Tucker sues MSU; Harbaugh opts out; Tigers get players back; Lions beat Chiefs

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:44:53 Category: Sports

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[Music] this is a huddle Sports network broadcast you can find us on Roku TV Amazon Fire TV Facebook and of course YouTube get all your NFL news here first [Music] [Music] and welcome to another episode of the Michigan Sports truth podcast on the Huddle Sports Network I'm Taylor Phillips he's at Smith we're gonna get the rest of the old stuff the old news out of the way including Jim Harbaugh Mel Tucker then we got some tigers and lions to talk about former Michigan wver football head coach and current Los Angeles Chargers head coach Jim Harbaugh decides not to be one of the IR C captains one of the co- honorary captains in the season opener at Michigan Stadium against the Fresno State Bulldogs the big house in an arbor Harbaugh the reason for reasoning for that is apparently the NCAA hitting Harbaugh with a fouryear showcase order due to impermissible recruiting violations during the co9 pandemic in 2020 now current Michigan football head coach Chiron Moore got involved in a separate NCAA investigation he turned text messages into the NCAA enforcement staff after Rec after recovering them Chiron Moore was also committed uh accused of committing a level two violation according to the draft level one violations are deemed the most serious but he could be labeled a repeat a repeat violator by the NCAA after reaching negotiated resolutions for for violations in the separate recruiting infractions that led to Harbaugh's show cause order now we all know that um his um his show cause order had nothing to do with him leaving Michigan because you and I pointed out on the air weeks ago that he that Harbaugh and athletic director Ward Manuel at the University of Michigan came to a disagreement after the national after the Wolverines won their national college football foot playoff National Championship but now this this is just something this is uh something different right here for Harbaugh and for Chiron Moore I'm not I'm not even sure if he's gonna get in trouble or not Ed what say you about that well in regards to cheron Moore I'll would say there is potential that there might be some form of P punishment lbed against them because like you mentioned uh due to his role in this issue alone that led to Harbaugh getting his fouryear show cause he could be deemed that repeat violator so once you get Veer into that territory there is a likely chance you make you may face some form of punishment uh could be a suspension of some kind could be for a game depending on how severe dcaa believes uh this punishment should be uh levied against more but in regards to Harbaugh um let's specify and point out the fact that this is the result of the investigation into what we call his Burger gate this has nothing to do with the uh signed stealing stand or counter standards of any of that nature even though that'll likely be referenced in in some in some way shape or form when it comes to the conclusion of that matter now what it means for this four-year show cause is that this Coach Harbaugh cannot be involved in practically any team activities that means practice meetings um you name it and I'm sure that likely played a factor or played a role in in this um this whole honorary Captain thing being ultimately rended I'm sure there was a part of Harbaugh that wanted to be there because like you mentioned it's quite good thing that you pointed out Ward Manuel because I we we had discussed before previously on the show that problems between W Manuel and Harbaugh um them not being together on the same Accord was one factor that played into his leaving Michigan um so U I'm not really surpris to hear that uh come after this decision being announced and also I do think it's a little bit laughable because fact they're living this a guy living living this against a guy who is not there anymore and the fact that they tacked on a quote unquote oneyear suspension um from the NCAA is just just laughable at this point and I quite show you how Michigan felt about this and what they probably feel about whatever impending looming decisions that may or may not be made um their respon to all this news recently was oh just uh finish unveiling that the fact they were constructing their National Championship banner and the fact that they were you know even considering having Harbaugh come in as an honorary Captain uh for their season opener that says all basically um a metaphorical middle finger to the NCAA yeah but then Harbaugh decided to opt out for some for the I guess it could have been tied to the terms of of this decision because you know this could be seen as some some form of Team activity when you think about it and he didn't want tooy he don't want to bring unnecessary heat that he's already brought as is right so um the Wolverines kick off next week Saturday against those Fresno State Bulldogs I think it's at noon no actually it's gonna be the Saturday night game Saturday night game that's right yeah it's GNA NBC treatment oh yeah awesome so hey I I don't know how good Fresno State is I haven't done it too much research on them well we got time between now and next week it's consider since right it'll be next week anyway that'll be be when we can do our official