THE CURTAIN RISES - The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - 18

previously on the legend of Heroes trails in the sky I'm the only one who knows how to operate the device so I'm going with you but we just got to press this one button here okay never mind you should probably handle it and now back to rapidly approaching your location sne go be back with some more the legend of Heroes trails in the sky when we last left off with agot's poison all cured and US discovering that seemingly the professor is being held over at La and Fortress with all the weird suspicious Hush Hush about it and also the black guy that seemingly caused the electricity of the base to [ __ ] up yeah no he's in there so our merry band of Misfits alongside TAA hop aboard Airship and using a little jamming device hi within a crate and make their way inside lern Fortress and as we sneak our way in there oh lo and behold the true Mastermind behind all this [ __ ] is [ __ ] Colonel Richard oh you piece of [ __ ] and you guys even point out like they literally have been talking about right how there was likely the mole in the Army that's been sort of causing all this who's been sending information to other folks I mean he was literally also the one that showed up to stop the sky Bandits and a very opportune moment so the ragon was kind of on the wall for this guy damn I still never saw a come back but he wants the black Orban or as he's calling it gospel for some ends to use in gril city and as he and his team make their way over to gr soul with the black Orman toe we managed to save the old man and even Escape L and for foress with the help of major Sid who we thought was actually one of the bad guys but in reality nah he just kind of doesn't want to be a part of this either at which point AGA and Russell decides best that we split up with Russell asking Estell and Joshua to find the queen let her know what's going on with Colonel Richard and also the black orament and potentially try to stop whatever it is that they're planning oh [ __ ] [ __ ] stories kicking in now boys I love that literally the moment I I talk about it like the real where I sit down and really say all right this game's I've been enjoying it but I I really would like I I hope that the plot kicks in soon literally the moment I say that booah grandma doesn't come [ __ ] kicking in hard and it's good man like that that was a really I mean for me I didn't see coming it was a nice twist and I'm looking forward to seeing how this escalates and also why they're doing this like what we still really don't know what it is they're trying to do with the black orament do they want to kill the queen or oust her or overthrow the government or something completely unre related to that I I don't know I don't know but clearly shit's about to hit the mother flipping fat but along those same lines uh last episode uh Shadow Walker 245 said day before the storm Nico makes it to the final chapter of the first game day of the storm trails in the sky the first remake gets announced congrats Nico yes that's right guys I did this I [ __ ] did it this is just how it is now for me all right the moment I let's play or have done a let's play of a game relatively recently that means that I am essentially manifesting into existence a [ __ ] remake of that game happen with the Thousand-Year Door it's probably happen with some other [ __ ] and now it's happening with [ __ ] trails in the sky you're welcome all right if you want to commission me to to do a let's play of your incredibly Niche barely touched game I'll leave a link to the description of my venmo shoot me over shoot me over some I'm kidding I'm kidding but yes that actually happened that actually freaking happened trails to the sky the first has been announced it's a remake of funny enough just this game not SC or the third just this one and you might be like well Nico I bet you're [ __ ] super disappointed right you didn't [ __ ] wait you dumb [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] should have just waited but no you don't get it if I didn't do the let's play this wouldn't have happened all right so that's impossible anyway but even that aside uh am I actually truly disappointed in that no not at all it was already being talked about that this could potentially happen you guys were already pretty sure it was going to happen but I don't mind cuz one it's because it is just this first game if I was literally like I have I just want to play the remakes of this we would be waiting a while right let clearly these games do not come out that fast and hell I mean this first part's not even releasing till later next year we don't even know when just 2025 at some point so by playing this older version I'm not like held back by like you know waiting for a new version and all and all my progress will carry over to each game which is good but even then like even let's say oh what if it was all three versions they came out at the time I still wouldn't be disappointed because I think it's sort of nice seeing where this game kind of originally came from and honestly overall it's been pretty good I mean it might look old but I've actually been surprised how well the game and the gameplay is held up you know my biggest critique honestly isn't specifically with the gaml it's more just the fact that there just hasn't been any super memorable bosses in this game specifically and again that ties back more to story than anything and how this game has been generally mostly just like a prologue so I just fight relatively filler enemies but yeah I'm not I'm not disappointed we'll probably check out that remake uh in the form of like a live stream or something when it comes out down the line but I don't plan to like shift or stop playing like this version or later versions because of that so don't worry about it but anyway Shadow Walker thank you so much for your hilariously and absolutely true comment and is that reason you are comment to the day but yeah you guys were nice you guys did sort of say that it's pretty common that this game is referred to as like the 40h hour prologue so even like fans of the series know that this game is kind of that way so that's good I'm glad it's not just me but I'm also glad to see that clearly we have just hit a point where things are starting to pick up the plot is actually here cuz now we're moving to gril for reasons Beyond simply oh well we need to get the uh recommendation of that uh bracer uh businesses or areas Branch right no we got actual an actual Mission an antagonist people people who are actually at faces now and things happening and bad and especially bad guys that aren't just going to last for like you know one chapter and they're done though to be perfectly honest I wouldn't be surprised if Colonel Richard maybe gets gets dunzo here right by the end of this game but I think the real actual problem guy is the the Purple Mass dude that fought with agot I think he's the actual real problem all right guys uh we have reached uh the Final Chapter yeah chapter 4 this is it final ch for this game according to this uh spoiler-free guide of finding [ __ ] there's a lot of stuff to uncover quite a few Celia chapters and you guys said a l a lot of these can actually be really easily missed too if you're not careful so I'll have to keep uh keep an eye on it at all times but okay here we go chapter four Final Chapter let's get started Chloe this way Chloe what's happening we're finally off the Arab Scenic Road Arabic Road what should we do now please exit onto the Royal Avenue from here and head to Gro my men are causing enough of a diversion that security should be stretched pretty thinly if everything looks okay you keep on to the bracer Guild without getting spotted oh [ __ ] am I reuniting with Chloe let's [ __ ] go before this game ends at least I understand oh but what about you I'll hold the enemy off here I should be able to buy you a little extra time no no you can't I can't go on my own I'll find at your side we all have something to protect I will stay here for my convictions and my duty most importantly for you my lady forgive my impertinence but you are of Paramount importance to me I will guard you with my life I ask only that you remember me as your friend and Confidant I understand Julia but please promise promise you won't do anything Reckless and that we will meet again in better circumstances and take tea with my grandmother I'll bake for you I'll try a new recipe make you something sweet and delicious I look forward to it now please hurry who the [ __ ] is Chloe dude how she has such close ties with the real family is she actually royalty seek look after her for me scream well now they finally caught up is it like the ass folks yes sir and they're [ __ ] weird dogos Three Men and five dogs I think you underestimate me as he taught me how to wield a blade the time to truly use it has come I Julius Schwartz commander of the royal Guardsman will not yield he who is he [Music] see scream it'll be all right I'll be all right want you to go back to see Julia I can't bear to just leave her SC thank you Bird friend don't get shot Bird friend just like she said security is much lighter this way have to get the bra real quick quickly what uh-oh Oh Oh I thought she I oh God did she get shot what's happening it's it's just a rain drop rain is it now around when Estelle and Joshua supposed to arrive in town can't be is that us or somebody else the intelligent division special op vessel no this is uhoh actually operating in broad daylight this Richard oh oh well [ __ ] hey how's it going yeah that guy I think that guy is the real like guy we got to get wor be worried about here why fancy meeting you here you like how my shadow was going through that platform there Chloe rins enrolled in the social studies program at jennis Ro Academy if I could have a quick word with [Music] you air bonian Embassy holy [ __ ] where the [ __ ] have you been holy God thought I was starting to think you were dead dude Jesus we literally have not seen this [ __ ] since the end of chapter 1 or I guess you could say the start of chapter 2 oh my God a dark cloud looms over the Royal City and yeah it signals a passion most black but so fascinating a shade of black it it seems you are such an idiot am I chance dreaming mu my Bo companion have you come all this way all the long roads to the imperial capital just to see me how delicious what wind did you fly hither we met this guy I don't think so uh major Vander wind what are you talking about I'm here because I had to follow your stupid ass all over os's damn creation do you have any idea how much this T time this has cost me please my dear don't hide behind such base profanities your lips spit venom but the fire in your eyes show the depths of worry that drove you onward to my side love it is truly blind that doesn't even make No More Words dear mu fly fly to My Embrace I came here because I'm trying to bring you information that you asked for but I'm guessing you'd rather hug than talk L I am hoist with my my own Bard very well let's us talk yes like sane people as you wish what news my Lord what news for your humble Olivier no no all right no clowning then don't play like that brother give a man some information lay on me man man you're making me stupider despite being around you look such a [ __ ] troll okay I'll tell you just stop opening your mouth and making sounds come out of it huzzah regarding the guy we were talking about before I managed to pick up