At 60, Brad Pitt Finally CONFESSES That She Was The Love Of His Life

if you and I were married I would want to give you what you need that's all I'm talking about taking care of each other the best you can uh doing all right aren't we I mean listen I'm not going to lie to you there were times I just wanted to but uh likewise couldn't take the shot that's a good sign we well I don't need to tell you that you first caught our eye because of your behind okay I'm sorry to say that well we're changing all that Brad Pit has always been a Hollywood heartthrob Charming fans with his good looks and Unforgettable roles in blockbuster movies but do you know that someone actually once stole his heart allegedly pit who has dated some of Hollywood's biggest stars recently made a shocking confession he revealed that one woman stood out above all the others in his life surprisingly it appears not to be who everyone expected you'd think it's Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie but no you'd be wrong it's apparently someone entirely different someone no one saw coming this confession makes us question every everything we thought we knew about Pit's love life who is this mystery woman that captured his heart today in a new court filing we see the very personal email that begins dear Brad and ends regretfully Angie to understand why she was so special let's explore Pit's journey to becoming one of Hollywood's biggest stars my name is Brad Pit and what you been up to lately you been work uh I just got back to North Carina last night on a movie the week where I played a baby baby Brad Pit one of the biggest names in Hollywood today had a humble beginning he was born in 1963 in Shaunie Oklahoma and raised in a middle class family his father Bill ran a trucking company while his mother Jane worked as a school counselor pit along with his two younger siblings Doug and Julie grew up in Springfield Misouri after the family moved there when he was young growing up pit was an active and bright student at kapoo high school he was involved in sports like golf swimming and tennis and he also participated in the debate Club in school musicals After High School he attended the University of Missouri where he studied journalism and advertising but as graduation neared pit realized that his true passion was film not journalism he decided to take a huge risk he dropped out of college just two credits short of graduating and headed to Los Angeles in 1986 to pursue an acting career the first TV thing was either Dallas or 30 something where I had one line which was yes or it was no in Los Angeles things weren't easy for pit at first with little money and no connections he had to take on odd jobs like driving limousines and dressing up as a chicken to promote a restaurant but he didn't give up he took acting lessons and began auditioning for roles his early career consisted of small TV roles and shows like growing pains and minor Parts in low-budget movies pit later admitted that those early years in La were tough and often depressing he felt like everyone around him was more successful however things started to change for pit in 1991 when he landed a small but significant role in the movie Thelma and Louise he played a Charming Drifter who briefly connects with one of the main characters and his performance especially in a memorable love scene caught the attention of Hollywood suddenly pit was no longer just another struggling actor he was a rising star and a new you tell me something miss them I has you ain't got any kids I mean got give you something special I think you ought to pass it on even though pit was initially worried about being typ cast as just a pretty face he quickly proved that he had serious acting chops in 19 1992 he starred in A River Runs Through It where he showed a more emotional and deep side to his acting this movie helped establish him as a serious actor not just someone who was famous for his looks oh I'll never leave Montana brother pit continued to take on challenging roles that allowed him to Showcase his range in 1993 he played a dark and disturbing character in the movie California then in 1994 he took on a high-profile role in Interview with the Vampire alongside Tom Cruz while the movie received mixed reviews it solidified Pit's status as a major Hollywood star in just over a decade pit went from a struggling actor to one of Hollywood's biggest stars he built his career on more than just good looks he became known for his willingness to take on difficult roles and for his dedication to his craft today Brad Pit is not only a movie star but also a respected actor who continues to Captivate audiences with his performances well I don't need to tell you that you first caught our eye because of your behind okay I'm sorry to say that well we're changing all now when it comes to relationships Brad Pit has had a few big relationships in his life and they've always caught the Public's attention one of his first serious romances was with actress Juliet Lewis pit was in his late 20s and Lewis was a teenager when they started dating despite their age Gap they didn't hide their affection for each other photographers often caught them kissing or cuddling on date nights they dated for nearly 4 years and even starred together in two films after they broke up pit still spoke highly of Lewis saying he had deep respect and love for her it was so fantastic because what