preview to set up the whole season at least or at least the very least breakdown that game yeah preview that game specifically but it's good to know that hey that's a reminder we we're less than two weeks away from seeing actual football again yeah the the sooner we do it the better but uh I guess I guess we can wait until like next week Wednesday Thursday or Friday still but still still uh can't can't be too late so former Michigan State Spartans football head coach melt Tucker sued Michigan State University for wrongfully firing him the law suit that was filed Wednesday accuses the university officials of undertaking an improper sham investigation quote unquote of allegations that Tucker sexually harassed and exploited rape Survivor Brenda Brenda Tracy the lawsuit also alleges that MSU officials violated his rights due to process and equal protection as well as his employment agreement with the school and that also interim president Teresa Woodruff and athletic director Alan Hower made Allen holler made false and quote and I quote false and defamatory unquote public statements against Tucker and I quote further destroying the plaintiff's reputation his professional standing and his live and his livelihood unquote all it also contends that school leaders quote manipulated the process to create a pretextual and false basis to terminate his employment unquote it contends that school officials deprived him of his right to a confidential and fair investigative process and that they cared nothing about the damage being inflicted unquote on him after Tracy's allegations were made public by USA Today on September 23rd of last year 2023 the defendants instead were Al that the USA Today articles once again made lawsuit states by improperly well yeah I couldn't finish that that one but once once again made um let me dig it up here what once again it yeah it Tucker was in the third year of his 10year $95 million contract due to he's due to earn 80 million remaining on the deal yikes um the USA Today articles the once again made msu's history of failing to properly deal with sexual abuse allegations the subject of national media attention it's unquoted States yeah also St yep the lawsuit States by imp quote by improperly weaponizing the University's investigative procedures against Tucker to experience SE severe emotional harm and suffering and have caused hundreds of millions in Damages unquote University spokesman University spokesperson Emily girkin garant said in an email last week Thursday that the university declined to comment on it and that had not been formally served with a suit as of last week Thursday morning also a resolution officer concluded that in October of last year that Tucker engaged in behavior that violated the school's relationship violence and sexual misconduct and tit and title n policies by sexually harassing and sexually exploited exploiting Brenda Tracy and and in January the school denied Tucker's appealing of these findings and finally to top it all off an attorney that was hired by the school as an equity review officer said that Tucker had failed to prove error on basis so uh we can't we can't really tell that whether we still can't really tell whether Tucker whether or not Tucker is right or wrong basically what what is what is what it's coming down to essentially Taylor it's combination of one side claiming claiming things being done and said versus another instead of he said she said it's he said he said um we saw details of by the way it's a 75 page document it is or has been made available to see online cursy of Channel 7 um news on their website um so if you go to there go to to the link of that story they will have that full document in in full of view and within that you see you know some of the things that you mentioned Taylor um the references of the timeline of issues that were going on within the school and and or the Board of Trustees um it have it names names like the former intern pres president uh the ad Allan holler uh the you know the VP of legal Affairs and general Council Brian Quinn you know goes on and on trying to tuck is essentially trying to get his side of the story out as best as he possibly can he's pulling out all the stops he's claiming he was wrongfully Terminator claiming he didn't get Pro due process even pulling out the whole racial discrimination uh uh you know um I won't say card race card or excuse but he he using that that tactic um to to try to Garner whatever sympathy that he can um and really what it boils down to it in my view and my opinion um it comes down to the fact that um at the and within this it said that he's asking for compensation compensation that's unspecified basically what it's come down to what I believe it's always come down to ever since he was fired is that mil tuer mil Tucker is trying to get back some of that massive money that that was still owe on his contract that because he violated a certain term and on his contract and was fired in the schools view for Just Cause that means he wasn't getting a dime at that remaining $80 million um the fact that Bren you know he was then sued by the alleged Victor in this i w say not excuse me by by by Tracy excuse me I'm not calling leg victim or any that sort of thing because we know about the details of the case at this point because she was Su because he was sued by her for nearly that exact amount