Eleventeen Year Olds Podcast | Catching up | Eagles Schedule Breakdown | Favorite Fictional Dads |

Published: Jun 16, 2024 Duration: 01:32:42 Category: People & Blogs

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e e e e e e e e e hey the tongue in the lips stuffs I'm going to hit that button hit it should get headphones want to do the headphones we should get them back I mean I could do headphones but I have to get you welcome welcome welcome back to the 11-year-old podcast we're here we're here after uh two week two week hiatus two WIS thanks to your boy your boy over there your boy crispy over there who uh loves to uh get wrapped in the projects and not get anything done in projects it's just life man I mean I gu break break Shields I guess are life break Shields yeah the [ __ ] a break Shield oh yeah it's literally the reason you told me you couldn't do last week cuz The Brak Shield was coming yeah and I wanted to get the card and it didn't come it didn't it didn't come I hate when that happens touchy subject real touchy I guess not touchy enough not touchy enough uh yeah I mean it was just I I can't remember why we didn't do it the week before same reason car car oh yeah I came up and helped you that week right yeah yeah yeah we got that done and then I ordered my parts and they were supposed to be there Monday and then I got ready come you want to do some uh hubs on my truck you got to do them am I going to do them yeah you got to do them well yeah I got to go with that hum yeah is that what it is yeah I mean I on my car I hope it's what it is hopefully it's nothing like my [ __ ] no these are bolt on you sore mine bolt on bro unbolt but I already ordered like I ordered the hubs as a hole I ordered the hubs as a hole too not the bearing you don't have to press no bearings in right you got to separate unbolt it from the knuckle it's supposed to It's supposed to just come out you unbolt four bolts and it comes out didn't want to come out rust well in there I'm going to assume you're going to be in the same boat as I am no I think I'm telling you I think the truck will be easier nope I bet you I bet you any money that you're going to either end up taking it to get pressed out because of the rust or buying new control arms new all that [ __ ] to replace everything like I did well the the passenger side was redone okay allegedly okay because that's where like the truck was hit sidec coming where's the hum coming from driver uh I don't I bought both I bought two so I'm doing both okay I bet you I bet you why would you don't wish that upon me Ricky Bobby I've just been in a month deep of doing this [ __ ] yeah but I mean the subar the super have you seen is your truck's Rusty dog nuh they undercoated it I don't see any of was under the undercoat the same [ __ ] that was under the fender flares of that Ford there it's not a Ford first of all second the same thing that was on underneath those fender flares on the Ford that you had oh oh well I mean I'm I'll balls deep with you bro but preparing you for the worst I think it'll be all right it should be okay three bolts in and out yeah don't don't think that way bro live in a Rust Belt dog leave it in a Rust Belt we live in a Rust Belt okay just just I like I like your little virgin mind keep it that way I like it I want the positivity I like it where's the positivity I like the Virgin mind I mean I'll go balls deep with it man I I'll be in shoulder deep I don't think it'll be that bad I hope well I hope I I might as well just text Joe and telling them not bringing them back that air hammer because we're going to need it maybe we're going to need it we will need it regardless but anyways anyway what else we got cooked up for today we got a lot of so awesome we do got some fun stuff um we got some stuff to talk about we do um I got what what happened two weeks ago two weeks ago I went down to get my shoes what kind the Nike Dunks the Philly special ones okay that where'd you get them from Philly yeah yeah lapstone and Hammer okay they were I had to like go down at like I left at 6 o'l in the morning I had to go get in line at like 8:00 a.m. oh [ __ ] you wait in line oh yeah how long did you wait two hours they opened at 10 okay there was like they had like 500 pair okay so like are they numbered the pairs no do you know which one you got no no nothing like that you had a guess people in front of you oh oh well so there was tickets given out I was number 74 okay um but that was like I was like pretty close T8 um the line went like all the way down the block around the corner far and then there was one other store that was also releasing them at the same time but they were like exclusive like they did like you can't like there Nike wasn't selling them online or anything like that just down in Philly just in Philly yeah they're pretty sick though I haven't worned them I probably wouldn't I just like put them up on display or something well I bought these new um these cases for my shoes that's cool like these clear cases yeah on Amazon yeah yeah I saw them they were pretty cheap yeah I saw them you saw them I did not like yours but I've seen them on Amazon yeah yeah they're pretty cheap hey guys sorry I'm late [ __ ] better be what the [ __ ] everyone's late today apparently everyone not me for once you were a couple minutes late you can't even say that I was here at 11:05 I mean I'm usually here at 11 o'clock every day so not today not today and then we had to go back um but it was the first time that like so usually like shoe stores don't do like first come first serve okay like usually it's like you have to like enter in a like a lottery and like if you get picked you can get the shoes oh really yeah that's it's like literally how it is everywhere now like so it's but yeah so like there's no more like waiting online so we are prepping food all the food for R um so like yeah the fact that did the first come for server was kind of cool but they released them on Thursday and then uh Saturday they they were also coming out at the pro shop the the Phillies Pro Shop yeah for a day or whatever okay but yeah and I just got new shoes used for Father's Day too nice what'd you get um the new Kobes Kobe they say like girl dad on the inside oh really they're like pay much to yeah the him and his daughter him and his daughter and [ __ ] yeah pretty fire Color Purple no they're actually they're like they're green they're like real similar to the green of the Jordans that we got yeah pretty sick and they have like a like the back like heel part is like steel okay well was like I don't know put if it's not made of steel but it's like reflective I got you yeah would you say you're a Nike guy Nike guy Nike guy like that's your I mean yeah I mean that's definitely my go-to but um I I like other shoes too you like other shoes yeah cuz I have a I have two pairs of what's the names um Pumas yeah Pumas be doing some sick collabs which I always thought Puma was like the not so I don't know I have this thing in my head which I haven't been I've been really busy so I haven't been really following it and I hate it but I have like a sock shoe thing like problem your socks have to match your shoes yeah like but there's rules to it okay okay so like if I you can't like I can tell you one of the rules okay you can't know Adidas socks with Nike shoes absolutely not but you could wear Nike socks with Adidas shoes you want to know why cuz Nike Superior oh that's the way I look you can wear Vans with a Nike sock oh you can do that okay you know what I mean that's a thing M and you could wear Adidas with a Vans like Adidas socks with a Vans shoe okay it's just they kind of PL you know there's Adidas skating brand company so you can do that but you can't wear a puma sock with a Nike shoe you can't wear Adidas sock with a Nike shoe nothing you can wear you can't wear nothing but a Nike sock with a Nike shoe you can wear a Nike sock Nike shoe but you could wear a Nike sock pretty much with any shoe I got you that's fine for me but if like like I have Champion socks on with Nikes it's okay I don't love it they don't make shoes so it's like whatever but like I like Nike socks with Nike shoes would you say you're a Nike guy not like I was never that like big like if I were to go sport shoe yeah like they fit my feet the best out of all of them besides the skate shoe the skate shoes run [ __ ] thin like SS yeah but um but like if I'm not a Vans guy I I usually wear the Nikes I don't wear Vans wa wait B is like my comfy go B your comfy yeah like they fit my foot the best BS are just like I mean they don't have like I don't The Flash though like you like The Flash yeah but there's like just support that's what I like about it's like well that's what I hate about them like I don't like that like like it's just all me like it's just it's like my ankle like my ankle just I feel like I'm just going to break an ankle it yeah like I just like there's no it's like [ __ ] fabric on this side no there's like actual like Sho bands like not like the like the not the Converse Style that's what I'm talking about the no like Chuck guy no I had Chucks one time in eighth