Ok Tyrese, I’m Officially A FAN AGAIN After Hearing THIS!

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:17:44 Category: People & Blogs

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this might be Tyrese's best interview yet Tyrese goes on to Club sh Shay and he was asked by Shannon what would you say to the generation after you that is going to receive the fame and the money that you have already experienced okay and I really think you guys should pay attention to this answer let's go ahead and watch it and react to it before we do do me a quick favor hit that like button for the YouTube algorithm so that this video can reach more people like yourself I truly appreciate you guys and if you're not already subscribed to the channel go ahead and tap that subscribe button and let's hop into this video right now sir how did you handle Fame as a kid and what advice would you give now that you've gone through what maybe some of these young kids are having the fame that they're starting to come into say as a teenager how did you handle it and what advice would you give them it's Club sha I'm having a moment this brother right here with them oily arm deep that niggaer deep right there [ __ ] you couldn't and you know what's wrong he ain't even send me the questions for the interview they no pre- interview he just going boom okay so so what I would say is oo thank you Jesus give me the words cuz somebody is listening and they either they're about to stay with me God they're about to get the the Breakthrough is about to happen for them and there's other people that's experience and the Breakthrough right now as we speak this is what I would say thank you Jesus your family has nothing to do with what God is doing and about to do you will be the first millionaire in your family how does your mama feel about that you would be the first one to graduate how does your mama feel about that you will be the first or the second or the third in your life and your story to get into the NFL or the NBA or go to college and graduate from college how do the people in and around your life feel about what God is doing for you individually and I have to say to all of the people watching not just the kids but to everybody uh as far as my understanding of DNA as far as my understanding of of how this thing works when it comes to fingerprints would you agree that your mom and daddy created Shannon would you agree that mommy and daddy made you now would you also agree that mommy and daddy's fingerprints are very different than your fingerprints absolutely if you were if mommy and daddy were to do their fingerprints right now with the mommy and daddy co-created Shannon yes did your fingerprint come out the same as Mommy and Daddy no okay there's a lot of power in recognizing your individuality your people your family your surroundings your environment will try and convince you that you are sheep you're a pigeon you are like everybody else your uncle was a [ __ ] you ain't got to be a [ __ ] shut up your mama's a blood your daddy's a blood you grew up in this they selling dope so I got to sell dope they got the gun so I got to get the gun I got to dress the way they dress and I got to look the way I look I'm sitting there with a whole you see what I'm wearing I'm an alpha male wearing a full-on outfit okay head to toe that they wear in the Middle East okay Jesus never wore shoes he wore sandals you ain't never seen a photo of Jesus wearing a pair of pants in your life recognize the power of individuality okay so in the way that he said what he said I don't believe that he said it properly um from what I got from this it's he's saying and and he's speaking to gener uh he's speaking to kids and stuff in and you know young adults that are in primarily in the you know Hood areas and stuff like that but I think anybody can take what he's saying and apply it to themselves and the and saying like individuality you don't have to be what people portray you to be you don't have to be what people expect you to be you don't have to be what your uh circumstances are around you um I think that's awesome I think that he makes a valid point that God prepares things for you because you have faith in God you believe in God you are striving to be a disciple of God of Jesus Christ and so God creates this path for you and it may not be exactly how it looks for everyone else around you now as far as the success goes and uh like he was saying like um you may you're going to be the first millionaire you're going to be uh the first one in college to graduate you're going to be the first I think that don't don't take that part as in him saying you're gonna have Prosperity but take it as in he's saying that you are going to have things happen in your life that may not happen in your family member's lives that may not happen in your brothers or sisters lives and you have to understand that that is because you are an individual that God you're an individual that God created okay you are your pathway in life is ordered by the steps of God okay now I know Tyrese is not uh the the you know person to go to when it comes to Faith okay but obvious it's it's very evident that he has faith in Jesus Christ he said it um in the amount of this video