Alan Picasso Romero vs Azat Hovhannisyan FULLFIGHT

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:39:41 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] aan David Reay Pico four in Mexico City Round One scheduled for 12 [Applause] here the chance of Picasso in his hometown of Mexico City as Picasso looks for some space and range to work from you know where crazy a gets most of his work done on on the inside applying that steady tight compact pressure as is the case with many volume punchers pressure Fighters hovan can start slow at times but getting some good work done to the body there a moment ago yeah both of them are going to the body early in this fight [Music] definitely feel out round but they're touching each other combination there from Picasso the right hand wrapping around the guard of hovan as he looks for an uppercut through the middle if this is an indication to what come what's going to come then we're going to see a tough fight cuz you're not seeing much head movement you're just seeing you know I'm going to go I'm a cover up and then you go and I'll cover up so they're letting their hands fly encouraging start here for hovan who's taken what he's been given here which is those shots to the body just placing the right hands to the midsection of Picasso numerous times here in the opening round going back to that same combination just kind of posting with that lead hand placing the right hand downstairs now climbing the ladder and Landing a terrific left hook upstairs not hesitant at all in terms of letting his hands go in the early going but you have to like what you're seeing from crazy a here in the opening round I love it I I think um he landed he probably landed the most the most uh the eye catching shots I think the most effective right hand in his round two underway Alan Picasso and aad hovan [Music] round fight here that could determine which fighter will get a big opportunity in the 122lb weight glass as Picasso lands a nice uppercut a moment ago and that backs overan up and now Picasso rips an uppercut through the Middle with Hova trying to work off the ropes maybe HOV tried to slow down the action a little bit with a little low blow give me a second here Picasso has been surrounded by some of the the brightest Minds in Mexican boxing at various stages in his career mentorship from Eric Morales proximity then to haime mongia during that time and then all the time that he spent in the Alfredo cabayo Camp alongside Juan Francisco Estrada and G burel Picasso has learned from the best as comes charging ahead with some nice left hooks there a moment ago and again bring that right hand to the body back comes Picasso letting those uppercuts go I'll be surprised if this fight goes to distance these guys are really digging in this these shots right hand over the top there for Picasso prior to the Luis ner fight hovan had only been on the canvas once that at the hands of Walter Sal Santan excuse me took a murderous puncher like Luis ner to finally truly crack him I think HOV is such an experienced smart fighter you know obviously you're fighting a younger guy who's faster than you sometimes he counters a little bit faster but he's just going to that body investing in that body with some really hard shots it says I'm going to slow this young guy down or at least attempt to and that's really the proposition that hovan poses to his opponents it's basically I can take these shots for 12 rounds can you can you take my pace and those B shots because I'm gambling that I could take what you're Landing up top and that's worked many many times throughout his career It ultimately didn't against Luis ner but it was looking very close to working even against a fighter as great as ner [Applause] absolutely Venicia trying to come over the top of the left hand three begins as Alan Picasso is rated number one by the WBC at 122 lbs takes on aat henan the through line of course that the divisional Champion is now in way that's who Picasso is chasing and isan hovan a former sparring partner of inaway as he backs Picasso up with a nice body shot and then it's chopping right hand over the top gaso getting the crowd excited with some of this head movement as they're appreciating his defensive acuum [Applause] in as Hova continues to bring the pressure I think he's more effective from the right-handed stance I see every once in a while he switches to Southpaw I think the hardest shots is when he's [Applause] Orthodox he's going he's going to hold a little bit and and hit he's making this a dirty rough fight try to slow the young man down a step back counter there from Picasso a moment ago you can see every once in a while Julio Cesar Chavez senior who's on commentary on TV azka pantomiming and giving advice to Alan Picasso in the middle of the fight while he's calling the fight right I I wonder if you're Picasso you got to be seeing that right oh 100% you think he's a little biased I'm not going to accuse Elion of anything nice step back counter again employing some of what Chavez was showing him a moment ago coming up through the middle that's an encouraging sign for Picasso we mentioned how tight and compact hovan could be and typically can be a little bit difficult to hit with uppercuts basso is finding a route for those right now and and and at that time Picasso was in the Southpaw stance and like I said I I just like him better when he's tight High guard right right-handed stance goo showing some different defensive looks there nice quick combination there from hovan though and a right hand from Picasso in the left hook right round