Ricochet ARGUES With WWE Fans! ALL IN Debut Was A FAILURE? AEW RUINS Wrestlers Legacies!

but King Ricochet he debuted during the um the casino Gauntlet Battle Royal and um I don't know the the match a lot of people said that basically well it's it's objectively true Ricochet came in I was marking out I was like it's really cool because we just saw him on Raw but like he fits in here like I didn't like the way his gear looked for whatever reason but he just M I don't know it it was not offputting at all I've seen Ricochet in every company it feels like so I don't know but it was just cool like damn he was just on Raw um but then he came in and did literally what they would have had him do on on in WWE just came in um other people got bigger Pops in my opinion like Nigel mcginness and stuff and then Ricochet came in did like a few really cool spots like flips wise but it's not even the cool I've seen him do way cooler whatever same with in WWE he's done way cooler um like before he was in WWE and then he just sort of disappeared and then the end of the match was just Christian comes out doing double duty after he already lost the trios titles in a latter match and then he just shows up and wins the contract so it's him versus Danielson and I don't know Ricochet just came in sort of did his thing and then he just wasn't anywhere to be seen and he was presented sort of the same way now he's fighting Kyle Fletcher tonight on Dynamite but this will be out on Thursday time cop so uh like I don't know you can criticize it all I don't expect them to bring Ricochet in and give him like a world title shot and nobody's saying Ricochet is a game changer and I don't want to hear that because nobody's ever said that about him and I'm not not huge Ricochet fan huge um you know my girlfriend loves Ricochet too like we've seen him live that's she's like that Ricochet dude's awesome you know what I mean like he he does flips that guy's really cool you know he does flips and [ __ ] so um she's into that yeah she's into that thing right um so it's so like I don't know he's gonna go and do really cool stuff in aw for sure I could see him becoming like maybe an International Champion or something like that but I don't know if uh whatever like if he wants to take the money take the part-time I ain't going to knock him for that and um and I'm cool with whatever they do like if they present them the same way or no better in WWE then what are you mad about you know what I mean so uh but with that being said definitely I feel like he was featured a lot in WWE to where like damn you're gonna go take probably more or the same amount of money to just work less to me I'm like godamn bro I thought you wanted to show more of what you are so I'm not one to judge I'm just telling you my opinion on it but I love Ricochet and I'm going to watch it put it over and Mark out when he does video game stuff with Will Osprey sure you know what I mean oh come on now Phil it's just the truth you know I'm a big fan of his I have been since like the early like before when he was just an indie scrawny dude I used to look at him and go this is the exact kind of guy who'll never make it big and then he went on to become a United won me over King Puma I'm a big Lucha underground Mark so anyways besides that he's in aw and the first thing he does is he starts arguing with marks on Twitter yeah this is where I'm just like Ricochet dude you what don't do this so instantly King Ricochet is responding well he's just talking back and forth with Kyle Fletcher and he just buries aw he goes so Fletcher goes you know all about brief Mr Speed and then Ricochet goes wait why is being a champion a Bad Thing plus I hate to say it but more people watch those matches than one of yours but don't worry I'll change that for you so he did a slick little like Barry but then put it over but you just completely destroyed like aw right there like that just destroyed melts any all of these arguments about aew's key demo number all of that like Ricochet comes in this company first thing he does is go yeah more people watch my on Twitter than I've ever seen your matches like I don't know it's just such a optically to the fans that's just fuel for the I don't know it just it didn't come across well what are your thoughts on on that Marie well first of all let's talk about his debut for a little bit um I honestly think that he should have never debuted in a gaunlet match to begin with because if you are acquire acqu acquiring I know I could talk I've been podcasting all day if you're getting Ricochet from WWE you're gonna have to show the aw fan base why WWE did not put him into position that Ricochet probably felt he needed to be there so I would have booked right after Osprey wins the title from mjf let him celebrate a little bit but that would that would have been the perfect time to introduce Ricochet to fight ospr and have a story built up and not like a story to just have the same call back match when you know they first started out in their careers but to elevate it because obviously one person made it to the top of the mountain but decided to be like oh his story isn't finished yet with osprey so therefore that's how you set up something with Osprey versus Ricochet for that International championship title the second thing I don't know why Ricochet was uh responding the way he was towards fans on the internet I get it that like they could get under your skin I get it they could say whatever they want to say but it makes it really made him look bad and it made aew look bad and it just goes to show you that drama is drama publicity is publicity and nobody really cares about their