thankfully um that case was dismissed because you know we saw more evidence coming out that that was proving more nature error um Affair if you want you know so to speak so really what it comes down to in my view is that Tucker is trying to get set get back whatever money that he can back from the school since he knows he can't get any back or get any of that um that was voided from his contract when he was let go yeah so this case may not be over yet but it may not be over it may not be over but I can author an a prediction I don't believe it's going to go far even if it does I don't see Tucker really having a solid case to win I don't think that like I said if he has an end goal if anything it's just to see whatever money he can recoup from the school yeah I I go to have to agree with you so the Tigers get Riley green and kri Carpenter back from the injured list they recall Spencer Tolson a 650 something um Ops yikes that I I gotta dig it up in my uh photos on my phone real fast it's a 652 Ops with a 2117 batting average his average is kind of the same as it was in his average but but his Ops which is which was usually which has usually been 600 around 600 it's grow has slightly grown to 652 around the 650 Mark that's a bit of progress there by Tolson but it just needs to keep on Rising it's slly rising but it needs to keep Rising it helps more if he if if he finds way to get consistent at bats that end with him on base whether it be a hit or a walk or whatever the case uh because from what we've seen out of him so far since he came back from Toledo um this one stat that caught my eye he had he has a OBP of 500 it's on base p on base percentage of 500 meaning literally half the time that he that he's had at bat so far literally half of them have ended with him on base whether it be the six hits that he got between two against the Yankees and the four for four game he had against the Cubs or the two walks that he's garnered in that in that time span as well if you find a way to get on base I'm all for it because it it means it's leading to potential scoring opportunities which is what this offense um should always strive for especially when you have the type of pitching Talent on this roster so that's the one thing that I'm I look at as as some kind of way the view that okay he's showing something but I'm still not too impressed of of what I see overall because at this point I've accepted I've accepted torque for what he is um a prospect that had high but unfortunately it just seems it's not going to deliver now whether that means he's going to be moved with within the next couple years or so we'll see we'll see how things are operated how Scott Harris is going to look into things but for now he is what he is and we're stuck with it now I will say in car Carpenter's case seeing him come back has been um an immense immense needed addition to this lineup um the fact that he's gotten so far in the month of August gotten your four home runs eight RBI and an Ops of over 900 929 to be exact shows you that type of spark that's been missing from the lineup in addition to Riley green now once green gets his you know get shakes off some the rust he can be the effective s self that that he was showing before his injury um the fact that he had a three RBI game against the Cubs recently showcases that in my view um and I think like I said they had they have to make some is bring down some people call call down some people that they probably didn't want to call down it was all about making room making adjustments and considering who you're going to bring back up later on for that 27 man or part of the 27 man roster anyway so I'm not too worried about guys like ail Badoo like for example if he gets caught up again and then gets sent down again this season by rule by lot by bought by bylaw he would have to be DFA so I think the tigers are trying to avoid that as much as possible even if he does get called up again this year so be it um but they know what they have they know what they see the value that they see in certain players and certain pieces they're just trying to manage that accordingly based around um the situation of their Ava availability was um but between that and from what I've seen so far I like the fact that Carpenter shown some promise I like the fact that Parker meows is not it's not slowing down at all and you know while I see promise and what they showcase and sweeping a Mariners team that was coming in you know on a wave as as a team in first place of their division and winning a series against the Yankees that included um you know that dramatic Little League classic win that was showcased on ESPN walkoff style and 10 Innings three to two despite all that you know you still see the inconsistencies of not maintaining strong stretches uh not having enough steady arms to where you you can't have a full rotation where to where every fourth or fifth day you got to be going through Bullpen days or you know or burning through as many arms as possible so um once that type once the roster gets more properly filled out in key pieces and key cornerstones then you'll see more advancement of the Improvement more development of the Improvement because we see it in bits and and pieces and bites you know at this point they're kind of they're basically projected to finish at 500 or close to it which is again not terrible considering of how what