David Muir and Linsey Davis: Champions of Objectivity or Biased Moderators?

all right welcome back to the dirt road I'm here with Rick that's Michael over there what's up baby this is our lovely dirt road Farm back here behind you hidden in New York City you'll never find it all right so we are back talking about the debate and this is part two we're going to go through the transcript not the entire thing CU we' be here forever and we would all probably be bored to tears but we are going to go through the debate the transcript and kind of Hit the key points and the highlights and discuss what we think was good what was bad you know all that good stuff so we also going to pay attention to the the questions the moderators asked uh seeing it in print may give a different vibe and we'll see uh how unfair they really were where they were unfair and uh you know how Trump dealt with it and uh listen I mean it's not for us to decide who won or loss the debate I think nowadays anyway I mean you know if whoever you're voting for you're going to think won right yeah that's pretty much what's happened already right the L the people on the Democrat side right now are claiming Kamala won this thing the people on the Trump side are claiming Trump won this thing and I think they both kind of you know sucked there honestly but I I got very mad um at Trump's response I guess to Camala Harris's answer to the first question because I thought he blew a big opportunity right off the bat it was a layup for him so David M who everybody saying was so Pro Cala the very first question was he said so let's get started I want to begin tonight with the issue voters repeatedly say is their number one issue and that is the economy and cost of living in this country vice president Harris you and president Trump he meant to say President Biden were elected four years ago and your opponent on the stage here tonight often asks his supporters are you better off than you were 4 years ago when it comes to the economy do you believe Americans are better off than they were 4 years ago so that's a good question to her actually that's a really great question that was a very solid question yeah now I'm not going to read her whole answer but she didn't answer the question no she just talked around it she talked around it cuz obviously she can't answer that right because no cuz then she'd be like burying her own campaign right the answer is obviously we're not better off I mean you know subjectively we're not better I mean objectively we're not better off no you could look at the the numbers all the inflation numbers everything else but she went into a whole thing about how you know she's going to create a quote unquote opportunity economy that's her new phrase right I heard you know the $50,000 tax deduction for small businesses and how much she loves small businesses and whatever look at least she was prepared with numbers and so forth but she never answered the question no so then David M says president Trump I'll give you 2 minutes to respond right then and there what should he have said right then and there he should have started hitting the numbers inflation everything else the numbers how high is it now costing you how much more is it cost me for groceries gas for everything else well I thought something different I I thought that was the perfect time for him to repeat the line he laid on Joe Biden he could have said I don't know what she just said and I don't think she knows what she just said but she didn't answer the question remember when he said that to Biden yes yes that would have been a good response and I was shouting that at the TV I mean if and I understand you know I'm not in front of 80 million people so it's easier for me to think but my God that was a layup for him Mike there was I'm going to go through the transcript obviously but there were a lot of points like that where I was like how'd you miss that you know how'd you miss that how how did you not you know see that opportunity for what it was like you D car he would have repeated that that line he said to Biden I mean right off the bat would have won the debate right there because everybody would have laughed too right because it would have shut the whole thing down I don't know what she just said I don't think she knows what she said but she didn't answer the question but he went into again we can't read his his whole thing but he said first of all I have no sales tax because she said that a Trump National sales tax that's what she was trying to get the tariffs right now listen Republicans do this too because they refer to inflation as a tax it's a tax that nobody voted for so this is just a common political thing so she's referring to it he did bring up however that they left some of those tariffs in place which was great well yeah they did cuz I mean it was he says it's like billions and billions of dollars they're not going to give it up you need that money so he did say that so he did have a a pretty good answer and you know he gave some numbers and he said you know um then but then then he went into immigration again and he and he laid that line that I just don't understand with the whole thing that they're taking black jobs and Hispanic jobs like they're taking jobs you know know I I mean again he digs himself into these holes which I I don't understand I mean I I get what you're saying but I think that's um cuz they talk about like the media especially on both sides and this is across the board they speak a lot about jobs in like segments of the community so they talk about the Black and Hispanic you know communities and their jobs numbers or you know jobs numbers overall things like that so I get what he's trying to do he's kind of trying to Showcase like look you know I've been better for the black community Hispanic Community which historically he was as president say that right then just say that say you know when they say what are you doing for the black community say listen I I think black people have the same aspirations as and hopes that that everybody has they want safe neighborhoods they want good schools for their kids and they want opportunities to succeed and if I'm president I will make sure that everybody has those opportuni something like that words but instead of saying black jobs we we talked about this in one of our earlier videos just phrase it differently say jobs held by blacks Hispanics things like that because when you say black jobs it almost does sound like you know there are specific jobs that for black people you no I agree I think it sounds awful and I mean realistically you know we should just be talking about jobs period And if he wanted to go about jobs he could have easily have just said listen we have record numbers of American workers being you know laid off fired whatever unemployed while all the so-called job growth that the Biden regime and Harris is part of that are bringing are jobs that are being taken by non US citizens something like that yeah the major the overwhelming majority it like that but you know but the there's a lot of ways you could have gone with it the question that David M asked right off the bat a it wasn't a gotcha question but it was a good tough question for har and I'm sure the folks over at NBC were Furious and saying the media is against her and blah blah blah I'm sure absolutely listen I think it was a great question that first question it was I thought it was a great question so then he went back to her uh David M and said he said to Trump we're going to get to immigration and the board of security later on in the debate but I'd like to get vice president Harris to respond on the economy here so he's throwing it back at her he did a good job giving her a second chance to kind of come back and bite at the Apple but listen you know he's kind of trying to get her to answer the question like actually answer the question not not the political speech so I thought he did a good job there I didn't see anything biased about that or anything and let each of them respond and that that conversation went on and on and then David M second question he he um aimed at Trump and he said Mr President I do want to drill down on something that you both brought up the vice president brought up your tariffs you responded and let us drill down on this because your plan is what she calls essentially a national sales tax your proposal calls for tariffs as you pointed out here on foreign products across the board so he the moderator who was so biased said no no no no these are tariffs it's not a sales tax right so he again I'm reading right from it I said your proposal calls for tariffs as you pointed out here on Foreign imports across the the board you recently said you might double your plan imposing tariffs of 20% on Goods coming into the country as you know many economists say that with tariffs at that level costs are then passed on to the consumer vice president Harris has argued that it'll mean higher prices on food gas clothing medication Etc do you believe Americans can afford higher prices on tars now I don't like the way that that was phrased because the the moderator there is saying basically that it's a fact that is going to cost higher but it's not you know but it wasn't a terrible question he was just asking Trump to I mean def his policy it's not phrased maybe the best way but it is pretty much to a specific point that he could have easily have come in and said listen and it gives him a good chance to kind of highlight his plan and say listen here's what we're going to do here's why we're going to do it and here's why it's not going to raise prices right you know so I don't see anything biased about that or anything you know and then Trump answered he said um the ones that are going to have the higher prices are China and they've ripping us off for years and I'm the only so you know he answered and he said we're going to take we're going to take in billions of dollars hundreds of billions of dollars and then he said a good answer he said I had no inflation virtually no inflation and they had the highest inflation perhaps in the history of the country so that was a