image in aew and they hurt their own stock and they hurt their own character like you have to understand that social media you know it it it can antagonize everybody you have to learn how to use it right but that doesn't mean you go after the people who just want to start something to starts something and that's having Ricochet off to like a bad start with gaining new fans um because the ultimate goal for aw should be to get the fans that not still alienate them no doubt no doubt you're absolutely right and he does a little bit more of that I I think I bookmarked it but basically what I saw was Ricochet so some fans said to him yeah it's not in my I might have put it in my IWC SOS segment but he basically some fans said to him like damn I don't watch aw I love Ricochet I saw that one I'm gonna definitely be watching highs of him like I'm not going to watch aw but I'm gonna watch highlights and then Ricochet is like wait I don't get it like why wouldn't you watch yeah show that I'm on and da d d d du and I was just like God damn it man it's not it's not you guys it's the show like you guys got to understand and the boys need to understand this I don't know if they don't get it I'm sure a lot of them do and they're like you don't get it you Mark and I know I'm Phil marks okay I get it but what I'm trying to say if anyone's listening okay trust me I'm being objective here okay y'all people are turned off of aw like they don't like the fans but they don't like the product they don't like the show they don't want to see Ricochet go and do a billion flips for nobody no for a thousand uh and eight people I saw ticket sold for this dynamite like a few days ago I think maybe I'm wrong on that but there was like a 10,8 tickets sold like people don't want to see him fight Kyle Fletcher in an empty glib building the production's bad cuz they're filming around and ESS and when they went to the UK it looked awesome because it was all fil like if you're watching Dynamite leading up to Wembley and Cardiff there it was the little building they had was filled to the tits and it was all bright and they had the lights shining on everyone it looked awesome and they could produce the shows well because they could film the whole building and then when they come back to America there's 1,200 tickets sold and they're filming around emptiness it just looks like people don't want to watch that you guys got to understand that aspect of it it's not like people don't just watch wrestling for just moves that's called move corn I'll call it but with a p and you guys know that okay it's just yes the moves are sick but if there's a reason they're doing them or if we're building up like okay you come in the first night do crazy we're all like oh my God this is amazing and then you cut an awesome promo and then something happens where a story and then it builds to something but no they like we can't I don't want to just see ricochet have a great match then have a great match then have a great match then get a 10-second backstage where he runs into someone who's like yeah you think you're the best I'm the best see you on collision like no we want like Deuces we we need to yeah we need to see some not just we already know in every sport I've said this at nauseum we already know in every single sport everyone's vying to be the best everybody's trying to be the best in the world dude even in Pokemon I wan to be the very best everyone wants to be the best we know that everyone wants the chip okay everybody wants the ring but that's why wrestling so fun because we already know that so now we can expand upon that watch hockey and they go oh you know we're just GNA give it 110% and you know we're just going to keep eyes on the puck and score them goals and then you watch basketball and the dudes are like yeah you know we're just gonna give it 125% and uh you know coach is going to call the play like every sport these guys just that's why wrestling is the best because you can talk and have these characters and be like n dude this is why like this this or that or I attacked you or no I'm sadistic like I don't give a I'm goingon to break people's arms every match and you know try and stop me I'm getting that world title No matter at the cost of everyone in the locker room like you you can expand upon that and and get creative and and generate heat that's what it's all about heat so I've said it a billion times right so all I'm saying is don't drive potential fans off Ricochet by going well wait why wouldn't you be like oh thanks for checking out my highlights still and I encourage you to come check out a full match whether it's on aw's YouTube or come check me out on a dynamite like yo maybe you'll fall in love like pitch it that way don't yeah don't like be like oh it's weird and like question their fandom that's what these elitist marks do that's what these elitist marks do that drive people away this is why people don't want to watch the show this is why people aren't tuning in it's because of these the the fan gatekeep fandom and then the and then obviously just the show itself people aren't super into like just you got to understand that and a lot of these wrestlers too like some of the it's an exception it's not really the wrestlers that drive people away because it's how they're booked and it's the creative but some of them do like orange Cassidy and the Bucks people do not like them people turn off when they come on the screen learn something man and people would love to do the no orange Cassidy typically draws the highest rate no he didn't they put him on at the start of every show that's what Tony KH was doing so when the Big Bang people