How to Remove Gmail Account from Your Phone | Easy Guide

Introduction how to remove Gmail account from your phone hello everybody and welcome back to our channel so let's get started first of all make sure your Gmail app is How to Remove Gmail Account from Your Phone updated to the latest version this will ensure you have access to the most up toate features and settings for managing your account after that go to the settings app on your phone and search for mail accounts tap on mail accounts here you will see a list of all accounts Cor ly signed in on your device find the Google or Gmail account you want to remove and tap on it and after selecting the account you will see an option to delete account simply tap on that option and confirm your decision when prompted the account will be removed from your phone if you prefer you can also sign out directly from the Gmail app by tapping on your profile picture then going to manage accounts on this device and choosing to remove the account from there and that's it that's all for today's video thank you all for watching till the very end and stay tuned for our next upload

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