PPR ESPN Fantasy with Karl (THY) & Swift Sports

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 01:10:39 Category: Entertainment

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n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right as you see the title it says PPR ESPN fantasy with car and Swift but I don't see Swift in here don't know where he's at he threw this crap together last minute and now we have to bear the burden of having teary eyes from Ian wheeler watching people like Adrien Colbert who didn't make the roster what the freak did they show that for why did they show these players and get you emotionally attached to them and then they're not going to play this year and they're not going to be on the roster freaking jacked up Jack have done a little segment on ready Stewart man that would have really got my gears going that would have ruined everything I would have been toast yeah KU absolutely was a very hard episode to watch man I was close Chris Jones I was close yeah that did get the emotions going I was all excited from the start of it like you watch uh bent's Dad what's his name Travis I don't know Travis Travis be and you watch him over the top get all the flows going through you then they turn it automatically into this emotional episode that you're like what the crap was that why glad they showed Co Bear's backstory though man I mean he he's what on his 10th team in eight years it said yeah it's crazy so he he's a a consumate professional in my opinion glad he had that standout play but that this secondary is strapped to the gills boys there's just no room for uh dare I say average player in Co bear we're just doing some more of this again circulated around tomorrow is a nailbiter Greg B it's going to be an and I gotta go to the client site tomorrow I'm not going to be able to pay close attention after work tomorrow is going to be like a I'm G to feel like a kid in Christmas man hey let's notice uh on the back of the wall there Carl changed the sign Ian wheeler 2025 with a reverted it this not this is not a I'm jumping on the bad wagon I've been on Adam Mason he already blessed me with the knowledge i' I've done known about Ian wheeler and man that that little the music video or what do you call it their little introductory meeting with everyone the song that he sung it was perfect they had the whole crowd going crazy man watching him get chewed out by his coaches watching him develop watching him come along and then you good like he comes off like a freaking Trooper takes a serious injury and just no I'm not good what you're not good they almost didn't believe him you're not no I'm not good right because someone who tears his ACL how are they just walking off the field but 1 minute 50 seconds left till we start a draft draft that Swifty convinced us that we had to do and now his chicken [ __ ] isn't even willing enough to show up in here calling you out Swift where you at where you at where you at here's the draft we're 1 minute 25 seconds away and those who are watching earlier it's rigged I'm pissed I picked seventh I picked eighth earlier now I'm picking freaking ninth freaking hate these spots not getting any freebies in this draft this is no holds bar now I'm pulling out the real guns because the other one I'm not going to win that League anyways so I'm going down week one in the second league bring it bring it punks that's right Chris Jones let him know he's been called out I'm calling him out get your butt on here you're the one who threw this together last minute I wanted to go to sleep 40 seconds left we're drafting I wonder how long you get per draft pick in this one 15 seconds it's if it's 15 seconds I may cry myself to sleep live on Adam Mason's channel can we do it 15 seconds so I can go to bed yes it's only 7:14 here I'm freaking tired I've been worn out from this last week what is the actual shortest amount of time that you could have could you set it to 5 seconds if you wanted to 15 was the I don't know on ESPN on Yahoo it was 15 seconds I did the shortest I could wow do you pick quarterbacks sooner on a PPR league so my only understanding of this is that once the first one goes it's like a mad scramble I don't know how these platforms prioritize the Russian quarterbacks so I don't know if a um Josh Allen or Jaylen Herz if they're going to be prioritized they didn't do nearly as much Ari more as I thought they smokes I love how this board is falling this is a great start for for my intentions boo not that he was making it to pick 11 but oh you pick 11 you pick after me yeah I sure do man if Jamar Chase can fall to me in this one at nine I will be very happy I mean you already have a very good shot at that with the running back overdrafts but that's quite all right ah Swift is here he's not going to show his face he's too cowardly to show his face but at least he's here L what's up Swift would you let me pick my players in peace hold on 20 seconds 20 seconds you guys took everyone I wanted what did you name your team name Swift beats Adam Mason beats Adam down Adam down this is uh this is jacked up I made it quickly bro it was a quick pick gloves are off now it was a quick pick bro hey I'm just glad you you weren't too chicken to show your face on here finally look Ian wheeler got me emotional right now you gotta BR