Watch The World with Yalda Hakim as she discusses the Presidential debate fallout

tonight eight weeks until America votes and a chance to judge the candidates side by side it began with a handshake and descended into hostility with an extraordinary Claim about Haitian migrants in Ohio in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this this is what's happening in our country so did either candidate do enough to convince wavering voters we travel to rule Pennsylvania to find out he's a lunatic and you have to either accept him as that and let him run the country that he's a good good businessman and I believe he can run the country better than the Democrats can this evening I'll assess what worked and what didn't during the prime time debate and get an update from the Ohio Town that's now making headlines plus after that endorsement from a childless cat lady could Taylor Swift help KLA Harris to the White House that's all coming up on the world with me [Music] yalim good evening I'd like to focus tonight on presidential debates sure they're moments of high drama they're Lively you get flashes of anger or annoyance some slip UPS maybe a little bit of policy if you're lucky the general consensus is that kamla Harris won last night that she managed to Rattle Donald Trump and he was off message but winning debates and winning elections aren't the same thing the votes that really matter are in the key swing States places like Pennsylvania Wisconsin and Michigan in many of those areas ad ly before the debate kamla Harris led by only a slim margin the question is has she managed to convince the undecided voters some polling models show that as few as 60,000 voters could determine who makes it to the White House so what does that mean for the candidates well that's what we'll be discussing on this evening's program we'll bring you the best exchanges and hear live from both parties but let's get started with tonight's first report from our us correspondent Mark Stone [Music] the New York morning stood in such stark contrast to the blistering night before on the anniversary of 9/11 respectful reflection to Mark America's Darkest Day a handshake between the two candidates who had clashed so brutally hours earlier good job Donald Trump appears to say good morning to you thank you thank you the vice president replies it is a fascinating glimpse into this presidential power [Music] play their first ever meeting came just 12 hours earlier come Harris Harris in Trump space to own the stage in a debate that was combative from the off but her vice presidential pick says abortion in the ninth month is absolutely fine he also says execution after birth it's execution no longer abortion because the baby is born is okay and that's not okay with me it prompted the first moderator fact check there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born then Harris's response on this Central election issue and her core pitch to every woman in America and one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government and Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body Harris's strategy was to get under Donald Trump's skin and so she tried to belittle him to poke him and what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom people don't go to her rallies there's no reason to go then he went where his advisers probably hoped he wouldn't in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there I just want to clarify there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed injured or abused by individuals within the Immigrant Community I've seen people on television you talk about extreme but remember that is the Donald Trump the locked in supporters love the question is how the undecideds respond to this the focus then shifted to the vice president what does she really stand for I know you say that your values have not changed so then why why have so many of your policy positions changed and what is important is that there is a president who actually brings values and a perspective that is about lifting people up and not beating people down and name calling it was one example of a few where the vice president did not answer the question she'd been asked where she won on Poise she did not on policy detail and this is what Trump more trusted on the economy on immigration can exploit so she just started by saying she's going to do this she's going to do that she's going to do all these wonderful things why hasn't she done it she's been there for three and a half years on foreign policy Trump latched on to the many across the country who attached the wars in Ukraine and Gaza to an inept Biden but Harris turned it on him that these dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again because they're so clear they can manipulate you with flattery and favors and that is why so many military leaders who you have worked with have told me you are a disgrace and then from the debate to the spin roomm and the surrogates doing their principles work and I think she showed Donald Trump to be a rambling confused man surely you want to come here and say that Donald Trump had a great night I think he had a fine night I think that this was a night that was absolutely necessary and am so happy we finally got to see these two people on a stage well remarkably Donald Trump has now turned up here in the spin room himself when you come to deliver your own Top Spin it suggests it wasn't quite the night you wanted why did you say that people are eating dogs in Springfield Ohio it's true you take a look at it no it's nonsense the local authorities say it is you could check it out check check with the authorities it was the Donald Trump everyone knows his opponent had more at stake here and more to prove she certainly presented a contrast but how