Mark Zuckerberg apologizes for helping democrats in 2020.

go ahead and tell you guys now that this right here was not some heartfelt apology as we will be discussing in this video here Mark Zuckerberg claims he was pressured by the White House to censor content related to covid-19 during the pandemic Aon kki joins us now with details Aaron good morning good morning to you Whit for years critics have taken aim at Facebook for silencing views that challenge the general consensus in the medical community especially about the origin of covid-19 now Facebook's founder surprisingly says Mark Zuckerberg claims he was pressured by the White House to censor content related to covid-19 during the pandemic Aaron kki joins us now with details Aon good morning good morning to you Whit for years critics have taken aim at Facebook for silencing views that challenge the general consensus in the medical community especially about the origin of covid-19 now Facebook's founder surprisingly says of it the majority is bite dance and meta of the $30 million it spent look at that blue bar meta spends by far the most of 142 registered lobbyists and social media meta has 71 get out of here 50% 50% of them B dance is 45 and honesty I think would go a long way so I actually I was at the UFC 300 fight this last weekend great day by the way a lot of good fights uh that day but I was sitting right up there cage side and Mark Zuckerberg was there too so we we had a we had a chat in between some of the fights he's into fighting and whatever I'll just spill the beans and show what we talked about but yeah he was telling me something to the effect of uh he said you're probably thinking to yourself that maybe Viv ramaswami got Mark Zuckerberg to change his mind you're also probably thinking that maybe it was the prophets that got him to change his mind or the lack of profits that got him to change his mind or it could be the fact that uh there was a certain thing in 2020 a lot of things in 2020 that quite frankly were censored and of course they will be putting a tag on this video to notify people ahead of time that this video will touch that topic I'm here to tell you guys right now that I don't think it was any of the three it was something else I think it was something else because let's just go ahead and come on out and say it deals get made deals get made before testifying it deals get made after after testifying deals get made for money and I think that deals were obviously made here and that right there is the real reason why it was that Zuckerberg decided to go ahead and come on out and basically said yeah you know that was kind of a boo boo that we did by censoring people medical information and of course election information all those conservatives that got censored and not to mention the fact that there's this whole issue of people not trusting them again that of course is going to come up in this video as well so what exactly happened now before we get started make sure you guys go go ahead and cut the notifications on for the channel so that way you guys are notified when the video is released uh speaking of that YouTube just forced me to take down a video that was done it was the video that I did on Angel Reese the other day apparently the guy who put in the dmca claim apparently he's not exactly answering the emails when I ask him exactly what's up but still at the same time though there are people who love to use frivolous strikes and of course because the algorithm's kind of doing me over right now I figured you know what we can just touch this topic in a later date and I can find that same bit of information from somewhere else so we may redo that of day not exactly that video there but of course when an update comes up but still though we got an issue to talk about of course it's Zuckerberg's sudden change of heart let's go ahead and roll this this morning met a chief Mark Zuckerberg admitting he bowed to pressure from the bid Administration to censor content the Facebook founder issuing a letter to the house Judiciary Committee that said senior Administration officials pushed the social media platform to censor posts about covid-19 and expressed a lot of frustration when the I believe the government pressure was wrong and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it adding I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction and we're ready to push back if something like this happens again President Biden was asked about misinformation online in the summer of 2021 on Co misinformation what's your message to platforms like Facebook they're killing people I mean it really well look the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated and that's and they're killing people yeah a lot of people's right to free speech was censored a lot of information got pulled from this entire situation that of course could have been useful at the time like I remember back when Trump mentioned the HW which of course I can't really say without YouTube limiting the ads because that's how YouTube is don't worry I'll be posting back to rumble again next year probably at the start of the year when everything kind of kicks back over after all the surgeries and everything don't worry days coming at the very very end kind of like in the last video and of course the 4:00 piece because I suddenly decided to put a third one out the fact of the matter is this right here a lot of people's voices were silenced that quite Frank he did not need to be silenced do you guys remember the masking the masking in schools how it was that some places of course force you to mask inside your homes I mean the current Democratic party nominee or Democratic party VP nominee Tim Walls actually created a stazzy type system so that way people can KN on their neighbors he's not weing a mask in his house he's not wearing a mask in his home he's outside in his backyard and he's not supposed to be I want to say it was Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer she shut down local hardware