his Trail for what I found he was one of arabon Andra one of the arabon embracer guilds until about a month ago oh over the past several months all of the guild branches in the Empire have been attacked one after another C who was supposed to be investigating why attacked you say I should think it unlikely but might these have been perpetrated by some military units somewhere you picked up on it too it's not the world of 10 years ago anymore though as far as I know no military force has been given marching orders I bet that someone hired jger to pull this off anyway our boys Trail stop for a while right when that case was solved H oh dear oh dear I took such pains coming to leberl it would seem that I was following a wild goose I guess so but if that man were we're after isn't here there's no real reason to stick around is there that storm you were talking about is going to be worse than expected a lot worse so which one of the numerous men is we are we talking about here you think could it be the mastman could it be it probably wouldn't be Richard cuz he's part of the army I don't think he'd be that difficult to track I think maybe what if the silver hair guy right maybe cuz again we're not other than like seemingly some attachment to Joshua really don't know anything about him storm you're talking about is about to get beginning wor worse than expected a lot worse should come back to the imperial capital before we get caught in it oh ever a Jester how could I I bear to par with the opportunity to play a role in the finest Opera ever what tell me you're not actually thinking of I am you might say already in costume sadly the lead is unavailable so the understudies must be used I have the utmost faith that between the two of them they will put on a grand performance damn Olivia been all Wy and [ __ ] yeah he's like he like shows how smart he is right FAL chapter turmoil in the Royal [Music] City wonder if SC is also four chapters long this is like technically Like the quote unquote midpoint of what the original game was going to be so this is barely like a game split in two so we're able to get the professor out safely you even got the logic unit back I even have the words thank you both of you well we didn't really do all that much really we were just there as back of for agot if you really want to express your gratitude I just you directed toward him since he kept the professor safe I certainly will you'll be nice when all this craziness ends all we can do now is put our faith in aot it does seem that Colonel Richard has something in mind for granel however need use that black cordate the thing we call it the gospel yeah I don't know exactly what it's used for but we've been asked by the the professor to talk to her majesty about it ouch so when you know things have gotten very very serious I'm pretty sure that's the professor is on good terms with her it's unusual for him to have access to top secret information anyway that's the just of our request from him unlikely as it sounds Gil do you think it would be safe for us to go to gril given this current climate there's currently no evidence to suggest that you were involved with the security Bridge of the fort so it should be fine indeed I advise you to go there before full investigation is begun wonder if that would have been if she would have said that if we like did actually get caught in anyway you know hard to knock out some guards feel be kind of hard to deny it then unless we really knock those guys out so hard that they're in comas it's quite likely that a thorough search of the central Factory will be performed agreed which means that now is the time to figure out what to do about it oh you guys also did say that I was smart to retry because I was correct uh getting caught was a boo boo and that would I would lose out on bonus BP so huzzah that was worth doing after all I wish both of you the best of luck on your journey please be sure to follow the deliver the professor's message you can count on us consider it Her Majesty's hands take care of yourself Mr Murdoch yeah now's not the time to let my guard down with the Army around so I'll be off now safe to safe journey to you well then guess there's no time like the present huh we should try get an audience with their Majesty as soon as we can that's the plan we need to take the airliner the next airliner out it would take us a day to reach Granda on foot Airship would only take an hour yeah that's true I kind of thought would be cool to walk all the all the way around the kingdom but oh well all right wa just a moment come on we can do it we'll be fine we got turbo mode won't take that long bracer Guild good afternoon always a pleasure yes if you would please do to Grand Soul right yes fill it to the usual account thank you [Music] goodbye what was that all about was that the reception desk of the terminal yes you know have guaranteed seats at the Grand boundary line we're paying your way so all you need to do is check in also take this with you ah there we go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what this really isn't necessary very done so much for us tickets are simply a business expense Rel to delivering the professor's message letter of recognation is for the superlative job you did rescuing the professor accept it be proud of what you've accomplished right thank you kica huzzah think should actually get quite a few things here yep oh we did it we did it I think I hit first class and I Reed a gladiator build thank you for everything I didn't get an achievement though really no achievement we're getting Max rank or is that not Max rank is there a rank beyond that what comes after one rank zero I believe I said before that this simply my duty now your flight leaves at 11:00 you want to get to the terminal before then so have to check time time to check in [ __ ] keep you be well in your travels we will thank you again anything new nope what is this belt strength + 10 defense minus 10 Auto CP up CP automatically recovers during battle well that's [ __ ] nice I put that on Joshua I I'm using Joshua's [ __ ] like wahen move like a billion times it's so good so they're not going to be at their house right I mean I guess obviously not yeah they're just they're out somewhere he at least we're still free to do whatever the [ __ ] we want right all right to The Landing Port hello there we're from Kila should we get you all squared away that'd be great thanks please fill out these forms with your names and addresses thank you is still fill out the boarding papers okay are your tickets make sure you show these when you're boarding okie [Music] dokie Anan Mr Kitty what are you doing here he's like wait let me join your party Mr Kitty you got uh really intelligent in this game anine hey yesterday must have been rough on you scary have to di Mr Kitty hope you take some time to think about why you what you do was wrong nope not listening see what could my world is all right this is what I got to deal with on a literally d [ __ ] basis every [ __ ] day I think he's playing dumb oh well I guess we do owe him some gratitude thank you anine thank you Mr Kitty also [ __ ] you Mr Kitty um hey there you are hi gusta the factory Chief told me they the rescue off without a hitch the professor's always been a mentor source to all the engineers so I just want to say thanks on behalf of everyone here well we could have pull it off without you and your Cru help T was so surprised that I thought her eyes might pop out is that really was on purpose well to fool the enemy yeah sometimes you have to fool your allies first so what best Dam at the gate Professor asked us to go to granel we're a little early for the 11:00 flight yeah well looks like it's going to be a little late there's still time to drop off your back so I think you can take it easy in town for a bit H sounds like fun hey you too which one's Gerald oh yeah L at the ticket guy ain't Gerald what's going on something happened perfect you're all here be honest we have some trouble I kind of trouble we received a a communique from the Airship Corporation look the ship will be arriving a few hours late of course we're going to have to W up walking there anyway right what okay just what's going on here here we skyb in trouble was something like that anyway seem to be the terrorist station ambushed to disrupt the Queen's birthday celebration All Ships are grounded at Port while the military conducts inspections that would mean they're probably looking for the professor's Group which means that the ship that SP for GR is being held up in Ruan apparently a military Guard ship is coming here from La of Fortress instead uh-oh ah I get it if that's the case you're going to be extremely busy soon are you no kidding you're actually a situation of the customers me that you two have good chicken time to kill just thought something you want to wait the bracer Guild I'm get in touch with you there okay thank you very much well stinks like last year's diapers the military's coming here I know they'll want to check the let the Leets I better have a talk to the factory Chief yeah if they check up on what happened yesterday that won't be good be careful whatever you do ha I Ain't So seen out that any couple of punck kids tell me to be careful take it easy you [Music] two Joshua this doesn't look so hot yeah this could be the airliner in danger we've got time so maybe we should take the highway oh man so so long since I got the last ride on Airship too it's all your fault colon Richard what are you talking about we literally just stowed away on one I know stowed away on one Joshua that isn't the same as [ __ ] riding one normally how to get stuck in a box with you have grabbing my tit the whole time I apologize for that I couldn't put it anywhere well try to look at it as an ongoing opportunity to advance your training so I guess we need to cancel our reservations at the reception desk okie dokie hey it's you told you before I don't when the ship's leaving if you just wait the bracer Guild um actually there's been a slight change of plan apologize for the timing can we still cancel sure it's no problem as long as before your flight arrives in Port there's no cancellation fee just need to get your tickets back great here you go hey military Patrol vessel is herei well got to go by thank you for your help no worries come back and see us again huh whenever they're running away like that hauling ass even oh oh well run josua run run I a running [ __ ] oh lord it's Admiral [ __ ] tits here well things are certainly bustling around here first I believe I shall go see the factory Chief I have to admire the colonel for planning all of this yeah okay heart here time you want to go back to nor normal running speed would be just fine we wait waste any more time here those Intelligence Division people will catch up with us we should head down to town when we have time okay um we take the EAS Ro to Gro right right the sack gate is to the north along the Ritter roadway pass through the gate and you're right by Gro okay before first of course we have missable things to get I must travel to air Lon apparently yes leave a lot of nerly Ni SS behind keep them for a while but hardly when comes to claim them just about to toss his book of the trash Oh you want it h well you didn't Happ to run all the way back literally to the start of this of the last chapter so why the [ __ ] not pro let my CEO hear about it P of serious trouble found out Cornelia chapter 8 can't miss a single