Dale Earnhardt Junior late model Kevin Harvick late model review

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:05:01 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: dale earnhardt
all right guys I know it's been a while since I posted but we got the new Kevin harick and d junr and late models so we're going to go through them today and let's get these things unboxed so we're gonna go with the Kevin Harvick here um it's pretty nice 164 scale camera yeah it's a pretty nice car um really nice box they had all of these there at Walmart today so this wave three um let's get this thing unboxed so the car itself is really nice um it's got the name right there on the whatever you call it and then it's got the it's a really nice car um focus on Focus yeah it's really have some detail there um there tires the hooer the hooer sponsor right there and the all those sponsors they look pretty well look pretty good um it's a nice car you see the intenti of detail right there um the maker of this car is Lionel LEL made this car it's a really nice car it's a really nice car um Hut Brothers Pizza it's really detailed right now um come on Focus it's a really nice car it's got very good detail on it all all right now we're going to move on to the dayart Jr um I've always wanted one of these cars but now I finally got my hands on it so wave three Lio so let's get this thing unboxed I know people want the box but I don't really want them so Sundrop D Jr um this thing is a [Music] masterpiece um this thing is an absolute Masterpiece here's the car compared to the Kevin Harvick they both are really good detailed cars I just love the fact that I got the last the the last of them at Walmart until they restock um the white right there the the detail in the cab is just insane the wire the yeah this is just a masterpiece um this is I've always wanted one of these cars like a 124 scale but I'm glad to have a 164 but yeah well I'm going to end this video so make sure you guys drop a like drop a like down there and comment what was your favorite part of the video I know the Dale Junior segment was short but I have I'll have a separate video on both of these one day [Music] so make sure to like and drop a comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys next time I post I'll see you guys next time I post so I know I haven't dropped I I haven't had a video in a while [Music] so hope you guys enjoy this video and I'll see you guys in the next video see you guys in the next video you

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