Sonny Gray Took Off His Clothes In The Middle Of His Start — And It Went Great!

I'm pretty sure this is the first time this podcast has needed a Content warning but Wilson garas used some pretty colorful language on Friday night oh and sunny gray got naked anyway coming up on B shave [Music] daily what's going on everyone and welcome in to this edition of B shave daily Brenan schaer here with you it is the early morning hours of Saturday aturday May 4th 2024 May the 4th be with you no I don't know why the Cardinals couldn't figure it out to do Star Wars night on this day it seems like the obvious day to do it but I think it's a dog thing so pooches in the park or something is coming up Saturday it's of course the late night version before Saturday's game as we break down the Cardinals 3 nothing win over the white socks on Friday yeah the Cardinals did it again they won the sunny gay game they also won another game in which Ryan hell pitched because that's the only way they seem to be able to win this year and that's not an exaggeration that's not hyperbolic it's just a fact they have 15 wins Ryan Hy has pitched in all 15 of them that's just the way it's gone it's a credit to him but also an explanation of the type of offense the Cardinals have had because they can't seem to get wins that don't involve safe situations and Ryan Hesley just keeps pitching keeps pitching incredibly well he was the pitcher of the month in the National League in April very deserving inly so so that's the story but it's far from the biggest story of Friday night because we have a couple of sound bites to play for you one from Wilson conteras one from his battery mate Sunny gray as the Cardinals got the win three nothing not a lot of offense to speak of contras was a big part of it three for three scored a couple of runs scoring twice on doubles by Nolan arado who had a nice day as well between the two of them they had five hits the rest of the Cardinals had one it came from Michael it was that kind of game but it didn't really matter because you had Sunny gray on the mound doing Sunny gay things but evidently uh evidently Sunny gray things goes a little bit further than maybe we understood he well he said he needed to find a reset button during Friday night's start because in the beginning of things he was feeling a little out of sorts it was very interesting to hear him talk about how Wilson contras was a guiding force for him and Wilson basically said after the game all he really said to Sunny gray in those moments is attack stay aggressive just giving him a little pep talks throughout the start to keep him on track and Wilson said the last thing he wanted to really do is is get into the Weeds on mechanical fixes for sunny gray because really it's about the idea of what the picture is looking to Target it's very interesting I don't know if Cardinal SP fully understand just how high quality Wilson contras is when it comes to these things because he understood that look if I say a certain thing to Sunny yeah maybe I notice he's coming open a little bit on his delivery on this or that but maybe the best way to reach him and to get through to him and and quickly get him back to square one of where he needs to be and just use the talent to work for him rather than try and diagnose well this is the mechanical flaw just give him that little pep talk that he needs to know that okay I got I can lock this in and everything can flow from there just really interesting stuff we might play some of that if I get time I am on a bit of a time crunch because as I sit down to record this I just finished my article for kov it's 1:30 a.m. I'm going to level with you so I don't want to go super long tonight but there are definitely some things that we have to get to from the post game as we break down this Cardinals win and look nobody's going to get over the moon I get some comments on YouTube from people who are a little pessimistic in my view where oh everybody's ready to erect a statue because the Cardinals beat the terrible white socks no I said coming into the series you need to sweep the damn thing that is what the Cardinals need that should be the expectation against a team that coming into the series was 1 and 13 in Road games one win 13 losses for Chicago on the road this year guess what as of this recording they're now one and 14 and you have Lynn and Gibson going for the Cardinals the rest of the series the Cardinal need to sweep this thing up it's a hard thing to say when there's a professional team on the other side and when that's the commentary going into a series when you haven't played a game yet but it's still how I feel it's how I felt before game one and it's certainly how I feel now that the Cardinal secured the sunny gay game but where do we want to begin tonight it's contarus it's gray I think we start with the what I consider to be the most notable story of the day which is how sunny gray in addition to getting the pep talk from Wilson contras and being able to lock things in a little bit was able to reset himself let's take you back to the top of the third inning today where or Friday night rather where Sunny gray was in a spot of trouble he'd given up a hit he G up a walk there's a wild pitch in there uh runner stole Third Base so you had first and third eloa menz up hits a rocket to arnado with two outs luckily it was right directly to Nolan Aron 107.3 milph off the bat by the way he smoked it absolutely crushed it but it goes right to the third baseman and that was a moment where Sunny gray was able to Exhale a little bit and well start planning out his next move and then I mean thankfully Eloy hit that ball at