Muslim Bedouin Rescued by Israeli Soldiers

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:05:49 Category: News & Politics

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Shalom from Jerusalem great news another of our hostages was rescued by our Israeli soldiers uh from the hands of the terrorist group in Gaza and he is a Muslim bedwin imagine that and he's from the city of Rahat real close to Beva in the southern part of Israel and which is uh interesting because Israel is often accused of being an aparti State Which is far from the truth uh we have commanders we have uh captains in the Israeli Army that are Muslims that are that are Christians that are Drews that are bedwin and then we also have uh several Arab parties in the Israeli government that are Arab and um and the members of those parties are Muslims and uh the guy the the judge that condemned one of the presidents of Israel is actually an Arab Muslim anyway besides that uh it's interesting because uh every week There's a reading from the from the scriptures in the Jewish world and two weeks ago the reading was Isaiah 40 and it says come Comfort Comfort my people says God speak tenderly to Jerusalem and Proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed that her sin has been paid for that she has received from the Lord's hand double of her sins double for all her sins now it's interesting because it seems like every week the reading is going along with what's going on uh here with the war in you know against the terrorist groups and here God is calling people to comfort my people and who's going to comfort my people it's every it's all of you that are listening all the Christians around the world need to comfort the Jewish people at the time a hard time at the hard time that we're going through right now and uh it's it's a it's a sad situation here in isra because uh we're here living our lives with a broken heart with all the stuff that's going on in the southern part of Israel with Gaza and in the northern part of Israel with kah in Lebanon but also uh you know this past week the reading was from Isaiah chapter 49 and it's interesting because you got to read the whole chapter but I'll pick it up from verse 13 it says shout for Joy you Heavens Rejoice you Earth burst into song your Mountains for the Lord Comforts his people and will give and will have compassion of his afflicted ones but Zion said the Lord has forsaken me the Lord has forgotten me and then it says can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child he has born though she may forget I will not forget you see I have engraved you on the palms of my hands your walls are ever before me and then it continues on you got to read the whole chapter but let me pick it up from verse 24 it says can BL can plunder be taken from Warriors or captives be rescued from the fears but this is what the Lord says yes captives will be taken from Warriors and plunder retrieve from the fears I will contend with those who contend with you and your children I will save I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh they will be drunk on their own blood as with wine then all mankind will know that I the Lord am your savior your Redeemer the mighty one of Jacob so this is amazing because this is kind of goes along with what's going on and and we've been praying about the situ situation here in Israel with these wars in all the sides in the South and the North and the in the West in the East all over the place um and this is kind of like a little you know encouragement from the Lord to read this especially when it says that your your captors will be returned and then we hear about this uh this last hostage that was um you know return to us and so I encourage you guys to keep praying for for Israel and for these hostages it's a big deal these hostages need to come home they keep talking about a ceasefire but if they talk about a ceasefire that means that Hamas will be left alive and if they're Left Alive we will be continuing with this thing every year we've already had several Wars with Hamas and they keep coming back Israel needs to get rid of these terrorists one and for all once and for all so please pray for us and also please pray for those Nations that are going against Israel shalom shalom

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