four begins you heard the final instructions in the corner of aad hovish Don't Waste Your punches and that's something that hovan has talked about in terms of the evolution of his style over the last several years he said I don't have to go in there and be a war horse all the time that certainly fits my personality and my style I want to go 100% And bulldo guys over but it's not necessarily in my best interest all the time no but you also can't get outworked by the younger guy who's you know he's stolen hard shots as well to the body and up top that's Honan being worned for a shot straying low I I think they're both you know occasionally land in low blows maybe not on purpose but they go they go into the body so much occasionally you're going to go you're going to straight [Applause] Lowa really liking that left hook to the body left uppercut combo again very impressive that he's been able to break through the guard of hovan in doing that as hovan goes around the guard of Picasso with a slapping right hand right I like the way he steps in kind of fakes going to the body and then goes up top with that left hand and it landed it's a nice one two1 from HOV a moment ago prior to turning pro ovan had over 300 amateur fights quick counter on the inside from hovan he goes back downstairs to the body going back to the amateur pedigree of hovanesian obviously his reputation is that as a pure action fighter but there's obviously some nuance to his work as well there's that counter left hook from hovan again as faso's daing to the body he's countering up top [Applause] they're definitely taking turns and and Landing shots and throwing shots trading heavy combinations for big portions of this round nice counter shot there from Picasso with the right hand round five begins of a fight that is living up to the billing thus far between Alan Picasso and aat hovan everyone expected action and we are getting it a true litus test for Alan Picasso here tonight there were certainly safer less dangerous options for him out there but he chose to take on crazy a here tonight see he's getting exactly the kind of fight that he asked for I don't understand why he switch you know why HOV switches South ball cuz this is what happens I want to see what he does from this BL blow that shot straight low and that is following an existing warning so we'll see if potentially a point is taken away here from HOV venan could already have an important moment in this [Applause] fight oh and there it is wow point taken away from hovan for the low blow let's see how um let's see how H responds from this like is he going to shy away from body shots or what well that a massive boost for Alan Picasso especially in a fight like this that's full of these kind of you go than I go type rounds both Fighters Landing big stuff right after that hav went straight to the body with a right right hand yeah I don't think that hovan is going to be deterred from going to the body but it certainly is something to keep in mind not just the point deduction but what would happen if those low blows continued to come in he he just warned them again and I just think both of those punches were legal you know and they weren't low you don't see the belly button of Picasso and and if you're you're hitting that the top of the shorts that's not it's double left hand there from Picasso a moment ago good check Hook by hav yeah havisha comes back with a better one looking for the combination that his Corner was asking for between rounds they want that sweeping right hand and then the jab down the middle so a 2-1 but with a little more Arc to the right hand as henan briefly losing concentration entirely to try and fire up the crowd where's Cy box when you need him cuz who's winning this fight this is they are literally trading shots every time you call out a shot from Picasso hovan comes back with with the same shot or maybe something better I don't know or something different o venan trying to incite the crowd that's already chanting Picasso here in Mexico City switches back to softball and that's usually when Picasso lets his hands [Applause] go so this being a fight governed by the WBC we do have scoring here tonight you just heard Jimmy lennin Jr announcing that Alan Picasso is presently ahead on the scorecards or was after four rounds and as we've talked about over the years that can change how the fight is fought now hovan is certain that he's behind on the scorecards and we'll have to make adjustments accordingly as Picasso lands a beautiful right hand over the top yeah I'm not a fan of open scoring but but I do see it can help over right at this particular juncture rela relax rela trading Jabs in the center of the ring as Picasso rips a nice left hook to the body no no nice combination on the inside there from hovan the right hand and a quick left hook that just splits the guard of Picasso and the Mexico City crowd is all over hovish for anything they deem as an impropriety especially after getting penalized for hitting low even been holding on to Picasso for a moment is going to produce a chorus of booze you know besides that deduction that point deduction I can't say how you could just definitively say that Picasso is winning this fight is literally back and forth but at least hin knows that he has to step on the gas well In fairness there can be back and forth fights that are very close where one fighter is edging each and every round it's possible for a fight to be razor thin and for a fighter to win 12 to nothing also you know not saying that's how the scorecards should necessarily look right now but