no at at at Nolan at third I mean he did a billion miles in hour too so it's not guaranteed that was huge because that was the that was the one if I just knew once I got out of that and I feel like I got away with one to be honest with you feel like I got a away with that inning um to come out UNSC and I feel like okay now it's time for you to make an adjustment and figure it out here cuz what you're doing is not going to last um so I did I came in and and kind of reset you call it I just kind of reset and started over and um and and felt felt better after that all right so good he came in and he reset and felt better that's I mean that's the wholesome stuff that you really want to hear the starter was feeling a little bit off his game granted I I think Sunny gray has a much higher standard than the rest of us he got into a bit of a jam was able to escape that jam granted on a ball that was a rocket off the bat of aloy Jimenez but he gets out of it but his first thought is okay I really I really need to reset because if I keep going down this path it ain't going to go well so time to get me that reset button but the way he goes about doing it and thank God for Jeff Jones for asking the next question which was how'd you do that how'd you reset Sunny well thankfully thankfully he's going to tell us how do you do that like what's your process of resetting um I just came in here after the third I've done this before but I just came in here after the third took all my clothes off and got redressed what's that what happened there I think we need to hear that again because I think I heard what he said I was standing right there next to the man when he said it but I just want to make sure I'm understanding because it sounded if nothing else A little unorthodox let's try again how do you how do you do that like what's your process of resetting um I just came in here after the third I've done this before but I just came in here after the third took all my clothes off and got redressed that's what I thought he said that is what I thought he said the first time and it sounded the same the second time okay let's see what else he's got with new new cleat socks underwear pants belt Jersey hat and just kind of was like all right you're a new guy start over here so um that's kind of how I reset it today as one does as one does Sunny gray one of one I mean and look I'm not going to say that Sunny gray is the only guy in MLB history to do something like this I feel like vaguely over the years I've heard tell of this sort of thing but I don't know to that extent this man went through his entire wardrobe and said here are the the articles of clo that I took off here's what I had left and that's basically nothing he got rid of it all and started a new just started over middle of the third inning feels like he got away with one on aloy Jimenez hitting a rocket with two Runners on right to the 10 time gold Glover at third a billion miles per hour in the the words of Sunny gray and so what's he do man he goes in and says I got to reset and you know some guys might reset by taking a moment to themselves VES on the bench some guys might maybe they go for a little walk you know just kind of kind of take a moment to breathe it in Sunny gray goes back to the clubhouse and gets naked hey I can't knock it if it works it's not crazy if it works and clearly for sunny gray it worked so again I'm so glad that Jeff Jones asked that followup I might even be more glad that I asked this followup to Sunny gray after the Cardinals win on Friday night let's keep it going are you hoping for some long it bats for the offense when you're in here doing that so JoJo was over there and I was like just give me one Runner just give me just give me a base runner here there's one out and I don't have any clothes on and I'm just kind of like give me something here there you go Sunny gray ladies and gentlemen is that not gold absolute gold like it's just incredible is the guy a certified psychopath I mean you heard him you heard him talk who does that no I'm kidding I love it I love it but it is not what I was expecting to hear and sometimes that'll happen in a post game where you're kind of in there it's been a long night you're doing the job but you're and you're locked in of course you're locked in on the questions and the answers but you're just kind of like you kind of expect what it's going to sound like usually because a lot of times these athlete interviews they they take on similar patterns that can happen all right this was a good start the pitcher threw really well but he's probably going to knowing Sunny gray talk about the areas that he maybe would have liked to have been a little sharper or how he had to struggle to find it a little bit and that's the way he described it and then yeah what do you do to reset well you know I really just take some time to myself no I go in the clubhouse and I take off all my clothes sure I why not we should all be trying it in our places of business if you're having a little hard time at work probably an HR violation but it does seem to work out in this case for sunny gray again it's not weird if it works and it worked seven Innings of shutout baseball for sunny gray lowering his erra to 0.89 which is apparently something that has not been done by a cardinal over his first five starts of a year since 1910 for those counting along at home 1910 was a long effing time ago and by the way I probably didn't even need to censor myself there by saying effing because I'm going to have to put a Content warning on this video anyway because of the stuff I'm going to play from Wilson contrerus here in a few minutes which