Unpacking RHOSLC drama w/ Meredith Marks + Mormon Wives stars Taylor & Mayci spill exclusive tea

I didn't think people do that to a pregnant girl but like yeah it's fine people are brutal though virtual reality hi I'm Denny Murphy and I'm Evan real and it seems like everyone has been getting Unholy this week Evan because the Secret Lives of Mormon wives and the Sam Smith song that you know isn't the intro of it has been playing in every home because this show is taking over a Mormon swinging SC has hit Utah no one was innocent everyone has hooked up with like everyone I know I think it's only been about a week since it premiered and you know you and I watched the series before everyone else did we loved it from the jump I had a feeling it would make a splash I just didn't think I I never expected that it would make this big of a splash but I'm so happy because that's the thing with like new reality shows you never know how they're going to do and I honestly think that it's really hard for a new show a new franchise to break through but honey they have they've broken through that it's the power of the hair extensions they're all like Rapunzel to the top of yeah they let down their hair in Hulu Studios it's number one it's really taking over and the girls are having so well almost all the girls are having so much fun with the Newfound Fame well not new F Fame because they been Tik Tok stars with TV Fame yeah so we got to talk about Whitney we got sorry Whitney but we gotta we got to talk about Whitney so when we spoke to the entire cast last week no one had watched the show yet and so when they were telling us that you and I were a little bit shocked because I was like with the way the Whitney story plays out on the show I was surprised that she even agreed to do the Press day now she has seen the show and her social media reactions it it's making it's making a lot of sense because she was certainly villainized on the show I mean I don't know did she villainize herself did the edit villainize her I'm not sure she's she's playing the villain and she she does it well yeah she does it well and she is keeping that brand strong cuz in True Villain fashion she's dropping some receipts on social media yes yes so she shared some private text messages between herself and Macy which I thought was kind of a bold move I mean look I'm I'm here for the te I'm here for a receipt if if you're posting a private text message I'm reading it I want to say however I was surprised that she did make that move because Macy was kind of her biggest and only Ally for a large duration of the series so to me that signals that Whitney when she left Mom talk she really meant it because now she's leaving her only friend in the group in the building yeah I know she kind of all she's like on an island with herself and her new baby and her husband yeah and when we talked to Macy she kind of was a little taken aack by what she even went so far to call her slimy she did call her slimy which is such an adjective I heard bring slimy back yeah bring slimy back I feel like I don't use that word enough so thank you Macy for reminding us how great that word is slimy slimy you're slim cuz it really encaptures an entire mood CU she's like no you're not a snake you're being slimy and snakes actually aren't slimy they're scaly what is what is slimy like a slug like a slug right wait what is and if you call me a slug for once um a SL a slimy yeah cuz slimy is like oh you're moving you're doing the slow and steady move to Shady and like like oh I feel dir like you got to wash your hands after that like I think Macy was like I got to wash my hands after see and what she's dropping I mean the vibe that we got from Macy was that it seems like she is washing her hands clean of the Whitney friendship I think that overall the the feeling that I got from her was that she's just sort of like apathetic at the moment it's it's crazy cuz like Whitney seems to be doing a lot doing the most on social media to I guess get her side out out there to I'm not really sure but both she and Taylor because both of them came in in studio when we asked about Whitney they just seemed very like nonfed about it they're confused yeah they're a little bit confused because I think that even Macy was having trouble connecting the dots of what Whitney meant by sharing the screenshot of that text message because when I read it back I was it was also when you have to like put your phone in horizontal for the screenshot of the text I'm not too much it was a lot of words it's a lot I'm like you want me to zoom in I as Macy Gray not this Macy was say I try but I don't got that much time I did have the time and I did read it and I just thought overall it was like two girls expressing their REM not even that just explaining how like it was a lot of Whitney explaining why she wanted to separate herself from the group at the I think it was during the baby mama launch and she was explaining why she couldn't