Category: Entertainment
[music] true genius is often misunderstood [music] [music] time stop one filmmaker has always been ahead of his time go now from visionary writer and director francis ford copa comes an event nothing can prepare you for imagine today's society as a branch of civilization about to reach a dead end is... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Ein filmemacher war seiner zeit immer voraus zeit steh still los vom visionären autor und regisseur francis fordopola kommt ein ereignis auf das einen nichts vorbereiten kann man stelle sich die heutige gesellschaft als ein ast der zivilisation vor auf dem weg in eine sackgasse ist die art wie wir leben... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Yes hello this is donald trump uh from mr cone thank you so much donald who roy con nice to meet you do you roy con from all the papers yeah you're brutal guilty is [applause] charged roy co is a crook he's been indied three times i'm going to let you in a little secret people they hire me because i'm... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Yes hello this is donald trump uh from mr cone thank you so much donald who roy con nice to meet you do you roy con from all the papers yeah you're brutal guilty is charged roy col is a crook he's been indied three times i'm going to let you in a little secret people they hire me because i'm a winner... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
It's the cops it's dad same thing hello so how is he are you still thinking about harming yourself oh it's protocol bro no laces no belts he he he's he's good yeah pardon the mess i i wasn't expecting guess wasn't expecting anything mom and dad somebody come get you they want us to drive your car back... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] it's amazing it's my first time at tip and so it's very special to be here at this movie um it's so exciting just to share anything um and with this crowd and in the city and its history with the festival like it's just a very proud moment well julia is in a very difficult position you know... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
I was born determined i was good at drinking having sex and taking pictures and i did all three as much as i [music] could not everyone can believe this surely they can see what he is the question is what are you going to do le m europe was at war and i felt useless i hear you're the woman to see about... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] vous êtes serge oui et donc toi c'est stéphane ou comment estce que tu as fait pour me retrouver serge vous avez dit qu'il avait une autre fille vous lu ressemblez pas beaucoup serge a toujours beaucoup de succès auprès des femmes il y en avait forcément de moins jolis que d'autres j'imagine... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
When does an empire die? does it collapse in one terrible moment? but there comes a time when its people no longer believe in it. don't let the now, destroy the forever. ladies and gentlemen, and children of all ages. welcome. is this society, is this way we're living, the only one that's available... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musique] assister à son propre enterrement c'est un peu comme l'ultime défilé non quisc demande sur qui tient à [musique] moi victor avant mais fam maison est aussi fragile et précieuse que la dentelle qu'elle fabrique elle ne tient qu'à un fil et il comand vutre oncle en privé très exigant je ferai... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Little stranger i need to send a message you're about to find out that it's all just starting he's a monster he created assassination squad and c won't be necessary come on i'd rather not take any chances with a man who looks like he gropes people on buses you're being hurtful about my appearance i... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Welcome to the oil [music] [music] business oil and gas industry makes $3 billion a day in pure profit and it's only getting bigger but before any of that money is made you got to secure the land and manage the people that's my job first part is pretty simple it's the second part that can get you killed... Read more