AFL Trade Rumour Update: Warner, McDonald, Stengle and more!

all right we are back on true footy with another edition of cycling through all the trade rumors that are swirling at the moment I've been doing this once a month so this is this month addition of that um it may get a little bit more regular as we approach the back end of the season I think rumors are starting to hot up a little bit especially after the bu rounds because that is generally where um players tend to meet other clubs that's usually a good opportunity for that to happen we've had at least one case of that being reported on currently in this video we're just going to summarize a lot of the things being talked about a lot of the stories trying cycle through what's what's fake news what's likely to be real in some cases there's new stories in some cases there updates to things that we already kind of suspected were happening so let's get into it although before I do please make sure you subscribed to this channel I am aiming for 30,000 subscribers by Grand final day and um it's Touch and Go whether I'm going to get there but if there's anyone who wants to see more content like this and footy content in general and hasn't subscribed I'd really appreciate it so one of the biggest names that I don't think I have discussed in a trade update on this channel this year is that of Chad Warner is having an unbelievable season and you know an outside chance for the brown low medal amongst three or four Sydney Swans at the moment um having by far a career best season so the rumor around Chad Warner is that he's not out of contract at the end of this season he's out of contract at the end of next season wouldn't be a free agent so it would require a trade in any scenario but the rumor is that freem manle in particular are coming hard at Chad Warner he is an East freem man of boy 2019 draft him up if I'm not mistaken so has connections to at least Luke Jackson and I I think Jeremy sharp is from that cohort as well a couple of East freem manal teammates but either way they're apparently going to offer him 1.5 to 1.6 million a season which would make him currently the highest paid player in the competition so part of this story is also the fact that Chad Warner has reportedly uh delayed contract extension talks with the Sydney Swans now this doesn't really mean a lot it can be a bad sign but considering he's not out of contract at the end of this year he's out of contract at the end of next year and he'd also be you know looking to maximize his negotiating power it's not necessarily a massive red flag that he is delaying contract talks with Sydney like he's in the form of his life if he continues to play this way he is going to be in a really good position to you know maximize the contract he gets from Sydney at the end of 2025 but it doesn't mean there's nothing to it as well and the other elephant in the room is Sydney have so many gun players around this similar sort of age bracket as well who are firing right now it's going to be a struggle for them to be able to afford all of them or at least pay market price for all of them in fact it's going to be impossible to pay all of them market price because they have so many elite players you consider Blakey Mills Heeney golden as well I think are just signed a massive contract didn't he so you could foresee the potential of a salary cap squeeze and someone like a Freeman or who probably right in that window of needing someone like a Chad Warner they already have statistically the best uh Midfield in the comp at least by clearance differential it's worth noting so Freeman are currently have three first round picks in this year's draft now even if they were successful in getting Chad Warner to agree to come to free mantle the next part of the equation is getting Sydney to agree to give him up a year early that seems super unlikely to me so what they could be doing is you know canvasing him's interest in moving to Perth a year out then maybe they'll pounce in 2025 the problem is their first round draft picks are in this year's draft so it' be very interesting to see what Freeman will do with their first round picks this year they hold their own colling woods and port adeles in this year's draft so do they they Shuffle those into the future if they do that might be quite telling as to the future of Chad Warner but something to be you know cognizant of that would be an absolutely enormous trade deal if it did happen so we'll wait and see again there's no real indication he's interested but being a wa boy being an East forano boy with some friends and Connections in that team and likely a pay bump from what he's going to get at Sydney I'd keep an eye out for that let's talk about Tyson stangle this one has emerged more recently I think he's out a contract at the end of the year well that is absolutely the case and because he's been a delisted free agent before he is now an unrestricted free agent for life which uh gives him certain power that other players that have been at their clubs for the same amount of time do not have he's only been at jalong a few years but apparently getting off at about $800,000 a season from rival clubs the main one that's been reported I think by John Ralph and the herald son is that s are having a huge crack at him I think the implication is that jalong are not quite offering the same amount and you'd imagine you know with their contract situation they might have some flexibility I mean they just took on the jack BOS contract they do have a lot of veterans out of contract it's hard to imagine this happening other than