Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 02:19:48 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: ncaa football rankings
there we go what up with your YouTube we back with it again all right back with the live again I'm only probably going to be on here for about an hour but we F to at least try to win some games bro I'm F to play with Georgia again bro I just just feel like I can win with them I'm playing with Geor again 86 and [ __ ] 86 and [ __ ] 12 Bro [ __ ] that sucks that sucks Vision your face I be with somebody move it I make I be want you on side me all right let me go ahead and pick Georgia y boy that we got to stand on we got to stand on this [ __ ] today Georgia bulog [ __ ] we got to stand on this [ __ ] today Georgia bulog can't keep looking like that out here we can't keep looking like that out here damn I'm like damn the [ __ ] this [ __ ] like what like what make no [ __ ] sense right out my boy what going on fool you straight fool where you got going what you got going bro hopefully I get on the little win streak right here he said chilling family doing my deliveries you dig for showki for show kj2 what up with you KJ what up Rob Robert say yo KJ say yo a know I gotta I gotta get a little win streak going right here this today bro oh [ __ ] I about say not like that he talking about bot he talking about bot and I'm playing your team boy I'm playing your team Robert this a GG's I'm setting everything up this time I don't everything getting set up be SI you right here you right there you right there stra I'm even setting up my damn offense I mean uh linebackers damn I'm out of time [ __ ] what up with everybody YouTube what everybody got going everybody straight everybody everybody good bro I'm setting up everything this time bro I'm trying to go on cool little street I'm only going to stream probably for about know a this [ __ ] already in there time out time out I want to sit all that up use my other little [ __ ] use my other [ __ ] you starting off rip I just s in right there damn I wish I could do all this at the beginning of the game bro said no little he said hey why don't you get mad and put over your college play I ain't even uh do that I ain't even do the college player thing bro I ain't played that not one time I ain't played that not one time this the only time I done played on it I ain't played nothing else literally I'm run I ain't going to run Comm here but he doing wild cat right here so easy money he doing a wild cat right there so easy money you be playing you be playing Madden right there [ __ ] D Line damn I should have checked my D line you wide open I can't even trip over that you wide the [ __ ] open good D boys good D out there I said good de and then this [ __ ] happened he said hell no bro they messed up the franchise it's not what it used to be I ain't never played N I played franchise before the little online [ __ ] when you playing with um other people and [ __ ] come on how the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] missed come on bro you going to get your ass out the game how the [ __ ] you how the [ __ ] you missed that [ __ ] I might had to go back to Alabama damn Georgia letting me the [ __ ] down more games n Georgia letting me down [ __ ] just getting tossed up off of me damn I hope for these [ __ ] yeah the hope I got for Georgia it ain't there it ain't losing me it's losing me it's [ __ ] losing me bro oh yeah Georgia gone I'm done I tried I tried with they ass he said I'm waiting for Undisputed the boxing game in October oh yeah for sure had my homeb like that [ __ ] Lando what up with you he talking about he said W grind yes Lord most definitely press play going run we got going Lando I'm tripping I literally chose Georgia for defense and that [ __ ] damn near worse than they damn offense n it is this [ __ ] point how I choose them for defense they ain't got no damn defense it work till oh yeah for sure bro you got a b six God damn she's got to block something knew that play was about to do nothing 800 on the way yes sersi hey h on on way that's a no huddle right there that's a no huddle right there for sure what up whoever else to join YouTube I got going the flash wide open me too minut warning cuz I ain't got no choice really damn that's crazy about the leaving the slash wide open bro you got to break it T boy boy this he can't break a tackle [ __ ] can he do on the r on the r hey Rob that was for you bro that touchdown was for you Rob he's talking about still about to lose no both these [ __ ] got burnt both these [ __ ] got burnt over top bro n Georg ass with this point bro how both how both of them get burnt you talking about ducks both them [ __ ] got burnt over top like how he talking about that for you nah Georgia suck bro at this point there's no way they both got burnt over top wow they are getting put the [ __ ] up I literally got them for defense and they defense is getting cooked if I wanted to [ __ ] have a offensive game I would have [ __ ] you said you can't hear me I think it's just you you might got to turn your sound up on your end I think that's on your end um bound damn that [ __ ] wild though who you telling TD who you talking about uh refresh to uh bound uh Robert damn bruh how I get these [ __ ] cuz of [ __ ] defense and they defense is Boo Boo that defense shouldn't be this trash bro here we go with this [ __ ] yeah I'm off I'm off these [ __ ] I'm off these [ __ ] bruh I'm done I'm off these [ __ ] bro off of them this [ __ ] can't get the ball y I'm done with him this [ __ ] can't get the ball I'm going back to Alabama this [ __ ] can't throw the ball fam like fam all you got to do is throw the ball [ __ ] that's all this [ __ ] got to do is throw the [ __ ] ball he said we good now like [ __ ] throw the ball [ __ ] boy that's that's all you got to do bro throw the damn ball [ __ ] he said we good now for sure F that's all this [ __ ] got to do is throw the ball sorry [ __ ] ass bro he said running back was a touchdown no I missed it br all cuz this [ __ ] can't throw he throw slow as hell on the wheel route I'm going to do it again it's cuz the dude man up on the uh running back that's why that [ __ ] open he just guessing his sh you done got up off of him BR bro this quarterback ass how the [ __ ] is that unaccurate bruh it would have been about [ __ ] probably been at the damn go line [ __ ] with that if that was [ __ ] accurate throw the ball bro that's all he got to do you can't break a tle use a [ __ ] and my RPO guy hell no hell no hell no I don't even run RPO like that I don't don't even run RPO for real good throw appreciate it fori you be running rpos bound this [ __ ] a [ __ ] good cat bro [ __ ] [ __ ] he said f show in Ultimate Team I use organs Playbook there's about five to four that destroy defenses shees by of four is crazy work I literally got this team for defense though and they suck what the [ __ ] it's the damn I don't know if it's it got to I don't know what the [ __ ] it is there's no way both of them got burnt over top like that bro I'm about to have to pull them hits back out they killing me they [ __ ] killing me I'll stay back there run the ball I'll take a drop for sure he says corn is too slow for organ D is they ain't even they really ain't even too SL a knee is crazy a knee is crazy he just took a knee an KN is crazy an kn it's crazy he said subscribe from your best defense video sh has me locking locking down dudes not no cap yes Lord that's what we like to hear appreciate it for show that's what we like to hear man I was playing one of my boys the other day fo it was a goddamn Blitz that was working so goddamn good n Georgia too damn slow that's ridiculous how slow they is bro he said W support bound n for real what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] ho I I got a get credit where this dude yes Lord I'm going to do the same [ __ ] actually going to block my running back this time though I'll take it that probably going to be a pick he said what the [ __ ] was that man no for real how how how do you fall off that [ __ ] like how bro like how br oh [ __ ] I just got [ __ ] off sides cuz I was setting up too many [ __ ] OB yeah Georgia boo boo no wonder don't nobody use they ass the [ __ ] the [ __ ] ain't got no brain he said I'm going to get my first 10K on the on uh video going to get another [ __ ] L too going to get also another [ __ ] L I'm done with Georgia bro they going back in the [ __ ] they going back at the main menu this is wild and I have somebody open yeah they going they ass back at the main menu bro this is wild if I don't catch this bro thank you [ __ ] I wouldn't have caught that I was going to scream what up L moon what up L Moon he said yo he said I'm new but know the D has lock down defense too if you haven't tried I ain't really tried nobody but B I just hopped on other [ __ ] yesterday all right I was about to throw pick right there that was on me that was on me right there I wish I had a [ __ ] vertical playing this [ __ ] they can't they ain't got no getaway speed on this [ __ ] or nothing the say yo where you going Lon he said yes sir move them chains n for real I definitely need a score he said he's slow as [ __ ] Robert don't like to see this [ __ ] this ain't a TD I don't know what it is oh I'll take it I tried to throw that [ __ ] like up [ __ ] it I'll take it finally he said what's up fool how you doing man F to change teams I'm doing good though but these team I'm these this team is gone I don't even know how my quarterback on five look how slow he BR look how slow the running back is bruh running back took 40 [ __ ] seconds to get 10 yards down the field bro I'm doing straight though T what you got going for you straight Moon say he chilling Mo say he chilling I don't understand that [ __ ] this [ __ ] didn't let me put hands up he said yeah I'm done with [ __ ] these [ __ ] they do he said I got killed last night in game with this C the runs out the flex bone whole time I couldn't stop it no matter what I did no he talking about D was looking rough yesterday [ __ ] rough it was rough [ __ ] looking rough that [ __ ] was rough out there trying to end that [ __ ] right here [ __ ] she still looking rough a [ __ ] get his ass man he got two yards off that [ __ ] what up with everybody YouTube where everybody going what team uh what team you was using um TR Roy if I don't pick this finally somebody finally [ __ ] then made me run back though he said it was in you man if I score right here that's game it was Ultimate Team okay okay I'm hop on Ultimate Team soon I'm I'mma hop on Ultimate Team show for sure the dude had higher overall team than you uh TR Roy his team was a good overall that [ __ ] was D near the same overall as yours you strike that was on me right there I really shouldn't even hike the ball before a quarter I just just felt like doing it Elijah Woodson say he need a good defense you don't use uh this for this Playbook I got is three what 335 tight the best one but this [ __ ] can't throw the ball bro he literally I'm literally trying to throw it to the Titan on the drag rout bro the his release can't be this [ __ ] slow like it can't be bro it literally can't be this [ __ ] slow bro like what the [ __ ] it can't be this [ __ ] slow all that's on me I just got boxed right there damn that [ __ ] crazy bro he said how you change you can't change playbooks only Playbook you can use in that is the uh [Music] Team I need to I need to shut the [ __ ] up and lock in real quick that this dumb ass [ __ ] GNA grab the [ __ ] ball he said how you change Playbook and Road CFB though you can't only team Playbook you can use this the one um Team you chose you going to use Mt right now damn I just sold bro I think he had a gr I'm done with Georgia bro ain't no way they suck this bad these [ __ ] is discombobulated out here bro the [ __ ] is really discombobulated out here I'm bringing my [ __ ] back out [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] the [ __ ] can't do [ __ ] but make me complain the [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] he said you rock vanderbild defense is hard to play the moon talking about some no n for real no struggling for no [Music] reason I'm striking lean for no reason this is wild [Music] [ __ ] I shouldn't have to be doing all these goddamn cutbacks Kentucky has a lot of fast players I think right yeah Kentucky got a cool little r cool little Speedy Rost on that [ __ ] Kentucky got a cool little speed Rost he came off the edge free free as [ __ ] free as [ __ ] bendy hard sometime I ain't I ain't even played against Vanderbilt yet I ain't played against them not one time yet they put my dumb ass receiver on the [ __ ] Cur out when I was trying to do a stem oh my [ __ ] gosh what the [ __ ] do they want from me he coming [ __ ] he coming in so [ __ ] free I lose this game I will never ever choose this team again as long as I'm playing this [ __ ] never ever thank you get up field damn man he ain't even block sheding they coming in he literally coming in free as [ __ ] he ain't even getting touched he just running straight to me look at that he gonna be on the left side he gonna come in free as [ __ ] watch he he's not getting touched it's cool long as I get this field go now I don't even give a [ __ ] I'm probably play this for a little bit I'm probably just play the regular for a little bit so I can try to get some of these gamees but we can definitely run it sometime though for sure you the [ __ ] out this clock there's no way you can break him one on one oh my gosh one on [ __ ] I can't get an inch come on get up up oh use that Time Out Boy use that Time Out Boy he easy feel go hey if I miss this it's if I miss this bro this game getting taken back to the store if I missed this this going back to the store I still gave him too much time on the clock didn't I guess why I'm going to kick it out of bounds the [ __ ] he's talking about dehe no guess why I'm kicking it out of no Sky kick Sky kick that [ __ ] to the right if they don't get downfield I'm reporting everybody on this [ __ ] man three [ __ ] deep Bro George is never getting picked again they're done they are done they're never getting picked again Georgia is done come out the ball bro step up in the pocket bro if I don't pick two I three come on thank you they're done they're never getting picked matter of fact run out of bounds we ain't taking no chances dive out of bounds [ __ ] all that Georgia is done I ain't never using them again they're done that game was too close for Nan what up with everybody else just joining YouTube you got going Georgia is [ __ ] [Music] done that's wild though like wow what the [ __ ] CH Roy said nice DB that's Lord green play with Kentucky they got hella of speed on the roster [ __ ] I know they fat but I need my I need my offense to match [ __ ] though going to get them alab Alabama boys back out I ain't going to be going through this I need my gun Bunch tight in [ __ ] that I'm out here struggling I gota go back to them heers [ __ ] that I gota go back to them [ __ ] heers I look who the [ __ ] I'm playing ain't that some [ __ ] hey fool why you like playing with Georgia F A this [ __ ] don't hit me I on Madden I use the slide protect I ain't did that [ __ ] since I've been on here I'm IM to do some [ __ ] but on here I don't know I ain't did that [ __ ] yet on here I ain't even ID I don't even be ID and my mic on here only thing I set up is my AUD on offense gone by my day I ain't ID mic on here I Ain protection on here but I'm madine that [ __ ] work for sure but I ain't did it on here but it might still work on here I just ain't did it on here BR son all in the [ __ ] iron [ __ ] that [ __ ] work on mad for sure but on here I don't know cuz I a I ain't did it I had to get my gun Bunch TI in no hope for anybody that's playing with Georgia to beat me them nigg ass as [ __ ] get Bard ass out this goddamn game he said I tried it but they still come right through like they Lawrence Taylor no no that [ __ ] ain't working BR that F bruh that uh damn what was the name of that defense I was running yesterday that [ __ ] that Blitz kept coming in for I think it was 43 even six that [ __ ] is so deadly bro I got to make a video on that [ __ ] for sure cuz that [ __ ] was coming in free as [ __ ] free as [ __ ] damn that's crazy Georgia defense suck that bad I wouldn't even trip if they offense was bad but my defense was doing what it was supposed to do but that wasn't doing nothing look at this [ __ ] that was on me right there that was on me I don't know why I don't know why I left bro that was on me right there that was definitely on me what up with everybody YouTube what yall got going he definitely running look at that see how my my team the Alabama just runs to them to the people n Georg is just suck George is just [ __ ] ass hey if y'all ain't already can y'all hit that like button for me what you talking about oh this godamn no it's on me the die d d o say everybody hit that like button and sub yes Lord definitely need it oh yeah I'm G to pin that right now soon as this he called this play that's what I'm talking about right there let me paying that [ __ ] right now let me paying that right now y'all think this [ __ ] look intimidating or no see Georgia can't do that bro I don't understand I really don't understand bro Georgia can't do that [ __ ] I really could have pick six that [ __ ] Georgia can't do that [ __ ] cuz they just they brain I don't know what the [ __ ] going on I don't know what they [ __ ] problem is I appreciate them likes y'all one like away from five three three subscribers away from that 750 B I'll take it hey would it be petties here if I just Spam this goddamn Ki Ron [ __ ] bro I'm going to start playing pett as [ __ ] get off me [ __ ] [ __ ] didn't even work embarrass me embarrassment Geor trying to do 17 want to come make tackles with against me against me oh he he going to get cooked this inside switch right here oh didn't let me Hike [ __ ] still G work inside switch and Jaylen Jaylen [ __ ] jaylen's Under Pressure though come on dog who [ __ ] fil hey hurry up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] shut that [ __ ] up [ __ ] he talking about trash talking BR they don't be talking on the mic when I hop on the mic bro I be wasting my breath trash talking for me I gotta be in that [ __ ] mode he talking about he talking [ __ ] no take him out the game too D he just do a hay maker oh damn I dropped he talking about free video [ __ ] I drop that bro 13 be everywhere on that goddamn field throw that [ __ ] oh no SEI he said 13 do be everywhere man that [ __ ] be everywhere this how you press somebody right here y'all put them hands on you just hit me with a damn combat route come on Alexander you gotta be there matter of fact you coming out you're coming out the game you're coming out the game he said every time I see somebody playing B he get a pick no for real literally Lawson you coming out too yep you coming out the game too do that [ __ ] St on want have got the he's definitely passing the DOT talking about B ass L Moon you the moons need to play oh finally George a't that's the [ __ ] Georgia do that's tough sh 19 see if I can spam