Aston Villa vs Arsenal Match Preview | Predicted Line-Ups, Tactical Preview and Score Predictions

Starts hello and welcome to the Arsenal bsize podcast I'm your host Clayton at Clay sayc on Twitter happy Friday here with my co-host FPL Nema here to preview the big game off to Villa Park tomorrow we've got Aston Villa away Nemo welcome how you doing yeah I'm good man good to be back excited to preview this game and hoping it's a bit of a grudge game for us as well after what happened last season I hope so yeah obviously they they took six points from us last year and I want to talk a little bit about them uh two games today we'll do the usual for anyone that's new here we do this every Friday we go through do our predicted teams look at the Arsenal team we think arteta will go for not what we want what we actually think artetta will do uh we talk a little bit to fans of the opposition and we'll kind of talk through what they've told us during the week uh before giving a bit of like tactical analysis and then score predictions we always try to keep them to 15 30 minutes but it's an interesting one like I I just said to you off air right I've been feeling a bit ill feeling a little bit rundown and as soon as we uh start talking about Arsenal I energize myself and I get yeah I kind of snap out the cobwebs dust off so uh I hope tomorrow will be similar but yes so I guess before we touch on team news um ieta did this presser today and I didn't Arteta Pressers see anything come out in terms of absences or injuries uh no one asked the question about Tommy ASU I've made an assump he's not available again he was asked about jurri and Timber and his position and he was very um high in praise for him even spoke about him potentially playing in Midfield but I don't know about you I didn't see anything alarming that we need to raise going into this before we talk teen news yeah I was going to ask you the main thing I saw was him talking about how much he loves Raheem Sterling and how he taught him about different motivations of players and how to manage players from his time with him so I found that fascinating that in the Q&A later on depending on the time for sure in terms of the actual Squad yeah there was The 6 points Villa took last year! nothing that made me feel like anyone's back who was injured or like he didn't say Cur is ready to start or anything like that so yeah I don't I don't expect any major shocks in the lineup but I guess that's kind of well I'll tell you what before we go into it let me rewind let's take it a higher level like I feel like I said they Villa took six points from us last season right there there's this General Emory versus Etta thing that does the rounds on Twitter I do feel like I don't want to generalize this but I do feel like it's becoming a slight rivalry from Villa's end as well like they obviously well six points was the difference between us winning the league and not if you want to be binary about it but I do feel like from their perspective we are a team that they kind of enjoy taking points from but how how do you feel about this you obviously said Grudge Match is it something that gets to you or is it just a case of like you know the objectives of Arsenal just go there and win or do you have a sense of like an emotional Grudge towards him um I can't say that I don't because someone um FPL F put a video of me online at a meets when we last played them I think or when they lost the game and I was quite drunk and I was shouting something about go get relegated you prick to Emmy Martinez that was a couple years ago I remember that yeah you were there I think it was like a so I remember watching that back and I was like okay clearly um I've grown up a bit in those few years and I'm a bit less uh aggressive about that um I've got my chip off my shoulder but um yeah I think for me like Emmy Martinez specifically had like a big point to prove last year and I think unai emry kind of rode his luck in those games a bit um I'm not sure that they got enough to do it again is what I'm going to say um I actually spoke to a villa fan who's um like a member on one of my channels and he he said that he thinks that we're going to win 2-0 and he said both yeah he said both emry and Martinez had a point to prove last season with Arsenal that point was proven Martinez was a man possessed and emry found the way to ride his luck he he kind of goes on to say the Villa home game scored early and pretty much held on the Arsenal home game nil nil until late Arsenal had to push for the win then he just the final piece and I thought it's quite interesting hearing a villa fans perspective to bring into this preview he said this Arsenal side is settled and is ready to go one step further this year they will be too much for Villa in my opinion as much as it pains me to say interesting that's quite fascinating right hearing that from The Villa fan yeah and it's because you know when I said I wanted to touch on the two games that we had last season today it's similar for me like I think when you review the games straight after the games which we typically did last season right like you I think you're more emotional and you see things differently and the away game I was actually in Dublin that weekend so I was watching it in a pub with my friends and i' I don't know about you but when I'm watching games in a pub with other people I'm like half watching it you're kind of talking watching like so you don't