many will it move Mark Stone Sky News in Philadelphia well we'll be unpicking a lot of that debate this evening on the program but there were quite a few accusations made by Donald Trump last night that were fact checked by the debate moderators you heard a bit of one particular Exchange in Mark's report the idea that immigrants were eating people's cats and dogs that obviously has gone uh viral let's just just have listen to that full moment what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States and a lot of towns don't want to talk not going to be Aurora or Springfield a lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what's happening in our country and it's a shame I just want to clarify here you bring up Springfield Ohio and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed injured or abused by individuals within the Immigrant Community all I've seen people on television let me just say here this is the people on television say my dog was taken and used for food so maybe he said that and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager taking this fromion the dog was eaten by the people that went there again the Springfield City manager says there's no evidence of that vice president haris I'll let you respond to the rest of what you've heard you talk about extreme so what did voters make of that claim and the performance of both candidates James Matthews traveled to the farming community of Bucks County to find out in doy Stone bux County they call this the scenic stroll all right I'm getting tired already already are you on this morning walk we asked them to walk through the night before who thought the winner was Donald Trump watch who thought the winner was CA Harris I'm still amazed that some people will support Trump after all the crazy things that we heard last night eating pets uh you know babies being murdered after 9 months of com of birth uh that craziness makes me uncomfortable if division has been a bad thing why should camela Harris heal that or fix that I think because she won't she won't amplify the break she won't feed the fuel the fire that keeps that stoked I think she'll really take the rhetoric down this is the most competive ative of the so-called collar counties buttoned around Philadelphia Buck county is where Suburbia swings they've voted Democratic here in every election since 1992 but it's now home to more registered Republicans than Democrats Republicans Like Pat guli the white male demographic underpins the Trump support base too long still Jake what difference does a debate make you make about Donald Trump talking about immigrants eating dogs he's a lunatic and you have to either accept him as that and let him run the country that he's a good good businessman and I believe he can run the country better than the Democrats can but you there are certain things that come along with them so I mean you either have to accept that or you have to vote throw your vote away and vote for a green party or somebody else that you know is not going to get elected in American made products it was her response on female reproductive rights that just slammed at home for me on Main Street they discussed the debate and what meant most I have women in my life that have had difficult pregnancies and I think of what their life would be like if they had a difficult pregnancy and they were in a state that would as vice president Harris suggested she might have to bleed out in her car to a large extent Minds were made up before this debate in US politics positions tend to be entrenched for both Trump and Harris this was about reaching beyond the core vote 17 is a lot whatever the conversation about debate night that's where Victory lies in November James Matthews Sky News in doy Stone Buck County don't spin this towards hate that was the message from a father in Springfield Ohio even before the debate after Donald Trump and his running mid started linking immigrants to increase disorder Nathan Clark's son Aiden was killed last October after his school bus was hit by minivan driven by hermano Joseph who is from Hai Haiti speaking of morally bankrupt politicians Bernie Moreno chip Roy JD and Donald Trump they have spoken my son's name and used his death for political gain this needs to stop now they can vomit all the hate they want about illegal immigrants the Border crisis and even untrue claims about fluffy pets being ravaged and eaten by community members however they are not allowed nor have they ever been allowed to mention Aiden Clark from Springfield Ohio well NBC's yamish Alcindor has been getting a sense of the mood in the city and sent uh me this update well here in Springfield Ohio there are deep tensions because of these baseless claims that Haitian migrants here and Haitian immigrants here are abusing and even eating animals now City officials say there is no evidence of that claim and I talked to a number of Haitian migrants who say those claims are really shocking and painful they're worried that it will really cause a lot of people to move out of the city of Springfield people who came here legally people who came here because the city was advertising new manufacturing jobs and saying that it was an affordable place and a welcoming place to live a number of hatian migrants are now looking at this place and saying can I really make the living that I wanted to make here um there's also the fact that a lot of hatian people that have come here they've come here fleeing violence and fleeing Trauma from Haiti and now they're feeling they're being traumatized again again because you have these powerful leaders in former president Trump and in Senator JD Vance repeating these baseless claims about Haitian migrants but I should tell you though that I did talk to a longtime Springfield resident