Whistleblower NAMES Powerful Democrats Who COVERED UP Tiffany Henyard CRIM3S

some of those charges are for you though no sir you didn't go to Las Vegas what is that no compy who does this who lives this way so out loud it's almost like I dare you to ask I dare you to ask me and I'm just shocked that a leader would think that they could get away with this type of behavior so if your Tiffany then you've probably realized that the gig is up and you might be spending the rest of your life in jail for crimes that are so unbelievably outrageous they seem straight out of a Netflix special Tiffany henyard has spent most of her time as Dotan mayor assembling an army of Minions that will support her no matter what well those Minions are tired of being used as pawns and Tiffany's thirst for power they've become whistleblowers cooperating with the FBI to expose all the dirty Shady things Tiffany has done with her power embezzlement fraud intim Foundation using taxpayer money to fund first class trips a personal DJ stylist and photographer shopping and eating at the most exclusive spots firing and hiring public officials at a whim honey the list goes on and on Tiffany henyard runs Dolton like a Crime Boss calling herself the super mayor and silencing anyone who dares to oppose her but is it true that some powerful Democrats have been helping Tiffany cover up her crimes all along and where on Earth is Tiffany in all of this let's break it down for nearly two years on allegations of corruption surrounding henyard in her capacity as Dalton mayor and Thorton Township supervisor and now we've learned from multiple sources that federal agents are in fact interviewing witnesses as part of a possible investigation that may or may not result in charges did the FBI agents you talked to seem serious about yes very serious concerns very very serious very Lawrence Gardner owns a U-Haul rental and trucking business in South Suburban Dalton and says he went to the FBI several months ago frustrated that the village of Dalton would not renew his business license Gardner says he's been harassed in his business raid and shut down by Dalton police he believes because he refused to make a donation to a Civic event sponsored by Dalton mayor Tiffany henyard and I talked to um a couple of agents and I explained them what was going on I gave them all my paperwork to show them what was happening in court and what was happening in Dalton and they told me they was investigating and they would be in touch with me Gardner is one of six people who confirmed to Fox 32 that they've been interviewed by the FBI ranging from Dalton business owners to a former Village employee and at least one public official so Dolton Illinois is in the middle of a serious crisis that starts and ends with the person they voted for as their mayor meet Tiffany henyard a Democrat politician Thorton Township supervisor mayor of Dolton Illinois or as she likes to call herself the super mayor and the most powerful woman in the Southland of Chicago Tiffany became the mayor of Dolton after a very successful campaign where she threw dirt on her opponent the incumbent Riley Rogers this was followed by an election that she won by over 80% of votes making her the first black woman to get elected as the mayor of doton with a story as heartwarming as that you would think Tiffany would be the best thing that ever happened to Dalton a sign of progress and inclusion but honey Tiffany henyard has been the exact opposite she really became the mayor and said you know what I'm running this joint however I feel like it and I dare one of y'all to tell me I can't there's a laundry list of accusations against Tiffany that dates back to long before she became the mayor and baby when we're done breaking this down you'll understand why so many people of Dolton call her the worst mayor in America see Tiffany didn't just wake up up one day and decide to run for mayor before that she had served 8 years as a Dotan Village trustee so you could say she knew Dotan politics like the back of her hand however apart from politics Tiffany owned and ran several successful businesses one of them was her real estate business which became the subject of an explosive investigation by CBS 2 Chicago as y'all will learn later in this video Tiffany is always about her bag whether that means stealing from other people or mismanaging public funds for her benefit Tiffany will always get that check one of her famous moments is when she literally hired a DJ during a Township meeting to tell taxpayers B better have my money every single [Music] resident pay me what you owe me thank you DJ that was pretty much how she ran her real estate business until she got exposed for receiving Section 8 housing checks on a property that was too nasty for anyone to live in CBS 2 Chicago's investigation revealed revealed that the house had severe mold and leakages and had to be declared uninhabitable eventually the tenant had to move out but that didn't stop Tiffany from cashing those sweet Section 8 checks check them out it leaks in the corner where the roof of the ceiling is damaged and then it leaks going into my