go or didn't want to go and then Macy was just like okay girl like whatever do your thing so un follow well yeah that that scene was so so well it wasn't Macy's idea to unfollow Whitney during the baby mama launch party that was ouren Baby Mama launch party this is why new reality shows her such a gift they unfollowed her all at the baby mama launch party yeah they did and it was Jesse's bright idea but when Jesse came up with the idea it was like okay the countdown to the baby M launch if Whitney doesn't walk through the door to show her support for Macy we are all going to unfollow her at the same time and so Macy catches wind of it and she's like H don't love that but whatever do your thing girls and so she's on stage and then all the girls are waiting like in the I guess like a little dance floor area while Macy's on stage and the countdown is happening and they have their phones out I mean I think they're excited about baby mama but I think they're a little there's a new yeah yeah they're excited more excited big drama baby mama yeah to unfollow Whitney and so yeah the the clock strikes midnight or whatever happens the we hit the 10 whatever it was and they all unfollowed her so you know and but they are saying that Whitney while they're like y'all saw the show you saw how she act let her know accordingly they're not loving the shame that she's getting for like looks and Etc and Taylor also opened up okay before we get to that I did think it was really sweet that despite this sort of you know seemingly contentious Feud on social media they did come to Whitney's defense because I guess you know she doesn't have the hair extension she has a different hairstyle maybe people are coming for that but basically what they were saying is that you're not going to come for her looks because that's not cool and then act while she's actively seven months right prant she's pregnant and she has her short hair and that's okay and also like you know like Jud someone by their character right exactly not their looks but but like you were mentioning Taylor has a little she has some funny things to say about like comparisons between her and a certain Arthur celebrity celebrity her doppelganger allegedly who stars on the Animated Series Arthur okay Taylor and Macy from The Secret Lives of Mormon wives it is such a joy and honor and privilege to have you in studio here in New York City you came all the way from Utah just for me and D so thank you so much it hasn't even been a week since the show premiered and I just it's it's blown up the world the Internet it's everywhere shock it's crazy we're shocked yeah we're like in disbelief for sure like what is life and I mean me and Evan both binged it in one day I don't know how you watched it but I know you haven't watched it yet yeah are we waiting for a special type of popcorn what's happening yeah no no so I I split my kids so like obviously 50/50 and we got back into town I had my my little time with them and then we left you know yesterday so I just chose to spend it with them and not watch it I really want to be focused in though and not like having and do I want to I want to watch it you know and listen so mhm in time yeah maybe a little bit anxiety of there too like I'm like yeah what are what are you scared of specifically I know obviously as two people who binged it in a day you and Dakota certainly go through it I know it wasn't easy for you you were heavily pregnant throughout the entire season is there a part of you that's scared to watch the tougher moments of your relationship playback and are you are you fearful that that might impact your current Dynamic having to relive that maybe and maybe there's a little bit of that like I'm like I could be triggered easily like and so I think if I'm watching that I'm listening to it over and like cuz I think there's a lot that's cut out though that I did it was like a whole therapy session of lots of emotions and so as she's saying there's so much that's cut out so maybe it's not even in there so I thought in my head I'm like scared to go like watch that again and things that get cut out I mean I'll leave it to Whitney's Instagram and Tik Tok because she's filling in a lot of blanks for herself it how are we how are we how's the energy with uh her current social media um Edy how would you say that you know I thought we were good but maybe we're not cuz then I saw her posting personal messages for everyone to see and I'm like that's slimy especially because she didn't text me back when I asked her how she was doing a couple days before this so like I literally reached out to see how you're doing and then you're randomly post not responding posting your messages online so I'm like that's amazing so amazing she's just rolling with her rooll yeah I guess so like jeez like okay I don't know I'm confused by it I'm shocked by I don't know what's going on so I have no idea what point do you think she's trying to prove by sharing those messages