tell me about it so it's good to know you're at least human that's [ __ ] up yeah that was uh that was a that was they they started off all hyped up and like with the Travis bent and all this hyped up stuff where you're getting all jacked up yeah over the top dude like feeling pumped up and then all of a sudden they shift tone and you're like what are you doing to me hardnox why are you pulling up my heartstrings like this whoa K said something happened Tyreek Hill I missed that too no he's asking I I I clearly see it says questionable on the ESPN graphic but I have not heard anything that would indicate he's hurt whoa this board is nuts I just like to mix it up that's good I can't take oh I was hoping would take Tyreek Hill there see look at this n now I'm stuck with these running backs and how has Tyreek Hill Fallen that far this is this is some shenan I'm going gentlemen I'm going running back first I gotta go saquan though right over Jonathan Taylor I have to wait is NJ in here too oh is he which team is he I got to go saquon in a PPR that's a good pick cuticles oh my it's good yeah yeah I think the only thing was that hug was just a little too long it's like they were trying to force time on the show but you had to feel for him yeah and when you saw him in there with Ryan poles at the end and they're just talking it through it's just almost like he's one of those guys that just couldn't talk he's just I'm not accepting my fate yet but here I am man I hate my options at this point but that's what pick 11 is well the timer's actually long is it a minute I didn't put the 15 seconds on here like I was expecting 30 but I was going to do 30 but I figured you know much much appreciated see all right I don't like it Carl took AJ Brown we're competing for reps there I mean we'll see about that but who's the guy on the eagles they just traded for Dotson he called it a a Madden Ultimate Team yeah they really meant the Bears though bears are the mad oh I have to keep in mind something right here okay well Sher some of us aren't used to PPR Le just just regarding a certain player I'll divulge once they've been selected but I've I've taken a player off of my my big board you didn't set the order did you Swift it was random if I set the order I would have had pick number one or pick number two or three definitely not pick five I like pick five that's a great spot to be in I don't I wanted a running back first well gentlemen I want to do something out of pocket but I don't think I will I gotta turn them up I can't hear Carl if my audio is low I I could try and increase it it's definitely low compared to Adam okay I'm just a loudmouth that's all why don't I don't think my I'm pretty I'm 99.9% sure my whatever it does on streamyard my uh volume speaker doesn't Echo back through it but I didn't want to turn Adam up too loud or it might test those boundaries I'm back up I'm back up Caleb's cuticles here we go all right I don't like any of my options here bro what is with this board all of a sudden I don't like ESPN anymore this for is awful I got two running backs I'm screwed in a PPR League I have two running backs I'm yeah good luck to you man okay two running backs that do catch some passes but not a good start for me where do I pick again 33rd kuu I do not think I had pick 11 in the original draft on Yahoo all right everyone leave it exactly the way it is go chalk I have the 33rd pick so just leave it alone I don't even want to know what that is you're stupid I know it's not going to get there that's why I'm willing to say it leave it alone nobody touch listen Adam there's one rule in fantasy football you aren't allowed to talk about players until after they are picked you can't mention players before hey look number 33 is DJ Moore anybody wondering you see you just broke the rule see what I'm saying can somebody can can you remove yourself from this for a minute please someone remove that thank you there we go well Swifty to your point um Jamir Gibbs was the player I wanted but remembered that he had some tweak to his hamstring so I'm I'm gonna stay away from jir Gibbs I got Devonte Adams while you were gone Adam if you want an update there round two by the way with the does it is it completions or is it attempts because who's throwing to him doesn't matter he didn't have a quarterback last year he was still a stud he doesn't have a quarterback this year worse than last year that's fine that means he should get more targets start throwing it up I'm taking jacobe Myers just to Hope Devonte Adams gets hurt now dude I I get Devon I get Mike Adam or Mike Evans in round five or six in this other league and a man that's not on ESPN he's way too high on here I like getting him as a value yeah I agree with you DK mattf I love me some DK I know baby the two who did it to me who did it to me oh who did it Oh's DJ Mo who's Wall's wild team that took DJ one pick before me you knew he wasn't GNA last bro he was chilling there what do you mean one pick what do you mean a oh and it's right in front of you as well up bro I I I thought it was actually gonna happen I was like in a bears League doing him dirty way someone take rad white so he's off the board would you stop saying players names so stupid ah I had a tough call there but I took a packer oh you took a you're out of the leag you're out