kitchen and it the window seal leaks in my daughter's room except they weren't enter activist David Lowry who called doton directly suddenly the house deemed livable on September 3rd became unfit for occupany on October 15th Lowry's Theory the trustee used her power and influence my name is David Lowry Jr but that was only the beginning of Tiffany's real estate scams as mayor Tiffany made the village of doton pay over $200,000 to a shady Construction Company linked to multiple corruption cases in a no bid no contract work to replace senior homeowners roofs and windows the company in question was Summit based o akk construction company owned by Alex Nick whose family runs a restaurant in Dolton Alex was recently found guilty of bribery for property tax breaks Alex's father Boris nitchoff was once involved in a tax avoidance scheme where he avoided paying back taxes on properties by creating different shell companies to buy the tax debts on the properties and ended up paying a fraction of the owed taxes they also do this to other people buy their tax debts and then make insane profits when the property owners pay them back with interest or take over the property if they can't pay one of the companies they use in this scheme belongs to Connor nitchoff boris's grandson y'all Tiffany henyard gave these people $200,000 out of the Federal covid-19 grant money given to doton of course the project never saw the light of day instead the niche offs made generous contributions to Tiffany's campaign amounting to $7,000 while Tiffany rubbed shoulders with Shady business people like the nich offs she bullied honest doltan business owners who refused to donate to her campaign according to reports she shut down some businesses revoked their licenses and had police interrogate their staff Lawrence Gardner owns a U-Haul rental and trucking business in South Suburban Dalton and says he went to the FBI several months ago frustrated that the village of Dalton would not renew his business license Gardner says he's been harassed in his business raid and shut down by Dalton police he believes because he refused to make a donation to a Civic event sponsored by Dalton mayor Tiffany henyard and I talked to um a couple of agents and I explained them what was going on I gave them all my paperwork to show them what was happening in court and what was happening in Dalton and they told me they was investigating and they would be in touch with me holding up licenses to certain businesses like this Dalton restaurant I've heard rumors that say hey I'm on the wrong team Dwayne wood has been trying to renew the business license for his restaurant for nearly a year while he has not talked to the FBI he believes he can't get approved because he's providing catering to several Dalton trustees who are engaged in a political fight with henyard I think I've been just targeted because of my Association affiliation with a certain group of people you know I had the trustees I I I've cooked for the trustees and in a lawsuit filed by a Dalton Towing Company the owner alleges their business license has been held up because quote George's Towing's refusal to support or contribute to yard's political campaign she even had a Park permit revoked after the business owner had already paid $11,000 simply because the event was held on the same day as her music festival years Darren Bosley has organized an annual car show here in the parking lot of needles Park in Dalton but after paying $1,000 to the park district for this year's permit Bosley got an unexpected call last Wednesday from Dalton mayor Tiffany henyard top assistant saying that the show would be shut down but if I move my vent to her location on Greenwood that I would be fine did you take that as a threat yes I took that as bullying sure enough when Bosley showed up at the Park Saturday morning he found that giant concrete barricades had been placed at the entrance and Dalton police were threatening to tow any cars that park there we talking about two different governments but it looks like the Day of Reckoning is drawing closer and closer for Tiffany and she's not going down alone because she didn't do all this alone whistleblowers are now exposing the Dark Truth of how several powerful Democrats and other important people in doltan helped Tiffany cover up her crimes the plot thickens because these people and organizations are also being investigated alongside Tiffany and they might face the same judgment that Tiffany has coming for her one of them is Tiffany's nonprofit that claims to help people living with cancer the Tiffany henyard cares Foundation like everything else Tiffany has her hands in this cancer nonprofit is hella Shady Tiffany established it to make herself look good and has basically been using Dotan public funds to bankroll it on the first day the charity was chartered she donated $10,000 from taxpayer money then she led a delegation of Dolton and Thornton Township employees and political supporters on a march to Springfield to promote the charity she spent thousands of dollars on hotel rooms and meals all build to Thornton Township and doton credit cards she also used