Jamie Erdahl Talks Return of Good Morning Football!

Published: Jul 22, 2024 Duration: 00:25:27 Category: Sports

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[Music] joining us now is my old friend Jamie erall Jamie we're officially old now this is how it works uh you're just my old friend now of course the host of good morning football which returns July 29th and will Air Monday through Friday from 8: to 10: a.m. eastern on NFL Network Live From LA Jamie's actually in the studio right now in Los Angeles in the new Jamie I know you can't show us what is going on in the studio it's top secret until until Monday July 29th but what do what do you see as you guys get prepared to relaunch good morning football what if I showed you just a little corner okay I mean all right here we go I'll describe it for the event we have a YouTube audience in a ro oh that looks like the same colors looks like the same logo are the same it looks like good morning football um yeah I I'm new to the LA building I've been telling all the people here that i' I have not done a minute of television from the LA Studio ever since coming to NFL Network everything we did for the show was in New York City so I've been walking around getting preparing um studiously for this interview and trying to find a place to do this recording and I just went to the one room that I know which is the studio where we're going to do gmfb from now in LA and I walked in the guy set me up and you know I'm beautifully backlit here as you can appreciate and um it but it looks great I mean this is going to be truly I know that's like the working joke is home away from home I mean I'm going to be in the studio four hours a day Monday through Friday coming starting Monday July 29th so I better like it in here they better welcome me in because I see my chair and it's um it's really exciting it'll be really it is and you guys have the overtime streams on the Roku Channel Monday through Friday as well that start at 10 so that's that's the four hours uh men you know main good morning football if you will 8 to 10 on NFL Network now is it is this because Sher just got too big that like New York City couldn't hold him anymore is this is this what happened here and there's also a really cool there's like again you'll see all these bells and whistles but you're kind of getting like an inside scoop right now um there's like this really cool door that might give us access to running around outside because if you remember in New York we used to go down street and do outside now let's just say we have a little bit more easy access to the outside I I Envision Kyle Branch just being like open that door and he's just gonna take off and like we we he'll never to be seen again so yeah that shreer you know needed a little bit more wiggle room for his top five rookie of the week and uh Angry runs just kind of outgrew New York City no I was going to say how quick does that door open and like how sturdy is the hinge cuz if if Kyle is told that he can run and angry runs like there's 100% chance he tried to literally run down that door that's exactly right um I I think they are I this is this is an honest comment I think they are timing it to be able to tell him how long it takes to open the door because they know him there's also stairs in this studio that like probably people are going to be running up and down there's it's like a multi-level studio um it's really exciting and and the thing about gmfb overtime is it's I think for as much as good morning football is like down the Avenue of the NFL for the first two hours gmfb overtime because it's on Roku and because it'll be in put into syndication you know we're really going to Branch out even more just into like broader you know World topics pop culture whatnot as it pertains is because so much of last year we saw pop culture can braid into the NFL quite easily um you know gmfp overtime is going to really have like that talk show feel so um we need a lot of wiggle room to play yeah and well so the answer that was a joking question but the answer is actually kind of yes as you guys did out grow the space we did and um you know this space was here it was at the you know NFL LA offices and the network it built this studio a few years back and um there's multiple stages here and it was you know nothing was being used and so they really just honed in on their resources and like w how can we have a great show like G myy and in this these beautiful stages and like kind of not have them operating together so it was a hard decision it was certainly shocking I think for a lot of us to hear in March that this was transpiring this way but um now that it has happened and I got my family to Los Angeles I'm really excited I'm kind of because I had a baby a couple months ago so like I haven't really been paying a lot of attention to anything except for like getting the show back on the air and now that I see it and I'm sitting here and I'm looking at the table um it's I'm really excited to get rolling again Jamie all good morning football with us here on the Hoffman show so let's let's go into it a little bit because it was I think shocking not just obviously it's the most shocking for you and it matters the most for you as the person doing the show but I think for a lot of us watching was like whoa like this is good morning football has been the staple now for a number of years you know you