good answer by Trump right he's saying you you're saying that these tariffs are going to raise prices he says but I had those tariffs when I was President I didn't have inflation yeah it worked and the economy was very strong right so it was that was a good answer by him I thought I thought so too and then he says you know they've destroyed the economy and all you have to do is look at a poll poll's 80 85 90% say Trump's economy was better than theirs and so forth all right not inaccurate and I understand it he's kind of highlighting his you know his support so that was fine and then David mure says to to Harris vice president Harris I do want to ask for your response and you heard what the president said there because the Biden Administration did keep a number of the Trump tariffs how do you respond what is biased about that see I don't think that was biased I think most of the problem with the moderator stuff but he held her accountable Mike well no he was trying to get her to answer he was no no he specifically said Miss Madame vice president your Administration kept these tffs he asked her but she didn't answer but I mean he did ask her but I think the the problem I think the majority the problem I had and and from what I'm hearing from a lot of people the majority of the problem they had was was the factchecking him and not factchecking her things like that we're going to definitely get to those cuz there were I mean that's inarguable he did fact but I was kind of like I was honestly I was impressed with the first couple of questions or the debate cuz it was it was actually very well they were they were pretty good questions that question was kind of like eh it wasn't word great but it was still a good question though they they were fine I I thought and then you know Harris went into the the you know the economy because of covid and blah blah blah and then blaming him for everything right which she should do that's what she's supposed to do right well that's her job in the debate of course of course and then David M said president Trump I'll let you respond and then Trump you know said I don't know if this is true or not but he said first of all they bought all their trips from chips from Taiwan we hardly make chips anymore I think he is right about that um because I think that's the only reason we really give a [ __ ] if China's going to invade Taiwan is because it's they're the main chip manufacturer for the world if they produced potato chips rather than computer chips I'm sure we would we would not be talking about talking about them you know so and then Trump tried to of course get it back on immigration which I think is is smart right because that's an issue trying to stick to the hot button issues right yeah but yeah all right anyway so we'll move on and then David M said uh you know thank you president Trump and then handed it over to Lindsey Davis so Lindsey Davis then gave the abortion question and this we mentioned in our last video this is where I think Trump missed the big opportunity he definitely missed wi this one here's why I didn't like the way Lindsey Davis phrases but again I don't find these things as major as you and many other people do I find them annoying but I I just don't think it's that bad so she went on um lindsy Davis and framed her question and I hate this because moderators do this all the time they give like a little Soliloquy yeah you know yeah yeah yeah run for president if you want to get like this is not your platform just ask the stupid question H out way so I don't even want to waste their time reading the whole thing but the the problem was at the end you know she was basically asking them you know you you got you said that you're proud of roie Wade being overturned and there's a new ban in Florida up for uh vote in your home state of Florida um you surprised many saying that you're against the 6- we abortion ban so she was saying which is true he has flip-flopped on abortion and it's pissed me off and I brought it up so she was basically saying you flip-flopped on abortion here many times right yeah cuz he was very very hard on it and now he kind of came back to the middle more and so I thought that was fine but I didn't like the way she said at the end the qu the question should have been you know can you explain why your position has changed or has your position changed as sure absolutely question the actual question was therefore why should women trust you well because again it was it was that was a Beed hook for him right that's what that was right so that you know that was an unfair way of phrasing it in my opinion for the modor it it was a bad question but again is it a is it a big deal no his answer was well the reason I'm doing the vote um that vote meaning how he's going to vote on the Florida ban uh is because the plan is as you know the vote is they have abortion in the nth month they even have and you can look at the governor of West Virginia the previous governor of West Virginia he [ __ ] that up it's Virginia yeah um not the current governor was doing an excellent job but the governor before he said a baby will be born and they will decide what to do with the baby in other words execute the baby that's happened actually more than once I know it but that's that's not the answer you know no I don't think it's the answer at all either it's not he had a chance there to defend you know his pro-life positions and throw it right back on Harris and forget the five times that might have happened where a baby was born while being aborted or something actually and actually talk about late term abortion in in the six seventh and E you know it is and he did bring that up um but again people got all mad at this question I don't think it was a terrible question because it was worded really awfully and I mean she she baited the hook she made it really she was really why should trust you but for him it was still a good opportunity to showcase what his pro- lifee position is why he feels that way and I thought it was a fair question cuz he has flip-flopped on abortion well no he has he was very very very you know hard on it and then he kind of came back to the middle again which like okay if that's who you are that's where you are you know I get it I get it you know I kind of agree with the rigan standard also I think there are certain cases where it should be allowed okay I mean that's fine but you know it was his job to answer that question and this is where Lindsey Davis I think pissed a lot of people off in including me because that's where she fact checked him but again he walked into it he he there's no reason to bring up that it was like we were saying before with the the thing about maybe these immigrants might be eating dogs in Ohio or something talking distraction it wasn't really necessary it's not because it's it's a it's a little anecdotal thing that doesn't really deal with the big question right right because you're not you're not gaining anybody in the middle right people in the middle aren't going to aren't you know you've already got the pro-life group like you've got them they're coming for you they're going to they're going to be with you they're not going anywhere but but lindsy Davis fact and said no state in this country there is no state in this country where it's legal to kill kill a baby after it's born Madame vice president I want to get your response to president Trump so again I don't like the fact check thing but I don't know what these laws are in these states and Trump should have been prepared and he should have had that but that law isn't in effect in Virginia right now right there's another state uh Minnesota actually had like four or five instances where babies were actually born alive and they were left to die on the table and there are multiple States right now that have laws in the books where if the abortion procedure is done and a baby for whatever reason happen to be born alive they'll leave it on a table and let it expire okay I mean if that there are some examples of that actually happen it's only a handful there's only a handful of examples that we know of right now but he should have but those laws are in the books and he should have known that he should been able to speak to that directly yes exactly or like I said stop with the anecdotal things the things that happen very rarely and speak about realities yeah just just a broad like stroke even a broad stroke on that would have been better than what we got even he could have just thrown a back in her and said you know when do you think a life begins is it in the third month is is in the fourth month is is in the fifth month whatever they can't answer that so she accused him of of um wanting to sign an abortion ban and he answered he said and he did a Reagan line which was pretty cool he says well there she goes again you know said uh it's a lie I'm not signing a ban and there's no reason to sign a ban because we got what everybody wanted Democrats Republicans every other legal scholar wanted to brought back that is not true um that every legal scholar I mean most legal Scholars thought that R versus Wade was a poorly well I it was like ment gymnastics to get to the decision they made but exactly but there there were plenty of legal scars on the left that wanted to keep the the federal but either way those sorts of things those those exaggerations it doesn't bother me when she does it it doesn't bother me when he do it that that's what you know that's what politician you expect that yeah you kind of expect some of that absolutely so lindsy Davis followed up and said would you veto a National Abortion ban if it came to your desk and he says well I won't have to because again there's two things number one she'll go back to Congress she'll never get the vote I mean this was just word salad it didn't make any sense I understand what he was trying to say but he just stumbled all over let me finish this quote here says I won't have to because again two things number one she said she'll go back to the Congress she'll never get the vote it's impossible for her to get the vote especially now with a 50/50 essentially 50/50 she's not