this [ __ ] Georgia suck so [Music] bad you know what [ __ ] it think it's time I start being pett out here I think it's time I start being petty out here get off me [ __ ] said tell hey I ain't gonna lie bro you sorry here you me [ __ ] [ __ ] you sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know how the [ __ ] you still playing this [ __ ] you done [ __ ] you done [ __ ] easy TD Easy TD Easy TD [ __ ] what I just tell your stupid ass [ __ ] you done you thought you was going to pick it I tell you Lando they don't be responding to me bro this [ __ ] crazy it's cuz they don't be having no hope up one [ __ ] responded yesterday wow that's tough he talking about yo play me bro he talking about he ain't losing I'll play you another time we can add we can I add you though fake ass Bobo fake ass Bobo the [ __ ] oh he bro your [ __ ] hadn't even thought man you didn't even think you caught that [ __ ] [ __ ] stopped [ __ ] stopped oh my gosh [ __ ] stop running he said my user is Flaming Nicks though I'll get you another time for surei man he thought man he think he caught that [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy why is Bernard back here Fair caty take a knee [ __ ] that's wild BR you don't pick a play jayen Rogers what going on shyy you talking about fool what up shyy what up Jaylen where y got going yall straight I'm going to start playing pity y'all I'm spamming I'm spamming the same [ __ ] at this point scratch the sh off the Glock scratch the sh off the Glock hey come on bro pick a play you done for you done for [ __ ] you done for [ __ ] you done for [ __ ] you done for [ __ ] he said just left the office going to kick back right now for show he said what's your user I add you so we can uh play another time my you my game tag is uh my YouTube name YouTube oh [ __ ] [ __ ] tell how's your work jayen what's this you on Bobo I ain't G lie no h a quick hike [ __ ] he said Shi you don't got no Glock fool what are you talking about sh jayen say stop bullying him no boy you is a dummy oh you suck I hate the boy you ass boy you ass boy hell no hey St that real quick accept that real quick y'all see me just text the [ __ ] I'm playing he trying to do Master phy he done mut the mic he done muted his goddamn mic hell no that n need Get on Up out of here he th and I get ball half time bro Jaylen bro I just played one game with Georgia I barely won them [ __ ] suck for some damn reason they suck he said go back to your messages vonte no ah the name OD them [ __ ] up throw a pick [ __ ] look at this beautiful defense guys oh yall just got that friend request look at this beautiful defense guys I lied then he dro the toes D I [ __ ] c a timeout thinking I was going to do that uh what was the skull I can't even remember I just know I won by literally a [ __ ] field goal I won by three ain't no way he caught that all right push show damn they sh he caught that [ __ ] he SC before half time that's going to hurt buty tried he probably going to try hard up he said damn who other dude have he had uh orgon he had orgon he had Rober team I couldn't go out like that I couldn't go out like that y don't sack his ass BR this better be a easy pick I a know who caught it tell 13 B was near a damn ball he literally be everywhere near the ball a he's out of there yeah they dog food literally literally he said go back to your top messages why you keep saying go back to my messages Fu hell you talking about Robert the hell you talking about robt he say some from Nashville why you think that [ __ ] trying to figure out the load rob a nosy [ __ ] Rober the nosy [ __ ] no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] think they got the low he said you in the group chat no how many people in that m [ __ ] I'm in there 57 people no I think I think I am from now that [ __ ] Robert trying to get the low on me no no we in the same state what what part you live in what part of Nashville you live in Robert what part of nasville you liveing in Robert let me know something let me know something bro you said you you ain't in Nashville [ __ ] you in Memphis B but oh no I ain't accept it yet I gotta uh I'mma accept it I'mma accept it though I'm accept it for sure talking about when you going to accept it I'm accept that [ __ ] for sure as long as I don't forget he talking about so you either East or nor no you sh this [ __ ] up now from uh no I Ain G to say where I'm from I trade where I'm from Robert said he going to pull up on the [ __ ] ass whoever made that whoever made that group chat though I ain't from Nashville though but whoever made that [ __ ] I think they got I think they uh looking for Ops no I ain't from Nashville I ain't from Nashville but if I was and I seen if I felt like a [ __ ] was running up on me Robert you're done all right no I'm bullshitting I'm [ __ ] I'm bullshitting no not this [ __ ] I hate this formation bro and it's Tennessee again this what I lost to last time this same [ __ ] probably too funny he talking about you can't run from that he talking about you can't run from that switch I a out for run [ __ ] a funny as here Dam I'm getting killed in this [ __ ] that's crazy Tennessee killing my defense bad everything so damn spaced he said what the put Robert on man Robert trying to no pick or drop is crazy Robert trying to uh Robert trying to uh start some [ __ ] Robert said he trying to get active out here he moving his ball easy as hell on [ __ ] at 13 somehow in a he he said man he the real detective he's a real detective we'll take it we'll take it oh great tackle eight [ __ ] I don't know what to [ __ ] do right now there you go one stop bro we call time out throw that [ __ ] throw it thank you thank you don't run out of bounds don't run out of bounds there we go I needed that pick I needed that pick you talking about don't get scared now hell no he said don't get scared now bro I'm not even from Nashville bruh if I was from Nashville and I [ __ ] felt like you knew where I was at I would have ended this live and never got back on this [ __ ] yeah me [ __ ] all right I set my Rost up ain't no way he in the [ __ ] game get the [ __ ] out of here he said that's what you want to do you talking about some that's what you want to do I appreciate them likes too s what part of Memphis you from though bro I be trying to kill him with that spin that [ __ ] don't work for me though yeah I needed my offense bruh cuz [ __ ] stuck