September 11, 2024: Cotton Joins the Hugh Hewitt Show

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:12:11 Category: News & Politics

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Senor Tom Cotton of Arkansas Senator cotton welcome always good to have you thank you Hugh it's good to be back on with you what do you expect tonight from both candidates and the moderators well Hugh the last time Donald Trump took a presidential debate stage he ended the other candidates candidacy I'm not sure we're going to see quite such a resounding Victory on president in the history of modern presidential debates but I do expect president Trump will win handily because he's going to expose KLA Harris's radical record you know she wants you to believe that she was born in Berkeley and grew up in Montreal and all of the sudden sprung forth fully formed as a presidential candidate then just gloss over the fact that she's been Joe Biden's wingman for a failed four years in the white house or that for four years in the US Senate she was the most liberal Senator which is hard to do when you're serving with Barney bery Sanders and before that she was a soft on crime open borders attorney general for the State of California so many Americans don't know these things yet about kamla Harris she's only been a candidate now in her own right for about six weeks I believe President Trump will expose her radical record and reveal to the American people that she is what she always has been a dangerous San Francisco liberal uh Senator cotton your buddy in the Senate Bernie Sanders and I don't know if he's your buddy he's your colleague in the Senate he actually did us a solid us being people who want Trump to win by saying out loud the the quiet part which is she hasn't changed she really does believe in Bernie's agenda it was quite a remarkable moment uh a couple days ago on a Sunday Morning Show when Bernie Sanders did say the quiet point out loud that KLA Harris hasn't changed her Stripes at all she is a San Francisco liberal she is simply changing her tune momentarily to get elected because she knows her record is unpopular and I make this point all the time you KLA Harris is not flip-flopping KLA Harris is lying look she has always been a San Francisco liberal she only has begun to change her tune in the last six weeks take her position for instance on the electric vehicle mandate now she has sent out an unnamed campaign Aid maybe an intern working for free to say she doesn't support an electric vehicle mandate but H she introduced legislation in 2019 called the zero emissions vehicle act again this is legislation Hue it's not an extemporaneous remark in a live interview people put foot a foot wrong in live interviews on radio and television we've all been there before when you're a senator and you introduce legislation it is a considered deliberate process in which you weigh the pros and cons before you introduce a bill that you think should be the law of the land she introduced a bill that would ban the sale of new gas powered cars in the future what are the American people justified in assuming that an unnamed Aid now represents her position or that the law that she introduced represents her position and I could go down the line to you on decriminalizing illegal immigration or raising taxes or taking away your health insurance on the job or just revealed last night on CNN apparently paying for transgender transition surgery with your tax dollars for illegal aliens in this country I have that clip Senator cotton and it's 3 minutes and 32 seconds but I'm going to play it because we have time and then I want to talk about it on the other side Andrew kazinski the cave file with Aaron Bernett last night on CNN stuns Aaron Bernett by uncovering the the form that KLA Harris filed with the ACLU in 2019 let's play Cut 21 tonight kamla Harris releasing details of her policy positions for the first time on her campaign website a k file investigation has uncovered meantime a 2019 questionnaire and in this questionnaire Harris laid out some much more liberal stances among them on immigration so in 2019 in what kay file found she said she would cut funding to ice writing quote our immigrant detention system is out of control and I believe we must end the unfair incarceration of thousands of individuals families and children I was one of the first Senators after president Trump was elected to advocate for a decrease in funding to ice well now of course she's touting the Biden administration's executive order to crack down on the border he fandre kazinski joins me now now uh Andrew that's pretty um incredible on its own um when you're talking about what you found here on ice what else did you find yeah and this was a questionnaire that she filled out for the ACL ACLU and this questionnaire is really uh an interesting snapshot in time of that 2019 Democratic primary uh KLA Harris was trying to get to the left uh of Bernie Sanders she was trying to get to the left of Elizabeth Warren and you really see that in a lot of these answers and I want to walk our viewers through a little bit of what she said let's just take uh immigration and look at what she said here she said on immigration she made this open-ended pledge uh to end immigrant detention she said she supported uh taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants she also said she tax funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants she actually said she supported that she wrote both wrote and answered in the affirmative when she was asked this and she said she also supported it uh for federal prisoners now she also pledged to slash immigration detention by 50% close all family and private facilities and decrease funding for ice and then the end uh end end uh Ice detainers uh with local law enforcement I mean these are these are things that you know it would be hard to think that you would come up with taxpayer funding gender transitions for uh for detain migrants and yet this as you say written and and verbally uh you know what else you know did you find well let's Also let's take a look at her answer here on on drugs she got asked about um you