Category: Sports
Salut à tous qu sport j'espère que vous allez bien peu importe l'heure et l'endroit où vous regardez cette vidéo avant de commencer cliquez sur like abonnez-vous et activez la cloche de façon à être tenu au courant quand je posterai de nouvelles vidéos comme je l'avais annoncé hier tony yoka sera de... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] my first time in uk actually my first time fighting outside of fr and i'm really really really happy that uh i could do it here this show tonight what i was looking for was confidence and the people here me so much love salut les disciples de la boxe c'est jeancharles j'espère que vous allez... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] ah [applaudissements] préparer un sodo cette info va vous faire vomir bonjour à tous je m'appelle dato et bienvenue sur dato boxing n'oubliez pas et n'hésitez pas à vous abonner liker cette vidéo partageer commentz et mettez la cloche pour être averti quand les nouvelles vidéos sortent les... Read more
Category: Sports
There is samuel peter on his way and the word is that he has trained very very hard and now he probably believes that he can probably finish the job so great finals this they've got over 40,000 in here from a british show and it's amazing that they can sell this many not a german yeah it just shows... Read more
Category: Sports
Ladies and gentlemen mamour manad onan vilman welcome to the main event of the evening 12 rounds of boxing for the ibf wbo wba ibo heavyweight championship of the world presented by k2 promotions and klitschko management group sanctioned by the bdb president thomas putz executive director jean marel... Read more
Category: Sports
Well i guarantee many of you didn't realize that former olympic gold medalist tony yoka fought a few weeks ago and to be honest i can't blame you he fought a man called amin bueta the same fighter dave allen yes that dave allen beat on points a few weeks prior and i think the strangest part of it was... Read more
Category: Sports
What's going on people it's yourand yb back once again so unfortunately i have to bring you this crap i don't have to but obviously let's see how what it does with the coins essentially may over for i mean he f i mean i don't even know what to call this guy this guy's name is john gotti 3 if you follow... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur la chaîne de f les gars what what the fuck qu'est-ce qui se passe je vais essayer d'être le plus objectif et le plus bienveillant possible dans cette vidéo pour analyser ce qui s'est passé parce que hier il y a eu un combat il y a eu un combat d'un français que que j'aime... Read more
Category: Sports
Queensland australia the challenger the australian heavyweight champion and asia pacific heavyweight champion the samoan fighting pride of australia alex the lion hall leard and fighting out of the red corner wearing red with gold official weight 112 points 2 kilos his professional record stands at... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur la chaîne de f les amis la fouine se pose une question aujourd'hui une question existentielle martin bacolet a-t-il détruit la carrière de tony oka j'ai des arguments j'ai des choses solides que je vais évoquer j'apporterai une réponse la première des choses c'est que... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] fighting out of the blue corner with his head trainer fred jenkins wearing black with purple official weight 226 3/4 lbs his professional record is a perfect one consisting of 19 fights 19 victories including 10 big wins by knockout he's the challenger from philadelphia pennsylvania usa the... Read more
Category: Sports
What a fight that was uh it was um excellent performance i have to say until the ninth round it was i would say questionable let's put it this way from the ninth round alexander t the hit from zero to 100 and i'm surprised that tyson fury was with withholding it and continued actually until the end... Read more