Friday's Pandemic Update: The Novavax Covid Booster Has Been Approved!

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:20:16 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: novavax
what's going on everyone happy Friday to everyone hopefully everyone is doing well staying safe healthy if you had take a covid test hopefully you have tested negative if you did test positive I hope you have a full and speedy recovery with no long Co issues it is time now for the Friday edition of the pandemic update for Friday August 30th 2024 yes the last Friday in August and we do have some new data and some pretty big news for you today and of course we're headed into Labor Day weekend it's a really risky period for covid levels remain high all across the country so if you're out there traveling right now chances are those Resort towns or wherever you may be heading has dealing with covid and Co outbreaks there's a high chance you will encounter someone who is positive for Co this weekend during your travels maybe it be at the rest area maybe it be at a restaurant if you're if if you're someone that likes to uh do normal things you know go back to normal activities you have to be prepared for the potential that you could catch and test positive for covid this weekend we're in a major summer wave we're still doing over 1 million cases each and every day the news is not talking enough about this I haven't heard any news stations say hey Travelers should be concerned as we head into the holiday weekend as Co levels are high no I don't see anything like that they stopped doing that several years ago but meanwhile Co is still threat to you and pretty soon cold and flu Seasons coming up yes we do have some new um data that shows influenza like activity it's going up already so it's not just Co out there there's a lot of viruses you need to be aware of and I'm going to keep you informed on that today if you're new to my channel subscribe down below give this a thumbs up hit that notification Bell share this video with anyone you know and leave your comments down below today we do have some new stories to look at some of our daily data I want to show you something from up here in Maine which makes me think yeah CO's not going to be slowing anytime soon at least up here in New England and if it does I would be surprised and then we're going to take a look at some new CDC data some of my notes and a few other things starting off with this this is something a lot of people have been waiting for some people are happy that the new fiser and madna shots are out that's great others were waiting for novax to get FDA emergency use authorization guess what today it was announced it has happened this is coming straight from novax novax has received emergency use authorization from the US FDA for its updated co9 vacine in individuals age 12 and older pre-filled syringes are expected to be available in thousands of locations across the US in the coming days F noaa's vaccine on their website and I had a suspicion something may be coming soon because novax's stock was getting a lot of volatility this week which meant H something was up well here we are it got approved and I think I'm going to be going and getting my novaa shot either late September or sometime in the first week in October hopefully the place I got it last time uh will be stocking and I'll be in contact with them finding out about moving on now to our next story let's not waste time and just go right into this one breaking the CDC reports this is from sci-fi on X the CDC reports largest increase in influenza like illness since December 30th II influenza like illness is up 110% from 2019 this is something that is just really it's just not a good thing whatsoever and we're going to have to keep our eyes on this I mean Co is out there but you know Co can impct your immune system and by impacting your immune system you can catch other viruses much more easier something that would have just been an everyday cold could turn into something more serious and you could even be hospitalized yes it's something you have to be concerned about Corona heads up tweeted this us California birds flu outbreak suspected in three cattle herds so yes this is something that's not good infection of three dairy farms in Central Valley and move moving on now to my website the Carol County School District in Northern Kentucky cancel school for the remainder of the week due to illness spreading to members of the community the dates classes are canceled are Thursday August 29th that was yesterday and Friday August 30th several different illnesses were listed for the closing including covid which is why it has made it to the archive of outbreaks for schools an update will be posted on this outbreak if there is any new information that is on my website and speaking of my website I continue to work on the site I think I showed you this yesterday but I'll show you again the mayor of a DC did test positive for Co yesterday turns out this was not her first case she has had covid in the past and it also turns out this this really gets to me also turns out her older sister died of covid back on February 21st of 2021 so she's had Co once her sister one of her sisters have died of covid and here we are yes she tested positive for Co again I mean why wasn't she being more careful she lost a relative a loved one she's had Co in the past I mean here we are we're living thinking everything's fine once again when everything is not fine Co is still a threat people are still being hospitalized people are still dying though not at the levels that we saw back in the early days of the pandemic it's still happening and it can happen at random to anyone all right moving on influenza like illness we talked about but heat related illnesses that's the word I'm looking for heat related illness uh it's still a problem across the United States and the southeast is really hot right now so we could see it continue there for a few more weeks taking a look at the allergy map for today and we do note that 41% of the country is in medium to high status and we also do see here though there is still some red in