 12: in the afternoon or 2:30 in the afternoon it depends what shift I do at work if if it's a if it's a night shift I have to do at 230 if it's a you know um day shift I have to do it at 9 obviously 9 N 9:30 p.m. or you know if I'm off I'll do it at 12:00 in the afternoon as well so that's so so many things coming man so many things I mean you need a showman don't you a showman that's what I represent you know what I'm saying and I mean you know I mean free kick to brenford so gets a yellow card what have you done so SL man just stay in the game bro I don't need you to be a bloody you know a destroyer just be number 10 create chances for the players man and score goals brother God damn it h dog so let's see what's going to happen here free kick taking by the goalkeeper goalkeeper sorry goalkeeper there he goes Salo wins the ball back free kick again this referee is off his head this free kick is this this referee is off his head what does Salah actually do he didn't do nothing what they came they collided together that's poor ref come on oh Man Poor Man uh Trent has improved with his defending yeah it's only one game I'm not going to put my you know air on my you know I'm not going to put my eggs in all you know in one basket at the B mate I'm gonna have to wait and see is he GNA do that in the next game you know against man united is he gonna do that the game after that and the game after that the game after that or is it just now you know what I mean I don't want to you know Trent can do something like that he he'll fool you that he can defend but in the next game you'll go back to normality lazy defending I don't want to see that another free kick to roord man if we give too many of these away they're going to score and they almost almost scored they should have scored actually their Captain should have actually scored that's a poor Header by the captain poor poor poor normal circumstances that's a goal equalizer here's Robertson wins the ball back almost lost it Mista Mist needs to get into the game guys I don't know why he's not keeping possession man this is why they're attacking every time they're attacking because of our you know possession mistakes like we keep losing the ball in important areas and we keep giving threee kicks away so they're creating chances after that and mallis is not in the game you know keeping possession from what I can see so he needs to do more he needs to do more man let's go brother is Van djk B again J comes to the left passes inside to graen bur Graven bur loses the ball J please don't get injured please please don't get injured I hate when J goes into challenges because he always gets injured and he goes and play FIFA I mean I don't need to play FIFA I need you to play for Liverpool know I'm saying hambur play for Liverpool remember that's what you get paid for not FIFA another free kick another free kick oh my God it's not good enough there we go freaki going to be taken free kick Tak by the goalkeeper brenford goalkeeper dra wins it shot oh they almost he connected with that certain goal man even the great Allison would wouldn't have Sav that two good man too good of a shot almost God damn it the wife says Jo plus Diaz yay what a start to right my friend Diaz with the Finish W come on come on let's playing really well yes should have been one for Salah yeah you know like the old Salah would have curled it in the top Corner this new Salah I don't know like just a finisher Now isn't he he's not really that St that used to Cur the ball in top corners back in the day did it to Alison against Romo well we forgot about that that game when Ox CH got injured yeah Addison used to play for Roma once yeah this is a comfortable area man I wish I did this you know back in the day when I used to do watch alongs when everybody used to watch it I mean I miss those days I really do I want to get it back about the Fig it's just too many people now man too many people but you know fight the course we will get there one day people we will get there one day real fans always win over you know the fake ones at the end oh what a head by Kate oh brenford are attacking now we're in trouble people we're in total trouble now oh if canate didn't H that it was a certain goal for brenford did Defender was at the back post looking for it as well you could see him trying to you know K is doing high fives yeah Kate do the high fives but stay fit brother pussy don't give me that stuff man man I've even G gave up on you man there we go Ahmed is there today from laffy yeah he's there today um oh no clear the damn ball man clear the damn thing man no don't let him dble in the Box don't let him dribble oh come on slightly higher than that graen Burge come on you the new DM DM now do better bro it's Trent lbo Trent to Salah Salah is through ah damn you man they got that baldheaded guy you know the number 19 for brenford there I was talking about earlier he he was he was defending for brenford man if he wasn't there I think Salah do through score a goal God damn it man hey Bobby in Dallas back in the day people remember Dallas I miss Dallas man listen I'm too young to watch Dallas I know but my mom used to watch it in there back in the day Jr you know Bobby his brother Bobby Bobby died and then he came back can't believe it they said it was all a dream for him to come back he said it was all a dream oh Dallas man I miss that you know series is back in the day man like there's nothing like I'm telling you guys there's nothing like the series is like back in the day the modern day series is are just awful man absolutely awful you know what we used to do back in the day Saturdays was like bayat or Incredible Hulk or you know things like that on TV you know a team blackhaw down you know I mean that's what we used to watch nowaday what have you got for Saturdays Gladiators Gladiators jet you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying jet you know yeah Shadow the warrior Cobra uh back in the day lightning Nightshade no you know what's so funny about you know Gladiators people yeah you know the black people they always named after something dark it's weird very strange Nightshade is black lady Shadow is a black guy so why like why does it have to be something dark why can't we name them after an animal or something lion or something the that TV was weird back in the day man yeah but I'm only fors and horses guy man you can't beat that Desmond come on man Desmond can't beat Desmond back in the day uh oh uh grain Birch man come on bro don't do a challenge like that he's got a yellow card now that could be a red another day could have got his leg could have got his leg broken D graen bir be careful now now you can't make challenges like that graen bir you dumbass just let the guy go bro let the guy go let go man I don't know why my volume goes down it's strange I either it a pretty bad Challenge from graen B on the number eight um to be honest it wasn't like a 240 anything like that it was an after challenge like he he got past him then he came after that so he's a yellow card for gra bir so he's got to stay quiet in the game now can't take no more risks you know what I mean can't take no more risks oh there's some more people sorry guys about the messages uh Salah looks like he really wants to it to say yeah yeah no doubt about that no no doubt about that brother F you don't really see the defender covering back post or or on the line as back in the day yeah yeah it's it's weird man this football you know at the end of the day R football is supposed to be entertainment as well as you know you got to take it seriously I mean because it's a professional is a it's it's a livelihood now in it so I don't know why we completely wiped out you know the olden day style I really don't understand it it's weird in my opinion it's pretty taboo you I mean because the 442 people laugh at me when I say that it wasn't actually 442 it was 4411 because you know you had that