I Spent 7 Hours Upgrading a Subscribers Old FC 24 Account!

in FC 24 we have a chance to get one of the craziest teams in the world in only 7 hours and today I've chosen one of you guys a subscriber to upgrade your account today we are upgrading Michael's Ultimate Team he is from chelham he commented on the last video and he's actually a man united fan who wants me a Liverpool fan by the way to get his team to an incredible rating the best player he's ever packed in his Ultimate Team history is base icon Pelle back in for 20 now in this game right now he has got an 87 rated Squad which obviously needs a major overhaul and today I am the person to improve his team for cheap and fast reliable fc24 coins check out MMO exp the link is down below and use the code Matt HD to get 5% off all of your orders so in the 7h hour Road to Glory I want to achieve a 97 rated team in just 7 hours I also want to have at least 3 99 rated players in the final Squad and I must pack at least one great of the game 98 rated icon in his final team let's begin the 7h hour Road to Glory Welcome to our new subscriber account upgrade guys look at the team Michael has got here with 90 a b p a few Blues which are obviously going to be very useful at this time of the game and he's got Evolution um mouni there so 7 hours to upgrade his team from an 87 rated Squad to hopefully at least a 97 maybe 98 team let's get into it look at that team and a s SPC pack oh first special right right mid this player is going to be I think oh it's a good one lud Julie 288 that was a free pack from EA guys this I believe is a free pack from EA for entering the game so I think we'll um I think this could actually be decent fos wants it wants it you you guys can have that one there you know go on first off to Blue that is good right we can upgrade a center back position straight away however I think honestly he might go into an exchange um Ruben Nez let's go right I'll be honest it's okay not the craziest 85% I've ever seen big one you going to New York say have F man I nearly moved there guys years ago well I love New York um I think I prefer New Jersey area but um yeah I uh I do like New York bro I was so close guys but then thought you know what I'm happy here and uh stayed here that's really the story literally that oh two Blues in a row go on England Center back wait who's this that's great so that's huge actually for 1085 plus 10 in a row oh wow right this is a very good start guys look at this team of the season that might be a bad one we need 99s but that might be bad okay well he can maybe go to be honest do any of these players go in the team or just we keep on recycling I think just I I think we just keep going like keep sending every single big one there's loads of good players to get right 51 player pack come on oh go on lemonon oh wow that's actually really good pack we got three walkouts in one oh the these are good I would love it just some good players here to keep you know that'd be so nice oh there you go footies Striker what have I just done hold on a minute 97 I think he stays in the team for now guys honestly he does right so a bay Pell is only like 20K but for rating that is really lovely we want to get as many footy guys as possible so I think he goes in he's the first play I mean he replaces his uh 90 to be honest guys look at all these cards we can put into exchanges by the way so this is great yeah we can definitely submit all these cards to you saying maybe at first they gave him two too much Pace rather than the downgrade right that's Mo team of the season guys honestly we take it 7 hour oh let's go triple walkout quadruple walkout look at this St loads of walkouts are we going to get our first 99 of the day I wonder how many 99s in 7 hours here guys as well that could be good um double walk out 90 again wow what is a start for exchanges this is incredible guys y got him thank you guys right we got our first 99 rated player in how long here like 20 minutes no 70 minutes on this RTG so big rind there guys he's now going to be in the squad goalkeeper West Ham if you didn't know EA trying to be hilarious with his name yeah great banter e great great banter anyway he's in the team and this is a good upgrade this is a great upgrade so we do want to get many 90 guys as possible I would like to get like four or five I think at least four within 7 hours obviously that's going to be very hard to do but you never know the team's gone already from an 87 rating though to a 90 now which is great so 91 even let's see how we do right number two number two we can do gameplay in this account but honestly I think just S5 prend for 10 seven hours right that's a good one that's 94 moono who's the blue it's going to be Loco any 99 terier not yet okay however multiple Blues he might be our right back for now he won't be by the end obviously but I think we put him in the team for now guys it's actually pretty good right back um 94 okay we'll open this now then 85+ 10 again another big blue could do something good here that is zbrella Pelini 93 oh man the 92 On's better we do get ba we got a bunch of Blues but not a very good 85+ 10 No 9 9 here guys got it right straight from the start man we've got a huge one 94 plus um player pick here to see if this is going to be great to RAM for the team is he easy to get though hopefully he's easy messy imagine it's not bad th and Torres would actually start I feel like we go Torres and then Torres I'll have a look right where can he play he can play Striker so he gets in the team for now whether he stays that is to be honest beyond belief I don't know if you will we'll see yeah I'll get them done so we've already done like what four five here that is uh po no um is it map Leon maap Leon and probably Xiao Pedro guys oh oh no 86 88 come on y big blue please be strong Portuguese cam go one go on ruy Costa maybe into an exchange I think maybe bro yeah we play guys right just like TV 92s 91s Cy yeah and then maybe we can save a card there oh just send it you know just send it right guaranteed footies I want 19 199 but seriously double would be insane guaranteed can this be 99 guys can it be Italian Center mid I think that is Bella isn't it yeah it is what rating is he is he 97 oh he is as well that's