of the leag you're gone news for you is Quadzilla is out for the year so Josh Jacobs is going to get his his money with of carries oh yeah he is you're out he was going to anyway cuz Quadzilla just he's too busy uh Farm simulating what the heck was that oh do we believe in Malik neighbors do we believe in him I don't Adam gotta take the player first then talk about Ence it's deafening how do you pick between Deo Brandon iuk went with a little iuk little iuk is he going to be better or worse when he's on the Steelers uh worse son of a [ __ ] you had to mention neor I would have done it too I just I just did you a favor well I'm going to do everyone a disservice then and I'm gonna put my money where my wealth is and let's get hyy Josh Allen over momes or someone take mahomes's gonna have like 5,000 rushing yards this year yeah the rushing touchdowns is why he'd be a better fantasy option in my opinion someone say Justin fields that's right I'm going to get all of the Yards because brenon I goes to Pittsburgh and Justin Fields will ball out nobody draft Justin Fields I'm taking it oh no this is not good I don't believe in this player bro and I can't tell what my next pick is yeah neighbors is about to eat dirt huh neighbor's about to eat what is that have so far let me see who you got over there Carl let's see AJ Brown PUK dude I'm in I'm in the tank Bros I don't know I can't take Cooper cup because I have NOA as well I'm fued oh no I'm gonna have to overdraft a player I don't want to [ __ ] it what would you have done with 15 seconds there Hy that's not a bad spot for H I don't like him though I don't want him as my running back one but I have to I had no other options so it tells me I on the clock and 20 picks okay oh I'm up next all the quarterbacks are going to start going huh Adams [ __ ] yeah I'm the one who started the Free Fall so I apologize oh there went hey there went Momie I don't know what their team is but just because this is a PPR League I have to take Kelsey here because he gets so many freaking targets I drafted him fourth or fifth overall last year and he was dog [ __ ] for me so at your own risk sir taking him good luck not gonna lie I really wanted Kelsey to fall to me there Adam so I'm those targets man you got me no I actually was like I've never seen Kelsey in the fourth round where when I picked anyway so I was going to snag him I was like normally no but I was going to Adam what do you mean by the targets do you mean the volume yeah how how much he gets on that team right yeah so even if he gets targeted there's no fantasy points but the volume will lead to receptions yards whatever yeah he'll get I got you I got you how how many points is a reception in PPR League one unless it's been modified I think okay I also would like leaport more in a vacuum but I thought he was dealing with something other I got my choice oh oh that Trey McBride pick was sick too sorry I'm not paying attention to chat sorry for you guys okay this is the sweaty League actually gonna look at by weeks for once to make a decision good man yeah Thea was the GU know it is baby that's that was my decision whoever's after me it was Debo or Cooper cup and I was like man that's nice a good pick after me whoever that did that what was Cooper Cup's injury last year oh I don't know yeah I have no idea Adam well aren't we just knowledgeable very I think cup in the fourth round is just I mean I took him as like my first or second wide receiver in the last draft on Yahoo yeah that's good torn ACL three ankle injuries and one concussion that's over his whole career uh hamstring last neighbors is going so early I would have to imagine because of his preseason right like he had that crazy good catch against the Texas and then I'm assuming he had just more good performances the rookies have just been going I mean it's probably because Marv goes so high and that sets it off higher than normal bro what was I pick 11 and 14 I was thinking about Harrison at 14 yeah Marv is just he's he's going super high like and if you can stack them guys this is an advertisement for the original Yahoo League DeAndre an available team for you guys that stacked up Kyler Murray and Marvin Harrison Jr it is not PPR but that team is available if you guys want I don't understand Nick want already I couldn't tell you bro he won't give me a straight answer yeah I'll shoot it over to you Swifty someone picked DeAndre Swift already I know I want are you [ __ ] oh my God I wanted Swifty no lie I wonder why are you going to buy his jersey Swift I already have it that's [ __ ] awesome that just makes too much sense for you bro too much sense let's how in the world I've only picked four times good lands two Flex is cool too can a flex be a quarterback no wide receiver running back tight end correct yep [Music] okay yeah but Danny dimes can't hit anybody a broke clock is right twice a day Adam and speaking of volume it's all going to go to Neighbors I was going to take Lamar Jackson right now good job just the tip spaceship oh you can't I'm sorry I apologize Aaron Jones holy smokes Swift beats Adam down what a team name it's a great name what do you mean just admit you love it and you wish you would have thought of it first oh Keenan Allen just went off the board damn I just put him on my list [Laughter] interesting all