number seven behind the number nine so it was creative you know what I mean and all that stuff crosses coming into the box regularly nowadays you know when you watch football there ain't that many crosses in the Box this is why the games are tight this is what the games are boring at times when when teams deep line defend it's hard to open them up but if you play that old old way you could still get crosses in the pitch you know I mean and get in the box and probably someone's going to be at the end of it but we don't do that anymore man I really I don't understand this new it's like we've been brainwashed with this stupidness nowadays like just wipe out the old old and day kind of formations and you know use these new ones and everybody does it though it's not that one person does it everybody does it we do this that Pep Guardiola style football nowadays why can't you do your own style you can't beat him with it so if you do your own style you might beat him with your own style it's it's Madness man it's absolutely Madness what I see in football nowaday I can't stand it if I was if I was a coach and I was coaching a Premier League team I want to win my way I don't want to win it in pep guardiola's way and this is how people do it they all do it in pep guardiola's way it's weird I mean one guy is changing football it's crazy man where's your damn stamp on football what I mean it's it's ridiculous man he brainwashed people so much they play his way and he's beating them all with it you know what I mean he he actually beating them with the same formation they set up which is similar to his it's crazy it's absolutely crazy here's Robertson uh 325 people are watching me right now yeah I told you already guys yeah I'm on the road to 2,000 on YouTube yeah and I need you there yeah okay okay help a brother out man it's free you don't have to pay a penny man you don't have to pay a penny there we go there we go Liverpool coming forward the One Touch football is just out of this world Tren oh go over the crossbar it deflected and gone over the crossbar the One Touch football guys Bella toti fruty toti fruity Mella as Chris Tucker says Mella toy fruity if you Haven watched Money Talks damn shame for you watch Money Talks people one of the best films comedy films I've seen years Mella fruty there we go Corner going to be taken by Roberton takes the corner oh oh man Trent pushed it back in uh oh they threw on goal again come on grab and B yes boy the after burners boy after burners I'm starting to like gra merch but I'm not going to be brainwashed they're not going to brainwash me me saying we don't need the DM they're not going to brainwash me man no way Jose we still need a DM there so gra got the ball in the right wing let me have my cup of tea God damn that's H oh damn that nearly kill me there we go try start playing the back now man passing about here we go Salah left foot cutting in cutting in cutting in shoots to the f post oh he hasn't shot actually it was across shot com across I think it was yeah van got tackled oh my God van lost a battle you must be out of your mind yeah it was that number 19 man vanik what are you doing man that's not you you don't rush into tackles like that Dam ass yeah man I'm worried man one goal is not enough I could imagine cavalo coming off the bench and scoring an equalizer you know I mean and things like that we don't want to see things like that we need another goal man we need another goal what a Crossfield pass by that number eight get that guy at Liverpool man what a pass oh no one is defending somebody stopped the shot man luckily Ellison was right behind that Trent man where you going bro he's a right footed player he's going to cut in of course what is he going to do he's going to left foot that's poor TR poor bro po bro man SAR can't control the ball so throw into brenford um two minutes ago in know halftime people as I said if you're watching other platforms please come to our YouTube channel subscribe there's about 344 people watching me right now on my ex you know um fuzzy 79 if you don't know about me I'm a Liverpool fan from Liverpool through and through you know I traveled in the summer with Liverpool went to America to watch them you know and um reported back a lot of stuff for you guys in regards to the football club I've been trying to like uh getting my YouTube channel going again so we're we're not too far from 2000 so let's just get there as soon as possible you know what we say if you're a li if you're a li Liverpool fan you don't leave Liverpool you know fans behind so you know come to the YouTube channel And subscribe as well people that's all I'm asking it's free you know what I mean and hit the likes every single time we do you know chat shows you know watch alongs and you know news RS just yeah just just help us out man you know I mean if you you can't you know let down Liverpool fans all around the world so that's what that's that's what I mean guys if with me every Liverpool YouTube channel I'm subscribed to it man cuz that's my people at the end of the day even that some of them are don't agree with them it doesn't really matter they're still our people I mean Aid crap I don't really like them but I still subscribe to them redond TV I don't really like them but I still subscribe to them I know they work for the club and I know you know they they they are behind this nonsense that's going around our football club which is not right I mean these guys need help on the pitch you know I mean and uh we're not making signings which is unacceptable in my opinion and we forget what those channels represent in the first place they came into this you know they came into um this industry in YouTube redond TV um to you know get the likes of Roy hon out of the football club but now there's people doing so much mess at Liverpool Football Club you're supporting them because why because they pay they pay you it shouldn't be like that are you here to support Liverpool or are you here to work for the club and you know even if the club is going to be you know relegated and all that stuff you're still going to support these people what are you here for exactly you know I mean I'm here for Liverpool Football Club you know what I mean that's that's that's what I'm all about I don't give a damn about anything from the outside I wouldn't come back like this and say what I'm saying if I didn't love the football club you know what I mean I don't really need this either but you know somebody has to tell the truth somebody has to tell the truth Guys somebody has to tell the truth the crowd is quiet today yeah you know the it's unfortunate isn't it um not many people go you know I mean from the local side if if you're talking about you know in regards to uh Liverpool fans from England it's very rare a lot of them go it's all about you know they they partnered up with Expedia now so Liverpool fans from the outside come they don't know they don't know the songs so it's very difficult for them to sing it I was there you know a few weeks ago uh we tried to sing those songs and you know it was about three of us and the rest of them just sat there in the main stand didn't even sing anything so that's how it is guys that's how it is I can't blame them you know what I mean we're all foreigners at the end the day but you know Liverpool normally is a is a very is a place where you know we sing songs and you know we get together and all that stuff we never leave you know Liverpool fans behind on anything to be fair we're all supportive of each other that's a foul referee my God these referees are awful Salah is getting manhandled and then what the hell you doing referee the guy was getting bloody headlocked and you're just standing there that's poor man is so what's he going to do passes to Trent Tren TR the wall the the wing they don't do nothing I think they just running down the time half time people all right people I really apologize for