Authority over Demons, Sickness, Disease - 35 Reasons Healing is God's Will - Warren Hunter

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:30:56 Category: Entertainment

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e welcome everybody healing is God's will healing is God's will this is episode 22 we're still covering different reasons why healing is God's will this has actually been getting really excited getting stronger and stronger and stronger I really encourage you to go back to all uh how going I say the other reasons why healing is God's will uh We've covered about 22 lessons on this so to me I love that amen I love that Hallelujah I love that amen so what we want to do is make sure you tell people about this share this man invite people to join us amen these lessons have been absolutely powerful on healing is God's will amen and so thank you Jesus amen remember episode if you're watching listening by a sper this will be episode 22 on sper we're going to cover a whole lot more uh reasons and Revelations on why healing uh is God's will amen and the Perfection of healing and so I want you to get this today I want to talk about authority over demons sickness and disease we know that Believers in Christ have been empowered with Divine Authority exercise power so why are we empowered because healing is God's will God wouldn't take his time to empower you to have authority over sickness demons disease if it wasn't his will amen I would say there isn't a miracle that cannot be unlocked if you gain the wisdom of God and the mind of God concerning certain things and understand healing is absolutely God's will everything begins to change I want you to go with me to Luke Chapter n Luke chapter 9 and verses 1 and two amen Luke Chapter 99 verses 1 and two and we're going to look up some verses on what happened yeah these are like just this is so powerful amen Luke chapter 9 he G he called the 12 together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to heal disease wow he called the 12 together now why waste time giving people power and authority amen and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing why send people out to proclaim the kingdom of God God's ways of doing things Heaven on Earth amen the manifestation of God's Eternal Timeless Immortal Everlasting realities amen uh this Kingdom realm amen and perform healings if it wasn't God's will no In this passage Jesus explicitly grants his disciples authority over demons and power to heal disease so this Authority is not limited to the original 12 disciples but extends to all believers as evidence by the broader scope of scripture will begin to see that so this is very important other thing I want to talk about is here if you go back to verse one I want you to see the idea of power and authority power power you can have power I can have a huge bulldozer and I can have a huge tanker full of gas and I can have a whole power station but if I don't have the authority or uh someone could have a bulldozer amen available but if they're not given a permit or authority by the city to plow a certain area or maybe excavate uh or don't get a city's approval or the Authority's approval nothing can be done so power is a potential in the waiting and it's very powerful but Authority is dealing with delegated um Authority amen and so what happens is you need both power and authority you need to know the power you have amen and then you need to know the authority given to you amen over all or notice not just some demons all demons so Authority is be with you over all demons look at Luke Luke chap 10 amen and vers 17-9 Luke 10: 17-19 I love these verses because here we're going to see how healing is always God's Will and everything the 70 return with joy so now we see not only the 12 sent out but now we see the 70 sent out so we see another reason why healings God's will right here he sent they returned with Joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name in your name look at Verse 18 and look what happens here in verse 18 Luke 10:18 so he's going to keep going and he said to him I was watching Satan fall from Heaven like lightning now keep in mind don't take this out of context here this watching means Jesus is looking from a distance and he's seeing satanic strongholds being uh dethroned amen being dethroned as they're doing what he gave them Authority and power to cast out Devils remember right a little while before this he was talking them about whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven so I saw Satan fall from Heaven now he's talking about this in relationship to the fact that he sent the 70 out to cast out demons to bind satanic principles and Satan was falling Satan F fall from Heaven light lightning that means sending the seven hour was creating arus look at verse uh look at the next ver verse 19 and behold I have given you Authority given you Authority so it's still in context the context is related to the 70 so be very careful not to take the verse 18 out of its context and connect it to somewhere else in the Bible with another kind of Doctrine don't take it out of context please I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions over all the power of the enemy nothing will injure you amen you have the authority he's seeing them being dethrown he's seeing