right I'm gonna go crazy with this one this will surprise some people let Adam Cook very happy to acquire this player PK Dale Chris Godwin I had him in my sights no my this feels a little high but I'm going to bank on auk getting traded hi for let's see George KD if I I if IU gets traded it's even better but that's exactly what my thought is yeah but I like it might have to meta use guys here so am I able to yeah all NFL teams I can just change right to the Bears right here [Laughter] amazing now I've got my draft board all nice and streamlined this is [Laughter] awesome Collins competitive team [Music] huh all right now I'm screwed Caleb's cuticles he said he's painting his nails game one every game actually painting him every game did he say every I didn't hear that for sure oh I don't even know who to go with if iuk gets traded then I am screwed look K I'm talking to you in chat don't f me on this pick CJ stra nice we talking about Hawk Tua Tua can you please assign the name to anyone who starts Tua as their quarterback is that Hawk Tua HW Tua son of a [ __ ] you really took David Montgomery I had Monty in my que too I was about to go with another NFC Norther that would be a really good running back you're very opposite of me I won't take any other NFC North or teams and you're taking all of them it's it's football that's why I won't I don't want to be cheering for anybody on the NFC North I'm on with Adam on this one got my tight end baby I love that pick I want that player to do fantastic because that mean Josh Allen is doing good colon concade I need to start looking for some Bears players I can't be in a Bears draft and not have a Bears player on my team as with every other draft if somebody picks Jordan love they're booted from the from the league I'm gonna take him now I've never taken him in any draft ever we'll boot you I'm a value drafter bro if he's there in like eight rounds because no one takes him I'm gon be like he's not worth it in the ninth round give me a break he's a ball I said in eight rounds that's round 15 eight rounds from now still he's not worth it in round 15 he's a bum well if you leave him you guys leave him there till round 15 and good take him he'll be in the CFL next year I'll do it for the first time in my life Swift you better not snipe me uh oh oh I haven't even been looking at my board what round is this this is normally no it's too early for that Swift's up in five picks Caleb's nail technician takes Deonte Johnson I'm down to clown here Aaron Rogers oh James Conor I was I was thinking about taking James Conor honestly Robinson Swifty's up see what he's going with here Terry McLaren Scary Terry baby I thought you hated Jaden Daniels but I mean scary Terry's done it without good quarterbacks I don't care Sam H is a great quarterback what are you talking about yeah I'm gonna have to agree to disagree to disagree on that one oh I let you have that one Q I'm not a big Naji Harris fan I took him in a keeper league and his value is just plummeted since then so I'm just not a big fan oh man you guys made this hard for me because look all right I pick eight away from now I'll take Rome it's okay you are a really nice guy Adam I'm a big fan of you man you're welcome fine now I'll get my Just Desserts who's Andrew trying to Flame and chat me I'm not even paying attention to the chat I'm sorry guys oh he said difficult decision not awful okay okay okay o he took Austin Eckler I am glad that I was not forced into that but I think it's time for my second running back I don't know which of the Tennessee boys I want to risk he only has one pick I had a pseudo back to back for this pick I want to take four players oh Jordan Love's coming up what do you mean he's coming up look he's on the he's on the rankings he's coming up here listen oh do you have it on like I yeah I'm not trying to tip my hand on anything so I just show what's coming up here as far as you should have just covered up your que and yeah put like a giant explanation point over where the Q The Q's are so they can't tell which ones are dark it's all good I got it in my head it's not 15 seconds so I can manage it yeah I don't know how the hell you you guys were like oh it's my turn to pick wait who am I picking oh wait two yeah that was chaos man I don't know if I want to do that again it was pretty fun actually I I can't even imagine like if there was older guys on there trying to do it on their phone ding oh it's my turn to pick honey hold on let me see um wait oh wait I think it it already picked for me I don't know what happened Colin thank you for making it easy for me anybody who takes a Green Bay player in front of me thank you so much interesting okay that's a solid pick right there of course no someone took Caleb oh I was I was gonna wait till round nine but I I knew it wouldn't work I knew it wouldn't work but I was like if he lasts I'll wait but it didn't happen so some beach wasn't meant to be just wasn't me to be see I will trade you saquan Barkley for Caleb Williams trade trade denied fine Brandon auk what do you take Christen [Music] Kerr I'm not hating my team so far I'm okay with it what do you got going on Adam uh I need a better quarterback Anthony Richardson is Boomer bust in my opinion yeah that's why I need a backup for sure I need a safety blanket I went with