are turning it off yeah Cassidy has the highest rating for the 100,000 people drop off every week or 200,000 people drop off every week yeah because they were putting him at the front of every single show and people were turning it off in droves and like that's the numbers they play and uh people are tired of all that so Ricochet man bro if I'm your if I don't know man media training you were just in WWE I'm sure you should know this and I know you're free on Twitter now to be a little more loose lipped in all of that but dude convert them into fans stop these that type of thing you did is exactly why she doesn't watch aw in the first place and that's all I'll say about that so Ricochet we talked about it earlier in the show yeah and here it is um I'm not gonna say her handle but her name's Missy and she says I love Ricochet I don't watch a but I'll be watching them highlights for sure and yeah he says hm I'm conflicted with this so if you love watching me then why don't you watch me at aw she just said she will she just said she'll watch your highlights bro just so you can say I'm not watching that yes people don't like that show Ricochet yeah yeah serious question and then this guy goes I don't think she was saying this to D you bro I think it was just that maybe aw isn't for her but she likes you enough to keep up with what you're doing but doesn't like me enough to watch my ual matches no bro she's gonna watch she's gonna watch your match bro but like in clip form because she ain't about to go figure out how to watch aew and watch Dynamite bro like you got to accept that and try and convert her like okay let's say she watched your speed matches those were three minutes long let's say your match goes 15 minutes on Dynamite and she watches a three minute highlight reel you're going to be mad at that on social media what the dude hey she she's she she's still watching you know she's still going and watching highlights and maybe one day you know maybe for a pay-per-view um that she'll tune in with like her friends or what not and then like can watch a full Ricochet um match like don't alienate people who still are fan of you um and then like you know just just just don't do that and then he keeps going so he goes it's weird on simple yeah he gets worse even listen to this weirdo he starts saying it's weird I'm asking a simple innocent question LOL yeah but bro you're gatekeeping you're doing what Their audience does to everyone wow be objective Ricochet people don't like aew and it's not because of you or the boys or because H aew you're you just turned everyone on you dude and then this guy goes maybe she got work or something while you're wrestling I don't think she's trying to diss you bro and then Ricochet goes so because got work she can only watch the highlights R understand right I don't understand oh my I mean we don't we don't know what she does for a living first of all and to be like oh because she got work uh she could only watch the highlights like she got bills to pay man like are you giving her you know something to to work with to completely support you I mean like you know it's one thing to ask fans to go out of their way to watch a three-hour like raw you know but if they don't if they don't feel like watching a three-hour raw but feel comfortable watching highlights of raw or watching highlights of any of the other favorite wrestling promotion I think that's fine that's valid until they can find the time to actually go back and watch you know a full episode of whatever wrestling show they want so this guy says it's weird you're being so online about this you're a TV star man some people don't like the aew presentation this person is saying they will watch what you do on there regardless aew wants to be different and it is and in some eyes it's worse and Ricochet goes no that's not what they said they said they're just gonna watch the highlights right but why Ricochet are you really that guy emotional damage are you really that guy are you really being that guy Ricochet oh my God you know they don't have to watch the whole show to just watch one full match and they don't have to watch one full match to be a fan of yours you what the oh my god oh wow Marie what are we doing here man I don't know aw's brought the worst out of people I've admired you know you know I I honestly think that well because I didn't I didn't read that far I just stopped where you know he told the girl like you know oh you're only just going to watch the highlights like I just stopped there I didn't know that it went that far um but it's a little shocking to say the least that like it went that far and it went in a in a direction where he really wasn't understanding that like you know even if she watches the Highlight that's still a win for him because like she might get interested in something to see how something unfolded therefore she'll search for the full match watch the full match and maybe she could tell her friends like oh yeah I watch this wrestler named Ricochet and you know he does this and this and like you know use her phone and be like here watch the match with me or something or watch the highlights like it's it's a win regardless now I don't sorry goe I don't know man I was going to say that I don't know if it's because you know he might have had something earlier the day where like he's just not thinking straight or whatever it is but like dude don't no one's watching none of that now now Missy ain't watching none of that Ricochet she's probably like both your highlights too then you just sham me just gate keep fandom you don't you don't do that

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