really get the real feel for the game but I uh put myself through the torture this morning in prep for this of watching the highlights of both games and I know it's only highlight so you have to be careful but combining that with the stats like unexpected goals in the one- nil defeat at Villa Park last year uh it was 1.4 to us .57 to them 62% possession to their 38 and uh there were like they scored early right and it was John mcin sth minute it came from like Bailey attacking that area where we'll touch on who will play at left back it was zenchenko last year we did actually go with H's left eight jayus up top but it was interesting watching the highlights in that game like they got that opening through the zenchenko weak spot but we had chances there was one where odard was in his Central area and he slotted it and Martinez was really proactive died the right way there was another one where the ball came in odard kind of miss H it went wide that we had chances and I know you can't just point at XG and say we deserve to win but it was more over two games so that was the the first one at Villa Park even the home game where we lost 2-0 granted Villa hit the post and the bar I think but they were more like long distance and low one was from the corner right and all of our players were in the box defending I remember and they took the shot and like no one went to close it down yeah like of course hit the woodwork twice but there were like low probability chances but the one for me which I think massively affected game state was the trod one where was basically three to five yards out and he had half of the goal to aim out on the left and he just hit it straight at Martinez and it was a good save from Martin there's good reflexes but I think that over two games there were such fine margins that I think the variance swung so heavily against us and I'm similar I don't think it will happen again Grant like we'll talk about I'm not saying I'm confid we're going to go there and absolutely win but I actually think we were quite unlucky and also the other Factor was at Villa Park we didn't have artetta in the dug out he obviously was suspended which I forgot about that yeah that is self-inflicted I guess but I think there were a lot of you can you can go one of two ways right you can look at and like oh yeah we we dropped six points against Villa or you can actually try and analyze how were things like I look at the Fulham game at Craven Cottage New Year's Eve and I don't really take many positives from that but as Bonkers as it sounds with those two games against Villa last year they were positives we had chances we just weren't clinical and I think that was the difference it was literally one team took their chances on both game in both games and one team didn't I think it's as simple as that but let's uh yeah that was just something I think I think it is and I think that's important because just speaking like from a kind of rival point of view so if you forget Villa fans and people's opinions so I told you what the Villa fan thought about this that we've got too much for them this time and that our teams kind of gone another level up from last time and the two people who had points to prove they've kind of proven their point there's only so much like they can maintain in the same way I've lost my victory Al to Emy in the last two years I'm sure he proved this point and he's kind of moved on to a bit hopefully I know he's talk about us in every interview that I to be honest I feel like that sort of thing at the professional level that you spoke about like artet to talking about psychology and how to motivate people I feel like they will do whatever they can to find that psychological Edge so they'll probably be using it again but hopefully this time it's a case of if we can play the way we did in the two games and create the amount of chances we did let's actually be clinical this time but we spoke about a couple of areas of the team uh for the audio listeners uh I have got the team that played against wolves on the screen so it was David Lineup vs Wolves ryer in goal Ben White CA Gabriel zenchenko it was the Midfield three of party rice odard and the front three of sacka hav Martinelli we obviously said arteta was quite vocal in his praise for jury and Timber in the presser any changes well do you think artetta will make any changes to the team tomorrow so I personally think that 10 of the 11 positions will stay the same and if Timber trained well this week and there's zero Fitness concerns I would want and expect him to be started by the manager especially after the praise however I personally feel that because of what happened in preseason and the slight kind of setback with the foot injury I know it's not related to the knee injury but it kind of took away some of those minutes and so I asked myself is yurian Timber ready to play the 90 minutes from the GetGo I don't think he is and my next thing is like so if he then has to sub off do I want a p or or a zenko to sub on is K Fury G to sub on for his first ever minutes for us away from home like so in my brain I'm like what then that kind of then points Lineup predictions vs Aston Villa to while zenchenko stays and Timber again comes on to see out the game maybe I'm being optimistic here hopelessly optimistic but I want Timber to start I just think maybe it comes too soon personally okay so if like you had to submit a prediction in the next five minutes with