because I was I was reading them and trying to figure out what the mic drop was yeah you're you're telling me cuz she blocked out the top dates I'm like what is this proving in my interview I literally said she did not text me call me the night of my event I didn't say before I said the night of my event so I'm like I don't know what she's what this is proving either maybe she's just trying to say that she has reached out like after the event I'm not sure to be honest do you feel a lot of this is because she thought she was going to kind of be like the most beloved person and then kind of watching back and seeing everyone's reaction she's like oh I did that that was that you know what I mean she's kind of coming to terms with her actions and behavior I have no idea to be honest I don't think she planned on like being like the villain per se um so I don't know if she I I really don't know what she's upset about to be honest I mean I okay I say that but I get it she's getting a lot of hate on the internet so if I was in her position I probably wouldn't be too happy and I we also both feel for her because like she's getting bullied like it's pretty bad and like we we would never want to see that I would never want to see that for anyone um and so like I understand maybe why she's going I say going rogue because I'm like I don't know what's going on like I don't know like I thought we were good I guess we're not like I don't know and it seems like she's threatening to drop more receipts what what more do you think she has I wouldn't know what that would be to be honest no it's just funny I'm like Curious what they are too I'm like but like receipts on what like I'm confused that's why it's scary that's why it's interesting I mean receipts on reality TV shows are kind of they they come in clutch for the ladies and gentlemen on it a lot do either of you do you have things in your back pocket that you're like oh wait if we want to go we can go I mean like I haven't thought that before y'all could be like ribbon dancing with receipts you know like I mean it's not my personality to do that cuz I'm like why do we why are you putting so much energy into this like this is just stupid the thing that's her isue with me is I never responded so there's not much there with me I'm like I was never like never said much so there that's that was the issue you know I didn't try hard enough but I have reached out and said I'm here for her like I know she's going through a hard time I've been there so I was like I'm here for you and I don't know what she's feeling I don't know I think she's maybe in just like a dark place cuz she is getting so much hate so like again like we feel for her like it's not even about TV though just that it's like also like her like looks are being like yeah it's beyond like what she did on the show which I think is really sad and slimy of people like let's not talk about like the way people look online so's mine it's so bad maybe that's why I'm afraid yeah I got called um is it is it Francine from oh my God not Francine from Arthur no you're first of all Francine is an icon and she is a cute little girl but I do not think that you resemble Francine please they're like Taylor pregnant is Francine do not anybody referencing Arthur is old enough to be app PL some and also they shouldn't be FR you know what I mean I wish I had seen it but it's fine I'm not Francine I'm Frankie okay my God wait kind of with that I mean this is you guys are obviously no strangers to Tik Tock trolls fans everything like that but reality TV it does open you up to like a completely different ball game have you guys heard anything extra crazy about you lately that you're like huh I think a little bit like I think people take things from the show and they like misconstrue what it is like I've seen certain things where it's like Macy's the master manipulator she played both sides the whole time and I'm like I wish that's what I wish I was smart enough to think to do that because I was just trying survive in between like two groups and I was just trying to make everyone happy but that's how you saw it then that's fine but definitely wasn't the case yeah I haven't seen anything new I mean I've you know gone through it already before I think the France scene was the only new what I saw so that's the worst is getting that's not that bad yeah yeah I was and I was like obviously there's I knew with being pregnant there would come with things like that even though it's like it's I would never probably do that to you I didn't think people do that to a pregnant girl but like yeah it's fun people are brutal though besides obviously Whitney not loving the reception and reaction to the show how are the rest of the girls because like you said a lot of them are flying in you guys are going all be hanging out is the rest of the group in a good place I'm kind of curious about Jen affle cuz that that was really tough towards the end of the season between her