like a [ __ ] let me put you on quick are you from South yeah I'm going have to slide down that [ __ ] just for fun he said that's what scar FR damn damn he hit my [ __ ] hard as [ __ ] he said I ain't F RP scar need this first BR I had X I had X I had X I'm going for that I definitely had X oh this [ __ ] ass [ __ ] jump oh this [ __ ] ass [ __ ] hurdled in the [ __ ] air he talking about I'm trolling though I ain't going to do nothing to you I'm [ __ ] with you I [ __ ] with you he funny as hell I appreciate it though yeah that [ __ ] wild the fumble and this [ __ ] going to try to go damn this [ __ ] [ __ ] damn throw that [ __ ] real quick damn a [ __ ] didn't need the fumble bro I a even think I can jump on conservative bro I really dropped that [ __ ] but he recau that [ __ ] throw it throw it he going throw Ste right there he said you know I'm the chat troll I already know it he talking about go back up in your messages though he said click on your messages one more time hell no I'm like what the [ __ ] you talking about damn he got a field goal off me fumbling oh my goodness bro this [ __ ] getting press I'm playing inside over top n you funny as hell if he Square thank you that [ __ ] [ __ ] funny as hell though [ __ ] said go back to the message one more time no I ain't from there bro you think I'm playing I really ain't from there a know way I'm in a group chat with [ __ ] got the location name as the [ __ ] group chat that's some bot [ __ ] get his ass oh he wasted he stupid as hell he Wast his whole time to even get a field goal he should have [ __ ] fumed bro you think I be in a group chat with somebody giving out the low I'm I look at oh on College footb he said that's why they what they all say when they low get dropped no look said he know he know every goddamn excuse when it come this [ __ ] I ain't no [ __ ] still do did group chats your [ __ ] still in the I'm in another one too that [ __ ] got like 100 something up most of them [ __ ] 2K group trash though sack lack sack La sack a lag [ __ ] need that [ __ ] do not need that sack them [ __ ] both ran around my damn tackles bruh what up with you whoever else in YouTube y'all boys got going [ __ ] I ain't need that [ __ ] set that play right there is pett he said don't act like you not one Jay he be holding the [ __ ] out that ball he said Robert come on now fool be real be real with yourself now I I need to just throw it to my flat my running back open every time I just ain't throwing it to him what the [ __ ] n got in me he open every time I just ain't throwing it ay now ay now BR n he the best running back in the game said where you from Jaylen man this [ __ ] like wild though how long I've been live Jackson really from Kentucky though might stay live for one more about 50 more minutes 50 more minutes 50 more minutes try to right there oh he ain't got [ __ ] up oh if I would have pick that right there he would have been sick that would have been sick for him oh [ __ ] I should have waited my Play Let's see what this [ __ ] going to do against this down formation stay with him eight I'll take that I'll take that every time why the [ __ ] Georgia couldn't do that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] BR didn't let me click on bro that's the same [ __ ] who abused me last time I played these [ __ ] that [ __ ] didn't even let me click on though I hate this damn weird ass formation this [ __ ] running that b [Music] bro oh [ __ ] I need to see [ __ ] replay bro cuz like like what the [ __ ] bro my [ __ ] just got toasted I wasn't man though but that's still some [ __ ] I ain't got no show but to SC I got no show butt this go God damn he said this St ass tack confidential he sh what you mean you can't say [ __ ] what you talking about what you mean you can't say [ __ ] bro I'm throwing that [ __ ] all that good [ __ ] dot [ __ ] oh for real you must be curing I ain't think that [ __ ] work you must be goddamn saying a whole lot of [ __ ] that shouldn't be said I know I did put some words on here that I ain't want to be said but I Ain think that [ __ ] worked for real I was really saying if that [ __ ] worked I guess that [ __ ] worked but I don't know it could just be your [ __ ] that's how you step up in a oh oh that's tough yeah I don't see [ __ ] either cuz word how the [ __ ] I get off BR I literally just set up one [ __ ] rout get a [ __ ] off size off one route Dam I don't know what he just ran about say a no way they T I don't know what he ran he need get the [ __ ] up out of that I really I really really got I'm onside kicking he got too much time I rather go ahead and try to get my stop if not I'm going try to get a field go let's go again oh damn he said Robin say he trying to talk that plump [ __ ] ran straight up the damn middle on my ass hey when y'all playing this [ __ ] do y'all like getting ball first at the beginning of the game or uh after halftime what y'all prefer he said the kick boys which video is yours which video of yours is best for us who suck and trying to get better probably that defense video probably no probably n but really both of them that offense video and that defensive video cuz I literally show what I run after half time me too me too no cap you like to kick it yeah I like to kick that [ __ ] starting off but yeah kick boys uh that defense video and that [ __ ] um and the offense video both of them both of them can do something is Buddy chewing clock bro on my tripping he said thanks D for show can you hit that subscribe button my boy or you already subscribed oh [ __ ] here you go with this [ __ ] that's the only thing I can depend on on that [ __ ] my D tacle to make the damn Tackle by they show this [ __ ] getting abused Out Boy [ __ ] Buy on Bo who is that [ __ ] that's a mean ass highlight time out I ain't even time out time out I'mma call them [ __ ] I a no point of let him sh clock [ __ ] that was a mean ass good [ __ ] who Boy [ __ ] needed d I ain't going to lie I think he going to throw one but I lied that [ __ ] ran straight in like a [ __ ] oh he ran in so easy bro he ran in so goddamn and he going for it [ __ ] ain't got no respect for me and he going for [ __ ] ain't got no respect for a [ __ ] ass oh that's tough that's the ugly way to go out ain't Ah that's a ugly way to go out a't what this [ __ ] I get y'all better catch this ball to the whole team getting sold thank you great catch [ __ ] w I will be