the team has been in the past few years but still with the team with the with a fan base that has been ancient and as patient as possible to see some type of payoff on this rebuild you know 500 is just not going to be cutting it so you gota wonder what they're going to do for this upcoming off season what can they do the fact that you know they did not trade scoo what are they going to do to build around him for this upcoming offseason and beyond that is what I would be looking at if I was seeing anything what the Tigers were going to do yeah they released Gio Ella and they called up Dylan dingler and Jace Young Jace Young in an 8-2 win on Wednesday uh committed two throwing airs in the same game and uh right right now after today's 10 to2 blowout loss Jace Young is hitting 211 with a 559 Ops Dylan dingler is hitting 184 with a 620 Ops the tigers are 62 and 66 speaking of 500 that that's below below that 11 and a half games back four spots and and then four spots and nine and a half games back at the third American League wild card spot that those num those standings numbers are not good enough and that 10-2 loss it's just yet another example of what of a proof of why the tigers are proven that are not they are not ready to contend for an MLB postseason seed as of yet but but they could next year they have to reto the roster they have to buy out Javier buyas they they they most certainly have to buy out Kenta Maya who gave up six earned runs on nine hits five innings pitched after Tyler Holton pitched a a very like perfect first inning Ma has a 642 erra with a 144 whip that is those numbers are still freaking awful Ed yeah for for a guy that was supposedly brought in to be a backend battery guide rotation the fact that you moved him had no choice but to move him to the bullpen because he was so awful says it all on on your investment but yeah good good usage of money yeah I mean he was doing great until today he just went back to his old self even as a relief pitcher they got to buy him out not to mention jav your bias but but specifically Maya I understand that that the word have to but here's the keyw will they will they as in will Chris illage actually realize the the the the smart thing the necessary thing and do what he has to do that's what I don't trust sorry right right because he's he's marinating marinating Scott Harris and Jeff Greenberg in the front office that the administration yeah he's he's like marinating both both the administrations of the Tigers and the Red Wings for example right whatever um keeping Sergey federov number 91 Jersey by the way from being retired a top the rafters at little caeses Arena let alone Jo a demolished jolis Arena back back a while back speaking of demolished that that space uh on a you know reminds me a little bit of of some of the issues that not only Chris but really the illage company in general has had their own little comp you know contributions to things not being uh properly fulfilled in and around the city but that's another topic for another day we're digressing going on off in a tangent here but yeah while things are seemingly on a better men with the Red Wings we're not getting that type of um quick progress with the Tigers it seems you know it always it seemed to be like keeping up with with the N family tradition the Tigers will always get the The Leftovers versus the the the primary uh heaping that that the wings will get first the Tigers always get the scrapings when it comes to care and concern for the illage family that's what I've always viewed it as yeah instead of caring and concerning of how they're doing they keep on making excuses EXC one excuse after another whe whether it's in the front office or the the Tigers radio network the media even TV that like Kurt Gibson Dan Dickerson blaming the win it's only nine M it was only nine miles an hour this in the series opener at Wrigley Parker Meadows hit a Fly ball to the left it it just wasn't hit hard enough let's let's just face it just need to hit it harder the a nine M hour win does not kill a ball like Dan Dickerson quoted killed that it killed that ball no a nine M hour wind doesn't do do that a baseball is not a whiffle ball for Christ's sake honestly it does depend on on where the direction the wind could be blowing like affecting where the the tra trory of where the ball is hit normally it does versus where it's GNA land in some cases in some cases normally it does but only nine miles an hour if it were 15 15 plus miles an hour I would understand that but only nine not not enough to me hey that's almost 10 I consider that as close to double digits as you can possibly get so right I get that but still it's not enough def the sniff at in my view right right yeah but really the excuses have to all aide I can agree with you on the excuses part uh in general but you know it's just that one that one might have a little bit more validity not too much but but again there there's still way too many excuses being made in general why does organization can't do more to compete now that should be the overall main issue why are they not doing more to compete now the Red Wings are doing it hell they brought back Patrick Kane they some were thinking myself included they that they were gonna get stepen stops to go with it so why can't the Tigers do you know stamp go went Nashville to the Predators right but still even still the