thats all kayfabe - Ep. 39 - Rowdy Reddit & AEW All In 2024 Predictions

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 02:38:20 Category: Comedy

Trending searches: aew all in card
right me me me me me and hey everyone welcome another episode of that's all KF uh episode number I think it's like 39 if you're keeping count uh with me today as always is my buddy Gabe how you doing Gabe I'm doing okay man it's these allergies right now are [ __ ] kicking my ass I want to say it's allergies but because I don't want to be like super sick yeah yeah well esally with this 108 degree weather that's every [ __ ] day dude I heard eight 108 degrees and I'm just like these numbers are fake numbers don't exist like we're just making up numbers now can we just say it's like really [ __ ] hot well I ridiculous these are numbers that are like in on Old School thermometers like I don't even think the [ __ ] could get that hot it would like it would go into the little red bubble and and the explode yeah you know just shooting out like a volcano and everything like that yeah um yeah it'll say like 108 degrees on my phone and then when you click on it it takes you to the link where it shows like the weather for the week it says 108 degrees actually feels like 112 I'm like okay which one is it like I don't know man this is fake news this is what Trump was talking about fuing hot yeah [ __ ] oh my God no Trump exposed exposed the media where I think they were always reporting how cold it was and once he was like oh that's fake and now they're reporting the true hot weather it's like [ __ ] now it's now it's truly hot like he ruined he pulled the the ve you know the curtain away and now it's like always hot cuz now I don't believe that it's cold anymore it's hot it's not cold you're gay you're gay use a fake kind of like that right I mean he has a lot to do with wrestling because he's in the Hall of Fame so oh yeah and he got stunned by stone coal so that makes him a a pioneer of the business yeah no he was there during the Attitude Era a big big part of it but yeah man it's like I got these allergies and then I woke up sick this morning I threw up as soon as I woke up but I think it's cuz I ate bad food last night I I ate food from Chile and I think it was those dang Southwestern egg rolls that everyone talks about yeah that doesn't sound good like on paper so everyone I've talked to they said like oh you got to try these egg rolls like they're super delicious and full of flavor and like I bit into it and I'm just thinking I probably had the same taste from something microwaved and I think that was better mhm and then I I had those and then theide of like beef or like brisket guadas or something it's just like brisket and cheese and it was just like super greasy so I didn't even eat all of it and I woke up this morning and I'm just like like just yelling like cartoonishly over the top like I'm overselling like Shawn Michaels yeah against hoken that's not good though to throw up and you know feel that bad about it I thought it was more of just a uh like a regular throwing up like a uncomfortable not like how you make it sound like it's a torture you know I think me when I vomit too uh I know it's getting too descriptive uh for audio listeners uh um like if I'm trying to get something out like I'm pushing it out so of course I'm just like like trying to like push it out yeah and that's how I felt too like it was sitting in my stomach but like the top portion closer to my chest and I was thinking oh no dude this [ __ ] has to come out one way or another I'm not going to be comfortable you were over being overselling over dramatic just to get it out yeah yeah and I went to go pick up my brother and he came in clutch he gave me a Gatorade and it refilled my electrolytes and I'm full of energy right now so now I'm drinking sweet tea to kind of bring it down the perfect way to heal body oh dude I love sweet te so [ __ ] much I could cut out I could cut out soda but I cannot cut out sweet tea I cannot yeah me I'm still overweight me could out sweet tea was uh really hard to do but all I do is drink these Celsius drinks now which are not that good but they work are this are they uh carbonated no they're not carbonated the ones I Dr that sucks yeah I just I'm not into carbonation for I don't know that's that's good I feel like I need a carbonated drink when I'm eating food or something or something sweet I feel like if I drink of water with my meal uh I'm depressed something might be wrong with me I mean that's valid everything everything's valid now believe me yes like I'll just take a water oh my God are you okay yeah you would touch your cherry Dr Pepper like what's the matter mle have you spoken to your therapist about your car what drinks you prefer I know I'm just like I I I love Dr Pepper but I order the water she just goes how how did the red flags of a how to tell if your partner your child or is suicidal or anything they stop drinking carbonated drinks stop drinking carbonated drinks you'll live forever do that's what they say about Dr Pepper you'll live forever yeah I believe it too I'm a Dr Pepper connoisseur I know we talked about it multiple times and I know you don't like Dr Pepper but if there's one drink above Dr Pepper it's probably like pib and it's the same [ __ ] you know but I think it tastes better I think because it has more sugar I don't know that's the poor man's Dr Pepper than Mr piip that's the working man's Dr Pepper that's a hot take man I don't know I don't see PB anywhere in stores I thought it was I don't know I haven't been in the store in a while that's good man people [ __ ] suck ass they always bump into my cart and I'm just like bro I got eggs don't break these no [ __ ] [ __ ] that and we can Segway with that and I know to to the aw uh what is it the all-in 2024 card I think I yes sir I have it here on uh Bleacher Report Bleacher Report Bleacher Report Bleacher Report uh uh where we're going to talk about the card and I don't even know if this is finalized because as we're recording this there is going to be Collision I think tonight right at some point yes we are recording this on a Saturday Saturday in the afternoon uh around uh what is it 1200 military time no 1300 1300 military time yeah you're correct I says uh Eastern Time 1 P p.m eastern time uh 10:00 a.m. Pacific and so that means does that mean 12 o'clock here it starts at noon well this is for Sunday right uh yeah for Sunday uh for tomorrow yeah it starts at noon that's pretty crazy new so it's going to end at 11: p.m. it's going to end it's going to be 8 workship man let me clock in first before uh before we start this bad boy but here right now we have uh the matches that have been announced um because there's still a collision going on today again like we're said so they could announce any other matches really like there's really no uh nothing holding them back so here's a uh aw Allin 2024 card in projected match order there's the pre-show match with the Chris statlander and stokeley haway versus Willow Nale and Tomo hero isi yes I guess that's a pre-match right yeah pre-show match I I guess so I just wanted something bigger for Chris statlander I think lately she's only been being put on a pre-show right yeah as soon as she lost the belt because she came in and beat [ __ ] Jade Cargill which that she was the only one the only person to beat Jade Cargill I think right before before she left and uh and then she she was great for when she had the belt and then she dropped it she lost it and that was it she's been like put on tag teams and all this other stuff with uh Willow Nightingale and [ __ ] and I don't know I just hate there's got to be more to it I feel like because she's just kind of accepting of it whereas all the other all the other women seem to be like kind of bitching about it about where they are on the card you know yeah she's like I'm just going to be over here and she just she fine yeah but it's like I feel like Chris statlander versus Willow Nightingale would have been more of a big thing because I know it seemed like a big thing when Willow was facing Mercedes Monae at the other pay-per-view like two pay-per-views ago and then statlander turned on her and I remember that was a big thing it felt like a big thing but like right after it's like we got to continue on to our next match which is the main event whatever blah blah blah you know they always like try to rush things over and stuff like that but I kind of wish it was just statlander versus ning Gill you know I understand half the way like he's like another uh like I guess like a sneaky manager or whatever but sometime I think it's going to be where statlander and hathway are going to win and it's kind of disrespectful to e because is is [ __ ] badass like he puts on great matches I just feel like there's more to it I feel like Chris statlander had to like because she came back from that like double knee surgery or whatever and maybe she came back too quick and she's still trying to heal there's got to be something that's like quietly going on in the background for her to be okay with being where she is on the card and uh still wanting to be showcased you know what I mean more to it I don't know but but there's that and then here we have the aw American Championship MGF versus will Osprey and I could see it being the first match because MGF typically likes being the first match on the card right I don't know if he likes it but it just happens I feel like he likes to do it and then just get the [ __ ] out of there per character he's like I don't want to stay and watch everyone else's match yeah I don't want to stay in London like this stinky smelly town you know just some heel [ __ ] he'll probably be saying uh but this match is going to kick ass I already know it this is a match I'm actually excited for I just wonder how they could um outdo their one hour or I'm sorry their 59 minute and 58 second or 59 second match uh they probably could do it like the show's going to be eight hours like they got 10 matches they can sech that there there's no time limit and it just goes on like forever you just hear the crowd by [Music] forever falling asleep in everything no I I I'm sure it's gonna be a great match I just wonder like I don't know how how they're gonna outo the other one and then um I don't know I I is are they going to let MJ because he just won the championship right because he just changed that belt are they going to let will Osprey win in his country or lose in his in in his country you know maybe it'll be like a flex thing to for Tony Khan to show off how much money he has so it's like for for mjf to win it and then change the belt and then I'm pretty like what I'm going to guess is that ospry is going to win and then change the belt again [Laughter] and it's going to be like a totally new design or something like that and it's just going to be you know like man Tony KH yeah he's rich uhhuh I get it do they need to order a specific number of belts from the belt maker like every [ __ ] month to stay in business Jesus Christ it's like a BOGO bogo50 um what else if you're for a friend you get your next belt for free so I think I think tonyc knows a couple people I'm pretty sure it's like uh those I get those Uber Eats deals order in the next three days and you get 30% off oh [ __ ] I need to order something even though I never eat out it's like oh I need to make a belt all of y' belts uh $400 or more I don't know I just wonder what's going to happen like in this match like who's going to win I feel like mjf he's gonna retain but in like a screwy sort of way I think the same thing I really want Osprey to win because I I do love Osprey but I think mjf is gonna keep his championship belt that's my reasoning though it's because like he just got it he just changed it like it' be such a waste to like change it back you know yeah that's what I think too uh exactly and I just but I just wonder how it's going to be if it's going to be I I feel like it's going to be a screwy finish just to go with the like the Montreal screw job 2 or something like where they always the Americans always screw the Brits over something I swear to God I didn't know it's like I outlawed the tiger driver or whatever the [ __ ] oh uh he he finally got permission to use it I don't know if you you saw that that Dan ended up going up to Osa he's like just [ __ ] do it he's stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] no he didn't say that but he like just do it like if you want to win just do the tiger driver blah blah all this stuff and I'm like yeah cool I'm about it that's cool I just think of some like that uh character from Tekken uh I think his name's king or whatever the tiger and he just gets him in like a pile driver just like jumps up and Spins like three or four times it's gonna be like dude but a tiger driver like [ __ ] 780 or 740 yeah dude that's going to be sick man I can't wait till see ospr pull that [ __ ] off I think he can he's strong yeah yeah no I think he is very keepable doing as long as it doesn't require reading or math you know yeah or and as long as as long as he isn't like hey you're you'll get disqualified if you say the word word brv and you'll be all [Laughter] BR uh I don't know but we'll see that we just got a win you you say mjf yeah I think mjf I'll say mjf as well yeah and then we have here um and I don't know about this being here on the card I thought this was going to be on the pre-show the casino Gauntlet for the future aw world championship match orange Cassidy baby but the world championship man I wonder who I don't know I hope I hope it's wllo or who's the other one powerhouse Hobs I really think they deserve I love Powerhouse Hobs dude it's like I want to see more of him but for what they've been displaying on TV like they I hope it's not hangman because Hangman's been going on like that crazy Rampage like I'm not letting anyone get in my way and he he beat up evil Uno who he was like really close with too he's like I told you I'm not gonna let anyone get in my [ __ ] way all this other stuff but I would love to see Powerhouse hops man like he he's just so badass yeah he's [ __ ] great and I think though and when I mention it now this is probably going to be obvious who it is going to be uh is uh they just signed Ricochet so that that he's probably gonna be a wild card right they probably have a wild card in it right oh yeah if it's a casino Gauntlet yeah it's going to be a wild card I mean I don't mind Ricochet but that' be I don't know if he should win it you know like that'd be very I don't know I don't I don't like when I mean that's like Mercedes Bonet yeah like you know she just showed up we know he shouldn't win it but do you think they would do that like or Tony Khan would do it we know he shouldn't because that that's not fair but do you think Tony Khan would I think he would just be like oh look how great this is like what do you want like I could I could make it happen for you like oh the gaet done like we'll make you win it and you your first match will be you know for the world championship I I'm pretty sure Tony KH would do something like that yeah yeah him versus swerve at some other pay-per-view or uh well because I I mean we haven't got to that match yet but I don't think uh gonna win I say uh Powerhouse hops or Big Bill I want big Bill to win man I want nothing but big Bill I would want either Powerhouse hobs or even um what what was the wllo I I I like I still like wllo I think he's just the white version of Powerhouse