and Zach I I think it's been tough on her I mean I don't know how to I I don't want to speak for her but I texted her yesterday I see how she's doing and she said it's been hard for sure and I can imagine that because like people are attacking her Rel ship and I mean for good reason as you saw in the show like there's some issues there but like I know they're really working hard on it and I think that Zach is really trying to change and so you know we we hope the best that he can change and that they can be happy yeah we I we haven't really talked with any of them though closely I feel like since it released yeah is that kind of like you don't want to like you're like nervous if they're going to like be annoyed about something or just kind of like been busy no like been busy we're in group messages and they're going going all day group messages constantly it's not like no one it doesn't seem like anyone's upset with each other from what I can see no and I and I mean this was a obviously like everyone is talking about the show is taking over do you are you guys hopeful for a season two like would you after doing the first round of this experience I mean I know you haven't seen it yet is it something like you want to show more of your lives off is there any person you'd want to be like oh they should come in the mix you know what I mean yeah uh I would do it again for sure yeah me too um I don't know who I would want in the mix I know who I wouldn't want but like oh want who do you I want no I'm not even from the cast I'm just saying no but I know that's we can name some names that we don't know I love to name name there there is some word on the street that some girls were approached about doing the show who were more involved in the sex swinging Scandal Who who decided not to do the show would you encourage some of those girls to to join or they kind of like we're we're not messing with tayl I mean I wouldn't encourage it but if they did I mean best of luck like I will say what I say I know do you think Jenna could potentially join season two because that finale that Cliffhanger I thought I thought the Cliffhanger I thought the twist was Whitney leaving mom talk and then you have a little conversation with Jenna and she's like I'm going to tell you everything did she ever tell you everything or we waiting for cameras to pick back up I mean we gota wait for those cameras for everything everything but you know we'll see if we get a season two then you'll you'll all know as well would would if she comes into the the film and scene how you going to be handling her um I think everyone knows and so that's why they're probably going to push for that yeah I think there would be there be triggers there for okay Taylor's going to get a little activated fortunately that's going to go you know in the mom world you guys can have a dance off yeah exactly just do a little Tik Tock dance and and everything's good you know what I'm say yeah it were only that easy well the easiest thing ever is us talking to you because we could talk to you guys for hours and hours thank you so much for stopping by appreciate for thank you yeah she's getting called Francine wait do you know who else used to get called Francine who Bachelor Ben flanck Flik I forget how to say his last name but Bachelor Ben from like 2012 he had this haircut that was like so Francine coded like so severely Francine coded please look it up while I explain this to you so he was The Bachelor and he chose Courtney who was like a super villain they broke up and afterwards he like ended up dating Chris Jenner for a little bit yeah with his like total Francine moment doesn't it look like Francine yeah wait describe what you're seeing if so right now Danny is looking at a picture of Ben from The Bachelor who has been famously compared to Francine it's giving biblical parting of the Seas for the middle part I've never seen I've never seen hair part that that that intensely and with a purpose right it's it's very purposeful and you almost wonder if his purpose was to copy Francine cuz Francine also had a Biblical parting of the SE hairstyle situation but she had I think she had Clips right if you're seeing side byid he's got little WS can you imagine Ben with some clips wait Ben now wait is Ben looking cute now I don't hate this now okay guys if you haven't caught up on what's going on with Ben from The Bachelor Ben flag niik f l a j n i k i don't I still don't know how to he got married last year he got married last year and according to Danny has a much better hairstyle he isn't resembling Francine right he kind of is assembling like um English teacher at an underfunded school with a heart of gold so Danny's type that's Danny's type back to school season baby yes okay so I'm happy for Ben happy for our girls in the Mormon world and you know what I'm so excited about what well I'm excited that we were able to facilitate a meeting of the minds well I okay basically the Mormon wives