was well worth the price of admission into the Cardinals Clubhouse post game which by the way is free you don't have to pay to be in there you do need your credential you don't have to subscribe to anybody's podcast in particular to join in on these postgame interviews and ask your question and do your job shout out Patrick Beverly for those following that story in the NBA what the hell was that anyway interesting scene down in the Cardinal Clubhouse by the way too I hadn't seen this before I presume it happens after every win but maybe just they they turn the lights off before the media gets in there usually but this time as we were walking in they still had like a whole disco light show going on with the music and then media came in and they turned it off because we're not supposed to party I think is is part of it they can enjoy the win and it certainly seems like they did but let me know in the comments below Cardinal fans here on YouTube what did you think of Sunny gray and what do you think of now knowing the way that it happened how the sausage is made so to speak how he found his rhythm after that third inning and I think this is The Unsung moment of the game if you're talking about an unsung hero in a game where the Cardinals only put together six hits five of them came from the combination of Wilson catras and Nolan arado who by the way we're not spend a ton of time talking about it but that's what they need right and I know no homers were hit by the Cardinal in this game so okay you still worry a little bit about what that's going to look like uh White Sox didn't Homer either because in score Cardinal still sit 30th on the home runs list because they didn't hit one Chicago didn't hit one cards have 21 White Sox have 22 we'll see if either of the teams end up with at least one home run before the weekend ends but the Cardinals get not a ton of offense outside of the main two guys that did it and you need the two guys to do it so you're happy about that canani had the only other hit for St Louis but on a night where all that's going on you could make the case that Alec burles actually had the most important bat of the game because he was the last batter to make the final out in the bottom of the third inning now if you think back what was sunny gray doing during this time he was putting on his pants Alec burles fouled off three pitches and took a couple balls before grounding out ultimately lead to White Sox first baseman Andrew vaugh but that happened on the seventh pitch of the advat that was valuable time that Sunny gray clearly needed to be able to get his Affairs in order in the clubhouse and I can't imagine doing by the way what Sunny gray did first of all you have to just operate on a different level of pressure when you are a professional athlete doing what these guys do in front of the fans on TV and all of that involved like I'm just trying to imagine and sunny gray has a a theater background as well he was in high school I don't know if everybody knows this he was in high school musical back in high school Sunny gray was like his high school did a musical not the movie but like the musical Play version of High School Musical and he was the the Zack Efron character if I'm not mistaken I think that video is somewhere out there on YouTube of of Sunny gray performing as a senior in high school so he knows a little bit about pressure is what I'm saying he also knows a little bit about the art of a quick change I can't believe I didn't explore that angle with sunny gray that's got to be something I follow up on especially with all the uh the chatter that the cat does with me on hot T Central on 590 the fan on Fridays when he he's always talking my uh my musical theater background up that's maybe an angle with sunny I got to say hey was it your was it your theater days that inspired the Quick Change I'm just curious but I would think that that's a really difficult thing to do with every element that is involved in a baseball uniform like okay I get it you're doing it to reset but with that limited amount of time dude I have dreams sometimes and I don't even do anything like I'm not playing sports at a high level I'm not doing these things that I'm under a time crunch it's I've had the dreams before where it's like it's time for my radio show and I'm that like the sound won't work or I don't know how to plug it in or something and you always feel like those those nightmares that catch you it's something mundane but it's something that's part of your real daily life and so that's why it's a little bit jarring and scary when you're in the dream like how do you not have the dream of I'm changing in the middle of a game because this is apparently something I do when I need to reset but now I can't find my belt or I've got the wrong sock I've got two socks they don't match you know I figured there would be a uniform snafu when you're dealing with that many moving Parts you're stripping down bare naked and trying to put it all back together in a half inning and not to be a snarky jerk or anything but he trusted the Cardinals offense to have a long enough half inning for him to do that has he seen this offense lately I don't know man that was definitely bold you heard him there telling JoJo Romero I just need a base runner just get me a base runner and so I went back and and rechecked it out the contras let off the inning with a hit but then was erased at second base on a ground out by Goldie but Goldie beat it out so not a double play so they still got four batters to the plate it was Alec Burleson with the seven pitch AB to end the inning that seemed to be more than enough but I would just