that's actually pretty good he starts I agree um this formation guys is not going to work let's go with a um 433 4 yeah that should do it right so this is what we got guys so far in 34 minutes Barella Pelle foderingham and a few more so I could do with getting I actually think we need better pack look here I'll be honest man please get something cracked come on there we go footies oh please that's tap sober who is the foies guys is that hero that might be hero chat what we got oh I I have not packed a card all week long I'm not even joking guys I agree I've never seen a car before 97 she's 7 2K oh no 23,000 coins still oh my days guys what is happening bro how man right we need a good play here guys Argentina I just get messy oh you're joking right 85 + 10 blue French Center mid this time oh who's this Z Emory probably won't start in the final Squad and conu is 84 Olivia rud in the same pack guys oh that's a great pack 47 minutes these are the best players I've got guys a b Pelle there we've got foram Barella Torres Smith Rodman as well this has been a good start 85 plus 10 go one blue Brazil goalkeeper Edison oh no maybe not n even 97 though that's not a very good pack though guys oh wow please be P icon English who is this wow okay that is not bad right 94 player pick bro this has to be good um it's okay it's okay I feel like that's okay alabas maybe save that player pick the rating is okay to be honest the rating is actually really good in the starting 11 right now I need a bit better pack look guys all we need are you guys surprised though at the amount of like transfers we've been we've been doing let me know cam Dutch uh that's rad what we got here a lot of exchanges not bad but yeah I need more Blues now guys right + 10 to prove it's live dir Striker oh it's brbie there you go PR is live it's currently 8:05 a.m. it's the 7th of August be great 84 plus 10 Again icon the Torres again right Torres but we are lacking in blues here guys not by itself I love it on like a cheeseburger or burger or pizza other than that no I'm not a cheese fan Bro Other than that oh go one got rain and Kung the same one de bruy and ret wow fair play man right blue German that could be good hold on oh it is right musy Hara goes into the team that's a big one think he probably can he can so really upgraded the team well this is the team so far guys after 1 hour and 6 minutes so we've got already a really strong rated team ala for ringham 99 Bella Torres Smith Pelle muala Rodman Rodman's insanely rare to pack I can't believe I got it this morning guys footies that his job he hates goalkeepers he guys I think he does like goalkeepers cuz you always have the bust up with pet schichel I I think that's the case right oh right well he goes in the team for now maybe does he maybe that's a great exchange pack but so far man so good look at that guys it's probably already 97 right got it need some stunning guys sweaty boy needs it J1 most hater want it my man please EA oh what is his price 60,000 coins I've got another 97 rated player bro look at this team it's a really strong team for rating so far but we're not we haven't got like a standout player okay right icon in a rare mix player pack tradeable go one let's get that one go guys Ronald keman you need Kevin De Bry though to get the assist he get so many assist right that is um speaking of Man City guys Bernardo Silvera he's been rumored to leave for ages surely this might be his final campaign in the city guys the hardest thing for me guys with footy just like after half an hour you just when you haven't done much cardio and you actually struggle to kick the ball from just just running so much playing the kickabout is easy in footy guys but actually when you're playing in a proper full Pace game and you can feel the legs to start to go check footies not bad that is not bad the amount of tutorials I've be making guys in the first week how to start Ultimate Team oh is that jenko nope oh uh okay then yeah ferand and jino and pellas have alluded me on any account guys we're on a new 7 hour subscriber to Glory chat today if you wondering what we're doing grading an account for 7 hours that's that could be for dcon oh hold on Oh my days don't you deby ronaldino just mentioned it no who is the why do we get excited why do we get excited guys oh man I really thought that was going to be ronino guys but it wasn't to be so I think with that being said raldo could go into an exchange couldn't he icon make it make sense that's icon hold on a minute um that's a puty icon what are we doing guys our look is actually really good right now got him right big one then one of four 190 oh look look at this this is a huge one guys three two one one four R play can Chef chenko 50,000 coins come on man oh is an icon it is hold on I've got an icon here guys I mean it's okay not ideal but it's okay maybe Bobby more done I need to get some really big duplicates here as well that be lovely that could be a good play it hold on that could be M again no but it's actually pretty good so yeah I might go and start do we start Bobby more guys bro they need their own Michael Edwards guys I'm sorry United do I think it'll be a good signing actually but come on 50 million for you got it Euros no pounds okay Ben better selling we paid 30 for rard and less than yeah that's again Arsenal Fair Play If United got Ugarte for like a really good price I like you know what fair play but that that seems a bit mad and then sell them for a lot more man SI guys have a really good um youth setup as well that is Sanchez think of the players that coming through their Academy guys I mean Palmer was City Academy wasn't it guys did it really Brazil who's this Striker Xiao Pedro what else will we get guys I mean it wanted a blue when we got one young players come to Liverpool's Academy must be thinking like as good as they could be and even even players like Bobby Clark have been sold who's this there's been talks of uh b as well which what a pack oh foies that could change things uh that Cannon speaking a sancho I mean I'll take it I'll take it right oh what a pack P potentially oh who's this is that quadr oh man well it gives me a bunch of exchanges guys I guess why not and Messi Ronaldo and one it's a blue it's French