obviously took it over a couple years ago um in the host chair and now it's going to move from New York City which is kind of the host especially for Eastern time and I do actually think back to our conversation where you took over the show of like okay this is what it's going to be like like K told me you took over for K Adams and K told me like your alarm's going to go off at this time and you got to you know you're just kind of dragging yourself to the studio waking up along the way and now you're doing a show at 8: a.m. eastern from Los Angeles so as they're telling you hey this is the idea what are the what is the back and forth like of you considering it first in your own head then I'm sure you talk to your husband and your family about it and then ultimately obviously with all of your bosses that you decide okay I'm in let's go do this in La couple things I figured um you know there's no better time to sign up for a 5: a.m. show than when you have a newborn because your sleep is just kind of crap anyways so this first year I it's I I'm kind of unbothered by it I'm I would totally honest like it was if any if any time to ease into something like this it would be now um it was exactly how you explained it we we found out I my whole thing is and I know this will resonate with you I just love my chair so so much and I love the show and I was pretty much going to do anything to stay on in my chair and wherever that chair May sit um and so we my husband and I landed pretty quickly on you know this was the best move for us and um whatever the decision makers and the reasons why you know that's the NFL's job um not my job to explain the why even though it's fairly obvious I think in this world of linear television you know decisions hard decisions are being made at every Network um sure but for us personally I just I love being in the studio I love the business of the NFL um I do love doing sideline and the network lets me still do the international game so I do get a touch of that but I just really love hosting right now and it was just like what what we had to do as a family unit to kind of keep ensuring that that was going to maintain so we we picked pretty quickly to up and move um had our baby at the end of the month of March and then pretty much you know April May and June was spent like Logistics getting everybody here you know finding a place to live and we've been here about a month now and we're just thrilled with the sunshine and the the ocean and the commute and um I think once Football goes It's funny we we have like a nanny and I said to our Nanny like you you'll be amazed at our family we just get zipped up during football season like the the NFL season it's like what H it's like the machine that makes our family go and it just continues to come back to like I'm just so excited to get started training camp like I'm just chomping it the bit Yeah I think we all are did you talk to Peter and Kyle at all about like because you guys all had to make your own decisions based off your own families and everything but I'm sure part of the reason you want to keep the chair is you like working with those guys so love working with those what were those conversations like between the three of you it was just about keeping the Integrity of the show that we love so much and that you know as to your point that fans have really fallen in love with over the years and no matter who made what decision how do we move forward with keeping gmfb intact in a capacity that works both for us personally and then also for the brand so um Peter and Kyle are going to do the coast to coast thing you know Peter comes out here for Fox until you'll see him on Sunday morning so that was kind of like an easy bleed over to being on the show in studio and then um they will have a like very little delay set up in New York City where they'll be together when they're not here in LA and um I was saying to somebody yesterday that of anybody to not be with me every day it was going to be fine that it's those two because I just know them really well and I can read them you know to get them to places I'm just meeting and like getting to know and working with Akbar for the first time because Jason mccordi isn't going to be in that chair and so I'm glad that he's with me in person because that's going to really be the 4-Hour relationship that has to Blossom um and then I think you know the big specialty events uh whether it be you know week one kickoff International games Super Bowl that's when you'll see us all together and um you know really putting bows on some of the NFL's like Landmark events I'm I'm so curious because you guys set the conversation in so many ways for a lot of the NFL stuff like you're the the show that's on in all the cafeterias and in the you know like I'm watching hard knock the other day and like y'all are on and NFL network is on in Jo Shane's office and you're like that's both cool and terrifying totally and I think I think about that responsibility a lot here in DC of like I host an afternoon Drive show like what I say is going to help shape the conversation so when you guys talk about any particular topic I'm curious your approach because also from a national perspective you want to do right by like the local people who are covering it and like have all that detail you have that responsibility but it's hard to do that for all 32 teams so as you guys talk about the