one all right so we've discovered that the thing that we're they're carrying around is an artifact of some kind and that Cornelia was actually hired by the church to protect us also the guy that hired us for the job missed is dead that was actually kind of a shorter chapter in the Batts of the Imperial City moving purposely through the crowd we made our way between the rows of seats each time the swing swinging bag in hand struck the side of my knee I became keenly aware of its presence it was an unnerving feeling quite like I had unintentionally brushed up against someone in an offensive way furthermore it was nearly inconceivable to my mind that the ancient Relic the the air course were pursuing with such uh a frenzy was sitting right here inside the stitched cloth of the cheap handbag what a fool Mish have been had he known the burden this object would bring would be one far more weighted than the both of us could ever have hoped to bear I squeezed my eyes shut against the thoughts flying around my mind and addressed sister carnelia who followed closely behind me we would be making a break for the cathedral once we get off yes that was the plan she answered scanning the scene outside the the window of the passenger car I think that's the only option we've got if you want to make it through this day alive the station where the train was set to arrive was unremittingly crowded with countless DRS of passengers and as usual the sky was slightly overcast the trails in the sky everyone outside on the platform stood shivering in sils with their collars drawn up to their ears huddling close to one another for warmth like a flock of water foul out on the tidelands in midwinter don't worry I w't be tossing you down a flight of stairs this time Toby justed Cornelia although if there were two more of you in my disposal I might have decided otherwise she added evidently the numbers in our welcome party this time had seen a rather the dramatic increase the odds don't appear to be in our favor she said in a low voice her warm breath tickling the lob of my ear stop it we won't be able to leave through the the ticket gate as soon as we stepped off the train we stealthily moved to the opposite end of the platform and after sneaking out a large door for only authorized station Personnel we jumped down onto the path of railroad ties and steel ra steel rails below the Bing Cold Winter Wind of the capital swept freely across the unobstructed railroad tracks caused me to shudder as it ruffled our Coast with this chilly touch so we between the couplers of a pair of freight cars we moved cautiously among their along their Edge sting close to the Shadows however on the cargo platform workers were busy unloading containers for someone who had his mind set on becoming a dealer of pill for goods getting a listed entry into the station house would be one of the first of all Basics showing my ticket I spoke politely to one of the workers then with a scenario picked out of my head I sold to him as I played the part of a manager here on business with a celebrity of no notable repute Midway through her conversation I introduced sister Cornelia who did her best to show the man a glamorous smile and feminine pose I possibly gone a bit overboard when I stay that she was an opera singer because the way she carried herself made her look more akin to a lowed Cell Song in a bar of drunkers yet in spite of it all the worker graciously let us through you're so good at that it's almost scary Toby sister car said as we race through the station's Warehouse sector you should seriously consider doing another job she went on I bet you're going to tell me to to join the bracer Guild right come on this guys would turn me down in a heartbeat I said as I laughed off the thought then throwing the idea back in her Court I asked so how about yourself why don't you join the bracer Guild reaching the end of the warehouse sector we came to a stop in front of a large chain leak fence sister carnelia crouched down and while sling a drainage covered to the side laughed at my previous question as if it were insane are you kidding she asked they guned me down the second I set foot on into one of the branches the winding narrow Stone tunnels like the one we were we were in Ran everywhere beneath the capital we craw crawled along as the light shining down through the drainage Gates on the side of the large Road above us illuminated the way like a trail of flickering Lal lamp poost the feet of those walking along the Avenue passed right by where we were but not a single person noticed us scraping our way along below them and for some reason strange reason or another the world just beyond the thin FL Stone paved Road appeared so dazzling in my eyes yet the Ager cor's loss of the loss of the artifact in hand and a scentless senseless sudden death all of which had never crossed my mind before laying wait for me dare dared I to venture into the open world above as we pressed on I began to think that the small round tunnel which we were crawling through would run on forever when finally emerged with a high ceilinged sewer surrounded by walls of countless blocks of chiseled Stone we'll go through here make our way over to where the cathedral is located sister carnelia insisted raising one brow she pointed her finger upward it's a lot safer down here than it is up there that's fine and all but what are we going to do if it if it gets attacked oh [ __ ] keep doing that by accident and the bad thing is you can't actually you can't go backward by the way in this cuz you have to hit a to move forward and then back just literally exits out of this sister Celia grabbed my hand and with that stepped into the muddy Darkness Beyond don't worry Toby you reassure of Me Faith isn't the only thing supporting the church okay all right that felt like that was more just like a like getting like a like a like a second for us to settle a little bit cuz we've had a lot of action these past few chapters which is good you know you get moments where things like essentially things just kind of slow down a bit and the characters can talk to each other for for a while cool R's this way dummy where you go shut up Joshua shut up I ran all this way to get that [ __ ] chapter certain you might be a little obsessed with these story books it's good all right you know if you [ __ ] read it no you sit here and [ __ ] [ __ ] talk me with your bull crap I'm just surprised that you're reading it to be honest I didn't even know you could read of course I can I just rarely ever do cuz I don't want to give you the satisfaction Joshua doesn't really make any sense but whatever you do you that's right do me ah [ __ ] ha I've come such a long way those enemies literally do no damage to me now I'm a [ __ ] God all right back to running the roadways again cuz of course we're going to run there we're not going to just suddenly at the very end of the game be like nah you know what you're going to fly we're going to make this convenient for you so this is sack gate these checkpoints are all starting to blend together it's all like the Gin gate back in Rolling well both gates cut through the same wall anenberg roll completely surrounds the grel region it was built almost a thousand years ago but saw enough that it held off the Imperial forces she looks like it take more than a few guns to knock it down still looks like a tourist attraction or you could climb up to the top and check out of the view not that I want to do that with you or anything Baka huh so you're planning to get up there and Sprint all all on the walls are you I didn't say that just thinking that be nice for us to have a nice a lunch together just um two of us and just a you [Music] know uh so are you having a seizure just just trying to figure words do n boo boo CU it really sounds to me like you're having a seure I'm not having a seizure just talk about [Music] whatever Joshua was smiling but in his head he's like isn't that what we always do anyway never mind just get the paperwork done and move on to Grand Soul uh okay maybe it's just me are you mad about something it's just you stupid butthead just go and forget get this whole conversation you stupid dingdong doodle what's a ding-dong And doodle is that an insult I don't know anymore it's going to be so difficult why do I do this why can't I be the person running in the head of the group cuz I'm the protagonist you're my [ __ ] Joshua you made that perfectly clear I don't understand what did I do um hello welcome to sackheim gate we need should fill out some paperwork before we can let you go into the capital all righty okay can you give us the paperwork thank you please sign here tell Joshua filled out the paperwork what's with you kids these days you Brave or you just crazy or is a kind of hiking date on the highway what a a date h no no it's nothing like that jeez what are you an idiot brother and sister funny you don't look like siblings but you have the same last name I guess so whatever guess your mom got around right why why you look at me like that my mom's dead did you just call her a [ __ ] all right well I'm going to stop talking now anyway you're ready to go St you seem very preoccupied all of a sudden you okay you want stop and rest you want to S I don't want to S to [Music] Joshua no I'm fine just get to the capital if you're sure if you too are on a date are you going to see the martial arts competition oh my God yes yes obligatory jrpg C [ __ ] tournament Arc let's go let's [ __ ] go it has to happen right it had to you can't you cannot possibly go a game without a [ __ ] tournament Arc if you don't have a tournament Arc in your jrpg then it is not a real jrpg all right you can just get out martial arts competition wrong again godam I'm just [ __ ] 0 for two aren't I there's an annual martial arts competition held in the Royal Grand Arena there only for the royal guard Guardsman Elite but now it's over to any willing fighter May the preliminaries are starting this afternoon ew it sounds like fun that's definitely right up your alley Estelle the queen will be there in person so the admission fees are being discounted if I weren't working I'd be there myself hey and there we go we got ourselves a reason to do it cuz the Queen's going to be there and that's how we're going to get a [ __ ] audience over there bit I literally used the same plot point in the [ __ ] RPG Maker game I made a billion years ago literally the same [ __ ] plot Point that's sorry to hear it of course I'd rather be participating than watching see if all this trains paid off yet or not I can imagine but if they've already started the preliminaries it' be impossible for you to get in got a job to finish too don't forget we just have to make do in the stands huh too bad sir something wrong the man on your chest didn't noce because you your age were you two bracers that's right is there problem no not a problem exactly jeez never thought Soldier are you loaring around on duty what the [ __ ] are you jerking off again the the counter no therapies really helped a lot with that good cuz we're [ __ ] paying for it through our taxes all right you [ __ ] sir is there a problem here well sir just that these two they're bracers sir bracers huh will butter my biscuits and call me Jimmy Dean you too I'd like a few minutes of your time if that's all right we do need to get to the capital that's so Capital Master the your business to the capital what well we've got a job what kind of job Professor no I mean how do I put this