Category: Science & Technology
ू हैज मेड हिस्ट्री बाय बिकमिंग द फर्स्ट वुमन वाइस प्रेसिडेंट ऑफ द यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स ऑफ अमेरिका योर ऑप्शंस ए मार्गरेट हिंस बी एलेना रूजवेल्ट सी सुची ट्राप डी कमला हैरिस करेक्ट आंसर इज डी कमला हैरिस Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Indian astronaut sonita williams is currently on the international space station her mission is scheduled to end on june 5th the mission involves boeing starliner spacecraft which is currently in space sunita williams has been on the space station for about a month but it is unclear how much longer... Read more
Category: Education
[संगीत] अब जैसे मान के चलिए कहीं ट्रेन दुर्घटना हुई यहां पे यहां पर कोई ट्रेन दुर्घटना हो गई सीधे मंत्री जी से सवाल पूछा जाएगा एक बार 40 माइक झझ लगा के घुस देगा मीडिया आप जब से मंत्री बने ट्रेन उलट रही है ऐसे करके ये कोई बात है यार ने ट्रेन लड़ा रहा है कोई कितना भी गधा मंत्री रहेगा एटलीस्ट यह तो नहीं चाहेगा कि लड़ जाए गलती कहीं ना कहीं रही होगी सीधे सवाल पूछेगा क्या बात है यहां पे अब मीडिया है चार को कैमरा है हम इसकी जांच कर रहे हैं ये है... Read more
Category: Education
This was one of the most inaccurate debates i've ever fact checked a current president set to go head-to-head with a former president something this country has never seen before the idea that anything he said is true i've never seen anybody lie like this guy fact checking is just an important part... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I got somebody trying to break in my house and i'm about to blow his brains out right now in j any idea who it is i don't he's busted he busted my door part of my door i have a shotgun you come in the house blow his brain out all right hold on let me get the let me get the police on the phone hold on... Read more
Category: News & Politics
People put out their political agendas both sides and this one to me is a little scary that's education advocate sher east one of the panelists at tonight's forum she says that the main reason for it is to inform people in the community about what this more than 900 page document is all about it is... Read more
Category: Education
The first official league match between aston villa and arsenal took place on december 8 1904 with villa emerging victorious in a 2 to1 win in the early years of the rivalry aston villa was the stronger side regularly finishing near the top of the league while arsenal was still finding its footing in... Read more
Category: Education
Seven fa cups and a european cup now the ufa champions league won in 1982 arsenal founded in 1886 has also been a powerhouse in english football particularly since the 1930s when they secured their first major honors arsenal is renowned for its consistency and has a record 14 fa cup titles along with... Read more
Category: Education
[music] aston villa versus arsenal a historic rivalry in english football the clash between aston villa and arsenal is one of the most anticipated fixtures in english football showcasing two clubs with rich histories passionate fan bases and distinct footballing philosophies this fixture steeped in... Read more
Category: Education
The stage is set for the most significant night of the 2024 campaign so far preparing to fact check a debate is it's sort of like preparing to run like a marathon we're not doing all the work in the moment we're doing a lot of preps i will sit down and watch a million speeches what's the message they're... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Not to the the c have to turn around where you at okay which way is he going he going on to the neighbor okay i have an officer in the area do you have any idea who might be j what's his name corbin is his name what's his name corbin corbin do you know what corbin's last name is nema 538 okay sir i... Read more
Category: Education
कत मेले मे साइड Read more