money on it you think it would still be zenchenko I think it would be the 11 from the Wolves game um the alternative is like maybe you could squeeze in like a Trad for a Martinelli that's debatable maybe you could squeeze in a georgino instead of a party but I I don't like it's the left back position that I'm more confident maybe Timber comes in I'd say right now I'm 70% zinenko 30% timber in terms of who will stop so I would a gun tohe I'd say zenchenko right now yeah fair play I um I'm similar to you I think 10 of the 11 are pretty much locked I think Martinelli trossard yeah there could be a debate there I think I've just I've really heavily swung in the way I predict team lineups in the last week just because I think I was so confident that there would be week toe tactical changes uh going into the season and I think the lineup last week just Illustrated to me that I think combine that with the lineup he used uh he being Mich Etta used in the run in last season I think unless there are enforced changes through fatigue injuries suspensions I think it will just be one or two positions in the team that could change week on week in terms of who is the player that plays at left back who is the player that plays at left wing and other than that I don't think he's going to experiment with that kind of left date uh and six in terms of havs Jesus's party anymore I think that's his tried and tested functional system that he's going with now um Mikel Mourinho obviously seems like it's going to be over the line soon so do you think they're gonna hold that back um do you think they're going to kind of announce it today because he's obviously flowing for the medical as the latest news or do you think that they're going to kind of of if we lose try to use it as like a way to calm fan the Flames a bit uh that's a good point I don't know I am I mean I don't think he'll be in the squad like I think for that to have happened it would have had to been announced and I he missed the registration yeah 12 o'clock today UK time but yeah I don't know um but to be honest I I don't really care it sounds like he's he's almost done like he'll be a player that comes in adds another new dimension to the team that I'm looking forward to but in terms of the lineup for me for Villa I think he is actually going to make that change of Timber for zenchenko and it's more I I get your point like in terms of who's the best finisher for the game with everyone's availability freshness and stuff like that it probably is Timber but I just think he's going to go with what can start the game and almost just trying yeah just get the three points and then kind of deal with it later on and I think I look at last season when that December period we had a lot of games and I remember going to uh Villa Park it was obviously yeah that period December and the general narrative at the time was everyone was concerned about zenchenko but at the time both Tommy assu and Timo were out I think now that we have got Timber where he came on last week like you say hopefully he's had a week of uh injuryf free training and he's looked good felt smooth hopefully that is something that he can come in and just take away a worry I think because we have seen that teams Target that side and where last week I wasn't too worried about a hang running at zenchenko I think someone like a leon Bailey who's I think more of a specialist One V one dribbler I think that's something that does concern me a little bit Leon Bailey is a very um spicy player he does scare me a little bit just imagining him running between party and zenko that that gives me nightmares I'm not going to die hopefully he doesn't stay on the pitch long because he himself is also a uh he subed off early a lot doesn't he but maybe maybe it's different with dib gone Musa di gone I don't know possibly there's been a lot of people talking about Midfield Dynamics like Thomas party versus georgino do you have any thoughts on that so obviously um I wasn't here for the review of the last game with Mike so shout out to Mike Harin as well that's great review that he joined you for um that was the first time I've ever watched the opening game of the season at the Emirates I've never been there for the season opener so that was very exciting and I was um like Row one of the club level somehow in like BL so that was crazy and but the reason I say that is that I was kind of watching us attack the other way in the first half and in the second half attack towards where I was sitting and I did feel like in the second half I would say there was a period of about 15 20 minutes where I wouldn't say I was like nervous but I could feel frustration Brewing around me and it was like more like frustration of just like like giving away possession it was like we were just kind of rusty and sloppy and the reason I bring all this up is that I'm not sure if like just dropping party will help him you know shake that rust off I almost feel like he just needs to play like teething issues right you just have to go through the pain to like some people said oh you know like he had a really bad performance I don't think that I think it's just regression as in like he's just got to that point where he doesn't have what the party of two three years ago had he's not that party anymore he's got a lot of the skill set but he's not that party so I said on the review that I thought he had a good first half and second half he just fell off a little