TERRIBLE NEWS for Baltimore Ravens!

so terrible news for the Baltimore Ravens because running back Owen Wright he is going to be out for the foreseeable future with a broken foot and that really sucks because Owen Wright he was looking like the best running back who the Baltimore Ravens had played in the preseason he was really looking like he was going to hold down that rb3 spot behind Derrick Henry and behind Justice Hill holding it down until Keith Mitchell got back he really looked like he was going to be something and the thing about him he not only looked good at as a running back and think about that too he was running behind this offensive line in the preseason where the Run blocking was not good so for him to even look good as a running back behind the way the offensive line was really not run blocking that says a lot about him so just imagine what he could do I know he wasn't going to get no crazy opportunity in the regular season we know that but just imagine what he could do behind a starting offensive line he could look even better but with Owen Wright Not only was he looking like a good running back but he was also looking like he could catch passes out of the back field real nice but on on top that on top of that he was also looking like a good returner so with Owen Wright he was getting ready to give the Baltimore Ravens like we've been talking about a two for one where he plays two positions he does multiple things but he only takes up one roster spot but John Harbaugh did say Owen Wright in that last preseason game he broke his foot so now he'll be out for the foreseeable future um Harbaugh did say it's not season ending but yeah who knows which way this thing is going to go now um because now he's he's not going to make the roster obviously but how are the Ravens going to handle this are going they going to do sort of an uh an injury settlement with him and release him and allow on the clear waivers and whatnot and then I know Jeff reic suggested they could possibly sign him back to the practice squad while he heals up that is a possibility I'm not sure how the practice squad works when it comes to guys that are hurt if they can sign or not I don't know how that works but it sucks because this really messed up his chances to make the Baltimore Ravens roster and to make the team cuz to me it was looking like he was said to make the team over the running back who they drafted Rasheen Ali over John Kelly over K kolia over just everybody else and that's of course not a shot at any of those guys but Owen Wright was the one that really stood out amongst all of them but now due to an injury and he got the injury right after he did a a 34 yard kickoff return but now that all comes crashing down we'll see how they handle it we'll see what how they move with Owen Wright moving forward but it just really really sucks because the Baltimore Ravens rb3 spot it was already a tricky one obviously with Keith Mitchell being out um they just they didn't have that guy yet and then I remember hearing stuff about Owen Wright right before the preseason started I remember even the the day of the first preseason game Jess reik even tweeted out he was like Hey somebody who to watch out for is on right I was thinking like okay all right Jeff you said but he ended up being completely right onri uh because he shined literally from the jump from the jump first couple of plays uh he was doing this thing for the Baltimore Ravens in preseason so hopefully he can heal up quickly hopefully he can heal up a lot quicker than expected uh so we'll see what happens with him somebody else that got hurt that night of the last preseason game Trayvon Mullen and I'm like man Trayvon Mullen just cannot catch a break for nothing man you feel for him too because he had missed some time with injury then Hall said oh he's going to be out for a couple of weeks so he was out for a couple of weeks I'm thinking like man this is really tough for him especially when in regards to him trying to make this roster cuz Ravens have a lot of cornerbacks they got a it's real busy in the secondary for the Baltimore Ravens so Trayvon Mullen I feel like he was already up against a lot to even make the roster but then when he got hurt I'm like oh that sets him back a lot but then he came back then he returned but now he had has a dislocated shoulder um so how long he's going to be out for with that no clue but the fact that he's hurt right before cut down time it's it's not looking good man that that really sucks for him I feel bad for him man cuz again talk we always talk about how timing is everything and this is like the worst timing to get that dislocated shoulder especially with him being sort of a a bubble player he he's a bubble player on the roster so his spot is not safe so that's tough for him also in the same game Nick smack Nick smack the their rookie Center who they drafted late in this uh 2024 draft uh this past April he got hurt uh now we don't know the status of his injury yet still waiting on official word cuz we haven't heard anything yet but that's bad because he was looking like he was getting ready to be the backup center behind Tyler Linder bomb who he's still out even though H Baugh did say Tyler Linder bomb he'll be back for week one he said Mark Andrews he should be good for week one as well so that's great but the backup cuz you you never know when you're going to need a backup because we we've seen it happen plenty of times all the time in all different positions for the Baltimore Ravens where the backup needs to come in and play especially along the offensive line offensive line is extremely physical every single play You're engaging with somebody that's trying to move you out the way while you trying to hold them back protect your quarterback protect your running back push them back hold them back whatever the case may be but but now Nick smack forever for however long he's out for hopefully it we end up getting a nice surprise over the next day or two oh Nick smack he's straight oh Nick smack he's back oh Nick Mack he's healthy again hopefully that happens but if he got caught it off then I don't know man but that's just is a sucky way to end the preseason because something that we always talk about on here uh when it comes to the roster decisions guys who are making a team guys who are unfortunately not making the team we love when it just comes down to strictly skill and that's it how was their play on the field how well will they fit our system so on and so forth like that