the other Titans running back by the way fair play to you proba gonna start out hotter but my opinion Spears will take over I like Adam Adam your backfield looks deadly but again PPR I don't know if it can outweigh we've seen how your opinion is on Twitter Carl oh yeah dang have you have you we're in a mood tonight I'm giving him crap over his take on uh who is it you were B Choose Wisely Choose Wisely on veis your crap take on veis what he say about he does like veis no you didn't see veis dancing with Ian wheeler tonight come on now it was fun and he looked like Eric Dickerson if even if it was string Ian you got to give it to him I guess he ear got me actually oh man oh so fair play to him fair play to him come the [ __ ] on I don't know about to dual Flex with 12 teams and my bench is g to be hot garbage too getting close Swifty Jordan Love's almost to the top of the board sitting for you oh snap and I don't have a quarter back I said round 15 though I'm a man of my word Jordan love and round 15 you guys leave him there six more rounds I'll take him and Jaden Reed too they're just gonna all the greens gonna pile up to the top I shouldn't have taken Josh Jacobs and Aaron Jones I have a packer and an ex Packer oh and I got Devonte Adams I got a lot of X Packers on this team you're out of the league I agree that Court courland Sutton was a steel ah lad makoni it wasn't going to make it seven I was between Sutton and polar but I was like I have four wide receivers and two running backs so I was like you know I needed Bard more is there injury spots on this yeah I'm on the clock hold up hold up hold up you've only been on for 3 seconds taking Jordan love I'm just kidding no do it do us all a favor please Swifty no way you guys believe that I took Keon Coleman baby which team do you like hate to play the most probably the Bears I hate the [Music] Bears me Keon colan baby you guys sleeping on Keon no one sleeping on him bro whoa they took all those other rookies high and Keon's chilling on the board down here round nine about to be Josh Allen's number one target okay okay I'm still upset that they didn't call the pass interference on him in preseason a nice pick Q dang I thought he'd last like two more rounds maybe he's obviously RB won for Cleveland yeah I know I was taking Nick chub early in a lot of drafts I wasn't ready for that let's hope this dude comes back it didn't Victoria said he was able to scoop up chub in the 15th round just because people completely Shi away from him yeah and that's what I Wasing then it kept getting higher and higher and then it was like round 11 I was like n you know what I just got to let him go cuz I'm ONN of teams and he's not going to play he's on the pup at least yeah fair enough Hopkins that's an interesting pick he says that every time I make a pick that's an interesting pick I mean I do like it he's wait I got a lot of Hit or Miss picks who the hell else do the Titans have at wide receiver um they sign yeah Ridley will be the number one and they uh Tyler Boyd as well boy oh boy oh Daniel Jones is still there did you just say that out loud first quit talking by players on the board second off where's Tyson bent I'm done with you there's Russell Wilson Oh I forgot I even got a tight end it's not normal for me usually con's like the he's taken higher than that I appreciate that nobody's taking these guys what's Adam team hold on let me look at it Anthony Richardson saquan Kiren IU Pickins Kelsey Odun ROM Odun that's not bad that's pretty good team that's pretty good team I'm feeling all right about it hate on it [Music] kicker's G you had to do it you had to do it bro should I just do it should I just do it Jordan love do it it's such a [ __ ] pick though yeah it is he is garbage I'm not talk even talking about him I'm G screw myself over here but I already have Brian Thomas Jr man you got us in suspense you took the whole time up that was goldart he took that long to take G going I know bro my God you strug you know he's struggling at that for like he took the whole clock to take the Eagles died in oh man I'm up and I'm not ready Darnell Mooney I don't know I think I think I was just too high on Curtis Samuel when I wanted the Bears to sign him but I think he has a legit shot to get the majority before Keon Coleman gets up to speed see I was thinking a different play there a no way you think he's better than Keon you need no I don't think he's better I think before Keon gets up to speed in that offense Keon's up to speed bro no he's not look how slow he was in the preseason soon as they as soon as they told him he can sign the contract with a pen and not a pencil he was good to go like he was ready to go everyone loves his personality man I love that interview though where they were trying to make him sounds stupid and he goes I'm just talk about football like you're asking me these stupid questions why you asking me these stupid questions I'm here to talk about football I'm a football player I loved it I loved it I loved it I was a fan all right ready for this Jordan love it's too many two round too many rounds wish it's Tua you are not beating me with Tua what do you mean I'll beat your with Tua Swift beats Adam down in his dreams with Tua with you change your team name to with Tua I'm going unless I change my QB Swift beats Adam