Bill Maher's Crowd Roars for Russell Brand's Relentless Truth Bombs

the moment that you give me a specific example an actual example I'll just wa this is about a year and a half or so ago when my buddy Russell Brand went on Real Time with Bill Maher to demolish an MSNBC pundit right to his face and to explain how these people are not journalists it's disingenuous to claim that the biases they're exhibited on Fox News are any different from the biases exhibited on MSNBC it's difficult to suggest that these corporations operate as anything other than mouthpieces for their affiliate owners in Black Rock and Vanguard and andless we start to embrace and and also mate like just spiritually if I may use that word in your great country we have to take responsibility for our own perspective I've been on that MSNBC mate it was propagandist nut crackery on there I've been on a show called Morning Joe it was absurd the way they Carri Good morning Joe yeah I don't know what it was it wasn't morning there was no one called Joe there no one could concentrate they understand the basic teners of J journalism no one was willing to stick up for genuine American heroes like Edward Snowden no one was willing to talk about Julian Assange and what he suffered trying to bring real journalism to the American people and I think to sit within the castle of MSNBC throwing rocks at Fox News is ludicrous make MSNBC better make msbc great my friend I would love I would the moment them on a territory you can win on Jo Russell Russell darling um the moment that you give me a specific example an actual example just wa it's not about bias it's a false because you don't actually know anything about any of these organizations you're talking about even on msbc once big deal my darling it was M enough you can't come don't have a single you have a single actual fact do you want an example do you want an example the ludicrous outrageous criticisms of Joe Rogan around itin deliberately referring to as a horse medicine when they know it's an effective medicine mad turning up on the TV saying if you take this vaccine you're not going to get it when it hadn't been clinically Tri for Trans that guy that he's beating up right God I just love that clip I love that clip I'm sending Russell some flowers after or something um that guy that he's talking about his name is John Hilman we covered that the next Monday after that Friday show and then he swiftly blocked me on Twitter because that's how much that guy likes to engage in things in truth and debate um the lies that MSNBC veryify people on both sides all of the covid stuff like we could do this on and on and on

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