Hobs uh I think they're both great I hate that they they I I think they what power or um what's his name warl did get a championship run did he maybe for like a little bit Ah dude he was pushed to the [ __ ] Moon after the mjf stuff but this was when CM Punk was still with the company and then mjf did that pipe bomb that what we we called him a [ __ ] Mark and stuff like that but I feel like that pipe bomb ruined War's push big time dude cuz ever since then I just remember like nothing else has really been happening I know he partnered up with Adam Cole because Adam Cole was the devil but then again mjf came back and he buried that whole [ __ ] devil storyline so it's like what's what the [ __ ] is Adam Cole gonna do like when he comes back you know and yeah and W was part of that group with with the Kingdom so now it's just like what what's in it for the kingdom and Adam Cole like whatever their team's called think it's like Undisputed Kingdom or something like that I don't know whoever part is up in tag team he always got to have tag team names for some reason there's too many [ __ ] names to remember no yeah I I don't know it it's it's a tossup for me on who I know who I would want to win even uh like Ricky Starks too if he I would love Ricky Starks to win that [ __ ] too uh for for who's winning uh none of my options that's all I'm gonna say yeah it's gonna be some like what the [ __ ] why you know sort of choice and well I'm sure it'll make sense afterwards you know but for now um we don't even know who's in it so uh but I assume Ricochet is going to show up uh and if he wins I wouldn't be surprised but if he doesn't whatever you know yeah it is it is what it is uh next year after that aw Women's Championship Tony storm versus Mariah May uh Mariah May 100% I love Tony storm but I think she she's done all she could do with the belt and it's not like degrading her or anything like she's been like this is one of the best story lines has been happening in the company for like some time now you know but or let me rephrase that this is the best storyline happening the company right now that hasn't been affected by backstage [ __ ] so and I'm I'm so happy for that dude it's like Tony Storm's doing the best work she's ever done and Ryan B she's a new upcomer I feel like Mariah May needs to win this match to solidify herself as one of the top stars in the women's division because I feel like if she loses that she's just going to get knocked down like lost in the mix and just going to lose that momentum that she had going into the match no yeah I agree with you I think Maran may like Tony storm I feel like is are they're GNA let Mariah may win I mean not not in storyline right but like it's like oh I'm gonna let you win to get give you the rub and Tony storm doesn't lose anything from losing the match she still stays kind of on top and Mar May gets propelled even higher so like for booking purposes is I feel like Mar May winning just makes the most sense because it propels it helps both of them you know what I mean I agree with you 100% so here's hoping Mar wins man I mean if Tony storm wins too like you know this's another thing like H it is what it is but Mar May really needs this one I believe oh yeah I'd be very surprised if Tony storm won and I would wonder like under what circumstance sense as are they going to continue the feud so I imagine if they just let her win and then Ry May disappears it'd be like what was the whole point of that build like yeah and it's like um the one thing I like about this match too it's like it's not like like a stipulation match like you know for it being their first match against each other like I feel like since this is their first regular singles match that their next match could be like I don't know like a hardore match or like you know something with a stipulation to make it seem like oh [ __ ] like this is a big deal you know like how they had like thunder Rosa and Britt Baker like you know they had a couple single matches against each other and then they had their what was it their lights out match was it lights out the one with bleeding yeah I don't I don't remember but I remember what you're talking about yeah yeah that match [ __ ] kicked ass though that was a good [ __ ] match and then but then that one I felt like got redundant too cuz like oh then uh we got to put them in a cage match where they got to do more spots with thumb tags and stuff like that I don't know is that's just me being the picky but I feel like it's good that it's just a regular singles match no I feel like they could stretch it out if they wanted to even more but I feel like Ry May needs to win it here just to uh I don't know bookend it and then uh move on to some other type of uh Feud I don't know yeah I agree yeah next year a coffin match for the a TNT Championship Jack Perry versus Derby Allen with Jack Perry making that new belt I feel like he's winning this it's the same thing as mjf like if he doesn't win what's the whole point of that like new belt you know what I mean but then again like Jack Perry made the belt so it's like it's not really money lost it's his money right it's not it's not money lost against a company or anything right if you want to think that sure yeah I don't know so they they can just get it back they're like hey uh Jack we need those face plates that you threw the trash or melted or did he melt it down yeah he like melted them all down I don't know why I feel like there's I don't know better ways to make a belt like paying money I don't know just tell T Tony K just like oh my God that cost a lot of money no Tony Khan's like fine it gives me another reason to make a belt all right like it's a f cabinet behind Tony KH he turns around opens it and there's like 20 more TNT championship belts inside he just picks one out throws on the counter he just has him there already like [ __ ] uh tissue paper you know oh you need we need another belt [ __ ] all right just tears it tears it out of a box full of other belts dude that is so [ __ ] funny oh my God but uh in all seriousness though I do think Jack Perry is gonna win this match yeah I think Jack Perry's gonna win I would I hate that Darby Allen I don't know what he's gonna do to himself and that it's a coffin match so I feel like Darby Allen should win the match because of that but uh I feel like Jack Perry is going to win this and Darby Allen's going to put like his whole life Body and Soul on the line for it I want Jack Perry like if Derby Allen really wants to go over the top right jack Perry needs to bring out a I think I said this last time that he needs to bring out a gun and just blast him in the kneecap you know because I think it's below the hamstring that's considered not lethal I saw off of Dave Chappelle I don't know if that's true okay no that that that's a good place to gather facts about bullet wounds and stuff well let me repase that it's from the Chappelle show they had the the crap the craps World League Championship I don't know if you remember that segment I think that sounds yeah that sounds uh like I remember that okay okay but yeah it's like below the below the D I think it's considered non-lethal so or below the waist it's non-lethal some [ __ ] like that I don't know which one it is but aim for the leg like that could get repaired yeah I know in Terminator 2 whenever he's doing non-lethal shots he's just shooting their kneecaps or do you think uh oh yeah it was in Terminator 2 uhhuh yeah what a great movie oh yeah no it's a classic it's it's you don't even need to watch Terminator one to watch Terminator to absolutely not so [ __ ] great uh but yeah I think Jack Perry will win that it's just I don't I don't want him to against Darby Allen but Darby Allen can like lose any match and you'll still be over so yeah no man uh Darby Allen like he he's already a [ __ ] Superstar maybe he doesn't know it yet but that guy is legit I still consider him one of the four pillars like for the company because he's the one that seems like the least problematic so far so far you know like I think uh there was a match he had with Chris Jericho or I want to say and you hear him out was like hurry up you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] because you know I guess it's like the Jericho allegations you know like the sexual assaults of uh Kylie Ray I think it was that yeah and then so that was still fresh and people were [ __ ] mad at that and then look Chris Jericho's still on the [ __ ] show dude people just like oh we forgot about that I I completely forgot about that people just want him to retire just for the sake of him just being like an old wrestler you know I know like the more he's on TV I'm just like man dude this guy's just like more hatable like the look at him I want to choke him out yeah do you think uh Sting's gonna show up oh man that' be badass if thing did show up man see there's a guy with no problem I love sting dude I hope he's enjoying his time in Texas he's probably not living in Texas but if he was he's I imagine him on a 2 acre plot of land with a nice patio in the front yard he has a rocking chair just like staring at his land like this I imagine he has his own little like church built on his land just I think so yeah he's but not like a big church but like a little you know like enough for a family to go in and like have a [ __ ] little uh Church like session you know on a Sunday yeah I think so too I've seen scary movies I know I know what you're talking about yeah you know what I mean right first personal shed for a a church St it's just made it's not even made out of bricks it's made out of like hay and clay and mud like a nomad well that's Jack per I no uh here's the speaking of Jericho Last Chance match for the FTW Championship Chris Jericho versus Hook uh yeah that's happening that's still going on I'm on hook to [ __ ] destroy Chris Jericho if this match when this bell rings I'm going to time it like I don't want it to go longer than 10 minutes I want hook to [ __ ] squash the [ __ ] out of Chris Jericho I feel like that's what needs to happen man because I read on X that supposedly theps been going on for like six months I feel like it's been going forever if I remember I'm the Learning Tree I'm The Learning Tree yeah no he needs to do just like uh Braun breaker and Sami Zayn and just [ __ ] you know two three moves Bam Bam Bam and that's it it's over man how dare you compare ch jerich go to Bron breaker and Sam that's disrespectful I'm saying it's it's hard to see that go down uh nowadays especially at a a pay-per-view or a PL whatever you want to call it this is a pay-per-view but uh where it's just like oh that happened you know but yeah it it should happen uh but I don't know if it's gonna happen because it's aw I they got stretch it out man they rented the whole building he's like b as well get your money's worth next year on the card aw TBS Championship uh the women's TBS Mercedes Monae versus Brit Baker I wonder uh well obviously Mercedes Monet has to win because it's in her creative control right I want to say yes uh I I legit don't know who to go for it's like cuz everything we know like going into this match it's been like so chaotic and problematic and I just don't know who to root for it's like man I hear about how much bit Baker is like problematic and I don't know mer Mercedes is going to lose because supposedly she has greater control you know and so I I don't know maybe Tony Khan might step in PR then if he steps in maybe that might be like a breach of contract where it's like oh well I thought I had created a control like over my matches and then I the only way I could see Mercedes Monae losing this is if she's got her eyes set on the championship with Mariah May uh that's the only way I could see her like dropping this title uh otherwise I I don't know I like and then if Britt Baker's a champion I don't know I I I just don't see Brit Baker [ __ ] as a champion anymore like I don't know at the beginning maybe Whenever there was less Talent she was she was pretty like like during like you said the thunderosa days where it was like her and thunderosa yeah those were pretty uh big powerhouses for like the women but then now you have the women's roster like stacked with a bunch of people uh where I I just don't see Britt Baker being that good anymore no I I totally agree with you and it's like you know you got like Tony storm Ryan May Mercedes Monae Willow Nightingale Chris statlander Camille you still got Camille uh you still got Sera who's still there she's not even being used at all and I know she's been vocalizing her opinion on online too that oh like it's my home country like can I have a show like you know can I have a match at least then just left on red I guess um but I know she had a match which kind of blew my mind because it was for the Women's Championship against Tony storm and I'm like why are you gonna have a wi Championship right before your biggest pay-per-view of the year it's like obviously Tony storm isn't gonna lose yeah it's on the card advertised Tony storm versus Mariah may I know and then it's like Mariah May is going to challenge for the [ __ ] Championship it's you know maybe it's a thought like oh like she could lose it because you know it is a blood Feud but I'm just like no like it's a bigger deal especially when the championship title is on the line uh so I was just kind of Blown Away that they did that you know and they they do a bigger women's roster that they could totally use especially from like Ring of Honor as well and it's not being utilize to their full advantage so what I what I do want it's like if Mercedes Monae does win I want her to be able to like be able to have the other women like more TV time you know is she like Mercedes mon might just keep winning you know like you know it probably it is what it is but if those women are able to get more TV time like I feel like that'll benefit benefit them too you know I just think uh well and maybe it'll go that thunderosa route if Mercedes Monae does win then they'll just continue the feud you know and and then do like more hardcore matches or this kind of match or that kind of match and I don't know who knows maybe it'll continue but yeah I don't know if I see Mercedes Bonet losing the match I don't think so either it's like I can't choose either but I feel like f might win it just because of creative control yeah I think so too oh well uh and then next here a four-way ladder match for the aw World trios Championship the patriarchy which is Christian Cage kill switch and Nick Wayne who are the champions versus the Bang Bang Gang who are juice Robinson Austin gun and colon gun versus the house of black which is Malachi black Brody King and Buddy Matthews versus pck and blackp combat Club were Claudio cagnoli and Wheeler UDA hey wheeler that's a pretty a Rowdy match right there that is dude I I feel like that's going to be like a sleeper match well usually ladder matches are pretty fun you know in general it's like I just hope they're all safe like we used say every time um the one thing that still blows my mind is that the Bang Bang Gang got stripped of those [ __ ] championship titles that's horeshit yeah that's absolute horseshit like that does not make sense at all yeah and I mean I don't mind uh Christian Cage and you know or the patriarchy to be the Champions but it's like I want I would have wanted to see a match happen where they faced Bang Bang Gang and you know one it off of them then that would make more sense okay it is what it is I don't know why they