going to get the vote she can't get the vote she won't even come close to it so it's just talk you know what it reminds me of when they say they were going to get student loans terminated and it ended up being a total catastrophe the student and he just rambled on I can't even read the whole thing cuz we're going to bore the [ __ ] out of them but yeah Mike I said this in our last video so I don't want H all he had to do is say yeah I'll veto it because I think it's unconstitutional because the Dub's decision threw it back to the state next question Lindsay just smack her down with it that's it that's it but instead he goes on his rambling thing if he had said that he could have come back and at the end he could have just said you know but let's get to the more important question when do you think a life begins when is it okay to kill it yes now he could put it right back on her lindsy Davis would not let this go and this is where again I SM blood in the water and she wanted to try and trip him up some more but again she should leave that up to Harris let Harris deal with that I said earlier in the last video I said this you know They Carried a lot of water for Harris they were they were very much on her team and they carried a lot of water which is what I think pissed off I don't know if it's that they're on her team as much as they obviously despise him you know what I mean Lindsey Davis introduced Harris and her husband they're best friends they're very close personally so I think Lindsay at the very David Mir probably was a little bit less carrying water but he was still carrying water with all his nonsense fact didn't think they were definitely carrying water I mean he was he had his moments but but she did have the right to do this she she did follow up and say can you know but could I just get a yes or no because your running mate JD Vance said that you would veto it if it came to your desk that is true I don't think that was a terribly biased you know qu she said you know she going based Vance has said already so yeah can you give me a yes or no would you veto it or not and you know that's a fair question because if I were her I would have gotten even more bad with him and I would have said we're not talking about student loans I asked you would you veto an abortion ban I think that's a fair question I think it's a very fair question it's based on something his running meate said it's a fair question and then he threw JD Vance under the bus he says well I never discussed it with JD in all vness I mean he basically called JD Vance a liar which uh is kind of interesting but uh I guess that's it so then Lindsey Davis threw it back at Harris and said vice president Harris I want to give you time to respond but I do want to ask would you support and again this is fair would you support any restrictions on a woman's right to an abortion that is not carrying water for Camala Harris she is asking her well do you want any restrictions or are you okay with no rest no that question is fair but they they carry a lot of water for her the fact checks and a few of things they they car water well we'll get to them but right now other than the way that Lindsey Davis phrased it you know why should we trust you on abortion I don't see anything wrong with these questions at all not when you're I think the tone and the way they directed also kind of has some I mean the transcript is transcript but when you look at the totality of it and the tone that she took and everything else she did it was very adversarial but these but not yet we're not there yet Mike because right they were Aero she was Aero from the start you see it you can see in her face hear in her voice but Mike what was wrong with anything she said so far other than why should we trust your question a lot of things I mean the question is phrased badly and question was phrased badly the fact check right at the beginning hold on which one are you talking about the abortion question that when she did the abortion question she phrased it badly at the very end why should we trust you why should we yes I agree with you on that come on but I said other than that where have you seen anything so glaringly bad here the fact check and like I said the tone of her voice which fact check the fact check before that with the abortion thing there's nowhere in the country where there that's not true that's not true but she had to throw her own statement on it but I don't know if that's true or not and Donald Trump telling you it's not true but then why didn't Donald Trump say that I don't know that's on him but again it's a missed opportunity I mean how many states have this law that you're allowed to abort a baby at the moment of birth uh New York does quite a few quite a few well I mean you know that I don't know that I'm you know I'll take your word for it but it's over a dozen I know that maybe 18 or 20 been armed with that yeah information you know there's a lot of things he should have said and and a lot of things he should have we both agree he flubbed it but I'm really more focusing on the the questions here really than than his answers because again Lindsey Davis went right back to Harris and threw it back at her and said well are there any restrictions you would support you know we all know har is going to be so she danced around the question right she said I absolutely everyone she did which is but again it's politics it's politics and and it's Trump's job to hold that to account there exactly not the debate uh moderators lindsy Davis tried to uh then continue with something and that's when Trump intervened and said excuse me I have to respond it's another lie it's another lie I've been a leader on IVF fertilization we talked about this fertilization yeah so a big push lately yeah I know but we talked about this in our last video like if he's going to support this he's got to phrase it as a pro- family thing right I mean he can't just well when you got there there's a very easy case to be made for that right very easy case to be made for it and it's the fact that we have this declining birth rate in the Western World right across the board Japan us everywhere in the western world you're seeing these very very you know steep declines in the birth rates you know and families absolutely so if you're promoting that saying listen we have these declining birth rates and we're promoting this because we want families we want you know we want to keep our country strong we want to keep our country growing you know that's a pretty clear easy way to kind of promote that without all the word c that he threw in there and he kind of and he injected it in the wrong place and neither one of us are in favor of a billion dollar mandate for no no no no no no so we're not defending it we're just saying if Trump is going to go out there and and say this at least phrase it as like Mike just said that you know that's that's the reasoning behind he could say we're the party of life we want to expand life they're the party of death what you want the answer to be is about policy why why are you pushing this policy what is this going to do you know that and but we didn't get any of that Trump did try right at the end he said and the other thing is you should ask he's talking to the moderator you should ask will she allow abortion in the eth month 9th month 7th month and Cala Harris that was yeah that was a good part of his response and this is where the uh moderators lost control because then Camala Harris says come on and Trump says well would you do that why don't you ask her that question why don't you ask and then Kamala Harris says why don't you answer the question would you veto she was right I mean neither one of them answer a question so they were both right going at each other there you one committ exact one was committing yeah so I'm not going to read the whole thing but they went back and forth with each other some point the moderators should have stepped in there and said shut both mics and said enough right exactly but they didn't and then Lindsey Davis just said president Trump thank you so then the next question was from David mure he says we're now going to turn to immigration and border security now again this is towards uh well I think this is towards Harris he says we know it's an issue that it's important to Republicans and Democrats voters across the board in this country sure vice president Harris you were tasked by President Biden with getting to the root causes of immigration from Central America we know that illegal border crossings reached a record high in the Biden Administration this past June President Biden imposed a tough new Asylum restriction we know the numbers have dropped since then but my question tonight is why did the administration wait until 6 months before the election and would you have done anything different from President Biden on this is that not a good tough question for her no it's a great question that's a great question cuz he brought in the actual what they actually did what with the actual policy of her Administration and and even the time frame where like hey why are you so late in the game now doing this right so everybody good question very solid hard question question now of course she didn't answer it but she went right around it but you know she did what he did the entire debate which is a void so dance around it yeah so then she says she goes into her she had this one in the can obviously she says to the answer to that question she says I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns excuse me let me say that the United States Congress including some of the most conservative members came up with border of security Bill and then this is where I know what the moderator is going to ask next so she got into the the bill that the border of security Bill Bill M garbage bill so she avoided the question and Trump did the same thing with his questions everything but again we're focusing on the moderators here David M's question to her was great that a good question no there was some sol questions why did you wait why' you wait till 6 months before an election to do this and what would