big news of the day what's kind of your process W with the show of setting up the NFL's conversation for the day and the week week by week ah I that's it's a very that's a big compliment that you're paying us to say that we set the table um so thank you for that thanks Jo Shane yeah Joe Shane exactly um I really look at Peter shrer I I I continuously call him the editorial North Star of our show I think he is one of the most tapped in cluin um person that I've ever been around in any professional sport and and so we we really look at him to help guide those conversations because of all the people that he stays in touch with he knows like he's almost like a day ahead of like what's gonna really be like the ripple effect stuff so you know we have we all you know we pretty much have 32 bosses that we're trying to answer to as well and so to your point sometimes is it a strain to make sure we are including some teams that that haven't been a part of the conversation for a Beat but we do have an obligation to everybody to make sure that you know we are not essentially no stone is unturned four hours on a TV show allows you to do that that you have wiggle room and time to bring everybody into the conversation but we do um I like to call like a split shift like we do the show in the morning and then at night there's like a big kind of like Brain Trust that exists and everyone gets involved on like a shared document and um we send ideas back and forth and someone kind of teas up a conversation no we don't we we think it should go this direction and you know let's say some something happens with Patrick Mahomes like you know you're going to talk about him for four hours but how do you reshape that conversation for four hours to make it different because you want it to be fresh and new so um it's it is collaborative we were able to bring some of the production you know staff and decision makers with us when we made the move which I think is vital to keeping the Integrity of good morning football intact um one name that's also going to be on the show is Sherry burus um who a lot of our audience knows here of course in DC she worked for NBC4 before joining NFL Network um besides not running because that is definitely not something that Sherry does as everyone else is going to be apparently running around that studio Cherry would be the first one to admit that uh just just so we're clear um what is what Cherry's role on the the show going to be since you're stealing us from her in DC the she um the newsreader uh role if you will and then she she did um when I will be called way to like I said do International game sideline whatever um I believe she'll be one of the names that will fill in on the host chair so it was really important I think for the show to have somebody like Sherry who can really do it all um but with her background um as a reporter like a classically trained like news reporter it was great um when we found out that we could have that person in studio because if you remember previously while SVA was you know um not in studio with us I think it's going to be really fun to not allow her the space and the time to provide us and like set reset the news sometimes um because you know us we can get a little outside the box and it's good to have that person bring us back in um but also you know sometimes it can be a five-person conversation and I think that's important to allow her that growth in that space to be able to do that and then yeah you'll see her um fill in as a host sometimes I don't know the Sherry I know thinking that she's the one who's got to get the conversation back on track is terrifying you just know we're just chitchatting you know a training camp or something when she's given an assignment she resets she is a Pros Pro that is also the Sherry I know but Sherry Sherry does love she will help in the Sidetrack and help you get back on track which is kind of that's kind of the perfect F person uh for for all of you uh when you think of the big stories that you'll be covering this year you have the chiefs going after a 3p you have a lot of the the major players like who knows what's happening with auk in San Francisco right now a lot of changes in Baltimore some of the best teams from last year have some big big questions to be answered like what what as you prepare for this season as you kind of get out of like oh my God I'm caring for this infant 247 to like oh right I have to host a football show what are some of the big stories that you've started to look at and that you think will be the ones that you're talking about for the next four months so um you rattled off a couple of them you know I think we have a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to Aaron Rogers and the Jets um that honestly both on and off the field will be interesting to watch transpire as events across the country uh unfold this fall reading between the lines of an election year um yeah and I so that intrigues me um teams that I feel like it just makes me want to pull my hair out because I can't figure out what is going on with them I.E the Dallas Cowboys and the Chicago Bears like we want so badly for those markets to give us this spark and this answer and something to talk about and finally is this going to be the year that in January we're not crafting a show on January 16th about how the Cowboys fell flat once again in early January are we having a