Kacie B. Mize Spills the Tea on The Anonymous USA Network Elimination

Published: Aug 20, 2024 Duration: 00:09:52 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: usa network
what is up everybody welcome back to Zachary reality it is Zachary reality and we are here with Casey from the anonymous she's not Anonymous today but she was on the show no I'm not Casey how are you doing I don't know normous actually was on the show I think it was a valid effort but I'm doing good how are you doing I'm good I watched the first couple episodes of the show and I'm so into it I cannot wait to see what is going to happen um how did you feel watching the first couple episodes back I think everything is going to go um pretty well I from like what I've seen I feel like I came off like as as myself hopefully people people do know that I think um I probably came off a little bit more reserved than I actually am but um in the diary room or The Hideout rather I am not reserved at all so I think people will see that they'll see lots of different sides to you yeah there there there's a lot and they I mean I get excited they change fast and I'm usually able to get it back to back to Center but um yeah I had a little bit of a panic attack there for a second but you know my fan brought me back to life and that's all we can really ask for and you're still here standing strong I am I am still here I love it great for me uhuh so tell us a little bit about how you got cast for the show and what you knew going into it what Drew you to this um opportunity they had just reached out to me I had applied for something else and um they reached out to me about this one they said they thought I would be a good fit and I looked into it and I hoped I would be a good fit of course I mean I didn't know exactly all the rules going in but I I was really excited it it was hard because it was the first season and I'm I'm a reality TV fiend so I thought oh maybe since I watch all these things I'll have like a little bit of a leg up but then I got in there and I'm surrounded by like reality TV Superstars and everything and I'm just over here like on a cack with my wife being like Oh yeah I watch the BB live streams you know like whatever um but it was good I was excited I was excited to be there I don't think I was ever too too nervous because I just knew what was going to happen was going to happen I'm kind of like it is what it is type of person that's really helped me in the past like with my anxiety so that's just kind of like what I went with yeah so yeah there is a couple reality TV um alumni on there Xavier is on there nah is there anyone that stuck out to you or maybe even if they were on a show or not like is anyone like stick out to you that you wanted to work with or who did you get the best vibe from well I didn't know that nah was Sandra's kid at when she first walked in I I think I said um you kind of that looks just like Sandra yeah I was like that looks just like Sandra but it's definitely not Sandra because it's clearly not Sandra um but yeah I wanted to like get to know her and work with her of course I wanted to work with Xavier but I also thought he might not want to work with me because I just was like should I tell you how many shows you've been on so I mean I clearly know like his gameplay and everything um I thought I didn't realize Andy was on the firefest um he pointed out um I kind of just thought he was like a sports caster for like the volunteers um but working with people wise I kind of just gravitated towards people that I would like naturally get along with and I would like have in my regular life it reminded me of like people that I already knew just to kind of get that that comfort so we could trust each other because there were some people I was like yeah we're not on the same page I have a hard time faking it like I like you or I don't you're going to know it whether I say it or not so yeah I'm not very good at faking things yeah I mean it's it's hard like you're going in there you have to hide behind an emoji and it's different than like the circle which they were comparing it to because then you actually have to face the people and have those Rea like those friendships and those reactions what was the hardest part about hiding behind this emoji and then talking to people I think the hardest part was having to hide myself and whatnot I think it would have gone a lot better for me if you know wa maybe we just like we're texting and it with like our face or something but definitely having to be like this genous and and hide and try to like make it seem like I'm not who I am and and whatnot that was the hardest part for me I mean I usually win people over and people like me because of like who I am and I'm I'm like straight up but I'm nice and I'll if we have like an issue or if I'm wondering something or whatever like I I'll go straight up to somebody and I mean just be like hey like let's get on the same page I don't want to be in a different chapter than you are you know like that's no fun but I wasn't I wasn't able to do that and I think that's what you know really really hurt me in the end it's like I wasn't I couldn't be myself and that is part near impossible yeah for sure well if you guys have not watched it yet the first three episodes are streaming on the USA Network and unfortunately Casey you were eliminated you were the second person sent home can you tell us a little bit about what happened and you know what you could have done differently to stay in longer if you if you could well I knew I was going up the second episode no matter what I I was one of the only people that didn't get put up on the first episode so I thought you know there's a high chance and then I was like well I'm the only one up with like one vote really so he been even higher chance um so I don't think there was much I could have done differently to not go home um and you know Jack eliminated me we were pretty good like Pals and whatnot but I was happy to have get gotten um eliminated by him rather than someone who I didn't really care so much for you know you would rather go home being eliminated by a friend rather than someone it's like oh God I wish I would have got them first so that was the whole thing but I think any something like I definitely could have done differently is um I think I protected too many people that I didn't they didn't know I was protecting them instead of like looking out for myself even like when it came down to you know Lily and everything like I don't regret any anything like that but maybe going with the pack would have been a better option for me at the beginning but I can't do that like I mean in my in my Hideout and everything you know I'll I'll talk mad you know I'm I'm from the south and we love to sit on our front forch and you know go off and everything but I have a hard time just you know one two three Lily and then you know it's just like this she didn't deserve that it was like the first 30 minutes of the game and it it really didn't fit well with me I don't like I don't like to watch people just get like their character thrown around when they haven't like done anything so that's how that went and even like the last conversation I had with n you know we got to a really good point that day and then I think a conversation happened right before and it got a little twisted around that's not how I meant any of that conversation to go but you know Nina approached me and was like Hey so you know this person said this I was like oh okay you know being like myself I was going to like walk straight up and be like so did you say this where's the confusion you know that's not what I meant I wouldn't do that that would be freaking stupid um but you know NE was like wait no like what are you gonna say and I was like oh like you know you're right I should probably you know protect you and so in doing that I didn't go up and say something directly I kind of gave you know um tyina the chance to like kind of open up and be like well you know did you me or like I might have you know Mison sced something and I just should have have been you know myself and just got got there um so I definitely think yeah just going watching out for other people when like you know got gotta put yourself first yeah I didn't I definitely did not um put myself first that was probably not helpful but I think I was going home regardless yeah maybe the next time um who were you Clos this with and who are you rooting for you know for throughout the rest of the competition well I really want I'm really rooting for NE I love Nina so much um I felt like we were playing um a similar game now after seeing the handles and whatnot I definitely you know I thought she was the um semi Tru um just because like that's something like she wouldn't be and everything I feel like it's not like really fitting I thought we were playing playing a similar game um but yeah I'm definitely rooting most for Nina and I hope you know I hope Lily has an easier time it's it's just not you know it's not fun um to be at the bottom of the barrel and everyone just like knowing it so yeah rooting for Lily um rooting for Nina and you know when I left I was like oh you know I love Jack I hope it wasn't Jack but at the end of the day I don't want anyone to win that like came for me I know uh Marcel put me up I knew that and I KN I mean he walked by me and Lily and we're like you guys are safe tonight I'm like okay well you know that we ain't we ain't safe like we know that right like we we can do math so that was pretty clear so if he wins you know congratulations to him but ultimately Jack got me out so love you jack but you know no love loss you know fair enough you can't still for him yeah that's fine that's fair no no well well thank you so much for chatting and taking the time where can everybody find you and follow you you can find me on Instagram at sirm It's s u r m i i Ze and you can follow me on Tik Tok kc. k a c i e period e a t s I love it well thank you so much and we'll chat soon bye all right see you bye [Music]

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