you vice president Harris have done differently than President Biden that is a tough question that's a good question I think so so any kind of goes to her listen she's trying to distance herself from Biden right she's trying to make herself out to be the the new version of whatever opportunity to say what she would have done differently exactly she right around it she went onto the things and then uh that's that's when she started ripping apart his rallies remember that oh yeah that was the most ridiculous like I don't even understand what that was even about like oh people leave his rallies early you got to pay to bust a and he got her on that one he did he nailed her with that one he did but I mean it was it's just such a it's a stupid argument on both it was just nonsense there was no there was no reason for any of it like who cares but she had that one in the can and this was her way of but again she's avoiding an again we'll talk about the moderator the moderator's question was great I thought was great question she got into all of this nonsense you know and then about um about his rallies and everything and then David M just it juvenile it was like come on really just what we're doing now come on stop and then David M says president Trump on that point I want to get your response and then Trump instead of going into something important right he says uh where are we here I'm sorry I lost my place I apologize uh so David M continued just let me ask though why did you and this was terrible why did you try to kill that bill and successfully so so when Harris brought up that bill David mu says to him let me just ask you though to president Trump why did you try to kill that bill and successfully so hold on a second that would have put thousands of additional that's like saying so why do you beat your wife Mike why do you beat your wife you know we have no proof that Donald Trump killed that bill there there's no proof of that so this I agree with you here you know this this was nasty by David mure he said let me ask you why did you try to kill that bill and successfully so that bill was hot garbage from from jump it was hot garbage it was but how does President Trump answer he doesn't say what you said but maybe a little bit more politically right and talk about the ins and outs of the bill and say I didn't kill the bill I I was against it for these reasons no he had his little feelings hurt about her response to his rallies so instead of taking this two minutes and actually responding and dealing with immigration which is his strong point right this is his strong point this is where he could nail her and the moderator gave a question that gives him an opportunity so instead president Trump decides that he's going to take this opportunity to defend his rallies CU his feelings were and this was the exchange as I said it's very juvenile she got them she planned on it she had that whole line about the people leaving the rallies in the Thunder off the she put it there and he fell for the bait so he says first let me respond to the rallies she said people start leaving people don't even go to her rallies there's no reason to go and people that do go she's busting them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light and blah blah blah blah blah you don't and all the way and then he goes into the thing about the one the they're eating the dogs and the cats and just incoh all goes off the off the cliff right there I don't like the way David M phrased that question Mike because he did say it like why do youat your wife it was very poorly pH it was very badly phrased and um but what did Trump do he he went in my feelings I heard about my rallies well your rallies are you got you don't even get people at your rallies juvenile [ __ ] exactly you know exactly juvenile [ __ ] unnecessary and a and a a a golden Mist opportunity right there right to completely put the bordar thing right back on her shoulders to put put her on the defensive and put the bordar stuff right back on her shoulders he could have just said David I'll give my time back to her if she'll promised to answer the question be epic I would be a respon right just let her answer the question what would she have done differently you know but then David M did the thing that annoyed everybody about where he said you know he fact checked and said I reached out to the city manager which means he prepared this fact check yeah he went ahead of time to make sure that he could he could have something to come back at him with right but again how does Trump respond and ju Trump responds well I've seen it on television yeah and that was just an aw just such stupidity listen it's a documented thing right some there were some instances now how much of that instance is actually is it being blown out of proportion most likely it is honestly if we're being honest it most likely is being blown out of proportion right or it may not have happened or it did happen or whatever I mean there's documented instances with the police department there so we know like it did happen some of these things did happen but that being said is it being probably blown out of proportion absolutely because people want to hate on the immigrants that being is that the reason to Clos the Border because some came in and ate a dog no if it was my dog maybe that's where we were talking before that just brought up the numbers about how City's budgets are being busted I I think that's kind of to me like that's reminiscent like let's say you know let's say you you're you're talking about symptoms of a disease you have and one of the symptoms is makes my pinky hurt right is it matter sure is it the most important thing at all absolutely not and it's not something that should have ever been in this debate you know it just wasn't the place for it at all no and and and again defending his rallies I mean that is exactly what she was trying to do she had that that whole she knew the question was going to be his Grand Slam and she and she derailed him right so she waited for that time where she strategically she did a great job and he fell for good he did my rallies are bigger than your rallies Hook Line and Sinker man and and she derailed his response and that's that's exactly what it's meant to do so it's good strategy on her part in that way yeah without a doubt like she actually prepared and you can see it you could see that she was prepared she didn't really answer any questions she gave all the political responses she danced around everything you know but she was prepared and you could tell that she spent the time preparing to be able to to do that to kind of drop those hooks when she needed to to kind of derail his responses or get under his skin mhm he should have been much more prepared for that and much more aware of the fact that they were going to try and do that and that he's not facing the dementia patient again but rather somebody who who is an attorney listen she might not be The Brightest Bulb but she's still an attorney she's still trained in in that discipline of being able to cross exam she's not a she knows how to break a witness right she was a PR she a prosecutor she knows how to talk to somebody understanding cross examine and do all those things she got him she got she got him right where she knew it was going to hurt the rallies she she dropped those baits and he took them and and it was terrible because he he wasted time doing that and I thought he looked you're a 78-year-old man my my part is better than yours you know more people came to my house than your house yeah come on like just nonsense get off the nonsense and just talk to policy but here's where I thought Trump's second best moment was I thought his best moment was the I don't know if you agree not his closing his closing was his best moment I thought that was his best moment he got better at the end like it seemed like as he went through it he kind of I guess recomposed himself somewhat and got somewhat better and in the closing was definitely his best moment but this is where I thought his second best moment was because then when David M threw it back to Harris again she didn't feel like answering the question either so that's when she went into how many Republicans have endorsed her and even former his former Chief of Staff a fourstar general had contemp said he had contempt for the constitutional up people right but that's where Trump had a great answer he said yeah they're bitter because I fired them that was a great answer because I fired them y that was that was a great great and he said you fire no one he said they never fired one person they didn't even fire anybody having to do with Afghanistan and the 13 people who were killed was I thought that was his best M his second best moment that was a great response yeah he was on his game then that's actually where I got hopeful again where I was like okay maybe we're back maybe we're we're actually getting back in this fight now maybe we're actually going to pull this thing out of the fire yeah so I was yeah that response I really I liked it I thought he came back very succinctly very clearly and and put it right back on her I I really did I thought that that was one of the moments where I think Trump supporters could applaud absolutely that was a great moment it was a great response it was a very honest response very true response and it clearly put it back on her yeah but so far again I'm I'm focusing here on the moderators on the moderators question I'm sorry I just don't see anything that terrible I saw a couple of things that were bad so far but we got more to go so then David M said and again this was something that I heard people complaining about on TV this morning and I didn't see anything wrong with this he said uh to to Trump he said you also said you know that you would do this deportation thing um and it would be the biggest program ever and you might use the military and I'm paraphrasing it because it was a long one but the question then said the question part was take us through this what does this look like will be the authorities be going door to door in this country now I don't have a problem