grade and I'm never doing it again I had I had Chucks once too was no no but good movie yeah um I had Chucks once too okay and I wore them for a day and never wore them again okay ever okay they're awful yeah terrible it's no support no support I can't I that's what he dudes are ass no hey dudes are ass they're like [ __ ] Boomer [ __ ] Mox Boomer moccasins like for real like like grow up dude I I have a pair of Crocs yeah I do I don't wear them much yeah but with it being so hot I've been trying to not wear socks as much like if I'm home around the house so just because like my feet sweat a lot I know but you should always wear socks not like I don't put socks in shoe no socks no like in shoes I know but even like just any like flip-flops or anything like that you have to have socks on bro well if you're like roaming around the house and stuff like that yeah but if you're using the flip-flop for what they're meant to be used for and going to like water park or Beach or pool you don't wear [ __ ] socks in your sandals no then what are you going to do put the socks back on when you [ __ ] get out of the pool or you just going to crumple up the ball and put in your pocket no you're going to let your feet dry and then put socks back on you don't get wet that's the thing you I me I do no on VAC on vacation I brought but to the pool you're going in socks and sandals to the pool at would to the would you like to see some [ __ ] photos going the beach you're going socks and sandals all day all day no yeah no like you going to school hanging out like you know I used to wear socks and sandals at school slides yeah I bought Nike Slides for a vacation and a pair I'm not saying it's not comfy and a pair of Nike sock like Nike low low cut socks which is crazy for me not low cut but high top you need high top socks like high socks not like crew but yeah like that size yeah but like yeah I went down to the pool you're probably the only [ __ ] guy with socks and sandals by a pool just no I mean I'm not saying it's like do you do you but you're wrong like it's not the right thing to do it is that's not what sandals are meant for I mean in my opinion I just I just can't like no my feet don't need to be out unless like I'm literally getting in the pool do you like have a a foot social media so you're just like I'm not like going to just show them everywhere yeah you got to pay baby yeah you got to [ __ ] spend that money um no I just don't like I don't like um I don't like fee either but when I'm that's what I'm saying like so what I'm saying is I have a pair of Crocs right right and I do wear like if I go to the store if if I were to ever wear Crocs I don't do a lot I would wear socks in my Crocs I want you to wear your Crocs next week socks or no socks I'm not doing no socks doing socks I'm coming to a pod with Crocs socks I don't care I just want to see them all right they're pretty [ __ ] grimy right well I cut my grass in them yesterday my feet were rubbing on the [ __ ] that rubber material just not a good idea man you can like spray them down that's the whole point of them what do you mean like spray them down for what reason cuz you said they're grimy they're dirty well yeah they're G yeah but that's not the I mean they're just rubbing on my [ __ ] foot causing like irritation oh oh that part cutting my like I'm yeah it's not like a thing do you need like new New Balances you yeah I need the Nike monarchs I need like dad shoes the dad shoes they make Croc eye flashlights they make Croc everything they've like I've seen Crocs with [ __ ] two speakers on them I've seen ones with like snow shovels on them really like little plows little Plows in the front and I'm not doing the [ __ ] Crocs and the back had like a salt shaker oh for oh for like salt and after come on come on stop it I'm not about those Crocs with like the [ __ ] flannel inside either like those [ __ ] fabric ones no I mean I'm not about really Crocs at all but like the light thec Queen ones are pretty fire though yeah there's Pokemon ones I want they light up yeah Prett cool kachow kachow what's his name Owen Wilson coow um but yeah no um yeah so I got two new pair of shoes the the one pair is coming today though so say it oh not today tomorrow r y um what else happened over the last week I did the flash sale with Justin yeah how did that go it was good you said yeah I talked to you about that yeah we talked about it a little bit yeah it was it was busy um there was some minor printer issues yeah in the beginning you fixed it I mean but Thena like behind all [ __ ] day they fixed it um it was so like I got there so my appointment oh no my appointment wouldn't change yeah like I had an appointment for Saturday like booked like three weeks ago before Justin said set the date um my appointment wouldn't change so I had to come in here at 10 o'cl in the morning and do that tattoo pack my stuff up and then go over there for one or 12 12 yeah I pulled up there at like 11:50 and there's like a line around the block which I was like which was like crazy to me because like the there was like zero like we posted it a week before it was going to happen yeah there was like zero reactions on any of our posts like no likes no shares no [ __ ] you have flash sheets out early like week same same [ __ ] flash sheets that we had last time okay um so like it was just like crazy to me that like it was that busy yeah but it was um and then like I got my stuff in and stuff like that and then they we were supposed to do there was like these Disney flash sheets that I wanted to add to the flash um and like we were having issues printing everything we ended up not adding them at all but it was all right yeah yeah crazy day crazy day yeah I I did 18 close to a grand I did 18 people you're act like $1,000 in a day isn't a good [ __ ] day it is but it was I mean it's a long day it's a lot dude you're making a [ __ ] G in a day bro it takes me all week all right make that but I mean it's still like it's still a long day [ __ ] that belt dude make that money on that day dog you got to take those days when you can get them bro no I know cuz you you got to be appreciative that you just stayed all day and did nothing [ __ ] made 80 bucks um I would not have um his last hat midnight 12:30 yeah that was your last tattoo well that's when I finished I think something like that yeah cuz I was like I told I I told that was Saturday and then you were off Sunday so so it's a good day to have like a [ __ ] day yeah no it was yeah but I was like was it Friday Thursday that week also that that week Thursday I was like oh maybe I think it was that week yeah I was like also like sick oh [ __ ] not like so like I've been like sick lately like sore throat no like not like cold sick like like M like body aches Okay and like like chills like like I have like a fever flu yeah flu yes the flu that's what I had but that's all I have yeah that's it yeah like I'm just constant like i' I've been like constant no reason like when I had the flu in January my house was warm yeah and I'm in my [ __ ] room and I just I'm a hot person always I couldn't get [ __ ] warm I just and my body hurt like sleeping and like sleeping on my um my uh my heating pad and I'm just like cold as [ __ ] flu yeah I mean everyone gets different symptoms some people get nauseous some people right and it was like but that was it and like it's been like lingering for like the last two weeks yeah they give supposed to give you like a 5day treatment and it clears out by 5 days but if you don't get that yeah no I don't I mean I've been [ __ ] like living on ipren andol like because like my B like my whole body just like hurt yeah it was [ __ ] weird um but yeah so I was dealing with that as well huh it's also called getting old we're getting old [ __ ] off we're getting old man who's we you're like seven I'm like four years younger than you that's like I'll take those four years back for sure like that everything starts tripling like when you get in your 30s I mean I'm like I'm like past the halfway point of the 30s it's kind of disgusting gring up man I I mean you're you're G to be there before you know it so [ __ ] or cherish your youth Cher my youth untold story yeah it's not fun it's not it's not fun at all but yeah I just I don't know what like I was like Googling [ __ ] and it it said that I had like a yeah don't ever Google [ __ ] man Mel does that all the time and I'm like don't why would you do that like it's going to tell you all these things that all paranoid it I for what it it was like this this or like a brainer or something and that's another thing like a headache like I've had like a constant headache with it and I'm just like maybe I do have a brain anism Chan's graduation which was Friday Friday you want me to talk about it what's it was you didn't leave like a like a question mark or like statement like period it's just like words just blurting it out so if you were in like a a public setting you say Chan's graduation cool about it all right um I mean it happened he graduated from elementary school the part's coming up in July right part's the next month yeah um he's very upset about