he did was he leveraged his Fame and power to protect me at a time when I didn't have fame or power yet in the mid 9s Pit's career was taking off and so was his love life he met actress Gwyneth paltro in 1994 while filming the movie they quickly fell in love and became one of Hollywood's hottest couples by 1996 they were making red carpet appearances together and rumors of an engagement were everywhere however in 1997 just before their wedding they called off their engagement they said it was because of their busy work schedules but some people thought their intense personalities might have caused problems despite the breakup they remained friends and their relationship helped both of them become even bigger Stars it's got to be painful I mean I don't like it when people bring it up but people still do right I don't find it painful though I think it's a narrative that follows you because it's an interesting headline then in 1998 pit met Jennifer Aniston the Beloved friend star they fell in love and had a grand wedding in Malibu in 2000 which cost $1 million they were seen as Hollywood's golden couple always looking happy together but behind the scenes there were problems pit wanted to start a family but Aniston was focused on her career eventually pit became close to actress Angelina Jolie while filming Mr and Mrs Smith in January 2005 pit and Aniston announced their separation and the world moved on to Pit's next big romance bothers me cuz I've I had my parents were in this business when my father CH my mother she had to deal with tabloids I know how much it hurt her it's like so I know certain stories that there just like they just throw anything out and they just really don't think about somebody's seven-year-old Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie's love story was one for the ages especially in Hol would they met on the set of a movie and quickly fell in love Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston at the time which caused a lot of drama in the tabloids people were talking about how he betrayed America's sweetheart Jennifer and his divorce from her became a big scandal after Brad and Angelina got together they became one of the most famous couples in the world they were always in the spotlight traveling the globe with their six children three of whom were adopted from Vietnam and Ethiopia they appeared to be deeply in love and often talked about how happy they were as a family their life seemed perfect with magazine spreads showing them as the ultimate Hollywood family but in 2016 everything fell apart Angelina filed for divorce saying they had irreconcilable differences which means they couldn't get along anymore this led to a bitter and drawn out custody battle over their kids which lasted until 2018 during this time Brad was rumored to have a new romance with ner oxman an architect and professor at MIT sources said they had great chemistry and that Brad was really into to her they were seen together often and some people even said he had a key to her apartment but in late 2022 people started talking when Brad was seen with inz de Ramon who was Paul Wesley's ex-wife the two were first spotted together at a Bono concert and they even celebrated Brad's 59th birthday together in December this started rumors that they might be dating although Brad and inz have tried to keep their relationship low-key they have been seen together at several big events in the past few months sources close to the couple say that they have grown close because both went through divorces recently even though there's almost a 30-year age difference between them they seem very happy and comfortable with each other from romantic dinners to trips overseas it's clear that Brad and inz enjoy spending time together it's not known if inz has met Brad's kids yet but insiders say that Brad has been introducing her to many of his close friends while neither Brad nor ANZ has confirmed that they are in a relationship their actions show that they might be getting serious an Insider tells us the investigation will go for another few weeks they will present the case to the prosecutor who will evaluate whether they feel the need to bring charges against Brad however Brad's personal life hasn't always been smooth his relationships especially with Angelina Jolie have been full of drama and controversies one of the most talked about incidents was in 2016 on a private plane during the flight Angelina claimed that Brad who had been drinking heavily became angry according to reports he yelled at her grabbed her and pushed her into to a bathroom wall he also allegedly punched the ceiling of the plane and Spilled beer on her and their children this incident was serious enough that Angelina filed for divorce just days later and asked for full custody of their six children but after their split things have gotten very messy Angelina has accused Brad of not paying enough child support for their six children on the other hand Brad claims that Angelina has tried to keep him away from the kids and even tried to turn them against him well you no doubt know about the bitter feud between Brad and Angelina over their beloved Mir ofal Winery in France they were married there and brought the Twins home to this planned family Sanctuary then it all fell apart one big problem between them is about a winery they own together Angelina sold her share of the winery without asking Brad first