stores so that way men could not build a deck in their backyard people were dealing with Communism during that year that is what they were doing of course a lot of people love to blame the orange man and of course I do have my issues with some of the stuff that the orange man did not do or should have done like for example I think he should have signed the Insurrection act during the riots but still though at the same time though a lot of the stuff was done to state level by state Governors to executive order and people also complied Let Me Go a and say this right quick if everybody just gets up at one time and says screw this right here you will see like in the case of the Oklahoma school incident which by the way that comes on at 12:00 you will see that at some point in time people will join and guess what the system itself will force to do exactly what it is that you say it do it eventually goes away because it sees that you're not weak and feeble but there is more later walked back the comment insisting he wasn't attacking face overnight the White House responded to Zuckerberg's letter our position has been clear and consistent We Believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people while making independent choices about the information they present Zuckerberg going on to express regret for demoting Content related to corruption allegations against Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election alleging the FBI warned information circulating online was a Russian disinformation operation it's since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation and in retrospect we shouldn't have demoted the story Zuckerberg went on to say the company has changed its policies and processes to make sure it doesn't happen again house Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan celebrating the letter calling it a big win for free speech Zuckerberg's letter first appeared in the Wall Street Journal in wh there really is a tension going on here between the government and big Tech over how content on social media should be policed and whether conservative voices often gets silence absolutely the story getting a lot of attention this morning section 230 reform and I want you guys to understand something right quick when you bring the same argument to people and they uh how do I say uh they get to a discussion with you and they say it's a private company can do whatever it wants when that power is suddenly used against them like in the case of Twitter or x with Elon Musk which by the way I got a bit of a bone to pick because I got suspended from there too for seven days odd um I'm not getting exactly what it was that got me suspended just know that the YouTube uh excuse me the Twitter algorithm is very selective and who it chooses to punish over whatever comment even though the comment is normally a comment used constantly on the platform and nobody gets in trouble at all the fact of the matter is that social media does in fact have its problems and social media can be wielded in the worst ways possible especially by politicians but speaking of that there there is this other issue that these sites have like for example you had this uh you had this issue a while back with twitch basically putting U obscene stuff I can't say the word here because if I say the word once again the uh let's just say it rhymes with corn uh yeah if I say that here on this platform the ads get limited once again twitch had an issue with that being ran by Amazon you can go through social media all that type of stuff there and don't worry we'll start doing that some point in time here on the channel especially when we start doing essays the thing is this right here a lot of these social media companies have got some serious problems and one of the biggest problems that they have is in fact that word that rhymes with corn which brings us to the Patrick Bet David podcast because they had a nice discussion on this and of course just about everything got summed up in a matter of about three minutes so Zuckerberg just admitted to working with Biden Harris Administration to censor Americans he's either admitting to this because he's being honorable he's done with the Dem Democratic party or he's being he's getting ahead of a whistleblower either way this is a very hard letter for him to write Tom your thoughts on the story well I think he's getting ahead of a whistleblower because I think there's going to be people that testify because there's going to be hearings Trump wins there is going to be hearings and he knows it how does he know well words Talk number scream and if you're Zuck how do you scream you scream with lobbyists rob you have that chart real quick so lobbying is how he talks to the government and then he knows what's going on he hears from people to social media people which is meta bite dance which is our good friends at Tik Tok right um X Discord and snap this is what they all spend and if you take a look snap Discord and X they hardly spend anything not even 8% of it the majority is bite dance and meta of the $30 million it spent look at that blue bar meta spends by far the most of 142 registered lobbyists and social media meta has 71 get out of here 50% 50% of them bite dance is 45 and good oldfashioned money and influence I let that play a little bit longer and don't worry there's another half to what Tom said and of course there's also the girl on the panel who also said exactly what most of us are already thinking when it comes to social media websites the truth be told is this right here Facebook cannot afford to lose any more money and meta has kind of been a bit of a failure also to go on top of this now Facebook is linked with Instagram and of course you can find all kinds of crazy stuff which by the way we'll get to here in a second there goes that word again that word that rhymes with corn there are also other things that you can find on these sites that probably are inappropriate I think that what's going on here is exactly all three