couldn't have just done that it would have been just one extra step like come on you know yeah yeah it really is man but out of favoritism I don't know like all these tag teams are pretty good man to be honest like yeah I I I like I I want the Blackpool combat club and pck to win but I don't think they will uh and the house of black I want to win and I feel like they could win the ones they've already been Champion so like I feel like they should give it to uh maybe one of the other uh trios you know yeah I I totally understand um out of favoritism probably House of black I just I've always been a big fan of Malachi black and Buddy Matthews is always top tier like in this matches like super underrated super criminally underrated I believe it's like I I would love for them to win but if I like all honesty I think Christian Cage kill switch and Nick Wayne are gonna retain that would make sense even though I'd be like what a waste of a whatever but again yeah hopefully it's a good match I'm sure it will be hopefully everyone stays safe always always the priority yeah like there there's no team on this on this match card right here that I don't like yeah they they all are pretty cool I I just hope uh they all stay safe and uh I would like to see claudo casic noi get like more time because he's just a good wrestler and he's very like underutilized I think absolutely dude I [ __ ] love claudo Man Pac 2 is pretty good the the best Puck yeah he's always been good man especially as it's Neville and NXT and it's a shame that he got underutilized like on the main roster well then again the same thing with Claudio man that Cesaro it's like man ever since Cesaro showed up like I've been a massive fan no matter what anything Cesaro did it was gold like quality match quality wise like it was just awesome so I I guess man either these teams who win it honestly and I think honestly I think I'd be okay with it yeah no it's that one's a tricky match because I I would want I I couldn't tell you who was going to win but I could tell you like oh I don't mind whoever wins you know what I mean yeah all those teams are pretty cool uh next year uh three-way tag match for the aw World Tag Team Championship the Young Bucks Matthew and Nicholas Jackson with the Champions versus the acclaimed Anthony bones and Max Caster versus FTR Dax Harwood cash wheeler uh yeah who you think you're gonna win who you think you want to win besides Chris Jericho and hook I think this is the next match where it's like I don't care about the people too much I care about hook I don't care about Chris Jericho and I feel like at this point everyone just hates claim now uh everyone's over the Young Bucks and the Young Bucks versus FTR like they're fighting for like the 12th time already for the Tag Team Championship I don't know who would win this you know I think I would say FTR like my personal pick and I would love for them to actually be the team that wins but I think in actuality it might just be the Young Bucks because it's the Young Bucks yeah I feel like the Young Bucks are going to win but the acclaimed are going to take the loss and uh because yeah everyone's like kind of hating on the Acclaim like you said unless I don't know the acclaimed win and they turn heel but I I don't know I I really don't know I I know who I think is going to win is the Young Bucks just because they do it the [ __ ] they want I I absolutely agree but I don't know it this is like the opposite of the four-way Ladder Match where I'm like I don't really care who wins but in not in a good way a positive way yeah like I feel like who cares who wins here like every all these teams here we've already seen them like fight and have the belt and they really just don't do [ __ ] with it when they do have it you know I agree I absolutely agree so favoritism FTR actuality the Young [Laughter] Bucks lastly here uh and I'm sure won't be last I'm sure they're GNA announce like three four or five more matches tonight uh we have the aw World Championship SB Strickland who's a champion versus Brian Danielson and I don't know why it doesn't say it here but if Danielson loses he retires right or something like that that's a title versus career match that's what it is yeah I don't know why they don't have that listed here that's kind of the whole selling point of the the match uh this match is going to kick ass like I'm I am 100% ready for this match I don't want to see Danos lose because I really love Danielson he's been one of my favorite wrestlers for like the past I don't know decade probably I'm just I'm just a big old [ __ ] fan of him in general yeah no I I I mean I've been a fan since you know he's come on uh aw I didn't really know him during the WWE days but um I just worry about his health he seems like every other week he he's hurting himself I don't know whether it's a work or a shoot you know like you can't tell if he's getting hurt for real or for fakes and uh I think he's playing into that and then I don't know I I can see too where uh I wonder if he's going to is this contract coming up or no uh um I don't know if they said anything about his contract expiring or anything all I know is that in interviews he's been contemplating retiring and you know he said he's sing about it because I know he's been saying that his kids are going to be there and like you know his wife is going to be there and like his kids are telling him like oh like he like they want him to lose so that way he could be home and I'm just like oh my heart just that's that's emotional but that's already like preparing us for the fact that he probably will lose you know and I don't know it's now I don't know we're already kind of expecting that now we're just expecting how good of a match it's going to be you know yeah and it's like you I've been seeing like promo packages like with swerve and dinis like talking to each other and the way din's been presenting himself I'm just like dude don't be selfish and let him win like like just win the World Championship please like you I I want you to have this this run with the championship belt because I don't think he's won a belt ever since he showed up you know huh he he fought he fought Kenny Omega when he first showed up he fought Adam pagee one hour long matches that went to a draw or 30 minute matches that went to a draw at both times um had a badass one hour plus long match with mjf which is odd because usually one hour long matches I could be kind of redundant but that match was one of the best ones I've seen in a while maybe like the best Iron Man match I've ever seen like he's just putting on bangers after bangers bers after bangers and you know he's part of Anarchy and Arena matches and you know bleeding like all [ __ ] crazy and breaking his [ __ ] neck againsts Osprey um he's been kicking ass dude and it's been such a uh unselfish thing for him to like putting over younger Talent or like the new stars you know make him look like a bigger thing and I feel like it did work with uh Adam Paige you know like he's a big deal mjf to an extent because I felt like mjf was really big at the time but now he's just kind of like oh like you know you're Forks s but I wonder to if if um Danielson were to win it would be like okay what was that what was that run with swerve you know it was what like a little tiny run you know what I mean like that's kind of [ __ ] up too you know it's like I would think Jon will win it and then the next night on Dynamite like he would go and retire and relinquish the belt I feel like they would just do that it be like oh he was Champion like what are you upset a like he was Champion he did win the belt iel like they would do something like that but then you'd have an article about like how oh uh aw doesn't uh like it's uh black Champions or something and sve swerve had barely had the belt for so long and uh he's the what the first uh Black Champion over there in aw and for them to take the belt off just to give it to Danielson for him to just retire I I imagine one uh like there's gonna be a bunch of accounts saying like oh um aw don't like the black black wrestlers and then hardc to Triple H like on like 20 different Burger accounts just like tweeting all this [ __ ] because like how everyone accuses him of like not liking black wrestlers yeah it is just a profile picture of him and that blackface get up from the nation he's like the rock like that the eyebrow all the way up here uh no I don't know it's It's Tricky I just feel like they're prep preparing us for Dam to lose I feel like uh but it just sucks too but then what what's the other uh you know option that he wins and then swerve barely has this run title run with the belt so I feel like danielson's gonna lose and have to retire or whatever oh man I'm not ready for that man it's like for D to retire the same year John Cena announces his and like two of my two of my favorite wrestlers of all time in the same year dude I don't think I'm ready for that man I really don't think I am I think the Bella twins are ready right for them to come stay home and be like dude what if those was all because of the oh wait no no John ca's not even with Nikki anymore what the [ __ ] am I saying oh he is it no they've been split for a long time oh thought they were all because of John Lauren I and dang it all because he pissed is on women oh wait no that's Brock Lesar no that's not bad that's not bad everyone has a king man uh not for me not for me everybody's got a king we could go on that was uh yeah the W or the WWE the aw uh Allin fight card as of now you know like I said uh Collision is tonight so they might a few more matches for that so we'll see what happens but that that airs Sunday as we're recording uh there's on Sunday and I think you know we're in Texas I believe that's going to be 12 o'clock yeah I want to say um pretty cool I am gonna buy it I think I am gonna buy it um again if you want to watch it let me know I don't not I do not mind and yeah but we're we're going to watch it you take notes and all that stuff and I think it's just good that just long as pay-per-view is starting early so that way I could go grocery shopping after it finishes I wonder when it's going to end probably like at six five or six p.m. let's see if it starts at 12: I want to say it's going to end at like 4:30 5 o'clock yeah yeah that sounds about right especially well the pre-shows before then so it really starts I guess at 11: yeah at 11 or 10 oh it's two hours the pre-show oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ d i I want to say two hours because they they got to let all the crowd in and you know get their seats and [ __ ] but in all seriousness though I know we [ __ ] talk [ __ ] about them all the time I'm kind of excited for this card I I really do want to see what happens see how the predictions go out and everything uh mjf and ospre the ladder match and the main event are the main matches I'm really excited for yeah no I'm excited for a few of those matches along with uh like what other matches they might announce tonight like last minute you know and then uh if Ricochet will show up and if any other surprises will happen besides just Ricochet I want to say Ricochet I think sting as well um hopefully the predictions go right oh Shan McMahon maybe Shan McMahon um I do believe I believe the Acclaim is going to turn probably and we do and it's probably gonna be on Billy Gun that's aame I know dude I'll break my heart if that does happen I love Billy Gun yeah me too and Mr as I'm an ass man uh no but that was the aw all in 2024 we'll see what happens with that yeah we'll be watching and uh we got some other random stuff here to look at we do have I know uh we saw this five full wrestling uh is reporting this is pretty cool Jack Barry made his TNT Championship so we'll watch the clip of him making his own belt uh right here [Music] that was it for audio listeners he just pretty much uh you know broke the belt down melted it and then like you know sprayed it with his own paint and made his own belt for the TNT Championship I appreciate that more that he I never knew Jack P had the talent to be uh what's the term like what's that occupation like Yeah Yeah well yeah like a iron smelter or something like a yeah like uh I I never knew he had that that talent to do that man so in case if he retires from wrestling um he can totally do that no but it makes me appreciate the championship title more you know at first I was like oh great another belt but that's nuts I didn't think he actually made it himself yeah no I agree with you like after seeing him make it uh even if it's just like you know a 40 second clip I know it takes way more to do it than than 40 seconds but uh seeing the belt at first I was like what like it looks like I don't know it doesn't it looks all dull it doesn't look like whatever but obviously those were his intentions so that that does make me appreciate the belt a little bit more and then makes me obviously think okay well he's going to be holding on to it for a while if he made his own [ __ ] belt you know he made it and uh Tony KH just said like I guess if we want to use it I guess but then I wonder like Okay so this video you know who who put it was it Jack Perry that put it out there and where did he put it out you know like um so I I I share links with you all the time and this is the first one I saw from was from ful but it turns it's from his personal Twitter account he posted the video on there and you know shared it amongst others yeah I don't think it was on Tik Tok or anything I think he just posted it on X but the source is legit from him like he is the one who released it okay I was wondering like where where's the news get this [ __ ] from you know I know like from Bush there's no like yeah like they were watching do it like uh the paparazzi and uh turned it into the [ __ ] wrestling dirt sheets you know oh my God [ __ ] uh with the newspaper with the two holes in it but like right in front of them don't ever suspect a thing no I was just wondering uh but no that's cool I it is cool but it just makes me think okay he's going to hold on to the Belt longer yeah I think so too it is what it is I guess yeah no but that's pretty cool if you're into belt making you know obviously Tony KH likes the idea of belt making because he keeps them in business uh but I don't know if he has ever made a belt himself d uh next year on this news um he sent me this I know or yeah Darby Allen recently revealed that he was so nervous before his match with CM Punk that he was puking and sting legitimately prayed for him I was super super nervous and I was puking because I was so nervous sting is a religious man and I'm not I'm not religious at all sting saw how nervous I was and he's like Darby do you mind if I say a prayer for you right now I was like yeah go for it anything I just had my head down I'm so nervous and he said the prayer he went out there we went out there and we had such a fun time and this is from inside the ropes uh what do you think of uh Darby Allen puking because of the bad uh what is it egg rolls he had the night before H not because of the uh I told you I told you not to bet you not to anybody how could you no but legit though I get the [ __ ] same way when I'm nervous like I I was like you know all crazy and [ __ ] so I'm just like wow Darby Allen and me were the same person I throw myself off of buildings all the time get hit by buses get my buses my foot broken uh try to fix nails and I just cough and drop on top of them no I could see be nervous especially with a legend