fact that they were considered as as potential potential team potential finalist to land him why can't the Tigers be doing that right the Red Wings picked up Vladimir teras SLE a two-time Stanley Cup champion for God's sake again speaks to what I've been saying they're basically second class citizens uh with within the illage family yeah exactly so the Lions beat the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium again 24 to 23 in NFL preseason week two yes uh Nate selts um started he threw a touchdown pass he threw an interception he he went he went like three and out on on first second and third and goal they settled for a jake Bates Chip Shot field goal before the half when I saw sneaking in at sneaking into the break room at work at samaritas after we were done serving our residents dinner and on a Saturday early uh evening um Jake Bates being the automatic uh kick Lord that he is the the real man of a kicker did did his job he kicked the game-winning field goal As Time expired um hen and hooker returned returned to the returned to action I guess I guess is uh I guess either he tested negative for a concussion or it didn't take too long but somehow he returned to the to the football field and did did very well your thoughts basically I'll start what what you just finished off at with head and hooker um from what Dan Campbell was saying and alluding to in in the words I've heard him say earlier this week if it wasn't for the fact that he was he was taking out of the game uh against the Giants and was looked at for that possible concussion issue and protocol whatever the case may be then there's a likely chance that he would have started this game instead of waiting until the second half so the fact that Dan Campbell admitted that shows of of of how they view on his progress and what he showed not you know just in the last game alone and of course uh being Vindicated of sorts by uh what we saw in this game 12 of 15 passing 161 total yards plus the rushing touch down you saw how way more effective he was than Nate sudfeld in every aspect every situation I understand he's been there for a long time I know that that the that the I'm sure that the coaches and some players love him but he just does not bring that type of value to the team to where he can be seen as a reliable backup or a reliable qb2 he's just not andon hooker you know you despite despite the fact that he's in his second year and he's 26 and he's coming off a knee injury he's looking more comfortable as the backup than Nate sudfeld that's just simply what I'm seeing and the fact that he may very well start this upcoming last preseason finale uh may speak to that uh to that case as well speaking of making a case I'm looking at caki and I think he's gonna make a good chance of uh possibly supp supplanting uh Craig Reynolds as the third run third string running back on this team because what we've seen from two games so far is effort drive and Yak uh whether it be Yak yards after carry Yak yards after catch or even Yak yards after contact I'm looking at him so far for these two games he's got 10 carries 51 yards four receptions for 60 yards and he's doing this on this terms of a upon average every time he's touching the ball is either running it for you for five yards at a pop or he's making U or he's making plays where you can't be you know can't be brought down and averaging um you know 10 to 15 yards it seems on his reception play so and he's fact that he's doing that on less than 40 snaps so far in the preseason shows that he's making the most making the true effort out of what he's been given the that to where I think a lot of people were looking at this guy hey this may be our third string running back and speaking of third strings we haven't really quite see a true standout yet um at the wide out position in terms of who's going to be that receiver three behind um St Brown and behind Jameson Williams or if you want to be technical receiver four because I'm sure a lot of people consider leaport as as great of a of a weapon that he is as that second receiver option or third depending on how you debate it between him and J so who's gonna be that next guy up Tech on that technically you know wide receiver three on that depth chart for those that are watching by the way lorta is a tight end in case they don't know exactly but because he's been so effective uh as a weapon and as a receiving option last year I'm sure a lot of people are going to classify him as that you know that top two or top three receiving option regardless of position but nonetheless looking at the guys that at the receiver three spot that could make a name for themselves I'm looking at a few guys Donovan peoples Jones is is one considering the fact that he's getting a chance to get a full off season to work his way in with with the team see how he how he meshes well um khif Raymond long time veteran obviously has value on special teams Dan Campbell gushed uh this week on how effective and useful that CLE Raymond is the point to where he wishes someone in that wide receiving room steps up to where um steps up so that he can limit um some of Raymond's snaps in the offense and utilize him some other things namely for special teams and and also just not wear him out because he he feels and believes firmly that what Raymond brings to the table cannot can only be exerted so far so if you so while