[Music] [Music] much all the way [Music] see Danny Danny I just had a question for you real quick so I know you've been asked a lot I just was wondering if anybody asked you about this Shakur thing you know he was on a path to fight Joe Cordina and Zeta and then possibly tank but he injured his hand any message for Shakur on that injury and have you ever dealt with anything similar Yeah I broke my thumb before I had pins in my thumb yeah so that's definitely uh it's a little setback cuz you can't really use your hand for like 6 months m so he's going to be out for like six to eight months but you know he's got to learn how to just come with the game the broken bones the broken ribs the broken noses it comes a part of being a boxer and um it's all about just resting right now that's all you can do rest and come back strong maybe next year there you go you heard it from the guy himself Danny Swift Garcia appreciate you g yes sir fight hype