and now Brad is suing her because of it the most serious issue though involves an incident that happened on a plane there were accusations that Brad was violent towards Angelina and their children during that flight this made many people see him in a very negative light damaging His Image as a loving father and husband Brad has admitted that he drank too much and yelled but he denies ever being physically violent however the public was still very critical of his behavior believing that he allowed things to go too far here's the photo to some he's chilling in the warm sun after a crisp glass of pink juice to her perhaps Daddy's passed out again Angelina also faced backlash while some people understood that she might have wanted to protect her children after what happened on the plane others thought she was being unfair by trying to keep Brad away from the kids especially since he wasn't charged with any crime some people believe that Angelina might have been trying to turn the children against their father which made them feel that she was being vindictive I do not feel I can be involved publicly or privately in a business based on when Behavior harmed our family so deeply that airplane incident is her race in the whole the scandals and controversies have made it hard for the public to fully side with each either Angelina or Brad many fans who once led the couple are now disappointed by how things have turned out there is also anger at the FBI for not charging Brad despite the serious accusations made by Angelina some people think that Brad avoided charges because of his celebrity status and that an ordinary person might have been treated differently the once golden image of brangelina has been tarnished while there are still fans who support them many people have lost sympathy for both Angelina and Brad sadly their six children children seem to be the ones who were suffering the most caught in the middle of their parents' bitter battle the full truth about what happened might never be known but the impact on their family is clear well I don't need to tell you that you first caught our eye because of your behind okay I'm sorry to say that well we're changing all that Brad Pit and Juliet Lewis were one of the most talked about couples in Hollywood during the early 1990s their relationship although brief left a big impact on both their lives and on those who followed their story Brad and Juliet met in 1989 on the set of the movie too young to die at that time both were young and ambitious with Big Dreams of making it in Hollywood Juliet was already gaining attention for her role in Cape Fear while Brad was just starting to make a name for himself from the moment they met there was an undeniable chemistry between them they were not just attracted to each other but also shared a deep connection that was visible to everyone around them as their relationship blossomed Brad and Juliet became the cool rebellious couple of the time they embodied the style of the 1990s often seen wearing casual laid-back outfits that match the grunge era Brad with his effortless charm and Juliet with her unique fashion sense became the it couple of Hollywood their appearances on the red carpet together always caught everyone's attention but their relationship was not just about the glitz and glamour Brad and Juliet were passionate about music and were often seen at alternative rock concerts enjoying bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam this love for music and their shared interest only brought them closer together however being in the spotlight wasn't always easy as their Fame grew so did the pressure on their relationship despite this Brad once said that Juliet was the love of his life during that time they even starred together in the movie California which only fueled the Public's fascination with their relationship but as the years went by the pressures of Fame began to take their toll by 1993 Brad and Juliet's relationship had come to an end the breakup wasn't friendly and Juliet was hurt when Brad started dating gwith paltro soon after she didn't hold back her feelings calling Brad self-absorbed and accusing him of being caught up in the Hollywood Lifestyle the media had a field day with these comments making their split even more public despite The Bitter End Brad has mostly spoken kindly about Juliet in later years he credits her with helping him navigate the challenges of Fame and says she played a big role in shaping his early career even though they are no longer in contact Brad remembers Juliet as a significant part of his life during those formative years over 25 years later their relationship is still remembered as a symbol of 1990s Hollywood it was a time of Youth rebellion and passion while they have both moved on and found success in their own careers the memory of their time together still evokes a sense of nostalgia for those who followed their story Brad and Juliet's romance was a snapshot of a specific moment in time one that continues to be remembered fondly any back back to the Brad's career from 2004 to 2008 Brad Pit became even more famous around the world thanks to some major roles in movies in 2004 he played the character Achilles in the movie Troy this was a big deal because Troy is based on an ancient story called The Iliad pit spent 6 months training with swords before filming began however while filming he got injured specifically his