still no Kai guys today although can we get her in this in fact can we get Kai Donal rumor two Blues is good though I wanted Blues okay Michael is going to be ecstatic at this one guys look at the upgrade ra he's 100,000 coins 394 plus player pick here Steven from Derby County I might never do that again honestly guys I might never do that one again big one pleas eight again guys please know what that is not bad that is really good pack hold on that that's good big one please be pink it is pink oh hold on a minute what we doing here guys myano can you tell if it's a hero two Blues is okay though so with that being said can I use one of those Blues into Bobby Mo's SPC guys having like two weeks until the next game is brutal too brutal who is this going to be guys that is team yeah I'll take that that's a good pack yeah good though really oh go on schmeichel they've got the best stadium in the league in terms of like modern features and I don't know if you go you know and if you've been you know it's just unreal oh four blues yes please oh H is that Smith well that's that's the best pack of the day isn't it guys Martinez and Smith in the same pack and she's duplicate spare card wow so now we can add two 98s guys to this team okay this might be 98 rated Squad right well that is now done Bobby more 98 rated card added to this road to glory squad for I subscribing Michael guys he um he's he's going to love this team he started with a 87 rated Squad now look at what we can do with only what we guys like two and a half hours in this is now the team we've got in the squad so I think Chef jenko can now be maybe replaced can he go left wing actually right wing can Rodman go left wing no can fer and Torres maybe have a look actually can um I'll give that a go and then obviously Martinez now get in the squad so does Bobby Moore so does Vieira look at this team wow I think realistically that seems to work well Barella gets more chemistry I think yeah 98 look at this guys Martinez can go there left wing plus three can he go right wing oh he can right Chef chenko right wing why not look at that guys right to be fair this is really really stunning Alaba left back you absolute genius right 97 rating already it was the target but now I think we can really really push on to 98 again no Pelini remember SmackDown versus Ru oh brilliant Pack 4 team of the season is stunning I remember uh NBA Street volume two oh what a pack oh I've improved the team again first 82 plus player pick for Michael's account look what I've got him oh this is outrageous guys that's phenomenal guys where can he start as well I'd rather have an ion and he gets plus two I think then we need got there one 2 3 four five I've got 6 97 I think one more 98 this becomes a 98 rated Squad we have got a second caming I think I need new pc man I can feel it going to be crazy soon Center B that could be an icon it is uh ladly King 95 and German 94 not bad at all guys here we go oh pretty solid pack so again exchange we did like a reveal together and that's like marketing budget going on footballers and stuff and you know obviously content creator guys like that was a paid thing and then um but now oh me H but now to see what's happening with leaks is like wow yes let's go right who wants it 374 for pretends right well another 94 lorente actually might work I feel like he sa the player pick um Lorent isn't too bad I think he actually goes right back over Gabby yeah he's better that's a crazy card that Team guys how how far we in now 3 hours in chat nearly it's like it could be 5,000 more it's a mad league is blue it's dutch guys it's probably r nope chavy Simons not bad icon that's a really good pack right Bella I think goes into exchange I think Palmer you're right should be that's footies please be huge one USA left back who's this that's blue who is the is that hero galdo 98 Pace galdo never forget your pace man you've been downgraded bro in the new game hugely guys right raldo Robinson as well right big one 84 plus 10 guys it is another footies bless our County a go on got a good feeling about this one guys please be like a 99 it's Rodman again twice on the same account after never getting a card ever before Rodman 97 probably into um the L SBC 84+ 10 come on blue please oh man that's a great click that right ax uh who's this H we do team R for the subs mate the twitch Subs please be good it's quite decent drive though Brazilian cam is that Socrates I think it is yes got him 97 Socrates added to the list added to the collection book why not 97 bro bang bro FC mobile is so much bigger than this game it's insane in terms of like people playing and stuff it's huge oh 95 maybe refresh is good it is good oh that is very good why not y there we go Blue Spanish left back oh was that raldo again no but it's okay he's striking we're getting close to Messi here guys I think we might get him today I've got a really good feeling about it guys honestly 90 Dante as well m i please be amazing 84 10 I want to see the icon flare for foies again it could actually footies it probably will be Smith footies oh 91 91 it's a good pack though again I can't complain game gets reviewed a lot and people say like all content is gameplay but if you actually play the attacking if you actually play no attack if you actually play this game a lot like we do I think this game is actually slightly underrated but I don't think it's the worst ever played though is that 90 um not a bad pack though guys really not a bad pack now can she go into LBC why not guys why we open this pack e eight that's wor is that much I got please oh no it's uh is that danjuma 89 oh no guys what we just got there Campbell diito 84+ 10 even over these I still PR the exchanges still in terms of just the F gives you that's a really bad one pleasa it's a blue Brazil I shouldn't skip what am I doing actually not a bad pack though big one blue which is needed uh that's hold on a minute oh hold on be 99 yes oh no that could have so easy ly been the team of the season version oh that is gorgeous first 99 player pack pull guys oh that is nice 99 and we got a bunch of cards spare that's huge and we're on our way to getting alarm done so we're getting we're getting 2 99s here guys 51 footies again what Belgian vincing