were coming in studio the same day that Meredith marks was coming in studio so Utah icons in the house and I think that both casts because they're promoting new seasons have been asked about endlessly about and like that no one really knows anyone yet until this week until this week when Danny and I facilitated a truly magical moment Taylor and Macy ran into Meredith marks in the hallway they took a photo there was some video footage it was truly such a special moment that I think a lot of reality TV fans were waiting for and it's it was so fun to like ask Meredith about them and ask them about Meredith because they're everyone's intrigued by each other because did you see that even Heather gay was like I would love to host the reunion for the show and and she should she should it's like from the bad Mormon from Good Time girl yeah she should totally do that I wonder if she could work it out with Bravo to do that for Hulu cuz that would honestly make so much sense it would make a lot a lot of sense it would make more sense than then whatever reason Mary is deciding to not be friends anymore with her girl maredith Marx I know yeah obviously we had to ask Meredith about the demise of her friendship with Mary which we see in the trailer for the new season of Salt Lake City and I thought we were going to get more clarification but it seems like even Meredith is still very confused she came in her Audrey he best to The Breakfast at Tiffany's party then got kicked out and I think she was really I think she was she was hard she used and what shook me the most is that Mary called her the night before saying I'm doing this theme for you yeah so crazy I mean she yeah so she said she felt used and I guess there's sort of this undercurrent of Mary Did You Now befriend me Mary did you know oh Mary Mary as a oh Mary knows she would she she has a direct line to Christ yeah she's like I knew before you knew who I so I still sitting here don't really understand where this conflict came from with Mary and I didn't at the time either and it just it seemed like she was picking a fight with me over some things that didn't even happen and some things that we had talked about a long long long time ago and so it was just it was really weird to me and I'm like I don't even understand why we have a problem here and so all I could think of was okay well maybe I was you know we were never really friends maybe you just used me when no one else would talk to you and I was there for you now suddenly you have you know some other people that you're friends with in the group and maybe I'm just not necessary anymore do you regret keep and that's okay looking back on it now do you regret keeping her name in the mix knowing the way she treated you this season no because you know I don't operate I know a lot of the women they'll constantly say it's tip for Tat it's tip for Tat and I don't operate in a for a t life I I I do what I feel is right and um I feel like how I handled things with Mary was right and I I wouldn't I wouldn't change it I wouldn't go backwards it's not about like oh I did this for you and now you're not nice to me it's just it's it makes me feel used that's all but I but Meredith doesn't know why Mary decided to call it quits on their friendship because I think I think M Meredith was cool with her until Mary started acting out of place and then you actually you had a really good point you were like did Angie have anything to do with this because Mary and Angie surprisingly are BFFs now and as we all know Meredith and Angie aren't super fond of each other but she didn't seem to think that that had anything to do with anything unless there were conversations happening that she I think it's going to be a very foretelling season potentially in that regard I don't know I hope I mean I love that Meredith said that Mary turned her on to the dawn spray dish soap so maybe they can maybe they can use that to clean up this act clean it up yeah to have some good friendship I don't know I'm hope I'm hopeful I'm hopeful too because I I just feel bad for Meredith like she is the only one who maintained a friendship with her over the years during her Hiatus from the show when Mary was essentially cancelled you know Meredith offered her a shoulder to lean on and an ear to talk to so I don't know I I I mean what do you think is behind Mary cozying up to Angie K as a friend I just I I I feel I feel maybe Mary kind of is like I didn't know Angie and now I'm like I don't get to know her a little she seems and also Angie to me seems like someone and this isn't shade of some what are you of someone who's like very willing to align with the vibe of who is now being friendly with them you know what I mean like she's adaptable she's adaptable and wants to get along with everybody so like she was whopping with Jen Shaw she's like this is all fun so now she's kind of like Mary's like I want to do Mary Has a Little Lamb now it's basically what I'm getting at Lambs