multiple Village and Township vehicles to escort her delegation including a flatbed truck that carried a DJ and a photographer with a flying drone Tiffany also used 17,000 taxpayer dollars on printed hoodies and t-shirts to promote her foundation on top of all that the March was basically pointless according to Tiffany she was trying to generate publicity for a bill she proposed that would allow cancer patients to have $5,000 off on income taxes and she had already spoken with the revenue committee that would put that into effect created a bill uh which we're going to speak before the revenue committee to give everybody $5,000 when a income tax when a foul if you are suffering from Cel however it was later revealed that the revenue committee wasn't meeting and that bill has been swept under the rug did you in the in the board vote to give your foundation $10,000 I'm the face of the foundation my name is nowhere sir I'm the face face what was the purpose of going to Springfield than you guys hey she doesn't have any more comments we're going to talk more comments thanks oh but it gets worse did y'all know Tiffany employed her boyfriend Kamal Woods as the Director of her foundation and pays him directly from public funds she also gave him a sweet side gig as a private security consultant for the local government paying him over $100,000 per year Kamal Woods was mentioned concerning the investigation into Tiffany there was also Michael Casper and election attorney for former Illinois House speaker Michael Madigan who helped Tiffany defeat a recall effort in 2022 basically they helped her remain in power even when it was obvious that the village and Township did not not want her there then there's former cumt city mayor Jerry janova who is even somehow shadier than Tiffany in 2002 Jerry was sentenced to 5 years in prison for racketeering theft and fraud after he was found guilty of pocketing about $125,000 in kickbacks from a law firm he selected to handle Calumet City's legal business despite his shady past Tiffany hired him to work on a campaign for her slate of candidates from her so-called dream team that she ran with which included candidates for trustee and Village clerk positions from this dream team Tiana Belcher and Jason house were elected as trustees while Allison key emerged as Village clerk however it didn't take long for the trustees to start slamming her for mismanaging municipal funds and running the village without a shred of transparency by 2022 just a year after the election the trustees had had enough of Tiffany's Antics they teamed up with the village board to sue Tiffany for having major conflicts of interest but Tiffany just dismissed all their conc concerns accusing them of stirring the pot and acting up for clickbait but it SS my heart that you are up here at this special meeting and not downstairs uh where we have big bingo I don't see the staff on here I think that's a very important deal today so do y'all want to man that and add the staff bills cuz I I don't see them in none of these bills list and then we don't never do agenda like this so all this fluff you selling to the public is crap Tiffany went as far as locking trustees and other doltan employees who didn't suck up to her outside their offices this was your office yes what happened when you tried to open it he doesn't work not only had ston been locked out of her own office but boxes of sensitive documents that she kept in her office were spread around the common area this was under lock and key before this was under lock and key and now it's just out in the open now it's just out in the open so it has the taxpayer's name address so who did this to you well I'm maning the new supervisor Tiffany henard else did been critical of henyard spending at the township and believes getting kicked out is political payback but this is not going to stop me this is my job this is what I get paid to do going this she's the assessor she invited us inside and that's when Township security officers stepped in okay so you're refusing to leave yeah South Holland police were called to the scene and they agreed with us that the assessor had every right to invite us into her office This Crew is here to do an interview on me does Tiffany henard have any right to do this or if she was in the mood she would just fire them like she did to former Thornton Township Chief of Staff Stephanie Weedman because she refused to be her minion taxpayer money shouldn't be paid into those types of things Stephanie Weedman is the former Thornton Township Chief of Staff whom henyard fired shortly after taking over in March of last year it almost felt like a takeover and a very aggressive one at that then she fired a former assistant who accused Village trustee Andrew Holmes of blanking her during a business trip to Las Vegas which Tiffany took all of them on this is our last night in Vegas when we clock out is anybody hitting the strip of me you know it's my birthday and everybody said no or they had something else to do but Andrew um miles did say that he if he's done doing whatever he was doing you know he'll catch up with us okay so fine but