feel like I would be absolutely terrified of oh I missed a belt loop I did it to be doing it like that on that level and in that amount of time there's got to be that's a level of confidence that I know maybe nobody cares about this angle of it but that's what I keep thinking of is what if you grab the wrong hat or what if you you know wrong color sock did you tie both shoes that's all got to happen really quickly anyway it's neither here nor there but that's what I think of It's the weird stuff that comes to my mind Sunny gray though let me give you a little bit more on his pitching prowess and the numbers that he's put up I mentioned the first Cardinal starter to do what he's doing since 1910 that's 114 years ago pretty impressive the 0.9 ER unfortunately gray does not quite qualify at this point for statistical leaderboards because the way it works for starting pitchers is you have to have thrown at least one inning per team game played and the Cardinals have now played 32 games they're 15 and 17 but Sunny gray has only thrown 30 and two thirs innings so he's four outs short despite the fact that he's missed a couple of starts right like he may he might have missed two or three turns through the rotation I'd have to go back and look but he's been pretty much lights out and even though he started out on a pitch count he's been able to make up some of the Innings that he lost by night like tonight going seven Innings basically you'd have to average five innings per start in theory to be able to qualify for these statistical leaderboards because you're going to pitch every fifth day and that's how many games are played so you need to basically throw five innings per start so throwing seven tonight he's a little bit closer to qualifying but let's pretend he did qualify because he's literally four outs short and we want to measure him up against what the other top pitchers in the league are doing and in the case of Sunny gray it's very very encouraging which you probably already could have guessed but I'll give you the specifics of the numbers when it comes to erra and there might be a guy I'm not going to go through and look there might be a guy out there who's you know same as Sunny maybe he's an inning short so he wouldn't qualify either but he's got a better ra than Sunny if I sort it by all players I'm going to get a bunch of guys that have thrown one out and they've got a zero ER that's just not useful to me I'll take a quick look there have been a few that have thrown 10 or 11 innings Nick peta's made two starts as a lower erra than Sunny he's thrown 11 Innings so we're just going to basically say looking at this it's sunny gray and the qualifiers are the people that we're really stacking him up against because he is four outs away from being a qualifier if he throws say seven Innings again in his next start he'll be there essentially where he needs to be he's got an 0.9 the only pitcher in baseball with a better one among starting pitchers is shoda imanaga which I that one is going to sting for a long time Cardinals fans and I remember starting the off seon saying hey show to IM Pard me show to imanaga maybe a guy the Cardinal should look into and they signed all their guys really really quick and so it's was like okay I guess they're out on that whole deal I don't know how far they pursued it I don't know if they you know they did Scout him we know that I don't know how seriously they were interested once they signed three guys but when you watched it kind of be a free agency that played out for a while I think he was kind of waiting on uh all the other big names to sign we saw otani's deal obviously he's not a pitcher at this point but Otani got his deal you had uh Yamamoto get his massive deal from the Dodgers imanaga settles for four years and 53 million guaranteed from the Chicago Cubs and he's got a 0.78 ER to lead baseball we should have saw that one coming and we kind of did but it's it's a Mula for me because I didn't keep pushing it as much I I think you could go back I did however many dozens of podcasts in the offseason I know I talked about him and I said look I think he'd be a great fit and then it just sort of fizzled out where we we didn't keep on the keep on the stick with that as much as I wish I had but it was again because I knew the Cardinal had signed three they said they were going to get three and they had gotten them so I just didn't have any sense that they were going to do what a lot of Cardinal fans wanted them to do which was Bump Steve match to the bullpen from day one despite that they're paying him $1 million for this year and again for next year on that same salary they said look we've seen enough we want to see him in the bullpen instead of as a starter don't go into the year baking him into the top five in your rotation it would have been prudent probably at this point we could say and so if you want to run that Victory lab Cardinal fans I'm already cool with you doing it because the book on Stephen matz would have been he's good when he's good but he doesn't get deep into games he never really has and health is always going to be a concern here he is with a herniated disc in his back uh we we put the news video out earlier Friday afternoon so if you missed that one you can go back but rehashing it here just a little bit he's on the injured list they call up Kyle Ley he's not Kyle Le is not going to start he's an extra reliever for the weekend and for Monday and then Tuesday will be the next time the Cardinals need to figure out a starter and that's technically the Matt spot now moving forward who's it going to be I regrettably in that previous video did not