you know to pass on the knowledge that s are having a massive crack and S are pretty proactive in the trade and free agency Pace generally I'd imagine you know Jong don't really lose players in this way but nonetheless just passing on what is being discussed out there let's talk about Liam Baker this this one does feel like it is going to happen in fact if any of the trade deals that I'm going to discuss or have discussed at all this year this one you know alongside maybe bayy Smith feels the most obvious the way it's going to play out call me silly I don't know but hey guys just a quick note to let you know that this video is brought to you an partnership with better heal you know since I got back to the UK I've been thinking a lot about mental health personally had a lot on my mind and it's got me thinking a lot about how this specific lifestyle that I choose where I'm very dedicated to making content Etc right now the unfortunate byproduct of that is that it's made me feel very socially isolated and that can be difficult when you have a lot on your mind and you know some people might be able to relate to that and for others they might not feel socially isolated as such they might be surrounded by loved ones they might be Ed by friends but you know sometimes people just don't want to feel like a burden if they want to talk to people about the way they're feeling I think there is a lot to be said for being able to verbalize the way that you're feeling sometimes it's not even just about problem solving the issues that you have in your life sometimes it's just about getting that negative energy that you have inside of you out of you this is where therapy in general but better help specifically can come in and add a lot of value to your life it's basically a platform that matches you with a credential therapist who is trained to listen and give helpful unbiased advice if you want to check out more info check out the link in the description of this video and the pin comment or go to Troy you'll fill out a questionnaire to assess your specific needs then they'll match you with a therapist with years of experience at helping people just like you and usually you will get matched with a therapist within 48 hours and then scheduling your sessions is really easy and you can do it by a phone call you can do it by video chat whatever is the most convenient for you it is literally the most convenient way to seek therapy let betterhelp connect you with the therapist who can help you today and if you use my link like I said Troy you will enjoy a special discount on your first month as well thanks guys let's get back to the video let's talk about Liam Baker so he has just met with West Coast at the mid-season buy apparently he's out a contract not a free agent I've said this in previous videos but just to rec clarify not a free agent he's only been at Richmond seven years so a trade will be necessary to get Liam Baker from Richmond now you go back to April John Ralph said back then that he was very likely to leave Richmond and West Coast would be the likely favorite West Coast presumably wanting some middle tier in terms of age bracket sort of players to help this reild that's really where the Gap is on their list as we know freem will probably more equipped to make a trade deal happen I don't think West Coast would give up what is currently pick three to make this deal happen freem Manel have two to three late first rounders and it's probably about a late first rounder is right for Liam Baker so the specifics and the logistics around this deal a little bit harder to map out this far out but it does seem like Liam Baker is going to leave Richmond at the end of the year obviously you know kind of jumping from one rebuilding Club to another but naturally being a West Australian boy um he's obviously got those sorts of motivations there's a couple of Western Bulldogs players we'll discuss obviously Jamar is committed to the Western Bulldogs now so we left with Tim English and bayy Smith no meaningful update other than to say that with Tim English in particular there seems to be some haggling over over the length the contract at the moment at Western Bulldogs it's reported that he's been offered 5 years he wants six or seven at you know a significantly higher dollar amount as well he's looking for that six or seven years in terms of suitors for Tim English you know for reigning all Australian rck it's actually kind interesting there's not too many teams like vying for his Services I suppose that's a reflection of the role I mean it isn't super common I suppose to see a club you know go out in terms of trade and free agency for rock you know there's been some cases where you know rcks have gone cheaply and then turned out to be a gun but it is a little bit atypical to spend big dollars acquiring a rock from another club you know Grundy is a little bit of a its own example but it was reported the herald son as well that you know the only one that made sense was west coast and they're reportedly not interested at the moment and there's also no real update Bailey Smith again that one seems like it'll happen but I just thought I'd mention it those are the two contract situations that the Bulldogs are going to be left with currently for me there's a bit of intrigue around Harry Perryman and Isaac cming a couple of gws players that are both unrestricted free agents certainly Harry Perryman uh which just means that their clubs can't match the bid and therefore force a trade they can walk to wherever they choose so there's four clubs currently interested in Harry Perman who I