Achilles tendon this injury caused delays in the production despite the setback people praised his performance One reviewer from The Washington Post said that pit did a great job in such a tough role now you know who you're fighting Troy was also special because it was the first movie produced by a company called plan b Entertainment Brad Pit co-founded this company with Jennifer Aniston and Brad gray who was the CEO of Paramount Pictures another movie pit starred in during 2004 was Oceans 12 where he reprised his role as Rusty Ryan the movie made $362 million worldwide people love the chemistry between pit and his co-star George Clooney a CNN reviewer even compared their Dynamic to the legendary pairing of Paul Newman and Robert Redford been practicing this p a little bit did I rush it felt like I rush it was good I liked it te be thing was rush in 2005 pit starred in Mr and Mrs Smith an action comedy where he played John Smith a married man who discovers that both he and his wife played by Angelina Julie are assassins hired to each other the movie received mixed reviews but everyone agreed that the chemistry between pit and Jolie was electric the Star Tribune noted that while the plot might have been a bit messy the film was saved by the energy and charm of its Stars Mr and Mrs Smith was a huge success making $478 million worldwide one of the biggest hits of the year in 2006 pits starred in the movie Babel a drama directed by Alejandro Gonzalez inaru pits performance was highly praised with critics saying he brought a lot of credibility to the film Pit himself later said that taking the role in Babel was one of the best decisions he ever made in his career the film was shown at Major film festivals like Ken and Toronto and it received seven acad Award nominations pit was even nominated for a Golden Globe award for best supporting actor that same year Pit's company Plan B produced The Departed which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2007 pit returned as Rusty Ryan in Oceans 13 while it didn't make as much money as the previous movies in the series it still earned $311 million worldwide later that year pit starred in the assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford in this film pit played the famous outlaw Jesse James and his performance was so good that he won the best actor award at the Venice film festival in 2008 pit appeared in a comedy called Burn After Reading directed by the Cohen Brothers critics enjoyed the movie and found Pit's performance to be one of the funniest parts his next big role that year was in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button where he played a man who ages backward starting life as an old man and growing younger this film was a huge success earning 13 Academy Award nominations and making $329 million worldwide wide Pit's portrayal earned him his first Screen Actor Guild award nomination as well as another Golden Globe and Academy Award nomination for best actor pit is a supporter of Sam marriage in an October 2006 interview with Esquire pit said that he would marry joliee when everyone in America is legally able to marry in September 2008 he donated $100,000 to the campaign against California's 2008 ballot proposition Proposition 8 an initiative to overturn the state supreme court decision that had legalized same marriage in March 2012 pit was featured in a performance of Dustin Lance Black's play eight a staged reenactment of the federal trial that overturned California's Prop 8 ban on same marriage as judge Von Walker in September 2012 pit reaffirmed his support for Obama saying I am an Obama supporter and I'm backing his us election campaign in October 2020 he narrated an advertisement for before getting sober pit had another challenge in the late 1990s he used to smoke a of cannabis also known as weed he started using it because he didn't like all the attention that came with being famous he felt like he was hiding from the World by staying home smoking and doing nothing pit realized this was not good for him and after a trip to Morocco where he saw people living in extreme poverty he decided to change seeing how much people were suffering in Morocco made him think about his life differently he started to focus more on his work and cut down on smoking cannabis another interesting thing about pit is that he has something called prosopagnosia also known as face blindness this condition makes it hard for him to recognize people's faces even though he hasn't been officially diagnosed by a doctor pit has talked about how hard it is for him to remember faces he first mentioned it in 2013 saying that sometimes it got so bad that he just wanted to stay home to avoid the embarrassment of not recognizing people he should know besides acting pit also has a strong interest in art he has learned how to make pottery and even creates his own sculptures in 2022 nine of his sculp sculptures were shown in a museum in Finland alongside works by a musician named Nick Cave and an artist named Thomas houseo this shows that Pit's talents go beyond just acting he's also creative in other ways Pit's Journey with addiction his struggle with face blindness and his passion for art show that there's much more to him than just being a famous actor he has faced challenges made positive changes in his life and found new ways to express himself through ART

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