company wow backto back footies we're in a roll guys maybe 10:41 a.m. every morning is the time to open packs what's going on bit less chemistry we can figure it out right it's 98 Oh my days it's actually 98 guys right this is insane the Midfield I think will be improved over larm soon but I mean look at this squad guys you didn't know man with House of dragon chat they uh didn't have the budget to complete two more episodes which is nuts because like they basically rushed the uh last episode into they rushed the last episode to make it into like the finale when it should have been episode eight 284 plus 10 blue uh is it nunas no Lara please be good please be good please be strong be ping card here somewhere uh Dutch cam is that Simons again yeah I I defin I think so uh J Park who's the an icon here as well no but exchanges I mean why not 84 + 10 s morning coffee chat uh that is oh no it's blue though not bad Sterling would do it against Chelsea yeah that's true he could do England Striker hly Watkins have I already got him oh well that's perfect though for Philip LS SBC guys here we gochange blue cheeky p guys I'll take it oh wow right that's a massive pack that means right now guys Philip larm is nearly done 84+ 10 right of the game who is that guys hero bang she can go right that is now done got him Philip L 99 rated guys unreal 99 rating CDM is in the squad this is a this is such a stunning SBC I'll be honest guys we're flying through this subscribers upgrade today right where do we add him chat I feel like the defense or Center mid position maybe can improve thing is though I feel like we can maybe play him CDM that's how we do it guys look at that 98 rating Socrates to be honest can now go he might be SPC f look at that wow so 4 hours and 50 minutes in this is what the team is looking like guys I don't think he really helps though in terms of rating I don't think he's worth it guys this time Center back I would love to get re fer guys 95 Simon's this song is too epic again right oh uh good packs though 99s uh write a letter to EA post it first class them to give you 9 to9 obviously I'm joking but just keep on doing keep on sending the uh 84 plus 10 85+ 10 big one that might answer my Midfield conundrum oh that is actually really good I might do more of these then guys guys that might be a big win I'm not sure on this price oh he is expensive 200k wow that was actually really good then big one Chill Vibes be a footy icon please y oh no love that you know what you're right oh what a pack we are so close here guys to having no 97 it's unreal come on thanks great blue H is a Simons again oh 97 oh you are kidding why is he imp pack guys at the same time like why oh why I packed every 99 player it's been released how long is it taken hey footies you give me the look here guys uh this could be good please Real Madrid who's this oh double wow okay Rodman and Al the same one what a really bizarre pack that that is our team is actually 98 rating now as well which is nuts so yo is he still expensive actually is a pack I feel like they flee U for that that seems a crazy Mount I don't know he's good but on world class but then champ M came along and then eventually football maner form man that's a greater game Icon hold on a minute Center back uh who is this don't be davosa or like neded it could be Charon maybe if he's inacted oh Sam brought a 93 guys on conso as well which is cool I think it's on Xbox pretty sure it is blue come on Italian right back is as BR again actually is I want to get better look please EA please big one it is footies Striker um dinal is that another hero behind him that's a huge rating guys it is as well 297 in the same pack that is an amazing 84 plus 10 come on please got him right and we save galdo and we go again so player pick for someone huge it's not bad though gakpo 97 ala 97 guys as well thoughts chat it's okay but honestly he might go into a big SBC icon player P now ready so let's get this one done guys please be a card it's a blue which is not bad uh is that Kim andj though it is one of four big one um that's why we SA 92s that is exactly why we stick to uh 92s guys and we all know why tradeable is that footies wow 97 rated card in this one that's a that's a bit of a joke guys right 97 is huge that's a big one please y back to back footies please go on dut Striker who is this Dan Juber 89 well here we are guys 1 hour and 20 minutes left on this road to glory this is the current state of the main team 99s are quickly filling up the squad George Best Pack pulled Sam ker pack pulled Philip L complet and so much more to do right now it's currently 9 rating on the 7our subscriber Road to Glory but I think we can do maybe even better now have actually just G and released a really exciting 96 plus player pick for footy so that's pretty high chance here that we might get someone really awesome and the cool thing is the rating is actually really desirable okay the 89 sad is now done Guys 1 hour 18 left so I'd love to get this done right now now I do need a blue here because we are quickly running out of team of the seasons they needed in most sbcs so I've got to go and do this right now man I really really do high chance here I don't even get a team of the season but I've got to take a risk guys it's pre-season that might actually be what I want please be a team of the season oh no it's D okay 86 rated Squad found there this is actually a very pivotal part of this road to glory as I've got no Blues right now in the club so this actually might be tricky with only 1 hour 160 minutes left to keep getting blue so I really need a big blue here guys out of nowhere to oh is that cre the game hero I think it is I need a blue all I need is one blue man that's all I want who is this it is there you go right I'm happy guys fire allows me to get another 85+ 10 and I only get one blue though that is not great considering the size of that pack there man honestly that that that needs to improve here we go again now I could do a three blues in this next one don't forget we can do 10 of these right now so we might end up here getting an R9 Ronaldo uh Ronaldinho Cristiano Ronaldo you never know Italian Center mid oh that is good that's Barella is that blue though is that pink card blue