mention the guy that it very well could be which is Gordon grao now he's not on the 40-man roster and it will require a move but as I was kind of going back and forth with Jeff Jones tonight in the Press Box he mentioned like Gro is going to be rule five eligible this coming winter which kind of give me the thought man the Cardinals might as well give him a look he's got like a 4.3 erra in triaa so he hasn't turned into the the major pitching Prospect to this point that he he looked to be for a while like I think it was 2022 that he was the minor league pitcher of the year in the in the minor league organization I feel like that that's right and 2023 happened and he had a high four zra in Memphis now this year he's got a low four zra in Memphis but uh it's it's just maybe he's plateauing a little bit at that level for whatever reason if it's the the different Strike Zone uh certain guys have a lot of trouble there and then they can come to the big leagues like there's an element that I think it's not impossible POS for a guy to have some rough starts in Memphis but then be able to come up to the major leagues and look really good as a result of just whether it's just the adrenaline boost or whether it's actually a tangible difference between the way their stuff responds to a differ size Strike Zone the word on that is the high strike in Triple A is basically non-existent that's the sense I got from when we were talking to some of the guys like Dakota Hudson last year that would go up and down Zack Thompson another example it's just really with the way the the automatic ball strike challenge system works and just the way the umpires are calling that zone down there it is there's no high strike so you actually could have a little bit of a tougher time if part of your game is establishing your fast ball up at the top of the strike zone and then you look for your breaking stuff to play off of that by sweeping that below the strike zone change the eye level of hitters it's a lot harder evidently to change the eye level of hitters with the way things are are going now from a strike zone perspective down in Triple A so I just wonder if maybe Gordon graa who's got a 4.32 erra in Memphis might just be the answer right I I mentioned Andre Palante Zack Thompson by the way both Palante and Thompson threw four Innings tonight they piggybacked and scoreless Memphis ended up winning their game uh in a shutout fashion Palante did walk a few guys again I think another guy that might be dealing with that Strike Zone but I said it wouldn't shock me if the Cardinals would make a decision to say hey just bring up Palante for a few starts if mats is not going to be out long which it doesn't seem like the Cardinals think he's going to be but we also know how that goes from time to time so maybe it's just going to be a wait and see mode on when mats can return he got injected he's got a her disc it's going to be whatever it is a few weeks couple few weeks and then he'll be maybe he'll be back we'll see what that ends up looking like there's certainly going to be though an opportunity for somebody in the meantime to take hold of the role because Matts was not performing very well right before the injury anyway was the injury a part of that do Wally pipa guy based on getting hurt going to remain to be seen but we know that Steven matz has sort of had that story all along where he'll have some good outings he'll have good stretches you'll have good months he'll have good six weeks and then something happens an injury kind of falls off in terms of his Effectiveness so we'll see what the Cardinals end up deciding to do when he gets back but the first things first is figuring out who takes the spot and I mentioned Sam robertsa doing a great job in Memphis but he's only 22 he is on the 40 man so that is a a mark in his favor you could go Matthew lior which he did not Pitch we were kind of wondering could he pitch in the eighth inning tonight three-oh lead against a weak white socks lineup would you ever consider trying to get an extra day for Jojo or Hesley or both and choosing somebody else from that Bullpen to finish it out with a three-oh lead the answer from that was no oi marmal goes with JoJo he goes with Hesley they do what they do didn't even allow base runner it was easy but you are using those guys quite a bit so it'll be interesting to see if lior doesn't even warm up like I'm talking Saturday Sunday that could be a sign that the Cardinals could be leaning in his Direction actually to make this start but there's also the world in which Saturday morning pregame Sunday morning pregame Olie spills the beans and tells us because that's going to be a constant question asked of Team brass when it comes to the rest of this weekend and uh if they haven't revealed it by Monday I'll guess that they'll tell us by either Saturday if not then probably by Sunday pregame at the latest postgame I don't think they'll let it swing all the way into Monday but you never know lior I mentioned in my previous video I mentioned Sam robera I mentioned Palante regrettably I did not mention Gordon Gro and it very well may be him that they choose because of that element where he does need to get some some looks anyway I know he's sort of plateaued with his numbers at Memphis the last couple of years after having a really bright 2022 at the lower levels but there is this notion that you don't want to necessarily let a guy go if he's going to be rule five eligible you got to put him on the 40 man and I'm sure they'll do that I'm not suggesting that this is he's even a borderline guy but you know he has plateaued a little bit in the minors and so there