with that question he's saying president I thought it was a good question how are you actually going to do this how are you going to implement this policy I agree it was a good question I agree and it was a great opportunity for him to kind of showcase look here's how we're going to get things done here's how we're realistically going to take the country and put it back where it belongs and get rid of these people who should not be here right and he would not answer the question no he danced around it yeah because I don't think he really does have a plan because guess what as much as you and I might like it you're not deporting 11 million people it can't happen I mean I it' be a Herculean oh my God I don't know how I think he'll listen I do think he will start the biggest deportation operation because he said he would I think he will do it oh I think he will too but he had an opportunity there to explain the actual but right and but he does yeah he didn't go into like details of a plan he didn't go this is something that that he should have had in his back pocket right this is his this is his wheelhouse this is bread and butter he should have had like a bullet point plan you know okay first we're going to mobilize this then we're going to beef up this then we going to going to shut down the board then we going to you know and then you can go through like five or six points real quick on what you would do to kind of overall big picture kind of do stuff with that and he would have looked very smart very strong and it would have come off very very clear but he didn't he talked around it he just talked around it I was annoyed with that that one annoyed me cuz I was like it's a good question it's a really solid honest question the problem people had with the question though is that um because he said how what would this look like would you be going door to door so as though like we're rounding people up like to get stop or and that's what he tried to make it out to be like like they're going to use a gapo tactics or whatever when realistically the justice department now under this regime is using that not not our side but but the question overall was fair you said you wanted to do something can you please explain to us how you're going to do it question here's my thing we talked about this last video and I definitely want to bring it up in this one what's that the moderators whether they're hostile or not is irrelevant cuz the question is still just a question and you as a candidate should be able to answer the question so even if the moderator is hostile and they making the question hostile you could take the question re form it in your mind and answer it in a way that you understand it to be you know more honest or more in line with what you want to get out so he has opportunities with every question no matter how hostile they are to give you know a a really good measured honest like articulate response and he just keeps missing that opportunity yeah frustrated the hell out of me and David David M Then followed up again it was it was arrogant but he he said um and these numbers are true right the FBI did say violent crime is coming down in the country so David M decided he's going to throw that fact out there yep and he got checked by Trump on it yeah he did Trump so Trump said um but again Trump turned it back to him right he he said um excuse me the FBI they were defrauding statements I don't know that they're defrauding statements I think I would have lik to see him just say I'm talking about illegal immigrant crime I'm not talking about crime overall we're talking about crime from illegal immigrants because I got hold just let me tell you one thing your nephew asked me um when we were eating dinner I don't know maybe a month ago or whatever and there was an illegal immigrant who murdered somebody and it was UN he said to me he said when he saw me and my wife getting upset about it he said how is it any different than if an American citizen murders somebody and I said well the result is no different it's a dead person I said but one was avoidable 100% avoidable that's the difference didn't have to have I mean much more avoidable than say like the other type of murder you see exactly so it's not that illegal immigrants commit crimes more than other people are not I don't know what the stats are but what I do know is that every crime committed by an illegal immigrant was an avoidable crime because they should have been sto from coming in you know and most of them are these are recidivists yeah you know is they're not even deported after they commit their first crime man they released right back into the community yeah so the reason that he said it was defrauded statistics from the FBI and he's not wrong he's not wrong about this wrong why no so what the FBI did since Biden took office right what they did Department of Justice and the FBI they stopped taking the crime statistics from the major cities New York City Chicago Detroit all these big major cities with very very high crime rates right now those numbers stopp being included in the FBI statistical data for violent crime in America because they wanted to make the numbers look like they were going down and it's documented and it's proven it's you can look at the FBI reports and see that those numbers are missing from there they're they're categorized separately you know because somehow that makes sense to them basically it's just it's just a numbers game right but I mean look politicians on both sides do this they play games with numbers to make themselves look better and whatever they're doing but this is just one example of of Biden's you know regime actually playing games with crime numbers try to make it look different but the the numbers from like La New York some Chicago some like really major violent cities are excluded from those overall crime statistic numbers so violent crime actually is way up right now in the country even doesn't matter about immigrant crime non-immigrant crime just overall violent crime in in the US right now is way up yeah and you know better than I do cop how many crimes are not reported oh my God you would not even believe the stuff that goes on it's um it's bad it's bad right now crime is is really bad right now so now I'm going to just skip the next part cuz it was when Trump was talking about how you know the the law fair and everything which is fine I think he should bring that up because he absolutely should listen he has a legitimate gripe in that way he does but it's not the point of what we're talking about here though no it's not we'll do you know we'll do one on on law fair we'll talk about actual law fair what it really looks like with with Trump and with just over over all with candidates right and then you know she went into a thing how um she responded to that by well you know the Supreme Court just gave presidents immunity and God knows what he'll do if he becomes president and all that so that was just a little bit of nonsense and um all right so let's get back to the next question yeah okay so then Lindsey Davis says vice president Harris and this is again this is why I don't understand why everybody says they weren't holding her accountable from the first question on and now this one vice president Harris in your last run for president you said you wanted a ban back fracking now you don't you wanted mandatory government buyback programs for assault weapons now your campaign says you don't you supported decriminalizing border crossings now you're taking a harder line I know you say your values haven't changed so then why have so many of your policy positions changed good question yes yeah good question so you know I don't understand the whining that I I mean I do get the factchecking it annoyed me too I don't think that's their job as moderators to fact I don't like it it's not their job to fact check the candidates should be fact checking each other exactly and they I mean the moderator should be trying to kind of list a response to the question they're asking but I heard Sean Hannity going on and on last night how they never asked her about fracking they never asked her about this yeah they did no they did they did and it was the liberal one too because David M's not really that bad lindsy Davis is you know and she's the one she definitely far more yeah and she's the one who asked that but I'm going to read it again just for all of you out there who think Trump got you know was was so picked on and everything vice president Harrison your last run for president you said you wanted a vanan fracking now you don't you wanted mandatory government buyback programs for assault weapons now your campaign says you don't you supported decriminalizing border crossings now you're taking a harder line I know you say your values haven't changed so then why have so many of your policy positions changed that is a tough asked question good for you Lindsey Davis sorry I I can't with the whining this was fair this was fair I think it was a it was a solid question you know and then of course it was a fair question for a candidate that has changed her mind on all these policies yes yeah she did right I mean we have it on tape she's trying to play the middle now you know yeah which like we said in in another video is normal right you go towards the center but this is not going towards the center Mike this is a complete reversal of policy for her yeah yeah for her well she was like the ultr progressive right when she ran the first time and got less than 1% and dropped out before Ohio so remember her answer to that uh vaguely somewhat she kind of danced around a bit I don't think she really said anything this is when she she brought up how she had a middle class upbringing and Trump got $400 million from his father oh yeah and he was like it wasn't that much she she was not brought up middle class first of all she went to private school she was not middle class in any way shape or form she was never middle class that's for one you know secondly however much money Trump's father gave who gives a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] exactly who car you know and Trump