bit but I'm someone that I'm struggl there's two potential camps one is regression and the other is it's just rustiness and I I think it's too early for me to come to a conclusion on that so I'm willing to just go with these teething issues see what happens and um I I guess it Segways nicely into the Villa predicted team because why I think it will be a party that gets the nod is someone like Aston Villa Lineup v WHU & Prediction vs Arsenal georgino I think is so smart in his off the ball positioning and he's very frontf footed in his interceptions and anticipation but if I look at this Aston Villa team so the team that beat West Ham away from home 2-1 was Emmy Martinez in goal it was a back four of Matty cash coner Torres Dino it was a Midfield double pivot of Tans and Onana with a front a three behind Ole Watkins of bayy Rogers and mcin and obviously what they do is they as what Clive says quite often on Arsenal vision is they crad all the team they go a bit lopsided mcin will tuck in and often with him tucking in it allows Aladino to bomb on right I spoke to Lee Jackson I think his surname is who is the planet of f Aston Villa correspondent and he more or less thinks it will be the same team he's just 5050 on whether it will be um daa or Matson at left back and then the other thing is Rogers or Ramsey but he thinks he'll go for Rogers because the height on set pieces he then said tactically the only thing he thinks that would change from last week is if cash comes out of the 11 they push coner to right back and Diego Carlos comes in and Diego caros actually got man of the match in one of the games against us last season and if they do that it then it it allows because if you look at lucao and Matti cash they're both fullbacks that I think ideally like to push on right they like to play as traditional fullbacks but the way they operate in this team with mcin tucking in they form like a bit of a box with tan zonana Rogers and mcin even though mcin on the team Sheet as a left Winger he's not he comes in centrally they're really compact they allows for space for Luca to bomb in and mat cash tucks in as a back three whether that's cash or concert it doesn't matter but coming back to why I think party for me this game is going to be quite Scrappy I think it's going to be full of Jews and second balls and and that's why I think we need a Thomas party in there I think if I don't want georgino trying to battle people physically like I'd like him if it was a passing game right exactly he can outsmart people but I think when you're looking at that like John mcin is just a he difficult player to play against yeah I was gonna say I like him but he's a bit like if I was going to comp pit that's exactly the thing I was thinking yeah yeah P yeah you don't want to mess with a pitbull and for all of Thomas party's flaws and concerns I think he is one of the most pressure resistant players we've got in the squad in terms of I know he lost the ball a lot last week but he makes himself available in such tight areas more than any other player in central areas in our team I'm not including zenchenko in that because he arrives from out to in but I think that's what we're going to need a lot and if they set up with that box of Tans Onana Rogers mcin that is a it's a very impressive box of like power and technique themselves so I think we in our mid I think this game is absolutely one of those football cliches going to be one in Midfield tomorrow and this is what I said on I can't remember if it was the review but I wish Mikel Marino was ready for this game because this game for me if we had rice Marino odard I'd be so confident because I think this is the sort of game you know I talk about my um my indecisiveness on whether I want rice at eight rice at six this is a game where I wish I could have him at both and Mikel Marino in my opinion is the next best thing we could have at left eight so yeah that's the Villa lineup that's a little bit from the opposition in terms of what they think and how and that's as a result why I think Thomas party is actually quite well suited to this game to be honest fair I just want to ask you about what Anana and Rogers before we move on so Rogers has obviously looked good in spells last season I know you said that there's talks about whether Jacob Ramsey plays um Rogers just seems like I think he's one of the young players in the league this year that will have a breakout year I don't know if you kind of share that opinion but I think he's so talented yeah yeah he honestly looks so good so he's someone I really like um what about Anana because he's someone we were linked with so many times that's not even my name mate that's what Andre who's Andre oh man I can't believe that that's so mad that they called him Andre Onana he must have been fuming um no one wants to be compared to that clown but anyway Jo Jokes Aside what do you think about that because obviously onano is someone we've been linked with quite a long time I really like his profile We've Ended up with s Mel Marino instead do you have any strong thoughts about that uh yeah I do I think he's a very good powerful and Technical footballer I feel like people over the technical side of him for a team going for Champions League uh not Champions uh for a team trying to sustain themselves as a top four Challenger for me he's not that level for where we want to be so it's a similar with emry emry is a perfect manager for Aston Villa not