conversation in early November about like where did the draft pick go wrong for the Bears or is it finally going to be different you know for those two markets in particular um I look just down the street at Chargers Commons which is a beautiful facility that just opened and the fact that we have the double Harbaugh experience happening in the NFL again what that looks like I was talking to Tom peliso yesterday actually and he tried to sell me on the fact that like the Chargers are going to be the biggest story no matter what happens this fall in what at some point because if it goes great then they're the biggest story because they're beating the Chiefs if it's not going great then why did you bring him here and who is g to get Justin Herbert to a place where he's playing where he to his level that he can so th those are just a couple that are and the Chiefs and the 49ers yeah I mean it's it does feel like there is repeat in terms of the upper echelon but I do think there could be kind of like a mixture of the pot here and like those second and third tier teams yeah I think that you know I think a lot of people probably roll their eyes when you're like oh Aaron Rogers and the Jets it's like oh we're so tired but like the reason that we cared about them last year is because we thought they were going to be good and then Rogers goes down on the fourth snap of the season and they're terrible and that's they were terrible at the the quarterback position I don't think they were that bad capacities and so that's why it's like well wait a second if they can just turn the page and get competency at that position which I feel like so many teams just seek is competency at the quarterback position then what do we have here and that division now it's shifted where it's it's ripe for competition no I think that's that's a great Point too because their defense is so nasty um and obviously Sol is so good as a coach on that that end of it so um I think we're all sick of the Jets I think the Jets fans are the sickest of the Jets but they're actually genuinely interesting so that yeah that makes sense uh here in DC is Jamie erll by the way if you you don't recognize the voice uh is our guest here on the Hoffman show good morning football returning July 29th live from LA on NFL Network and then uh good morning football overtime on the Roku Channel starting at 10 a.m. uh here in DC obviously everything's Dan Quinn and Jason uh we all want to see well Dan Quinn and Jaden Daniels both but you think about DQ and and what was in Dallas the last couple years coordinating one of the best defenses in the league you do mention of course they fall flat in the playoffs um and a lot of people look at what happened defensively in that game especially the one against Green Bay and they're like yikes um what do you what do you make of the hire and kind of where Washington is now entering year two of the Josh Harris ERA with DQ at the home I love Dan Quinn um I I got to know him primarily when he was with the Falcons and I was that's when I was on the NFL sideline at CBS and then when he went to when he was uh relieved from Atlanta and goes to Dallas is when I flipped over to the SEC so um my last like true Dan Quinn as a as a coach experien is when he was with in Atlanta and no matter what transpired there what I was always impressed by was his presence and availability as a human and a man to the athletes in the building you know he just is approachable he's bright he has high emotional intelligence and he went to Dallas my think honed maybe his defensive craft even more with really talented guys and so you kind of hope this like reiteration of him being a head coach in a new place maybe he's you know a maid man in terms of what he can bring to the table from his head coaching experience what he had in Dallas defensively and then what he's going to bring to Washington um I'm a Dan Quinn fan and in head coaching when it comes to Ron Rivera to Dan Quinn like I love the personalities that're there it's just how do you get the talent to deliver on the field within a very challenging division that the commander sit in and then back to that quarterback competency conversation um you know they just you guys just haven't had it and it's that's infuriating I'm sure um from a local conversation perspective now I didn't cover Jaden Daniels when he was at LSU I had departed from the SEC by then but um I know the demands and I knew the quarterback that preceded him and in Joe burrow a couple years that's when I was on the SEC on CBS and the expectation I think that Joe brough set from a quarterback perspective in a school on a program that has such high demands from a defensive and a secondary position now b b Joe burrow comes in and says like LSU you can have quarterback play you can have Elite quarterback play this is what it looks like then Jaden Daniels comes in and is off the charts and redefines himself not only at the college level but from a prospect perspective um I I think Washington you guys will be just really happy with the maturity and the development of of what Jaden Daniels brings to the table only because I know what is expected now in B Rouge from that from that position yeah I I mean we heard all the stories I think we knew that he was obviously pretty darn good uh I think a lot of us in the media here and certainly fans trust Adam Peters as the GM to select the right guy you get out there