and it's a double blue that's huge right that gets me another few 85 plus 10 and maybe oh what a good pack maybe the 96 plus fuzzies player pick can now be done I'll also get a few more exchanges with that as when you're completing this game like we are today exchanges are absolutely vital for this grind gold rares and it's August okay I've actually got it done there guys and it's ready so the team of The Season's good to go and I've got the 90 rating now this means we get a 96 plus player no matter what so we might get 98 here we might get a terrible one I haven't done one of these yet first one on this RTG what do we get and it's a really bad one oh no 97 rated honestly he's probably going to go into that one again and we'll risk it guys for the BBN biscuit I think we need to okay that one's ready and now I desperately need even better players here guys like I really do and quickly please give me 99 rated player man just just something oh that could be decent go one that is oh is that go who's that not bad you know from a tradeable pack that is not bad 85 plus 10 here man what we got blue is good though for the club English Senter mid I who's this oh I was so excited for that oh no oh it's a bad one okay okay okay so I've actually gone and got two big exchange packs here for the grind to try and improve our team and I do need some specials here preferably if footies or blue first one to get nothing at all um but it is a few walk outs there not the worst but not the best either I'll actually quick sell those cards the cool thing is about this time of year guys is that obviously we don't need to recycle every single card now because there are that many good cards in packs that's a really good pack though right that's a big one so now we can do even more 85 plus 10 here and I get two in the same one perfect now with that being said we can go into SBC section of ultimate team and go and do the 85+ 10 probably twice in a row here and that should be good to go okay there's one and then probably another one right now as well which is great news so two in a row here and we are ready okay that one's ready so two massive ones here raring to go now I want to improve my team obviously to as big rating as possible however we have still got positions I believe we can improve right back could be frong we could get Striker Ronaldo icon or the Portuguese version obviously Cristiano so let's see what I get I get Kim and J as the first walk out this might not be good man honestly um wow okay we could luckily get one blue from that one that was a really bad 85 plus 10 in August guys they really really was wasn't it next one though is maybe someone nice left mid is that Demarcus Beasley I think it is who's the second card though hey it's Brun rice 96 so the rating to start off with there and that one isn't bad what do we get though what are these packs here tonight well two more exchanges done I am really hoping to finally get blessed with some amazing pack look here with only 1 hour and 6 minutes on the clock I've really got to Quicken this up so so gold rares is not what I want though thing is I really need like a strong 85% here with maybe 5 93s are above that way we can then look to complete another 96 plus player pick that is not a footy of that's going to be sorloth from Villa Royale I believe it is he's good for another exchange maybe um yeah that is not ideal yes it's enough racing okay I'm going to get this one done hope for the best and maybe we can get a 9 right now guys I believe we do one Sam CER we got earlier on I would love another 99 here EA that is a footies go on oh who is this it's guaranteed foot to madw that's going to be 95 it is as well who's this oh 97 levandowski first time I believe I packed him today that is finally a good pack now the Mad thing is about his card is that most likely I might not even need him now don't forget we got zahar before we got just now levandowski so yeah I don't think we need him he might go into another 96 plus footies player pick it's a new one that we're all just really excited to do so why not man well that one's ready really I'm not going to use any of those cards I need this to pay off don't give me Z again actually give me someone useful here in Ultimate Team that is have I to got an icon or is that silver oh it's always the way isn't it okay I've got to use a blue here but this one yeah I might use a b p I'm never going to use him let's be brutal here man it's actually ready and have hardly used any good players over this stage that's incredible so second one it can possibly be worse than the first one please be Ronaldo please it's Socrates I've already got him Sancho Masano I'm not going to use any of those players I can't believe we just got that level look there guys I really can't believe it I don't know then maybe this one is the play then I mean it's um it's pricey though 292 r squads is very expensive so I'm leaning towards getting back into the big ones 85 Plus 10s okay 85 + 10 here we go please please give me three or four blues in one comment down below what's the most team of the season you've got in either an 84 plus 10 or the 85+ 10 do let me know however that might be someone decent that is actually a 90 rated player that's massive that's an exchange pack waiting to happen there and we get more coins with nearly 1 hour left this is actually going really well I just need that ridiculous pack look man please give us a bunch of good Blues here it's going to be who's that is that um 94 Cru and then I think Kola barley 94 any pink cards no but a bunch of exchanges could do with this been in big foots you know I really could do team of the season don't never mind you guys know I love the team of the season and it's three that's actually pretty nice now we can do an exchange at the same time Pro tip honestly every time open like 185 plus 10 pack use one high rated card in exchanges like this one the a overall that way when you open the exchange pack it gives you more foder to save you coins and playsy to buy on the next 85+ 10 it really helps out so for example rogy I can send this one and that will give me a bunch of 84s bunch of 83s and yeah it's going to really help out when you complete the next one and you also might get a special card