Setup - Step 2 - Microsoft Teams Integration

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:02:01 Category: Howto & Style

Trending searches: microsoft teams
In this video series, we cover setting  up our Microsoft Teams integration. To get started, navigate to "Teams  Configuration" from the App Launcher. Step 2 is to create a Salesforce Site. Add  a Site will bring you to the Sites screen. If you haven't already, read &  accept the terms and register   your Site Domain, then create a new Site. Provide the specified Label and Name,   any address you like, make the site  Active and then select the home page. In "Public Access Settings" we  will add a couple of Apex Classes. Depending how many classes you have,  your screen may look differently. Grant full create access for both  Inbound Notifications and to Bots. When done, the Setup Assistant will  automatically update with your progress,   providing guidance if something is missed. Our next video will focus on the  Bot creation in Microsoft Teams.

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