in the spring and you watch Jaden just operate you're like oh like it's even better than we thought right now nevertheless what we think it could be so I think some of the words you use like maturity like we hear stories but then it's oh he's in the building at 5:45 every day and and all the things then you see it on the field and it's it's just different you know what's so funny about that is my in my couple of years on I'm not going to name names because it's it's no point in doing it but in my couple years on the NFL sideline I I was around rookie quarterbacks you know in in various you know first starts or this is their third start and I was paired with Trent green and Trent obviously a longtime career a really mature team oriented guy and it was always so interesting to me when you would hear these stories of young quarterbacks not being the first one in the building or not being not spending extra time with guys and Trent would leave and just be like it's just so easy why don't they do it like just be in the building show up show up and you will be one of the guys and you can set the direction however and to him it was such an obvious it was a such a layup um and and and the Stars wouldn't would opt to not engage in that behavior and he'd be like why and then so I'm so glad to hear stories like that when a Jaden Daniels or like or you know any of these guys get drafted and you're like that they're doing it the right way and that's what you want for sure the other fun story if you haven't heard this one yet um is Luke mcaffrey of course Christian's brother Commander uh third round pick y ask J like he heard that Jaden was showing up early and he asks Daniel's like what time are you getting to the building and Jaden goes 5:45 and Luke goes okay cool next day he shows up and he's showed up every day ever since and it's like those are the exact type of traits of why the Adam Peters drafted these guys like they are very intentional personality trait type of things that they're looking for and and they hit home run after home run on that department of course TBD on whether they can actually play NFL football that's the hard part and we'll see it um and one guy you did I didn't want to ask you about that you covered when he was at Alabama is Brian Robinson Jr I think he could have a monster year um he his running style is very similar to James Connor he had a really really great year under cliff and in Cliff's final year in Arizona what do you know like what when I say Brian Robinson to you as a guy that you covered quite a bit at Alabama what comes to mind and especially the year he's had after getting shot a couple years ago and and that whole comeback story last year fully healthy for most of the year or coming into the year at least healthy not having to fight back from what he went through in training camp two years ago um what's what's kind of your your Brian Robinson out look for 2024 Brian Robinson to me when I was around him in Tuscaloosa he's got fortitude he just he just hangs around and he gets his touches and he gets his yards and he does it with such steadfast dedication to the position and his running style for example you think about those Alabama teams from like 18 to 21 he was there for four years and he just waited behind Naji behind Damien Harris Behind these these running backs that just would come in play get the touches and B Rob just like sat there and watched and waited and like the Tuscaloosa native like it was a dream for him to go and he wasn't getting his playing time and then his senior year he just takes off so he spend he spends a lot of time at school so he comes to the league a little bit older I think has an immense amount of maturity I really give the commanders a lot of credit I think whoever over the last couple years wanted to really increase the the meter of maturity has done so um with the players at least that I know in the building um but Brian Robinson I agree with you I think his running style it it fits for what the G how the game has shifted a little bit in terms of like the James Conor types uh the bowling balls if you will and like the way they can break through um I I'm I just am so happy when things were starting to go well for Brian Robinson and then for that crazy like anomaly tragic situation to happen before training camp and then for him to come back from that is just like classic what I learned from him or saw of him in Tuscaloosa and I couldn't be happier for him um for hopefully the role he'll take on within this offense hopefully many angry runs that is definitely his style we need b gets yourself on good morning football because it's back July 29th that is what we call a uh a transition boys and girls uh July 29th uh 8 o'clock in the morning to 10 a.m. every single day on NFL Network and then good morning football overtime streams on the Roku Channel Monday through Friday at at 10 Jamie erll in the host chair it is always great to chat my friend thank you so much for your time and for all the Insight on how this all went down and the football and yes good luck thank you I know old friend we are old and we're old friends that's now it's like the double qualifier he I'll keep the friend there's nothing we can do about the old so it is what it is thanks Jamie yep hey this is Da and you're listening to the Hoffman show on the team 980 and the AUD

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