running the stretch and that's a ugly way to go out right there ain't it he mad than a [ __ ] jayen that [ __ ] mad than a [ __ ] fool he mad than a [ __ ] off F and I'm going to run this [ __ ] all I just need one first and I'm taking a knee I get one first down I'm taking a knee nothing more nothing less Robert said GG's no for real it's over with the buddy buddy's cut Buddy's cucked oh Buddy's cucked that's a mean KN coach that's a mean need coach we going in that oh I didn't need oh there you go damn Daniel damn Daniel where'd you find this I appreciate that subscribe too kicks I almost stut it almost started bad out here I got a video dropping tomorrow y'all that video really just uh [ __ ] gameplay video I ain't going to lie it's really just gameplay video that game was good as [ __ ] though I ain't goingon to lie I think most y'all seen that though it was on one of the lives I know Robert was in there for sure now all yall was in there most I ain't going to lie I bet he be I bet he hitting himself not for going for it not for he done broke a controller going for that [ __ ] look them broke ass stick I'm definitely broke as steep bro I'm tripping I got 12 [ __ ] LS bro that [ __ ] ugly bro that [ __ ] [ __ ] ugly and I can't even go to the playoffs right here [ __ ] [ __ ] for J my boy what going on Aiden what you got going F where youall going fo you straight chilling playing C okay for sure you over there winning bro you over there getting some D bro that's what I was supposed to I knew I was getting something that's what I was supposed to get he said you ass a c j what you talking about J he got you [ __ ] up he said man don't even play rank he said hey you just won one with 18 18 kills you had 18 kills out there he said he go rob a bum ass no no everybody know everybody the Rob yeah no he said straight boxing you got Carri you man he must be he must uh running br oh hey y Robert talking about I'm famous he famous n that sh funny as hell [ __ ] said what's his record [ __ ] going to have like 336 and three or some [ __ ] [ __ ] I Dam near passed out when he said that [ __ ] he said he got brain issues for real jayen said dead he said you ask every game you play J M no damn damn hold on who who I playing oh he got Michigan all right bet let me lock in let me lock in let me lock in what up with everybody just join YouTube If y'all ain't already hit that like button subscribe button if too away from 750 that has got to be something it is not anything [ __ ] I thought that was about to be the easiest first down ever thought [ __ ] wrong and I just picked the wrong [ __ ] oh time out I ain't got my audible set up he said you been locked in you just getting strapped the Box the Box look at LW hey now hey now hey now GG's coach I Ain lot new that was too much open field not to SC on that [ __ ] that was too much what what you got to say about that robt huh [ __ ] [ __ ] huh [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm trying to understand why Georgia can't do that [ __ ] he took off on that kicker turn he tried to SC something he said you CAU him on the wrong player all quick H him he done pull out that Madden 20 21 schin orning out formation do it do it he a thought he he had two people right there in the flat he ain't do it he said he going to keep on running that's what I thought I thought the same thing that's tough yes oh it for buddy just do a staser but I really can do that I be forgetting bro on Mid Blitz it's all you got to do on Mid Blitz they're cook they're C they cook they cook I don't know how the [ __ ] I ain't fall his dude lowkey got back there though he shot the [ __ ] out that gy he a get touched i' be forgetting to run that play though I'm trying to get it in my head to run that [ __ ] be tell n Jaylen be getting off he got to be the best QB in this [ __ ] damn he fast as [ __ ] boy G to kick it out of bounds on his ass he said man wait till we be able to donate on N fori no I can already set that up I just I just ain't set that [ __ ] up throw that hay maker for me buddy a that wde that was my fault I ain't had I ain't going to lie I Ain have nobody playing that zone that was my fault that was my fault I had two people in hard flash on accident I just didn't give a [ __ ] I said [ __ ] it if he gonna get it he gonna get it what up with everybody YouTube If y'all can't hit that like button and subscribe button for me oh the fumble [ __ ] I put my stick down all he need to go ahead and get up out of here I put my controller down I look up he fumble that's tough the challenge we two subscribers away from 750 two likes away from 10 ah he got it back he said when do you get monetized on YouTube um I got L minuted for that [ __ ] I got finally made it to All Conference Division 40 and 10 with auburn Dam you got a good ass you got a good ass record let me lock back in you got a good ass record Scotty P I ain't gonna lie W7 in chat yes Lord a he throwing it he throwing it he throwing it he throwing it he throwing it just not today what you been on Scotty pedo you been straight for that had to been an accident y'all think he was trying to Quick hike me and just accidentally through it two from 750 y'all hit that sub No Cap let me pin that two away from the 750 he still here he said J said fool what I miss you got 700 I got 700 now my boy I got 700 now a all right I ain't going to lie that was my fault I ain't expect him to get pancake like that I got 700 now Jam Aiden he said yeah just working F life catching few games before bed fi I appreciate it fosi bro that wouldn't I don't know he was running to but I don't think he was even going that way well to I do it to I need to score right here he he been grinding [Music] J we all been grinding see I ain't going lie that's the tight end fou [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he do that [ __ ] there [ __ ] another stop oh I'm glad they didn't call a flag I did not see him fair catch it 5 and 300 on Twitch that's lot most definitely going to get there good tackle 40 I low ke missed I tried to smack his I tried to h s his ass do you tap and hold on Kick I got mine on tap tap I got mine on tap tap tap and hold I kept [ __ ] up even worse yeah I got my [ __ ] on top throw it throw it no fumble is Crazy Al your favorite team land Al your favorite team Scotty let's see if he throw it I lowkey could have picked it I hear Square I did that on purpose ran away from