the reception I don't know what's going on I'm going to switch off the internet and switch back on cuz you know I thought I had the fast internet but I don't I really don't I mean I really don't my wife's giving me money why there we go let me just check this um there you go super sticker thank you thank you wifey appreciate that um yes yes yes Jason Williams fuzzy big up how's your uh BH weekend going so far oh bank holiday weekend yeah yeah it's going good it's going good I meant to go to the game with Ahmed but I decided not to man I've been going too many games games I need a rest man I can't keep driving up and down from London to to Liverpool it's too long it's too long yeah so people just stay with me please don't go anywhere I'll be back as Arnold says I'll be back don't go anywhere [Music] w a [Music] w oh [Music] a [Music] o a [Music] w a [Music] what's up who remembers that what's up I missed that I really miss you know when people used to be creative back in the day you I mean I might be nostalgic but you know we we was different you know I mean we was different we was you know we was creative was very creative back in the day yeah so it's one0 to Liverpool um Luis Diaz scored I was talking about him before his goal and all of a sudden he appears with a goal I should be doing that a lot I should be doing that a lot I think keep talking about them you know then all of a sudden they'll get a call so um Liverpool are the dominant team at to but brenford do get their opportunities at the same time as well people so we got to look into that we we got to look into how to stop them as well I think they're getting through far too easily uh some of the Defenders are making some rash decisions in front of our goal um I guess a better team who had a probably if I and Tony was their Striker they probably would have got a goal today so um tou like he's not there but yeah we just got to be like more dominant in a way of keeping the ball better because you know we're losing the ball too far too easily at times as well and anfield is quite like Ravi says we need you know the crowd in the second half to you know give us some more motivations in the game as well yeah yeah that's all I got for you you know what I'm saying second half is going to start very very soon so let's do this people if you're watching in other social medias we're on the road to 2000 YouTu YouTube channel come over there and subscribe because we don't really do that platforms a lot like you're not going to see me doing like doing a live watch alone X probably next game so come to the YouTube channel And subscribe that's what that's the whole point we're trying to you know put forward over here we're doing it on a regular basis I think I do it on a daily basis now I don't remember missing a lot of days on YouTube so yeah that's all we need that's all we need we need your help man we need your help on the YouTube channel and get us as big as possible as well it's me myself are the ones who are in charge of it and uh we've got obviously Anton Uncle rods and Etc you know to help us out as well so yeah we I don't think I'm going to be back after the game I'm not going to do an instant m match reaction because I'm already doing a watch along I'll talk about you know at the end game how how I saw this game and I could relay what what we need we need to improve on and what we improved on already so that's I could speak to you guys uh after the game about that um in regards to uh the pre the review show we're going to do it on Monday at 9:30 so please tune in with the panel so you could help us out on the chat as well that's going to be on YouTube anyway so yeah that's why I keep telling you guys you need to come over there because it's free and I need to hit the likes the more likes we get the better for the channel you know what I'm saying you you know I mean you know what I mean I I need to watch some Mafia stuff man I missed those mafia series back in the day man they need we need more of it you know I mean we need need more of it yeah let's go let's go second half it's coming it's coming it's coming you know the season so far is not too bad you know I mean every team that you expect to win is winning uh there ain't that many shocks listen man united loses is not a shock for everybody it's a regular thing I mean Brighton always beat them anyway so that's not a shock but you know Arsenal the way they Aston Villa yesterday well it proves is it they are getting better and they are looking frightening as well you stand still teams that you think that's not going to catch you up catch you up you know I'm [Music] saying and that's what's happened Anthony Joshua wow they're gonna be fighting soon okay but the pass from J to Diaz phenomenal people don't know about you know J if you don't know about J you know J when he was at portal when he was a kid yeah he was a number 10 he was never a number nine like he used to be a number 10 that you know comes from deep and you know makes us through passes so that what you saw today is not a foreign thing to him he he was that top of player back in the day then he became you know a forward player he's not a striker but a forward and this is why you see him like how clinical he is even James Milner back in the day he was a striker if people don't know that when he first came in the scene for Le United James Milner was actually a striker Jamie carer in the youth uh Youth Level he was he was a striker as well so players can play in different positions that you don't know yeah it's crazy stuff man crazy stuff man you know I mean let's get to the chat and let's get to the second half I can't wait I can't wait yeah I forgot about obviously stepman Subs as well is on the channel um we're trying to get him back out there it but he he likes to be just with us at the moment so that's that's good that's good um gra B is not playing he's not playing too bad at that DM you know guys you know I like what I'm seeing from gra bch but the only thing he's got yellow card so any challenges out of line could be resulting in a red so the players are coming out now you know a lot of people are not giving us hope in the Premier League this season rightly so to a certain extent but we still got those experience players that are always fit in the team so anything can happen Liverpool Anything Can Happen hopefully my microphone isn't going off and they they are out get out get out Mareno to May night May night get out get out I love that I love that man you know Moreno might not be the best left back we've ever seen in our lives but you know he loves Liverpool Football Club when he says things like that you know a lot of people blame him for that several game you know in the final of the Europa League because he played against his old team and you know he didn't perform to the highest level but he never did anyway man he was he wasn't the best left back in the world but you know you can see like he still thinks about Liverpool when he says that get out man united get out that's funny yeah people I did try to reset the Internet it's a fast internet man I don't know what's going on I really don't know what's going on I can't help you guys today I really can't is when you're playing too many stuff I think it goes down so I need to reach out to them guys I'm a streamer man I have to do this you know like I need a fast internet don't need no slowmo I don't need no slow mo man I need faster so second off is going to start so SL is going to kick it off come on Dam ass riff it's coming and it starts there we go hello can you go hello can you go Al got the hello can you go yes I'll watch gree gree lightning I watch that ain't ashame to say it when I was a kid I've got no listen I've got no choice I mean I've got women you know I'm I'm I'm I'm in a house full of women what do you want me to do I can't get the remote so I used to watch Greece what can I do man hello can you go g lightning I don't know the