Uncle Matt's Bedtime Story - Saturday, December 9, 2023
Published: Dec 08, 2023
Duration: 00:06:30
Category: Film & Animation
Trending searches: matt landers
[Music] it's time once again for Uncle Matt's bedtime [Music] story hello everybody it's Uncle Matt and I'm here to read you another bedtime story now when I mention the word slime what do you think about yeah let's take a moment let's think about slime okay sometimes I think about slugs you know what slugs are they are very small usually small could be long and you find them in the forest and they're slimy there was a a show I used to watch Comedy sketch called Almost live that um talked about a slug called sluggy and um I I remember the different bits that they had in that show the the skits and uh there was one that they they used the Slime from sluggy and used it as hair gel I think I think I remember that now what about other times when you think of slime have you seen any game shows perhaps Kids game shows that um you're you're playing with other people and let's say maybe you give a wrong answer or something and then all of a sudden a bucket of slime usually green kind of Falls and drops all on the person the person got slimed and then I'm thinking there's actually a movie a couple movies called Ghostbusters where some people got slime too didn't they well let's read up on this story here it is National slime day after all that's why we're talking about slime on uh Saturday December 9th 2023 and um yeah we got a book about slime too much Slime by Francis Gilbert illustrated by VIN Vogal and this story was copyright in 2021 are you ready here we go it wasn't really a knock on the door more of a squelch or a flack or a blurb we shouldn't have opened it that was the warning I guess they shouldn't have opened that that knock but we did which was not the smartest move we were going to be in so much trouble it was icky and sticky and sloppy and messy it was stringy and stretchy and Gloppy and gunky it was slime too much slime where could we hide it they were probably wanting to hide it because their mom or dad will be upset that their place is a mess where are they going to hide it could they hide it in the bathtub too ducky apparently in the laundry basket too saki under our beds to Dust Bunny knee and then we heard it Zer flap squir it was coming from outside slime was oozing creeping and skullking all the way down the street and all all the way through town green slime alert under cars over fences filling mailboxes flooding flower beds look at all that lots of slime soon it reached the school the soccer coach blew her whistle but the Slime would not be sidelined the crossing guard tried to stop it but the Slime had places to go the music teacher blared a trumpet but the Slime wouldn't listen the PTA held a meeting but the Slime had another agenda the Slime was taking over so long Library nice knowing you Jim it's been a real science lab something had to be done this called for action the whole town pitched in football players scooped with their helmets Cooks used pots and pans the marching band filled their tubas ra or dogs raced over with their bulls construction workers dug a hole cats ran with who are we kidding the cat slept through it all and little by little the Slime got little and little until there was just a tiny blob left which we plopped glurp into a lunchbox and brought it home which was not the smartest move do you think anyone will notice this mess that is a lot well that's all the time we have for Uncle Matt's bedtime story I hope you enjoyed that story and I'll see you next time bye for [Music] now be