I at least knew I got a man with me I'm going to make it home I a even got to worry about going try to go on the Strip by myself I I legitly thought that you know I was going to make it home um until my last memory was me waking up in his room why not now right and you'll hear so many stories of oh well she waited 20 years and she waited 30 years I knew if it was ever happened to me absolutely not that I knew Justice needed to come immediately and that's why so it might seem like it's a now for you but this has been a long journey for me already and I've already put my um suffering aside I put my depression aside I've worked on all that I did my praying on if I should be sitting in front of you today saying my story and I'm ready that's why now and I'm not just fighting for me no more I realize that I'm fighting for every woman that's been in my position I'm fighting for a sister that doesn't have a voice I'm fighting for a sister that's scared I'm fighting for for a sister who doesn't have a sister I'm fighting not just for me Tiffany also fired former Dotan police chief Robert Collins because his wife was friends with her political enemies wrong is wrong and there's a time to hold people responsible and accountable for their action but at some point there would be two officers or three officers and depending on if there was some type of event it would be more officers but Village of Dalton has its challenges with gangs guns and drugs and if those officers aren't there the visibility isn't there and if the visibility isn't there then uh criminals have free reign to give you some context Tiffany henyard decided to handpick police officers from the doton police department to serve as her personal security detail at first it seemed okay because there were protests and insecurity at the time however things started getting weird When Tiffany took her security details everywhere here she is parading the streets of Dalton with them when she's just going door too to give residents water during a heat wave I want to tell the people I'm not don't stop I'm going keep going I hope they post what we actually do here in the village of do and stop telling lies but when we gave her an opportunity to explain the OT mayor why do you need so many security what did you say water it sound like you said water she would also travel with them on business trips outside Illinois and allow them to rack up hundreds of hours in overtime sometimes doubling their base pay all of this was paid for in tax dollars using a freedom of information request we obtained the work records for six of the officers assigned to henyard security detail at various times and showed them to some of Dalton's trustees this is a freedom of information request we did to see how much overtime these officers are making on her security details oh wow 162 hours 162 oh that's nothing what goes through your mind when you see these numbers um it's it's disappointing it's frustrating the officers are paid every two weeks which without overtime is 80 hours but when they're put on henyard detail that 80 hours balloons to well over 100 hours sometimes 200 hours and in the case of Officer Terry young last May 303 hours worked over a 2-e period that resulted in a single paycheck of more than $13,000 how how does a person put in a 2E pay period 303 hours that's impossible that's impossible 33 does he never go to sleep while she was doing all this the Dotan police force was struggling to deal with the rising cases of gang violence and Drug rated crimes I see no justification whatsoever and more than that it's really a detriment to the residents adult oh sure um the residents if we would take the same money and put it on officers patrolling the streets then the residents will see a much better presence and Public Safety will be better we've had a few shootings so we need the extra police patrolling our streets instead of patrolling her when Robert Collins complained she fired him and replaced him with someone she could control more easily and that's when things started getting out of hand Tiffany basically started using the police as her personal thugs she used them to avoid talking to the Press enforce her wild rules and Bully any business owner who refused to donate to her campaign but it gets Wilder one of Tiffany's Minions on the police force was former assistant police chief LS Lacy however the village board did not approve of that appointment and they placed him on administrative leave before later firing him just weeks ago a Federal grand jury indicted him on nine counts related to bankruptcy fraud and ordered him to surrender all firearms including his service firearm and his FID card however he was back at work the very next day even though he was prohibited from entering the building resuming his duties as Tiffany's bodyguard when she was confronted about this Tiffany doubled down claiming she only employed him as a civilian but the police department wasn't having this and they issued a vote of no confidence against him in the face of constant criticism from the Board of Trustees and the public Tiffany started cancelling board meetings when the