song I was joking elbow the no you didn't elbow him by purpose no oh damn this doesn't look good people if this ant intent on this no no no no it was intended Collins get up get up man puss man trying to get the man sent off trying to get homie sent off man how dare you yes a laugh at him with your goofy teeth how dare you make fun of him hello can you go go free kick taken Trent lost the battle again Trent you're a right back bro you're about 6 foot something at least yeah win your battles bro win your goddamn battles man goodness gracious me there soas from the right hand side soas coming in passes it to Robertson Robertson kicks It Forward passes it outside to Diaz Diaz got the ball come on Diaz crosses it into the box oh over head kick f oh oh man almost so what happened was ball was crossed in from DS J Mis Mis misc controlled it then he did overhead kick after the far post Robertson came in headed the ball and the goalkeeper saved it oh that was close that was close that would have been a perfect goal man damn it damn it damn it damn it where's DWI anyway anyone seen DWI no D is going to be angry in it someone's going to get that day in it from Darwin someone's going to get the day when he get when they when he's going to score a hat trick dwin will be upset an upset dwin is a dangerous dwin yes so a corner to Liverpool Trent's going to take it let's see what's going to happen after this go [Music] let's see get the corners going in get the corners going in get the corners going in corner taken cleared so grain bir last man standing back to graen bir again from Trent sub SL again back to the goalkeeper I don't want to be talking about this man get the ball forward and score a goal man go there for this nonsense passing it back the back this is where the their chances comes from man making mistakes at the back here we go let's go so take a shot for once saah saah so crossed in oh Diaz again oh he got cleared off the line damn it uh oh brenford are attacking vanak 101 with that baldheaded buffoon oh no there we go there he is again he's coming in the box with his left foot Liverpool win the ball back no foul he says so's got the ball now after a pass from you know when you see like so SL and M in normal circumstances these two talented players should be dominant in the games you know they are so good on the ball here other teams should not even see it and you got Salah going through goalkeeper comes out and clears it do you get what I'm saying people like if you look at soos SL before he was at Liverpool yeah he was a dominant number 10 you know he gets the ball you know and then just creates chances from Deep outside the box inside the box he takes shots from you know takes free kicks things like that that's what I mean oh what a pass by Trent by the way unlucky uh oh has brenford coming in that box van wins it back Goes Down the Line clears it oh damn there we go again oh come on yeah is what it is it's bu a it you know what let me have shankley and P that the back and this what this needs in it it needs shankley and Paisley man r i love you I got leave you let the Legends in it because you know this club need need needs Legends in it man because nobody cares about AR B nobody cares about us you know Michael Jackson nobody cares about us where's where are they man where uh oh brenford is coming forward oh they almost scored they almost scored again oh man they're coming out in force man somebody stop these stop them stop them man please stop them they're coming out in force now guys it's frightening man it's frightening what's Haji on there man I love Haji but there you go Bill shankley and Bob and Club so it's a corner to brenford what is Liverpool going to do right here are we going to stop this or are we going to get it Let It Go please stop this please please stop this don't let it go then that clears it oh shot ah man come on man amateur amateur you know I look at mod Day football I feel I could make it you know I think I'm good enough to make it modern day footb I played in all kinds of level when I was a kid yeah but I think in the modern day I think I could like have a you know I run at it cuzz I don't think you know I think while I look at it right right now the the the footballers that didn't make it in the old days are making it now do you get what I'm saying people so you know it's it's non contct it's you know tick taka that's what it is it's no more like it used to be physical side it's not my game technical side that's my game I mean I I I was technical I could put the ball you know through ball to players I could shoot from outside you know the box two footed you know and you know take set pieces scale full average pace I wasn't the quickest but average pace at best yeah I think I have M it man I'm a firm believer the modern day footballers are the ones who didn't make it back in the day Salah not a foul okay ref brenford win the ball back Salah and Trent are tracking him yes throwing to Liverpool beautiful beautiful my friend hey there we go Salah loses the ball again Salah keeps losing the ball for some reason doesn't know how to hold on to it what's wrong with him pussy clar Trent crosses the in deflects to the goalkeeper's hands damn you Tren you fraud how dare you do this to me I believed in you I know there's people chatting I'll come to you guys in a second man you know I mean I'm a good boy I'm a good boy not a bad boy I'm a good boy [Music] you are my father the believe in what I say I that way listen I'm a music fan I mean come on man I'm not I'm not too cool for Backstreet Boys I could sing anything as long as the tune is all right we could go on all night all [Music] righty yeah man I'm all about gangster music as Tren Tren crosses in straight to the goalkeeper hands not good enough not good love it's like I sound like that guy from Delta Force in it Chuck Norris back in the day not good enough not good enough sweating in the airplane and they hijack the plane not good enough if you ever watch Delta Falls go and watch it man go and watch it classic film Chuck Norris at his best Chuck Norris he's old now man time's going to pass quick boy it's pretty win at anfield isn't it I think it's a corner to um brenford now I think Graber headed it out for a corner like you know listen what worries me in this game is the more corners we give away the more chances their opponents will get so we need to stop that somehow man we need to stop this and Van is doing all this nonsense man but you're the leader bro vanak as a leader I don't know guys I really don't know I love the guy but as a captain look at Holland look at Liverpool too similar we need you know players uh oh uhoh oh Alison saved it I told you didn't I every set piece we will con see the chance we will can see the chance man because we're not good at defending set pieces man too many pussy they are they're afraid you know they might get clipped on the head they're not like Tommy Smith you know what I mean they're not like Jimmy Cas they don't put their head where it hurts Steve ston you know what I'm saying they're not like that they're not like that they're not like Alan Hansen you know they got the smooth hairsty you know Soul glow I mean and Gillette and shit enough man that's what we do now this kind of advert Nivea adverts a grown ass man doing a Nivea adverts man you done dad back in the day as far as we go back in the day was milk you know AK and Stanley who are there exactly that's what we used to do now they got freaking people doing some nonsense man no real men in football anymore uh oh Liverpool's through come on stah why do you do that stah just kick the ball man all you had to do is pass it to Diaz and he'll pass it back to you to score why you trying to hold on to it when you can't pass the damn ball to Diaz brother and then run into the box and he'll give you that ball always trying to hold on to it Salah freaking hell you haven't got that pace that you used to