down with Haka whoa whoa that's too far I was just reading what K said in the chat that made a negative reference I won't be a part of oh my God are we on a kicker run kicker and defense it's getting crazy oh my gosh it's getting crazy out here Cowboys defense all right boys yikes dude yikes Jaden Daniels is gone I actually probably should have taken Jaden and then taking two of my next thing but I want wanted to say I want to kick Adam to Bears defense is gone first 10 weeks of the Season that should be locked down not wrong Marquez I'm blaming the rankings I'm getting questioned on why I have so many for current and former Packers oh man for Zach shanet not a fan he didn't even know he was on the clock [Music] scares me every time Adam's on the clock that's I know how it was with the Yahoo DFT jump and think I'm on the clock and I'm like oh no Adams that that's why you're always like it's an interesting pick not who I was startles me because it says oh you're on the clock and two picks and one pick unbelievable you guys you're running the defense all right all right all right all right sorry David I targeted him what' you do Jaylen pul oh I'm not a big fan I don't know I can't say that he's a husky so I like him but he wasn't one of my favorite receivers this [Music] year Cy took there that's a Legette pick bro a Legette pick we're at the point where I'm gonna do this what Tyson bent Gus Edwards love it he wanted to take Tyson bent though really badly who doesn't I called him out and stopped him at the last second oh 13th ring of Uranus I was going to handcuff myself with Blake I was going to take both of them he went and took him right after me not on the same team bro you were right he's not why did I think that Harbaugh drafted Blake korm why did I think you just thought you thought he was still at Michigan with Harbaugh no I really thought Harbaugh drafted Blake korm I really did I didn't realize he was on the Rams no I wanted him to though I thought that happened for in real life like I really did well thank you for taking him 13th ring well it's okay cuz I'm taking your handcuff guy JK Dobbins so funny that they both went I don't I only took JK Dobbins because I took G Adam took Gus there's a competitiveness here I I like JK D but he's never healthy so like I'm not counting on him what's funny is Swifty helped create me he helped me to get my channel going and then now he just wants to destroy me I've created a monster in the best way possible love it no it Swift wants to beat Adam down that was it was different okay oh someone did it they took Jay love Caleb's nail technician you're gone I don't know who you are but you're out of the league it's not iric pick right there from that isn't it ironic no offense to you Caleb's Nell technician but I hope your team sucks balls I hope Jordan love is absolute trash has 5,000 interceptions and is it's an auto [Laughter] drafter I'm weak oh my God that got me weak Adam Thelen what the heck no thanks we're getting down to slim pickings boys what do you mean bro there's so much value bro oh you're right when do we start picking our defensive players not in this league no I wasn't trying to pick hackinson hey it's a great pick I like hackinson but I wasn't trying to pick him I was trying to add him to my queue why was I on the clock no I was picking someone else right there oh he's definitely not falling this far hackinson might have fallen jeez phone chill well at least I got someone to put on the IR now lucky you great someone draft Darren Waller get her done someone draft Tom Brady oh I was gonna take it Don Mitchell I don't like just the tip spaceship now now you're on my [ __ ] list rip I wanted that all right I need another running back can't do it I can't bring myself to push that button I can't do it I can't do it P see if see if he even plays this year oh God [ __ ] hell Adam but you're G to take chub and his chubby yeah now I no longer have a chub so thanks for that welcome just here to help [ __ ] block you scrumptious I'm sick of Adam taking players that I want this is this getting bogus well you can think just the tip spaceship because he took Adon Mitchell I'm just kidding ad Mitchell could be good wait who required at Mitchell that was not Adamas right just a tip spaceship so you know no longer have that stack rip see I actually was going to take th there F was so [ __ ] good in fantas Adam had said his name and I was like now I got to draft him because Adam's done calling out his name early before he gets drafted again and then I accidentally clicked T I was on tight ends and I clicked hackinson was like oh no Colin took bro RP bro fine fine we're fine with it yo you know what I like Justin Herbert but he doesn't have I think I would be his number two receiver well Justin Herbert could have plays designed by Harbaugh to literally block after he tosses a ball so I don't know how good he'll be and that's why he's so far down but as a player I love him he's great uhoh we got collusion happening in the other league someone send me a message saying someone's trying to trade all their good players for crap players uh oh in our league or I'm in League one or League two I don't know I'm G to have to veto it down can't look right now yikes good luck get Replacements hate when that crap happens just do a redraft because