what like leaving school oh is he yeah yeah cuz he's going went to middle school yeah it's crazy the middle school is Fifth Fifth Grade cuz Scranton's Dum yeah the other side of Scranton isn't like that right um I don't know like when I went to the Northeast I thought all scant changed maybe they changed but like so this just happened the year after Kenna graduated uhuh Ken oh was like it just recently where they just recently changed it to where the five through yeah Jack Jack Jack was the first I think Jack was the first year to go to the Middle School okay um yeah so it's just stupid yeah Jack was the first year to be fifth grade in Middle School okay so yeah so everything must be changed then school I went through one through or you know five elementary school right middle and then high school high school yeah like a normal thing um but at least he like he'll be with his brother and sister now you know well I mean they'll all be at the same school which will be cool um much easier to drop off like I don't have to get up earlier or stuff like that um picking up I only have to pick them all up one like one time um it will be a lot easier but like I don't like some of his friends are like moving away and blah blah blah but like and teachers and like yeah obviously the teach seen those teachers for that's literally the only school he knows four years for well kindergarten prek prek yeah oh so he's been there since prek yeah yeah so like so prek then pre yeah prek kindergarten first second third and fourth so six years yeah like that's all he knows yeah so like I I get it yeah oh for sure for sure but yeah he was uh he was up once he's in the new school for a couple weeks he'll be yeah I think like once he sees like the the um like once he sees like how many people like are like still there with him you know all his friends all the people from the same grade are still there I think he'll be okay and then like I said he has Jack and chant uh Jack and McKenna both of be there McKenna will be going into eth yeah McKenna will be going into grade eth grade yeah so we had a graduation this year we'll have a graduation for kenon next year for going going into high school going into high school and then Granton high I would imagine I'm just asking I don't know I think that's where South goes to Grand high and then the following year CH Jackal graduate okay so like I literally just like graduations every [ __ ] year yeah until chance and then we have like a your delay until chance graduates yeah so crazy crazy not ready for it those High School four years go by fast too four years in high school yeah yeah McKenna's killing me lately she's like going out yeah hanging with friends yeah not about it yeah boys no girls still that what's his name oh I haven't heard about him no what was his name uh uh oh it was Ben Ben yeah Ben she texted me days ago yeah McKenna she's like if if you like will you do this Tik Tok with me and learn this dance and she sent me the Tik Tok that dance I'm like dude she's like no first she said would you do this Tik Tok with me and it's was like a dance and I'm like I'm gonna have to like practice this dance if you want me to do this dance because I like you want me to do it on the Fly I can't I can't do that [ __ ] can't learn at all hi my hips don't [ __ ] do that I chick hero yeah but uh that's funny yeah Ben yeah no she hasn't talked about Ben at all there wasn't like I haven't even seen him or anything like that um but she did so Thursday the relax day of school was Friday Thursday she came home for like I picked her up from school and she had [ __ ] like marker like names were and all down her [ __ ] arms my dad used to be pissed when they came home marker on me I said McKenna I suggest you go home and you scrub that off your arms before your mother gets home yeah cuz she's gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you yeah yeah yeah um and she did she she beat the [ __ ] out of her or she scrubed her arms she scrubbed her arms okay and she was like well it's the last day and everyone was like writing on a shirt I said okay so tomorrow take a [ __ ] shirt with you yeah yeah like don't be stupid yeah don't don't have pe oh so she's like I don't have a shirt so just sign my arms yeah they it's going to wash away bro you that's going to stay with you I was like take a shirt with you to school tomorrow that they can write on like I don't care like don't have them write on you yeah yeah stupid kids dumb kids but she she been going out like what like just so she's like she went like like well she went today she's going to the mall okay and then yesterday or two days ago she went to the park she's been going to the park which Park Conor's Park Connor's yeah okay outside yeah um so with friends like with like a friend there yeah Heidi and this friend is she cool yeah she fine great yeah the other friend the one she's going to the mall with is the one she went to the movies with yeah she scares little bit yeah she's like she seems like she's a little bit on the like bad side yeah you always like tell like like I when we when I went in the house to get the cameras yeah like I scared McKenna and McKenna was there cleaning out the fridge okay because because Tina told her to clean out the fridge before we left before she left to go to the mall um and she's like FaceTiming this girl I can't remember her name and you you you know like you know like a child's like demeanor like like not demeanor but like is like just seems like they're like not a great kid or like not not a bad kid but a bad influence cuz she was like is that your dad tell your dad I said hi yeah and I'm just like it's the ones that try too hard to get them to like you yeah you know what I mean like tell your dad Mia thank you tell tell your dad I said hi and Ken's like um he can hear you and she's like hi Ken's Dad yeah I was like hi I know man she at that age dude it's like the boat's about to start rocking yeah like all she reminds me of is I don't know if you remember [ __ ] um family not um boy me world did you watch boy World okay so the girl that not Tanga but the the bad girl that Corey dates at the one at one point you're I want to say like I really want to say her name's [ __ ] like Gia or something like that no Gia was from Full House even her I think it might be the same actress it could be like like was that always like try to get her smoke and then drink at yeah so I but it could even be the same actress I don't even know but like that's who she reminds me of bro yeah and the fact that her name Rhymes it's [ __ ] um but speaking of that of like U Bo me 12 stuff like that we can do our our our draft we can do a draft I'm done yeah we use the board yeah yeah I don't well since you kind of already said you're first you want to go first that's not my first it's that your number one what the one I told you yeah oh is that your number one maybe okay I don't know I let me think about it do you have a number one I have a number one you want me to go I want you to go so we're drafting fictional fathers that we would like to be our fathers I have my number one you want me to say it right now I show it I want you to put it down write it write it on the [ __ ] board this is kind of like a an exceptional this is a father figure but it's not a father what you'll see I don't like it no you you will I don't like it I feel like you're cheating NOP I don't know if this has one am I going to accept it like am I going to FL I'll throw a flag you throw a flag if it's not acceptable I don't know if this name has this is looking wrong the spelling of this word is looking wrong I mean I'm not looking for you to spell things right but it's this to simple name though all right Uncle Phil Uncle Phil from okay um there's one L on Phil okay that doesn't that look wrong pil Phil that looks wrong as [ __ ] that looks wrong too doesn't it maybe it's just your shitty handwriting how many LS are in Phil um but from Fresh Prince Uncle Fresh Prince okay that that I I I'll accept it yeah I feel like you know he's rich he's got money he's got he's got money keeps you out of trouble um I'll accept it I mean there's some quality Father Figure father yeah like there's just some quality scenes from Uncle Phil like the pool scene when he goes to the pool that would be my number one draft if I can pick anyone Uncle Phil Uncle Phil he'll point me in that right direction you know keep me out of trouble point you in the direction of slapping comedian on stage yeah it com keep my wife's name out of your godamn um okay so you got a number one or what that's that's a good answer um no I feel like my number one's shitty now it could be doesn't have to be a real person it could be like a like a animated well I know that yeah I know that I know that I'm not going to pick like Goofy I mean it was your number one for movie list for Disney um it was but it was Quality quality movie Goofy's a good dad all right leave him alone he's doing his best I don't understand why there's no mother I don't understand what happened there Disney just rid her off oh I know who I'm G to pick that look spelled wrong too all right now my