have anymore man it's annoying pass the damn ball keep the ball there J ah Robertson passed it didn't get anyway got it ball back though got cleared to got back wow there's gra bir ENT the Box passes it back Kate listen guys and guess a good team if we play like this we're going to lose we're too open Trent pass back Salah Salah Salah shoots oh it gets CIT free kick to B oh hey damn it man not good enough 455 people watching me right now and we're on the road to what 2,000 on YouTube and it's free people go and subscribe you're not going to get this all the time over here that's what I'm trying to tell you guys you're going to miss sat on entertainment like this I'm a showman that's what I do there we go um free kick taken by the goalkeeper all the way towards van djk and he goes all the way to Alis Alison's got the ball easy last Sunday morning Liam says you watch for the gender FY um yeah listen I watch it from time to I don't watch the full shows mean the guys got two stays too long man but yeah listen he's a passionate guy passionate guy man funny guy man I like him really like him uh the game's gone flat that's why hoping for a strong second half again yes Liam big up Liam by the way big up as always yeah Paul from The Ref you could hear the crowd yeah it's this ref is the dodgy referees that's what I call them in it there's there's a collector oh J what have you done J you're better finishing than that brother J come on man I can't say any was in Portuguese cuz I don't know Portuguese that's poor j man just tap a little touch tiny wienie just a little Little Feather kind of thing we oh the defender blocked it that's why what a defense what a defense beautiful defending there we go Corner taken from Robertson at swinging van djk straight to the goalkeeper's hand guys one N is a Daniel score line we need another goal we need another goal if we don't get another goal we're in trouble we're in trouble because B sorry B bretford are creating chances brenford are looking dangerous Diaz wins the ball back Diaz takes on couple of players Diaz again Diaz yes yes yes well done Diaz this is the Diaz I was looking for what have you been on my life DS I was looking for you for a few years now man so much so I was missing money every time I look at a number 10 I don't even see M anymore I see a white guy there you know what I mean and he's great as well I miss m yeah man I really miss money number 19 he started with on the right wing dangerous player back in the day Salah came he moved off to he moved over to the left wing and what happened oh what a move oh if it if that was a go goal of the season that's it done they it's over don't even talk about it anymore don't even talk about the move was so Exquisite as John Luka V used to say back in the day Exquisite you know it was oh man if Salah got at the end of it I would have said you know what stream over I'm gone I swear it was that good I said get me out of this place we got to get out that that song yeah if it's the last thing we yes there what a move I love that I love that that's my football club Trent is taking the corner can we get a goal from this corner taken hits the post god damn yeah please please please please please don't call me don't call me don't call me W head up from Kate St the goalkeeper there's too many of those at the moment people he's going straight to the goalkeeper's hands not good enough not good enough it has to be away from the goalkeeper so he can't get to it you know what I'm saying not straight to his hands no Liverpool fans should be on low subscribers on YouTube people I'm telling you right now real Liverpool fans will support their their own so come and subscribe to the YouTube channel get us to the 2000 as soon as possible and we can do it all night long all night long you know what I'm saying Ronald Richie so [Music] glow so Clow back in the day ain't it man back in the day man Jericho was in a ice cube all these guys no shame man they're dripping wet there we go there's Trent in the Midfield area going forward with the ball passes out wide to Robertson close together oh what a pass by Robinson but so slide didn't read it it gets cleared by brenford but Mr Will Smith graen B got the ball he looks like you know Will Smith out of the genie is it the genie movie The Beard you know the beard so close [Music] Liverpool just playing it about in the edge of the box but you know we need a goal guys please just get that goal man I don't want to Salah why you tripping up man nobody's even touched you so SL far post towards Robertson brenford clear it oh 5 five are watching me right now please come to the YouTube channel subscribe I appreciate everybody that's tuned in you know what I mean oh my goodness me um let's go people man let's come on come on get that goal man we can't just pass it about Liverpool man please just do something right for once in your lives in the can't just pass it for passing sakes come on Salah right foot cross oh come on Diaz oh how did he miss that how did he do how did he miss that how how did what happened the goalkeeper Sav that get for second goalkeeper man still kill her get that guy what a save what a save yeah get get get get get get out of him get him out get him out is Robert is Trent going to take the corner kick let's go 64 minutes going man we need to go oh sub what are you doing B what are you doing so you don't Place those ones you just whack them bro so they don't get a counter attack like they're doing right now bro what is that St slide trying to place it there too many people there bro this power look at that they're going to get a go in it they're going to get a go in it that embarrassing moment is coming guys that embarrassing moment with this depleted brenford team is going to come in it I can see it there we go like I said it's coming now cavalio is coming on the pitch oh god oh doesn't look good my little nephew says I scared I scared oh man we can't miss chances like that I don't know what sub SL is doing guys I honestly don't man it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen weirdest thing I've ever seen so C is on for bretford are they going to get some more goals I don't know you know what I'm saying it's a Dangerous Game we're playing it's a dangerous game we're playing people and I don't I don't want to be part of it I don't want to say at the end of the game you know F in this and F in that we need another goal right now right now there we go as Diaz left fo oh my gosh why is every shot we're taking getting blocked why do you just kid the player pretend you're going to shoot then shoot when he when he when he's sliding across you so dumb my God same movement every single time man the crowd needs to get this team up man guys like get the team up man yeah yeah yeah you could do this so last time you guys start doing one twos like that we lost the game so stop doing shit like that and get another goal freaking hell man 617 people are watching me please View haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel come over it's called lrfc And subscribe we're trying to get to the next level thanks to you guys it's a consistent channel that gets everyone together that's that does streams on a regular basis and you know we haven't missed a day since I've been in America so far so come on and do your bit do your bit which means like And subscribe like And subscribe and I hate saying that once we get to the comfortable zone I'm never going to say that again man people got to like it like it man yeah you got to like it like it you got to subscribe subscribe that's what I'm going to do next time hopefully we ever get there man it took me like a like I've been doing it since 2019 yeah I think before most of the people that on there that right now but um yeah when I was doing it every day like like And subscribe like we got to 100 it was hard to get to two than three than four than five it was last summer actually when the transfer