me there go that strip there we go every time every time the quarterback run bro I don't even go for the hit stick I go for a strip every time I don't go for a regular tackle nothing I hit the strip button every time I see the quarterback running in open field that [ __ ] work like a [ __ ] right there though I look he could have sced that was on me that was really a TD he said your mom side of family from Alabama my grandkid decid to be a fan of the inferior team d i over the [ __ ] out that [ __ ] you do wages on gaming no hell no hell no I a say hell no but no I ain't did that I appreciate them likes y'all I appreciate them 10 likes for sure you be on there though you be on there though G play I'm looking for what a play I'm looking for um [ __ ] I don't want to run this but [ __ ] it oh this person was still backpedaling oh my goodness he said you should do wages you be doing wages G little $5 game can add up n $5 can add up for sure it definitely can add up I just want to see if he hold he said I was a fan way before that uh find iron Bo I watch B smoke all she he said Cam Newton didn't hurt though Cam Newton got off that one year with them pants yeah everybody doing the Superman I want was oh damn that [ __ ] lowkey control me he would have been sick though 53 yards can I do it will I do it damn this [ __ ] going fast [ __ ] it I might as well go for it who cares who [ __ ] cares what what he gonna do to stop this [ __ ] let's see let's see what he do to stop he said he fol dropping a new video tomorrow y'all tune in yes Lord hey I got a new video dropping tomorrow y'all boys two weeks to 25 drop no for real I'm ready for that I'm definitely ready for that that is a DOT God God God damn OG Bell what going on Bell he said uh I'm G be the first liked on the video I appreciate that jayen for show somebody already somebody already liked that [ __ ] he said y'all cop me 25 I'm hopping 25 I just did RPO for whoever asked earlier oh there was Lando that liked it yeah somebody somebody did like that [ __ ] I appreciate that Lando No Cap Bellow where you got going bro you straight fool straight Bell and buy need to quit he's he just wasting time he might where get up out of here J said damn it he said come on man you got to be quick in that game smoking hookah watching greatness he talking about smoking hook watching greatness oh [ __ ] two away from 750 B that's all he want to do is run with the QB he says Bell smoking hook for girls game no Bell say he ain't stuning what you talking about uh Robert he talking about he talking about Bell sassy you talking about Bell sassy hell no damn he trying to score for half time he said as long as I was before rob you running with the QB too hey I'm running with the qb2 B said chill robt oh [ __ ] why is Alexander in I thought I took his ass out I thought wrong damn he going to score before half time I did not click on him I did not click on him D he just SC fast before half time that is a two clock next half that is a two CL next half you be watching better on YouTube now who that who that is who that is uh Jaylen why is he still in the game 13 seconds can I get a field goal one timeout let's see he said M streamer oh oh oh that's tough damn I know that heard n i a never heard of him I'm have to tune in on him I know who BR Mill is y'all know who Bry Mill is I know who that is for sure he said go ahead wage him Robert Robert ain't trying to wage his [ __ ] he said he said L Moon B ass back I just stuck his ass yeah let me come out of the man through deep they ain't even going to get down there this time probably boy he using his QB leg way this game game Mo he said I don't want to hit I'm doing good right now no why is dude still playing for bro like what he see that I don't see I know he sced for oh he get ball half time I ain't know that either he still through he got to score three times he ain't doing it please thank you come on bro Get on Up out thank you damn he said I'll be tuning in I know who TD Barrett is too I know TD bar is um brailen black rain and Maze he said you fa lose Lon he said you fa lose L MO I appreciate them likes too y'all we got 12 likes 3 from 15 damn that [ __ ] w he said bro I'm winning 14 points who you playing with uh who you playing with li more pretty boy KD he talking about play me he said you doing good on YouTube with no promotion no promotion at all are you playing mid of Tennessee Middle Tennessee he said he said ktie hit that like button and sub yes Lord most definitely appreciate it I uh play you another time ktie for sure I'll play you another time I hope he quit might not hope he quit no damn [ __ ] all my [ __ ] up this really a good running back to I mean not running back linebacker where the [ __ ] he at right there yeah that's him he already started I didn't think I had him start D what buddy PA the game for this dude F to try to go crazy ball that ball damn defense out boys take lawon out actually put Mac right here put Morgan right there a they got to give me something he about throw a mean pick he was about to throw a mean pick Welly if I had that 436 or whatever the [ __ ] I was running the other day in here that should have killed this formation boy oh I got [ __ ] quick Ty bro oh I got [ __ ] quick tyke bro that [ __ ] be killing me bruh I literally would have had somebody over there probably would have been me I didn't think he was going to throw it for a minute that's on me I should have been up there a little bit more on me right there I can't e sh come on jaon need ke back ping and [ __ ] figure out he figing me out oh did he use a play that I don't need to know what route that was he did a like Crossing route that cut upfield uh oh oh [ __ ] oh he did a Crossing Rod then like cut up field or some [ __ ] he got that catch that [ __ ] bro oh [ __ ] oh let see what I can do damn I didn't know I took up that much time I could have C time out but I said [ __ ] it and he accepted I'll take f this [ __ ] Jam yeah he the best run back in the game 18 on Georgia he would have got his ass tackled he would have got tackled that's how you fit between a [ __ ] gout and he got my dumb ass I Ain think he was going to stop he just squeeze between that guy boy that's a do never mind bro he really bro he really just got lucky though he was manned up then accidentally I don't know if he accidentally clicked off or what but that second dude they let him click on was [ __ ] crazy he said play play so op come on 22 get Jaylen is a monster damn damn n that play is op that play is op bro damn Jaylen is a [ __ ] monster boy look at this [ __ ] fool he running that [ __ ] like a real running back jayen said damn man he running that [ __ ] like a real running back what buddy on we take it we'll take that for show I fig he going have time he want to smoke want no smoke for real I'll take it boy he has somebody F to burn my dumb ass I I'm G to try some [ __ ] right here if I'm able to set that [ __ ] up out the way nope I'll take four yards I tried to strip his air moving that rock a 30 inches will take it off inches will take it oh D that was my fault oh he got scared and everything [ __ ] that's on me I think you going to throw that [ __ ] I ain't going Li I really thought he end up doing a go route so I thought I got burnt whole time he end up doing the [ __ ] outout he box this time I lied I'll take it [Music] damn how you seen that video with just play scene hell no I ain't seen that [ __ ] [ __ ] didn't like that overall but the M the middle of the field is open like a mother [ __ ] [ __ ] he said hey Jaylen jayen said yo he said that sh he said that [ __ ] so funny I see what he on he said you got twitch Jaylen he said yeah what's your Twitch Ain no way he don't throw this oh that's a pick bro he said my say his twitch is the same as his YouTube name damn I needed that [ __ ] he ain't doing that [ __ ] too time r I can't move I couldn't [ __ ] move bruh that [ __ ] literally had me not being able to do [ __ ] after whatever everybody just join YouTube If y'all ain't already can y'all hit that subscribe button for me with two away from 750 a no [ __ ] way this [ __ ] just fell I didn't press no damn triangle I mean X cuz they didn't even say I uh they got me at 17 yard line I really can get downfield I got three timeouts come on that ain't nothing this ain't nothing I can get downfield get Dro T I can get downfield that ain't nothing he said no on for you f show M said appreciate it jayen real [ __ ] real [ __ ] real [ __ ] let me get that [ __ ] Jaylen standing on cold let me just throw that out of bounds before I [ __ ] up that [ __ ] the all that [ __ ] is the all americ in this game damn oh hell no this [ __ ] oh he's showing out oh hell no oh hell no I would have been hot hell no I would have been sick thank you college football y'all [ __ ] with me if I score off this he gonna break something for real let me try to get this feel go no no no man I just do that [ __ ] before half time bro my [ __ ] jayen did all that and I did him like that bro I did all that Jaylen did all that before half time I do that [ __ ] forced it for nothing and I get B oh [ __ ] catch the ball [ __ ] BR [ __ ] Bernard [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] he said yo what it do pimp sh chilling where you got going [ __ ] Dam a let me put my [ __ ] on the route what's going on what's going on don't start oh don't start the [ __ ] he said good to see you live bro Road tide what up with you Nate ain't looking too good no goddamn Mo I can tell y'all that he said man needs some more of those fire offense plays no for real we going to definitely try to get some more in there it's over with oh [ __ ] going out like that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] another L and I'm in 42 [ __ ] five bro I a even pick this can I get a free two give me a free move ref can I get a free two points [ __ ] Lando said me too come on bro come on bro come on bro come on bro come on bro better catch it this time [ __ ] i' been digging those offensive videos youve been putting out du they pairing you up with the try hards now you won too many games man damn that [ __ ] fumble six is hurting I th [ __ ] pck six I don't know which one hurt more damn my [ __ ] Jaylen cold because of me ah [ __ ] now I don't want you that stay right here oh that's TD just get it out oh [ __ ] we run the ball bro Dam that [ __ ] Rock say yall hit that like button and subscribe button oh [ __ ] bro this going to be a g [ __ ] G bro oh oh it's over with this [ __ ] won this [ __ ] just a I'm in 42 [ __ ] five again bro what that was accurate [ __ ] I needed that I don't know if he threw that out of bounds or what bro I think I don't know what he did I don't know what that was [ __ ] thank you come on take come on bro I need to score in 30 seconds [ __ ] they holding the build up for we ain't even winning this [ __ ] ain't going down no I'm getting I'm getting box either I'm getting boxed no I'm getting boxed I you got box bad I just got box bad boy J said hey F he Bo Jang go before hey I had that [ __ ] before that's what you got right now that's what you got right now for a die thank you come on come on he said hey yeah that [ __ ] heat Dam I'm down 11 [ __ ] with me f he definitely running this [ __ ] 85 [ __ ] come on boy where is my my my [ __ ] in the [ __ ] Cur that [ __ ] killing my damn middle and he got you Lo on F game over damn I threw pick six before Hal time that killed the whole game and I fumbled for another six uh I know I can beat him [ __ ] I'm going to end this H that was lag game right there damn damn damn Daniel damn damn damn Daniel I know I can beat this [ __ ] what [ __ ] I just lost another one r need didn't drop the toes oh he caught that [ __ ] I thought he I did not think he caught that I was so going to get up out of there F damn we they could have gave me that oh my gosh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm still playing this [ __ ] bro I know I can beat this [ __ ] this [ __ ] over with now I ain't going lie this [ __ ] dead oh [ __ ] guys let [Music] a that was too deep br this game [ __ ] I just lost again you see one just so too damn Sor though I threw a pick six before half time that [ __ ] changed the whole game oh 90 and 13 boy boy boy I got to touch 100 before I hit 15 L's I got to touch 100 before I hit 15 L's [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he said no D come come on bro man I'm telling you hey though y I'm going to get ready to end the live though we'll see y'all in the next live I appreciate all the likes subscribes comments views support all that [ __ ] no cap no rap C no rap C y'all boys be safe out there though got a video dropping tomorrow hopefully yall tune in yeah I'mma see y'all boys in the next one for Shi

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