it it can go that way I agree I agree you're absolutely right a very good C ban there the left hand nice left hook to the body there for Picasso a moment ago oh nice left hand there from hovan and an even better one up top nice little rally for henan right at the B that lot of action you see the right eye of aad hovan potentially starting to become a problem for him see the swelling starting to develop around it certainly nothing new for aad hovish you mentioned Picasso doesn't look like he's been in a fight zadov venician uh just walking around not in a fight looks like he's been in a fight he walked into the ring with a little bit of swelling and something under his eye Picasso looking to build upon that and that ramrod of a jab certainly helping matters but hovish with a nice counter right [Applause] [Music] hand even if he's not winning these rounds Barack hovan in spots is showing you what he does so well we've referenced kind of the compact nature of his offense and as as a result he can punch with guys really well and he can threaten to turn this fight in a moment by just punching with Picasso especially with that counter right hand right he has the guts to do it he has the chin to do it you know power to do it and the power to do it [Applause] [Music] maybe he should do a little bit more head movement so he doesn't get fatigue you know taking these shots to land his shots venian try to Triple up on that left hook that misses over the top of that one and runs into an uppercut from Picasso before landing a right hand of his own but look at Picasso starting to layer his shots and and put some offense together here in the seventh yeah I think Picasso showing that he's younger showing that he's fresher and able to let his hands go a little bit more and maybe in this round he's Landing the harder shots final 30 seconds around seven oh counter right hand over the top just as we were talking about that basto lands to the body but hovan's willingness to stay in the fire is giving him opportunities to land big shots but is he Landing enough of them to be winning these rounds yeah he's Landing good FL shots in spots but it seems like Picasso is landing more masassa just whipping that left hook to the body in the head now Picasso comes out firing that right hand immediately as Picasso and hovan go right back into the trenches in the center of the Ring round eight underway true Proving Ground type of fight for Alan Picasso [Applause] is Picasso just really getting full leverage on these hooks now and this one starting to devolve into a [Applause] brawl is very dangerous fighter yeah this might be what henan was really waiting for for Picasso to start the get that confidence to get into some of these exchanges where maybe hovan could catch him he baited him into the [Applause] ropes you know and maybe maybe Picasso thought he was hurt and that's why he jumped on [Applause] him a man-making fight for Alan Picasso one way or another look at that left hook at the end of the combination and the chance of Picasso from the arena here in Mexico [Applause] City no Jabs just walking in just walking in on the inside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Paso really Landing some flush stuff here in the eighth round but he's also really having to earn the space that he wants to operate in here in this round as well as hovan is starting to sell out a little bit more more with this pressure right you know I think HOV is trying to tire Picasso out just with the pressure not throwing as many punches as Picasso but just with the pressure and allowing P you know Moment Like This maybe where he's letting his hands [Applause] go as promised a terrific action fight here in our co-feature between Alan Picasso and aad hovish and you saw those slow motion replays you wonder if you're getting hit with some of that stuff how does your line of vision not look like that drone flying around when you're getting hit with six shots on the inside like this just the Grace Under Fire of action Fighters like aat hovish continues to amaze [Applause] you know it's like the question that you asked earlier you said you know HOV had three over 300 amateur fights he had a lot of wars in the Pro game with 25 fights what does he have left at 36 years old he definitely shown that he has a lot left to be competitive but he doesn't have that output that the young Picasso has at at 24 years old does hovan have that extra gear still to break down a young man like Alan Picasso I think I see a little blood trickling from Picasso's nose maybe that's going to give h a little bit more confidence certainly looks like it as ovan getting a little bit more animated trying to Goat Picasso into more and more action he swings and misses over the top trying to fight his way out of the clinch fans are responding fans are loving this fight well they're also responding to hovan's willingness to kind of play the heel here tonight yes intentionally playing to the crowd asking for more Picasso chance right sometimes when a fighter is doing that they're just acknowledging that they're getting hit as well and sometimes this is just crazy a being crazy a you know when you're asking questions hey why is he turning Southpaw why is he looking at the audience in the middle of a fight that's just as anov andan being himself sometimes oh yeah I agree 100% he is crazy I think he loves this loves every moment of every minute final 15 seconds around nine as they trade left hooks to the body a three- punch combination from Picasso but Hova stands in there and delivers two huge left Hooks and another one that