could have just said you know what I here's what I would have said something like this you know if I was Trump yeah I love my father my father was a good man and I'm very lucky that I was able to have this opportunity now I want to make sure that everybody in America has the same opportunities that I was Miss opportunities they kept making it personal digs and and Jabs and it wasn't really it it was so many personal Jabs and so many digs and like it just come on so then uh Trump said you know was following up on what the moderator didn't and said that she changed uh her policies at least 12 14 15 different I don't know how he has that number but I guess he was trying to say a lot like she was big on defund the police she was H yeah well then she says that's not true right but it was true and then he brought up what happened in Minnesota and you know that was good that was fine he he got some good Jabs in there on those but I mean it still again it should have been more about other things and see I think too many missed opportunities I think maybe you know there were three or four times there were Trump did a a really good job right but I think what happens with him is that his Antics overshadow those so what do people remember they the cuz the the bombastic craziness distracts from the actual like clear concise yeah absolutely but again back to what I was saying before I just don't see that big of a problem with the moderators here um I I just don't all right so David mu's next question he says um we have an election in just 56 days I want and this is the one I think that pissed a lot of people off I want to talk about the peaceful transfer of power which of course as we all know as the Cornerstone of our democracy and your role as president in the Christ Mr President on January 6th you told your supporters to March to the capital you said you would be right there with them the country and the world saw what played out on the capital that day the officers coming under attack AIDS In The West Wing say you watched it unfold on television and in the Oval Office you did send out tweets but it was more than 2 hours before you sent out a video message telling your supporters to go home is there anything you regret about what you did on that day see I don't find that so bad he just said is there anything you regret about because he didn't lie about anything it was a few hours before he put out the video message I understand David M was trying to frame it in a way to make Trump look bad obviously he's obvious trying to make him look bad but but I thought it was a fair question do you regret anything that you did that I just you know what I don't like about the question is is quite simply like it's it's enough already we've had enough already oh I agree you know come on it's it's it's listen January 6 shouldn't happened it was ridiculous and stupid they shouldn't have been honestly before that even happened that day when they had put out there was going to be a rally n DC on January 6th I remember turning to Lauren and a bunch of people I work with and everything else said that's a bad idea really it's just a bad idea you think because you're bringing all these people together in one place where they're certifying the vote and all [ __ ] was going on was you're looking at it like a cop exactly cuz I'm thinking like okay emotions are going to be high right scared by the way people are scared you got tell your boyfriend take it easy on it easy you know people are scared people are frustrated people are upset and you're bringing millions of them together in this one place where like here's the the central point that all their frustration is taken out on there was just too much opportunity for it to go sideways and what happened it went sideways you know you know I got to tell you Mike I I didn't see that I thought it was actually great I was watching at home um what do they call that area there where they had the uh the rally like the retunda or something right right on there or it's not called the runda something else like right of the White House the um Capital grounds what I can't I know it's talking I can't remember no it was actually by the White House it wasn't by the capital where the where Trump was giving his speech and that's right yes cuz it was by the White House and they marched over to the I actually really was I was watching it I had to go to work but I was I was watching it and I thought it was great I thought it was great I thought it was a lot of people coming to Washington DC to let themselves be heard and I know you and I disagree on the whole election stolen stuff and everything but I I really liked it I thought it was great and I went to work kind of happy I'm like all right this is great Trump supporters are finally you know coming out in large numbers and they were peaceful they're just waving flags and then when I got to work everybody's talking about did you see what happened did you see what happened did you see what happened like what happened you know and then all of a sudden I see the visual of what's going on in the capital it was asinine it was not an Insurrection no not no not even wrong but it was as n it was ridiculous it was ridiculous it should not have happened I agree but I I disagree with you there I thought it was a great thing at first um but you're looking at it like a cop I get it you know not little potential for how it could go sideways and I also still potential for like you know I still have potential for how it could be used by groups like you know people who would maybe want to make the magga mov look bad whatever which is what happened is exactly what happened and I mean but again I've worked those kinds of cases and I've seen those kinds of things in other places so I I kind of had a I guess a bit of uh forn knowledge I guess I see your point I mean you're looking at it like like I wasn't looking at it like a cop well no because you were you were you know you were probably frustrated everybody was frustrated we all frustrated elction at that point we were all upset and we wanted to be able to get that voice heard absolutely and I really thought it was I thought it was a beautiful sight seeing all those people there waving the flag and everything was peaceful but then by the time I got to work and all that [ __ ] was happening at the capital I don't think the question was unfair do you regret anything about what you did or didn't do that day I just don't fact that this why is this part of the debate yeah I don't think it's an unfair question necessarily but I think that's like a question you asked during like maybe an interview yeah you know not for a debate and I mean cuz at that point bringing that into a debate all you're doing is opening the door for her to come in and try and say something stupid really what you're doing you're just beating the hook for her to come in and say something stupid I agree and it just wasn't necessary so I kind of have two things like I don't think it was a terrible question no not the right place and time for it yeah but Mike he should have expected did that you got did he not think there was going to be a January 6 you have to know that that's coming you have to know that's coming you have to know that's coming he does you know you have to know that's coming you got to know that they're going to try and blast you on that that's that's the thing they're trying to hang on his neck every single day you know it's like every other you know impeachment hoax they try to throw at him you know the Russia Russia Russia stuff and all the other stuff they thr at him you know but Mike he had to know the question was coming he lost his [ __ ] he started going on and then David Mur you know said but you were president you were watching it on fold it's a very simple question as we move forward is there anything you regret about that what you did on that day yes or no so again I don't think it's a bad question I think Trump handled the question badly because he should and I agree with you it shouldn't have been a question no but he should have been able to answer more succinctly yeah he shouldn't have been yeah he had to have been he took the bait on it I mean that's what happened with that he took the bait on it and I I didn't like the answer he gave I didn't like his response to it at all I felt like it was just not good at all it looked it looked bad Nancy Pelosi thing and all of that but I mean it's I mean it's wrong by the way no he's not it's factually accurate they were responsible for security she is on video claiming that it was my responsibility he's not wrong in that but again it's just a it's out of context it shouldn't be in this in this in this environment where we're in a debate and B it just he just you know he got upset about it and it just looked bad I just I wasn't yeah wasn't wasn't the best part I I just wasn't happy with that part of it but I mean there you know but I I agree with you I mean it didn't belong in the debate but it was there but I don't think it was a terrible question and again I think it's a great question for an interview yeah but this is part of debate prep right you try to anticip because you can't know right so you got to try to anticipate what sorts of things that they going to ask me he had to know that they're going to ask something about January 6 and he should have had a canned answer you got you got to know that that there's these certain things are going to go after you for right your 34 convictions or whatever Jan 6 the Russia stuff whatever you know they're going to try and sneak some of that stuff in there somewhere they're kind of try and tag you with it you know that's what they're going to try and do so you got to kind of be prepared for that and understand that and realize like okay that might come up so here's how I'm going to address that you know yeah but he just went on with the you know what we can only call the word salad but it is what it is just you know he should have been much more prepared for that so David M's next question we talked immigration here tonight I do want to focus on this next issue for both of you because it really brings