Category: Sports
Manor solomon already looking good all right boys um so first time in the office we're doing an irl watch party i want to set it up properly too um so i think what we'll end up doing is on screen do we want we want the score line for sure right boys so let me uh let me double check do i have that ready... Read more
Category: Gaming
Unlimited 96 plus fo player picks two 92 rated teams but they've actually upped it not min rating main rating still the exact same but i mean in terms of one of four now it was one or three and i've actually got two of the oldd ones here as well so what we can do is we kind of can compare the two see... Read more
Category: Gaming
How many fc points did you spend this year on ea fc 350 350,000 around that that's a lot isn't it yeah don't know maybe 4k it's a lot i think 500,000 500,000 who was your best pack from that mbapp gold card it's terrible first of all i have to say too much i think it's around 850,000 fc points 850,000... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musik] hai teman-teman welcome to ryo gaming kembali lagi kita akan lanjutkan rtg poison monsta dan ini kita sudah mendekati hari terakhir bursa transfer terus kemarin juga ada yang komentar yaitu e masalah objektif pemain norwegia yang sama sekali belum kita selesaikan jadi mungkinan aku akan ngikutin... Read more
Category: Gaming
I have got so many 85 plus time 10 and now with all 4 teams being in packs i'm expecting to see a lot of 4 cards today if we get two team of the seasons of course we're not going to wait hold on is this bruno fernandez the team of the tournament it is h good f good f so no footy card servers we do actually... Read more
Category: Gaming
We are going to open so many 95 plus player picks today and maybe some footy player picks chucked in there as well to start off eight on the rtg please ea bless me up i know you gave me a son yesterday that was on the first owner okay that was not on the rtg though so uh you could argue that doesn't... Read more
Category: Gaming
यस यस यस बार विश्व कप के इस विश्व कप में यस यस Read more
Category: Sports
The game he hates sports bro come on no bro is he Read more
Category: Gaming
La eurocopa de la uefa es una de las competiciones más importantes del planeta y ambos equipos van a querer darlo [aplausos] todo tengo el coso de las grandes ocasiones quién ganará os damos la bienvenida al partido de hoy estamos en el arena shal el hogar del shal 04 con muchísimas ganas de disfrutar... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro the stage is set and the glittering prize awaits one of these two teams but which one in the 2022 fifa world cup final stay with us we'll have it all for you coming up next on eatv hello and welcome to a contest of start colossal meaning we find us eles here just to the north of the doha city... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
In diesem video werde ich ein champions league turnier veranstalten aber mit einer sonderregel pro lia darf nur ein parin mitspielen weil es 33 ligen in fc 24 gibt aber nur 32 champions league plätze darf eine liga nur zugucken und zwar die schottische liga so jetzt wird's aber ernst freunde die erste... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Heute werde ich die champions league simulieren aber in jeder gruppe spielen nur vereine aus dem gleichen land die gruppen a bis e werden dabei von den top fünf liegen aus england spanien italien deutschland und frankreich repräsentiert die restlichen drei gruppen von den niederlanden portugal und der... Read more