good enough for Arsenal in my opinion and with respect to Aston Villa it's the same with Onana I think he suits them like a glove for what they're trying to do but he's got limitations in what he could potentially bring to Arsenal in that Midfield but that's obviously going to come back to bite me because he's going to score but I I stand by that like you know me I'm not outcome driven and stuff but he has um set pieces will be one to watch tomorrow because they've got for all of our height in our team they've got height as well and he obviously scored ah header against West Ham um so I think they'll be well equipped to defend our set pieces as well as try and hurt us from their own so um yeah should we go on to yeah let's go to predic predictions so the spreadsheet is back this season we Score Predictions abandoned it after match 8 last season because it was too much admin but Stu student life means I've got time on my hands this year so the spreadsheet is back for audio listeners um I'm tracking our score predictions this season we've got some stats on the number of matches predicted the percentage of correct outcomes correct scores goals for predicted goals against and then marrying that up against how many we've actually scored and conceded um as well as the general how many wins draws or losses we've predicted versus the actual outcomes we're off to 100% start we both predicted a win against wolves I would be concerned if we didn't but we uh we both went with 3 nil and we obviously won two-nil so um after to a decent start I think 3-0 was such a regular a popular score line last week I'm sure everyone in a lot of people were pretty I think when you look back in hindsight at the kind of the fact it was the first game you do start to realize maybe we as fans don't quite think the way that like clubs and players do in terms of like slowly gearing up I mentioned this because of rodri he gave an interview recently and he basically talked about how like man city like to just like take it easy at the start of the season and like play it slow and just figure out what works and then really go for it when it comes so I was like okay he's saying all this equally he also said that he felt that we were on their level which in Prior summons he's also given interviews where he's tried to kind of throw shade at our mentality and we're young and stupid and don't know what we're doing and naive etc etc this was the first time rer was kind of like saying we are like toe-to-toe with them so it was quite fascinating interview in general if anyone's not watched I do recommend it just hearing his way of thinking because these guys have won come on man like four in Premier Leagues in a Roy trebles like I I'm always fascinated looking into the mind of a winner like that and seeing how they approach things and I think we always talk about City going these incredible runs at the end we had our own yeah we did last year but it's was the only team that took three points from us in 2024 I think in the league yeah yeah no I think um it was just one lost one draw yeah it was just City and Villa right that was it in an entire half of the season so that is tough so that's what I was going to ask about because he talks about starting slow what are your thoughts on that like because let's say if there was a setback against pH I my view is that like it's so early in the season that means nothing like if we get zero points and City get free it's just still so early there's still so much to happen right whereas I've got people who I'm seeing on my timeline who are like full on Doom and Gloom like I saw Arsenal fans going on about how unai wasn't given as much of a chance as um artetta after we won a game two-nil people were criticizing the team for that rustiness in game one so is it just that we're like victim of our own expectations now that the team has done so well these few years because the first year we challenged for a title we just finished fifth no one had us challenging for a title I'm sorry and then La last year we challenged for a title but even last year people were saying like oh yeah Arsenal aren't going to make top four that first season challenging was just a you know a fluke or an anomaly now that we've done it twice and we're coming into this season this is the first year I remember in the last two decades where we're not in conversations for the top four because as I say last year they were still saying we wouldn't even challenge for the top four because we weren't good enough and everyone else had caught up and Chelsea had B players and man united was ready all this crap right Spurs was going to beat the Invincible ERA record they'd already won the league in August September last year you know like so this is the first year I guess what I'm trying to get at is and Clive was saying this I actually saw him just briefly at the club on the match and he was basic saying like we're fancied now this is the first season we're going in and we're actually fancied I've got rival fans telling me they think we might win it it's no like will Arsenal get top four it's like will Arsenal or City win the league that's the debate now so we've come a long way but I think as players in the team and as fans we need to learn with to deal with that pressure of being fancied and I find it ridiculous that after winning 2 on the opening day after just saying that Roger approving winner said they like to start slow and it's not that deep at