but we hate when it has to be determined by injury that's the worst now in some sad news um by the Baltimore Ravens uh John Harbaugh did say about a week and a half ago uh that coach D Coach Joe D uh who was offensive line coach he was going to be taking some time off because he was dealing with something and they said today uh un fortunately uh he passed away um let's read the statement from Eric DCA said today's a sad day for the Baltimore Ravens uh Joe D was a rock a great coach and a better person he cared about the team deeply exhibiting a Relentless passion to excel while displaying genuine love for his players I especially treasure my conversations with him talking about football and life I will always remember standing back with Joe on the practice field and watching him up close with his players coach was a consant teacher and friend and I will miss him deeply thoughts and prayers go to Joe's daughters and family and everyone touched by Joe's remarkable Spirit um and this is what president uh Sashi Brown said about him he said Joe D was beloved through throughout our entire organization and the greater NFL Community he was a passionate and devoted football coach who left an in uh indelible mark on the lives of many above all he was a dedicated husband father and grandfather who always prioritized his faith in family uh true to character Joe D was a fighter to the very end a heart are broken for his daughters Kelly Emily and Anna and his five grandchildren we take comfort in knowing that he is reunited with his late wife Tony whom he loved dearly his legacy light and spirit will remain with all of us our prayers are with the entire his entire family during this very difficult time and then Jeff zic he even chimed in um Jeff reic said not sure I met a nicer man in the Dozen Years I've been on the Ravens beat uh than Joe D he was a hardn and unrelenting coach but man did he love his players and work tirelessly to help them be successful his family was amazing to rest in peace um so that's tough man that's tough because you just it's a tough situation man because I know Patrick Queen chimed in I know Matt scur chimed in I know Ronnie Stanley chimed in I I've been seeing a lot of um different former players current players um former staff members beat writers I've been seeing a lot of people chime in on their relationship uh with Joe D so what's nice about it is that he obviously left such a positive Mark and such a positive impact on so many different people uh and that's what he'll be remembered by big shout out to my guy keante who y'all been seeing a lot of his questions featured in the videos but my guy decided he said you know what I've been sending my questions via email but I want to take it up to another level I don't want to send him via email no more I am going to send him directly on patreon how did he end up doing that because he is our newest team keep it clean patreon member so keante I appreciate you I know you're going to keep bringing the fire questions no longer do you need to send it via email just send it directly on patreon but now seriously though I appreciate you supporting the channel and speaking of the team keep it clean patreons this next question came from my guy Martin who's been a team keeper clean Patron for a while now so I appreciate you man he said I just wanted to say this before the season starts just like how people always doubt our Ravens quarterback just like the last Ravens QB they doubted would ever win a Super Bowl Lamar will win us a Super Bowl and there isn't a doubt in my mind we we share the same sentiments on that one he said Lamar and Joe Flo are my favorite quarterbacks they were both doubted for different reasons but still people always been hating on my quarterbacks but they will see soon I just pray this upcoming postseason that John Hall won't hit the panic button after the first drive I've been wanting to say this for a while but I feel like the reason we lost to the Titans playoff game was because it felt like they felt they always had another Drive whereas in the Chiefs game they played every drive like it was their last drive we need urgency without immediately smashing a panic button after the first drive I swear after that first three and out we didn't run the ball a single time after besides a more scramble oh man um we I know so many Ravens fans were we were hurt by that uh Chiefs game um big time but that that hurt was a different kind of hurt um because it just really seemed like everything was going the Ravens way everything was falling in line for the Baltimore Ravens um but obviously we know what happened we know how the story ended unfortunately um with the Baltimore Ravens yes it's a matter of not panicking um but but more so again it's just a matter of playing winning football and playing that game staying true to themselves doing what got you there in the first place again yes you're going to have to pass the ball we get that I got no problem with that with passing the ball but you also you got a run game that's pretty good and now the Baltimore Ravens like I mean they already had zero excuses to forget about the Run game cuz I saw something today I was watching today um uh on speak for yourself and I know a lot of Ravens fans not big fans of Emanuel AO but I I was watching it was Emanuel AO it was Deshawn Jackson um it was James Jones and ah it was the guy that uh had covered the Cowboys for a while I forget his name but anyway I I do like his takes though I enjoy his parts of the show but um they were talking about Lamar Jackson and what AO was saying and he brought up Greg Roman he was like man he's like all I heard when Greg Roman was offensive coordinator why don't the Ravens pass the ball they need to pass the ball all they do is run and he was like and then in the Chiefs game like they passed like it he's like What's it gonna be he said y'all gotta pick a side is it that you want to run the ball or is it that you want to pass the ball what What's it gonna be and Deshawn Jackson and he kept saying hey I personally know Lamar and he had played with Lamar of course they they signed him a couple years ago but deshun Jackson he talked about well yeah that is true but he said with the Ravens and I appreciated this so much because I'm like finally somebody who is in the media I know deshun Jackson not a media media guy but he has been on uh speak for yourself a little bit more recently but but he was saying that that it's it's about the Baltimore Ravens he said they forget their identity