could be a consideration of well you know how much do we invest I think you got to see a guy before you make those decisions that's been the problem with the Cardinals when they've let guys go in the past alcantra is one you think of because they only saw him a little bit as a reliever in the big leagues and whether they felt they knew what he was or they just didn't realize the untapped potential at that time because they didn't get a long enough look at him you don't want to make that mistake again if you can avoid it you want to at least get the data on guys if if at all possible and this could be an opportunity to do that with Gordon grao who I I think if he's held back in in time he hasn't pitched in a number of days so he should be good with Zack Thompson and Palante pitching on Friday night that takes him out of the running both of them so so they'll continue to build up in Memphis but the depth of the starting rotation I think is those two guys after you like if you had another issue I think it would be one of those two guys maybe vying for whatever opportunity comes after this one will it be robertso will it be grao you can't go wrong with either but I'm actually kind of leaning grao just because he is 24 so a couple years older than robertsa and maybe you just see what looks like for Sam for a couple few more starts before really kind of getting that itch for a 22-year-old like we talk about development it doesn't matter can a guy come up and get shelled can he the thing about Sam is like his stuff is not overpowering so I worry if it if he has a day or two or it flattens out at the big league level and it just doesn't do the the S stuff that it's been doing down in Triple A could he end up having a lesser experience I kind of feel like the pecking order before the year and even before 2023 was Gro was knocking on the door he's plateaued a bit with his numbers but maybe you just push a guy out onto the stage and see what he does it might be getting to be about that time for grao and another note I'll make about his numbers before I get into the Wilson kers comments from postgame which we will play the audio from um quite funny two and two3 innings seven earn runs a couple of home runs given up that was the start he had on April 6th Gordon gpo's second start of the year I know you can't do this it's just like with the Kyle Gibson thing but if you take that one out basically all of his other starts have been really really good he's had the seven run outing that happened on the 6th of April he pitched five in a third and gave up four on the 25th every other game has been one earned run or fewer and that's over five or six other starts so he's actually largely been pretty good uh give up maybe a few too many walks for my taste and the strikeout numbers have been solid but inconsistent not every start is he going berserk but he's got good good K numbers overall I I feel like grao could very well be the answer Cardinal fans I apologize to you if you watched my previous video because I didn't mention him and the more I think on it the more I think he could be a legitimately viable candidate a 4.34 ra at Memphis U but he does have some solid K numbers a k per inning 29 strikeouts and 29 Innings Gordon Gro 24 years old maybe he is the for match we'll find out probably later on this weekend but let's go ahead now and get into some of the Wilson contras thoughts on Sony Gray from after the game because well Wilson had a great day offensively three for three scored a couple of runs scored all the way from first on the second double by Nolan ronado and that was I asked him if he knew off the bat he was gonna score from first on that it was like oh yeah no problem it's easy and he kept saying I'm just joking he told he told the Herrera that he's faster than him and then he said I'm just joking Wilson just kind of likes to say stuff and is awesome because he has such an infectious personality and it truly he doesn't mean anything by it when he says certain things and he just wants you to know I'm just playing around I'm just having fun he's just being Wilson and he is a heck of a dude a heck of a a heck of a sound bite too as you'll find out here so the question was pertaining to how he would describe the consistency of Sunny gray and and he said yeah consistency that's a good word but then he went into maybe some further description that uh they probably can't play on TV so if you have delicate sensibilities I am going to play it I'm not going to bleep it out but I just like to give the warning in case they're kids whatever I don't know who all listens to the show um but if you don't love it skip ahead 30 seconds or so because hereo is Wilson ceras on the consistency factor for sunny gray what makes Sunny so consistent do you feel like I mean considering how he's started of the season this far I mean what what's made that consistency there for him I this home I think uh that's that's a way to put it he's not he's not uh [ __ ] around I don't have word that's a pretty good he's not yeah he's not yoking around there you go that's the best he goes well you heard what he said but they said you know he's not joking around and they said oh no there you go that was the word I knew there was a word that would have described it there you go joking around but no he's not he not effing around as Wilson contras would say there's no F around mode for sunny gray there's only the mode that gets him to success and that's what he's been so far this season for the Cardinals we'll listen to a little bit more from Wilson after that moment and he's he's into business I mean he the way he go through his business when when