window the caredo thing like it's just kicked off was just amazing you know what I mean a regular thing we was doing and uh my computer start playing up so I had to like get a new thing for it um but now like yeah it's done it's done I need Apple Max I have to get new one but I think you know like with computers if it's like 10 years you just got to get rid of it man you doesn't work anymore so you know the new ones they they they're different AR they they new stuff on it so it will be quicker it'll be faster and you know things like this won't happen like with this we saw in the screen screen today yeah I think six five six years you give computers and you just get a new one unless you could build your own one if you you you know what I mean people like that's what I tried to do back in the day when I was a nerd but uh I stopped that uh oh is that penny is that a penny no it's offside it's offside it's offside see people I did say we're playing a dangerous game The Next Step will be them getting a goal and I'm going to be pissed I'm not even going to stay on I'm going to walk away and you guys to take take care of the stream man you do it yourselves you're on your own I'm done reallyy bad man yeah Paul from The Ref sorry says you can pay back later when taking out the rubbish okay if you want that way no no problem that's what I do anyway that's my job in the house what are you talking about don't start on me how dare you wifey yeah uh 654 people are watching if you don't know this Channel please come to the YouTube channel subscribe uh it's called lrfc is a Liverpool Channel only for Liverpool fans um but if you support other clubs and you want me to talk about your Club you could also do that could also do that no problem for me been watching football my life man 45 years old people by the way been watching it for a long long time play the game everything man we ain't creating any chances in this half this is not good enough man this is poor stop us withn the damn ball man doing man running around like in circles like you're dumb salah's through Salah scores yes oh oh [Laughter] go more Salah moala moala running to oh what was that was the song oh I forgot of course I know the song running down the wing Egyptian king of course I know the song what he did was the ball was passed through to him on the right side of course it doesn't move from there does he it's like is his favorite in it um favorite position is it oh oh Paul's yeah so oh shit it could be offside hopefully he a so what he did was you know he killed around the goalkeeper with his left foot and scored in the right hand side of the goalkeeper no chance S I love it but it could be offside people so let's just wait and see yeah when they draw those lines you know they against Liverpool is always offside we know that we know that we know that 66 69 people are watching me what are you doing on social media such as X you should be moving towards the YouTube Go YouTube it says underneath right there go there you know I mean go go go and help the channel man help a brother out is right there we're on the road to 2000 man get there right now shut up gol I'm not a nerd I'm a bad boy you know what I'm saying ask ask my peoples they they know he a bad boy you know I'm not a ner uh gapo is on and Diaz is off and Nunes is on I think J is off so we're going to see two to the mighty to the might um yes the right back's coming off Trent and uh and Bradley's on that's good near forgot his name you know I mean like kind of fan I forgetting about our players names so J is off Alexander Al is off and gapo is on and Diaz is off sorry and gapo is on Bradley's on and nunz is on so 72 minutes for Nunes to score a goal can he do it that lad headed buffoon that stallion can he do it has he got his shooting boots on today he still got supporters in the Liverpool fan base so let's go I've I've gone but some people are still there they're still remaining man they still think he's going to get better well this is his season isn't it if he doesn't get better this season sayala take care it's be nice knowing here you know we move we move oh my goodness they're attacking again yes konate you you rock solid Defender but you get injured man you're very soft sometimes very soft you know there's Liverpool again coming forward there soos SL soos what's he going to do what's he going to do cuts inside does step over pass to Salah everybody's bet now it's too late to pass the pass man nobody was there when he was going forward you stupid baffoon everybody's back now why did you pass it earlier wasting time like that caval trying to dribble that he lost the ball pussio man Mista inside to Van djk van djk to Robertson Robinson to Gap POS playing on the left right now yeah I think GPO and Diaz are going to be challenging for each other in that left side I think J and nunz at front I think Diaz could play on the right as well Salah done a amazing pass towards Nunes Nunes didn't even read it you dumb fuck come on bro you got to run come on boy come on man jackass oh thank you mate thank you I appreciate that man I appreciate that I appreciate that one day you will get there you know that yeah and we'll be laughing at you welcome to the club go moala gol is an Arsenal fan in it man they're happy in it they're GNA win the league now they're gonna win the league they're going to win the [Music] league it's amazing is it Aral fans called in their players War class they haven't won anything you know I mean it's crazy two years in the game and they think that they War class already this is what I'm saying people watch out for the frauds calling players world class already man crazy man you've done nothing in football but you're world class okay I'm world class I I don't even play the game anymore but I'm world class too I consider myself as a world class player I've won nothing I've contributed nothing in football but I'm still world class I I am world class this is the modern day people everybody's world class I remember growing up you you wouldn't go anywhere near maradon or Pelle nowadays everybody's next to them trying to trying to force me to support Neymar you're crazy NE I ruin Brazil man killed that team kill that team man alltime top goal scorer now is taking over the P goal scoring record and what has he done for Brazil zero never won a trophy for them at all and where's these goals coming from qualifiers goodness gracious me and friendlies I mean you go from like Pelle Romario zikos Socrates you know and ronaldos you know you know all these players to Neymar and oh don't forget about Ronaldinho I had him earlier and you go to Neymar and then you're telling me Neymar is as good as them come on man come on who are you kidding man Neymar comes it doesn't come close Neymar will be with robinos and all them like if I had my way that's that's about it entertainers who try their best but they never do anything after that that's what he reminds me of there we go so SL so again turn around pass it at wi to Bradley Bradley's coming forward Bradley Bradley you this is what I'm saying about people noway yeah nunz was running yeah he was already on his afterburners Bradley all he had to do is just pass it through didn't even do that so cross it in it goes out for a goke come on soos man what you Crossing it to there's nobody there fucking know thing is sitting in the stands the ghost is sitting in the stands you know John W har is in he's in the stands man he's not in the damn pitch trying to look for him why is SL talking to Trent Trent is pissed off oh okay Trent you don't you you don't you haven't signed the contract bro so don't be pissed off we've got every right to take you off because we don't know if you're going to be at Liverpool so relax yourself man relax yourself fraud getting pissed off getting taken off you've done nothing can't believe it look at him the cameras on Trent pissed off like mate you're it's beginning of the Season man you