I would love that give me a do over oh I'm up next crap dang I got distracted ha all right here's all your goal line touchdowns in Buffalo damn just because I have Josh Allen too thanks a lot Bud you're welcome got the auto drafters in there's actually like five more players I want to take and I only have a defense kicker and bench player left [Music] he's deep in the tank Adam Mason someone stole Cairo King Cairo the little Brazilian Caleb's nail technician didn't like me talking crap about Jordan love so they went autodraft on purpose so they could take him wait did someone really say that no I'm just oh no I was like we got Packer fans in here what is this dosy says they see someone in League 2 colluding they're out uhoh colluders that's not going to fly they want the they want the tickets then they'll split them khil Herbert goodbye Ray Ray McLoud God I hate myself for doing this Jared Goff really bro I wanted Baker Mayfield but he got take it I really need to take a backup quarterback but I'm not I do because I normally I actually don't but I have Tua like normally I can stream a backup quarterback it's fine but with Tua I'm like I need something I don't want Seattle not I'm not that comfortable with Tua you know I should have picked a kicker earlier Carson Steel how soon can you pick up a player after this is over probably right after like mostly I don't know does he go to wavers or does it go to free agency I don't know 100% you can go look at the rules we'll tell you that's all right we figured out I don't let's see take Justin Justin Fields will be my backup oh here's the mentioned trade Wadd Devonta Smith Christian mcaffrey uh white running back from Tampa Bay pits for Connor Samuel Shakur Schultz Gibson yeah that's collusion come on guys guys oh interesting peace out Wy peace out I'm deep in the tank boys I've got nothing I have got nothing well you got 12 seconds I could be a traitor I hate this why would you do that I don't know I hate it well then why did you do it I see no other options no that was terrible I agree that was awful thanks man you're welcome I can't even see who's left it only shows me defense and kickers now change your positioning to all positioning no it's because my bench is full I just need defense and kicker it's like you can't draft anything else but you're KCK oh I understand T dosy said spice this up Adam oh Roshan just went oh Roshan was still on the board oh who drafted Jonathan Brooks someone a long time ago bro I'm clearly not paying attention like I would have taken him like eight rounds ago probably I'll take him if someone doesn't want him though oh jeez look at the defense is left just a tip normally I can wait till the very last pick and still get the Bears defense but obviously that's not happening in this league or this year in other leagues I'm in where it's not a bears League people are still taking a early all right all positions veis Jones Junior done oh you laugh just just wait wait till gets running back of Eligibility yeah that's right just wait it's gonna be a freaking monster carries from Roshan Johnson bro oh all good dosy veis is going to be a beast I'll Bank on him with my second to last round pick defense my only other thing they're GNA add a new fantasy football position if this kickoff rule sticks and they just have it called like a a special teams player they have special teams players but isn't that integrated with the defense just defense special teams are you saying bis doesn't qualify as a wide receiver or running back right now he's just imagine another added position fantasy okay it's called like return specialist and it counts the yards and the touchdowns whatever I I played in one like that back when Devon Hester was still playing but it didn't turn out really good because like it was the person who got Devon did good and no one else did correct yeah have to have sliders on Hester or something his points are skewed specifically oh I got my Kicker dick of the kicker babyi the kicker I had him up high I was going to take him if I couldn't get moody I think these are probably the lowest streams we've I'm wasting my stream time time what do you mean your stream what I'm on the free version still guys I'm a cheap one but what does that mean like it's like a monthly plan you have so many minutes on the free plan you only get 20 hours a month you don't stream 20 hours a month dud I'm hitting that right now this month you're hitting 20 hours streaming Bro have you not been paying attention clearly someone doesn't watched my channel I'm not I don't have 20 hours to spend watching hours watch 20 hours Do's right the month is almost over oh my goodness Adam is putting in that work oh I'm ready for bed tonight yeah he said I'm done [Music] I like any of these defenses left quiet down Q oh I see a few defenses I like oh Jesus Christ I thought that the running back on Tennessee is last name is chestnut I thought that was Joey chest thought that ESPN put in a [ __ ] troll on Easter egg Joey Chestnut it's Julius chestna unbelievable I should just take him now because of that little man all right well let's see what defense do I want he'll take the only one I'm eyeing right now take the Raiders defense probably definitely not the Raiders rip I in anticipation to see if he takes the only one I want should I let