he's about to start unbelievable Cardinal catcher Wilson contras hey I don't have another word but then he kind of thought of one and he I think he felt oh I could have I'm sorry Bal Sports I could have kept it I could have kept it but they just you know they weren't going to be able to use that but we can we can on YouTube there's no FCC right I'll put the content warning out there like I said uh here I'll play this from Wilson as well my question to him about whether he was thinking off the bat he was going to be able to score on that uh that second double by Nolan uh Nolan arado excuse me that he hit to right field Wilson were you thinking off the bat on Nolan's second double that you're going to get home score from first on that oh yeah on my FIT I wasn't I wasn't trying to slide I'm just kidding uh I mean two outs and uh of course hitting the Gap you had you trying to score but uh thanksfully the rifle took a while to to get to that um but yeah I'm happy for noan I think uh he deserved that I know he's having a a tough time finding himself at the plate but uh thanksfully uh he's he's going to turn it around and I know that he's a guy that always hit and he know what he's doing in a game that didn't have many runs how good did it feel for you in noan to be able to contribute the way you guys did offensively well it feels good I mean it feels good especially um when uh your own base two times out of three and and he's able to to drive the run in is I think and when you have an offense like that like like somebody can that can drive uh in runs is is really important his first double the short stop jumped and almost caught it but it went all the way to the wall I guess you got to hit a ball pretty hard to do that yeah for sure I mean he Square squared that one up I he a little bit no out I was like uh I wasn't sure about it but I mean he hit it hit it hard enough to get to the to the wall and had two RBI and then the same in scoring all the way from first to stolen base showing off the wheel I was ding that I'm faster than him but I just I was I was just kidding I know just U and it will'll cut it there but that is fantastic I was telling Ivan I'm faster than him and he keeps going I'm just kidding like let's not anybody take me out of context here I I give you the full context with that that audio uh Wilson is a delight man he was he was great tonight and it's just like he kind of shrugs he's like uh he's not Sunny Gray he's not H he's not effing around sorry couldn't think of an another word that's the word I got for you and then John Denton uh did you hear JD in the background going that's a pretty good word that's that's classic John Denton right there for you you got to love it I also liked Wilson there in his answer about scoring from first on the ronado double the second double he said I on my feet I wasn't trying to slide which he didn't slide I was going that throw is not going to get Wilson and he was chugging around Third Base was getting sent the whole way by pop and I thought it may be a close play but then you could tell it wasn't and he was acutely aware of that clearly he said wasn't going to slide jokingly right he would have done it if he needed to but I think he was paying attention to whether or not he needed to maybe took a peak there but uh it all worked out Cardinals win three nothing Wilson ceras knows that Sunny gray is not joking around right and uh he's not and he doesn't he does take his cloth off in the clubhouse but that it works for him you can't fault a guy for doing what works for him as long as you know everybody else was cool with it I guess I guess JoJo was in there in the clubhouse at that point in the game you know eighth inning man they don't need him for a little while so he was doing whatever he was doing pretty good stuff let me know Cardinal fans what do you think of all that the uh the sunny gry stuff the Wilson Cur stuff the quite a dynamic duo as the the lead battery for this team now you know for so many years it was yachty and wayo it is it's Wilson and sunny at this point and those guys were something else tonight Wilson goes three for three scores the two runs driven in by arnado twice which I mentioned that to Wilson you heard the question for real Aron's first double the short stop couldn't have been but maybe two three feet from Catching it like he actually leaped to try to make the play couple feet off maybe 18 Ines off but when the short stop is actually earnestly trying to jump up and make a play for that ball to go all the way to the wall before it's picked up like it hit off the wall not on a fly but rolling just the perfect spot and and plug the Gap but to hit it that hard as well to where nobody was able to go I don't know that I've ever seen that I maybe I have't I'm just forgetting but a short stop legitimately thinking he's got a chance to make a play so he jumps up to try to catch it doesn't get leather on it but the ball is hit so hard 8 10 12T off the ground like it's it just was a line drive low liner the entire way Knee High Liner to the wall I just don't know how often I've seen that 105 I believe was the exit vo by the way on Aron's first double good to see him get going I still say there is an element of concern like on a night like tonight everything's gravy whatever you win the game the fact that nobody else got hits besides arnado and uh and contras Michael C had the one it's kind of like all right guys are going to have to get going you're seeing Donovan struggle you know Nar is is down to 568 Ops they've dropped him in the order a bit they moved up Mason wi suddenly though with an 0 for four he's at 726 on the Ops it wouldn't