of those options that Patrick Bet David had I am so so sorry that I screwed up I am so so sorry that I screwed these people over during the election I am so so sorry that we have all this crap on our website that quite frankly we have not found a way to clean up yet it's not because they're sorry that they did it it's not because they're sorry they took place not the fact that Zuckerberg soly grew a heart it's the fact that Zuckerberg is uh sorry that he got caught it's the fact that Zuckerberg is sorry that he's losing money that right there is the real truth about this situation but the question then remains why well let's watch the other half snap they only have 25 with SNAP and Discord having 17 so that means that elon's got eight lobbyists like 10 11% how do you process that I process it is that Zuck is writing this to us to Jim Jordan who is going to chare the hearings he knows what's coming and he has the lobbyist up there that they have their ears on the ground lobbyists don't only talk to are our elected officials they listen to them and I think Zuck knows exactly what's going on there are stories out there and there are statistics out there that Instagram had and still has uh a pedophile problem pedophiles use uh coding and they try to beat the systems on Insta to have their postings and that he still has that issue going on and I wish in the last part of that letter that he didn't say I won't be making a similar contribution this year I wish said he won't be making any because people popped up immediately similar you mean the same dollar amount similar or if it's 5% less you saying it's not similar so there's a lot of words that people like me looked at it with kind of a legal eye and picked things out in this letter this letter is Zu getting out ahead of it okay cya cover your ass basically he's about to get investigated he knows he's about to get investigated he's not sorry genuinely he doesn't feel bad about everything that happened in 2020 he doesn't feel bad about everything happens on the site and of course he'll tell you he can't control all of it and maybe he can't but still though at the same time though as the head of the company ultimately the buck stops with you there Zuck but like I said before he's not really and truly sorry he's trying to get out ahead he's sorry that he got caught he's losing money and obviously he knows he's about to get investigated so it's basically everything all rolled up in one still though there are other issues we got to speak about I'm sure you guys will listen L to that one uh that whole one minute 15 seconds obviously there's a PDF file issue there's obviously that word that rhymes with corn and there's also the C that goes along with it these social media companies if you don't pay attention if you don't pay attention to your actual apps next thing you know you'll be getting all kinds of crazy stuff bot spam offers whatever sucks you into these bad things I mean I'm pretty sure most of you guys at least if you first started out with Facebook or whatnot probably got accidentally uh how do I say um I wouldn't say rubed in but may have gotten offer this crap the truth be told is when you have social media you have to have some level of uh discipline yourself I mean I can sit here and tell you guys about all the accounts that I've seen that hit the like button on certain pages like bum of the day or hump of the day or crap like that next thing you know all your friends suddenly know about it I can tell you guys several stories about it because they're absolutely hilarious people laugh at it I've laughed at it too see even friends of mine themselves do some very very stupid things but still at the same time though they're going to have a problem explaining all this stuff come the next session of Congress when Zuckerberg is in front you got the PDF file issue you've got the issue with sensorship you got the issues of 2020 you got all that crap anything and everything in the world that Facebook or meta or X even somewhat censor and by the way don't me started on X don't even get me started on the fact there's the infamous photo of them saying how proud they were they were able to censor the hunter hunter Biden laptop story and of course you got the Twitter files that was released by Matt taibe years later right after Elon bought the site the fact of the matter is that the social media companies are probably going to be how do I said um they're probably going to be getting held accountable here soon now why is that right there the case well it's probably because Zuckerberg knows that he's probably not going to win or he's not going to win in the sense that uh whoever the hell the next Administration is it's probably going to crack down social media and I can tell you right now it would be cracking down social media probably on both sides of the aisle just one but he's definitely fearful about one more side of the Alum than the other or it could be the possibility of what you guys saw earlier it could be the fact that Vivic ramaswami had a conversation with him it could be the fact that maybe he's been given some information about ramaswami that maybe ramaswami uh maybe having a certain cabinet position should Trump win and of course this right was at a UFC event which don't worry we'll play that there for you guys in a second I'll play it the very you the vs how we're going to close because I'll let you guys kind of make it up on your own and tell me what you think still though at the same time though still though what do we do going forward when it comes to Facebook meta and these social media sites well I think this girl right here expressed all the anger in the world that one would have when dealing with people like Zuckerberg I completely agree with Tom's sentiments and even if it's not the last thing and maybe he is being honorable in my opinion it's a little too late I feel like Co is one of those things that was really memory hold upon people we forget the level of sigh up that we went through like