them I have given you Authority why would Jesus do this if it wasn't for God's will remember now when we talk about acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth the Holy Spirit and power went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil so we're dealing with the oppression of the devil we're dealing with the devil's works we dealing with how the devil bring you talk about any I I I've looked at people before and said you fail spirit Spirit demonic Spirit of epileptic seizure I command you to come out in the name of Jesus Christ I've watched them fall on the ground convulsed for the last time and never have an epileptic seizure ever again I've watched people with the spirit of cancer you fail Spirit of cancer I Cur you to your roots I command you to come out in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I've watched them fall convulse I've watched instant cancer tumors dissolve before my eyes prayed for a lady and instantly the entire cancer tumor and neck just disappeared in one second very easy to cast out Devils that's why we know healing is God's will so the Great Commission is given by Jesus clearly outlines casting out demons Healing The Sick are signs that follow those who believe look at Mark 16: 15-18 Mark 16 15-8 we begin to see this commission given to the disciples and then we can begin to see certain things uh taking place I love this because it's so powerful amen Mark chapter 16 vers 15 get these verses in your spirit he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation verse 16 preach the gospel to all creation these signs and he who believes he who believes you got to believe and has been baptized shall be saved but Israel shall be condemned amen so mark 16:1 17 amen these signs will accompany those who have believed amen these signs will accompany those who have belief so you got to believe God believes it God wants it to happen so it looks like the only thing that is restricting that is any kind of restriction on the will of God to cast out devils and heal sick is your own disbelief you're limiting God's will to heal you say well is it God limiting God's deciding whether to heal somebody or not no no it's you your own doubt and unbelief and reasoning is what short circuits the power of God flowing into other people's lives through you because it's God's will these signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak with new tongues look at Verse 18 in my name they will cast out demons so why why give them the name if it's if it's not God's will to cast out demons it's ready verse 18 so we at Verse 18 amen and look what he says they will pick up serpents if they drink anything deadly poison it will not hurt them they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover amen so it shows you that nothing's going to happen when you are in God it shows you something about the will of God so there's absolute authority over sickness and disease look at Matthew 10 verses 1 now when we talk about the name of Jesus and yet we see also authority over sickness disas disas Demons by us coming into agreement with the name of Jesus one could almost Say the Name of Jesus in the name of Jesus is the will of God to heal the sick you never could say in the name of Jesus be healed and the name of Jesus doesn't want you healed or the name of Jesus doesn't have authority in connection to that Authority amen the the the person backing that Authority Amen to heal the sick it is there uh ready Matthew 10: 1 amen I'm going to look at this one in EMP Amplified I want you to see this in the Amplified Bible but here we see authority over sickness and disease in the name of Jesus Amen Matthew 10:1 Jesus summoned his 12 disciples and gave them Authority and Power Authority power and authority over unclean spirits he gave them why waste your time giving people Authority and power of unclean spirits to drive them out and to cure some kinds of dis disase no it says all kinds of disease and all kinds of weaknesses and infirmity did he say only some did he say partial did he say all both these things we've talked about this before all kinds all kinds all kinds power and authority of to drive them out so he gave them why give someone do if it's not your will to heal someone no I give someone Authority when it is my will I delegate I disciple I give his 12 disciples now the 12 disciples are gotting power there disciples that they train in the row in the day of Pentecost power is going to come and it's going to give the disciples power to impart power to their disciples amen so that they can cast out Devils heal the sick and raise the dead this is so powerful so in the name of Jesus greater than sickness in the name of him who conquered sin sickness and Satan I command every disease to leave your body every work of satanic every work work of Oppression every work of demonic power to leave your body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ behold now look at Mark chapter 16 verse1 17 and 18 Again in the Amplified I want to look at this in the Amplified one more time because I want you to see once again it says and these attesting signs will accompany those who believe in my name they will drive out demons in my name they will drive out demons see the power yeah look at the delegated authority in my name look at the