meetings did hold she refused to allow the public or the press to attend come to find out Tiffany was doing all that just to manipulate the meetings to her favor without having the pesky media in her ear asking for accountability and y'all Tiffany was in those meetings making some wild laws for example she created a poison pill provision that ensured that if she didn't get reelected as supervisor anyone who got the office would receive a 90% pay cut for cont context Tiffany currently earns $224,000 as Thorton Township supervisor separate from her salary as the mayor of Dolton according to her bizarre Bill she will continue earning that salary if she gets reelected however if someone else takes over that person will only make $25,000 when the trustees got tired of Tiffany's Antics they started holding the meetings without her and by October 2021 they officially censured her one by one all of Tiffany's supporters started turning to her Ops and cooperating with the feds to bring her down in April the trustees voted to open an investigation into Tiffany and basically invited everyone who wanted to participate from the state's attorney to the FBI enter Lori Lightfoot former mayor of Chicago I commit to you that I will follow the facts where they lead without bias at the conclusion of this investigation I will provide an assessment of the findings and the recommendations and I welcome and urge the full cooperation by mayor henyard her staff all Village trustees vendors and others this board specifically has made reaches to the state's attorney Attorney General governor's office and as we know there are ongoing well it's been reported that there's ongoing um investigations from federal entities uh those entities as we know can take anywhere from 2 months to 5 years we feel this option will give us um an independent process overall it tells me that the investigation is expanding it's not just focusing on the City of Dalton Lori Lightfoot was hired by the village board to carry out a probe into Dotan Village finances and the things she discovered were jaw-dropping according to the report the village is neck deep in debt as of May 31st it had a negative balance of3 million $650,000 the report also revealed that The Village's credit card spending is out of control troll brace yourselves guys because you'll be flabbergasted when you find out what Tiffany has been spending Village money on see one thing Tiffany will do is have a good time with taxpayer money and boy does she know how to have a good time according to financial records that the courts had to force out of Tiffany she and her Entourage spent over $100,000 on travel expenses in just 5 months this includes payment for first class flights for her and her Entourage hotel rooms at places like the Four Seasons meals at Exotic restaurants and steakhouses when henyard hits the road sheep and other Village and Township officials do so in style records show they often fly first class pay for upgrades they've stayed at luxury hotels including the Four Seasons and dine at steakhouses in July 20123 Tiffany and four other staff members spent over $47,000 on a 5-day trip to Austin Texas to attend a supposed conference the bill which was of course paid by Dotan taxpayers included new nearly a grand spent at Walgreens and a sports riding apparel store the reports also revealed that between July and November 2023 Tiffany racked up almost $25,000 in credit card spending this includes money spent without explanation at places like Walmart Target and Jewel then there's the $5,000 spent on fine dining restaurants and Uber Eats and the over three grand spent on Tiffany's personal photographer to get the perfect angles for her Facebook and Instagram accounts Tiffany ALS o leased three luxury SUVs for her personal use at the cost of $374,000 meanwhile it was revealed that about 11 police cruisers would be impounded because the village could no longer afford them I mean she really was out here living her best life on people's hard-earned money while doton started laying off workers because they couldn't afford to pay them anymore Trustees for both of the governments headed by henyard have now limited special event and credit card spending but it may be too little too late Dolton is late P off workers after trustees discovered the village is millions in the hole it's no surprise that Tiffany refused to allow the trustees access to Dolton and the Township's Financial records we were never allowed to get those statements so this is this is the reason why you he it from us because definitely we will have questions it took a court order for Tiffany to finally release the documents and when trusties saw just how red the balance was they immediately voted to limit credit card spending since the FBI launched its investigation it has started interviewing Witnesses and issued two subpoenas on Tiffany the first focuses only on Tiffany and her private businesses the property management company and a restaurant it also lists her political fund and charity as for the second subpoena it requested a long list of Township records including Financial reports budgets payroll records