sorry we have an official Gill contract so you can bite me our business with our client is A Private Matter sounds suspicious to me I'm afraid you're going to have to explain yourselves look I don't see what the big problem is well receiv received information from military High command the Royal Guards would have revolted against the queen are staging terrorist attacks what the [ __ ] it seems that some of these terrorists may have disguised themselves as bracers so we're under orders to detain anyone claimed to be a bracer pending investigation what what that's enough Soldier sorry but we're under strict ERS to not tell you anything despite what he just told you until we confirm your identification you're to remain here in second time can't be serious why do you ah there you are hey it's this dude huh why you're I've been waiting for you if you finish your paperwork let's get going what what what what this guy about to save our ass I apologize Professor seems we had a small snag that might delay our departure or someone just just a moment here who who are allow me to introduce myself I'm a specialist of archaeology Professor Alba I from North Ambria State and am here in La burough for investigative research have you processed this man's identification who the [ __ ] how did you even get through here yes sir his pass words check out and the GRS History Museum will vouch for him as well I see everything appears to check out balls apologize for the life Professor Alba and his two Minions What relationship do you have with these two well they're braces they saved my life quite a number of times so I decided to have them accompany me to the capital is that correct Joshua Estelle yes what he said that's it all [Music] right well since you have enough proof of your identity apologize to you both for the misunderstanding no no it's not a problem you absolutely an EPT buffoon we know how it is to have strict protocols nor our feelings at all I have some hard feelings I swear I'm going to give wrinkles if there are any more surprises I mean you started playing along so fast with the professor I thought I forgot our assignment for a moment I thought I just forgot what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] plot was hardly I'd hoped you'd catch on a little bit quicker though excuse me for the before performance Mr Silver Tongue not all of us can just lie with such a straight face what was that never mind ah what did I do why why are you like this can you just let me let my life and be happy can you just let me let my life and be happy you just seem like you get along great I like this sorry to surprise you it seems you two were in some trouble so I spoke up should I not have oh no we were definitely in some trouble back there thank you Professor Alba guess doing all those side quests you paid off we appreciate your help my way of returning the favor still though what was that argument all about anyway there's something about some terrorist attack it seems as a gang of criminals out there have been causing trouble while disguised as normal citizens and the two of us were suspected of being in said gang yeah can you believe that I swear every single person in the military has a massive stick up their right up their [ __ ] right up their ass in the butthole I see very troubling indeed the situation and the imagery by the way I heard that the incid of the Cornelia Tower wound up getting complicated how did that turn out for you H well there were a few loose ends but for the most part we Meed to get things done I expect expected you do well I could tell you to have the beginnings of great braces in you from the moment we met I'm happy to see I was right ah we don't deserve that we still got a lot to learn we're still in trading as it is but Professor what brings you to a place like this naturally I'm on my way to the capital is there a probably another [ __ ] tower out there he's just got to go look at and poke I was originally going to take a ship but I found myself short on funds oh well archaeologist need to exercise too so the walk should do me good you don't have to be yourself up like that but still you sure are poor we Scholars of the humanities all have Financial issues especially archaeology any money I make goes straight to the next excav excavation that's too bad we sure we're lucky running into you back there you want to come along with us to the capital now just a moment Estelle I'm sure the professor is very busy with his own I'd love to the road to the capital could be dangerous you tun nearby will be a relief not that it's all that far to the capital anyway well if you don't mind then we will be honored it's settle then let's get going is that Emma no you're not Emma you're fake Emma that Sanders C the tab anyone who enjoys a meal wor if this store is making any profit at all damn boy that's going to be a whole [ __ ] story art for her more importantly I'm going to take your pot of meat yeah woohoo screw you Joshua see I came up to the upper walls anyway despite what you said and I'm having a great old time without you yeah look at me go uh is this necessary I really having a hard time keeping up don't worry I don't I don't know what the problem is or what I did but she'll eventually Tire herself out ah this is amazing this is the best [ __ ] ever it's so great with that stupid Joshua stupid jle [Music] okay now we're going to do the other side oh for God's sakes a stout a stout all right new area away Royal Avenue so the AIC Scenic rout granel City hey you there hey you huh what like an army unit no tur are allowed at the airay Royal Villa did you not see the ordinance that was just supposed all over the city streets actually we're not citizens of gril we just recently came here by way of Sac sack gate Travelers eh probably anyone would want to walk in on the highways with terrorist activity going on talk about recus um sting is at the terrorist discussion for a second what's the ARB Royal Villa it's a small Palace to the east where the royal family resides I was given to understand that the towns fol often went there to relax sorry but it's off limits for now the arm is using against a base operations for investigating the terrorist activities you don't say Rose nearby aren't off limits let just keep away just to make sure there's no no one mistakes you for one of the bad guys well that's certainly Grim personally being told not to go somewhere just makes you want to go and see what's all all the fuss is about what do you say go poke around and see what we can see see um is not that I'm not curious we did just get off of the warning so I think it's best to hold off it may actually be terrorist the soldier said well I think the Intelligence Division is you just using the Royal gsman Embrace scapegoats Estelle really need to not say things like that out loud someone overhears you then more apt to get caught up in it yeah you're right intelligence what now oh let's see sorry it's nothing anyway head on to the city all right kids are no fun okay apparently there is another missable thing here so apparent we're supposed to completely ignore what we just said here and we're going to go this way anyway there's an old ceran stone monument that seems suspicious sure I'll play into something later oh God monster CH whoo full of a lot of dudes ah I miss Tia and her amazing ability to Blind guys oh you're [ __ ] Joshua Shield three there's none inside it reads sucker chest is empty I blame you I got one to the South there's an old Vermilion stone monument a chest around there this time oh wait yes there is there he right behind it ah and of course ah [ __ ] the [ __ ] nuked the professor damn it all right damn that move it kicks ass Joshua's black Fang is insane level up hey and I still learn a new One Barrage or if it also is a giant group group of enemies defense uh three you've gone over your limit for this chest de team thank you extended more powerful version of Pummel what really it's just it's just the same thing but better more powerful than rapidly approaching your location what's the next form of that rapidly approaching your timeline bringing the fourth dimension or something another one of these nature mon stands here engraved as Bas re's amrel Monument the justest around uh okay this time it actually appears to not have a chest around full of enemies that want to kick my ass I'm kind of happy Terra bomb silent disapproval Shar chest fish and another one s vescent stone monument uh the just over a wait no yeah there is hey well death blow too and I have to find anybody at least what more do you want for me blood blood interesting is I'm going down this path there's actually another path that goes to gr City from over here here all right we're in a gate which I think this is actually what leads yep yep and hey look we have come full circle guys we go through this gate leads us right back to Eliza Highway we've done it we're back we literally gone around the entire [ __ ] planet good work make all the way up here I'll give you this to souvenir hot somehow new to come talk to me don't buy us a Hing up for me chapter nine the side of this place is p one biggest challenges all the tourists are concentrated in the worldy city at the moment this place is a bit more relaxed but if one of the terrorists are among the tourists we have no real way of knowing it's a little scary shut up dude all right well uh we're gaining this one sooner than we thought you that I I thought we would all right we're left off then chapter nine uh Cornelia the flicker of dying oral lamps mounted at equid discent distant uh lengths along the sewer walls sent thin streaks of light across the surface of the Rippling flow filthy sewage passing in front of these one by one sister cona sped down the stone sidewalk as the sound of her body cutting through the racing tunnel winds trailed out behind her panting it out of breath I Contin to move my feet toward the darkness which lay before me as I chased after sister cornelia's flickering Shadow wayworn yet without a moment of repose we headed unrelentingly with our sights set on the Cathedral of the septian church we move swiftly across the moss covered Stone pavement the clacking of our heels echoing in the dimly lit Underground above ground the walking distance on the city roads from the railway station to the cathedral was about three blocks if we made our way up through the dra drainage ditch just beyond the slle gate we would find ourselves in the Public Square outside of the massive Sanctuary up ahead the light of another orbal lamp came into view turning her head in my direction and without a word s crle extended her right hand outward in a wide motion indicating that we would be turning that way at the next Corner then as if preparing for something she rolled both shoulders in a grinding motion and relieved the last of her tension with a pop of the neck it seemed to me as though she knew all too well what was Ling within the tenous uh conduit ahead under the unsteady and sporadic coruscation of light the body of sister conelia surged around the corner and disappeared from view 1 2 3 went the waling Echoes followed by the sound of something being rolled into the channnel of filthy sludge as I turned the corner the first things which leapt into my sight were the cor torted figures of two men on the ground whom I barely Miss tread on sister Cornelia who was by this time several steps ahead contined to run her usual Pace as if nothing had happened during the proceeding