delegated authority so we have the power a power and we have the delegated authority in his name uh you know it's like I come to you or the way you see this a lot of times is someone say and Mom said or dad said sometimes you can say come and eat come and eat come and eat you'll tell your child before I mean it's time to come and eat time to come eat and then sometimes the child doesn't rest until one of the other kids go to the child and say hey uh dad and mom said you need to come now then suddenly the kid gets up and com because now the kid is not trying to encourage his brother and sister to just come and eat it's coming now in the name of its parents in name of delegated authority so in my name they will drive out demons they will speak in a new language I'm just trying to show you this in verse 18 again and and nothing will harm them amen go with me to Matthew 28:8 Matthew 28:18 I want you to see how in the name of Jesus we drive out demons demons now you have absolute authority Jesus commanded the demons to be still and they were shut up there are many times that I've had demonic manifestations in meetings and I just tell the demon shut up or be quiet and instantly their mouth is shut and the demons do not speak you don't have to allow them to speak you have authority over them Matthew 28:18 Jesus came and spoke them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on Earth amen all authority has been given to me in heaven and on Earth we're at Matthew 28:18 Jesus approached and breaking the silence said to him all authority all power of rule in Heaven and Earth has been given to me look at verse 19 given to me I love this this is so powerful I want to add verse 19 to this it's not J in my notes but I want to add it just so you can see something the next next verse amen Matthew 28 go then and make disciples Matthew 28: 19 go then and make disciples amen hallelujah thank you Father so he's saying go because all authority is given to me I give it to you Jesus holds all authority and he commissions Believers to operate in his authority on Earth you must understand that Luke 9: 1 amen we've Ted talked about this but he told the 12 he gave them power and authority amen over all demons Luke 4: 18 I want you to see Luke 4:8 CU we're just talking yet about any his name but the authority here but I want you to see Luke 4:18 as well the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me the Messiah to preach the good news the gospel of the poor he has sent me to announce release to the captives release to the captives recover of sight to the blind send forth as delivered those who are oppressed deliver those who are oppressed who are downrod bruised crushed broken down by Calamity sometimes I've seen some people where there's been like how can I say a certain wound or certain Calamity from the past it could be a root of bitterness a root of Brokenness a root of being violated maybe raped abused taking advantage of it but this deep in seated root who's with me of this hurt and pain it's almost like damage happened and the bruise has never recovered and what happened was the devil knows who is down Tron bruised he knows how to keep pounding who's with me on top of a bruise keep crushing keep bringing Calamity and at this point sometimes it could be grief sometimes a pain a sorrow from the past many times I have to look in people's eyes because the Bible says whom the sun sets free is free indeed and so what happens is in the same way we've given author to set people free in the name of Jesus Christ so many times by the spirit of God by the power that you have and by the delegated authority I will look straight in that person's eyes I'll say I set you free I set you free from that grief that unforgiveness the resentment the bitterness the anger and aity jealousy Strife whatever is fueling and giving food to the sickness and disease I set you free in the mighty name of Jesus Christ so be free be free of that be free no you don't have to go there anymore you step into the future and total healing that God has for you free from all that oppression free from all that depression free from that anxiety and worry and step into the total Liberty and freedom in Christ that's what we want for you to be absolutely free amen look at Luke chap 10 verse 19 uh Jesus again is speaking about this Authority but look what he says in Luke 10:19 especially in the Amplified he says behold I've given you Authority and Power To Tread upon serpents scorpions I love this uh uh physical mental strength ability over the power that is the enemy possesses and nothing but eny har look at this again behold I given you Authority and Power To Tread upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power of the enemy possesses and nothing in in any way will harm you oh in the mighty name of Jesus sickness is is a power of the devil and we as Believers have authority amen Authority sickness you have no right to dominate me get out of my body in the name of Jesus Christ you need to get that sickness you have no right to dominate me Jesus the Healer lives in me I'm full of the glory of God full of the power of God sickness and disease are under the believer's feet because they are seated with Christ above all the powers of the enemy Ephesians 2:6 we are seated with him in Ephesians 2:6 every