Category: Education
Hey guys this is dr hub in case you haven't subscribed please do subscribe this is a concise well-crafted summary and it highlights only the important [applause] keywords pancreas uh imaging so first let's look at the acute pancreitis so here the patient it presents with epigastric pain so there is... Read more
Category: Education
You ever wondered what is your spleen even do mysterious organ with a weird name and you're not even sure where it is let me explain i'm dr al's mind so the spleen is a fist-sized abdominal organ just behind your left lower ribs it has the job of filtering blood and removing old and damaged cells it... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Best part of the olympics was [music] reun the kangaroo hoop in break dancer okay now that right there was your entertainment i don't know what going on out there but i can tell you this i did watch some of the men's break dancing and that was actually like for real entertaining the women's left up... Read more
Category: Education
The saddest part of it all is of all the patients that come with malnutrition for these major operations only one in five less than 20% are getting these simple straightforward interventions that a are inexpensive and b are highly effective and how effective are they well we know for instance that if... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Accused of removing the wrong organ during a recent surgery, allegedly resulting in the death of an alabama man. william bryan died august 21st, just two days before his wedding anniversary. when his liver was removed during an operation which was intended to remove his spleen. he was 70 years... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] it was november the 3d 2019 and this happened [music] welcome back to this channel this is the future doctor where we break down the signs behind sports injuries that shocks the world today we are going to dive into one of the most harrowing injuries the sp bfield has ever seen on the pitch... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Jlo and ben afflect call a divorce it's it's a wap y'all first of all when you break up with someone there's a reason why you break up like nobody gets together with someone breaks up waits 20 years gets back together gets married just to get divorced it's like oh my god we broke up and then we but... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
The spleen is an organ located in the upper left part of the abdomen under the diaphragm it is part of the lymphatic system and plays a number of important roles in the body including immune function the spleen acts as a filter removing old or damaged red blood cells as well as bacteria viruses and... Read more
Category: Education
कोविड-19 की ग्लोबल पडेम आउटब्रेक जो है उसको खत्म हुए अभी दो साल ही हुए हैं और ऐसा महसूस होता है कि हमें एक और पंडम की तैयारी करनी है इस दफा जो फोकस है वह है एम पॉक्स वायरस के ऊपर जिसको कि पहले मंकी पॉक्स कहा जाता था ये वैसे अफ्रीका के मु मालिक में ज्यादातर पाया जाता है लेकिन अब इसने पूरी दुनिया में जो है वो नजर आना शुरू किया है और इस साल के शुरू से इसके केसेस काफी बढ़ गए हैं और अभी अगस्ट में ही एक केस पॉजिटिव आया है यूरोप के मुल्क... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Kelly and stella kids marriage has been facing significant challenges for a few seasons now and it appears that chicago fire season 13 may potentially witness the unfortunate end of their relationship the nbc procedural drama television series chicago fire which is created by michael brandt and derek... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Foreign [music] Read more