just come back from holiday relax you have no preseason and you're you're crying now come on bro be a team player arrogance of some people man be a team player man don't be like that don't sign a contract and you think you got the right to be in the team get lost man sign your contract then we can talk son pussio man I don't care man I don't care about um he's Escala you got to support the team I'm all about the team don't come off the pitch being you know sulky I'm sorry you don't do that support the team man support that young Bradley that that's taking your place you know what I mean don't don't be stalking over there man Jack yes I'm not happy man I'm sorry like what kind of nonsense is this in the modern day you've come off Clap the kid that's coming on you don't want to be at Liverpool if you did you would sign a contract so relax relax Young Brother come on and you're soaking what is this man why is this football mod than come on man got this fan clubs of these players nowadays you know there's actual places that's TR Trent fans who supports Liverpool man you I mean where's the Liverpool fans question players man it doesn't matter if they come from the Youth System question them man Bradley came on and the kids is soaking what are you soaking for we should be angry at you you're not even a signing a contract at Liverpool you're letting your contract run down you've got no right to ask for a position now we don't we don't even have to play you brother what nonsense is this what a shot gapo hits the cross bar deflection and hits the cross bar oh g g G's alive G's alive G's alive finally alive oh man we've been waiting for you for ages man now we know you could play on the left so what happened was gapo took a shot cutting inside from the left took a shot was going in the goalkeeper was all over the place doing and then all of a sudden someone headed away for a corner so now Robertson's taking it oh [Music] Robertson oh Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy robit oh almost called K Man head the ball better than that man hit the ball come on man what is that what kind of header is that pop some power into it man oh Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Robinson Andy Roberts has has he got a song because we used to sing that about Stanley k mo back in the day oh Stanley Stanley Stan call and hoop is oh Samy Sam Sammy Samy Sammy Samy ho yeah we need we need a new songs man for these guys man do those songs have been taking a long time ago yeah Stan colore what a fraud that guy was oh D Nunes almost won the ball back if he won it he would have went through on goal what a shame what a shame could have got his goal today still time I mean he's got about what eight nine minutes to go still could get a gold yeah I don't think brenford are going anywhere now I think the only way brenford is going to go now like it's open up in it once we once they open up we'll just get those gaps through for the locks of Darwin and Salah to score more goals than gapo hopefully we'll get a goal I need another goal guys yes we the with the second goal and we got it and all that stuff yeah but the more goals we get the better for the team the confidence and all that stuff we got we're going to Old traffic next weekend is it so without confidence up uh come on sub SL you're number 10 bro that's disgusting man how do you try to chest that when you just have to get in your mid drift what is that that's poor bro soly that's poor man you're a number 10 you don't know how to control the ball come on man you're a fraud number 10 you know you're a fraud number 10 bro that's the easiest control you can do mid drift I mean who come on Man Poor Man yes people we're near the end of the game uh like I always say if you haven't subscribed to the Channel Please Subscribe we're on YouTube We very rarely do it on X I could see about 725 people watching right now but we need you guys on YouTube you know that's the whole point we're on the road to 2000 we will get there with your help it's free just hit the likes and hit the subscription and you know come on the chat and chat with us as well as you can see we've got a few people here today you know get getting it getting up and going as you can see RAV is talking to me right now you know what I'm saying the game needs more Liverpool taking control and be much more quicker with our threat there you go yes brother you are right I believe in you there we go is this a channel for brenford fans yeah it is yeah yeah sure it is yeah yes golf it is golf yes yes it is it is Liverpool got to score second yes they have and we we're up on flying right now we're up on fly oh there we go D nun back to normality M Tom to Napoli could happen oh good luck to him man Trent played well yeah rero yes he's played well but you know when when a younger's coming on the pitch yeah he has to like support the kid don't be suing man you haven't even start a new contract I don't even know what I'm read people I'm readed man I'm not ill the heck is going on why am I red oh man I need to sort a lot of stuff out a lot of stuff the camera is not playing it right oh sa z z z i don't miss those days I'm sorry I know Sami hoop is a legend yeah for the Champions League in 2005 but I don't miss those days I really don't I had to cope with things like that back in the day man watch these useless players not Sami ho I'm talking about Jimmy ches and you know eagle bishan and you know ji and Etc you know Nunes there's another Nunes Spanish Nunes that is he called olymp didn't but they were absolutely useless back in the day man absolutely useless uh let me get back to the comment I think someone just came through um big up for a not bad start to the season under the slot listen slot is is good to manage man I like him like I said in many of my streams I would have been put him in my top five if someone asked me before I knew you know I mean but what I can see him doing on the pitch listen the play the players have freedom man and they they're passing the ball crisp pass to each other which is like straight to feet uh under klopp the issue that I had with that team the balls were played way in advance of players and this is what causes injuries if you know what I mean but yeah with with with an slop straight to feet it's just yeah and there's always an end product at the end of it there Harvey Elliot passes it back doing a lot oh he's doing the he's doing the filios Z no look passes go on Harvey oh what a turn by Mista what a turn by he loses the ball there we go there we go there's Breakfast there we go there we go there we go yes Kate you beauty Black [Music] Beauty come on I used to watch Black Beauty back in the day man come on man that's the only thing we had on TV that's black there we go [Music] come on man that H was so beautiful man oh where are the Desmond where are the Desmond where are the few let gra a bir playing listen gra B is playing well gra a bch is playing well in that DM guys I got to be real um but don't be fooled yeah you still have to ask for that you know real DM that's going to be there for the future don't let these now we won obviously this game what they going to do now that's a foul referee you idiots oh got P across the end someone should have been end that har Elliot to Bradley Bradley's cutting in I don't know why that timer disappears what where do you go man you keep disappearing timer where do you actually go freaking H just stay still damn ass timer man keeps disappearing sorry I know there's a few chats going up here big up forl big up man big up brother still we are playing first game crowd seems very flat yeah bro I'll come on I'll I'll come back in after the game enjoy everybody yeah uh J yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes as is Big up brother big up for not bad start to the season and the slot yeah you said that already I that's still early days though yeah I'm not I'm not putting my yeah people yeah