work of the devil is under your feet you've been given Authority and power to turn upon serpents scorpions man and I talk a whole lot about this even when teaching for example on absolute Dominion uh when I'm teaching on um under your feet talking about immortality explaining our absolute Rule and Reign powerful things look at John chapter 14 uh 12 through 14 in Amplified again this is like Amplified classic that I have this in but it's still good I assure you look at this John 14:1 12-14 so we're talking about r no healing is God's will because we have absolute authority over sickness disease and the demons this Authority has been delegated so we know if it's delegated it's God's will why would God delegate something that is not his will so John 14: 12 in the amplifi says I assure you most Solly may I tell you if anyone amen if anyone Hallelujah if anyone steadfastly Believes In Me He himself will be able to do things that I do and he will do even greater things than these because I go to the father you really got to see this because what you have to do is you have to put yourself in these verses I talk about this in a series called work in the works I talk about this in a manual called wisdom for signs and wers John 141 12-14 I do not um John 14 chap John 14: 12-4 in the amplifier but I want you to make sure I assured you most Solly I tell you if anyone steadfastly Believes In Me he believes in me I Believe In You Lord I Believe In You Lord he himself will be able to do the things that I do huh and he will do even greater wow greater greater things than these because I go to the father verse 13 and you've got to see this you've got to be I will do myself I will do look at this I will do I will not maybe I will do myself will grant whatever you ask in my name as presenting all that I am so that the father may be glorified extolled in through the sun look at verse 14 oh I love this stuff amen I love this stuff verse 14 amen yes I will grant I myself will do for you whatever you shall ask in my name as presenting all that I am what a powerful statement so in the name of Jesus Takes such a powerful Place Jesus is the resurrected healing Lord in the name of Jesus you you got to set I command disease to leave my body my body is healed in Jesus name in and through his name through faith in his name gives me perfect soundness gives me perfect soundness acts 3:16 good verse to remember as well acts 3:16 in and through his name gives me perfect sound perfect soundness acts 3:16 amen this is so powerful we must understand this I want you to go with me to Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 21 and 22 and Amplified Ephesians chapter 1 amen oh thank you Jesus Ephesians chapter 1 verse 21 and 22 so we're talking about Authority why we've been delegated authority amen look at Ephesians 1:21 for above all Rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named above every title that can be conferred not only in this age and in this world but also in the age and the world which are to come look at verse 22 far above I love that I love that far above and he has put all things all things no notice he didn't say some things all things under his feet and he's appointed him as the universal and supreme head of the church a headship exercise through the church did he say through the original 12 disciples through the 70 or did it say through the entire Ecclesia through the entire Ecclesia this is Ecclesia this is the body multiplied continually so you can see once again that scripture confirms that Jesus Supreme head over all authority and his body Believers share in his authority so we know God's will is to heal because why would God share his authority with his body if it wasn't his will to heal all that's why we know healing is God's will because he shares his authority with his Ecclesia we see it very carefully in Ephesians 1:22 so you got to confess this you got to make this become real lord Jesus has given me authority over my enemy and authority over every kinds of sickness and every kind of disease I accept that Authority in me through me I operate in my god-given authority I resist every work of the devil every work of the enemy in my life in the name of Jesus Christ I'm completely authorized to eradicate every work of the devil in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I'm completely authorized and who's empowered to eradicate every work of Satan you declare it decree it believe it that you have authority go back you say what are you saying I I say a whole lot really fast but go back through every one of these verses you'll see clearly because of delegated authority given to you you have the right to administer this healing power this healing Authority rivers of healing authority over every demonic power do you know there are times that you just build yourself up not just times I know this I've seen this happen when I've been in times where I've fasted and prayed and just been building myself up among Most Holy Faith praying in the spirit that I will walk into meetings and when I'm walking I'll just open my eyes and look at people and I'll see when the people look at me I've seen demons respond to the power of the holy spirit inside me immediately convulse fall to the ground have Deliverance sometimes without us saying one word one word