are adorable adorable and especially Lam and a Gucci glasses My Favorite Dream speaking of [ __ ] Merida did have something really funny to say about that so if you guys remember uh Angie K was a backup dancer for a J Shaw in a WAP Tik Tok I think with Monica Garcia too okay so it was the three of them dancing to [ __ ] and Meredith was basically saying that she thought Angie K made a better backup dancer for Jen Shaw than she does a real housewife so just that you know Meredith she's icy sometimes and funny she's so funny I feel like people don't give her enough credit for being funny she like she is kind of coming into her own as a shade assassin and also could be interpreted as a comp because the last backup dancer on Bravo was Arana Maddox oh and now look at her so okay and K could be in Chicago yeah I would like to see it I would like to see I feel she'd be much Angie K wouldn't be Roxy I could see her as um like the jail woman's role whose name I'm forgetting like the jail Warden I want to say Mama Cass but it's not Mama Cass but it's Mama something cuz one you're good to Mama it's Mama K M hello yes oh Angie K i i hopefully we get the chance to talk to her this season cuz I've never really had a moment with Angie and I do I honestly I know Meredith isn't a big fan of her but I really appreciate her contributions to the franchise and I think that she does make a really good housewife I like the aesthetic I like the vibe I like in a world where so many people are doing small sunglasses I love cuz I like a big sunglass and I like that she is continuing to commit to it because she's like I'm going to not I'm going to I'm not going do the norm I'm going to do me right and I also thinking about Angie K and Meredith you know I don't think that it's impossible for them to develop a friendship because I didn't think it was possible for Meredith and Lisa to repair their friendship after feuding so hard not on last season of Salt Lake City this season prior during the hot Mike taner moment but you know even last season while they did have a cute little coffee talk and were able to be civil it was still it was still a little tense and then even you know last ended with Lisa kind of coming for Meredith saying like I think you're behind all this online bs and then it became the reality vonte show and they never got to really address it but apparently Lisa was super apologetic yes about you know participating in the Social Circle that way Miss yeah and Meredith appreciated the apologies and now they're they're good but she did say that it feels like well she compared it's like a second marriage I know I well I thought no I thought that was like a really it's like it's like a re it's a rebirth rebirth yeah like Tammer becoming a beautiful butterfly yes yes no I was I was following what she was saying because she what she was saying is that she and Seth like have been through some rocky moments and apparently they have some rocky moments on this season but they worked through it and they worked they they worked it out to where I I think she feels like they have a better marriage because of the work that they put in to fix whatever issues that they had and so what she was saying is that she and Lisa have like a new friendship that I guess kind of in a way feels like a second marriage Vibe situation so so I'm excited for them I I like Lisa and Meredith together I love them together and I will never forget truly how many things can change when sou City first came out and I think a lot of people had this issue cuz I did I was like I can't tell them apart and now I laugh cuz I'm like they do look so different but now that I like love these women so much and like they have such different personalities everything like that and now that they became friends like friends again we need to do a study on that because I too had the same issue and so many people that I talked to like collectively I think like all Bravo viewers had trouble deciphering them and they're both brunettes and Sagittariuses but like they they are they look very different from each other something about that first I was like I don't I don't know it was so tough yeah but you kind of did group them together from the jump and it's nice that the girls are getting back together do we think the girls are getting along in Mexico right now you what girls are you talking about uh Lou Shannon Jazelle and Ashley cuz film in hotel love is it called the love hotel I think is the working title but yeah as we all know those that for some they are looking for love uh looking for a lasting like a Everlasting Love yeah I think I think it's like husband Vibes right yeah I feel to varying degrees yes yeah so it's a it's a dating show I hope they have some because I feel well all those ladies I feel could be in the market for some fun I mean jelle has been having her fun with Jason but I feel the other ladies have been through it in the relationship department and I hope they get like a few cuz it's three weeks of filming I hope they got a week and a half of just like some good old fun and then we can lock it down at the end I like the I like the group of girls too I think that Ashley Jazelle Shannon and Luan will have great chemistry I know that we when we chatted with Lan she was she's super excited she told producers she wants hot Latin European honestly I think she's just looking for like a man with a summer home you you know which who Among Us not which is same same any English teachers of the summer home let me know um like please I they just like grading the papers I'm like babe stop working it's September I don't know um Ashley or Gizelle that well uh of course I've seen them at bravocon and things like that shann and I did a little bit more work with I can't remember exactly where but we were changing together in some hotel room you know each other okay we know each other yeah we saw each other's de ears oh okay well that's a good forh on for a dating show right so um so yeah I'm super excited about this and you know it's just the four of us and and I don't know how many guys they're bringing around no IA that I don't know you and Shannon you've known each other for a little bit this is such a great moment for her to because she has been through the ringer with John Jansen and Alex bino what is your take on that whole situation as her friend and it just it seems like this love triangle drama mess is just blowing up the Bravo vers yeah that's got to hurt right I mean and you know this guy I mean what kind of guy does thing like that I know right know on the same TV show now we are it's like really yeah oh I would I would hate it I would I would really have a tough time with kind of been scorned by this guy I'm not even G to blame the woman well I don't know if I blame the woman or not have you met Alex I takes two to tango right do you know Alexis at all no not at all okay no no don't want to see her darer but I'm not but I'm not going to bring my boyfriend around I know I think they're really I'm excited to watch all their energies together I know well because like Luan and Shannon specifically have such strong specific energies and Lan was telling us that she's known Shannon for a while like they've they worked together they've done events together she saw her darer yeah they were changing in a hotel room together at some point but I I can't imagine their energies mixing I think it'd be a fun mix I just like I can't see it yet so I can't wait to actually see it on this show and also like watch cuz I'm just thinking of Jazelle on the ultimate girls trip where she's like getting to know people and she's kind of like Jazelle lets you know I know how she feels I can't wait for Jazelle to I I just have a feeling she's going to read some of these men up and down and into the ground oh desperately cannot wait for that while Ashley's doing Tik Tok dances Ashley should join mom talk Ashley would thrive on mom talk oh my God Ashley if you're watching we are highly encouraging you to not leave pon helic but maybe summer in Utah and film season 2 of The Secret lives are more honestly I think Ashley because she is kind of in her non-alcoholic era right now wait that sounded wrong she's drinking non-alcoholic beverages because she has decided to stop drinking she I don't want to that did not sound good anyways a lot of the Mormons they don't drink and they love sod they love 44 oun sodas from Swig I and they love doing Tik toac dances and they really care about their hair Ashley has beautiful hair they care about their babies Ashley has lovely babies they're open about their plastic surgery so Ashley yeah wait Ashley please join the secret so much life and I don't know I could see her maybe the man she meets in Mexico is from Utah a a Mormon from Utah I can see it I can see it I love that I I would love that as well okay so if we can manifest anything from this show with Lan Ashley Jazelle and Shannon it is that Ashley finds herself a nice Utah man and goes to participate in the next season of Mormon wives luang gets a summer home in Spain or the south of France Shannon finds a man who is so hot and so nice and loves her and Archie yes and jezelle finds a man who can handle her fun remarks but also lets her like like why and dine her cuz like she needs someone who's like babe I got it you know what I mean right cuz I feel like Jazelle like jelle saying well no honestly I feel like she's been you know I know that Jamal is involved in in her daughter's lives but I essentially from she's running yeah like she it's been giving single mom for a long time and I feel like she's probably like tired she works hard and like you said she deserves a man who is going to just not that she needs to be taken care of but she deserves to be taken care of exactly and just if you don't find a man Danny and I will we'll take care of you oh as much as we can as much as we can until the sun goes down then you're on your own girl

