Trails In The Sky REMAKE Confirmed: Trailer Breakdown And Comparison
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:05:23
Category: Gaming
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TRS fans we have some news an announcement no one saw coming in the partner showcase trolls in the sky has a remake and an amazing looking one at there it's now the perfect time to become a tros fan whether you started with cold steel or the crossbow duia this is where it all began the trailer we got was pretty short but after that initial news we got a full Japanese trailer that goes a bit more in detail we started off seeing Joshua a man what an upgrade this this from the original game he's playing his iconic harmonica which if you've played the original or second chapter you'll know it's pretty important we then see the main girl of so is still bright she's a fan favorite for a good reason if you're looking to start with the Remake this will be the perfect place to begin your long journey through some Warrior one aspect of this trailer that really blew me away is the visuals and to really drive home how impressive they are this is running on a switch which is slightly more powerful than a base PlayStation 3 which means that when we see other footage of this game it will only look better we also get to see Roland in all its 3D Glory alongside the BRAC Guild the jump to full 3d really looks amazing the original game has its charm but this really feels like a full budget fa remake I've also seen online that the localization will be heavily based on the original exed script which if you don't know has a pretty insane story about the issues and lengths it took to translate all the texts of the original game it's also held up surprisingly well so it makes sense to reuse it my only hopes is that we get it mostly dubbed since voice acting has been confirmed we was kind of snubbed in the west when they added a full Japanese dub in the PlayStation V versions of these games moving on we see AA or at least the back of her this trailer really is the opening and just the opening alone since it only shows the first location being Roland which kind of shows that it's in the very early stages of development which is pretty exciting since it means the game will only look better and more polish as we see more footage ah okay now here's where fin get interested we now get to see the combat definitely the biggest change from the original game the combat of this remake takes heavy influence from Kuro or Trails through Daybreak personally I love this change that game has hands down my favorite combat system in the series the combat and Daybreak really is amazing it allows you to choose between an action RPG or a traditional turn-based RPG it's also much more fastpac making more groundy sections feel like a breeze personally I'm curious how the S Craft and special moves will look in the remake bear in mind the original game is from 2004 on the PlayStation Portable for its time and system it looks great and the 3D is charming but seeing it get a full budget remake is going to be well worth a replay easily if you play the C steo Arc you won't have too much issue getting used to this game's battle System since the two are very similar when then see the front of VL these models look great even the side characters have a good level of detail showing a lot of care and effort is behind this reming I think I like the character models here with this art style more than the newest installment in the west being Daybreak ah now here's a money shot we didn't get to see josua esto and Shera the one and only here are some comparisons between the original and the Remake it's so hyped seeing Shera again her character only gets more interesting as the series progresses and that's sadly it from this short trailer we have an early 2025 release date which being serious for a moment I really wouldn't be surprised if this game gets delayed it's also looking like the first Trails game to get a world RVE release which if you don't know would be a fuz those Western fans have been a few games behind when it comes to the localized releases with Daybreak one being the latest release in the west whereas gban has Daybreak to and this other game anyway I hope this video helps push the trailers fan base and to know that this remake will be the perfect starting point for any newcomers looking to get into the series there's also this key for the game which references the PSP cover of the original this is beautiful stuff get some slight speculation here but I'm curious if we'll get remakes the second chapter and the third as a result of this which will be interesting since if you know anything about those games you can get quite graphic at times so I'm curious if any of this will be altered during those remakes I'm also just really hype over the prospect of that since second chapter and the third introduces some amazing characters shout outs to Kevin everyone loves that guy I am curious where this remake will lead is will it be a faithful remake or will it be a slightly aled remake since games like Final Fantasy 7 remake is extremely different compared to the original game firstly I prefer a onetoone adaptation since the original drolls in the sky is quite hard to recommend to people now since it's on Old hardware and it's quite dated in comparison to the new games it also just really deserves a remake like if you've not played trolls in the sky first chapter it's so worth it like it's a very unique kind of experience it's a slow burn for sure but the kind of experience you get from this game is unlike most of gpgs without spoiling the original game it's a very interesting Journey you explore each Town one by one as you get to know its unique citizens as you so up the land a bigger story unfolds as you go about this but it really is those small Adventures that matter which throws in the sky really Nails second character in particular really goes into some deep them games as well which I won't spoil in this video but I'm just hoping that we get a remake of that game since it's very important to a lot of people personally I'm a little doubtful that they'll remake the crossbow the warer since it's quite recent that they re-released those games on the switch and Playstation 4 it would be nice though since similar to drills in the sky those games have a similar art style so a remake would really look good it's a bit of a selfish desire but it'd be really nice to have all these games REM made in one package similar to what kingom Hearts did because like that game series a lot of these games are scattered across different systems so having it all in one place would be really nice and easy to recommend to newcomers of the series and more referring to the console side of things since they are all available on PC and go on sale from time to time there was still plenty of amazing jrpgs announced in this showcase but I'm sure this was the least expected announcement for most people thanks for watching this video I'm curious what other people think of this remix announcement so please let me know in the comments section thanks so much for watching and have a nice rest of your day