number one when Will's dad leaves and will cries in the shoulder that was so that scene I've seen a behind the like a behind the scene like that was like legit like um Will Smith like like there was like like he was leg like cuz like something like with like Will Smith's actual father like his like actual father left him or something like that there was like real like that [ __ ] was real oh really yeah oh I didn't know that I seen that I don't know where I seen it but I definitely seen that that like like that [ __ ] was like legit real no [ __ ] yeah crazy um I'm going to go Mufasa Mufasa Mufasa die for you bro uh he will die for you he die for you he die for you and always talking out from the clouds you know yeah you know yeah remember who you are yeah yeah yeah muasa for sure Ohana wait no wait that's not the same movie close close enough Ohana all right that's a good pick mua you know he's he was quality dad I like it I guess we'll stick with Disney movies then we don't have to stick with it but that's what I have my next one is okay I like wait I'm curious the dad from the Motocross movie what Disney's Motocross are you kidding me yeah no dude I got a track in my [ __ ] front backyard let me ask you a question okay I get it you get a tracking he doesn't know if it's you or your sister dressing up as you that's fine no it's not that's shitty father a no he's he's in he's not paying attention he's in France looking for a fill and Rider to support his family but you get bike dirt bikes track in your backyard nice house boots from Jimmy down at the store you know what I mean I hate you no I like it um I was going to do Brink dad but cuz he made makes a lot of dad jokes Brink Dad yeah no Brink dad was sucked I mean he was doing his best but he didn't get it soul soul soul skaters baby like he didn't understand um I don't know where they're at I I don't know one's licking envelopes I know yeah one's definitely licking envelopes um [ __ ] this is all on the Fly guys like I'm I'm just um I'm going to go since we were just talking about it we're go Mr Matthews Mr Matthews okay yeah Cory's dad was Cory's dad was a fire father I mean yeah he was very like strict very like he wasn't that I mean he was he was a cool dad he had to be but he was like but I mean like he took Shawn in you know what I mean like he was like you know quality okay person yeah okay yeah I'm going to go Mr Matthews okay Mr Matthew lead me to my next one does it I'm waiting for you to pick like [ __ ] Carl Carl winow why does that sound familiar um Family Matters oh yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] there's a shade difference there though little bit not that much um does it have to be a guy um I mean not in this world that we live in now but preferably I mean I don't know it doesn't have to I mean I picked a lion who am I draft yeah you did pick a lion know what I mean like picked a lion okay he's not technically a dad but he is Uncle Jesse from Full House Uncle Jesse I feel like he'd be how you not pick [ __ ] Danny Tanner Danny Tanner why do I want that clean freak as my [ __ ] dad the one who's the nerd no you want the cool Uncle as your dad I mean the rock and roll guy the Elvis guy long hair motorcycle guy you want a cool dad not Danny Tanner even Uncle Joey is a better dad than Danny Tanner it's mean the cut it out guy you know doing [ __ ] around the house [Music] unreal I'm gonna pick Kelly is Dad absent is that why absent father yeah I'm going Uncle Jesse I'll take her leave it I mean I I'm really H I'm not going with Danny Tanner he's so I'm gonna give you Uncle Jesse okay because he is the twins father right but that's it like the TW oh yeah to those twins CU yeah he has kids in the show yeah he had because also before he had those kids he was also a father fig he was an uncle figure yeah but he was in the house living doing Daddy Issues there's questionable things going on in that house there was yeah lot lot of males just living there three dudes it's three guys it's very weird um I just said that take it with the picture is there an echo in here Jesus um okay I have to Google something because I don't know his name okay all right good because I need I need time to think anyway um trying to think father did you get it yeah all right I hate that you have your next one already um you're gonna be mad oh my God like you want it I want it you want this as a daddy I mean I could get it right now no you can't yes I can you don't know it I don't know you don't know it um is it a Disney thing I don't know if it was Disney okay is a mov like a movie a movie that's what I'm like I'm trying to think like movies like that like have strong Dad yeah roles in them you good dad do a lot yeah I'm not saying a lot um are you that in a blank right now yeah I mean just think of like movies that inspired you as a kid that's what I'm trying to think of yeah um you don't want to put that one down that you said earlier yeah I guess we'll go with that with that one right cuz you have to that was your first one that came to your mind that wasn't the first one that was like my dad movie forever even though he died we're Go with Jack fro baby Jack fro the Snowman the Snowman um hello Casey how nice of you to join us first of all and take take time from uh uh Jim Halpert Jim Halpert [ __ ] is that I don't know if Jim Halpert was a good dad there's not a lot of dad that's from dolus there's not a lot of dad things like from Jim Halbert it's not it's weird if you want to sleep with your dad bro do you have like a crush on him me no Jim oh do I have a crush does she have a crush on him I don't know why would like he's not a dad in the show he's a dad in the show in the show Jim Jim becomes a dad yeah they have two kids CC and I can't remember the other baby's name oh I didn't get that far the I the season it's like later in the season one was the best season so I only watched I mean the like announcement was like one of the greatest like okay scenes in show in the show well like I don't know like I've seen like people you don't think Dwight would make a good dad the white I think D has a kid too eventually but not in the show I think Angela just gets pregnant like because the season finale it's Angela and the White's wedding spoiler sorry um but um um like there like they're at like a volleyball game and then Pam has to go to the hospital and then like he finds out she's pregnant and like Jim like puts like his head his hand on his head or something like that while he's on the phone with the white and tells the white to put the backups in mhm because like they weren't coming back and like I've seen someone like send that as like a text to somebody to like and to like let them know that you know they're having a baby and it's like and like like the guy got it like immediately she like oh my God for real dude yeah [ __ ] okay but can we let's back up to Jack Frost here for a second that man shouldn't die he shouldn't have died from the windsh okay first of all Michael Keaton Never Dies he's the man um I forgot that he that was him it's definitely Michael ke all all day I completely didn't put together it's Batman bro [ __ ] Batman Beetlejuice yeah um no he shouldn't have died um but even after he died a year later he still comes back and yeah I mean follows this kid harmonica with the magic harmonica yeah follows this kid yeah but he should have never died your windsh wipers you can't see the snow you pull over you don't [ __ ] yeah I didn't get out Ian I mean I don't know where they lived I don't know where it was based out of doesn't matter if your [ __ ] windshield wipers sto working in a snowstorm you're just going to be like I can't see I'm going to keep driving he's banging on the window windshield Dum dumb little dumb um also I don't know so so like they they split up right okay they they split up like he gets out of the van gets in the car I didn't see it he gets out of the van gets in the car okay they go one way and he goes the other way they don't hit this store storm like like they they all made it with no problem in in this [ __ ] van but he didn't make it yeah what sense that like they were they were continuing going to wherever they were going right he went home mhm like I just don't I don't understand how they made it with no problem but go ahead you want you want mine the dad from Family Matters I already said that yeah there's a shade I said that there's a shade difference between me not much but some a little bit and St pickles um okay um no ST pickle with a trash F tail those babies sat in that [ __ ] that little pen [ __ ] way too long hours at a hour day go get a real [ __ ] job yeah you [ __ ] inventor yeah you [ __ ] toy CR even create [ __ ] yeah you made one [ __ ] thing was the rep mobile yeah all they do is [ __ ] pop out kids and live off the government he doesn't have a real job and then [ __ ] what is the doctor's name [ __ ] Dr shitel or shitzu or some [ __ ] yeah Dr [ __ ] [ __ ] Angelica's dad was better yeah at least he had a job least he was a businessman [ __ ] St pickles he was providing what did he provide for his family nothing nothing nothing [ __ ] kids getting