from this you never know what we get in this one oh my days you actually do oh I only I've only got done it uh Bruno Fernand guys that's a 90 96 from exchange is awesome that's brilliant I've just spotted that EA have actually released a Calif Fury SBC if I get him completed I can then put long right back and put Cal Fury left back that might be the play I know it's only plus one raising but at this stage of the game guys honestly that's probably a good idea the 92 rated Squad is now ready so halfway there and done the most expensive one this is actually so fun and simple to do man it's brilliant I I love I love doing these road to glories as you can tell I love them and this is a big reason why s spcs like this are so easy and fun to grind and it's it's just great well 85 Plus 10's ready again let's see if this pays off I could do it a massive footage eyon here I'm talking like Pelle R the game Ronaldinho someone ridiculous it is a blue though which isn't the worst start it will be though DAV Suka okay that's a big one 96 and we do get actually a very nice pack maybe for the next exchange or Calif furri I'll check it out guys don't forget please complete these exchanges they're so handy okay USA left wing oh that's a footies I think that's footies no it isn't but it's a good one for blues honestly that works for Cal fui actually that really really works another tip for you guys when you're completing this kind of grind is that when you have actually got enough players for example a cal Fury style SBC or a big rated card I always try and get one extra 84+ 10 just to really see me over the line there as that way you then will not run out fodder for the next pack you do and also you might get a few bonus blue cards as you can see I've got a bunch of Blues now which is great news and it's not the worst thing in the world though is it completing all 85 plus 10 every day as you will actually start to save a lot more high rated cards by completing those 85 plus 10 quickly and then getting back into 84 plus 10 it's a plus two difference the 84 to 85 plus 10 s SPC so you really do save a lot of cards when you get back on the 84 + 10 grind and there you have it that one again free to do don't forget you should never ever be spending coins doing this exact method you really shouldn't be um every now and then maybe but you know try avoid that blue that will be oh is that no not je jko it's going to be doig there from Jona in La Liga and there is not a single footage inside but still that is actually a quite good pack now I'm guessing that means I can now complete Cal Fury which means we can also get another rated uh high rated player on the team so let's see if we can do only two squads left yeah this should be doable now and like I said earlier I always try and get one more big SBC completed even though I've got a fod as that would give me a lot more fodder for the next grind so I've managed to get another 84+ 10 team of The Season's got in should probably get a blo return which again will save me coins in the long run and now we should be able to complete Calif Fury unless it gives me a gold Squad of players here which I highly doubt what we got here though that is actually really nice so they can now go into caly which is brilliant for this squad come on man let's go got it done right I've managed to complete the one and only transfer himself to Arsenal from Sera it's going to be Ricardo calori really lovely addition to the squad I actually just didn't think I get him done as I was going to focus on more packs but when you do see a big rated player like that who can really work well on the team I can't ignore him now the only thing is imagine we get a frong that could get us near to a 99 rated team I've never done it before even on the main account yet so we're pushing guys I'm really pushing now this is where things get interesting so we can either do this we probably get rid of lorente there put l right back and then I should be still getting 33 chemistry there he is so we do get a plus one rating there with 98 from 97 and we're actually doing really well would not mind some more Center mids here however 42 minutes left let's see what we can do 84 + 10 oh it's a great to the game Icon mudri please don't be davka actually be a really fun one zenine zidan 98 he's improved the team he's he can now go in I'm speechless over Vieira oh that's perfect so this road to glory now is going even better than anticipated what have I just done oh what a pack so zidan guys is still pretty expensive at this time of the game yeah he gets in over verier man that means we're Nearing not having any 97 rated players so this actually really really mad comment down below my friends what has been your favorite pack of fc24 and I'm not going to lie man I've done so many packs we're getting emotional about this game right now I I'm not sorry but for me it's got to be the 89 exchange pack it's the best one in the whole game for me in terms of reliability consistency it you can never go wrong with it it's always helpful so so for me that would be number one I think 82 plus player picks might be number two 84 plus 10s are obviously phenomenal but they're also quite overpowered so maybe more you know generic packs or player picks but what's been your favorite one excluding those big packs for me the exchange has been number one and this is why I think this the best pack in the game I've just got a 51 duplicate pack and look at this guys 90 rate oh my who disagrees with me that these are the best packs in the game if you do you're wrong you're wrong well here we go again 26 minutes on the clock that's a big card hold on a second who have I just got kabar team of the season but who's the big one don't be Bruno Fernand Again by the way that apparently that's how you pronounce the name guys obard to anyone in Portugal who have I just got though come on please wait Kevin De Bry Kevin de Bru oh no the rest of it is absolutely tragic right that might improve the team I'll have a look oh that's an icon I don't think it's footies though no that's going to be a soul Campell thing guys so yeah and it's Crow which helps but the rest can go okay guys the last few have been really actually bad so I now need this pack look to improve after de