the Ohio Valley across parts of the Great Lakes the Western portion of the Great Lakes actually is not as bad today the plains red California and Nevada is seeing some red today there's also some red in southeast Pennsylvania and New Jersey not bad up here in New England and in the Southeast we do note that things are actually improving in some places look at Louisiana parts of Florida not terrible at this time let's take a look at air qualities around the United States if the map does load and we will see that there is a mixed bag of air qualities but again not as bad in the west as we have been seeing lately but Idaho portions of Oregon Wyoming and even Western Montana yeah really bad air qualities especially in Idaho please be careful if you are there and then once you get about southeast of Chicago you do note that there is some oranges and yellows and if this map would load fully you'll see there are still some oranges and yellows to be had in the Mid-Atlantic region as well want to learn more about climate and weather the place to do that is over at my other uh Twitter account on X which is climate data report Philadelphia yesterday did report under 800 EMS incidents it was 792 that is a number that I'm happy about let's do a live look in at what's going on with montomery County Pennsylvania right now and we do see here that there are a few calls to be had nine total calls now Chester County Pennsylvania is not terrible actually no it just updated here yeah there's a lot of calls in Chester County Pennsylvania sick persons listed a couple times heart problems respiratory difficulty not good speaking of not good we're coming into a holiday weekend holiday weekends are good for the economy but they're bad for Co take a look what's happening here in main remember yesterday I said I'm probably not going to be going many places come this weekend yeah take a look at the these traffic cameras here this is the main turnpike of what is coming into main right now you can see here it's just a sea of cars coming into the state yeah it's a lot of people coming in right now places are going to be crowded covid loves crowds that's where Co could potentially find you all right moving on now taking a look at Canada viral activity level for covid-19 is listed as high influenza flu activity a low influenza B is not detected RSV is low at this time all right before we continue on let's take a look at some notes and we already talked about the Labor Day holiday weekend Co risk anywhere that's a resort area or a place that sees a lot of people on holiday weekends is a risk here in the United States this weekend there's also another risk it's not just Labor Day weekend a lot of college towns are going to get busy this weekend college football covid risk I'll probably watch some uh college football on TV I'm from Pennsylvania so I'll watch the Penn State nitty Lions on TV tomorrow now they're not playing at home they're playing in West Virginia but places like that you know people are going to go to those areas they're going to stay at hotels they're going to patronize into businesses they're going to eat out they're going to go to bars they're going to tailgate all these things you will likely encounter someone who is positive for covid when doing these things all right moving on to some data now from CJs 83172 and it says here he said this is directly I just copied it directly today the numbers for States from yesterday including a whoppy number of CDC reported deaths from North Carolina put to cdc's Thursday provisional deaths update oh boy let's find out what that's all about Florida 2521 new cases and 34 new deaths in their daily update yesterday New Jersey had another 1,26 new cases and three new deaths in their weekday update New York as we know yesterday had 2,776 new cases in their daily update remember some things do get added in on Thursdays such as New York City Data Virginia had 1,410 new cases and two new deaths added to their covid open data page for cumulative deaths Washington DC had 218 new cases and one new CDC reported death Puerto Rico 566 new cases and one new death Georgia 7,814 new cases which is down that's down it is but that's still a high number this is a weekly number down from 9,49 they added last week and another 19 new deaths Indiana 4,833 new cases including 1,247 from last week and 13 new deaths wow k Ki look at this Kentucky 4,415 new cases and 24 new CDC reported deaths that whole little area there Kentucky Ohio Indiana doing really bad at this time if you live in that area please please please mask up all right moving on to Massachusetts just south of here a by a little ways a net of 2,798 new cases which takes into account over 400 don't ask you where this came from 400 cases from late 2020 and 2021 that were removed I don't know why I don't know why some states do what they actually do and 21 new deaths Minnesota 2,516 new cases and 21 new deaths North Carolina what's going on 59 new CDC reported deaths that's absolutely horrible for North Carolina Nebraska this is not a good number for you 884 new positive test and six new CDC reported deaths I think Nebraska's population is maybe kind of similar to up here in Maine so I mean they don't get the number of tourists that come up here to Maine but yeah that's that's a lot of cases for you at least I think it is six new CDC reported deaths and Vermont 284 new cases and three new deaths cases didn't drop much but at least the deaths did all right going back now to my browser here Walgreens this week the positivity rate dropped slightly we don't even need to take a look at that let's take a look at some new data that just came in today CDC the KP 3.1.1 variant update is yes it's at 42.2% and I had suspected it was going to continue to rise higher it may not even be done yet KP 2.3 is at 14.6% kp3 is at 14.2% lb. one is at 13 .5% and I do want to move down here just a little ways there is a KP 1.1.3 that is at 2. 