he's a native who told me that he believes that maybe there are some some claims that could be true here he said he doesn't have any firsthand knowledge um but he says that he's seen signs maybe of stray cats missing that maybe make him feel like the Haitians are a problem here he's also said that Haitians have strained the resources of this city though I should say city of officials say that they do want more resources here in this city but again there's no evidence those claims are right and now it's just a big question of sort of how is this city going to move forward as it's now really becoming the center of this National immigration debate that was NBC's yamish alcindo well you heard that appeal from a father in Springfield that fell on deaf ears Donald Trump last night repeatedly insisted that the Biden Administration was ruin ruining the fabric of the country hav listen we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails from mental institutions and insane asylums and they're coming in and they're taking jobs that are occupied right now by African-Americans and Hispanics and also unions unions are going to be affected very soon and you see what's happening you see what's happening with towns throughout the United States you look at Springfield Ohio you look at Aurora in Colorado they are taking over the towns they're taking over buildings they're going in violently these are the people that she and Biden led into our country and they're destroying our country they're dangerous they're at the highest level of criminality and we have to get them out we have to get them out fast millions and millions of people that are pouring into our country monthly where it's I believe 21 million people not the 15 that people say and I think it's a lot higher than the 21 that's bigger than New York State pouring in and just look at what they're doing to our country they're criminals many of these people coming in are criminals and that's bad for our economy too Donald Trump at last night's uh debate well I'm joined now by the Republican Congressman Michael Burgess Congressman thank you very much for joining us here on the program you know tonight uh since um yesterday in the last 24 hours the focus really has been on on some of these things that Donald Trump has said around immigrants eating cats and dogs for example and and you know the the Democrats wanting to execute newborn babies how do you think this went for Donald Trump well look I think one of the most disappointing things for me last night was it did appear that the moderators were biased it was three against one for most of the night uh not a great place for the former president to be in to have to be challenged by yes the person he's debating his opponent in the political Arena but both both moderator as well and I thought that was extremely unfortunate I mean CNN did show in the earlier debate between President Biden and former president Trump that it can be handled I mean they weren't perfect but it can be handled with a a little bit more Equanimity than than what we saw last night I thought last night um I it it really spoke poorly for the organization of ABC as a as a news organization and I mean as a kid I mean I grew up watching ABC I I I would have held them in the highest regard but uh unfortunately after last night no longer and you know um Republicans and networks like Fox News and supporters of Donald Trump have rallied around this idea that it was three against one but if you if we just take did you not watch the debate it was three I was I was watching the debate I was presenting here last night live as it was happening but you know the the we mostly commented on the fact that most Americans probably wouldn't have watch watched the full um 90 minutes and that it would be moments that would be picked up throughout the debate that would you know turn into the viral moments and you know Donald Trump handed those viral moments to the media to to the voters by making those sorts of claims that were easily fact checked actually even beyond the moderators of ABC when Springfield officials came out and said there's absolutely no evidence of of what why why in the world would the would the ABC moderator have a statement from the city manager of Springfield Ohio I knew nothing about that as they began the debate clearly he was prepared to attack president Trump on that issue and that's just not right you you hear the I guess it's a job of a moderator to know the issues that um you know those that are debating are going to raise and have that kind of factchecking that that's them just doing their job because I guess that's the sort of narrative that we've continued to hear to the candidates let the candidates respond and you know let the factchecking happened afterwards I mean goodness knows Politico and and ABC News do their own factchecking all the time here's the thing when President Trump was pushing what most of us think is a very legitimate Point what in the hell is going on in the white house right now we have a president who was not fit to serve as a candidate and he's running the damn country with the the world of flame as it is right now thanks mostly to the policies of Joe Biden and kamla Harris so this is an argument that the president did press last night and completely ignored by the mo Congressman can I just pick you up on those points um as you say there are two major Wars going on you've been incredibly critical of this Administration and the withdrawal from Afghanistan these issues were raised in the debate immigration you know the Reproductive Rights and Donald Trump rather than focusing on policy or finding those as easy hits and including the economy and focusing on inflation for example he tended to focus on crowd sizes and fell into the traps