Bry man honestly I didn't get anyone so let's try and get someone so much better in these last 8 four plus 10 I I really really need this to be so much better you know blue will it be special though that is the question and it's kind of average okay we go again okay man here we go let's get it done now as I'm filming this guys and I'm hoping you've stay the end this video this is a really important message actually a very amazing footballer has just responded to one of my messages about upgrading his account and he guesses to who it is I give you a clue it is a a player who plays in La Liga great player any comments down below guess is it win a gifted sub on my next morning stream let me know comment down below who is it let me know they're up for it though right um that is actually a decent pack that's a 93 rated player from the oh it's not it's a ghost oh no right 9 minutes left on the 7h hour account for Michael guys here we go I've gone for it guys I know this is an absolute risk here but I can't ignore the size of this rating and obviously with 8 minutes left to improve Michael's Ultimate Team account I really have to be quick here and get maybe one more 84+ 10 done for him and then we can actually improve his team in a big way hopefully it's 95 rating that is a huge one and yeah I need one more though 84 + 10 and then to be honest I should be able to get this done before the buzzer expires so let's get this one to go and get it done got to be said big shout out here guys to the Xbox console honestly I'm starting to prefer Xbox man with the menu grind I feel like the the servers don't slow down as much the console feels a bit more responsive and yeah the pack look seems even better sometimes as well so let's see how we do and hopefully we get someone amazing from this 84+ 10 in fact this is done to perfection so bit overdone but bro it's August let's get it done here we go 7 minutes on the clock here guys come on 84 + 10 and it to footies no way I've just done that and won the last one Spanish Center back that's the team of the season who is the footies though please be 99 on my days imagine Ronaldo imagine Neymar never pack Neymar guys have I just got um it's l Rick and you know what he's going to go actually is not a bad pack for this huge player pick is it so I'll give this one go guys and we'll see what we get here right now I know it's been mad to use two footies cards but for the sake of a 95 plus player pick where it could get 99 vanik here then I have got to fully send it we're nearly in September here we go by the way thank you so much for the amazing support on these videos it's so appreciated really is quite emotional to think about and um yeah if you're new around here guys welcome everyone's welcome let's get it right 95 plus one of four and it is 97 on your battle isn't that bad the rest is pretty pretty trash though but I think she saves it so was it worth it though I don't know guys however we have got more players now which is great unless they've just disappeared okay 5 minutes left on the clock here man let's see what we can do I'm actually wondering how many 84 plus 10s I can now complete in this time it might be a mad rush to the finish line here so let's be quick he man get these done now I've got I think realistically I can get three 84 plus 10s if I a bit quicker so let's see how we do I have got a 91 there to be used there as well and that one is actually not even ready wow um okay that's a problem 87 so this is where to be honest I could do with an exchange pack which gives me someone huge I mean preferably like lemon in there um to give me more gold I'll see how we do I'll quickly do that one if I can get three here though that would be honestly a a miracle on this game and don't forget I've got two packs now to open so let's see if this is really worth the grind here late August man please get us someone huge um tradeable I'll skip really quickly guys get that done right that one's ready I'm thinking maybe now honestly two not three because 3 minutes off the clock left is not long here we go 84+ 10 it's a blue could do the pink Ronaldo card here please oh it's oh I've got a big one um well this is awkward honestly for the grind I think I've just got to send him again guys what else can to do zidan into incredibly an 84+ 10 I know that is absolutely ridiculous but with only this time frame left guys I can't think of anything else to do there um other than that so let's get that one done there for Zan I know some of you guys might be triggered seeing that but it is what it is it's 98 duplicate honestly it gets me another one done I don't mind it that is definitely done so yeah huge rating only plus one um one off of 99 right 2 minutes 90 sorry 2 minutes 54 seconds left here we go skip that right there's two if I open these quickly I reckon we can get a third one done here let's go I think we can as long as we get into the final SBC though with one minute remaining I can do it man as long as we start it we always have the rule I can go and complete it right please give us a huge one Argentina don't be don't be messy uh TZ molito okay good start though that is is that GMA that is not a bad pack now for time reason I'm going to do that to get this next one done I said I said three we might be able to do four right that's a footy card hold on a second um that is a really big pack I'm not going to skip because that's footies what have I just done Alan say maximan this pack look is getting better and better as the video goes on like what's happening because this normally does not happen so we got 1 minute 54 left can we go and pack an incredible massive 84+ 10 I might quickly try and get two done here guys if I can do it that's amazing I reckon we can let's get it done right 84s here just send them the servers are annoyingly slowing down but a pro tip here as well if your game starts to do this right here when the player selection like scrolling through the players goes a bit slow simply restart the game and then you'll be fine so it will like reset um the gam playay speed in the menus right that's done there and then one more blue we'll get that one done I believe newest y we can do it I think we might as well use some of these big cards doing the next one um yeah