the beginning we've got people just cussing our players and a very short thing to say on that and it's from what our manager said combined with my own thing what anyone else thinks literally like have your people that you trusted their opinion and you share like you can have differing opinion on things but kind of want the same objective but there's people that are rational and there's people that are children right so like choose your circles very wisely in terms of whose footballing opinions you actually listen to and then the second part which was from the actual manager was there is nobody else that will put more pressure on us than ourselves that's it we know the job we've got to do this season we are so well prepared that's it just just go out there play our game that's it I think people over think over analyze yourself right like the team just needs to look at themselves the next opponent Win Every Game you try to get the full points that's how this team needs to approach the season and I think they do this is what I'm saying I think internally the players in the manager they've been told to act like this by the manager it's just us as fans We rise to the clickbait of the journalists out there and of rival fans trying to you know use our large fan base for clicks and Impressions and AD money or whatever it is but people love to come for us because you know like last year you said in 2024 I remember people were hate watching like crazy I know people who retired from watching their own team play they'd only watch us and think how painful that was for them three four months in a row we just win every game and then like we had one bad half in that second half of against Villa and it was like the world ended because of that one bad half yeah well all of that shit's irrelevant it's a new season it's uh we're the second game in so uh yeah we just got to yeah block out the noise just do our job um and go well repeat what we did in the second half of last season in 2024 and hopefully go make an amends at a place like Villa Park right so yeah there's no better opportunity to go and do it then tomorrow so what are you going with score prediction wise I will go with H this is tough I'm going to go with I want to predict a clean sheet but I don't know if I should it's somewhere between 2 N and 21 I will land on 2 n two I have back I have to back it okay all right I like it I'm struggling this week I um I I think it's going to be quite a scrappy game and I think if zenko comes out of the team which I think he will I think you lose his ability on the ball in terms of his pass progression and I think Timber's no slouch on the ball he's good but he's not as volumous with his passing right I think he's more of a carrier and as a result and I think you know what I said about that box Midfield I can like I said I can see there being lots of jewels lots of 50/50 I can see it being quite a scrappy game in periods and um as a result I'm really struggling to see us going and get the win unfortunately it's um so you think a draw or a loss if I had to put my money on a prediction right now it's a one or Draw if I'm being honest and in isolation I don't I don't think that's an awful result away at Villa Park but I think with everything that happened last season in terms of villa taking six points from us combining that with the Run we've got coming up against to going to Tottenham going to the EAD I think psychologically it would be huge if we can go there and win tomorrow I just have this niggly feeling of it's a one all for me but just to add something that could swing it for us though so when I was speaking to the planet FPL correspondent Lee Jackson on tactically how he thought the game would go he thinks that it will be similar to last season at Villa Park where they'll press High they'll be brave on the ball and it's high risk High reward and I actually think that suits us I kind of want them to come out and play us because I think like I said in those two games we actually had chances it wasn't like we weren't creating we just weren't clinical and I think if we get it right and we absolutely tomorrow cannot be as Rusty as we were last week against wolves and I'm talking like celebran party in there and Zeno had one or two under hit passes but it feels harsh to put him in that bracket that's what I mean like CBA was there too but then we remember he went so far into the Euro everyone needs to be 100% concentration tomorrow like you're the you remember Stanford bridge last season like first touch for everyone was just off you could just tell the technique was not there that that you can't afford for that tomorrow I think if Villa come out and press us and play us technique and concentration has to be hand inhand 100% And if it is I think we could go on and actually win fairly comfortably I've just got this niggling feeling in me that it's going to be quite a close Scrappy game and it's going to be one or if I'm being honest but so I hope I'm wrong I'm actually going to the game as well so uh I definitely hope I'm wrong should we uh should we shout out some of the guys in the chat we've had a few Live Q&A & Shoutouts yeah there's lots of people live thank you for tuning in let's take their comments up on screen and say hello to everyone go for it so we've uh we got Tommy Gun afternoon everyone hope you good mate he says Revenge will be sweet he's going two-nil to the Arsenal same as you Neema he said Tommy also said we