the clock run out yeah be the only thing in your queue and just let it run what the side of the country is it oh Wall's wild team the guy who went before me though I'm sorry to tell you because I have Elijah Mitchell on a lot of leagues this year but he's out for the year he's done all he not the Texans let's see if it was the other team I was going to take then there was two I was between two the Texans are normally gone no Eddie Panero oh my goodness who would take a panther I'm sorry whoever took the Panthers kicker but same division the Colts oh no I wouldn't go in there my backup would have been actually I'm not telling [Laughter] you I'm just kidding it was probably the Giants if the Colts I think the Colts are going to Ste one of our secondary guys here on the waiver the Giants are way down there and they suck but with Brian Burns and Dexter Lawrence on that same D line like it's well the Colts D line is stacked too they just have a little bit of a weak secondary but I think they're going to pick up a couple guys here in the yo give me an A+ for this where's it at where's my grade go to my team go to my team I have waiver order number two does that mean that my team sucks oh does that mean there's waivers oh no I don't want waivers I wanted to pick up dudes right now where is the grade scorecard right there where's that at oh that's not the score that's score league home maybe hold on go to League home oh yeah here we go wait who's Caleb's Nell wait it's got Adam rank number one no no no no I'm Katie I'm Caleb's cuticles okay hold on oh man I'm I'm ranked 11 we're 11 and 12 why are we 11 and 12 what we're 10 we're 10 11 and 12 oh my God coming in at nine oh my god oh man that's so bad the three guys the three guys putting this thing together are 10 11 and 12 that's so terrible we got worked boys oh my goodness that's crazy we'll see how it turns out how' it put me in I got to win now coming in I see two IR spots uh look at fish in 702 if anyone wants any of the quarterbacks that got Auto drafted let me know ESPN doesn't seem as good as Auto pick yo fish I gotta talk to you because I got Tua as my quarterback they got Jordan love hit me up baby hit me up Swifty will talk to you I will talk to you after week four if Anthony Richardson isn't panning out no don't talk don't talk to Adam put Adam on your block list and Richardson is Hit or Miss we'll see what happens that's funny and k k is ninth too I know man that's awful rankings are so bad that's funny oh bro I got Debo is my wide receiver three come on now let's see my my team where do you get my team fonte Adam I don't hate my team Richardson Barkley Williams auk Pickins Kelsey Odun single ter come on now oh my God I play Adam week one too that's awesome perfect yeah don't change nothing I'm projected to win by five points just oh no Anthony Richardson pays plays the Texans week one I aren't allowed to change anything that's not a rule we have to go with right no me and you have to stay exactly I don't agree to these terms there I've already changed one thing that's [ __ ] up what just happened oh my God now only projected win by two points what did you do I switched DeAndre Hopkins in instead of Rome oh good idea it's a good idea especially since de Hop's probably not not going to play the first four weeks yeah oh actually it says they expect dehop to return in time for the regular season open I don't I don't agree with that I've heard I've heard he won't play for the Bears game I'm hoping he doesn't play all right boys I got to get off and go to bed I'm done I'm toast yeah good work throwing it together Swifty yes thanks Swifty hey you guys good stuff and uh I wish wish I could have heard Carl more during the draft you're so quiet but I love you thanks man Adam do I sound that quiet or do I sound okay you're fine now you're way loud now he's like yo Adam how do I stop probably cuz I'm talking off to the side like this right now I'm talking right into the mics yeah that's how it goes moment of silence for Ian wheeler hey we love you Ian he's on no I mean I think we all saw it he gets another chance I think yeah he'll barely made that he's gonna be red shirted B spend the whole year rehabbing at the facility learning The Playbook Shane Waldren shouldn't be going anywhere knock on wood so he'll be back in 2025 hey whoa he's got the sign bro I was literally about to say those words and then you got the sign Q's got it hey we're good it does not suck for Ian wheeler an UND undrafted free agent that's not guaranteed anything and now he goes to the IR he makes his 800,000 this year I'd take 800,000 sit on the IR and learn that's more than just don't get stagnant yeah exactly pul said good advice for him it was he's like just go be a doctor now I'm a I'm a um Hard Knock star and I got played in the NFL for a little bit messed up my knee I'm good I'm G to go be a doctor literally be like a sports physiologist or whatever you call it yeah be a bear's doctor and what's a physiologist hey madeup word end the stream cut the VOD cut the VOD you're running out of minutes bro you're running out of minutes bro cut the VOD you running out of minutes why are you still going dude cut the VOD I don't have an outro I'm done I'm out Bear Down Bear Down peace be bye he said bye

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