seconds um it's corelia came an angry but noticeably wavering voice from behind I glanced to my rear to locate source and there I found a man who had dragged himself from the feal filed liquid now lying next to his dead comrades damn they're [ __ ] dead yelling with his dying breath as blood leaked out of his open mouth Jesus Celia she's down here he managed to cro before falling silent and still sister carelia paid no attention nor made any effort to look back I turned my face forward and followed her example the walls of the conduit leading directly to the slle gate squared out into an ominous mouth of Darkness seemly waiting for its next unsuspecting meal sister carnelia gradually slowed her Pace to match mine as I had by this time become completely exhausted and out of breath looks like these guys are dead serious about getting their hands on that item this time she said as she focused her eyes on the darkness before us so with this men old friend of yours or something I quied sister Cornelia turned to face me with her darkened Scarlet eyes is that what you heard from those braces the other day she asked I nodded my head and questioned her no further with head slightly turned down I forced myself onward eyes fixed on the tips of my boots unexpectedly sister Cony opened her mouth and said do you remember what woman you had a running back with back at the end I nodded slightly the reason I gave up on my life as a mercenaries because I didn't want to meet a trag end like that she continued a life of no meaning forgotten by all I looked at my sister Cornelia and seeing a slight show of emotion in the side of her face heard her repeat the same line of words a few more times before finishing her thought if I'm going to cash my in my life's chips I think it's best that I fight for something worth fighting for at least that way I'd be able to leave a legacy of my existence behind taking her words I ran sly beside her as I felt a sense of nondescript apprehension slowly begin to creep over me during the short intervals between breaths it suddenly seemed as if I were hearing the faint sound of sashing water from behind which caused me to prick up my ears and turn my head in its direction so you notice it too huh Toby sister carnelia slowed her step until finally coming to a complete stop they blockaded us from behind so there's no turning back now she said the darness of her situation heavy in her voice we had arrived at an intersection where the conduit we were in in another cross paths and just beyond the wide FedEd flow of sewage water before us I could see the dimly lit slle gate I plac My Back Against The Damp bricks of the nearest wall and for a moment try to catch my breath they're probably waiting for us sister Cornelia sess stly after glaring across the flowing sewage of the merch channels and then turning her head to the rear and N narrowing her eyes again unfortunately this time we won't be able to circumvent them with a sound of composure revealing her utmost resolve SC tooken a few deep breaths breaths I laid hand on my orament gripping it in the Palm my sweaty hand and then wrapped the strap of my bag securely around my opposite waist and as always sister Cornelia checked her boots before standing upright then taking a few steps back and holding my breath I raced forward and darted into the stigi INF flow of water oh yeah looks like we're coming to a head here seems we have actually two more chapters left which is kind of weird that means we're going to end on an odd uh 11 chapters 11 you want ending on 11 chapters that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense it's been good though it's it's been very uh very captivating I've really been enjoying reading it all right now back to what we were supposed to be doing to granel City thankfully that we seem to have another route in there so I have to walk back the way I came ah yeah I see so it leads us back down here which then leads straight up to it this is going to be some big [ __ ] right this probably like the biggest city in the game this is supposed to be like the roal capital what music will we have [Music] very sophisticated sounding [Music] unsurprisingly I think we've heard this song before I feel like we have we like drunk wow this City's freaking huge D used to take me here a long time ago is it really this big well it is the biggest city in the Kingdom grle Castle's just past the main road that's where the queen lives there's also the the grandel cathedral the Grand Arena and all the embassies for the surrounding Nations huh you don't say should know a lot about this city you must have been here before right yeah when I was little my no matter how many times I see it this city still amazes me with its beauty purely in terms of scale I believe the Imperial and Republican capitals are larger but neither feels as elegant and refined as grel does it I'm glad to hear it it's nice to hear a foreigner complimenting your home country which reminds me what do you plan to do now Professor are you going to be okay with staying in a hotel I have something else in mind I T to go bug the folks at the history museum ooh cool grandaw is one of those they find ancient artifacts and put them on display there yes and I'll be staying there as a guest associate member you two should stop by to visit you get the chance H Museum are awfully formal for my taste if you do come by are you going to give us a bunch of lessons if that is your wish then I should certainly do my best just kidding though I do think checking that checking out all the exhibits would be fun now you'll excuse me bye it's just a happy happy gol lucky as ever what's this guest associate thing though is he a famous scholar or something yeah must like L now we should probably stop by of the local guild Branch before we do anything else not only do we need to change our Branch affiliation we can discuss there how to approach delivering the professor's message H yeah you're right thinking about it how are we going to get an audience with her majesty anyway there's no way there'll be a civilist just walking up to the castle and saying hi tournament absolutely tournament by way you guys did say there are actually some NPCs here that I definitely want to keep track of he got to find where the hell they are all your first time in the city City's SP into four districts or blocks here in the South block you find the bracing as as varet of shops North block has the Royal Hotel the biggest in the country just beyond it is the castle itself the West block has the grand the cathedral as well as the main offices of the LI over in the East block are all the embassies the Arenas and all General good stores for the city Jesus Christ well holy [ __ ] oh here we go oh I want to see so okay these two right here Ellie and Armand are apparently uh one group that is important so you said I want to see the inside of the castle I come all this way with my little honey poie we can't even get enter the castle okay so you two Ellie and Armand and then there's two others let's check out the orbital Factory we got here what crazy [ __ ] you guys got now free D [ __ ] get so expensive holy [ __ ] EP cut minus 50% on the on your EP cost but look how expensive this [ __ ] is 800 black and white and 1,000 yellow wooo yeah man the economy for these things have gotten super expensive it is not easy to get I think without without grinding probably got to find some more of those shiny palms or something to do that Battle Run nor requires a live train to wield thankfully I got that training baby maybe schneiders the Zack Schnider cut small lightweight daggers with double-edged tips Don't Mind If I Do holy [ __ ] this is getting expensive 20,000 for one of these here I thought I had a lot of money the fisherman's Guild it's too late to introduce a [ __ ] fishing Min game all right you're too late for the Final Chapter friends the fisherman's Guild oh wow is a guild for you guys what the [ __ ] where were you at the start of the game indeed there is there be giant fish in the waters around these parts we call them Guardian oh we call them Guardians they wriggle and they dive all through the waters of Leber it is our job n our sacred Duty find these elusive piscine Giants the best them in battle of lurs and reels and wits lrw for short so you guys like fishing then for me fishing's all right I guess you'll seem very um dedicated to your hobby we by traveling the wi the width and breadth of laber and snatching marine life from every corner of it we spread the joys of fishing hold and trusty seminars and sell our handmade gear we've begun lobbying the queen to create a fund to help protect our fishing locations wow you guys clearly are really into this like scary into it Trad for fishermen guys are actually pretty impressive would you like to join us it's a small examination but otherwise just a matter of adding your names our roster in permanent ink uh thanks really just so fun but we've kind of got things to do right now just things shame you have the eyes of Master Anglers I guess you could say I can see it in the angles of your redness you have a change of heart please come back anytime eager for new recruits please join us die crazy cult God G well go you wiers do I love fishing it's the [ __ ] bees knees [ __ ] our president Mr Fisher is a cosm professional and the rest of us would [ __ ] kill for that last name he's the one who found our organization presum our me for future fishermen we call him the fishing Baron we call him fishing Jesus welcome to the fisherman skill whoa hey what's wrong I know you too do you dude you look like too many other guys I'm sorry you're the bra I met at the lake and Bose right oh yeah you were the one who told us about the sky Bandits uh oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I remember right now so you do remember welcome welcome we're to the fisherman's Guild I think about it you did mention the fisherman's Guild when we spoke with you before this is our main headquarters come on in take a load off sit back relax enjoy the opulence of fish and brine it's a godamn beautiful day in the fishy neighborhood reasing valerious Guardians and biggest kinds of fish you've ever seen for round about 5 years now maybe we get a real fishy mini game in SC you know cuz come on they have a [ __ ] Fisherman's Guild how do they not have a [ __ ] miname to compy in next look is number 23 come on look at 23 factor or nothing but to me you're you're my everything 23 23 suck my dick uh where's the item shop I got to buy some got to buy a newspaper damn it I got a coffee house here [Music] [ __ ] Starbucks let's go give me your best Chef's Curry amazing through some sort of flavor osmosis you managed to piece out the recipe for Chef's Curry simply by tasting it why is that any surprise I've literally been doing that the entire game ah God D I love the smell of coffee dude I love it so much I love the taste of it too but God damn I love the smell of it that was one that was one job I actually really enjoyed I worked in this Cafe I worked over some really nice people too um it's probably one one of the food few food industry jobs i' actually like really enjoy to an extent and also just got to be around the amazing smell of freshly ground coffee oh God damn some good [ __ ] oh place for sale he a conversion to restaurant we we should buy it make our own restaurant Joshua no find a way to [ __ ] it up I would not to be the best restaurant ever no you're definitely going to [ __ ] it up all