and ordinances covering credit card purchases expense reimbursements security details and use of vehicles The subpoena also ask for payment and credit card expenditures for a number of Thornton Township employees including her right-hand man Keith Freeman one of them trusty kmen carile recently promised to become a whistleblower and do everything she can to expose Tiffany's corrupt running of the mayor's office in a statement Carlile said today I am breaking my silence and speaking out against Thornton Township supervisor and mayor of doton Tiffany henyard who I believe has engaged in unethical and predatory behavior throughout her tenure for the past two years henyard has manipulated employees vendors and residents using her position to increase her influence all while projecting a false image of success funded by the hardworking taxpayers of Thornton Township and the village of doton henyard shows no accountability or conscience for her actions against employees or taxpayers another former Tiffany henyard collaborator who has turned against her is her right-hand man Keith Freeman see Keith used to be with Tiffany every step of the way when she firsted appointed him as her handbag his job description says Village manager and Tiffany's paid senior adviser at the township he is also a registered agent for Tiffany's cares Foundation but at this point you can probably guess that there's always more than meets the eye with anybody Tiffany surrounds herself with so of course Keith Freeman is currently fighting a legal battle for something related to fraud in April Freeman was arraigned in a federal court on charges of engaging in a bankruptcy fraud scheme Freeman filed a chapter seven bankruptcy petition in January but he allegedly concealed some of his assets and income he made from the village of robins the village of Dolton Thornton Township and a Northfield based company that leases vehicles to poor municipalities at high rates although he pleaded not guilty Freeman was fired from his job at the Village the next thing we knew Tiffany was throwing him under the bus blaming him for all the irrational credit card spending and mismanagement of funds I do not handle anything as relates to with credit card S as you heard me speak today and my board meeting about I do not handle that some of those charges are for you though no sir you didn't go to Las [Music] Vegas what is that no comment you don't know if you were in Las Vegas of course I do were you it's not paid by them did you fly first class to Las Vegas any other questions according to Tiffany's lawyer Freeman was the one who told her how things were done in the township and mayor's office so if anyone should be blamed it should be him mayor hanyard is in a situation where she feels like she's under attack because she is Bo Brinley is henyard criminal defense attorney hired after the FBI served subpoenas on the village and Township earlier this year he blames henards top Aid Keith Freeman Keith Freeman made the decision on how these funds are being used Keith Freeman is going on these trips you understand this is a new mayor uh this is someone that is new to this job but she never thought hey I shouldn't fly first class I shouldn't stay at the Four Seasons if there was a problem with any of that if that's not how you're supposed to do it she relied on Freeman to tell her he's telling her this is how we do things how things were done in Dalton is costing taxpayers dearly the mayor didn't spend any of this money the May the Keith Freeman made decisions and reported to the mayor this is what we're doing the mayor trusted him until she didn't but people saw right through it and recognized it as a blatant attempt to shift all the blame to Keith Freeman I mean Tiffany has been involved in the township Administration since 2013 when she first became a trustee for Thornton so how could she possibly not know that it was not normal to use public funds to hire a DJ a personal stylist throw music festivals create large billboards with her face on them print her name on basically every single Dotan Village property and fund her private charity cause yeah Tiffany henyard must think think we're all fools or something however people are saying they've had enough of Tiffany's Shenanigans and it's time to lock her up and throw the keys away one person said all this time she keeps repeatedly saying I'm your mayor I'm in charge I'm the leader but when it comes to malens misappropriations and wrongdoing now she's following subordinate orders another person said my daughter has been a state prosecutor for over 23 years now she tells me at the best she will receive 20 plus years in prison she simply won't have the money to defend herself full restitution and forfeiture of all assets the FBI will make an example of her they have unlimited resources she needs to worry about who's been wearing a wire all this time but do y'all think it's game over for Tiffany and what are your thoughts on all the people who helped her cover up her alleged crimes till now comment down below and we'll see you in the next video

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