know this is the question from the ACLU was since drug use is better addressed as a public health issue through treatment and other programming will you support the decriminalization at the federal level of all drug possession for personal use and and Harris uh answers yes now what would that mean while mean the federal uh all all drug possession that's not just marijuana which she she alluded to in her answer to this question but it also would mean Federal level of all drug possession I got to say Tom Cotton I was stunned by that in 2019 we knew about fentanyl I I just cannot believe about that question yeah I mean h credit work credit is due for CNN for running such a segment you know if I said those things or if Fox News ran a segment like that I'm sure CNN would be factchecking them say that they're false but uh it's all there in black and white you this is the point I've been making for six weeks KLA Harris is a radical San Francisco liberal she wants to use your tax dollars to pay for gender transition surgery for illegal aliens she wants to decriminalize not just say a small amount of marijuana for personal consumption in your home all drugs crack cocaine heroin fenel this is who she is now again she can try to hide all she wants from her record or she can finally put up an issues page on her website that is literally copy and pasted from Joe bid uh campaign agenda but she's always been a San Francisco liberal that's what she always will be no matter what she says in the next eight weeks now Senator the big test tonight there are two Donald Trump has to stay on message and he tends two minutes a long time and he likes to give longer answers than that but even more importantly what do the moderators ask I don't know David M I've never worked with him or lindsy Davis I don't know them I have I do have five presidential debates with networks and it's a group effort I doubt there's one person in the room preparing the debate who will vote for Donald Trump never occurred to me that anyone at CNN would or anyone at NBC would and therefore they are they're blue biased to begin with do you think they can avoid a budlight moment tonight so so Hugh um I've got a couple suggestions for the moderators I've been out on the campaign Trail uh over the last two weeks helping our great candidates Like Bernie Marino in Ohio and Tim sheii in Montana San Brown and Nevada I'll be out soon with Mike Rogers in Michigan and elsewhere um it's always refreshing when you talk to local reporters who aren't part of the DC bubble because they ask straightforward questions that allow the candidates to explain their positions for the most part obviously you can get some bi locally too but for the most part reporter will simply ask what's your solution to bring down prices how would you stop St illegal immigration so I hope the moderators rather than asking a bunch of long winded prosecutorial cross-examination questions will simply say to these candidates what are you going to do to close the border what's your plan to get our deficit under control and let the candidates explain where they stand to you know I had a I had a second rule Senator which was no question should be longer than 30 seconds whenever I did debates that I could control the questioning format cuz long- winded questions are setups that's the only thing well it kind of reminds me of uh the the old joke at town halls or other forums whenever the uh folks open it up for questions that your question should have uh come in the form of two sentences the first sentence should end in a question mark the second sentence should be thank you but no so so the the moderators would would be well served if they simply ask open-ended questions that allow the candidates to explain their positions and contrast their records how will you bring down prices what will you do with the tax bill expiring next year how will you secure our border that's one recommendation the second recommendation to you is that this is the presidency this is the job to be commander-in-chief of all the things Comm Harris has head down on and tried to avoid questions on it's what she would do as the commanderin-chief as the as the chief uh crafter of American foreign policy we know what Donald Trump will do four years it brought peace and PR erity maybe you don't like his tweets or his manner but no one can doubt that there was not a war in Ukraine there was not a Slaughter of 1200 Jews in Israel he didn't have Iran on the March all throughout the Middle East for four years he can explain what he'll do to solve some of those crises KLA Harris really needs to answer for instance for her role in the Afghanistan humiliation and how she's uh going to respond to these crisis around the world this is an important moment maybe the only presidential debate we have traditionally there's three and one is dedicated foreign policy so I really hope the moderators spend healthy amount of time on foreign policy and National Security tonight last question Senator I would bet everything uh on two things that she'll use the word convicted and felon more than 20 times and the moderators but that she'll also say Donald Trump you killed the bipartisan border Bill there was no bipartisan border Bill how would you recommend president Trump answer we have a minute look the reason we have a wide open border while we have more than 10 million illegal aliens flooding in this country while in some towns like Springfield Ohio you have them swamping schools and housing and health care facility is because KLA Harris and Joe Biden opened the Border they are responsible for this crisis not some hypothetical bill that didn't pass a single chamber of Congress at some point during the Biden Administration that is kamla Harris's record on the border president Trump's record on the border by contrast when he was president was to secure it and to force other countries to help us contain the flow of these migrants thank you Senator cotton look forward to hearing your reaction I'll be looking for it online tonight on X at Sen Tom Cotton don't go anywhere America I'll be right back on

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