when they get to the playoffs I said man has this dud been watching so he he knows he he understand and he broke it down so smoothly and I was like man this is what we be talking about finally somebody who has access to these media people and is out actually on these shows is speaking in context because again so many of the the media people and we understand cuz they can't watch every game they don't watch every play but they speak in black and white like it's this and that and that's it but Des Shawn Jackson he provided a healthy context to the conversation and that elevated the conversation that took it up another level and up up another notch and I really appreciated that so again Ravens just be yourself please that that's all we ask be yourself now we of course want you to win every single game that there is to be played we want you to win every single Super Bowl but with the Baltimore Ravens um if they were to lose not that it would make the loss well it would make the loss kind of better I mean you never want to lose but at least go out being yourself man that's all we ask but it's like in the playoffs when you be yourself all you do is win you only lose when you decide to be somebody else so be yourself and you'll get that Super Bowl Martin my guy Martin also said uh I wanted to say because of fantasy football I've watched I watched almost as many Texans games as Ravens and have watched a lot of their games I see some potential trade opportunities I think we should consider they have a loaded wide receiver room and I think Robert Woods or Noah Brown could be great for us every time I've watched them uh they always produce for the Texans but they don't get many opportunities because of how stacked they are maybe they could get more opportunity here I know they aren't the big names but I really do feel like they could help our team at an affordable trade cost and a Texans would be more than willing to part with them unlike that big three how would you feel about that uh thank you so much uh for taking the time to read my comment I pray for a great let's go Ravens and let's go team keep it clean appreciate you Martin um how would they fit in with the Baltimore Ravens Noah Brown Robert Woods Robert Woods a former the former Titan right that's him I'm pretty sure it is but um it would all depend on how the Ravens ran that offense because if you think about it like if they're third or fourth even fifth receiver on the Baltimore Ravens that's not very much opportunity it's really not because you got Z flowers you expect him to be the number one then you got Mark Andrews they sort of like a 1 a 1B we expect the Baltimore Ravens to incorporate Isaiah likely a lot more into this offense too then you got Rashad baitman and Nelson aalor they could be sort of like a two three 2 a 2B whatever the case may be you got them as receivers getting opportunity too we ain't even talk about the Run game yet we a even talk about about the Run game so you got Derk Henry you got Justice Hill we'll see who the third running back ends up being you got Pat Ricard who gets opportunities in the passing game here and there but he gets his opportunities in the passing game as well oh and then you got Lamar Jackson so if you're a third or fourth or fifth receiver on the Baltimore Ravens when your number is called on yeah you want to be ready but it's very unlikely that your number is going to be called on that much and that often um if the Ravens were to trade for a wide receiver I don't think it should be a de guy if the Ravens were to trade for a wide receiver I think it should be somebody that's going to be a number one wide receiver somebody that's going to be out there a whole lot somebody that is going to Lea frog and be ahead of a Rashad baitman somebody who's going to be out there maybe not as much but just as much or close to as much as a say flowers somebody that's just not not a dep piece but somebody who going to be out there on that field a lot next question came from my guy Andre he said hey engraven hey Andre do you think it would be a good idea to actually utilize a rotating system to keep fresh legs on the field it seemed to have worked last year and he's talking about an offensive line it did work last year that cuz at first I thought it was weird I still think it's weird but hey it worked so sometimes the weird works I think with I think if you do that maybe later on in the season but I feel like you can't do it early the reason why I feel like you can't do it early is because this offensive line they need to jail they got to click they got to build rapport and chemistry with each other and if you got this starting offensive line out there initially it's like okay they start to build chemistry and whatnot even if they make mistakes and they're going to make mistakes we got to expect that but if you got them there initially and then you take out the right tackle and the left guard and you put in new ones and it's like oh okay you're doing a little rotation and then okay you put the starters back but then you take out the left tackle and you take out uh the the the Right Guard and it's like okay we're doing a rotation trying to keep everybody F I just I don't think it would be a very good idea to for the Baltimore Ravens o line to build chemistry that way because they will be in the flow they could be in the flow and then boom you take somebody off to keep them fresh and that could just mess things up so I don't think it would be a good idea if it's later on in the season and guys are like maybe a little bit hurt they need a little bit of a breather whatnot cuz Ronnie Stanley last year he is hurt Morgan Moses last year he was dealing with a uh what was it a separated shoulder I forgot what it was maybe a Tor rotat C I forgot exactly what the injury was but he was dealing with a serious injury and he ain't not complain not one time not one time but um so they were dealing with injuries so that's why Pat mcari would come in for Ronnie Stanley Daniel fele will come in for Morgan Moses they will switch it up and I know the Baltimore Ravens did that a couple of years ago at guard with with with Tyreek Phillips and was it Ben Cleveland too and I know it was somebody else Ben Bon I forgot who the other person they did it with but they did a rotation at uh Right Guard years ago um so it's something that's doable but again I just if they going to do that I would wait till later on down the road to try something like that out

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