right you could barely cook meals anyway you talking about I am a freaking [ __ ] look how many things I can make now look at it look at all these things I can make all from eating one bite can you do that Joshua no I didn't think so you're not cool enough for all these mini games and non-existent fishing mini games you know what you're right I ain't got nothing damn straight you don't oh still got it still gets all the mini games yeah cuz I'm cool I'm cool like that get out of the way Birds wow big [ __ ] Church some guys and handcuffs being L around by a group of soldiers they came from the docks guys and handcuffs huh Sky Bandits maybe there's the north block whoa where the [ __ ] is this guy hey hey hey where you going come back whoa who six package man freaking huge they me delivery boy man go we Castle the Duke suddenly ordered me to take some time off Force vacation that make more sense to me the government that the government takes off all the queen as ill oh I think this might be them yeah here we go so these two Le if I had a girlfriend I might go to the tournament there's this beautiful girl comes by here all the time she's totally my type man I in the tournament not at all all I said is happens man happens in ants The World Keeps on churning okay so Ricky wants to get is interested in the tournament and Anton's interested in a girl it's let's check just ask St I simply die for oh my oh I'm like I had to see something I I literally I'm like did I just see what I thought I saw I was was like is it her it is her he for half a second turns around to look at her and then turns back and I almost like I almost it happened so fast that I like literally was like did I see that correctly so I literally waited until she cired all the way back around again and yep he turns to look at her so this purple air chick is who he's into ah what a subtle detail all right here's the department store Claire you're not Claire damn it imposter Claire I want your with Mommy you're nowhere near as fascinating and goofy as Claire the ultimate shipper oh also defensing his KO but one time it breaks afterwards interesting he where the [ __ ] do I uh got to buy myself a newspaper I come across just like a regular item store I thought i''d be in here maybe but it's not not really this department store sells like accessories and [ __ ] oh wait maybe did wait did I need to talk to oh here we go it was you you were in the top corner here I missed you there we are want take 800 copies conspiracy in the Royal City shock of royal guard arrest according to a statement issued by the Intelligence Division late last night the royal guard conspired to revolt within the Royal City oh oh and it's oh it's it's it's claiming that she did the Shocker occurred when the group was confronted by the intell Intelligence Division Special Operations unit which identified the unfolding plot following the incident the Army strategic operations headquarters called for an immediate standown of the royal guard it also appears that the incident the central factor is the work of the seditionist movement led by the former Royal Guard members evidence gathered from the attack seems to have been deciding factor in iding the corporates oh wow it's just like this whole like Insider political [ __ ] right we're such they literally they weren't right like no they're the they're the problem right they're the problem group but they're they're at like the highest level here x verse Lieutenant Julia Schwarz pictured above is currently on the run with a number of her fellow officers a warrant has been issued for their arrest uh herb Royal Villa on lockdown the division has set up headquarters in the herb Royal Village and is preparing for an attack by the Insurgent unit in the mean time entry into the area surrounding the Villa is strictly prohibited suspicion of the elite unit the addition plot and ATT on the F fentral Factory Her Majesty's most trusted Union has suddenly like a bol out of the blue been accused of some truly heinous crimes these shocking events have S ciens of the Royal City reeling in a state of bafflement yet there has still been no war from the Intelligence Division but the evidence of motive or motive Behind These incidents in the interest of public sentiment should not Swift steps be taken to demonstrate clearly the grounds for these claims a postponement of festivities a real official disclosed today that her majesty Queen Alicia appears to have fallen ill and is presently recuperating the Royal keep it is also noted that pr princess Claudia will be attending to the needs of her grandmother her Royal Highness for the time being The Honorable Duke dunan Von Alesis will be assuming all official duties in herstead is that the [ __ ] it's conceivable that there may still be postponement of the annual festivities of her royal if Her Majesty's recovery is unfavorable and the Royal City already taken back at the arrest of a of a unit within the Royal Army this is another piece of depressing news for all the peaceloving citizens our prayers go out to her majesty for a speedy recovery the martial arts competition is hosted by The Honorable Duke dunan bonesi is in place of her majesty and despite the uncertainty arising from recent events the preliminary rounds will begin as schedule owing to the Duke's strong inclination to have teams of four battle it out this year's format has CH was changed sudden modifications sent comp competitors scrambling an effort to assemble teams it appears however that one competitor a CTI of the Republic is elected to go it alone for the time being the solitary CH challenge will be able to make it through the preliminaries who would that be soone I know dude this City's [ __ ] huge oh I think this is what yeah this is the arena over here currently the arena we're holding a preliminary matches of the martial arts competition B your tickets tickets are set are to the right this is definitely be this is not an optional thing we're going to totally be doing this uh here's a little uh door into nothing cool the aronian embassy General General ply for him from passing Beyond this point official bely I'm afraid the r has been ounded by the Royal Army no civilians are allowed near it which one of the numerous airships if I come across as the ARA again God damn it trying to keep track of them all there's so we already seen so many of these ships oh is this the no this isn't the the Capa fames is it first Sky bass says terrorist there's some dark times brother new maintenance Chief well let me put it this you this way ever managed a maintenance team before no still be better at the job wish we were given a real man someone could actually depend on and Trust real man you know what this game really could use like badly is honestly a like a compendium of all of like of like the important plot points and characters and things cuz there's so many in this game it really like it would help me keep track of everything like a lot of time it's really funny like I I swear to God like you'll see that [ __ ] in games where that really don't [ __ ] need it like it's so easy to follow and for some reason they have like here's an important P like profile for every [ __ ] character and you're like this just so unnecessary dude this game [ __ ] needs it so badly for like major story places and things and ships and all this other stuff hell it' be even amazing if they had it for like all the NPCs you came across holy [ __ ] got to catch them all right and and it update every time you talk to them oh dude that I I would [ __ ] do it that would be my that would literally transform all talk to every NPC into my new cocaine tree my new Xenoblade cocaine tree oh God I love it so much yeah let me do that let me change people's [ __ ] affinities with each other and everything yeah give me the power I'm power of a God I control what their happens in their lives so what's going on here much obliged well but is my fair Professor Su I might see might see you here here today our next new uh exhibit Liber modernist wave is now opening to the public it's gripping I'm sure it is well yep I I was right this is place is unsurprisingly the biggest place in the game which I guess is fitting for it being the last place we're going to be going to right seemingly at least the calarian embassy is another embassy over here those who so okay cuz we have uh yeah so we got the Republic of calvard over down on the bottom right and then the aonian empire in the top left and then there's us smack dab in the middle of it it's funny I wonder how we compare in size to those other two I wish I could like zoom out but I actually kind of feel like we're probably smaller to be honest I think they I I bet they extend out way more than we do we're just like basically like we are we're like literally the the the [ __ ] Lynch p in here in the center of all this [ __ ] well the Bri we're all done with our business we'll be able to walk straight home from here pretty easily home's like in spitting distance now all right we made our Sul a full loop here let's go ahead and uh check in at the the bracer Guild I think that's a guy May Fortune smile upon you with everyone together I think we may just succeed oh it's Grant dude I haven't seen this guy in [ __ ] forever I think I've saw him like once now you got it if you're participating I expect nothing less than everything everything you've got what the there's so many PE what the who the hell are you right we can't let those garic Goose beat us now then we ought to get going soon guys participating in the tournament like teams of four here um pardon the intrusion well if it isn't Estella and Joshua oh Cara wow fancy meaning you here ah yes we meet once during met once during the whole sky band incident yeah that was [ __ ] ages ago Dude the you were the rookies the Sher with cherizard right one time to see what brings you all to grel I'll feel that one they have to they have to hurry us they'll be late oops you're right sorry to we'll talk later we got to be going see you later rookies pardon me ah must be so awesome to be a full-fledged bracer God damn it I better be one of those but in this game indeed they all look pretty tough but you were talking about something when we came in was that what what I what I think it was indeed so they're all leaving to participate in the big fighting tournament the martial arts competition W I want it sorry I'm a so bright currently at this ice Branch I'm Joshua Brite of the same affiliation I'm elen I'm with the grel branch Miss Kilika got in touch with me and informed me that you two would be coming soon can I get you to go ahead and change your affiliation now certainly son Joshua sign the assignment change forms excellent I bit you welcome to the gral branch of the bracer Guild personally I've been looking quite forward to your arrival you are the children of casus are you not uh yes suppose you know him oh yes I'm ever in his dead where is that [ __ ] is it true that he set out on a journey from which he has not yet returned yeah it's barely been a character in this game bro he hasn't been home in quite some time he did write us a letter but he failed to mention where he was what he was doing we traveled everywhere from Roland to Zeiss we've heard no news of his whereabouts which I suppose makes it unlikely that he's still in the country it's a Pity the Army's current counter terrorism activities made it difficult for us to do our jobs with a former Soldier like casus Among Us I'd hoped it might