started with rice 6 hav 8 jayus 9 last season I really hope we don't try that again but fear we might I'm not as against that as everyone else seems to be I think it's very overstated my let's say If part didn't look great in training and Alto was like you know what I need to like come up with like something that's goingon to throw them like it could all be Mind Games right like that last game in the Emirates cup he just out of nowhere changed players that had not been changed like Suddenly It's like Oh Martin ell's been dropped for and like this guy's HS his back in Midfield he's like and then I I remember saying preseason that I felt like that was a smoke mirror and that against wolves it would go back to the first game against Lee by lusen I think it was or something I was like he's playing with you I reckon he's got one trick up his sleeve we've not predicted for he would have spent yeah like he would have you know the light bulb moment and the anfield music something of that level I I believe deep inside something of that level has happened and he's tried to psychologically remind them what happened and just get that extra motivation out of them I truly believe he has got a surprise in store for us so maybe this lineup that you've just said that you're not so against maybe this is what happens if he doesn't trust par I mean don't get me wrong like I I wouldn't go with that lineup for tomorrow I just think if we were forced into using it I don't think that lineup is as bad as everyone else makes out in my op I guess why I say this is I would go with this lineup over playing georgino to six cuz someone was telling me Oh If part is not ready you just put in georgino and carry on I was like no I don't think so not for me fair enough uh we' got Marsh that was also in very briefly said it can't stay he got a meeting but come on you Gunners fingers crossed we figure it out against Villa timber in for Zeno the only change for me fair play hope the meeting went well mate uh Tommy added on to the predicted lineup saying agreed I've only predicted one change Timber think it's close with Zin though um and we've got Uncle Mike that's in as always afternoon boys hope you're good mate Nick fadley is in again he joined us last week thanks again for joining mate he says Villa a tricky this one may cause us points again oh well we'll see if he's got his score prediction in there he does he does he's got one one and two2 which I could see happening yeah so uh Uncle Mike said there's 32% clean sheet odds uh he thinks King Kai again so yeah that'll be great if he can get another goal Tommy Gun can't wait to see Kai deliver 15 to 20 League goals this season I think that's doable what do you think so I've been saying 30 goal and assists from him this season okay contribution contrib in Premier League only doable 20 goals 10 assists that gets us to the number I'm quoting right yeah why not who else have we got in col B burglar sorry if I've got your name wrong there mate he says cough cough four points last season afternoon guys he's obviously my Fulham expert my resident fulam expert on locked in FPL which used to be obviously n that all but say he's a f yeah fair play F yeah Fulham and Villa took 10 points from us between them Jesus that those matches we need to be better this season when those games happen again yeah we do indeed uh Uncle Mike says yellow card for col indeed uh and then couple more score predictions from people before we get out of here col's actually said obviously he's a film fan but it's always nice to hear a neutrals opinion on things um he thinks 2-1 to the Arsenal and James from planet FPL thinks it's going to be 2-n to the Arsenal and I can't remember what s said but um yeah Nick you're right did say one all or two all and yeah that's a that's a wrap I think for this show so everyone thank you very much for joining it was a little bit of a longer show than we usually do on these Friday previews but lots to cover I think it's a game that has become yeah not a rivalry but it's definitely getting a little bit spicy I think there's the Emory artetta narrative there's the fact that they took six points from us andz obviously is the house as well how the flip can I forget that you know I've already I've got a villa fan coming on next week for my locked in F episode and I promised that if they win I'll put that photo of Martinez with the Golden Glove from the World Cup you know that really disturbing celebration on stage that's going to be the thumbnail of the episode if they win I Lord help me that I don't have to do a live stream after losing with a villa fan with Emmy Martinez on the screen for two hours yeah let's bloody pray you don't have to do that but no guys girls thank you very much for joining and as always if anyone is new here and you've enjoyed this we do this every Friday and uh we yeah like I said well if you watched it you don't need me to tell you but if you're just Jo tuning in now we've done predicted lineups tactical tactical stuff in terms of what we're expecting before giving our score predictions and a little bit of a Q&A shouting out some of the guys in the chat we'll be back on Sunday to review the game Sunday morning and uh I will be at Villa Park tomorrow so wish me luck wish us all luck fingers crossed let's go and get this little six-point team off our back tomorrow up the Arsenal come on come on you gunners [Music]

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