Category: Sports
Tennessee takes on north carolina state joe yesterday and look man this was an outright beating and i gotta say this about tennessee a lot of we talked about this in the offseason about tennessee that i think people don't realize everybody looks at josh hyp and says man they're flashy offense very flashy... Read more
Category: Sports
All right man one of the games i was looking forward to this weekend tennessee nc state both teams one and0 we got number 14 versus number 24 the dukes mayo classic let's go man i thought tennessee's offense looked very impressive last week thought nico looked very good see what he looks like tonight... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] hey what is up everybody another football season upon us and that means the return of trail tidbits trail tidbits is a tennessee football recruiting mini podcast here at i'm your host eric kane but the expert the guy you are here to listen to he is matt ray matt football season... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] happy game day everybody welcome into game quest it is of all game day podcast i'm eric kane alongside grant ramy hope you guys are enjoying your and we're going to release this friday night so the end of your friday maybe you're listening to this on the way to the stadium saturday... Read more
Category: Sports
Is med availability with ar carter please raise your hand and we'll get money aron a lot of the videos we've seen that ut puts out and practice and hype and things like that you're being really vocal and you're getting guys you know energized things like that is that something that's natural for you... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Well hello folks out there on youtube land got a big show lined up for we let's get right on into it all right folks here we go again carani mlan problems problems problems again and also the tennessee vs have jumped in the recruiting rankings they picked up a big- time wide receiver we're going to... Read more
Category: Sports
Nico this was one of your first big true tests he's too nice he wants to say hello to everyone this was one of your first big test how do you feel like you passed so far tonight play a little slobby um in the beginning uh i thought we did a good job on uh finishing strong in the second half though the... Read more
Category: Sports
Roster is starting to be formed right how close are we to a roster grant ramy what's your starting five you got that figured out yet well teny still got three open roster spots i believe after eigor michic the the 610 charlotte forward committed monday morning they added felix oara on what day was that... Read more
Category: Sports
Good afternoon everybody um excited talking season's over and uh we get to go play ball so looking forward to uh to seeing all of our fans uh inside the stadium uh it's been a long time uh unique kickoff time for us look forward to seeing everybody at ball walk at at 10:30 um you guys know this week... Read more
Category: Sports
And they they florida these guys are good that's why i think they' pull the trigger pretty quickly on getting rid of [laughter] billy the ds radio it doesn't a loser situation my dad need cosmo i'll you're and a half [music] million well that's a first it's really not Read more
Category: Sports
Brew mccoy niik yamaya and dante thoron jr so if you have a question please raise your hand i will call on you we'll start with austin and then we'll go to noah nico just kind of assess you know your first start here at nan and then uh you know what it was like to connect with brew in the game yeah... Read more
Category: Sports
Well it's time now for the playbook presented by modello and maddie last year was the year of the quarterback but let's not pretend that there aren't talented quarterbacks going into this year right we start in knoxville with a youngster taking over the reigns and nico iam malava it's going to take... Read more