into his LSD having these [ __ ] the [ __ ] the kids never even had pants on what what dud I talk [ __ ] about Jack fro Tim Allen that's a good one Santa Claus the Santa Claus yeah or even home improvement all of it yeah all of it Tim always plays a good dad yeah he was always a good dad I mean he was kind of a [ __ ] dad in to Santa Claus was kind of yeah he was until he [ __ ] until he became the S until he believed yeah instead of seeing you know yeah but all right my number four Danny O'Shea from Little Giants okay okay Danny O'Shea Danny O he [ __ ] stuck up to his older brother [ __ ] [ __ ] put a team together for the kids that didn't matter w at sports all right you know Danny O'Shea Danny OA you really had to Google that the name I didn't remember the name of Danny O'Shea like I knew okay I just didn't remember what his name the mov name Kevin [ __ ] okay it was in the [ __ ] Google search like I I was like dad's name in Little Giants and it was like Danny and Kevin o I was like okay but I knew which one was Danny and which one was Kevin damn it yeah you realize uh I mean Giants is one thing but you [ __ ] bad guys are the [ __ ] Cowboys in that movie yeah and they lose yeah they always lose crazy crazy crazy crazy Danny O Dan y you know who plays him yeah Rick uh Rick Moranis yeah Moranis you know he quit acting for good like yeah he shrunk shrink the kids too much many times like no like legit like he quit there was like a whole big thing I I'm going to Google real quick he literally quit probably think of a number four dog cuz you probably don't even got one I don't got a number four yet I I got my number five already get the [ __ ] out of here I do hold on I just want to tell you this because it's a fun fact Paul Walker was a good dad was he though huh I mean I mean family I mean Dom was Dom's a better Dom's was well I mean Dom was an already dad would you he wasn't even their his blood kill you so work retired from live action movies in 1997 um and chose to focus on voice acting instead so he could spend more time with his family [ __ ] no crazy maybe if you just shrink them and put them in his pocket you can take them where wherever he went oh I built Chance's uh Skyline last night his Lego Skyline yeah with little [ __ ] Paul Walker there's a little Paul Walker with it yeah like Lego guy little little Brian oconor The Rock The Rock and what like the tooth fairy or the game plan now he was a [ __ ] dad in both of them I feel like the rock would make a [ __ ] dad like he would be a [ __ ] [ __ ] that you'd be like they'd be like acting now it' be like pulling the sleeve the [ __ ] elbow pad off you smell that [ __ ] to bed yeah or you're going to get what The Rock is cooked you're G to get what The Rock is cooked you think like professional wrestlers do that like their kids acting up like all [ __ ] swan Tom bro I've seen like videos of like Randy Orton like rkoing his kids into the pool pool yeah yeah oh so like that's pretty dope that is pretty cool imagine being that kid yeah he doesn't even probably know how good he has it like getting [ __ ] RKO you think a lot of people are like like a lot of kids are like that what where like they have like these like famous dads but they don't see it I mean till a certain age probably like they probably slowly start or like like to like to the point where it gets annoyed the game plan he's not a good dad he didn't even know he had a daughter tmy is a good [ __ ] dad Rock [ __ ] getting oil on his kids and [ __ ] [ __ ] muscles yeah hey honey get my back um all right I need a four um I feel like I know a good one for you but I don't want to say it let me think let me let me cook let me cook let me cook um trying to think of like my favorite [ __ ] I got one okay Adam zandler from what I don't know uh oh no no I got a better one I Adam zler from uh what's that one with the [ __ ] mom dies and the kids with Drew Barrymore and they split split or step up or the whatever with drewberry Moore with kids Blended Blended that's yeah he's a good dad in that yeah I guess so he's like a bad dad in everything else though like click yeah and click and yeah click and uh I mean he's good in um grown-ups and stuff like that Big Daddy's a bad dad bad dad uh grown-ups he's a good yeah grown-ups um I'm picking I don't know his name do you want me to Google his name sure I mean you don't have to okay you can just tell me where he's from um what the [ __ ] this two pickles Chaz Chaz Chaz Chucky's dad Chucky's dad I mean he's not bad um he is really mad because he turns into a good dad The Rock in that movie I mean that's what all these [ __ ] big daddy he turns into a good dad too but actually no he doesn't he gives the kid to his friend and it just she's pregnant at the end isn't she oh yeah yeah so we don't know maybe you think Little Nikki would have been a good dad Little Nikki yeah at the end he becomes a dad really yeah uh all right we're GNA go what's Paul art is a good dad Kevin James all right we're going with [ __ ] Chris Garder Chris Gardner yeah from the pursuit of happiness with Will Smith okay he's a good dad okay he's a hardworking man I know who that is you ever see the movie I've seen it but I can't remember I mean oh is that wait The Pursuit of Happiness so Will Smith technically but yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure good d yeah like the Mom leaves was he like a doctor like studying something like no he was like a guy selling like [ __ ] that was his real son in there right that in the movie yeah yeah yeah he was selling like [Music] machines he was selling like M like x-ray machines um that he like invested in and like nobody wanted them and like he had to like work his ass off Paul Blart I know you're I know you're real dad Tina so your expectations are real wow anything's better anything's better all right uh number five you want my number five hold on I had a number five I'm thinking you forgot it hey for a second yeah okay well think about it figure it out write it down I lost it Adam Sandler it wasn't Adam Sandler John Cena [ __ ] I have like extras all right we could do like uh yeah bonus a bonus one okay I'm I'm no that oh I I got it I got it I don't know if you're going to count this though but I'm going to count it that spelled wrong but we're GNA go with that might be a why I don't know are you on my number five mhm raymund from rocket power Raymundo rundo I feel like he wasn't a good dad he's a good dad these [ __ ] those kids just walked everywhere just they skated everywhere yeah they went wherever the [ __ ] they wanted it was like [ __ ] Myrtle Beach and [ __ ] it's California whatever [ __ ] that's even worse Venice Beach Venice Beach um but yeah all right do your number five and then we'll get into our uh a bonus yeah my number five and I don't know if you're going to count this cuz he's not an actual dad but he's a father figure okay Mr Miyagi I no [ __ ] put as my bonus Mr Miyagi Mr Miyagi and I put Jason Kelce as a good dad that's not fictional does it to be fictional oh yeah it does he's fictional on the field no he's not he's real in the field I still like him as a dad Arthur author Weasley oh that's definitely a Harry Potter thing right yeah um no what's a no want um Harry Potter's Uncle as my dad serious black no his uncle that [ __ ] locks him in the basement I don't know that one his name I know who you're talking about yeah the fat guy I can't believe that was your bonus did we have the same bonus well that's that my five we had oh yeah but I have Mr Miyagi where was that when we were trying to [ __ ] connect our brains the last time I know where was that [ __ ] well like I so like we I did Chris Gardner and I was thinking Will Smith me too I thought the Kate kid then I thought the kid that Will Smith's kid and I thought kid I'm like Mr Miyagi right if we went to that was the game we won the game oh I have a a a [ __ ] a bonus a bonus yeah but we won the game that's what we trying to do um I don't care I do care but the dad from Taken Tak oh dude [ __ ] [ __ ] anyone up [ __ ] anyone up to for his daughter dude oh I have another da oh dude do we know it John Wick I wasn't going is his dad I don't know but he some dog and he [ __ ] murdered everyone dog no I was going to go with um um uh drn McAn okay from die hard yeah not a Christmas movie but good enough well I mean he wasn't a good dad in that that one he was a good dad and like Live Free Die Hard because they kidnapped his daughter Arthur we Weasley was Ron's dad Ron I mean they were poor Ron Ron Weasley Ron Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Dumbledore remember that [ __ ] I remember you see who's coming back you see who made a a comeback the the shoes yeah yeah you see that [ __ ] I think it was like a one time thing though oh yeah it was just like for whatever that was yeah it was like a one time thing on Weasley [ __ ] there's something behind me oh my God we're already at an hour bro did you say on God tin or does that say OMG is that OMG or omg omg where's the OMG OMG okay John John wow I think what I said about her dad yeah Ron Weasley um we do still have the eagle schedule to go