Category: Entertainment
Y se mi gente anoche después del posicionamiento ará de la torre no sabía cómo contener sus lágrimas estaba muy enojado muy frustrado muy triste y al ver la foto y el video de sus hijos mandándole saludos explotó totalmente este hombre se quería ir de la casa de los famosos méxico do por las mentiras... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
El incómodo momento entre natanael cano y belinda en el escenario la noche del 23 de agosto se convirtió en una fecha memorable para natanael cano quien ofreció un impresionante concierto en el estadio gnp seguros el antiguo foro sol en la ciudad de méxico ante más de 65,000 espectadores el joven cantante... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Einleitung / politische vorgeschichte glück auf marco glück auf simon grüß dich und glück auf liebe leute willkommen heute zu diesem video wir reden über die landtagswahl 2024 in sachsen neben mir sitzt marco winter die freiberger unter euch werden ihn sicherlich bereits kennen er ist direktkandidat... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Seid ihr polizei oder seid ihr reporter ich bin reporter okay dann do nicht unter datenschutz nee alles gut weil dann nstich das hatten wir schon mal in berlin ja und das ist ja nicht meine frau ist da sehr empfindlich nee alles gut ich mache auch keine portraitaufnahme oder sonst irgendwas ich hätte... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[cheering] [nsync, "bye bye bye"] (singing) i'm doing this tonight. you're probably gonna start a fight. i know this can't be right. hey, baby, come on. [cheering] - hello, vmas! [applause] over 20 years ago, we were just kids when we won best pop video for bye bye bye. [cheering] it was our first vma,... Read more
Category: News & Politics
It is a setback for the afd. in the local elections in thuringia, she performed significantly worse than expected. the party of right-winger björn höcke did not manage to win the district administrator and master elections at the first attempt, but came under attack from the cdu in a number of local... Read more
Category: Music
Up what's happening this big he we back in this thing k to good sleep with a cut out turn on the early morning early early morning vibes over here and we here to talk we here to talk about kendrick lamar cuz hey he came back y'all he came back y'all he dropped watch the potty dying we here to talk about... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now he's thinking about me my got sweet i can so so you can see let un know that me is please please please don't bre on [music] my and please please [music] please you're back together and if that's true you'll just have to taste me when just kissing you i don't even know i'm taking i'm talking i'm... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Let's take a look at how we see it with the sahra wagenknecht alliance. yesterday was of course a big day for the party . we have become a power factor in germany. a party that didn't even exist a year ago, that was founded in january, has so much popularity, so much support from people in two federal... Read more
Category: Sports
The cowboys and saints faced off in an action-packed game both teams showed off their strengths but one came out on top want the full breakdown of all the key stats check out the channel for more Read more
Category: Education
19th july 2024 the whole world was stopped at a time because of microsoft outage but there was one country that wasn't affected by this outage and that was china this is because in china they hardly use crowd strike software and this software is the main cause of microsoft outage in china they use alternatives... Read more