that that kamla Harris was laying for him that's on Donald Trump not on the moderators spinning it the way you want Donald Trump landed legitimate points he was ignored by the moderators they weren't explored KLA Harris was not challenge I mean look what is the big lie in this country right now the president was competent up until June 29th when suddenly he wasn't but KLA Harris has lunch with the president every Thursday she had to be aware of the cognitive decline that has gone on for months and why did she say nothing why were her public comments prior to the last debate oh he's in great shape he's running circles around the rest of us no he's not no he wasn't the man is bar capable of functioning and we do have a world on fire largely because of the decisions that and that those points were points that Donald Trump could have gone on the attack when it came to kamla Harris but instead I mean she successfully was able to to Rattle him well look debate's a tough thing as anyone know who's been interviewed but the president pressed his points appropriately and at the same time every every time he was ignored on those things why are why is the Press so not curious about what did KL Harris know and when did she know it about the cognitive decline of the president of the United States has she entertained invoking the 25th Amendment these are the things that really a curious press a curious press would be asking those questions and demanding answers Congressman um we're really grateful that you've joined us and thank you so much for your time well kamla Harris succeeded in rattling Donald Trump with surprisingly personal attacks including this one on his popularity have listen I'm going to actually do something really unusual and I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies because it's a really interesting thing to watch you will see during the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like cannibal Lecter he will talk about windmills cause cancer and what you will also know notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom and I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you you will not hear him talk about your needs your dreams and your need and your desires and I'll tell you I believe you deserve a president who actually puts you first and I pledge to you that I will first let me respond this to the rallies she said people start leaving people don't go to her rallies there's no reason to go and the people that do go she's busting them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light so she can't talk about that people don't leave my rallies we have the biggest rallies the most incredible rallies in the history of politics let's bring in our James uh from Buck County uh for more analysis James you've been out and about I mean what a night it was you were with us all night from the spin room giving us a sense of of the mood um but you've been out and about in Buck County uh today to get a sense of what people people are thinking yeah hi y I mean people were surprised I think particularly about the the line about eating cats and dogs I mean s it was a surprising uh line for Donald Trump to Come Away with outlandish but I mean this was debunked by the local authorities in Springfield Ohio several days ago for Donald Trump on a presidential debate stage to roll that out as fact uh was was faral and it has been roundly ridiculed I mean I think we've seen that uh reported more widely but I've experienced it here in doown Buck County the swing iest County in the swing state um you saw my report earlier I can tell you unseen footage would have revealed the our encounter with a couple who are walking their dog uh they saw we were a UK TV crew and he says I said well you got a nice dog and he says yeah I'm going to eat it for breakfast haha so that's the kind of level of ridicule that Donald Trump has received on the back of last night it has fed into a sense of uh a sense among Democrats certainly that their candidate won on the night I was speaking to Democrat supporters and they were using terms like relief and empowerment at the performance of camela Harris it's recognized by Republicans as well Pat guli uh who was in my report earlier on uh he said look um you know he's a lunatic was his response when I asked him about the whole eating pets L he said but effectively he's our lunatic you know he's the closest that I can get as a republican to the politics that I want in my country to turn to the greens or an alternative party other than the Democrats would be simply a wasted vote and he stressed that life had been better for him under Donald Trump therefore Trump despite uh you know despite what he says and the downside of trump on stage and the way he performs his politics Trump would still get his vote and that's why Trump is still he's still up there and could very you know potentially be the the winner of the the White House the PS as we know are tied yeah I I I mean just to that point um James I mean you know it does feel on some levels that Republican um Elites would want to see Donald Trump fail you know these people that he has humiliated uh for so long um but at the end of the day they also probably want to get themselves um back in into the White House as well um but just give us a sense I mean you've been again you know we saw in your report the reaction from people just talk to us about some of the polls that are starting to to come out because at the end of the day you know it it debates you know come and go um and the bases may not move it's it's really the undecided uh that many are focusing on yeah that's right I mean politics are entrenched here in the United States people tend to be on one side or the other and it is you know it's these voters in the middle the undecideds