like CM Punk but uh I don't know it's it's just weird that I haven't heard him say this about other matches and I feel like he's been in a lot of big matches he must get just or even just big like that um Anarchy in the arena with the whole flamethrower you're telling me he wasn't nervous like man I gotta set Jack Perry on fire with fcking flamethrower like anything wrong after time you're telling me he's not nervous about that you know what I mean I I think it's just with the name too that you know it's CM Punk like it's his first time coming back to wrestling in like nine years and his first match is against Darby Allen like CM Punk personally chose him like man that's a big [ __ ] thing you know and then I'll be nervous too no yeah you're right I'm not a performer so I watched from a distance no if I if I remember it was a pretty good match wasn't anything like bad I didn't get to see it I think at that time I was working but I saw like the the clips and everything online and for what they did like you know CM Punk still had it you know they tore the house down for for what it was it was a good regular match that's what it was yeah yeah it was a good solid 24 215 they're running a little late yeah right on time but it just a little late and uh uh but it was a good solid match from what I remember um and you know CM Punk hadn't wrestled in however many years so you know it was good good for him for feeling human and nervous like that yeah yeah and I I totally get it man but we I feel like everyone gets like those nervous Jitters people just react differently mhm no definitely uh next here we have Mercedes Monae uh has revealed she planned on returning to WWE at WrestleMania 39 before being invited to aw Allin by Tony Khan I had planned on returning to WWE for Wrestlemania and La that was of course before Tony invited us to see the show mind you there was no discussions of signing with aw0 Tony Kev and I had texted as friends but it was just a casual invite I wanted to go not out of curiosity or to kick the tires but honestly because I love wrestling to this day when I have the time I still watch the Indie shows I really continue to have the that much passion for it and that's from Monae mag I I don't know what Monae mag is is that her podcast or a magazine I think I think it's her podcast if I remember correctly everyone has a podcast now yeah definitely like I don't know uh if she was just there like as a fan I was just wondering maybe it was kind of thrown out there when they put the Camas on her like oh Mercedes Monet is here like get all in and like she's just there sitting in the crowd like in one of the boxes like regularly you know mhm and I don't know that that's just like the picture I'm painting in my head where she was just like oh oh like they got the camera on me yeah I think it was either or like like she said she was invited to go watch here or to go watch there and she just chose all in and it was it wasn't supposed to lead into anything but it just happened to lead into her you know signing so everyone can speculate how they want but I don't know she just chose to go to Allin because of uh you know Tony and all them in in her and yeah she she could have easily had just gone to WrestleMania La just to watch and that's it you know what I mean and just for our fan to like take a picture be like oh like she's here like it's like oh like she's there to support her friends but I think then when they showed her on the camera for aw it's like oh [ __ ] like she might actually be going to aw and I think because she was doing the stuff with New Japan as well or for stardom and she won the the Women's Championship over there and then you know they got the partnership with aw so I think it was just like like that was just like the small domino effect that eventually led to her signing with the company yeah I think it was just like coincidence or something like that you know uh that she just happened to pick that one and then uh it ended up going that route you know uh serendipitous whatever you want to call it but uh yeah no I mean whatever For Better or For Worse she's with aw you know yeah uh and uh speaking of her being with aw uh Mercedes Monet promises another disruption to the business of women's wrestling is coming Brit me and the rest of the girls are just getting started yes Charlotte Bailey Becky and I led phase one of the women's Revolution we disrupted the business in the best and most necessary way but with me coming here in a I promise that another disruption of the business of the women's wrestling is coming phase two is just getting started on that note there are three women's matches at Allin this Sunday three not Mania was one night how many women's matches were there not three more moreover when the guys matches went too long in WWE it was the women's matches that got cut for time via Mercedes Monae mag uh so what do you think of her saying that there's going to be another disruption in the Women's Business that's what it needs it it's because we we already talked about how you know they got such a big roster but uh none of them are getting utilized enough which I really hope there's a disruption like in a positive way you know not like negative because so far it's just been like negative like you know High School drama for what we've been hearing and I I just try to be optimistic about it like I do I do want that because sometimes the women's matches are a lot better than the men's matches like it's happened before and then what she said about um the the the women's matches in WWE it's not really like that anymore where it's like you have such a long card like formania and there's only like one or two women's matches you know and when the four women showed up from NXT and you know they're able to change the game where it's like uh the women's matches were able to be like the match of the night um to Main Event WrestleMania or to to to you know put on such a good show and you know it's it's a different time now it's like not to have anything be cut for time now especially with the match cards being so short too mhm and you know maybe like bigger events being two nights that they're able to put more matches on the card where it's like okay like we could have different types of matches on this card and different types of matches on this card or if it's a match with only five a match I mean A match I'm sorry a card with only five matches on it then they have like two wom to matches and like the rest men you know like try to divide it out evenly so think SummerSlam this past year there was like two women's matches I want to say it was bayy and Nia Jax then Li Morgan and Ray Ripley which were both pretty good as well and then I want to say it was like the three other matches the CM Punk and Drew McIntyre Braun breaker Sami Zayn and then the main event with Cody and solo but it's I think too um it just depends on like the pacing as well like it sucks that their matches do get cut and it's mainly the women's matches that do get cut like that was like the norm back then like especially like in the Attitude Era like it's just so crazy but I think times have changed now where it's like nothing really gets cover in time I mean WWE they could prolong the show aw prolongs the show too like you know it is what it is like they they'll make it work out no yeah like you said uh I hope it's it's not a when you say disruption it's in like a negative manner cuz it sounds negative the the the word but uh I don't know like I I feel like they're they're doing it like you said with they're balancing the women's matches with the men's matches to where um they get as much time as the men's or where it makes sense you know they get so much time the men get so much time and we're getting uh things where I know us we're raing women's matches better than men's matches just because they are like like better put on matches I think we raided like I don't know what it was like Ria Ripley I know she's putting on great matches where hell yeah whatever she's doing and it could be like the best on the card or even Bailey you know um so I don't know I I could see her saying this but I don't know if she's going to do it there in aw like with Brit Baker and all them like I get I get wanting to say that and wanting to like uh set the goal but I don't know if they're going to do it there I feel like Ria Ripley could do it where she's doing it you know uh like they all need to be on the same page as well yeah no it's I feel like Ria Ripley is the one right now like single-handedly disrupting the business compared to like and she's doing it without saying it she's not like I'm going to disrupt the business she's just doing it and not even not even like like if someone was to say are you disrupting this this she'd be like I'm just working you know like I'm just doing my job where Mercedes Monet is like oh we're I'm disrupting the business you got to look at me check me out so uh I don't know I feel like uh I I get where Mercedes Mond is coming I get where she wants to do it but I feel like uh right now Ria Ripley is doing it single-handedly and then once Charlotte Flair gets back it's going to get even like better you know oh no it's gon to kick ass like I'm ready for it too like it's G to be good and it's going to be beneficial for both companies yeah I just don't see Mercedes Monae doing it single-handedly or even with or even with the the posy she's saying like with Brit Baker and uh who else the rest of the girls me Brit and the rest of the girls like I don't know like if they booked it right I think Camille could really do it Tony storm is uh doing it in her own little pocket um but uh they need to do it better they I don't know beer RI is doing it by herself and she doesn't even realize it I think yeah it's not like well not not showboating in a way but she's not being Arrogant with it not saying Mercedes Monae is but like R RI doesn't come off as a type to like brag about stuff you know what I mean maybe just her character to like brag about stuff I know she's a baby face now but when she was a he be like oh like I'm the best wrestler like in the women's division and blah blah blah but you know in interviews like she just seems like grateful you know like just go out there and do it like you're if you go out there and do it like people will support you no matter what yeah she looks like she's having fun like Mercedes Monet looks like oh I'm working again you know what I mean n to five yeah yeah like you better be paying me for this because I'm not gonna smile and do this [ __ ] unless I'm getting paid you know yeah I feel yeah I totally understand yeah but speaking of uh women disrupting the business on that team um sera's aew deal may be up soon the two sides have discussed the possibility of extending the deal uh this is via fightful select what do you think about Sera right is it s Sera s yeah S no what do you think uh she's gonna stay with aw or uh go do something else do you think she could do anything back when she goes to WWE like not not like a [ __ ] up way but it's like you know um where do you think they would let her wrestle because I know like they were the ones that diagnosed her like oh like she'll never be able to like wrestle again what what what do you think I don't know very much about her past in uh WWE I did see that injury where she did get like uh I guess retired or whatever she got like Rowdy knocked off the back by was it U Mercedes was it I think it was Sasha Banks that hit her like in the back I think it was um one of the Bellas I think it was Bella well I I feel like WWE could do something with her especially with all the um ambassadors they have now you know like like even with big e um and then bringing her back as Paige and having her just as an ambassador or as someone at the interviews or at the pre-shows or the after shows because they have a lot of those now where like they just like having talent at the pre-shows the after shows the extra shows the you know different openings the different showings and what what country is she from is she American or is she no she's from she's from the UK let me double check I know she's from the UK but I don't know the actual like uh the country she's from so I feel like she could be an ambassador for them kind of like um you know when they have shows over there over there they have SAR or Paige come out and everyone's cheering blah blah blah because it's the home uh Town Hero you know um Norwich United Kingdom she's from the UK um and who know knows maybe maybe they would clear herd or wrestle again I I don't know if if they would that just depends on doctors but she really hasn't been doing anything in aw since they brought her over other than that like um surprise whatever oh she's here surprise Sera it's like you know um I agree with you I feel like if she were to go back to WWE maybe they could like re uate her and be like oh like if you want you could perform again or you know you have the option to be like like you say an ambassador but I feel like if she were to go back she would definitely have a job there like a career there um if she was put on the women's roster like I feel like she would kick ass with especially with like how big the roster is as well because when she was in NXT like she was pretty big stuff too like she's just a good wrestler like she's really good and then to be put on the main roster you know with like how women's wrestling was viewed like when she came in it was still like eight minute matches like very short matches and I felt like she's still could keep up I think she had like a decent match with Tony storm this past um this past Wednesday on Dynamite but like you said they haven't really used her they when they signed her like signed her to be like such a big thing they gave her the championship title last year at Allin and then I think she lost it to Tony storm if I remember correctly but like ever since then she's just kind of like on the back burner yeah but that that's the same for like all the other performers there in the company so um I mean it she sticks around you know to each her own like she'll still get paid either way but from like an aspect of it I want to see her be able to perform more like on a regular basis to where she's comfortable with it or if not like you know be the ambassador of some pre-show or some back stage like a NXT uh commentator or announcer Ambassador you know something especially with how big NXT is getting now you know they could easily have her there as like the queen of NXT or something you know uhhuh yeah definitely definitely that like there'll be something for her to do like yeah in the end it's whatever she wants but it is what it is we'll see what that is uh when when her contract gets up but uh I like that I like that what we do see here a lot and this is everyone saying but you know that hasn't it's uh hasn't happened yet because it we probably just assume it's going to happen at Allin but uh via Shan Ross sap of Ricochet has landed a multi-year agreement with aw fightful select has learned uh what do you think about this I am happy for him I really am I do want him to succeed because Ricochet is crazy athletic it's amazing how stupid athletic he is man and it just sucks that when he was brought up he was kind of just you know a mid Carter you know like I felt like he'd be putting on like main event matches he should have been put on main event matches I'm a big fan of Ricochet and I feel like his time was really shining like toward the end of like his tenure there in