this is probably the biggest s up of my generation at least that I've lived through where they were literally convincing you that you're a granny killer if you left your house like the amount of psychological warfare that was utiliz people who are kept away from their family so for him to come out and state all of this now even if you are being honorable I'm sorry it's too little too late anybody who was trying to use the Advent of social media to actually share the truth and to correct the total SC up that was occurring during that time were completely suppressed their accounts were suspended they were pushed off the pl platform and so in my opinion it's it's too little too late and to Tom's point we're I'm going to actually bring up that story a little bit later with the pedophiles on Instagram it's rampant and they've actually run experiments and simulations to determine when a brand new user is on the platform how quickly I'll answer her anger here in a second but there is one more thing to discuss now I personally never got censored by Facebook the one that kept on censoring me was Twitter and I also received received Community guidelines strikes here on YouTube the big reason why I received those Community guidelines strikes on YouTube was because when I would upload a video I would upload the video at random there was never a set time and of course a day or so later they would just remove the they would just remove the video or they would give me a strike and say I couldn't post for seven days I think I received two or three in my lifetime nowadays I can actually go ahead and schedule a video out and YouTube will tell me beforehand whether it is suitable or not but of course they'll limit the ads or they'll demonetize the video du to copyright or something like that but the fact of the matter is this right here the situation involving granny killer being call one the stazy the crap that was happening in Minnesota the crap was happening in Michigan or Pennsylvania all their c19 uh guidelines and of course you had New York and the nursing home incident information being such a like crazy information that quite freaky needed to be out to the public including medications especially the HW which of course I'm not allowed to speak about that type of stuff there was censored it was censored by Zuckerberg it was censored by all the heads of the social media companies why obviously to help out an Administration that was probably going to give them a deal and now they obviously did not get that deal if anything they've lost cash the fact is this right here nobody trusts Facebook nobody trusts meta anymore and while X Twitter is trying to regain some of that trust people still don't fully trust that now Grant they're not institutions they're private companies and people can always create another social media site gab exist parlor was a failed Venture of course you've got truth social getter I really use these sites very very much but still at the same time there will always be more apps to come out the fact of the matter is this right here social media has been in the pocket of the current Administration and I think what's going on is the heads of these current the heads of these social media websites especially meta Zuckerberg being the bigas point at this moment time he's just simply looking at the situation and saying I'm about to go down I'm about to be in a lot of trouble I need to go ahead and soften the blow or maybe I might need to cut a deal with a new incoming Administration or it could be what I'll end the video with which is the conversation that Vivic ramaswami had on Shawn Ryan's podcast a few weeks ago when apparently he met Zuckerberg and practically got him to B the KNE I highly doubt that but I'll leave you guys with that before you close the video out before you watch the clip which is about to play make sure you guys still please hit the like button subscribe share the video Sig off in the comment section I would love to get you guys thoughts on this and I'll see you guys later L he's really into MMA and so he said you know we' become so neutered as a country right why why shouldn't we just Embrace that we have these human instin I love I love I've grown to like MMA quite a bit so I was like yeah I agree with you okay we're sitting here watching UFC and talking about how great it is to watch UFC and we've become neutered as a country I said well what what about that with respect to speech how do you feel about that and then he kind of paused for a second he said what do you mean I said well I think you'd actually make the same argument for just saying that you get to say what you want in this country we become too neutered by trying to have Central moderators of who decides what you can and can't say you know his response was well look I'm actually a lot more pro- free speech than people might know and I've actually known a lot of his own Tendencies I believe that's actually probably true it's about bending the knee and buckling to pressure and so what I told him and and he said he would think about it is Hey listen man I think you could actually do a service to this country if you just came out if it was in your heart if you actually meant it if you say you're Pro free speech and you actually mean it to just say hey I screwed up you know what locking Donald Trump out of an account major president of the United States and now presidential candidate to say that the decision to silence somebody and suppress them even if I agree or disagree with what they had to say I making the decision under pressure under forces of pressure where a lot of people were buckling to outside pressure we become neutered as a country and all of us are subject to that kind of pressure and some of us screwed up and I screwed up and if I were to make that same decision again I wouldn't make the same decision if you said that I think that would have a therapeutic effect on the country that's a form of oh [Music]

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