Category: Sports
That's fall forward number one diamond miller at shooting guard number 21 kayla mcbride the other guard number 10 courtney williams starting at center number eight alana smith at the other forward position number 24 napisa cer the head coach of your home team let's he for your minnesota starters hello... Read more
Category: Sports
Sweet let's meet the starting lineup for your connecticut son at shooting guard number 21 dj carrington at the other guard position number 52 tasha harris starting its small forward number 24 w a bonner starting at center number 42 rihanna jones the other forward number 25 alysa [applause] thomas they... Read more
Category: Sports
Wheelchair tennis at the paris 2024 paralympics is underway and google celebrated the event with a special doodle featuring animated birds playing tennis in wheelchairs at the jardan d royal the wheelchair tennis matches kicked off on august 30th at the iconic roland gero stadium known for its clay... Read more
Category: Sports
[música] não acho que eu seja nem boa nem m se todos caíram na minha laia falando a verdade não me importa mais eu só faço o que todo mundo faz eu acho legal essa coisa de ar e sei que não sou nenhum especialista mas se me der um palco pr eu cantar desm derrubo todo esse lugar lança lança perfume lança... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[applause] to the scale myon [applause] santos i think we're going to need that [music] please do not touch the uh curtain with any part of your body 148 you have 1 hour to make weight you can only lose 2 lb i was over 2 lb and then they gave gave me one extra hour to make weight so we went rush into... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
If your day wasn't record-breaking you're not gu lingling this powerlifting powerhouse just raised the bar china's go lingling didn't just win gold in the women's up to 45 kilos powerlifting event she shattered the world record twice first lifting a jaw dropping 122 k and then pushing it to an astounding... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] d'en parler de le montrer et de montrer que c'est pas forcément un frein et qu'on peut y arriver en s'adaptant ça me semble indispensable pour mieux vivre ensemble en fait et puis plus on en parle plus les gens savent comment réagir et plus c'est simple en fait dans le quotidien ou dans [musique]... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Est-ce que tu saurais citer le nom d'un ou d'une athlète paralympique alors les noms exacts non mais je peux donner les sports dans lesquels on est très fort en france vas-y le tennis par exemple alors là pas du tout je suis désolé euh je ne pourrais pas citer non ça c'est chaud déjà j'ai du mal avec... Read more
Category: News & Politics
C'était les meilleurs jeux en 2012 he au paralympique tu veux dire ouais c'était les meilleurs jeux parce que même en terme de de public les st était rempli et ben ils ont fait une comme de ouf au point de savoir remplir les stades et au point il y a des chiffres qui existent qui tend à montrer que... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] on est parti au championnat de france c'était une dernière épreuve qualificative mais pour tout le monde mais en même temps moi c'était plutôt pour pour me confronter un petit peu à à des adversaires donc mes à mes copains de l'équipe de france et puis voilà du coup ça a été était assez express... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The swimming coach was not fired despite assisting a competitor from korea even though he had been previously warned not to do so despite breaking a director from swimming australia australian swimming coach michael pulfrey is allowed to remain with the team in france anamir has officially announced... Read more
Category: Sports
Eu sempre me escondid da minha baba kis meu jeito carinhoso de conversar e se tu me pedir qual da minha malu eu só enlouqueci pr te acompanhar lança lança perfume lança lança perfume l perfume porque ela é exatamente assim ai ela é toda boazinha ela é toda do bem ela é tão galera ela é jovem ela sabe... Read more