hit the likes Listen to As is yeah I'm not putting my hopes up already like it's only been two games of the Season you know I mean we still got a long way to go and not only a long way to go there's Champions League football there's FA Cup football there's leag cut football as well in between so we just got to have the squad for that if we don't buy any players before the transfer window ends um and rely on injury prone players we're in trouble man we're in deep deep deep deep deep trouble Man there we go so yeah one minute to go people before I go do me a favor here hit that subscription button notification button like button all that go there's about 751 people watching us all around the social medias I keep asking you guys we need you guys on the YouTube channel just come across and hit the likes and subscribe over here like we don't really stream on X we very rarely do so it's all about the YouTube channel um me and N are try to like do our own thing on it so you know if you want truth honesty you know all that stuff this is the the YouTube channel for you if you want to lies you can go elsewhere but we give you as honest as possible you know honesty as you know honest as possible things that that we do so just come to the YouTube channel And subscribe that's all we're asking for it doesn't hurt it doesn't cost a thing as well so it's just a like And subscribe to the videos that's it that is it man if you want to say something as well get in the comment section and say whatever you want and then I'll reply to that and say it my way grab a B your beauty give him a clap man give him a clap people come on all 754 of yous give him a clap man give grab bir a clap come [Music] on there's Endo Endo is on the Midfield General Hues Hues Huck five minutes extra time okay okay no man man go on Bradley great what a touch so it looks like uh cavalo's playing as a number nine withd drawn like a familiar role for brenford good luck mate good luck that boy's just got a big mouth isn't he like a big big mouth Big Mouth doesn't get you anywhere bro H West H versus um Manchester City okay Newcastle versus Tottenham oh man out of Liverpool okay okay what a weekend am I working yes fuck sakes I'm on night shifts though night shifts no shifts RoboCop dead or alive you're coming with me can't beat the original RoboCop man the only time RoboCop lost its way when it was flying what the hell are you flying for bro you're supposed to be on the floor you made all those noises stay on the floor man next minute he's flying what kind of nonsense is that yeah I you know like when I watch Robocop one year it still scares me remember when his arms got shut off and all that stuff still scares me until today at this age it's crazy absolutely crazy I watch that tonight actually I downloaded it yeah I watch it tonight de all Al you're coming with me yeah you know what I got to give you know DS credit man played pretty well today really like the way he played really like the way he played can't argue with that I might be one of his biggest CR critics but you know got to be honest about things you I mean you see one guy like M doing all that stuff even when M had a bad game he was defending for the team he was doing something special you know what I mean um but if I don't I know like come from a like a serious KN injury and all that stuff U Diaz but we can't keep that using that as excuse if you know what I mean guys let's see the Premier League let's see the Premier [Music] League let's see the Premier League H the gang will be back tomorrow people at 9:30 so please tune in for the chat show don't forget about that don't ever forget about that we will be back we will be back so as you can see in the Premier League Liverpool Liverpool are full go difference trust it trust trust trust it to be mer at the top e hey hey you know what I'm saying corrupt corruption City you know what I mean corruption City top of the league people that corrupt team that s gundan back you know what there's an old saying you never go back in it you never go back but here is what it is because you could destroy your legacy at the club if you do that you know what I mean you know I mean Harry you know I mean Harry yeah so as you can see people Let Me Take A minut F out sorry about that my man of the match I'll give it to Diaz you know like I I'm a big critic of Diaz is it I got to be real uh but today I like the way he played might might not be like the man of match for all of you guys but I thought he's been phenomenal in the game to be fair 100% yeah so yeah Liverpool are you can see in the league people you can see in the league we are fourth obviously same points as the rest uh we haven't considered the goal not bad scored four not bad two new and two new I take that all day long so you can see where's man united where are they I can't see them well there they are 11th may not 11th you are finished my friends you are finished I'm telling you you are finished you're so shit even when shit talks it comes out of your mouth you're finished my friends some YouTuber always talks like this I like him um there we go there you go you got everything at the bottom that's the best weekend I've ever had in my life life oh life oh oh life yes Liverpool to bford zero so SL Army still continuing your beauty your beauty of beauty guys no there an all say it's time to go it's time to get out of B man it's time to sleep it's time to you know re-energize yourself I'm back on the obviously watch Longs only for one day I'm not going to keep doing it every time I'm not going to have like five people watching me on YouTube and the rest are watching me on other social medias n you gota you gota you gotta you know compromise here people I need you guys on the YouTube channel if you come on there then I'll do what Longs but about six people watch six people are watching me or seven people here I ain't coming back no away you're not going to get this entertainment anymore so get to the YouTube channel lrfc LFC forever Channel then we can discuss watchong on a regular basis okay okay um Liverpool have done an amazing job today guys so I'm not gonna say anything bad no Killer Instinct uh Instinct wor no Killer Instinct worries me yeah it's worrying but we'll be fine we'll be fine for now but you know we don't make signings it's going to be a long long long long long long talks on YouTube long long talks on Twitter long long talks and you know Instagram and all the other social medias as well so they don't sign any players FG all right guys your boy is done at here we'll be back tomorrow 9:30 so please tune in to that one instant uh instant match reaction is not going to happen today because I I did the watch along so I did compromise with that one um I've lined up everything on my screens uh new obviously um Apple Mac is going to be on its way so I'm not going to use this rubbish one anymore it's too old man it's not good enough so yeah please as I said there's about 942 people watching if you switch over if you're lip fan if you're you know support Arsenal Maya whatever switch over to the YouTube channel we'll do this on a regular with you guys so that's all I'm asking for and hit the likes as well guys um it doesn't mean anything to me on other social medias YouTube is where I am on a regular basis so come on get this entertainment on a regular basis if I get all those subscribers and all those likes I do watch alongs again like I used to back in the day it was that entertaining back in the day to be fair um but people forgot about me I took a year out and then they forgot about me but yeah I try my best all right people like like share subscribe thank you for tuning in I really appreciate you all honestly thank you for tuning in thank you for the chat you know and all that stuff but yeah we'll be back tomorrow night about what time is it tomorrow night around 9:30 take care everybody [Music]

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