6% and there is a bunch of other little variants here there's a whole slew of them and there's even some here that are under 1% but right now the dominating variant once again KP 3.1.1 at 42.2% that is newly updated as of today speaking of something else that's update as it say you can see here Wastewater it had leveled off it's trying to rise a little bit again I think we're just bouncing off the top at this point but when we come down here you're going to see something bad I want to draw your attention to this blue 0 to 19% uh Co detected in Wastewater that's really low levels yeah there's just only 16 sites that are that low now in the whole entire United States the lower 48 Puerto Rico Hawaii Alaska Guam DC New York City the Northeast the West Coast the South the Midwest the mid South the Northwest the whole entire country come on folks that's terrible this is summertime we should not be that bad right now we just should not be 298 sites are 80 to 100% Co detected UH 60 to 79% Co detected there's 569 sites in that category this is a very risky Hall Day weekend very risky please if you're going to have a barbecue or anything to this weekend please do so safely and if you're going to have a large group and you have some high-risk people coming make sure everyone takes a covid test you have to no I'm not mandating you to do that I'm not trying to sound mean or anything but it just has to be done Co is still a threat and to see levels this high is just absolutely ridiculous this is why we keep having new variants forming again and again because we allow Co to just transmit this much I mean we're just letting Co do whatever the heck it wants and when you're allowed to do whatever the heck it wants it's gonna say oh you're not gonna take me serious guess what I'm just GNA keep spreading and I'm just going to keep mutating and that's what it is doing totally ridiculous take a look at this um viral activity levels yeah some places are starting to improve California did a little bit Texas did and Florida did we're still a lot of places very high we'll take a deeper look at this at Wastewater Sunday taking a look now at some more news or some more data that's in from the CDC let's take a look at epidemic status we can see it is growing still in many places New Hampshire Massachusetts West Virginia Ohio Kentucky Illinois and even down in Arkansas still growing likely growing once again in Florida that's a little bit of a surprise Florida should have been dropping now but it is what it is likely growing in Pennsylvania Maryland Wisconsin Minnesota it's also likely growing up in Montana Oklahoma Idaho Nevada Utah Arizona and Alaska it is likely declining now in a few places in Connecticut New York North Carolina Oregon and California and is now declining in Washington state Louisiana and in Mississippi then there's a lot of places that are stable or uncertain in between and of course we do have some places that continue to just not report Wyoming and Missouri and Georgia and now Alabama are just not estimated because they're not reporting at this time and Hawaii remember Hawaii was a big problem early on well Hawaii right now is stable or uncertain and early on it was also a problem in Alaska so seeing Alaska likely growing again that's not a good thing all right we do have a couple more things to look at then we're done for today then you can safely go in and enjoy your Friday evening take a look here we can see here that uh ER visits for covid-19 positive people people showing up at the hospital positive for covid are starting to drop I think we're going to take a deeper look like we normally do on Saturdays at ER visit you know how we go through all the states that report we'll see that sometimes if I try and load this I'm far away from Mor router right now if I try and load this it may spin in circles tomorrow so we'll just have to see I'll try for it anyhow taking a look at New Jersey for today and we see hospitalizations 535 it says 69 out of 70 hosp hospital is reported four people on a ventilator in the ICU I don't know if we're actually going to be able to get that number no we did 57 people in the ICU and a number of people that have been discharged from the hospital in New Jersey yeah I guess we're not going to be getting that number yeah it's trying to come up here oh there it is 104 people discharged wow that's quite a few people I mean the volume discharges that's pretty high maybe they want to release people because the holiday weekend is coming in in New York State today not yesterday but today 1,985 new cases and taking a look at what's going on with their hospitalizations they did drop and it does look like they're starting to drop maybe just a little bit more reminder there's going to be a lag next week there's going to be a holiday on Monday Labor Day and there's going to be some Miss data the hospitalizations it's 1,157 and 116 people in the ICU all righty folks that does it for the Friday evening edition of the pandemic update we'll have another update again tomorrow I don't know what time of day it's going to be don't know if it's going to be earlier like it normally would be or later like this evening we'll just have to see tomorrow please if you're celebrating Labor Day weeked please do so safely don't go to those credit places like up here in Maine like me I'm not going to be going to very many places in let's see there it is again yeah look at that look at all these people that are coming in the main yeah please avoid crowds like this I'm next to a lake um it's easy I can social distance here matter of fact I'm going to do that next going to do some swimming if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up subscribe down below hit that notification Bell and share this video with anyone you know and of course leave your comments down below I assume with novax being approved there's going to be a lot of comments speaking of approving may take me a little while to get to approving all your comments today but I will get through them this evening so if you don't know notice your comments showing up at first don't worry I will get to it at some point this evening thanks for watching I will see you all again next time until I see you again next time stay safe everyone and have a fantastic Labor Day weekend thanks for watching

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