you know hey if it comes down to it you know that he's going to be willing and ready to give you his off for how long you want to play from play him for it be 50 snaps or 60 snaps but he feels the most effective way to to use him would be probably the to lessen that that workload to about 25 or 30 snaps if so you're going to need to see one of these receivers step up a make a name for themselves which is why I liked what I saw from Isaiah Williams uh in this past game of Kansas against Kansas City he was making some catches making some moves um making putting a lot of effort in his runs after the catch he could be a guy to if he stays healthy you could see him being getting one of those last few roster spots uh as the you know whether it be with or behind Donovan peoples Jones because I think you know Raymond's spot is secure but this is where it's it's showing um losing Josh Reynolds in free agency really hurt because yeah so it's it's showing a void you can tell that hopefully if we s if we do see a breakout from Jameson Williams uh it can uh quell down some some some trepidation on what the offense can do so honestly this this potential weakness could could be nullified if we do see uh this massive jump and Improvement in production uh from J um I agree with you for sure about about Jake Bates at at this point the kicking the kicking job is is his to lose um he's showing he can be reliable he's showing he can be clutched uh he's showing you he can get those kicks for you when necessary and of course at clutch time because what he hit the kick that ultimately won the game at the buzzer um that's going to be important whether it comes down to a big game a Prime Time game or dare I say even a playoff game because that's what some people are theorizing that's what led to Dan Campbell making those fourth down decisions the way he did because he didn't trust his kicker well if you have a kicker then you can trust Michael badley by name yes that'll be latron bad bad is by the way is out for the season in case some don't have forgotten yeah and this injury essentially opened the door Force for Bates to really push on through and showcase why he should be the definitive starting kicker regardless uh if Bley was was was injured or not so bit to me is is the kicker until further notice hooker is the backup he's qb2 until further notice and caki I don't care what you use him for it could be running back three it could be backup safety it could be special teams whatever this guy is showing you so far throughout these two preseason games that he or even a backup tight end well don't go too far I understand maybe H but but whatever the case may be he's showing you throughout these two games that he deserves a spot on that 53 man spot 50 excuse me 53 man roster and can be useful in more um uh get more than a handful of snaps you can draw up plays you can draw designs to where he can be involved and it won't uh be a detriment to your offense at all speaking of the offense I was seeing good job uh much better play this time from the offensive line compared to what I saw last week against the Giants uh they were being able to be more up front dictate the pace set the tone against Kansas City um and and on the opposite end of things speaking of trenches the defensive line is really showing their depth I think we're we're going to see a much more improved defensive line uh that can give Aiden Hutchinson some needed help um you know we saw Josh pashal he had a strip sack I saw isaah I saw Isaac uku having himself another G name where he had a sack himself he's trying to prove himself uh to get one of those last 53 man spots as well Dan Campbell mentioned him uh as being a guy who came into Camp as essentially uh dead last on the dep chart at with a defensive line and so he's making the most of what he can provide by showing you um that he can be a rotation a guy that can use in rotation help out uh give guys out that may need a breath or whatever just show depth in general speaking of depth how about Matthew Betts getting himself you know the the the CFL signing getting himself a sack as well in that game so that that'll be another key piece that could be shown as showing off what you have in his death because like I said while Aiden Hutchinson did last year was great it would be more beneficial if he has something more akin to where he had in Michigan where he had a David ojabo of sorts uh helping him wreak havoc whether it be on the opposite end or somewhere within that defensive line I I like what I saw with of Al out of Al mcneel I do think once we see DJ reader healthy and fully involved with things that would be a big benefit as well but you got to see who else can step up so whether it be a Levi anzer a bradrick Martin that we saw last week this week with Pascal what we seeing consistently with uku now we're seeing with um with bets hopefully we got to see that showcase itself more and more and once we see that that alone uh will will be a benefit or Showcase of how well improv this defense can be don't you know because while yeah it's nice that that we're put attention on the fact that we're investing into the secondary we still have question marks on what the defense can defensive line can do Sans Sans Aiden Hutchinson yeah so the so the Lions final week in the uh NFL preseason that which is their only preseason home game Saturday at 1 on