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‘Secret Lives of Mormon Wives’ star Taylor Frankie Paul is ‘scared’ to watch show

Category: Entertainment

Me and evan both binged it in one day i don't know how you watched it but i know you haven't watched it yet yet are we waiting for a special type of popcorn what's happening yeah no no so i i split my kids so like obviously 50/50 and we got back into town i had my my little time with them and then we... Read more

‘Selling Sunset’s’ Mary Bonnet weighs in on Chrishell, Nicole drama thumbnail
‘Selling Sunset’s’ Mary Bonnet weighs in on Chrishell, Nicole drama

Category: Entertainment

I don't know like there's it's world war ii for sure so do you feel like you have to take sides because you're so close with nicole you're so close with crelle you refuse to take sides nope i'm out of this one they can they can do whatever they want but nope i'm they all know i love them and it's not... Read more

Fans (and Heather Dubrow) shut down Gina Kirschenheiter’s desire to cut bangs: ‘JUST SAY NO’ thumbnail
Fans (and Heather Dubrow) shut down Gina Kirschenheiter’s desire to cut bangs: ‘JUST SAY NO’

Category: Entertainment

I've been seeing a lot of bangs lately lot of bangs on the real and the tick tock [music] and just like am i going to have to get bangs [music] because i really feel like bangs right cuz best interest that'll probably take me out Read more

Bethenny Frankel holds hands with businessman Tom Villante after breakup from ex-fiancé Paul Bernon thumbnail
Bethenny Frankel holds hands with businessman Tom Villante after breakup from ex-fiancé Paul Bernon

Category: Entertainment

It looks like bethany frankle has a budding new romance following her breakup from ex- fiance paul bernon the real housewives of new york city alum was photographed smiling and holding hands with businessman tom volante on a date night in santa monica california the couple are clearly not trying to... Read more

Dawson’s Creek Actor Obi Ndefo Dead at 51 thumbnail
Dawson’s Creek Actor Obi Ndefo Dead at 51

Category: People & Blogs

[music] this week we say goodbye to an actor who lived both triumph and tragedy obi and deo best known for his role as bod wells on the beloved show dawson's creek has passed away at 51 his journey was nothing short of inspiring marked by a resilience that many s deeply moving in a heartfelt facebook... Read more

Daniel Craig laughs off ‘Gay James Bond’ question at Venice International Film Festival #shorts thumbnail
Daniel Craig laughs off ‘Gay James Bond’ question at Venice International Film Festival #shorts

Category: Entertainment

Do you think there could be a um a gay james bond i mean guys let's be adult in the room for a second there is no way around the fact that nobody would ever know james bond desires period having said that now [applause] the important thing is that he does his missions properly having said that darnie... Read more

Molly Ringwald reveals she was 'taken advantage of' by 'predators' as young actress in Hollywood thumbnail
Molly Ringwald reveals she was 'taken advantage of' by 'predators' as young actress in Hollywood

Category: Entertainment

You know i was just i was just too young and i and i it was it was awkward well you're lucky didn't get taken advantage of or gotten into some sort of horrible situation oh i was taking advantage of i didn't you can't be a young actress in hollywood and not and not you know and not have predators around... Read more

Leah Remini and husband Angelo Pagán call it quits after 21 years of marriage thumbnail
Leah Remini and husband Angelo Pagán call it quits after 21 years of marriage

Category: Entertainment

Leah reminy and her husband angelo pagan have called it quits the king of queens alum and the actor announced their split in a joint instagram post writing well here we are after 28 years together and 21 years of marriage we have decided to file for divorce this decision came after a lot of thought... Read more

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's Daughter Zahara #shorts #celebrity #celebritynews #zahara thumbnail
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's Daughter Zahara #shorts #celebrity #celebritynews #zahara

Category: Entertainment

Angelina jolie and brad pitt's daughter zahara isn't getting caught up in her family drama instead focusing on greek life in college the teenager showed off her dance skills as she joined her sorority sisters of alpha kappa alpha for a stroll through spelman college's campus zahara broke it down as... Read more

Yolanda Hadid engaged to her “cowboy” boyfriend Joseph Jingoli thumbnail
Yolanda Hadid engaged to her “cowboy” boyfriend Joseph Jingoli

Category: Entertainment

It appears that yolanda hadid and her cowboy boyfriend are engaged after nearly six years of dating an architectural digest profile on their texas mansion referred to joseph jingoli as yolanda's fiance the real housewives of beverly hills alum later told people that he proposed during a trip to her... Read more