it into Focus truth is these times we're living in to president for 3 and 1/2 years after you lost the 2020 election people falsely claimed you won so again baiting him baiting him 100% baiting him um and then da I know this question right about the whisker you lost by a whisker you lost by a whisker and Trump's response was it was sarcasm which well Trump's first response was I said that you don't remember that oh that's right like he couldn't even remember he said that yeah I mean but you know what it's it when he's talking like and it it's David M's kind of a shitthead on this one so a he's taking Trump statements out of context right completely out of context B Trump was saying him sarcastically it was at rallies you know I didn't think no that was in an interview Mike was that an interview saying it at a rally or whatever and he said sarcastically and like you know he had the crow I I saw it an interview and I think I even brought it up in one of our videos that no he said uh you know how Trump talks right he goes a whisker a whisker goes like that so he did say it uh I didn't think it was sarcastic interview but I don't know who David mure is to be the Arbiter of what's sarcastic and what's not but what should Trump have again Trump had to know that this was going to come up the the claims about the 20120 election being stolen how would you have advised Trump to answer that question in in the debate not if it was at a rally or something like that in the debate last night if you were advising Trump and you say Mr President you know they're going to ask you something about the 2020 election how would you what would you think he should say I would simply have said look you know we disputed the election we obviously didn't you know cause any Insurrection whatever we didn't do anything about it but we have significant amounts of of evidence to show that what we're saying is most likely the case but we were never given an opportunity in the courts to actually present this evidence and have it heard in a proper manner and and and put out in a proper manner but that's in the past that's done 2020 is over we have to focus on now so here's where we're at we're focused on now so let's go forward from now yeah I I would agree with the second part of what you said I think if he would have said the stuff about you know we couldn't get it in front of the court and all that I think it would have just led to more back and forth fact true though either way there's RS I get detective I'm big on evidence Mike we've had that debate we're talking about how Trump how should Trump have answered focus on now right so his whole response should been just to focus on now cuz like 2020 or even say you know what I just thought this sorry yeah focus on and say but when I get elected president we are going to make sure that there is election Integrity in this country something like that even better you know make a promise yeah I know he's still he's spoken about that recently somewhere I forgot where I saw it where he was talking about like you know going forward with election integrity and and like you know kind of making sure the systems are actually you know much more strictly you know kind of controlled and or or not controlled but uh what's the word uh I guess strict oversight you know to make sure that nobody on either side's really trying to you know put their finger on the on the scale so he could like you're always saying like you've said a million times in the last two videos you know if he focused on policy right what would your policy be with elections and that's that's always my answer for especially especially in a debate look in a campaign you know I know um you know and you have to have your moments your pictures your snapshots your sound bites or whatever but realistically campaigns are policy people want to know what you're going to advocate for what you're going to try and do what you're going to do for them right so policy really should be 90% you know that should be 90% And this this whole thing was more like Jabs and why I'm great why she's not great why he sucks why I'm great you know like they both just did all that nonsense so and he took the bait so again I'm not disag again he took he took it again yeah he did he took it again and he went into something that he shouldn't have gone into so the moderators yes you know I I agree the questions should have been different but he had to have expected this rather than just whine about it after the fact he didn't have good answers no I mean look if he really wanted to address it the way he addressed it he could have said look you know what it was said sarcastically maybe it didn't come off that way but not important right now what we're focused on is winning this election that we're in right now and then we'll work on Election integrity and bringing back you know electoral systems that actually are very much you know strong and very much uh protected and and with more oversight and I think that's perfect Mike yeah something along those lines like again right me and you both know you know campaigns are policy right that's really what what drives things look at Reagan Carter right you had a bad bad Carter presidency inflation everything was crazy and it kind of primed the deck for for Reagan to come in and Reagan was calm deliberate and very much focused on policy and what did he do he crushed him I mean just crushed him yeah Trump has that same opportunity right now to crush I don't ever remember Reagan once in in those that debate saying he's the worst president ever he didn't have to he just spoke the policy spoke the policy that's it you know because policy wins truth is the truth right policy wins listen policy wins all right so Lindsey Davis's next question um was about foreign policy and here's where I mean we are running kind of long here but um I I don't think these questions were unfair we'll just do one and then we'll talk about the answers more so Lindsey Davis says I almost say Lindsey Graham every time I say this take a drink turning turning now to the Israel Hamas War and the hostages who are still being held Americans among them vice president Harrison December you said Israel has the right to defend yourself but you added it matters how saying International humanitarian law must be respected Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians you said that 9 months ago now an estimated 40,000 Palestinians are dead nearly 100 hostages remain just last week president uh prime minister Netanyahu said that there's no deal in the making President Biden has not been able to break through the stalemate how would you do it that's again a tough question to Harris right what would you do said what your boss is doing is not working yeah you're in the crosshairs here you go right absolutely so I don't find great question you know I think these are good hard questions that they asked her now again of course she danced around didn't didn't answer it but that's not the point now we're running at an hour here so let let's talk a little bit about the foreign policy cuz that's you and I you know we we kind of focus on that a lot um I wish that they had like they did in some other years where they have multiple debates where one's just about domestic policy one's about foreign policy but I guess they're worried that there might not be another debate I think they should have spent more time on foreign policy than they did not on January 6th and oh yeah so much was 2020 election and all of that so much wasted time Trump again it never would have happened if I was President I'm going to solve it while I'm president elect I'm going to stop it in 24 hours yeah a blown opportunity there oh without a doubt without a doubt you know because this look the Israel Hamas war is bad I don't think that that's got a chance of leading into World War III because this stuff flares up there you know every few years the Ukraine Russia War could turn into World War I oh before we're done with this video yeah without a doubt without a doubt and I I didn't just no answer from Trump that was coherent just again I'll get it solved I know them both they love me I love them blah blah blah never would have happened if I was President blown opportunity there yeah you know I thought but I I do too listen I didn't like either of their responses to it she danced around it completely with God nonsense it horrible answer political nonsense yes you know and his was just you know his own cheerleading kind of stuff she gave that crap that Russia's going to you know we have to stop them or they're going to you know take over the world right Russia's not invading anybody else Russia just wants they can't even get in more than 20% into Ukraine they're going to take over NATO they're not they're not going anywhere Russia's not going anywhere you know of course not Russia you know Russia saw an opportunity right to take back what they feel is theirs originally anyway which that's debatable but you know whatever but they s an opportunity that's about it it's not going past Ukraine the problem with the Ukraine Russia war and where World War III might come into play is you have all these warmongering Psychopaths and NATO people and everybody else that are trying to push for a freaking world war well Mike that's what this is about I it's not even about the the land and the historical stuff if there would have just been a statement that Ukraine will be a neutral country that would have been enough there never would have been an invasion no but they don't want that they want the war because that's these War psychos make their money on right well I mean that right from the back cuz she talked about her trip to calinski a couple of days before The Invasion that must have been if you remember that trip Mike she's her yeah she promised three while Russian troops were amassed on the border instead of trying to deescalate yeah she doubled down and promised that Ukraine will be in NATO and three days later they invade and all hell breaks loose now and Trump's not wrong about the numbers though on this millions of people are dying without a doubt millions of people are dying