smooth things over it's something wrong well actually we know what's going on behind the scenes with all that all of that eh let's tell you everything that happened with the incident in I Papa Squad is going to take a while St Joshua explain what they learned from the L Fortress as well as press Professor Russell's request what what's wrong nothing just a lot to take in so Colonel Richard is actually in control of the royal Army and the counterterrorism is just a big fce put on by the Intelligence Division Special Forces it's a little difficult to believe but it's true talk with Kilik at the Zeiss branch and she'll confirm our story it's all right it's not that I don't believe you on the contr a few pieces of the puzzle have just fallen into places were however Colonel Richard is an extremely popular man in this city though it pays me to say so I've been sympathetic to him all this time the citizens would never dream that the colonel would could be involved in such any sort of conspiracy I figured as much the Intelligence Division has played everyone for fools The prer Guild cannot directly interfere with military matters but neither can we simply stand back and watch first of all did you accept the professor's request absolutely question is how do we get naud with their Majesty that is an issue ordinarily a guild letter alone would be enough to get you in what really oh no way no need to worry then Bazinga uh did you miss the part where you said normally Estelle still I really don't think it's going to be that simple hey hey no matter how you look at it the Royal Guards are supposed to be protecting the castle or being treated as terrorist do you understand what that means well I think it means that the gas security won't be as tight the queen is in danger the letter would just get crumpled up yeah probably the letter would get crumpled up that's the most likely outcome yes odds are that the colonel has as strong a hold on grel Castle as he did on L Fortress ah I guess so in other words there's no simple way we're going to get in touch with her majesty we could possibly sneak in like we did at least in Fortress but I doubt they'd be so foolish as to fall for that same trick twice H well in that case why don't we just try going like normal and see what happens if we play our cards right we might get some useful info out of the G the gatekeeper fine by me but just one piece of advice keep the fact that we want to see the queen to yourself if Colonel Richard gets wind of it he'll likely cause us no end of trouble oh okay and I believe it would be a good idea to keep this whole matter under wraps for the time being we must gather more Intel just so you know the Royal C Castle is just off the main street directly to the north go ahead and get what information you can but use the utmost caution you Bab Shon we'll let you know if we find anything oh and there's no request okay I have to worry about that okay and the NPCs have not updated [Music] so oh now this is a different song holy [ __ ] holy dumb [ __ ] look at the size of that thing hey the emblem on the door there isn't that like the the emblem for the game is that like the burls emblem or something wow that's gr C Castle very bougie it's gorgeous I guess it's really is for for a queen it's not just pretty it's also really sadly built for instance look at the main gate yeah I don't think getting through there would be an easy task which means I guess we'll have to talk to those soldiers there we'll steal your nerves let's give it a shot okay we're just country folk here on a vacation checking out the castle and we just thought we'd try catch a glipse for majesties as we're here does it sound okay to you you know you're disturbingly good at coming up with that kind of stuff not that doesn't come in handy but still I'll take that as a compliment okay now smile and act natural this is not going to work um hello there woo good afternoon welcome to Gro castle please need your business oh we're just getting here from Roland we're taking in the sights you might say we were wondering if there was any chance we might get a tour of the castle ah I get it I'm sorry but access to the castle is restricted to authorized personnel only Security's been tired what with the terrorism scares once the terrorists are caught turtles will be probably will probably open up again really dang there goes my dream of seeing the queen in real life well not necessarily she always addressed the people from her terrist during the birthday celebration you could see her then fair warning though her Mass hasn't been in the best of health these days I know if she'll be able to manage your traditional greeting huh her M's ill hey come on guys we've been literally hearing this from all the NPCs yes I it's because we're of the stress May from the shock of learning the Royal Guardsman were involved in a terror plot she hasn't been seen much lately but she's resting in her private quarters oh damn the Guardsmen how could they just turn tra like that never did did did like those damn leest jerks anyway but Lieutenant Schwarz was always so kind and considerate to everyone she even taught us Court etiquette and how to weel a sword just hard for me to picture someone like that is a terrorist of course it's hard she probably left because she felt responsible for a men's actions poor Lieutenant Schwartz you don't suppose these two had little crush on the liutenant do you yeah seems so God I love her so much why couldn't it have been me damn it why anyway the Castle's off limits sorry but you can't go inside well I guess that's that so tab B worried for Majesty is taken sick who's running on her daily affairs with with running the country that' be the Duke ah yes yes certainly a natural enough concern for now there's someone acting as her proxy on paper how's that work ah literally on paper I can't picture someone like him ever actually making any real government mental decisions hey watch what you say well admit I would have have thought that dude would fall to the princess and you tell me watch what I [Music] say what's that whoops speak of the devil the Duke yep it be him douchi mington back from the dead [ __ ] B I've never been so insulted the tournament should have already begun and I'm not there yep yep this guy is it's who I thought it was philli why didn't you wake me sooner this is all your fault I'm terribly sorry you're Grace but I was merely trying to look after your mental well-being and also mine for the last few days you've been in the banquet hall drinking and singing consuming in exclusively beer and donuts while reading your morning Comics guys such a child you that it should come to us no surprise that you overslept silence Phillip I'm not in the mood to listen to your chastisements as the Future King I can do whatever I want whenever I want by time is short come on we must hurry to the Grand Arena it didn't even look our way not that he probably remember us anyway uh by any chance was that we know don't even say it that was his grace the the Duke acting proxy for her majesty wow suddenly I fear for the entire country well don't worry too much he's a very reliable assistant and it's thanks to him that we have haven't had any major incidents lately D tell ha Colonel Richard of the royal Army Intelligence Division since the Duke is more of the Playboy sort the colonel handles all the government Affairs of course he does I knew it just pushing harder into the core of the Kingdom than I expected so try not to let this whole thing get you down gr's got plenty of other famous places you could check out yeah you're in the Royal City after all just go and at go at your own pace here you're right we will thanks Buckaroo thank you both for your [Music] kindness we're [ __ ] yep we're [ __ ] well that was informative I can't believe the Duke is supposed to be acting on behalf of the queen though yeah it's surprising that the queen or anyone would let him do anything the real power is probably in the hands of Colonel Richard what's more no one around him has any clue that he's the one pulling on the strings be able to control the flow of information must be an extremely useful tool you're not supposed to envy the enemy anyways looks like it looks like the Duke is going to that fighting tournament can we go too yeah you're nothing else we need to keep an eye on what he's up to that SS within uh which way was it to the Grand Arena I believe it's in the East block so back to the main road then East okay but we must also check make sure there's no updates to NPCs and quest uh they did not update and no new requests okay welcome to the Grand Arena would you like a ticket yes two please eliminat are in progress right now but the main event will last for 3 Days starting tomorrow for which day would you like your ticket uh actually we're hoping to catch the preliminary matches if we could oh all right then they're already more than halfway finished though will that be a problem nope no problem at all okay bad value but hey not my money I'll be a hot thousand mirror wow that's a lot I heard that there was some kind of discount for the birthday celebration I'm sorry sir this year has been some complications they have made it possible for us to offer discounts oh okay it's pretty sucky but what can you do let's see 900 950 thank you very much here are your tickets yes just the arena is directly to your left share your tickets to the gate okay here we go currently at the air Arena we're holding the preliminary matches of the martial arts competition I see your tickets thanks everything to be in order may enter at your discretion Ah hell yeah baby that's some tournament sound ass tournament music right [Music] there why is it always like the tourament music all like jrpgs always go so [ __ ] hard right it's always got a bunch of like trumpets it's always so like I don't know she get you hyped wow this room is gorgeous [ __ ] where do they get this carpet it matches my hair this is the entrance hall Audi CE her on the second floor apparently take a look you guys got any concessions stairwell either door to reach the audience seating uh okay [Music] okay looks like a tennis court down there oh wow look at all these people Joshua's just weird some of them look the same shh don't worry about it yeah some serious enthusiasm in the air every one of these NPCs is a unique one that has an entire story arc revolving around them all the localizers seeing all these NPCs in one place are just cringing like oh God God why no more juding by the number of Spectators must be a major event wonder how far the pelum rounds go thank you for your patience the seven seventh ground is now starting oh looks like they're starting up well could fire CS will place to sit [Music] down um Southside blue team border patrol second regiment team captain is second Lieutenant Sammy [Music] [Applause] place a [ __ ] [Music] dodgeball dodgeball huh that the matches were one-on-one guess it was a team outing could swore it was individual bouts only though uh North Side red team racer Guild the gr Branch team captain is C hey it's Carter's team wow we got there just in time to see them fight [Music] we who are about to die salute you this Begins the seventh preliminary match both teams go to your siging places they going pull out their guns and shoot them and they all die God be sword every time take your positions [Music] begin oh this is cool grab your popcorn guys I might want to speed this up a little bit oh these guys are super [ __ ] [Music] Ste he's buffing them up oh these guys are super [ __ ] soldiers about to eat [ __ ] dead caling as ocean waves holy [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] is she how many times she hit him she's [Applause] like KO oh Winer is CS team I'm not KO dude I'm [ __ ] bleeding out somebody to get a doctor no you're KO you're fine you'll be you'll be just fine you see a phoenix down or whatever we call it no no ST [ __ ] call a doctor somebody please wo W go yeah Jesus Christ is still right in my ear that was a good match soldiers move well but the braces are better at working as a team yeah can you can use their moves for teaching lessons wow I don't know what it is but watching martial arts at work really gets me all hyped up get be fired up boy I wish we had put off going to the castle I just see this from the beginning haha yeah I know how you feel the part of it being an adult is putting one's own feelings aside in favor of doing what needs to be demon done huh well I like not being an adult yet next up we have the eighth preliminary match first with the remaining competitors step forward Southside blue team team Raven Captain is Beldon oh my God it's the [ __ ] dork Squad from uh Ruan what what are those guys doing here oh yeah it's that group from the warehouse District in Ruan ah I see competition's over to the general public like Evo ah they STI got like sore thumbs they really don't deserve to be counted among professional soldiers and martial artist North Side red team from the neighboring calv Republic fairing alone is oh Zin is the guy that's out here fighting on his own Zin another familiar face eh small world oh he's about to [ __ ] these guys up get ready finding alone is going to be a real hard handicap for him no kidding maybe fighting a bunch of punks but they surround him he's in real trouble that guy's a tank a big ass boy am boy look you eat [Music] them sting this for boat spout solo with no team to stand at his side he fights at a considerable disadvantage but his prodigious skill will make his match a sight to behold we all ask in attendance to understand the arrangement so Begins the eighth preliminary match both teams go to your starting places soon is basically to grow in this [ __ ] match ready for this I'll use 20% of my full power power begin get him in oh you guys are so dead ah that tickles oh my God oh my God [Music] literal literal kameho Mayo wave I I didn't hear win quote KO winner his Zid holy [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] is this guy biotic or something [Applause] yeah again in my ear St ghost that's so impress [ __ ] with your big [ __ ] dick looks like I was worrying over nothing his build speed technique make him a real force to be reckoned with he's surprisingly fast for a big guy for anyone else though I'd say four on one is insane yeah seriously the car m match will Mark the end of the preliminaries eight teams will be competing in the no h holds B matches combination opens tomorrow and over three days the ultimate Champions will be decided I have a just same feeling we're going to be joining Zen that's how we're going to get in on this right since he was already just you're working alone now we'll hear some words from the tman V spaso Duke [Music] dunan my dear ladies and gentlemen I thank you for your efforts in today's fine matches I regret that government Affairs forced me to miss the first half of them but I was here for the second half and what I saw was an exciting and enjoyable display of technique and talent cry just says nothing oh my God this guy such a [ __ ] this guy's such a douche the distressing news of recent terrorist activities has had an unfortunate impact on Her Majesty's Health but I ask that you take heart she has usted her governmental duties to me dunan vesi and I will do all that I can to live up to your expectations exceedingly low expectations let us all remember the spirit and enthusiasm we feel during this competition and recall it in the days ahead I hope you all will enjoy tomorrow's no holds bar Battle Royale I'm uh not used to hear the Duke speak so decently to people you probably just memorize something written by the Intelligence Division staff oh yes the winner of the competition will not only receive a prize in mirror but will also get a special gift from me your grace are you certain that this is wise you be silent this is a fine opportunity to show my generosity this gift is to be a original invitation to a Royal Court dinner at grel Castle to be held in 3 days sadly Her Majesty's presence will be missed but it will be attended by celebrated persons of great Renown Arrangements have been made for only the finest Royal and Noble Cuisine to be served I trust that this will serve as incentive for those competing to excel in [Laughter] advance hey Joshua are you thinking what I'm thinking yeah I think there might miss something in that chili dog we ate aside from that yeah it would be ideal if carer got that invitation they win the championship they'll be allowed into the castle and all be above board that could give her the chance to get the me mage your majesty or were you thinking something else no that's it but I ha the idea of leing something someone else to deliver the professor's message begas can't be chers I guess i' have no objections so we try to catch them in their waiting room before they leave the arena sure let's see carum came out from the north K right right they're still here they'll probably that probably where we'll find them okay Cara hi everyone gr make it through the preliminaries hey it's the new kids damn oh hey guys yo you're here to watch the fights yes we had a chance to see yours that was a great match thanks I'm glad to hear you say that I don't get the sudden change to make into a team competition though yeah me neither it's weird but it's been okay okay so far all of our members are in one piece Master Zin must be worried though oh you know Zin too I don't know if I'd say that but I know the name he's a famous bracer in the Republic people call him zin the IM the immovable and apparently he came to labero specifically to be in this tournament then the promoters threw a wrench in the works and changed it from a single to team competition and I'm betting that that his grace is the one behind behind that idea either way master saw no choice but to rest as a oneman team ah okay ah du get a pain in the ass no matter where he goes ha no argument there still this is going to make it hard for him to really show what he can do no kidding it's too bad no one's around to fight beside him say Well maybe yeah oh damn you all think about dressing up Joshua like a princess again no that just me what what just happened y'all got the creepy serious luck we were just thinking what would you say to teaming up with Zin in the the later no holds Bard fights yep well I wait what teaming up with him is even allowed it's not his fault that the rules of competition were changed at the last minute if one of the core rules can be changed then I I think we've got some wiggle room there really are no other bracers available that we could ask sherz are's busy and we couldn't we haven't been able to contact agot similar story for everyone else really I don't think Cassie's even in the country or [ __ ] alive he those two joined up they probably accused of cheating on General principal huh our chances of beating that that team would be something of one 10,000 to one anyway we should focus on what's ahead rather than what ifs find Zin before the day's out if he agrees to let you join him you should still you should still have plenty of time to register okay oops listen to us go on hope to give this some serious thought for now we have to go byebye newbies we here something we see you in the ring see you in the ring what do you think Iselle I sure went from talking shop to something else entirely uh are you okay yeah yeah yeah that's it that's it that's what I've been [ __ ] talking about talking oh Almighty adios thank you so much for your bable favor I get to go in the arena and beat ass you're cracked think about it we could be in the martial artarts tournament or competition and we can help Zen in the process I me you check out that awesome castle and be part of the final Ultimate Super Duper attention Battle Royale we can kill three birds with one St Joshua that's MTH that's M Joshua are you listen josua I'm listening to you stop Shing me please you uh really wanted to do this that badly haven't even entered entered yet just made it into the final match we'll be nice to be able to handle the professor's request by ourselves though so we even made it through that is yeah I think it awesome be to win plus can't just leave Zen twisting in the win let's go find him and ask him to join his team would you happen have any idea of where he actually is don't confuse the issue with the facts you settle down for 2 seconds please let's go back to the guild and Report into El on he's also the one who's most likely to know where Zen is and we're back I see yes in requested the bracer send him some helping hands hadn't said anything to you guys since you were working on that request from the professor but thanks to the whim of his grace we can handle both tasks at once nice to see the sufficient work in our favor for once what do you think about participating in the martial arts competition well I think there's a in allowing a skill which is practiced to be used without restraint and with two bracers teams participating our chances of gaining access to the castle are doubled you needn't even get the others involved until and unless you lose personally I think it's a splendid idea woohoo That's my kind of encouragement so any clue where might F be able to find Zen more often than not he's in the bar down the street failing that he stays at the calar Republic Republic's Embassy gotcha makes sense this where he comes from the embassy is in the same block as the arena we stick our heads in the door at the bar along the way okay oh by the way where the two of you planning to stay while you're here well we could stay in a hotel if they're not mistaken the northern block holds the largest hotel in the entire kingdom yes the hotel Rowan bond by may allow us to cover the cost of your room the cranel branch can afford it who really that's too much honestly couldn't possibly I could consider a necessary expense in the course of completing the professor's request I wish I could provide more n just the rooms good by me very well then accept your offer I'll book your room then just give me your name at the front desk this evening and someone will help you cool still no request interesting really main story focused here all right guys I think this is probably a good spot to end things here for now of course all right there's no way we're going to there's going to be tournament and then we're not going to participate all right that would been a real [ __ ] uh subversion there if they did that but come on that Al be hella boring we're just sitting there watching s in the a watching people not in there beating people up ourselves come on that ain't no fun got let me hit people with my big stick uh but anyway guys I hope you all enjoy this episode if you did please leave a like and favorite And subscribe if you're already become a piggy penguino thep where the days are always sunny and the vids are always funny and as always guys till next time Stay classy

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