through you want go through that we can go okay I hate I love the first games on Friday I hate that it's not in America I hate that it's not in America is that a weird time for us probably right not too I mean I think it's still like it's not too far probably Ron Weasley Eagles schedule schedule D I'm excited for this season are we we're not doing preseason right starting with the Green Bay Packers first game Green Bay Packers September 6 in Brazil it's at 8:00 800 p.m. it's 800 p.m. game on a Friday on a Friday cool be see you there I'll be there all right what day is it September what 6 I'll [ __ ] call off Saturday a my Saturdays aren't bad um yeah so Green Bay Packers so the last game we' seen Jord Love Jordan love I didn't I don't remember who did the Packers play when last year in the playoffs after the Cowboys the cowowo that's I remember because they beat the Cowboys beat the cowbo I remember that game I don't remember who they lost to after that was it 49ers maybe the 49ers might have been the I think it was 49ers um are we worried about the Jordan love no no no no not at all I'm not I don't think if here's the thing uhhuh here's the thing here's the thing the thing's here here's the thing we shouldn't be worried about [ __ ] no one this year if it doesn't happen this year there's some [ __ ] problems for real we have a dream team roster we have Kenny picket throwing dimes over Jaylen Herz for some reason right now so like even if Jaylen Herz starts [ __ ] throwing interceptions and [ __ ] fumbling like he does we have Kenny picket they're not they're not taking hers out unless he gets hurt yeah I know they pay him too much yeah but we have saquan Barkley so he stays healthy I mean I hope for the best my concern is who's who is repl I haven't been keeping up too much but who's been who replaced Kelsey what's her name Jurgens Jurgens okay and K Kelsey said if there's anyone that could take his spot he scouted him yeah Kelsey scouted him Tina would love Dallas and Eagles tickets for her birthday butterfly in the I can fly twice um I don't know where that came from but I just meant where dreams come from um is that the Reading Rainbow yeah I don't know [ __ ] um but yeah so uh so we were not worried about the Packers we're not worried about anybody no okay so what are we doing this for who's next the Falcons I'm worried about the Falcons more than Jordan love really because it's like one of those F because we're going to stomp Jordan love and then we're going to be like we got this and then you know how it is I like that [ __ ] I like that that jewelry jewelry jewelry I like it all that Dr um I like that ice uh thank um the Falcons are next okay should be easy should be easy should be no problem and then we go to this then we have the Saints at home wait no oh no so the Falcons are our home game and then we're away for the Saints okay away for the Saints easyy see all this can be better judged after game one but see you can't really game two because we're in Brazil so if we lose we can use did you see this whole [ __ ] about like not being able to wear green to an Eagles game no no no to like in Brazil oh what cuz of gangs well isn't the Brazilian flag green I don't know but like like the both apparently both teams are being told not to wear green they two primary colors of those teams are green green one of those is in the [ __ ] names yeah Green Bay Packers they can't play in Brazil I I this is what I mean this is what I read it's a sports [ __ ] like some kind of gang [ __ ] I don't know swear I swear to God shot shot up I don't know I don't know what I was told so are they both going to wear a whe jerseys all white I mean maybe white and yellow I don't because like the way like yeah they're both white for away I mean they're both away but technically the Eagles are home they're the home team um but um like we have like our black jerseys obviously right but like like I don't think Green Bay has anything that's like it's either white or green no they have yellow they don't have they they have the yellow color but I don't think they have any yellow Jersey make something I I don't [ __ ] know but that that's legit like a thing like the NFL told them not to wear green jerseys fire what's up St I haven't seen or heard from you in like forever bro been doing them alliv with McTavish catching them front foot Tre flips you know what I mean yeah just backside [ __ ] catching them with the front foot all stretched out all right where you been bro I'm telling you doing trade flips he's not doing trade flips doing trade flips um uh after the Falcons it's the we go we have the Saints at home all this can be determined after the first two games but I'm I think we can go undefeated won't happen but Buccaneers are after that Baker Mayfield yeah dude last year was a fluke man like it was just we got in a bad Rhythm bad coaching bad everything then all everyone's morale long time though see need to make KY up their Ace St yeah you know where you know where shri's been at that concrete Park before school gets out that's where he's been cuz the [ __ ] crazy when school gets out um then we have the Browns we have what the Browns away yeah then it's the Giants which we all know saquon's gonna oh yeah [ __ ] dude we got rid of [ __ ] the Giant Killer right did we yeah really yeah he's gone I can't remember his name though Darren sprs what no not Daren sprs short guy um he was doing P returns yeah and then we'd run down their throat with I don't know they're all small I can't remember them dude come on why are we doing this right now why are we blanking um giant killer I don't know name Brandon Brandon Brandon sprs that's try Brandon [ __ ] um I don't think it was Brandon wasn't it Bradbery no e he's on defense wasn't it something Boston Scott Boston Scott Boston Scott [ __ ] I was like it was a Jesus [ __ ] I knew it was a bee I almost said Brandon Graham Brandon TR is this same initials you're not wrong Boston's cop yeah he's gone I know I didn't know that actually sad um so then who's our returner secondary um running back we got get caught up on caught up on it's coming quick dude got two months really not it's forever away um and then it's the Bengals at home I might be wrong about these home in away games by the way but um it's the Bengals okay mulley yeah call they gonna be ass as year yeah yeah just feeling it you don't think Chase is goingon to do anything I think some weird team's going to [ __ ] come out of nowhere and be good like the Texans you don't think Chase is going to do anything this year again no if I pick them for Fancy no send those hearts guys um and then it's the Jaguars dougy p douge p they'll probably be good again they won't go anywhere but they'll be sunshack yeah [ __ ] Trevor and then it's the Cowboys on November 10th easy dub who they got they ain't doing [ __ ] who they got they didn't do nothing who they got didn't get the [ __ ] Elliot back they got Elliot back yeah yeah [ __ ] jumping in the [ __ ] uh the BS yeah the [ __ ] what was it the Army po [ __ ] barely makes a [ __ ] Mill and then he [ __ ] spends his money on fines uh um and then it's the commanders they got someone good who did they get they got someone from us they did didn't they get um I forget who they got where where where did [ __ ] Agent Zero go [ __ ] yeah where did he go no he went to the Browns I think did he okay I was going to say oh then we to play him yeah he he went I know he didn't go back to the Lions he went to the Browns and someone went to Washington Washington someone decent yeah I can't remember who though Watkins is it Watkins maybe wasz was was all right he was all right I mean we didn't use him as much I like what's the nameus oh yeah we kept him didn't we I think so yeah um I mean he was on that [ __ ] rookie shitty contractor he had money for keeping um after the commanders it's the Rams I don't even know who they are what's what's the [ __ ] quarterback's name the Rams there's someone right yeah I mean they have a is it Allen Josh Allen yeah no that's bills that's bills there's some who's the [ __ ] uh [ __ ] I don't know [ __ ] it's been it's been too long R oh it's Matthew Stafford yeah Stafford um um and then it's the Ravens on December 1st Jackson so they got someone good too the Ravens yeah they got um a wide receiver no no running back the dude from the Titans oh Dereck Henry yeah he's old yeah he's not gonna do that great I think he'll be all right no I mean he'll be a good asset he'll be a good asset for he'll be a good Decoy for a little bit yeah for Lamar but I don't think like people are saying like they're going to be doing like [ __ ] like the ja [ __ ] yeah pitching plays and [ __ ] I don't think it's G to happen will we be doing a football pool again probably we do a pool well like the like where we pick the winners every week oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we could do something like more legit if you wanted to too yeah try to keep it more or organized we'll do like yeah like do like where every like I don't know some kind of gambling football thing so I don't like like I don't not fantasy but like no no no but I don't