well I think millions of people are being you know if we talk about death um well I mean it's not we're not talking about direct combat deaths right there's there's probably significant combat deaths people are dis the problem with the war is you displace every bit of the infrastructure structure you displace every bit of the of the ability to kind of know Supply structure displ people and that leads to a lot of lot of lot of collateral deaths so he's not wrong about the million people dying it's listen he's absolutely right about the million people dying and I liked his response in in that whole thing where he said I would stop the War I want to save lives I think that was probably the most heartfelt response we've seen well Mike both of us have two sons I don't know about you I'm not I don't want one of mine going and fighting so that Ukraine could be in NATO no absolutely not you know I don't want my my my sons my daughters anybody fighting to I I don't want to see anyone dying like that look I've been to war right I've seen war and as ugly as you it doesn't look anything like what people think it looks like you know it's not some movie you saw it's not some video game you played it is a very very visceral real thing and it is very very ugly and I love most people never understand it needs to stop it does it absolutely needs to stop it does this war needs to be settled and this is why I I listen I don't care what Trump does I'm voting for him and the main number one reason I'm voting for him is because I honestly do believe Harris will continue with Biden's policies and I know the way it works with with new presidents and presidents who are accused of being weak they're the ones who wind up trying to overcompensate right and going pushing even further into it and and I do think look I don't know maybe this is inevitable who knows I I don't know you just never know but I do believe believe Trump will try to get this settled and it has to be settled and I'm sorry if Ukraine has to lose a little bit of land they have to lose a little bit of land because are you willing to say you know everybody out there says well why should they lose they shouldn't Russia was wrong for invading you know just talk bottom line but are you willing to send your children to go die to protect the donbass a region mind you Lans dbas regions that have been fighting for over 14 years to be repatriated back into Russia against Ukraine and now all of a sudden it matters 14 years before this it didn't matter and again we instigated Obama was President you know and he sent blankets and some medical supplies and not much of that even and but all of a sudden now it matters absolutely not come on no and and remember what Obama said he said this is much more important to Russia than it is to us of course and you know for whatever you want say he wasn't wrong he wasn't wrong at all and look we we did a couple Ukraine videos already I yes but this has to be sols large because it can be a very big trigger for as we all seen history whatever a World War honestly yes yeah and you know everybody always thinks the wars are going to be quit we're going to be home by Christmas right that's always the refrain no they take on a life of their own but Trump's answers have to be better than I'm going to get this solved this President elect and it never would have happened if policy how are you going to do that let's get them to the table I'm going to impose sanctions on Russia I'm going to cut off the money to Ukraine I'm going to tell them both sit the hell down let's get this thing sorted and be done and that's it speaking of being done let us know what you thought about the debate really want to hear from you and the moderators cuz that was really the point here let me ask you now that now that I read those questions to you and we're not like seeing it with you know our passions flying and everything did you your mind changed at all or no I kind of still feel way I did I it's not that I get passionate about like I feel like my guy is being attacked you know I don't I don't do that Fanboy stuff at all but you could definitely clear you could see the you could clearly see bias in the way they they conducted themselves dve Mir is definitely better than than Lindsay was but even still there was bias there and it was the gacha kind of stuff there and there was some other like you know Beed hook kind of stuff that to me was like like the January 6 thing right it was just unnecessary I thought it distracted from the overall I agree you know feel of everything it just made it it just made it that much more juvenile I mean listen you know Harris and Trump both kind of did their part in making this whole thing Juvenile and a hot mess but the moderators should have been the ones that kind of clean up hopefully and bring it back to some semblance of better yeah it's called moderating right and they didn't they kind of joined in and that's that's what I think the real sentiment for me was they they kind of joined in it and it was just a mess but be honest with you Mike when you were watching last night did you realize how tough those questions were that they were asking Camala Harris yeah no I thought they were good questions yeah I listened to it I was listening for her responses I wanted I was hoping to actually hear a real response because all I kept hearing on TV this morning is how they didn't ask her any tough questions they let herle slide they didn't hold her accountable all the Talking Heads are going to do what they need to do to fill their air time with the people that that love them so they they do what they do but that's why I don't like the Talking Heads much I thought the questions to both of them were questions why you've got to come to the dirt road and have these conversations because we're not going to do the constant nonsense like this we're going to actually have these real honest conversations and we want to hear the real honest responses and we're not afraid of left right whatever we want Americans and and regular people to get on here and talk and just talk have these civil conversations we don't have to agree but we're still going to love the fact that you're coming and having this conversation with us we're still going to appreciate the fact that you're bringing us some intelligent argument and and some good points cuz we you guys have been making good points we appreciate it so we want you to come and have this conversation with us absolutely you know Mike let me ask you just before we close I'm just interested in your thoughts um bu us out of it completely neutral yes I'll ask you for both of them if you are working for the Kamala Harris campaign right now after last night would you advise her to do another debate yes no and why um yes I probably would tell her to do another debate why because she was practice she was polished she was pretty well she handled herself pretty well she didn't answer any directly but that's kind of what they want in that whole thing so I would tell her yes absolutely she should definitely do it again and I make sure that you drilled it you know in I would advise him to do another one again but I would advise him to go back to the Biden debate that he did where he was calm and and measured and direct and kind of like succinct with his answers so if you work for either campaign you would that in so you would I think they both need an opportunity to showcase their their strengths more to to this to the middle they they're fighting for the middle and they have and neither one of them really I don't think either one of them really kept shot any votes last night if that's if that makes any sense and I think they still have that opportunity to catch those middle votes but they need to really show their their stronger sides and their their abilities so if you were working on either one of their campaigns you'd advise them to yeah I would I would but I would but I would tell them both like you know I think like I said I think she was I think she was prepared like she surprised me not going to lie I expected you know my expectation of her was very low so you know everybody's was absolutely 100% but she she did she came you know she came pretty strong so so let me play Devil's Africa then cuz I really don't know what I but so if I was advising Kamala Harris I might say you know what you won that thing you exceeded expectations you nailed him don't do another debate and if I would advising Trump maybe I tell him not to do another debate because I don't want him losing his [ __ ] again yeah well he definitely flubbed it and you know I I didn't really see um they both had great you know great Jabs in there she had some really good Jabs on him he had some good Jabs on her but like realistically I didn't see a winner because I I don't think anybody spoke about anything real really I mean there's some like moments and I liked his closing I thought his closing was pretty strong his closing was I didn't want to read it cuz we're running over time yeah the closing was strong definitely go back and and watch that or read that it was it was very strong I thought the closing was his best moment definitely it was his strongest moment yeah but but you know look it it it is what it is at this point I don't know that many minds are going to be changed from this point forward to be honest with you look you're fighting for the middle you had they both missed an opportunity to grab some of those votes from the middle last night they really did so they should definitely get together again but this time doing a much more adult normal fashion and actually talk about policy yeah I would hope so let us know what you think we really really look forward to hearing your comments and And subscribe and seeing what they're saying we got to get monetized cuz I need a more comfortable chair my ass is killing me we're going to get him a better chair but uh like subscribe comment share get into conversation all right thanks so much for tuning in guys we love you we really appreciate it all and uh we'll see you on the next one night good night guys

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