WWE I think he's been there since like 2016 like he's been there for some time now so that's already what like SE six eight years at least eight yeah eight years yeah that's that's nuts man like that feels like such a I feel like he's only been there for a short time but it's crazy think 2016 it's like eight years ago um I I I just hope it's not the thing where it's like oh here's a new rest of we got we'll put them off for a few months and then just put on the back burner like how we said with Sera like I that's the last thing I do want because he's so athletic and I want him to be shown on TV more often like showed off like how crazy good he is because he he's he's one of the best to do it you know no yeah every time I uh see your he about Ricochet uh you know doing something it's crazy athletic crazy different and it's like it's badass especially in WWE where you don't really see that going down uh very often and then uh you know I don't want him to get lost in the sauce in aw where seems like everybody's doing those kind of moves and uh I don't know I just want him to like really showcase get showcased you know to where he deserve what he deserves you know because he is AB yeah definitely always been always been one of my favorites man as well I say they're all my favorites but like I don't know if if you're the same way but it's like when you realiz like a talent is just like super [ __ ] athletic like it's hard for me to like root against them it's like like same thing like with uh recently like Braun breaker like Braun breaker's been doing [ __ ] fantastic he's supposed to be a heel it's like man dude I can't Boo the guy he's great no yeah I just want like Ricochet I feel like everything he does I just want him to succeed and uh that goes for I mean it's crazy for him to to right now go especially in this new era with H Triple H or whatever and uh you know that other company whatever buying uh WWE I forget what it's called the one that yeah TKO them I can't imagine a wrestler going from WWE to aw in this new TKO era you know what I mean like pretty I I totally understand too like man like they're making big money right now but it's I guess it's too that it's hard to get all your performers on a pay-per-view card because they only cut it down to like five matches or six matches yeah and it's a good format like I don't feel tired but um it's like I do want to see this these performers posted on like a big stage like that I know one of the big complaints too is that a lot of big money matches excuse me are being put on live TV but it's like dude it's just it's a new format you know people were upset about what match did they have a few months ago gother versus Chad Gable for the Intercontinental Championship I I had to watch that on YouTube because I was at work obviously but man dude they beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of each other man like that's a pay-per-view caliber match um another match I could name recently was brown breaker and Sami Zayn the two out of three Falls match you know like Sami Zayn's great like at you know at wrestling like he's good he's good at the wrestling and you know like people are just upset because like all these matches are being put on like free TV like that's ridiculous but it's like I guess that's just like what they had to do because they got a big roster as well and just like you know the five match four match on pay-per-views most people seem to be agreeing with that in a positive manner no yeah and then they had uh Ricochet as like the speed Champion or whatever they gave him that but it's like what is even that I mean it's something it's generating Revenue it's getting eyeballs you know because it got views but at the same time it's also like uh thanks I'll I think I'll like try out the other company and I mean he can do whatever he wants he's he's probably comfortable he's made enough money or whatever his chick makes enough money doing her thing so it's like yeah I can explore my options and see uh you know wrestle with all these talents over here that uh I haven't wrestled with in forever since the Indie shows or whatever yeah it's like you know I hope it's still like on the friendly basis to like how you say all of his friends are over there hopefully like they're still friends and you know just to put on good matches maybe he wants to join aw so that way he could perform in New Japan because he was a big thing in New Japan as well and maybe he just wants to spend more time over there like more stuff in the Indie scene like there there's a bunch of like Revenue U money-making opportunities for him to be doing this and I I I want to keep it that way like that's how I want to see it because it's like I love Ricochet but I just don't want bad for him well that too and maybe he was just offered a good deal a good agreement like more money you know who knows I think so too Tony khong got that big bucks baby for real no exactly but yeah no whatever he does hopefully he's good with all that and yeah I hope to see him that'd be cool to see him pop up on the casino Gauntlet match or whatever or just pop up you know that be and just beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of orange [Laughter] Cassidy all [Laughter] these what else do I have here um oh here's um what's his name uh will Osprey I guess they told him about the uh signing of Ricochet being confirmed so he said some Choice words to his BR uh rochet let's see here that whole match kind of changed my perspective on wrestling it changed my like output and like how people viewed me right but I feel like him coming in now right I it's one of those things where we we done that match and we went off on our separate Journeys right and now we're coming back together again and for me now it's just like this is your chance now this is your chance to show people like because look around Boss look at this generation of wrestlers and like look what everybody is doing when it comes to like that athletic style of pressing right it's him he is the guy that did it and he's just got to find that Fire Within himself because he knows he can do it I honestly feel like he has just been downplayed for so bloody long that people have forgotten the freak athlete that he is so if it is true and if he is coming to a I am calling you out to remind everybody who the [ __ ] you are bro because you without shadow of the doubt were the man Dragon Gate pwg the Indies around the world no one could [ __ ] touch you so I am calling you out bro I am saying remind the world that you are one of the best who have ever done this [ __ ] man because I believe it and if I believe it you've got to believe in yourself now boss no I I I think Ricochet believes in himself yeah I don't from from watching this video man I think Osprey hates Ricochet is this a work or shoot I don't know don't work yourself into a shoot brother you got to show them bro yeah bro fine fine fine no but I mean that's cool I I think that's cool that he's hyping up Ricochet uh and we'll see what happens cuz I'm pretty sure I don't know I feel like he knows that he's pretty good he just doesn't get showcased it and so he's getting ready to hopefully uh break out there in aw even though everybody kind of knows what he can do you know oh big thing I'm predicting right now what if Bobby Lashley shows up at the casino Gauntlet man I didn't think about that too man I just thought about it I was thinking about wrestlers leaving and I was like wait a minute Bobby Lashley just left too man that'd be sweet dude he'd be he'd be a good against uh [ __ ] um who is it a swerve Bobby lash swerve hell yeah dude Bobby man we are Bobby Lashley stands in this podcast I love Bobby Lashley I think he's [ __ ] great dude imagine this like there's like oh here's the wild card it shows Bobby Lashley right the crowd's going [ __ ] crazy like oh my God holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he comes in and then he's posted up at the corner like to do a spear and [ __ ] Merks orange Cassidy he comes out with the MVP but MVP's EVP to avoid copyright dude that was so funny oh my God a bing and they just beat the [ __ ] out of orange Cassidy it's always a good way to end it yep Oh dude EVP that's so [ __ ] good man we gotta trademark that that's they have to they have to trademark that it's hilarious oh man next year and we talked about it I think Ronda Rousey hosted a ask me anything for fans on Reddit and it went extremely badly including all of her answers getting downvoted uh I know here they have couple of the quotes here Ronda Rousey's rdit AMA is going extremely well that's sarcasm uh so here Ronda Rousey do you think someone that takes punches to the head for a living should be making public statements about mass shootings of children uh as a parent and a professional using social media to promote herself now with years of experience do you see your choice to promote a Sandy Hook conspiracy video using your platform on Twitter as a major athlete differently what are your thoughts on Sandy Hook would you ever acknowledge Sandy Hook actually happened after seeing all the evidence so uh have you considered giving back financially those armful with hateful rhetoric like Sandy Hook now uh or other claims you propagated do you have any regrets on saying that s shooting was not real uh and then showing the sanduk victims and so we were kind of wondering I I and I looked into it apparently uh and she goes on she finally lists an apology here and it's long noted but basically 11 years ago she shared a video about Sandy Hook uh the conspiracy that maybe it wasn't real right like a YouTube video she just shared it she didn't like or retweeted it whatever she didn't like put anything else any comments didn't say anything she just shared it and that was like okay people are taking that as oh you agree with this U you were uh [ __ ] trying to what is it uh put this out into the world and and exclaim it and um so the world kind of you know whatever and she instead of apologizing kind of just TW tried to ignore it sweep it under the rug because she thought apologizing would bring attention to it you know and now she's apologizing for it and saying that you know I I shouldn't have just shared that video I don't mean that da D so now she's apologizing for it but yeah I guess people have really uh held against her the idea that she shared that video of a Sandy Hook uh conspiracy uh I don't know what do you think about this going down with her oh man okay hot take I'm just kidding though just like a noad [ __ ] uh I think I don't know dude it's on a serious note that's like very irresponsible for her to like being sharing what' you say not propaganda conspiracies about it you know like that was such like a an American Tragedy or like just like a major tragedy that happened man I can't believe it's already been 11 years man it's like there's been so many since then it's like it just yeah really has it's sad man it's very sad but just to like be promoting conspiracies like that and just be like oh people forget about it and then now you're just apologizing for it because people are still like calling you out about it and people have the internet like it's easy to look up [ __ ] now and I don't it's ridiculous that to kind of just like play it off oh people forget about this like bro like children died that day like you know innocent children and just for you to be saying like or not say but like to promote a video where they just say like oh you know like like this was all planned because X and Y and Z what do you think about it um she should have apologized I that day if she really like was getting obviously if she immediately got [ __ ] for it and um she should have like I don't know if she watched the video or she just tweeted it out but if she really felt like she did something wrong she should have apologized that day instead of waiting hour long to do it 11 years yeah especially in that same um what is it that same apology she had wrote there which is just you know for all audio listeners it's just like a note she typed up on her iPhone and then tweeted it out she was going to write about it in her book but her author was like no don't because then it's going to call more attention to it and bring it back to light and it's like okay so every opportunity you ha have had to apologize for it because you've had many platforms you've been on UFC you've been on WWE you had you had a book come out you've had so many opportunities to apologize for it uh to your wider audience and you took no uh effort to do so you know so who are we not to think you still don't believe what you retweeted if you care care not to retract it or apologize you know uh so like for her to like get all this [ __ ] for it now on Reddit and then suddenly okay now I'm apologizing for it it's like oh now you're accountable like because you're being held accountable now you know like it's I don't know it's it's very disingenuine to me because she's doing it so late and only whenever people are around he calling attention to it like by the masses you know uh but I don't know the to me like she's in the interviews I've seen with her too with the concussions and all that she's just kind of a dumb person um I don't know what she said about the concussions but can you please enlighten me with what she said if you remember I'm just trying to remember she's she says she's had so many concussions like in WWE uh when Stephanie McMahon like slapped her that gave her a concussion and who no telling how many other concussions she's had just from like being hit or this and that to where um and then like during her turn time in the WWE or in UFC where there really wasn't any concussion protocols she doesn't even know when she's had concussions uh she may think she had just had headaches or just wasn't feeling well or she was dizzy so she doesn't even know how many concussions she's had so like just the fact that um she has an unknown amount of concussions it's like well why am I going to take this person's opinion who's had so many concussions yeah you know like oh I'm sorry for the the Hy hook you know and conspir it's like well you're just yeah it's like you you've been concussed so many times even if you said oh it's not a conspiracy I'd be like well I don't know what to believe because you're just kind of dumb from you know man it's crazy that's just like a norm thing now where it's not like the concussion stuff but it's like where people of like high popularity like on a like a celebrity status like are willing to say like really [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] like for example like you know Logan Paul we don't have to [ __ ] say what he's been about but it's just like dude it's like and people look up to them and support them but it's like you know it's one thing like with Logan Paul about like the the whole boxing Olympic stuff because I don't know too much about it myself so I can't really say anything about that but to where you you the whole like suicide forest thing like you know that stuff like that was very that was very irresponsible of you that was very rude like you know like that wasn't like that wasn't uh proper for you to do like that you know Respect the Dead and like same thing with Ronda Rousey here too this whole like oh you know what this this has some good points you know like and then for you to retweet it and then take it down I don't know how long that post was out for like I don't think anyone knows unless they probably [ __ ] saw it like at the time but it's like that's