just looking into another person's eyes I've seen thousands in the last 38 years convulse Shake fall to the ground and have absolute healing and deliverance without even saying a word it's just the Demonic spirit inside them that is oppressing them and doing them damage recognizes the greater power recognizes the spirit of God in you amen recognizes the the holy spirit inside you and knows that that Holy Spirit remember the demons were afraid of Jesus oh Lord have you come to torment us before the time they were so scared and They begged and asked Jesus for permission to be sent into the pigs have mercy on us please send us into the pigs send us into the pigs they wanted some other living form to live in well you know Jesus said come out he cast The Demon out the demons 6,000 of them went into the pigs and the pigs ran over a cliff into the ocean amen they were looking for a living body but they came out of the body and they were begging Jesus Lord please give us permission notice the demons needed permission Jesus had so much Authority and power over the Demonic uh Realms that the demons couldn't do nothing who's with me unless they got permission from Jesus They begged him please please Lord if you cast us out please send us into the pigs give us permission to go in the pigs they couldn't go anywhere they could Jesus could done whatever he wanted to do he had absolute authority over the Demonic realm and so he's imparted that authority to you as a Believer as a born again child of God full of the power of the Holy Spirit you have been empowered to cast out Devils heal the sick and raise the dead and be given Authority and because of the authority we have over sickness disease and demons in the name of Jesus Amen we know that healing through that is God's will very clearly seen amen and father I just thank for every person watching listening right now maybe you're watching I take authority right now every demonic Spirit trying to oppress you every work of the devil wherever the pain is put your hand in your body agree with me I command every Spirit of Oppression every demonic work of the enemy every spirit of fear anxiety worry every Spirit of grief go I set you free right now in the mighty name of Jesus I command total healing over your body I speak life over you I speak healing over you I pray 1 Thessalonians 5:23 I pray your whole Spirit soul and body will be preserved blameless under the coming day of the Lord so I command total healing over you in the name of Jesus Christ by Stripes you are healed I declare Redemptive Realties the same power that raised Christ from the dead is living and moving in you I declare that your life is hidden with Christ in God you are complete in the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit you are in him his resurrection pow is in you you Jesus the healer is in you every demonic Force I take authority over you right now every Spirit of cancer I curse you to your roots every problem every Spirit of Lema diabetes every demon your spirit of epileptic seizures I command you to go every demonic oppression of mental oppression anxiety every every demonic form Spirit of every unclean spirits unclean spirits we've been given authority of unclean what is an unclean Spirit homosexuality lesbianism um uh all this uh gender confusion demonic spirits I command you to leave in the mighty name of Jesus you Spirit of homosexuality you Spirit of lesbianism I command you to leave them right now in the name of Jesus I set them free from every false demonic thought and false influences coming against them in the mighty name of Jesus I command total healing to come to you now because we have authority over demons in the name of Jesus I command every demonic influence to leave you right now in the name of Jesus Hallelujah wow that was great this morning anyhow we love you we bless you thank you for joining us today and watching make sure you connect with us partner with us with all the Crusades we have coming down the road Crusades in South America Crusades in the islands Crusades around the world Amen we're heading right now to the getting ready to go to the Fiji islands to do two uh Crusades there a minister conference and prayer conference there then to Bolivia then we're working on crusades right now in Kenya and Uganda and Ghana and all over the world right now we're talking to different people about Crusades I was on the phone just with someone yesterday talking about a crusade in another country amen uh so we want to ask you to join us join us uh right now and you know these Crusades take massive resources so I want to encourage you if you can s $1,000 or 2,000 or 5,000 or1 ,000 whatever you can s sew uh to these Crusades you'll see vinmo zel partner with us and we declare and command the blessings of God upon you we know that your seed will come as a memorial before God I declare that God will supernaturally answer your seed in the mighty name of Jesus because we know when we give it will be given on us press down shaken together and running over and we thank God that you're becoming partners and partakers of the grace of God in our life and I speak div Supernatural blessings over you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we love you we bless you amen amen

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