the moderates the soft Republicans or indeed the soft Democrats who are looking for an excuse to vote the other way um again just being here and asking people about the Hot Topics from last night's debate uh the economy certainly was one but abortion that was key uh and clearly that's an issue that's had much traction in favor of Democrats uh camela Harris has been a champion for the Democrats running a bus tour around the country on promoting Reproductive Rights and so on and it's been Troublesome for Trump whose position has been incoherent through time so you know in terms of the subject matter again Democrats will tell you that they are confident their candidate did well in terms of immediate response you know obviously in November will be the test of who won and who's won overall there was a CNN poll just after the debate uh that indicated most thought Harris had W Dem are in a you know a happy place compared to where they were 6 weeks ago uh and that is backed up I suppose by how the boues are seeing it right now let me talk you through some of the uh the betting odds and how they've changed over the past few months when Joe Biden stepped down on the 21st of July The Bookies backed Trump with a massive margin with camel Harris trailing behind Harris she then began to climb according to the bookies over taking Trump by mid August only to stagnate since the debate for the first time since mid August camela Harris now leads Donald Trump in the betting odds so that's how the the boues are seeing it right now yeah one wonders how the whole business of eating cats and dogs plays in to that I mean certainly in the history of TV debates and we talk a lot lot about the moments don't we um you know you know Jack Kennedy Reagan saying to the viewers do you feel better off than you did four years ago while Donald Trump talking about eating pets Haitian immigrants I mean that must rank as one of the the alltime iconic GRS which he may yet come to regret indeed and over the years haven't we heard Donald Trump um you know what comes to mind is drinking detergent during Co but but the dogs and cats comments right up there um thanks so much James well Don Donald Trump made claim he has the most successful rallies in the history of politics but what about his stance on uh abortion stay with us on the world with me yalda hakeim after the break we've got lots more coming up we'll hear what both candidates said they would do about Reproductive [Music] Rights week nights on Sky News this is your chance tell people welcome to the politics Hub our police force has apologize if you want to find out about Grimsby you come to the docks I'm live in Jerusalem are you not concerned that that could lead to allout war hello there good evening there are fears of an upsurge in violence what's at stake here you are watching The Press preview of first look at the front pages as they arrive I'm KY Spencer and I'm Sky news's arts and entertainment correspondence you think of glastenbury it's mud you want and music they're going to cross to us live in a minute thank you so much Brad Pit is now a prolific producer behind the scenes it's not a mystery to me we always were capable of doing this oh their wonderful children as an audience who did that Maverick here on the red carpet I'm so excited this is the story of the night and it's a little independent film that could we take you to the heart of the stories that shape our world nor have I ever struck any woman in my life there's this illusion of Power are you feeling well I remember covering the Oscars and that now Infamous moment the Will Smith slap nobody could quite believe that it happened you can tell from these crowds just how excited people are for the return of Pride these actors playing the lead roles were born long after the Sex Pistols broke up are you pleased that you did say yes to the job I've never regretted it as a team we've interviewed some of the biggest stars in the world it can be incredibly surreal being swept up in their world but we try to give you an honest sense of how these people really are okay I'll talk to you don't leave me yeah okay there's no easy goodies there's no easy baddies I've had a great time here thank you thank you thank you bye the most significant day all this conflict they keep telling us that they want this is what's left of it heav vehicle why only in America people want their country to work you want a job in a normal life why are these homes empty I want you to be honest with people that has happened within minutes Sky News the full story first free wherever you get your news [Music] [Applause] I say bring it on with America divided and tensions running High get ready for an election like no other join our teams as we follow the campaign Trail as America decides we will win win win get closer to the action this us election with full reaction and Analysis USA USA Sky News the full story first welcome back to the program let's turn now to Reproductive Rights last night kamla Harris accused Donald Trump of insulting the women of America he took credit for overturning Ro V versus Wade just have a listen let's understand how we got here Donald Trump hand selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of roie Wade and they did exactly as he intended and now in over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans which make it Criminal for a doctor or nurse to provide Health Care in one state it provides prison for life Trump abortion bands that make no exception even for rape and incest which understand what that means a survivor of a crime of violation to their body does not have the right to make a decision about what happens to their body next that is immoral and one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government and Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body I have talked with women around our country you want to talk about this is what people wanted pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term suffering from a miscarriage being denied care in an emergency room because the health care providers are afraid they might go to jail and she's bleeding out in a car in the parking lot she didn't want that her husband didn't want that a 12 or 13-year-old Survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term they don't want that and I pledge to you when Congress passes a bill to put back in place the protections of roie Wade as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law but understand if Donald Trump were to be reelected he will sign a National Abortion ban there she goes again it's aot I'm not signing a ban and there's no reason to sign a ban because we've gotten what everybody wanted Democrats Republicans and everybody else and every legal scholar wanted it to be brought back into the states and the states are voting and it may take a little time but for 52 years this issue has torn our country apart and they've wanted it back in the States and I did something that nobody thought was possible the states are now voting what she says is an absolute lie and as far as the abortion bin no I'm not in favor of abortion bin but it doesn't matter because this issue has now been taken over by the states let's bring in Democratic Congressman Don Bayer thank you very much Congressman for joining us here on the program there were some tense moments and exchanges in in last night's um debate but overall I mean you know the overwhelming majority of people believe kamla Harris won that debate do you think that she stayed on message and and she was able to really Define herself um to and introduce herself to the American people I've been watching debates for many many decades I've never seen a clearer difference a Starker contrast than last night uh she I thought she was excellent you know we' been hoped that K as a former prosecutor or lawyer that she'd be good in this debate but she really exceeded expectations and just the the the abortion back and forth that you just showed there um she laid out the case so clearly why we should be preserving women's Reproductive Rights and Donald Trump is just lying saying this is what everybody wanted that's not true at all almost nobody wanted it except the small Fringe element of his party that thinks that governments should decide what a woman can do with her own body I spoke um just a few minutes ago to a republican congressman and you he said to me what we we have heard in the last 24 hours from the Trump Camp from Republicans from his supporters that it felt like it was a debate sort of three people versus one because they're saying that the the moderators were very unfair and the media are being very unfair just just your reaction to all of that no I thought the big difference between this and the last debate the Joe Biden Donald Trump debate was the moderators actually fact checked him in real time because he he said so many untrue things and it was nice to have the moderator say well for example the whole thing about the Haitians eating dogs and cats um saying look there's no proof of that we've talked to the people on the ground um so whereas before in the debate with Joe Biden Trump got away with every lie every fantasy they had out there and by the way they called kamla too on things that when they didn't agree what she was and they pressed her again if she refused to answer a question the first time I thought they were very fair yeah I guess in the last debate you know frankly Joe Biden wasn't coherent that's that's also the clear difference uh yeah K obviously she's younger um she's a lawyer uh she's in a much better position we never thought Joe Biden was G to be the greatest debater in the world but uh it's certain of been so much energy back into not just the Democratic party but into the American people having her out there with Tim Walls carrying a very joyful message about um where America is going and about how we're not going back to the Trump years of before do you know at the end of the day though it will really come down to to a handful of undecided voters do you think that kamla Harris was able to move the dial on that and and speak to those who you know may not be sure about which way to vote may not be convinced by kamla Harris yeah I was fair encouraged by that right in right now it's a 5050 race or 4747 race um some of the leaders in the campaign say maybe one or two votes per Precinct across the country um but a lot of what's holding kala back so far was that people don't know who she is you know when you're vice president it isn't like people are paying much attention to what you're doing uh so in the last month we've gotten to know her much better and people got to really see who she was last night so I expect those poll numbers are can continue slowly but surely moving in her Direction and Congressman do you think that um you know going into this debate and into this race kamla Harris and her team and the Democrats have tried to really sell themselves as the underdog and also you know that rather than what Donald Trump has tried to portray her as the the sort of um continuity you know sort of a a continuation of the Biden Administration that she is the change um candidate he's describing himself as the change candidate but do you think that you know she will go continue to go into this as the underdog well yes but we've never had a woman president um this is a a biracial woman uh who no one took very seriously as vice president so she's very much the underdog he was president after all and has been campaigning non-stop for now something like 10 years U but America