that's a whole another level it's like you know kids lives were taken that day you know like that were just in school and just for you to say that's a [ __ ] conspiracy theory like you could just [ __ ] [ __ ] right off like that's that that's just stupid like why why am I going to listen to you especially how you said that she's talked about how many concussions she had like oh I might be a little loopy like I don't remember this like I was like [ __ ] you Ain [ __ ] said what you said like you know like that's just we know like the type of person you are like you don't look into the facts of [ __ ] like you're just going to Burt [ __ ] out just because and I'm glad she got called out for it dude like not a lot of celebrities get called out for that you know or it's like like we talk about celebrities here all the time like we talk about Kanye like that's a whole another story but it's like he still has a big fan base you know but it's like you know it it won't really take effect unless like this ccil culture actually takes effect where it's like you know she [ __ ] falls off like the face of the Earth not like dying or anything but just like you know go go into hiding delete social media like all together you know but that's it's not going to happen like people are still going to complain about it no matter what no I really think um it goes to say like how the internet is forever how they're still holding her accountable for this after 11 12 years and then for the Reddit uh AMA to go that complet completely like it wasn't just one or two people saying that trolling her it was like every [ __ ] question you know was was about Sandy Hook so it's like okay yeah we remember that you you are trying to brush this under the rug and never bring it back up or uh not bring attention to it and like like I said um she's had many opportunities and platforms to apologize for it or make amends and she hasn't so it's I I mean better late than never that she's doing it now but it it only took a army of [ __ ] redditors to [ __ ] put her in her place you know to make make it so you know redditors will do that to you man reddit reddit is a [ __ ] Reddit is a [ __ ] cess pool but it's like you know they actually work together to do some good out of it this time you know it's like Reddit and then [ __ ] Twitter or X like yeah Twitter is one of the worst [ __ ] things I've ever seen now it's like a cesspool of like neck beards and cringe and politics and it's terrible yeah but it it has its moments like this where it knocks uh people down you know brings them back to a point of perspective where it's like oh I need to watch what I say because can affect the world uh imminently in a ripple effect you know yeah sometime that's just what you need like just people to come down to like this sense of of you know just being human you know like you're you're not put on a [ __ ] pedestal like you're one of us dude like I'm about to say people people I I say a lot of people need to be humbled and it's good when it happens you know and then they actually like her try to I guess make amends so hopefully you know she will do something about that you know uh moving on to better news there was the interview uh Scott Delmore came on Chris Van valet and I was like oh there there he is I was wondering what happened to him because uh he you know I remember we were talking about him leaving TNA and we weren't sure why and I was on the negative side of things like man maybe he did something bad like it was you know like uh say or child accusation type [ __ ] that's why quietly being done but didn't don't really go into like I don't know they just parted ways that's all like did you watch the interview I didn't get to but it's on I watch later it was a long interview it was actually like two hours hours and um I think from what I remember he just said that they told him they were going to part ways with him and he was like proud of what they did with with TNA but he was sad that they were letting him go there but there wasn't any like Tom Foolery you know or whatever you want to say but it says here um let's hear what he has to say in this clip here about different things I'm we never got a chance to put Kenny Omega in front of a crowd yeah like we would we would have we would have been selling a lot of tickets at that point with Kenny Omega yeah it was your and and you know Kenny was amazing coming in and I don't people ever realize how banged up and Kenny is and there's people that have been like oh well Kenny like mailed it in I watched Kenny get worked on for 90 minutes to try to get enough um you know build up enough strength to go out there and wrestle moose at 1 in the morning in Jacksonville and people are like oh well Kenny phoned it in like like that guy could barely walk and then that guy sat there apologizing to Mo giving moose a great match that few people in the world could give me I wanted to do so much more so sorry um you know he was great now you look at things like hey things are going good for TNA now people go oh well they don't they don't like that Kenny didn't get to drop the belt you know Kenny would have dropped the belt would have loved to you know wanted to wanted to put Josh over wanted to work with EDM just didn't pan out um like some of the things that we saw with aw like haven't happened for the TNA relationship yet like like people will point I love it like somebody pointed out that you know TNA has record low View viewership like on one of the Omega shows they point out that it's something where none of the DVRs work and some systems were on Blackout um point out the others fact point out that the highest rated show in the history of Access TV the highest rated not just impact show but the highest rated show by a long shot there be on Access TV was that 268 overnight number that Kenny did that grew that well into the threes so here he's just talking a lot about how Kenny Omega was great for TNA I guess yeah in Scott deore interview validated everything aw fans have been saying all about the aw TNA partnership that it was an overwhelming success some of the things that happened with aw haven't happened for the NX TNA relationship yet um I don't know I I I don't know about this clip he's just putting over he's just putting Over Kenny Omega which is true Kenny Omega is great uh but I don't I don't know about him saying oh um some things have happened yet for aw that NXT NXT and then TNA are doing but that's happening right now with Joe Henry and all that and with Jordan Grace so I mean it's bound to happen it's just slowly happening you know yeah it'll get there it eventually will and it's it's just good to hear stories like how do you say like we kind of murc on the relationship between aw and U Japan where it feels like it hasn't really helped anybody well I believe it hasn't really helped anybody but I forgot they had this partnership with TNA and from what I remember it's like yeah that Kenny Omega was a big deal when it happened because I think he had like four belts or five belts at the time yeah Kenya Omega had a lot of belts and he was over there having matches with like Rich Swan and moose and Christian Cage before Christian Cage became the heal that he is now but that was some of the best like the best that uh uh that impact has been or TNA has been at the time but it was just like super unfortunate because unfortunately it happened like during covid so there weren't like really like big crowds or anything until like the end of that relationship with TNA like when Christian Cage became champion and then eventually eventually uh uh how was it going to say eventually Christy cage won the championship and eventually dropped it to I think he dropped it to Moose if I remember correctly I don't remember who he dropped it to and I think at the time that relationship was cut off but it it's cool to see you know positives come out of that relationship especially you know for TNA being on a channel that's on Access TV which a lot of people don't really have but I think it's on like free channels like Pluto and stuff cuz eventually I I watch stuff on access sometimes but I forgot like they show TNA on there because it's like not at the time it wasn't really promoted because you know aw doesn't really promote the other stuff like very very well no not at all barely even their stuff to promote it very well let alone uh Ring of Honor or anything that they own bro for what they they don't well ring of Honor they own it right what's that hey what is that is that a a a wedding reality TV show Ring of Honor uh I don't watch uh uh the Bravo TV what are you talking about B The Bachelor The Bachelorette type [ __ ] Ring of Honor damn good times son good times The Bachelorette for R I know uh during this um interview too with the Scott de Mo he had said he was opening up a wrestling place in Canada called the maple leaf what do you call it Maple Leaf Pro Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling right uhuh yeah M Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling Maple Leaf Pro and um he announced here that this guy Maro ralo will be returning the pro wrestling commentary as the voice of Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling that's cool I just love this graphic it makes him look so uh evil he looks like he's like part like stockholder of va from the boys he's just like uh I don't know he's just communism or something he's a he's a Call of Duty villain that's what he is do you know much about maralo he's the guy that goes Mama Mia okay that sounds familiar but was he ever on a UFC uh he's called a couple UFC matches I think his big thing now was that he uh calls stuff for uh boxing for for um because I know he was part of NXT like when NXT was like [ __ ] big like the black and gold era like the one I would always like nut about yeah yeah but uh but he was such a big thing at the time and it was a shame because he ended up getting let go or like either he left or got let go because he was very um he had like a bunch of like anxiety issues that were like real extreme and two um there was he had released a statement talking about how JBL was a bully and like would just like constantly like rag on him like every time they were like between breaks and like his his anxiety went through the roof and eventually like he ended up calling it quits like for for wrestling and again like the whole Council culture thing it's like like people were like mad dogging on JBL for the longest time for being a bully and there was a bunch of accusations like how he was a bully when his time as like the wrestling god like the like the stock stock marketer you know JBL like JBL being a [ __ ] [ __ ] like outside of like kayfabe and like a whole lot of people to like ccel him at the time but hey no like he's actually a leftist so we'll like him like Everyone likes him now you know but it's good to see maralo back like he his his commentary can be a little bit over the top but there's like this sense of like like a how do you say like action that he puts into his commentary like oh my God like real over the top it's like man like this is making me care for this match you know and I think that was another big thing besides the wrestling that I really liked about NXT was Mar ralo like he was a big thing in like the commentary team and a big part of that NXT black and gold era no I think that's a big part of what's lost in commentary now like I know you listen to like whenever I do listen to aw commentary like watching botam Mania or something uh it's just a lot of uh like them joking around or not really taking it seriously or them not being enthusiastic about it and it kind of throws me out of the the W I wouldn't even say the throws me out of the match not the reality of the match but just like if they're not carrying about it why should I care about it you know yeah I think with aw it's um I mean they do have the good stuff like as far as like their commentary team but I think the bad stuff kind of like outweighs the good stuff a little bit like I know like bamania always talks about Taz and like the the commentary between Taz and Tony shobani than xcaliber like kind of like uh being like the middleman um Xcalibur is okay but I think the best part about the commentary team is probably Nigel mcginness because like he he puts this like it it's a kind of what you want from like a heel commentator like like oh he's doing this because of this and that and like just being like a like a snark snarky Englishman and it it really really works like for him or like being over the top like when Tony uh Tony storm uh Mina shawa and Ryan they all kissed each other and like everyone just like started clapping and he's like started go crying and stuff like that shit's great D that sh was so so funny it's hilarious and like he's able to separate from the goofiness to when he needs to get serious where as far as like Tony shobani he's getting paid and Taz is just like I don't know just like like rambling on about like whatever about like an Arby's steal or some [ __ ] you know well and I'm glad that this Maple Leaf Pros opening up because like he was saying that Scott deore in the interview that it's harder for uh Canadian talent to be showcased and then try to like get their visas when coming to America and being like Oh what have you worked before and it's like oh well I've done this Indie show here this Indie show there yeah but what prominent Place have you worked for and there's not really like a prominent place like um more or less in Canada so this gives them like somewhere to Showcase their talents so when they are trying to migrate to America they could say oh well where have you worked at oh I worked at Maple Leaf Pro here's my you know my matches or whatever and then it it just helps like give them a place to Showcase talent in Canada you know that's badass man like there's there's a bunch of like great talent from Canada as well oh yeah Kevin Owens Sami Zayn uh Mike Bailey Mike Bailey is really [ __ ] good he's from uh TNA um etc those are the only three I can think of Edge and Christian are both from Canada right they are both from Canada yes uh Ryan Reynolds yeah he prominent Canadian yeah I never knew he was a prominent Canadian until I saw Deadpool he does need help uh showcasing his talent I know man is all it's hard for these Indie wrestlers then to get their name out there we do have here uh what is this an advertisement in London just revealed aw njpw forbidden door 2025 aw Allin 2026 both coming to England uh what do you think of this is that good um sure it brings in more business um real quick for audio listeners um I guess they're they're already setting up for everything in all in for tomorrow and somebody took a took a picture of like those I guess uh what do you call those things like um I don't know like like this displ screens like there's another word for them they like display graphics like Graphics display screens or something like how how WWE have like around the barricade and stuff or like on the side of the Ring it's one of those graphic screens and uh it says awx New Japan Pro Wrestling forbidden door London 2025 and then there's another screen at the bottom where it says aw Allin London see you in 2026 so it looks like they already got some um shows prepared for the future it's always good to future plan like that and I just don't think forbin Andor is going to do Wembley Stadium uh they might be like the smaller Arena excuse me uh no that that's that's cool I mean I don't know I I know forbid door