take but a couple more of those for his Ops to to be below 700 as well so nobody's really immune to this except apparently Wilson Contreras who just continues to rake a 926 Ops he's been one of the best hitters in baseball took a walk tonight as well so he was on base four times pretty good stuff and he's going to stay batting up high in that order I would imagine Goldie baded third today did not get a base hit but he did reach via walk and scored on the the ronado double in the first so that's where the Cardinals are at offensively they're going to need to do a little bit more but you don't really worry about that on a night like tonight I know in the comments you might be a little more concerned and look rightfully so because this is not going to necessarily be the way to do it for 162 games not if you're trying to win 85 or 88 of them you got to score some runs Cardinals are going to have to score runs tonight they didn't because Sunny gray pitch so every fifth day as long as you have gray and and maybe a couple of those dudes from the triumvirate uh you didn't need to go to kitridge tonight because well Sunny went seven the question was asked of vol marmal any consideration with sunny to maybe get him out back out there for the eth and he said no we want him to feel good about where he's at and on a high note there 94 or they're not really trying to push him to 100 just yet but I think probably next time out if the circumstances call for it you could see it but by the same token they didn't want to do it tonight even with sunny having very very stress-free innings for the most part he had that third inning where he had to deal with the the first and third when we talked about the Eloy jenz line out to arado and then the I want to say it was the fifth inning where he had a strike out but it was a sinker that was tipped just a little bit and so was kind of sliding out of the glove of contus he couldn't quite hold on to the foul tip third strike and tried to sell it too like picked it up real quick and threw it around the horn and then the Umpire was like no no no no no that that was a foul ball so they bring Martin Maldonado back into the box four pitches later base it up the middle and you're going oh boy and then I think there was even a pass ball wild pitch whatever it was that got maldonado's second and you're thinking oh man like what he was cruising Sunny was cruising and just didn't need this little extra he was so close to having that strikeout to get you know to to get another out on the board and it just didn't phase him he had the next eight outs the next eight men he face out and that's how he finished his night seven shutout Innings a sub one ra first time a cardinal starter has done that over the first five starts of the Season since 1910 and there's only been a handful of guys to have ever done it with the Cardinals to begin a season uh he's on a sa Young track there's no doubt about that he's going to be in the mix if he continues pitching like this alongside a guy like imanaga it's early uh you know maybe he falls off the pace a little bit but it looks very real and sustainable with sunny you know it just you just get a feeling right now and and contras was asked about his erra record you know doing that thing since 1910 and contr said I don't really look at that and I to be honest I'm a little superstitious so it was kind of the vibe of please stop asking me to talk about this thing because I want to ensure that my guy Sunny can keep it going so that I thought was kind of funny because he didn't want to talk about but it was interesting he said the innings are what I look at if you're if you're talking to a catcher and you ask him what's the important stat that you want to see when you're measuring your starting pitcher kind of what what what's meaningful to you the fact that he said I look at Innings I thought was kind of interesting I mean it makes sense got to get through Innings and quality ones but the the on the player level like we look at the stats we're all fixated on the stats as Outsiders as media as fans but I honestly feel like the players are not as hyperfocused or fixated on the stats game to game because you almost can't be right like you can't feel different about yourself as a person or a player because your Ops is 926 today but then you go over four and so now it's down below 900 or or on the other end of the spectrum you're at 620 like a gold Schmid and then you go over four now you're below 500 or below 600 you can't necessarily start feeling differently about yourself you know what I mean and so I don't feel like the players hyper fixated on the stats the way that we do but contr says look one thing I noticed is is he throw in a lot of innings because that's good for our Bullpen that's good for our team and sunny did that tonight seven Innings all shutout Innings good to see cardal win it three nothing well I've yammered on for long enough the cardal have a day game coming up on Saturday it's way too late at night so I should probably go to bed to be ready to get up and do it all over again thank you guys so much though for listening get those comments in get those likes in and please do subscribe to the channel if you enjoy Cardinal's content all summer long you'll have it here with Bea daily and the Brennan Schaefer St Louis Cardinal Rider Channel also Sports please go read my Sunny gry article it's not terribly long but it's got some good nuggets in it and hopefully you guys enjoy but that helps me out too appreciate you guys as always for listening we will talk to you next time on b sha daily peace

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