on the Lions television network on local 32 up here and on to wjbk in Detroit and every and all Fox Affiliates around the state of Michigan um against the Pittsburgh steel against Ting trees Pittsburgh Steelers Saturday at one at Ford Field so before we uh WRA before we go to our what we've learned segment Lions offensive tackle pan suul was being evaluated with a foot injury that he suffered in practice but he walked off on his own power into the locker room so so this injury might not be serious either no it won't and I can and I can confirm and tell you that with the with an update based on recent info that I saw um on Twitter uh that Su was confirmed to have just a rolled ankle so more than likely he probably wasn't going to play anyway you know in this in this finale but this is just G to be an ample reason to him to get get some rest uh and also see whatever the rest of the backup offensive lineman can do showcase um their depth and whatnot but yeah scary moment scary look but uh thankfully it looks like the big guy is going to be okay yeah it yeah it do it does get a lot of fans to panic and stuff but really they're all G to be fine to be honest so what all did we learn in this week's episode well we learn in in in terms of the um with the Michigan Wolverines that they're obviously far from done with the NC AA in terms of Investigations uh their controversies their issues their scandals however you look at that you also learned that Mel Tucker is not done trying to get back whatever the money whatever money that he feels he still owed or what was taken from him even though he it was his own dumbass actions that brought about his own firing in the first place uh We've also learned that the tigers are consistent to remain inconsistent even though we're seeing some notable improvement from recent returnees such as as Carri Carpenter such as Riley you know well torl it to an extent but most certainly with guys like Parker meow as well um while also learning to um or trying to figure out what can they do with this upcoming off season because the way things are looking they're likely not going to even try to contend for that third wild card spot so that's still a to be a to be determined when it comes to the Tigers and frankly we also learned that within this Lions uh or this past Lions preseason game that hden hooker should be your your definitive Back official backup quarterback he should be in qb2 in the depth chart just no problem there should be no uh dispute or debate about that cion aaki should be making a case to be potentially be the third string running back and we've learned that there's been no true standout uh to make a name for himself outside the usual starters at in the wide receiving room but we're also learning that the defensive line is showing themselves to be potential um uh noteworthy Improvement by showcasing their depth and showcasing the players that they have now that can contribute this year versus what we saw last year all right so and what we've learned for the Tigers they're just not they're still not ready to to contend but uh they might next year but but they still have some work work to do but uh we know Chris illage we we've touched on him we've talked about him it our lack of trust in him things like that so that's another episode of the Michigan Sports truth podcast on the Huddle Sports Network I'm Taylor Phillips he's Ed Smith follow the Michigan Sports truuth podcast on X Instagram and Tik Tok at Michigan truuth and like its Facebook page subscribe to its YouTube channel at the Michigan Sports truth podcast like our videos and turn on all notific ifications on the Bell icon watch each of our episodes in full to help improve our our public watch hours follow it and listen to it in audio form on spreer follow me on on X Tik Tok and Instagram at dt2 Phillips also on YouTube at D at dt2 Phillips follow Ed Smith on X Instagram Tik Tok twitch and YouTube at it Smith 313 business endorsements go to Athletico physical therapy on Woodward in Ferndale the B4 Foundation Cali tickets call Mark Goldman at 8772254202 a.m. the T the time as we're live J&H family food stores let's roll with it rolled ice cream and Cadillac like their Facebook page follow them on Tik Tok at the food Mafia LLC and at the food Mafia World ice cream on Instagram Northern Star Event Rentals and Cadillac 23188 48195 and on Facebook samaritas senior living and Foster Care locations all around the state of Michigan including my my workplace Senior Living Facility in Cadillac simply Delight full with over a 100 locations in Michigan their uh their uh delightful fudges and candies and stuff Union Barber Birmingham and Ferndale United Food Service Solutions at Brand Ledge Michigan United Mobile power wash and dry ice Works in Southfield and well-being with kathern Pals the Michigan Sports truth podcast is a presentation of the hudle sports network we'll be back next week to preview the uh football seasons for the Michigan and Michigan State football Michigan W rings and Michigan State Spartans and we'll we'll uh and then probably the week after that we'll preview the L the Lions regular season so until then for Ed Smith I'm Taylor Phillips signing up but remember we observe and detect the truth about Michigan Sports because the truth is out there stay on the lookout T off for now hit them with a hind take care and stay safe everybody