wasn't really all that uh this last uh showing that was it was it and uh I know all in is going to be 2025 in Texas right I think mhm and I'm going to try to go to that actually are you yeah me and my friend like we were talking about how we really want to go so it's like I've never been to Dallas before so let's see how it goes I heard Dallas sucks ass I hear it it gets cold up there when it does get cold like I see [ __ ] cold you know oh that'd be cool to like learn how to drift and stuff that' be that'd be badass man love here yeah it's not the funnest to drift in snow but you know it I don't think it'll get that cold now with how hot it it's like oh it's it's 55 out there but it feels like 108 and I don't know right8 but it's actually 32 degrees Celsius bro damn it uh but this is good for that man it the one thing that kind of sucks sucks is I hate when stuff gets leaked like this I kind of want to be genuinely surprised but then again it's like Tony Khan's like announcing this [ __ ] himself in like interviews so and kind of like the surprise you know yeah he he just announces [ __ ] whenever he wants to there's really like no surprises anymore I don't know we're burnt out on surprises yeah it really is it's like everything's like groundbreaking now it's like uh whatever go ahead bud we have here uh from wrestle Ops there are many times where Triple H is scrolling through Twitter from WWE's Guerilla position at the broadcast and paying very close attention to what the audience is doing and reacting to as the shows are going on the air he pays very close attention to what the audience wants not just live but also based on social media feedback this is via PW Insider I want to file this under no [ __ ] [Laughter] you're telling me water's wet what the [ __ ] yeah like okay he's the [ __ ] what is he like the um centrifugal force officer and he's he's like the main talent talent officer or whatever right so of course he's GNA be like what the [ __ ] how's the audience reacting online and in person you know that they need those monikers like the aw and [ __ ] it's like breaking you sun is really hot it continues continues to get hot no I don't know dude that is so [ __ ] funny man I think it's uh funny how like people for years say like oh Triple H has a burner account all this other stuff I like I'm pretty sure he does it's like I don't think he's just there like just watching the match like twiddling his fingers very maniacally like a Mr Burns character I mean if he's not personally on Twitter he has someone scrolling telling him how people are reacting you know what I mean like I don't expect him to be like this like on his phone like that just like like doing that face where he's like choking but like veins poping out of his forehead or he's got like those um those Thailand Farmers or Indian Farmers where they have all the phones and they're scrolling while it's a the old school um like the old school [ __ ] uh collect calls where it's like they connect one wire to another wire like this yeah I don't imagine him yeah yeah I don't imagine him like switch boarding and juggling these things himself like I imagine he's got a team right there telling him like yes sir this is what's going on on X yes this is what's going on on Facebook this is the reaction to this on Reddit you know yeah oh go ahead yeah so I could see him having a team like that that straight up doing that as cheesy as it sounds but that would just be stupid not to have a team like that at this point you know it'll be kind of cool if Triple H is at the computer and it's like uh they go to commercial break right and then he's like oh I'll be right back and there's like a giant wooden door behind him he goes inside closes it he turns around just a bunch of cages filled with pigeons like with the little notes w around and they're just like copy and paste of like X tweets like you know like oh but this show sucks and then he writes a little something and sends that pigeon out but it's it's only him and no one knows who else he's like he's sending up off to his other burner accounts to get more information I was thinking he's like I'll be right back at the commercial break and he goes uh you know into the room and there's just old like apple two or whatever and he has his glasses and he just like he's not a typewriter yeah yeah he he's like that Coraline dad I keep mentioning that Corine dad or he's like what are you doing he's just like checking the [ __ ] dirt sheets or something dirt sheets oh what dude what if he actually has a subscription to the newsletter oh dude and then he [ __ ] um like he just types in fakeing gay to Dave Meltzer every time just fakeing gay fake this is fakeing gay and it sends it off he puts on like the the the Apple Vision like the Apple Pro the headset and then it's just him like touching screens like that down vote down vote down vote faking gay faking gay like like like safe safe but he's like doing this but he's in gorilla and everyone's just staring at him like what the [ __ ] are you doing Hunter then he just has a the G Generation X theme song playing in the background fing he like he has a headset on he's just [ __ ] chopping I don't know I I mean yeah I just imagine that that's just smart of him being the chief chief Talon exec or whatever CTE know whatever [ __ ] uh acronym he is you know he would just that'd be stupid for him not to have all these different uh areas of feedback that he considers you know and since everything's like very social media based as well it's like how can you not be you know on social media like I'm pretty sure you do have burnner accounts it's like I'm not surprised at all yeah no me neither no at all you know uh but yeah no um I'm sure he's he's fine I I don't know if he has straight up burner accounts that say like Triple H or whatever but you know yes uh Triple H lover 69 Triple H Triple H hater 420 not Triple H official it's like uh it's it's his name spelled backwards like I H or something it Blitz [Laughter] H H speak of someone that's always quite on social media uh John Cena John Cena States uh John Cena states that he has already signed an extension to remain with WWE once the farewell tour is over after 2025 via Club Shay what do you think about this that makes me happy man I I don't think I'm ready to see John Cena go man I I'm not mentally prepared I've been telling my co-workers like dude like G and might retire and like the same year that John Cena said announced his retirement like H dude it's like is this what growing old feels like yes yes it is oh man this this sucks just start crying right now you think it's going to be like a four World Tour Part two after the fa farewell tour I'm I hope so and then he just squashes everybody like then he comes across like mega super Cena that'd be kind of fun no I I imagine with all the make wish and everything and his real name being tied to WWE like they own his real name uh I imagine he's always going to be part of WWE uh whether he wants to or not you know he really is I feel like now it's like they could work out a contract like you know where he gets more uh how do you say it um Freedom not Freedom uh compensation I guess yeah it's um one compensation like to his name I feel like oh like your name's tied to the WWE I feel like that's that sounds like a Vince McMahon thing like that's just that sounds evil you know uh and then uh Triple H just like signed the contract uh it's not as lucrative as Vincent made it [Laughter] to oh Triple H he he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing I know he absolutely does but yeah no I'm I'm for John Cena like I said the makeawish and all that he's he's a good guy I I I'll look forward to how this farewell tour is and then yeah him continuing you know working with WWE I think he's a good he's always been a good egg to them you know yeah um hope when uh if one of those States next year comes through San Antonio uh me and my brother Richard are are going to get tickets to go check it out to see if he's actually going to have a match there on the card and stuff like that like I I just want to see John Cena for one last time that's all I want no he's he's a good guy but you know we hope for Peacemaker 2 and all the other stuff oh dude I'm ready for Peacemaker season two it was good it was good it was awesome yeah was really good we have here um other news was Matt Cardona says he wants to finish his career back in WWE claiming he feels closer to becoming WWE Champion now following his run on the Indies than he was when he was in the company as Zack Ryder uh I think right now in summer 2024 being released from WWE for four years I honestly feel like I'm closer to the WWE World title than I was when I worked for WWE I'm proud to be the Indie God I'm proud to be the face of gcw but when it's all said and done I want to end my career in WWE I want to have another WrestleMania moment I want to be in Madison Square Garden but as Matt Cardona Zack Ryder is dead I am so fortunate for Zack rider for the highs and the lows the good and the bad because it set me up for this it prepared me for this via Sports Illustrated what do you think about what do you think about Matt Cardona coming back uh for another run with or his last run maybe with WWE I'm cool with that that'd be cool like he really did invent himself like on the Indies and I know he said in interviews where he was like super against doing death matches because I don't know if you remember like he did the death match against uh Nick Gage yeah I think I recall that yeah and he was like I didn't want to do it but I know it's like it'll get people talking like Zack Ryder doing a death match and you know sure enough I ended up winning and people like [ __ ] hated me for it and it's like that's a good change like I needed so I feel like he's built himself up to have like another go into WWE depending on how it goes you know like how how far they're willing to work with them because there's just like so many story lines happening now where just like it's really big so I feel like they could work that in or maybe they bring him in to have a match against like John Cena you know on his fa World Tour I know he's talked about that too that he does want to have a match with Cena on his fair World Tour a lot of wrestlers do but it's like you know it's only so many dates it's like picking and choosing I think uh he could go after the other Championship not necessarily the Cody roads one maybe the uh who has it right now oh gother has it uhhuh yeah I know never mind never mind next have him go after the Cody roads one dude I know it's like it'll be a good I mean not knocking out Cody rhods at all but it's like that'll be a good match but it's like if we going up against gther dude he's gonna flaming your ass and Eat You Alive yeah I'm sorry I nobody else deserves that more than gther at the moment oh man on this podcast we stand Bobby Lashley and gther yeah and then I was like and I was just thinking well who has the Intercontinental one and it's Bron breaker Breer never mind never mind the the US Championship La KN uh maybe wom Championship uh r oh wait no Li Morgan I was going to say rare whipley maybe La night maybe but that's that would still be a good match too it's like La KN [ __ ] kicks ass yeah it would be it'd be it'd be a nice uh did you hear that yeah yeah I did hear it was a weird sound weird I'm hungry uh it would be a good match it'd be a nice like uh match of wits I don't know because look they look kind of the same and they come from the same tape it seems you know yeah and he could have a match against Cody rhods I don't mind that at all but I don't see mik cordona winning it not as they build him up to be like a really top Superstar you know yeah but I mean it is what it is things could change within a year unless he means like the NXT title I don't know oh oh yeah he could be NXT champ yeah hell yeah to not downgrading the NXT Championship but it's like anything better than NE the page yeah yeah I think he could do that also uh moving on to uh other uh promotions TNA's Rich Swan is entering rehab after a second disorderly intoxication arrest since 2022 Swan was arrested in June 8th in alante Springs Florida and charged with disorderly publican intoxication and causing a disturbance of misdemeanor offense following the incident Swan is entering a substance abuse rehab program via post wrestling at Brandon thirston what do you think about rich Swan entering rehab uh for I don't know alcohol seems oh man that sucks man it's a shame when you see people struggling like that um I know he got released from WWE because he was arrested for an alteration with his girlfriend at the time I want to say and it led to like him chasing her but like he gone out of his car and like didn't put it in park so it was just like driving off um I don't I don't remember what that first arrest was let me look it up right now but it it's really a shame like I just you never want to see like the downfall of wrestlers like Rich Swan is actually like super talented and he's a great performer as well but in the end it it's really that they they can only help themselves like to make that first step you know yeah definitely no I I don't know him personally but I've seen a lot of like those videos on YouTube of like uh the TLC like rehab or addictions and um it takes a lot to like for them even alcohol I mean I mean not that hard drugs are any like worse than alcohol you know just depends on who you are and your vices and what you're into but like it's hard to take that step for recovery and then you're always fighting it you know like they always say like an alcoholic is you're never not still an alcoholic you're always battling it you never like Win It win the battle you know it's like a never ending struggle so for him to like I mean I don't know if he was forced to take the step or whatever but regardless of that he's at least taking the first steps to recovery and uh that's a good thing you know like for him and for whatever his loved ones if he does have you know people close to him so he was um he was released back in 2017 because when WWE brought back their cruiserweight Division and it went to ass he was one of the Champions I think he was the cruiserweight champion at the time for 205 live I think that's what it was um but they let him go that same year so it starts off with this personal life this is off of Wikipedia and it says Swan married his girlfriend of five years veran rigs a fellow professional wrestler better known as Sue young in March of 2017 on December 20 on December 30th 2021 rig announced that she was pregnant with the first couple's child her son was born February 2022 um legal ISS isues on December 10th of 2017 Swan was arrested in Gainesville Florida on charges of battery and kidnapping SL false imprisonment the victim was the victim was identified as his wife according to the arrest reports swans and rigs had gotten into an argument over swans criticizing Rick's performance at a show that night when rigs tried to get away from Swan Witnesses state that he grabbed her in a headlock and dragged her back into his car Swan was released a Alachua County Jail later the same day and told to get in contact with court services on January 25th 2018 all charges against swan were dismissed when a determination was made by prosecutors that there was a quote insufficient evidence to move forward with the case and then it says right here you know from three days ago on August 21st 2024 Swan was reported to be entering rehab following his