loves an underdog I I also think that we know Donald Trump very very well and many many most Americans don't like him um and even the ones who will vote for him will vote for him because they think he represents their conservative philosophy rather than you know the The Wretched human being that he is uh but but I think kamla is coming at this with so much Integrity strong family joyful happy warrior uh I think she's bringing people to her Donald Trump is our only President American history who's Tred to divide us hit one American against another and that's the opposite of what KL is trying to do Congressman we're grateful for your time thank you very much for joining us thank you very much well stay with us on the world with me yal DE hakeim after the break what we learn learn about what both candidates would do to end the war in Ukraine [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back tonight we've been picking apart the US presidential debate both candidates sparred over how they would handle the war in Ukraine or more importantly FLIR ptin let's have a listen back I want to get the War settled I know zalinsky very well and I know Putin very well I have a good relationship and they respect your president okay they respect me they don't respect Biden how would you respect him why for what reason he hasn't even made a phone call in two years to Putin hasn't spoken to anybody they don't even try and get it and now you have millions of people dead and it's only getting worse and it could lead to World War III don't kid yourself David we're playing with World War III and we have a president that we don't even know if he's where is our president we don't even know he's a president and just to clarify they threw him out of a campaign like a dog we don't even know is he our president if Donald Trump were President Putin would be sitting in keev right now and understand what that would mean because Putin's agenda is not just about Ukraine understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so thankful that you are no longer president and that we understand the importance of the greatest military Alliance the world has ever known which is NATO and what we have done to preserve the ability of zalinski and the ukrainians to fight for their independence otherwise Putin would be sitting in keev with his eyes on the rest of Europe starting with Poland and why don't you tell the 800,000 polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch well yesterday the US Secretary of State told me that uh he was concerned about a shipment of ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia this satellite image analyzed by the SK Sky News data and forensics team shows a Russian flagged cargo ship docked at a Russian Port last week a Ukrainian source told Sky News The Vessel had shipped around 220 short- range ballistic missiles will Mr blink travel to K today with foreign secretary David Lamy that's ahead of a meeting between their bosses at the White House on Friday have a listen we're here to listen and that's why I'm here with Tony blinken a US Secretary of State a UK foreign secretary traveling together we haven't seen that for well over a decade in our system traveling here to listen to the ukrainians to speak to president ziny to hear and understand the strategy because we are determined to see you ukine win in their efforts over the coming months uh and over this period that was David Lamy there this is the world with me yela hakeim next up kamla Harris picks up a major endorser in pop star Taylor Swift who's proudly claim claimed to be a childless cat [Music] lady our gives you the very best of Sky News wherever you are breaking news videos and Analysis evidence of the crisis podcasts watching us live live here from Washington wherever you get your podcast all in one place and all at just the touch of the screen the Sky News app get the full story first [Applause] [Music] I'm David bevens and I'm Sky's senior Ireland correspondent I'm based in Belfast a city transformed by peace but still struggling with its past politically the two sides are as far apart as ever and it's over that question of who has sovereignty in Northern Ireland the very issue that's been the source of tension here for Generations it takes 60 Minutes to cross the Irish sea it took the British Monarchy a century I've spent 25 years reporting the journey from conflict to peace the political parties of Northern Ireland have reached agreement we help you understand the world with us today we have reached an agreement with the conservative party on support for government in Parliament we already know what the government gets out of this deal what exactly does the dup get out of it well 1.5 billion pounds welcome to Winterfell it's an iconic location in this globally acclaimed drama ailia was the most powerful hurricane this far east in the Atlantic on record oh my God you can't live in a place like this and not appreciate the environment in the most significant day of this conflict they keep telling us that they want this is what's left of it vehicle why only in America people want their country to work you want to jop in a normal life why are these homes empty I want you to be honest with people that has happened within minutes Sky News the full story first free wherever you get your news [Music] [Applause] now she's probably the most famous cat lady in the world and she made her intervention straight after last night's debate in a post on Instagram which has already got over 8 million likes Taylor Swift wrote I'm voting for Cara Harris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to Champion them she signed off uh as childless cat lady let's just see exactly how the endorsements gone down

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