there's one right incredibly I think we can get the next one done right now let's go though got to be quick here guys uh newest let's use Cobalt there yeah he can go she can go and then the rest should be done um if I can get three that would be honestly a dream man it really would be let's use a big blue there use drb and then that one is definitely done right we can get three done here guys in a row which is amazing we might get a big footies card here showing you how quickly this grind can now be done as I'm probably looking stressed getting this done right right GMA can go there there you go and then Paradise really boost the rating yeah guys I've got it right let's go to Gold here gold ra and we should be done come on EA let's get it done man we've got 26 seconds even though the timer might run out there which it actually could do as long as we start it we can go and complete it if you didn't know an ultimate team if you do start an SBC at like 6:00 p.m. on the dot or second before you normally can complete it um even though it's technically expired right got it 8 seconds left here my friends let's go 384 plus 10s now in a row as the timer comes to a close it's actually a 7h hour um RTG what am I doing there hold on 7h hour oh oh it's it's God there you go right well we did get it working guys but forgive me man it's um it's going to bit crazy let's take it off there right 7 hours done for Michael he's going to love this team hopefully let's see what we can get the final three packs here anyone who good from this one these three obviously goes into his main team so very very much love doing these guys comment down below if you want to be the next subscriber on this series that will oh Cal Walker no way what an ending to this video honestly the pack look has actually got better and I'm filming this at like quarter to8 in the evening so maybe that's the time to upload to upload these to um to grind the game look at that though 29 SS in the same pack he's going to love that guys he really really is right next one then he's got two more left here we go that's an icon I don't think it's footies though I'm going to skip it's not footies probably 94 as the best yeah creso as well okay he can go for now right final pack of the RTG then we can build his final Squad which I know you're all waiting for that is another icon though who's this Belgian Striker uh Theo cah 91 Real Madrid icon what else is he oh yeah pretty average pack to be fair but you know what we've got crazy look today here we go then time to upgrade Michael's Ultimate Team our legendary YouTuber subscriber who commented on the last videos guys and let's see what we can do this team he started with an 87 rated team here we go though and goal is of course 99 rated Bing him if you don't get that joke maybe Google it right right back is going to be be a very brilliant right back it's going to be Philip La but look at the right backs they've got in the club now cwalker 97 on your battle lorente but La makes the team he really has added to this squad Lop 2 99s already it's already technically on average well it is yeah 99 right now next up is going to be Bobby Moore incredibly high value SBC and I've got over 97 center backs there uh rating Center back sorry like five or six times there so five or 6 9 27 rated center backs at least however Bobby Moore makes this team as well now left Center back has to be a great addition and it will be going to go with Vince and Company and look at the some of the other choices are Ruben Diaz Alber however you know who's probably going next to company who the last time I saw company was screaming at some Bly players now he's managing Bayern Munich it's unbelievable isn't it anyway left back though is going to be 98 rated Cal fiori what a card he gets into the team only 7h hour Road to Glory this one showing you what you can do yourself in Ultimate Team as well right Cent though for the squad is actually going to be I think a really good choice here L ELO very valuable still Ultimate Team I think he's like 300,000 coins correct me if I'm wrong he goes in this squad left Center mid my friend it's going to be a big one it's going to be Kevin De bruyne what a player arguably I don't know maybe biased maybe I've always said Geral is the best ever complete midfielder in premier league history however I might need to concede it soon that Kevin De BR might actually be the best midfielder we've ever seen in the Premier League guys I think he's got a genuine chout now he gets in the team there though now Central attacking mid for the squad it can be whoever you want really however I'm going to go with zind into Dan packed him twice really rare card H to pack he's now in the 7h hour subscriber RTG account now right wing is going to be George bass could have gone Faron Torres jef chenko Rodman but B makes the cut there for this squad now it's a 94 rated team don't forget my rating well requirement or challenge was 97 can we beat it left wing for the team is our third no third yeah third 99 rated player in the squad of course it's Sam I believe she's the only 99 though I packed in this entire video so 7 hours I pack 199 man you saw how many packs I opened as well now to complete the team it's got to be Loro Martinez another just huge batch of high rated Strikers there but Martinez makes a squad and look at that final team 87 rating to 98 rating team here man this is insane I think this might be one my best road to glories of the year in terms of raing and the time frame we've taken to do this do subscribe leave a like for more comment down below if you guys want to be on the next video just like our subscriber here so let me know now if wondering about bench players guys most likely it will probably remain as a 90 rated team and a big thanks there to musala Fan Torres Rodman on the bench we've got Vieira making his way to the bench we' got lorente Socrates and even someone like Ruben Diaz so this team really is phenomenal it's still 98 with even that bench so it's a crazy Squad let me know if you want to be on the next video guys have a stunning day whever you are in the world hope you're all well and I can't believe we've done this to his Ultimate Team account

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