like the I like what um like the announcers do so they do like a win loss record for the year okay it's so it's not like you know like oh Josh won this week cuz he had the most wins it's like you're [ __ ] eight and nine or whatever like and then like you just keep adding on every week and then at the end it's who has the most wins let's do that okay okay like we'll make legit picks and MH I don't know we'll do a want to do a sign up fee with anyone that wants to join and yeah yeah make some money we'll do like a like a a pool yeah uh it's not letting Casey comment she's here she restarted a few times um I we ever blocked blocked her we didn't want to hear what she has to say um no I don't know why um there shouldn't be any reason um maybe it's because her work Wi-Fi doesn't allow her on you she has like a really good singing voice and she got copyright stried could be it um and then it's the Panthers on December 8th they they've always suck forever were the Panthers ever good well they had Cam Newton at one time what year like I don't know like 2013 yeah irrelevant irrelevant um I told you I was doing that doing what ring at Chan's graduation what were you doing the football bow I told you I I I mean we just told you I just told you I don't want the like know this person won this week that person like a season thing yeah yeah and then we'll do like a playoffs right yeah and then a Super Bowl yeah so usually so like I know like the announcers do like the playoff do like through the throughout the season then they do like the playoffs too but um and then it's the Steelers I don't on December 15th then it's the commanders the Cowboys and the Giants this is a dub year yeah this is It's Easy season all right you heard it here first I didn't hear bills wasn't on there no we don't play the bills no we don't play we don't play the bills we don't play the Chiefs we don't play basically any playoff team besides the Ravens the Ravens the Packers and the Cowboys everyone else didn't make the playoffs so I mean you know what we should do now this could be dumb this is just an idea all right spr out find out I mean we could do this the other idea we were doing too but like off the side I would it be kind of like cool to do like so we find out how say we have like eight people that want to do this right yeah and then you take the eight worst teams right you take the eight worst teams ever like from the bottom up MH and we do like figure out who could pick and draft that team first and then you go by like their win loss streak and like win like if they win you know what I mean but that's your team so like say you have the [ __ ] Panthers okay you know I mean and like you go by their win law streak okay you know I mean but like it can't be good teams you the [ __ ] teams I mean you want to pick like teams with the worst records yeah with the worst records like if there's eight people the eight worst records and then we'll do like some competition or some quiz thing to like do a draft pick who gets first draft pick or random random number generator generator [ __ ] yeah got you I don't know that might be fun I mean it could be fun I'm still owed my trip because I won playoffs what trip and what what playoffs did you wi you mean the one that you rigged you [ __ ] cheated that whole thing man you did the [ __ ] list and oh you won the playoff like the pool okay okay so where's the trip where was the trip to I don't know to oh to D&B dve Busters yeah no we never said that did we I think she said that I don't remember ever saying that I'm I'm being real like I'm making a joke I don't remember ever saying that I think she said that the DM when it opened or whatever did you guys go to DMB no we did go to DM new one we went to the one in before the new one opened I didn't go to the new one go [ __ ] about the new one I'm Haven been doing [ __ ] I've haven't been doing [ __ ] fun I've been wanting to go to Five Guys for like weeks I hate DMB DMB hates you D Busters yes yeah we got that we get it the even Busters I've been watching a lot lately kill Tony oh yeah yeah are they going to say like Gladiators or like Ninja Warrior or something I don't know and now I want a race uh I got us Five Guys next in session bet book it book it book it today always can we can we get a [ __ ] clap in the chat for [ __ ] always comes in with the he will bring the bombest food always read the group chat um read the grou this is too long Doc Hudson Doc Hudson was not a dad said [ __ ] Lightning McQueen that [ __ ] Casey I'm I'm trying to participate here so you want me to read these comments Casey why like this entire time [ __ ] the show's over bro yeah we're we're overtime uh well it says we've been live for an hour 16 I don't know how long we were on uh like stand by4 but what's up bro UPS isues is this what the what Alexa said that was being delivered today no she wasn't saying anything with was being delivered today you were saying that I was like maybe it was it hopefully it's double-sided a friend I'm [ __ ] at Le Kelly remembered where we were supposed to go I mean I guess um I don't understand why Casey can't comment it has to be something to do with she [ __ ] up somewhere yeah like what you do you know about rolling um but no Doc Hudson was not at that no he was just [ __ ] washed up race car yeah he was an old guy turned left to go he's a fake ass [ __ ] Mr Miyagi turn left chat band chat band I meant like that I said that I said what I know I read that [ __ ] up too I I like that I said that wait there's not a second that there's not I meant like that I said what I won that that still doesn't make sense I meant like that I said what I won that I that I said what I won that I said what I won what I said that I won I said what I what I said why does it hurt it does hurt ears um I think she's might be saying that she said what she want it when she won if want she want a trip DAV buers but I don't really remember but um yeah no that um no yeah yeah no yeah yeah no um we should have an easy season yeah should should Kell Moore baby it's up to you use your pawns we'll see I just like like who has the better season Smitty or brown do I had to yeah Smitty or brown um Jaylen Herz no's gonna throw the ball to himself no between the two of them oh then I have to tell you something too uh I'm going to go with brown brown yeah I think it's going to be Smitty yeah I think Brown who had the better season this past season I don't know it probably close but I think the same thing is going to happen where Brown will be good in for beginning of the year and then just fade and just be a distraction sir I said Siri what is it Siri oh I don't understand either I don't but now guess what they added for Motocross and Supercross you bet like on FanDuel and bar stol really yeah they added it that's cool yeah there's a spread and everything yeah yeah I haven't done it yet but you excited yeah I was thinking about to lose money no it's easy jet Lawrence is winning everything pick him you're going to win I mean that's the thing it's not much money though yeah it's not much money like can you like bet on other things though like people like oh yeah like whole shot like who gets a whole shot is like who gets across the Finish Line first off the first lap yeah like whole shot and like first across the Finish Line after a whole lap um I think you could bet like positions like who if this person gets a position first second fifth like 10th Place can you bet on like anyone crashing I don't know probably not they usually don't do things like that you want to bet for someone to crash I mean I do cuz I'm GNA bet for [ __ ] Ro Rock test must made a new ah she must made a new account um I would like I would bet on [ __ ] rock and grass memory he's not even in Outdoors right now crazy but it doesn't matter what doesn't matter what are you talking about I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what group chat you're talking about I meant like that I what I want and then you said Siri I said read the group chat where I wanted to go I have no idea what you're talking about completely gone no clue do you am I lost alone I I don't know what group chat I have no problem I thought I thought you was telling me to read the group chat for Casey oh it matters Tina there you go it matter you matter matter are we slip and sliding on the graduation I mean I'd like to do we're going to jump the driveway this year down let's try it I just need some air mattresses I don't want to hear in the in the middle in the middle and then if I know I get the speed I'll move them and we get we get the insta shot you know you practice might some knee pads you might want to buy something you have knee pads stop it I actually do do on my floor I mean I had them before that but I used they came in handy I'm back and it's almost over oh it's over I was my ass clock I was using Siri oh my ass clock my ass clock is your ass clock is telling you it's over I mean we're at aund an 100 167 hours we're at an hour and 21 minutes but Josh [ __ ] you that's fair I love that yeah um if you're not saying [ __ ] you to me I'm not doing something right the playoff group