that I've watched it's uh two and a half hours long I've watched like 45 minutes he brought up Jesus maybe 10 times okay a lot and so I know he has a a like he has a foundation in Christ I do not believe that he is in walking with Christ essentially um by the way that he's talking and different things that we've seen on the media it does seem like he has some things that he needs to work on as in he needs to trust Christ and and areas of his life that he has not given to Christ yet okay and I said that in my last video about him but he has a found a foundation in Christ he absolutely does he believes in Jesus Christ he wouldn't say the things he that he say if he doesn't okay whether you believe it or not your steps are or if you have faith in Jesus Christ your steps are ordered by Christ now whether you're walking in them it's up to you whether you're following Christ is up to you whether you're living up uh trying to live to the standards that Jesus has set for us so that we can have a life that is fulfilled that's up to you but we are ordered our steps are ordered by Christ okay let me show you guys this next part we we out here trying to get this young FEMA uh and and and uh I called Ricky Miner literally uh at the time it was the most money I ever seen in my life we me and Ricky Miner exchang numbers please don't be offended by me telling you this people this story Ricky I love you I just want people to know how big your heart is I called Ricky Miner and I said look this is the situation and it was true we was messed up we was you know the house had damage you know we told the FEA [ __ ] that was flooding but I I couldn't tell couldn't tell Ricky tell Ricky there couldn't tell Ricky you know but Ricky it's a little rough and uh and uh you know I I don't know what you can do to help me out but you know school is starting in three weeks and uh Mama's out here trying to figure it out like everybody else that's dealing with the the trauma of this earthquake and Ricky sent me uh Ricky sent me $700 FedEx never forget I cannot believe this is before the code commercial my brother uh he sent me that money well you lucky the FedEx guy wasn't trying to get some of that female money too cuz he got that cash up that fed okay so you notice he said that this this man uh Ricky who I think I forgot what he did um he sent Tyrese back when Tyrese was in high school um he sent Tyreek $700 okay um now listen to what Tyreek did after he became famous and started making a lot of money pay attention to what he did okay that fed X [ __ ] would have call five piece in a Biscuit cuz I knew the money was coming okay I was outside waiting on that that was also my first fed X delivery he said FedEx I ain't know what it was so he said it's going to be at your door by blah blah blah on this day [ __ ] I was outside I think I miss school a couple days waiting on that FedEx man to pull up so I got that package it was uh it was $700 man and I went and bought all my clothes and school supplies I even bought stuff from my brothers and sisters man I went grocery shopping put food in the house and uh man when I when I finally made some money I literally gave Ricky I gave him 10x that amount wow and he was offended again like come on man I didn't do that to try I said Ricky you going to take this money and you going to understand what you did for me mhm and you're going to understand how grateful I am you might not need it you might feel a way about me trying to give it back but I was uh I was very blessed so every time I go to a Oscar party or preg Grammy party or any award show I see that man standing on that stage with that bass guitar directing that band and we always have a moment where I go cuz that man showed up for my dreams and and showed up for my family in a real way after that major earthquake now I don't know if he met like he he gave 7,000 or 7,000 um to to the guy that gave him the money you know I mean whatever it was um the whole point of it is that you can it's evident that Tyrese does have a good heart I haven't heard I have not heard anything you know so uh aerous about Tyrese in the media let me know if I'm wrong cuz I don't follow him a lot if you if you do if you know a lot more about him than I do and he's done some crazy things let me know but it appears that he has a good heart if you you know to give someone you know 10 times back what they gave you in a in a certain point of your life a low point in your life and you and you are now on a higher point and you give him 10,000 or not 10,000 10 times back that's awesome that shows that you have a heart okay and the fact that he has the faith in God it displays through his lifestyle as in through not not how he lives and wake up and do all that but through the things the gifts that he's doing through um helping people out or just how he treats people with respect all of that stuff is it comes honestly from the uh the fruit of the spirit okay now like again I I don't believe that he is following Christ very closely I think that he needs to dive deeper with Christ I think he needs to let go of more of the world even though he's a celebrity and he has a lot of money and it's hard to do that it would be beneficial for his soul to focus more on Christ okay I'm not saying that he's there I'm not saying that he is in church and he's he's uh discipling and he's fasting and he's staying away from sin I'm not saying he's doing all of that I'm just saying that there's a foundation and it's evident okay now I want to show you guys this verse because he did a lot of cussing in this interview but I want to show you guys this verse in the Bible about Isaiah and how he appeared to be someone who cursed or cussed in the Bible okay let's check that out this is Isaiah 6 we're going to start in verse one it says in the year that King Uzziah don't know if I'm saying that right died I saw the Lord high and exalted Seated on a throne and the train of his robe filled the temple above him were were seraphim each with six wings with two Wings they covered their faces with two Wings they covered their feet and with two Wings they they were flying and they were calling to one another holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty the whole Earth Earth is full of his glory at the sound of their voices the doorpost and threshold Shook and the temple was filled with smoke wo to me I cried that's what Isaiah said woe to me I am ruined for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the king the Lord Almighty Isaiah saw this Vision that of the Lord of of the Lord and he saw this the seraphim and he realized what he saw and he said I'm ruined that doesn't sound like a saint that doesn't sound like something that someone who got it all together would say he said I'm ruined and he said he has unclean lips now you can take that and try to make it what you want but to me unclean lips sounds like you say a bunch of bad stuff if your lips are unclean says it sounds like he said I live amongst people that have unclean lips and so we know that everybody that he was around were not saved or were not um Believers even as you can see later on in this chapter so it appears to me like he was a curse someone who cursed a lot cured a lot whatever you want to call it but he still had faith in God and he still believed in God the Lord he believed in Yahweh and he had faith in Yahweh even though he was someone of unclean lips I believe that that is essentially how Tyrese is okay um and I'm not I'm not an advocate for for saying cuss words or strong language I do not use it whatsoever um but I'm just saying that if you hear someone say they believe in God but they still use strong language don't count them out just because of that because we're not we're not counted righteous by our Deeds we're counted righteous by Faith it's all about faith y'all it's all about faith yes God will and he and and the spirit should convict you for doing anything that is outside of the standard of God anything that Grieves the Holy Spirit and he could be avoiding that or he could yeah he could he could be um in some areas not giving his life to God and that's what I believe but he has Faith he definitely has Faith okay so check this out real quick it says then one of of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand which he had taken with tongues from the altar with it he touched my mouth and said see this has touched your lips your guilt is taken away and your sin is atoned for so this sarim took this Co and touched Isaiah's lips with it and the Lord Yahweh forgave him of his sin and the seraphim reminded him that your guilt is now taken away because he felt guilty about how he's been living and then he saw the Lord and he was a believer of Yahweh and he probably professed his faith a lot just like how Tyrese was but he just would not give God this area of avoiding strong language and I believe that that's how Tyrese is I think it's awesome that he is a celebrity that believes in God Jesus Christ he's he is uh not afraid he's not ashamed to say the name of Jesus Christ not at all he says it a bunch of times in this in this interview listen I want to know how you guys feel about Tyrese okay uh do you think that he has a true faith in Jesus Christ is he just blowing up smoke um we got to pray for him regardless okay because it appears that he does not have a pastor a friend anyone in his life that is trying to get him closer with Christ um to the point where you can clearly see that he's changed uh as far as the way he walks talks the way he uh operates in life okay but I do believe that he has a solid foundation in Christ and I think that's very dope and uh his little message about the individuality I think that is going to help some people listen God has created a path for you and for me he's he's ordering and directing our steps okay so don't walk around thinking that you're like everybody else you're not I'm not we are Christians we are followers of Christ and we live and operate under the authority of Christ and under the guidance of Christ Okay so live in that live in it all right let me know what y'all think about this video in the comment section okay if you're new to the channel and you like what you see I encourage you to hit that subscribe button okay and hit the post notification Bell so you do not miss another video all right my name is Aaron paage I will catch y'all on the next video until next time I'm out

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