might be the confidence boost that ovan needs [Music] Pico you heard Jimmy lenon Jr with the update on the WBC open scoring Alan Picasso ahead on the scorecards at last [Applause] tabulation and even before they heard that you heard the corner of aat Hoven telling him hey you got three rounds left you really got to bring it now and seemingly hovan will need either a collection of knockdowns or a knockout at this point of the fight right and it's not like he's not trying to get it uh you see Picasso Landing more shots but HOV is landing a lot of flush shots as well not as many but flush shots it's just Picasso's just eating them well yeah that's a good point Brock I I think the motivation is great coming from the hovan corner but it's not like in order to do what he needs to do that you would want him trying anything other than what he's doing right now I mean this is just how he fights what are you going to ask him to do apply more pressure he said how can you absolutely maybe you can tell him go back to the body you know go back to the body try and slow him down a little bit and then maybe we can get that knockout later right that's a good I think you could give specific technical instruction but in terms of his process hovan is doing exactly what you would need to do in desperation [Music] times knowing certainly that I'm down on the cards because of open scoring right I think this is a pretty good round for Hova he's letting his hands go maybe he got his second win well going back to the open scoring Barack you do Wonder does it change how Picasso will fight these rounds it probably isn't going to change what hovan is doing but does Picasso knowing what he has in the bank right now change how he's operating or does he stick to how he has been winning these rounds to this point see that's a good question we already notice without open scoring Fighters tend to take off rounds when they get tired and when you know for a fact that you're up three rounds or so you might want to take off a round knowing that I can actually afford to take off this round that's another reason why I just don't like overcoring two to go here in Mexico City as the hometown favorite Alan Picasso in control as we know thanks to the wbc's open scoring much to the Delight of his hometown audience [Applause] and Picasso certainly took what was on paper a very risky test in taking on aat henan here tonight if you're a fan of picassos you've got to like how things are looking right now meanwhile I was just going to say meanwhile hob is still in this you know still in his fight still trying to land something significant movan trying to Target the body as he just bulldozes his way to the inside yeah he's getting away with it sometimes Picasso is not keeping him away with the jab so he's just coming inside and then working from the inside good body [Applause] work have no idea why the referee just broke them up this fight if HOV could find it when Picasso digs to the body hovan has had success countering over the top with a chopping right hand it's a type of equilibrium shot that you could see if Hoven needs something big maybe changing this fight I mean he's landed that he's landed on a temple he's landed it on the chin and Picasso's just eating it yeah it has work yet nice left hook there from Picasso what do you do when your figh is doing the best he can Landing the shots that he's trained in the gym to land and it's just not winning the fight lot of swelling around both eyes of aad hovan right now as [Applause] he 12th and final round of our co-main event and aat henan pretty much definitively knows he needs something colossal in this final round he's going for it he's barely listening to The Ref he's going for it I like to see him work his way on the inside rather than just trying to walk in there Picasso wisely tying up when hovan gets near running that clock down again he knows that he just needs to hear the final Bell one would think here and every little cluster of time that you could kill by holding on is to Picasso's benefit right now and with the open score and Picasso saying you know I have this fight in the bag you know I could just keep him off of me I can tie him up we need be o venan going all out here nice right hand the one 121 he's had success with that combination but clearly not enough of it here tonight [Music] wow hav is in such great shape to have this much energy in the 12th round [Applause] well if team Picasso was looking for a fight to see what their fighter is made of they picked the right one here tonight and if he could stand up for another 45 seconds will go down as the perfect experiment and excellent matchmaking but aad hoov venician has tried his damnest all night long to ruin these plants here the corner of aad hovish telling him 30 seconds aat let's go I think Picasso has definitely shown us some Championship qualities he just happens to be in a division where there there's a monster a monstrous Ovation for Alan Picasso as he sets the table for Floyd Mayweather great fight respect to both Fighters we have a unanimous decision judges Adrian Mesa and Miguel Moran both score about 118 [Music] to R scores at 120 to 108 he is now the champion and [Music] [Music] REO so Allan Ray basso remains undefeated you heard the scores 118 110 twice 120 108 exactly what we were talking about earlier Barack where a fight can be closely contested it can be really physical both guys can get their shots in but ultimately it was one guy doing a little bit more each and every roundout each and every roundout

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