chat it doesn't matter have a good day oh my God you're GNA come in here and be but hurt about a [ __ ] playoff thing fine um but yeah uh uh yeah this year we'll like figure out out everything yeah get it all situ we'll do some fun'll start stuff from the week yeah yeah from the week so if anyone's watching wants to be in be down the clown down with the clown let's go yeah oh yeah yeah if anyone wants to be in it or anyone has any friends that wants to be in it and then we'll like set up an actual pool I would like to it would be cool to like do like a a stream game as well we have a package man I we do have a package man but that's not it's not no it's not for you he's going to go uh talk to the FedEx guy now it's the crispy show you're in how oh no he's talking to him oh yeah you better be sorry yo he try to fight you Aladdin Aladdin okay I won't go there I've never seen I've never seen like a Mexican oh oh back her down bro he's definitely Mexican I've never seen like a Mexican have a hard time pronouncing another Mexican's name that that thing that's what just happened at that door yeah he was like I'm like that's not us bro like I don't know what to tell you cuz he's from here he's he's a he's a fake he's a fake yeah he's a phony it's mexicant that's it mexic can't read that name I'm in I will also be in and probably Anthony he likes to gamble because he likes to gamble nice we got to figure out how much too we should gamble on how many envelopes we think Casey looks today higher or lower higher or lower 250 250 I mean she's been she got a promotion I feel like she's way she's above that so she doesn't lick envelopes for real no more no no no no I feel like she she's licking so many yeah yeah yeah that she yeah so I feel like her numbers were higher like 1K plus maybe a day 8 hour shift in an 8 hour shift your uh husband's a lucky man imagine like like she she has to she has to look like the Joker at the end of day oh yeah for sure 100% 100% just like just the smile you know how I got these scars yeah look at envelopes 10 years is there like a uh like a picture on the wall of like the best liquor of the month yes I mean how that work do you have like an employee of the month thing you parking space too for the mo like whoever gets or do you have you guys are underestimating my abilities I feel like so 250 was underestimate or 1K or 1K I feel like you are like I love that she's with this right now I feel like you're married you married the wrong sex I feel like you should be a lesbian if you're doing if you're doing that good I'm just saying that's funny um what are we doing next week next week is a Monday they're all Mondays yeah I don't know I'm off all week so we can come up with something all right you heard it here first we should make a a day that is our day so I could just put in like this day at this time is when we do this I mean I've tried that but it doesn't always work I it works for my schedule it doesn't work for your schedule because usually my 6 p.m. every day 6 p.m. any day that that doesn't work for me yeah that's the problem yeah yeah like it needs to be like S8 like closer to that can't be 8 that's your gaming time okay but it's still closer so s so like s there's no way cuz then you're eating you're cooking at 600 and eating at 7 and then gaming at but I can eat and like sit on Discord with you and figure it out you guys are way yeah I'm off this week I'm playing Josh going to play games with us this week playing tonight I have a big he claims he's going to play tonight I'll play tonight but if if Call of Duty gets boring can we play something else I've been really like n on duty you haven't played it I know that's why I haven't I don't get like the I don't get like the like I'm not like ah I want to play Duty like I haven't been watching streamers or nothing like usually if I watch a streamer I get hyped up what do you want to play then bro I don't know something that's not know what I got know what I I bought what Tony Hawk Pro Skater for the switch oh did you I have that yeah I know you do we played it on vacation you know the last game I played a couple days ago on my PC MX Unleashed on the emulator I'm not even kidding and I I downloaded Tony Hawks underground too to play this week yeah I downloaded um I'm down for party I'm down for anything really like literally I'm down for anything and I'll play I haven't played Call of Duty a while so I will play that but I'm literally down for anything okay so quad so if all of us play tonight okay quads it has like quads is rebirth only only I'm in right so like we can play that for a little bit and see how it goes um but need need to drunk gaming night this week a what I want to I want to drink a drinking gaming night okay that's every day for you now is that every day for you now I mean actually I've been drinking a lot less really yeah I've been drinking a lot less like like like like maybe like one maybe two mics a night okay yeah no like I I haven't drank a beer in um two weeks oh yeah you tell me you're not drinking during the week well but I've been busy on the weekend so I've been cutting like I'm down why the [ __ ] are you are you all let me find out you're off for juneth the [ __ ] is juneth exactly no really what is it it's like a is it a holiday it's a like a black holiday for what though I don't know like to celebrate what it's it's something slaves or something then do we get a a white holiday I no now they're racist bro you say we're racist no I'm going to a baby doctor's appointment with Amanda um when tomorrow I'm guessing oh that's why she's off yeah so you're going to go over you're going to go oh Brandon's still in here go skateboarding Day is coming up soon I think it's the 21st oh really yeah the first day of summer I think it is that's cool go skateboarding day we should all go skate yeah um all the holidays all the holidays are white holidays that's not true that's not true Martin Luther King they get a whole month Martin Luther King day that's not a [ __ ] white holiday [ __ ] I'm trying to think what else 21 baby yep 21st see look at that nice let's go skate where we going I don't know let's go Toby Hannah yeah that's a drive for him but no one goes there that's why he [ __ ] loves to drive there um 20 it's like in it's like Friday bro what this Friday Friday I'm off let's do it I'm serious I I currently don't have an appointment okay let's do it let's Bloomsburg okay I'm down let's do this Friday go skateboarding day we all get even you a small flash style skateboarding tattoo and then go skate do I have to do them all I mean I could do yours yeah you could do I mean something small it takes [ __ ] 10 minutes like what I don't know uh you know when I was a kid and this podcast is going way too long when I was a kid I used to do these um like little I used to make these little gifs of like a stick figure skateboard is it gifs or gifs I say gifs okay I say gifs do you don't want to know why I say gifs why maybe I'm wrong is it gifs I don't know whatever I think I think you're right it's gifts but like the first the G in in it stands for graphic so okay graphic G Okay g so G so gifs so gifs gifs yeah gifs gifs I say gifs whatever it's gifts without a two the [ __ ] where's our number and [ __ ] you mean without a t and it's yeah gift out a te there you go whatever um um yeah but I used to make these like little skateboarding like gifts okay um and like they would like grind and do little tricks okay like I'd had to do it I'd had to do make the gift like on a a sticky notepad no well well that but put on like on a PC so like I'd be in like paint and I'd like do like frame by frame and then put it in this program that would like animate it okay hell yeah that's sick yeah I used to do like kick flips and like grinds and [ __ ] that's peanut butter GIF GIF is peanut butter with a J JF is with a G GIF is not peanut butter no Jiffy peanut butter is ass reesy peanut butter is where it's at what what you going to say [ __ ] Peter Pan or whatever it is no what what do you what's your peanut butter I don't know what's your you like crunchy or creamy creamy crunchy no dog crunchy you got that penis in there what yeah crunchy oh stop it you stop it [ __ ] crunchy all right so 21st Bloomsburg skate park be there or be I'll drive I'll drive you'll drive I'll drive the rav throw the skateboards in the back look a nice comfy SUV wow that has dog fur all I'll clean it up shotgun chewy he's like five minutes from that Park isn't he no he's from WS yeah he's from like Nan Coke extra crunchy e and on that note we're gonna call there um we'll be back next week yep see if we actually went skating if we go skating we can talk about it on the Pod maybe even Brandon can join in no he probably not he works let me know what time I'll be there all right you have to we have to go together bro are you off like what time works for you you got to let us know because I we're both off if you have work I don't know shoot me a message he probably has that day off every year June 21st skateboarding day he might be bye [ __ ] peace out peace out [Music]

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