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Category: Sports

[music] this is a huddle sports network broadcast you can find us on roku tv amazon fire tv facebook and of course youtube get all your nfl news here first [music] and [music] [music] and welcome to another episode of the michigan sports truth podcast i'm taylor phillips he's at smith we're on the huddle... Read more

Michigan State vs Florida Atlantic College Football Week 1 LIVE REACTION AND ANALYSIS thumbnail
Michigan State vs Florida Atlantic College Football Week 1 LIVE REACTION AND ANALYSIS

Category: Sports

[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] can i [applause] [music] n [music] [applause] [music] [music] n [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] it's about the st i got to say it's the stupidest thing in sports who he has trouble with the snap and the ball is free it's picked... Read more

Texas HC Steve Sarkisian on Quinn Ewers’ Experience v Arch Manning’s Potential | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Texas HC Steve Sarkisian on Quinn Ewers’ Experience v Arch Manning’s Potential | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

How do you handle a qb depth chart so how how do you handle a quarterback depth chart and quarterback room with a kid like quinn yers who came to your program and has shined there and is staying and somebody who is incredibly anticipated in arch manning sitting there waiting a turn how do you handle... Read more

ESPN’s Dan Murphy on a Possible Sherrone Moore Suspension for Stalions Scandal | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
ESPN’s Dan Murphy on a Possible Sherrone Moore Suspension for Stalions Scandal | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

The co- line pieace on espn and espn.com certainly caught my eye about uh the university of michigan and the man who wrote it along with pete famill here on the rich isen show dan murphy staff writer of espn good to see you dan how are you good rich how are you i am well sir so i have lots of questions... Read more

Andrew Siciliano: Why Jim Harbaugh & the Chargers Should Sign Ryan Tannehill | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Andrew Siciliano: Why Jim Harbaugh & the Chargers Should Sign Ryan Tannehill | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

Jim harbaugh will not be an honorary captain when he goes back to michigan um and that it looks like he is not going to back going to go back to michigan as had been reported as they were going to have a big deal with the returning conquerors but the story here reading from pro football talk um the... Read more

Texas HC Steve Sarkisian Talks CFP Quinn Ewers, Arch Manning & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview thumbnail
Texas HC Steve Sarkisian Talks CFP Quinn Ewers, Arch Manning & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

Very excited to have this man on his texas longhorns made the national semi-finals last year and are highly touted coming into this year once again steve sarkeesian back on the rich aen show how you doing coach i'm doing great rich thanks for having me on buddy what do things look like for you middle... Read more

Rich Eisen Reveals His Super Bowl and NFL MVP Predictions | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Rich Eisen Reveals His Super Bowl and NFL MVP Predictions | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

It is now time to predict who is winning it all and also is the mvp of the season that it's time for championship predictions presented by total wireless chris you're up first i want your mvp of the league and then your super bowl participants and who wins it all you have the floor man this was so difficult... Read more

Why Rams RB Blake Corum Chose Michigan Over Ohio State | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Why Rams RB Blake Corum Chose Michigan Over Ohio State | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

When did you first carry a football in your life oh man i probably first carried a football in a real practice or game yeah six years old six years old tackle tackle football never played flag you played tackle at age six oh went right into it right into it you know i was uh i played for fyf rams mhm... Read more

FOX Sports’ Julian Edelman: How Stafford & Goff Impressed in SNF OT Thriller | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
FOX Sports’ Julian Edelman: How Stafford & Goff Impressed in SNF OT Thriller | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

So uh the other games that jump out at you i mean what you did you watch the end of the sunday night game you seen the lines just jam it right down to ram's throat julian i did and that was that was a really good football game and that was it just made me such a bigger fan of matthew stafford that game... Read more

ESPN’s Dan Murphy Talks Michigan Spying Scandal Punishment with Rich Eisen | Full Interview thumbnail
ESPN’s Dan Murphy Talks Michigan Spying Scandal Punishment with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

Intro the co- line pieace on espn and espn.com certainly caught my eye about uh the university of michigan and the man who wrote it along with pete famill here on the rich isen show dan murphy staff writer of espn good to see you dan how are you good rich how are you i am well sir so i have lots of... Read more

Rich Eisen’s Top Takeaways from the Lions’ WK1 OT Win over the Rams | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Rich Eisen’s Top Takeaways from the Lions’ WK1 OT Win over the Rams | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

The detroit lions looked like they could get got last night the rams are a really good team man gosh is matthew stafford when you watch him slinging at the top of his game it is just fun to watch i think even too said it's just fun to watch took a lot of hits last night dude when he's no look i know... Read more

Rich Eisen Reflects on the Passing of James Earl Jones | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Rich Eisen Reflects on the Passing of James Earl Jones | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

When uh when i went to the university of michigan and i first got introduced to that scene in that school and the alumni base one of the first names i heard about as the in the alumni base that leapt out at me as a famous alumni base was james earl jones i'm like wow he he went to michigan huh because... Read more