second arrest for the orderly intoxication since 2022 this latest arrest is part of an ongoing legal and personal challenges he has faced in recent years well here's hoping he can find help yeah that that's all you can wish for man that that's all you could do uh moving on to uh I guess still sad but in a different way uh Brian danison has revealed that his daughter wants him to lose at aw Allen so that he could just just be home to just be a dad it'll be the first time my son's ever seen me wrestle live my daughter got to see me wrestle live WrestleMania 35 she was 2 years old and she doesn't remember so it's really exciting it's exciting for our family so my wife will be there and my kids will be there my son wants me to win but also wants me to get beat up a little bit my daughter doesn't want to see me get beat up but she wants me to lose so I can come home and just be a dad Source Brian danelson from the BBC side what do you think that's sad man he spoiling it he's gonna lose know he's like it's like I imag like Dad I want you to lose so you can go home and be a dad like I miss you at home he goes oh birdie I think that's the name of his daughter birdie oh birdie gets on her level and like Pats her on the head he's like I'mma kick his [ __ ] head in almost Target driver him bro bro beans with your breakfast love God safe the queen in it no I don't know I feel like we're just getting we're all getting like uh groomed to feel that I don't know if that's the best word groomed but to where Danielson is going to lose you know we're all getting like mentally prepared for it you know through all I'm not going to be ready for it if he loses if he wins like I'mma pop so hard for that honestly it's going to be great but if he loses like I got my bad down here to capture all these tears he loses and then he just drops it the next day that'd be crazy damn I don't know all Brian D what do we have here uh I think this is the last here on the news Dory Funk Jr has arrived in Japan to wrestle at his late brother Terry funk's mem morial event Terry passed away one year ago tomorrow dor at 83 years old will become the oldest male wrestler to participate in a wrestling match in history and uh here was a I guess this happened La uh early this night or whatever because here's Dory Funk Dory Funk in his 80s did an exploding death match today and yeah I guess he at 80 years old he wrestled [Laughter] I don't know what to think of that no you think he did a tiger driver no but I think somewhere out there Ric Flair is like this piece of [ __ ] now I got to get back in the ring and a dude I hope not man I hope not he needs to [ __ ] stay far away I don't know man Richard wants him to be in one more match I know I know and I tell Richard like dude just let the man retire and then before I can even finish he's chopping me in his robe open mind you and his his dick just railing everywhere yeah the helicopter he's like he chops me woo touch it woo touch it you want to ride Space [Music] Mountain it's a d wcoy wheeling and deing and jet flying wngs women grabbing dick flailing that's Richard Richard loves that [ __ ] no uh but no that was all the news here we're g to get into some botches and cool stuff here I think lastly on the podcast we have here uh Big E and big d uh Team Big E D let's he what they have to say here e andig dag stop it stop it right [Laughter] now man biggy's cool even though man I love I love big I love Drew McIntyre too big Ed remember our final tag team Big Ed and he's stop it he's stop it you stop it right now oh my god dude that is so funny I miss biggie every day I think he's great with where wherever they have him but yeah I'm just glad he's like pretty much healthy yeah right yeah he's like 100% healthy he's just uh living I don't know of course he's not wrestling so I'm sure he feels bad there but he's living his best life as a Ambassador and all that yeah definitely man Big Ed that's funny here's uh shinsuke Nakamura in a Ramen commercial [Music] is this one of the coolest [ __ ] things I've ever seen in my life I want to say this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen man I just don't I mean not that American commercials are any better or any not non like uh where they don't make any sense but I mean if you're just listening shinsuke trying to like Court a woman who's like a Tanuki like she has fox ears and a fox tail and um this dude's just watching them and it's like basically telling him you want to be uh cool like this guy eat some Ramen yeah then like shuke is doing his hand gestures to the tail his shirt pops open like like just pops open and then he does his his pose like where he goes up against the roope but he's grabbing like a bench and doing it and it's still one of the coolest things I've ever seen man yeah yeah it's so cool like it it it makes you want to [ __ ] buy Ramen I just don't dude I'm g go buy some Ramen man Bobby Lashley gother and shinsuke man dude I love shinsuke so much yeah shinsuke is great I do enjoy shinsuke uh what do we have here what's next oh this would catch a lot of you and it's a mous trap with rear Ripley set as the pain dude I would I will grab hold of that bar and tell her to run away you'll be safe please I volunteer his tribute I would use my tongue to be uh trapped there just exactly just like that just like that we have here this is uh let's see here oh this is Jim Ross this is good old Jr let's see what has to say sure that I'll also be funny at people watching they'll say boy Jr looks old hey guess what Einstein I am old what the [ __ ] do you want uh so I'm being a little bit of a turd but anyway oh [ __ ] that's is J saying that he's old guess what I what the [ __ ] you want yeah I'm being a turd about [Laughter] it um good old Jr here's here's Dave Meltzer when will spray versus Ricochet [Music] happens oh no [Music] [Laughter] and if anyone has seen the movie Whiplash it's just clips from Whiplash where the guy looks like he's masturbating very much uh but he's not he's actually drumming man I never seen this movie you never seen it it's good it's good yeah I heard it's really good yeah this he's not actually masturbating the scene that it alludes to he's drumming oh spoilers yeah the uh the new fake news media is trying to C it to where mix it looks like he's masturbating but he's just like they're clipping the weather I tell you I tell you um damn here's uh Jade Cargill with Bobby Lashley on what is this uh time Feud yeah I was G to say How I Met Your Mother I was like why the [ __ ] am I saying How I Met Your Mother uh clip's not loading and you know this makes me sad CU Bobby Lashley is not with WWE anymore but obviously this was filmed a while back I think they just released it too uhhuh yeah this this just got released uh maybe a couple days ago let's see what he has what she has to say yeah oh [Music] boy and that's just uh Jade about to shake Bobby lashley's hand but but she kind of fakes him out and doesn't shake his hand which if you want my opinion it's because the timelines would have converge because they're one in the same person from different timelines so if they were to have touched it would have created like a [ __ ] Singularity into uh our black hole of a universe oh my God yeah that's my that's my uh that's my opinion though why do you think she might have done this to Bobby Lashley I don't know man I think if that was me about to shake her hand she does that to me I would apologize for sticking out my hand in the first place oh you you said apologize but you put your hands up like in fists like oh yeah nah dude she'll beat the [ __ ] out of me man it's okay I'm about to show you some um what is it some respect and dignity here's respect and here's dignity like she picks me up breaks me across her back or across her knee I wouldn't mind that though by by Jade Cargill no here's a here's a crazy bump let's see if it loads up oh my God seated slow motion oh no so yeah uh for audio listeners this guy gets kind of like almost like a rock bottom but he lands neck first first yeah very much neck first and uh yeah I guess from the from the uh comments in the video they say he's okay he was apparently okay I mean I'm glad that looks ugly holy [ __ ] yeah that was Rowdy neck neck first oh my God it like terrible rewinded uh poor guy that's that's uh pay your dues it's paying your dues Bo just green boys here's a OMG rakhi's son Theo Fatu is a beast how big is his family and then someone just put I hear about raki's son every week and it's a different guy every time dude for real how many sons does raki have I don't know I just remember seeing that family tree and you know just seen a bunch of names but it wasn't it didn't seem like it was real you know how many sons does Rishi like I didn't even finish typing it and it just pops up with a picture of raki and it says four four really just four yeah cuz uh uh one two yeah so this guy so it's solo The Usos and Jeremiah pan fat oh yes and I I think this is him I think let me see uh fat golly I'm trying to think of what his name is n i yeah he like he has uh four Sons that's crazy man that guy was busy here's uh speaking of busy and here's Hulk Hogan uh drunk talking about Camal oh no dude I tried my best to avoid this video on it man you want to get crazy want me to throw more beers out you want me to body slam somebody you want me to body slam Camala Harris I said do you want me a body slam Camala Harris you want me to drop the leg on Camala isala a chameleon is she Indian okay I like it ow I'm get heat for that one brother that was not me that was the beer talking what the [ __ ] oh oh no do you think Kamala is a chameleon is she Indian how that's what I I was wondering what he said like what he like is she a something I was like you say chameleon or Indian he go is he Indian and I was like oh what the [ __ ] did he say I was like he didn't say chameleon oh my God [ __ ] me and Jazelle just watch an episode of The Simpsons like they go to like an Indian casino and they're like oh like Bart and Homer going in and then Bart's excited because he's never been in a casino before and then Homer's like no son like you have to be respectful when you come in and he starts dancing like an Indian but he goes Hi how are you Hi how are you Hi how are you and I was like oh no I miss I miss humor like that that was dude it's funny man it's it's so funny I'm not going to lie I it's hilarious but God man H that's that's not me talking that's the beers talking like no dud I think the beers bring out the real you dude I think that's what alcohol does is she a chameleon or an Indian crowd just all what what what what like a dude I'm G get for that brother politics are so cringy man it's all like entertainment now it just makes me laugh cuz like I kind of like want to believe she's a chameleon now just because of BPS it dude she just takes off her skin and she's actually a chameleon yeah yeah a lizard underneath like most I they can't they can't veto her out because she's very President right well I I don't know how the [ __ ] [ __ ] works I don't what am I talking about they're already too far in yeah I know they had two chameleons in the white house it was Grover MH and it was um what's his name uh George Bush MH classic classic uh back when uh times men were men and men were men and boys will be boys lock room talk speaking of boys uh or guys uh Costco guys to appear at aw all out who the [ __ ] is that I think these are some ticktockers I think and okay yeah I just thought this was funny is cultaholic wrestling is like reporting on this and I'm like okay who who cares I like how there's like no link or anything like it's just a post I mean I could click on it and read but I don't like do I care if the Costco guys appear it all out dude I don't know who the [ __ ] the Costco guys are I I really ticktockers am I getting old yeah we are we're all getting old man these people no it's it's nothing to even I don't even know if they came out if people would recognize them at all I swear if I looked at this kid here I would have said that's the same kid from [ __ ] Modern Family no that one's a little Browner I think just a little here's uh let's see if it loads up I never forget R truth's reaction to Damien being called the bisexual Undertaker let's see oh no he cash in and won the championship it wasn't Damen priest trending it was bisexual Undertaker is he aware of this phrase that is attached to him no where did I get that from well there there's some slow motion he flips his hair and the outfits he wears people believe he's kind of The Undertaker from like 1999 but trending worldwide on Twitter X was bisexual Undertaker and I'm not sure if he no no he doesn't hey you know what I think uh DP is very comfortable with his sexuality I think he's um I think he'll take it and embrace it and run with it Bobby Lashley yeah R Truth is great Our Truth is fing great um just yesterday uh I was talking to one of my co-workers and I just found out he likes wrestling but he's like like like seven years younger than me he's like 22 so he's talking about his childhood and he talks about like oh like the shield like in 2012 because he was still like in high school middle school at the time and I was like who's your favorite wrestler and legit he said our truth and I was like hell yeah man that's how it should be no arre is great he is [ __ ] great oh dude he's so hilarious I don't think I've ever seen our truth laugh cuz I think he's always making other people laugh yeah he's always staying pretty uh [ __ ] in into the joke where he doesn't like laugh but you could tell that oneck a dude so funny man that's hilarious what we have here this one just says what what see what happens here oh Roman Reigns when he came back with the veneers it's just a hamburger with big ass white onions oh man dude I would destroy that Burger I'm really hungry right now well lastly here and I know you sent me this this one just says holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] let's see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so stupid [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh there's a table there I did 3D so for anyone just watching uh SpongeBob and Patrick came out into a wrestling match they were like dudes in inflatable suits and they just started beating onto a team to the theme of The Goofy Goober Song from the SpongeBob movie and they even gave like a guy of 3D man just to think SpongeBob and Patrick would do business for themselves just I don't know I don't know why they don't have more Nickelodeon crossovers into wrestling I know my I think this I don't even think that was SpongeBob and Patrick I think those were just chameleons is it a chameleon is it an Indian what get heat for that brother be talking about me brother that's what myo says well that's another episode of that's all okay fa everyone I want to thank everyone for listening uh sticking with us really appreciate uh the you know coming listening and the comments anything like that what do you want to say to the people Gabe um just I to all chameleons out there thank you'all for liking commenting subscribing hting that notification Bell uh giving us a five star rating on Spotify all that good stuff it helps supports the channel five stars five stars yeah no want thank all y'all for listening uh liking and all that and sharing and we'll see yall next week with probably the results to all in and all that and yeah we'll see you all there everyone uh see you around take care bye bye

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