think is an underrated player the both of the South Australian clubs Hawthorne and endon throughout the year have also been linked to him he has been offered a 5-year deal from the Giants so that to me suggests that he's a required player and you know according to his manager Scott Lucas there isn't a whole lot of impetus for Perryman to want to leave he's fairly settled he did mention though he wants to play as a midfielder and that might be a little bit tight at the Giants I'm not really too sure as an outsider how realistic that is so that might only be the the little variable here that makes Perryman possibly getable if a club can really sell in the future presumably on a high contract and in the position that he wants we'll see what happens there but Isaac is another one that I think is slipping under the radar bit of an underrated running Defender he's been linked to the go Coast Suns as someone they're interested in it might be a contingency you know we talked about them going for Dan rioli in the last video that I did Isaac coming it would be a very very good backup and potentially a little bit cheaper who knows but um two players there that are certainly worth keeping an eye on in this space I feel like I've talked about Ben answorth and every trade upd that I've done this year just because he simply is a quality player in my opinion that is out of contract and a restricted free agent at the end of this season I just think he makes sense to be a high-profile Target and a lot of them are being ticked off now you know mcclugage has just signed a contract Etc uh but apparently the Suns have offered a four-year deal to Ben answorth and he still hasn't signed there's been a vague link to essendon I feel like having just recruited gram I feel like that you know Perkins is in there're going to need to give games to caddy it is difficult to see you know a real need for essin to acquire Ben answorth Port adelade is also another club interested so it looks like Port adelade are heavily canvasing the free agency space because they've traded out of like three consecutive first rounds of drafts their hands are tied with recruitment other than free agency it looks like they're gone after Perryman it looks like they throw their hat in the ring for a band answorth as well it does sound like it's more likely to result in answorth staying at the go co Suns he's been well paid the entire time he was there but obviously we're fairly late in the season now and he hasn't resigned so there's still going to be a little bit of conjecture around the future of him let talk about Logan McDonald this one's an interesting one so Ryan Daniels reported very recently that syid were very close to signing up Logan McDonald on a contract extension for a couple of years again not a free agent so no reason to sign him up on a massive contract however he then amended the Tweet or or at least added contacts to the tweet and said there was a bit of a development and that two clubs have come hard for Logan McDonald and offering a big bump in salary compared to what Sydney is offering him and like we said at the start of the video Sydney are going to have a bit of a mission trying to fit all of these guns on their list who are in that age where they're starting to get pay Rises you know so the two clubs were Hawthorne and the Collingwood footy club now again like I say with every Collingwood trade rumor they don't have a first round draft pick this year and their ability to land some of these players who are going to require trades uh I'm a little bit baffled by it but nonetheless they having a crack um good for them he is a p was a p supporter they obviously need some key position Talent so that one makes sense and then Hawthorne um you know they're also linked to bayy Smith so they're probably going to have to make a choice here could they offer up their two first round picks and get Smith and Logan McDonald I suppose that's possible for the record it does sound like Logan is very happy at Sydney and why wouldn't you be you know top of the ladder and getting games you know playing pretty well from what I've seen for his age as well I see no real reason to leave Sydney it's just a case of that salary piece like $200,000 a year is a lot for a young guy and I mean $200,000 above what he was being offered couple of rumors on some killer players as well so Josh battle is an interesting one as well qualifies as an unrestricted free agent I'm not 100% sure why he's unrestricted I'm going to assume it's because he's not paid heavily enough like if you're not in the top 10 or haven't made the top 10 of the BNF there's all these like weird rules that I haven't memorized but nonetheless he's unrestricted which means again Sina don't have the power to match a bid and force a trade and that does make them a little vulnerable here because he is a quality player and in my opinion a very important player for silder as well not necessarily a gr star but very good player I reckon so he's attracted interest as you'd imagine Hawthorne and I think Callingwood as well have been linked to him and I think um you know both of those sides probably need some reinforcement in terms of tall Defenders and you know looking from the outside at s right now you can imagine they probably players looking left and right doesn't mean that they're right to leave you can understand why you know the grass looks a little bit Greener at clubs like Collingwood and hawthor so this is an important time uh for Sina to really consolidate their list management and and that also leads to this story I don't know how real this is Tom Morris has reported that Rowan Marshall might be a player considering moving sideways to another club as well now he's very non-committed with his language I think he says it on SC breakfast he'd keep an eye on Rowan Marshall they're not the most settled environment at the moment the Saints clubs have become aware more recently that Marshall is one of those players that might have a look around if the right deal presents so again very non-committal and Royal Marshal is is well and truly contracted uh that's at least my understanding so it would require something Monumental for that to happen and like I said I'm shooting off the hip here but I don't really remember too many times clubs paid big in terms of a trade or free agency to take someone else's star Ruckman there seems to be cheaper ways of acquiring a rock and building a team around differently so we'll see but yeah S have a bit of a challenge selling a future to some of their players I think Josh battle is the more immediate worry cam zoha also falls under the bracket of a team needing to sell a future to him now zoha is out of contract uh should be a restricted free agent come the end of the season and has previously spoken publicly that he wants to play for a team playing in finals and being competitive now halfway through the season we've seen three good weeks from North and pride of that well they were entirely windless now the problem with North here is that they're going to have to sell him a future in the next how many games are there left 8 nine this will be a challenge this will be a challenge what can North do in the final 8 to nine weeks to say k zoha okay we're not playing finals this year but we're probably going to be there in two years zoha's 26 I feel like the motivation for zoha leaving is relatively there and I actually don't want that to happen I don't think it would be good for the game if North Melbourne lose another established player to free agency now it might result in ban one compensation depending on who goes after him we've seen him linked to ESS number four I'd imagine both wa clubs are interested in him as a free agent you'd imagine Port Adela throw their hat in the ring given um you know where they're at currently as well but if he's serious about wanting to play finals at 26 years old I can see him not willing to be patient to stay at North Melbourne and I hope it hope that's not right I hope he stays but this is probably one of legitimate concern we we here talk about ldu as well ldu for a start hasn't made those same comments as zoha has and they have an extra year so you know we could reassess in a year if ruse are looking like Hawthorne now we'll see but but they don't have the same time to convince kamam zoha just thought I'd touch base on a couple of West Coast Eagles rumors around Tom barass and Elliot yo Elliot yo has either signed or it's about to happen on a three-year extension with the West Coast eagles which is a pretty lengthy extension for a guy who's turning 30 in October this year but nonetheless the rum is linking him to Adela and jalong and God knows who else um have now been quashed so that's out the window however Tom barass we have seen more recently him linked to the Western bulldogs and Collingwood two teams trying to you know sh up their key defensive stocks and both teams seeing themselves either in the window or right prior to the window again I feel like this one is so unlikely purely because brass is you know on a massive contract for at least another 3 years I reckon his partner and he is settled in Western Australia now I'm not saying that Tom barass wouldn't be able to be talked into moving East but given his contract status west coast do hold the bargaining power here which means they can easily just say no and given that neither Western Bulldogs or Collingwood hold a first- round draft pick this just seems so unlikely to me far less likely than the rumor linking him to Sydney I think 12 months ago while we're on the top of Callingwood we'll go through a couple of players here there was a bit of fake news about Bobby Hill apparently wanting to go to wa um that was immediately quashed I just thought I'd touch base on that it looks like he might be looking to extend his contract at Collingwood fairly imminently there's also a little bit of a side note here that Joe Richards has attracted a bit of Interest now if you don't know who Joe Richards is um I don't really blame you cuz he's fairly new to the scene he's a mature AG 24 year old player that's made a really good start to his AFL career I think he's injured currently but he's made such an impact that clubs are already looking sideways at at the pies and it may be the case that the clubs who are looking for a small forward so your answorth your sangles they might be looking at a relatively cheaper option in Joe Richards but again it's impossible to really get a feel for How likely an it that is and finally as well there was a little bit of fake news as well on Daniel curtain it seems like someone misinterpreted a sen segment with Tim Gossage where I think they were hypothesizing about Daniel curtain going back to wa it just turned out to be Mis misinterpreted uh as far as I can tell Daniel curtain is not going to request a trade out of Adelaide this year anyway guys hope you enjoyed that hope you got something out of it let me know in the comments anything I've missed or anything you found interesting in that as always I appreciate you watching I appreciate you being subscribed and I'll see in the next video cheers

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