The Strongest Battlegrounds X Strongest Hero

Intro [Music] all right welcome back to another video Showcase today's video we're be playing some more strongest Battlegrounds now yesterday I gave you guys a goal on the blade Master Video saying that if we get to 1,000 Subs meaning that if we have 580k Subs by tomorrow or whenever the hell we do I'll upload this video and I wake up today and we're at 900 plus Subs so we're definitely going to hit by the time you see this video if you're seeing this video we probably hit the goal so big big shout out to the strongest Battlegrounds Community yall popped out yesterday and I read hundreds of comments and tips and tricks and stuff so yeah there's some stuff that I did miss yesterday but I mean there's not really a way I could know that that was in this game because there's not really like a guide I pretty much just hopped in game and just used the moves so like for example yesterday when I was playing as atomic samurai or blad Master pinpoint cut has an air version how the hell was I supposed to know that I didn't know that and there was a lot of other stuff that I also missed as well but uh yeah you guys helped me out and you guys fix my mistakes so big big shout outs to you guys there was tons and tons of comments I'll probably put some on the screen here but my biggest takeaways from what I read yesterday was that um evasive ragd doll cancels are a thing in this game I didn't know that was a thing but basically when you like Downs slam someone um they can evasive in this state which is like pretty crazy I didn't know that was a thing I mean it's not really a way I can get the dummy to do it outside of Awakening but you can like Tech roll back and then like the the vase goes on qu on for like 30 seconds they call it like evasive or ragd doll cancel same thing basically but yeah that's the thing in this game and I didn't know that also um up tilting and down tilting is pretty important because um if you down til someone and they're in this like ragd doll State they can evasive so like you want to take their vases before you do your combo which I didn't know that because I didn't know what vases were in this game so like that's why I was like why do my combos keep dropping like every combo I thought was true isn't really true this game is not hard but like I just didn't understand how the base mechanics of the game work but then again that's lowkey my fault because if you look in the description of the game it says right there Q wild ragd doll which is an evasive ragd doll cancel I didn't see that so that's on me yeah when it comes to like the most important stuff I read from the comment section is that you shouldn't really use your like full combo unless uh you take an enemy's invasive and also side dashing is very important because you need it to get past enemies block so yeah those are like the two biggest things that I took away from yesterday and all the tips and stuff I greatly great appreciate everybody that popped out yesterday for yesterday's video and thank you thank you thank you for all the subs let's try and keep it going I'll keep uploading more strongest Battlegrounds if we keep getting more subs so let's try and go for uh 582k subs and also for the people in the back they keep saying when is he going to do another video on Heroes of Battlegrounds because I did do a video on that game a year ago I did not forget about you guys I'll be doing a video on that game soon anyways without further Ado let's go and hop right into it this time we're going to be doing uh strongest hero like I said I said I was going to be strongest hero next uh I couldn't really find any comments of what class you guys want to see next so this time don't forget to comment what class y'all want to see me play next whichever is the top like comment I'll do that that class next I guess anyway first skill we have is normal punch now this skill you pretty much just use as a combo Ender you just send your enemy flying it's literally in the name it's a normal punch I think you can down to into it uh let me see oh if you down to into it it doesn't send them as far um and you if you up to to it yeah it sends them far but yeah uh that's pretty much how NOA punch works it's literally just a normal punch next skill we have is consecutive punches now this is a combo extender but like if you use in an M1 chain it doesn't reset your M1 so like let's say I use a roll like this I can M1 after this but if I do like an M1 combo string and then like try an M1 it'll put me on my last M1 of course since like that's the one I didn't use you can also do stuff like this and then do that again which also works um because I mean you're going to want to take enemy evasive so like down tilting and then using it might be the way but they might evasive of course but if their vasive is gone feel free to combo ex some with it next SK we have is sh also I did forget to say that you guys did say that like if i q Dash too close to an enemy or Q Dash forward um it won't combo extend so like let's say I do this see it won't combo extend but if I do it from like right here it'll combo extend you guys did say that's like a thing in the game I that's an interesting mechanic didn't know that was in the game but yeah that's a thing in the game um shove now this SC right here apparently this supposed to be a combo extender but like as you can see there was a gap in that apparently you're supposed to side Dash with it um but I have no clue how to do it maybe there's some like Tech to it because like if I do this um I don't think that's going to reach or that's not going to work um I don't know apparently it's a combo extender I'm probably going to just use as a combo Ender because I have no clue how to combo extend with that and last skill we have is uppercuts now this skill uh it's probably a combo extender if I'm correct cuz you can do that and then like combo extend which is pretty cool um I don't know if you can use it after down slim oh you can so you can do that as well or four dash but I'm probably going to side Dash just to save my four dash cool down but yeah it's up to you so yeah it's a combo extender as for combos I don't really know any combos but I'm probably going to just do something like this up till into the one of course but like something like that something basic like that this thing's combo seem pretty simple to do so I'm probably going to just yeah do something like that but of course take their evasive first yeah I got to remember that because evasive is are thing in this game anyway let's rate these things finishers real quick uh no punch let's see what the finisher for this looks like damn okay I give that a I give that eight nothing too crazy consecutive NOA punches oh this thing doesn't have a finisher oh that's lame damn they hold this thing shove damn my ear drums okay uh yeah that was pretty lame that was I give that a five or six what the hell and then uppercuts okay that one I got to give that one a 10 the finishes on this thing are pretty lame but like why does the consecutive punches not have a finisher they hold this thing I give that uppercut a 10 though that uppercut is lit you just send him to the damn Moon all right let's see the mode for this thing oh that's the Awakening effect no dude no wonder I didn't know that guy awakened last video dude that's the Awakening animation dude that's do look like awakened bro he had no aura or nothing bro he just did a loud crack on his knuckles okay like no wonder I didn't know he awaken anyway first skill is death counter now this skill is the skill I died to yesterday I think this thing one shots um but yeah you just get a counter uh you can run around with it do whatever you want and uh yeah if you hit the person that uses it I'm pretty sure you just die yeah you do just die oh my god dude does it in your mode even if you miss though oh I think it does ah okay good cuz it is a one shot that'd be crazy yeah if you use this thing I mean I'm assuming your cash know next we have is table flip apparently you have to down slam into this uh but it is evasive aable so get their evasive first as you can see just evasive and yeah it does a huge uh fliff flip thingy floor flip thingy whatever you want to call it Big taable slam uh obviously it ends your mode though so like I think all the skills on your mode since they all damn near one shot or they probably all do one shot this thing is crazy but yeah that's how that skill Works try and down slam into it uh serus punch does this a one shot too let me see how this works apparently supposed to down SL into this thing too let's see yeah he evasive you see God damn okay that one definitely one shots too as well and then last kill we have is omnidirectional punch apparently supposed to down slam into this thing too uh but I think they can evasive that of course as well but yeah that's what it looks like [Music] now I got to land this ranked I got to land that and ranked bro I I have to bro that move is just too damn cool I got to land that and ranked all right that's pretty much it for this thing um yeah uh I pretty much took all the tips that you guys gave me and I'm probably going to try and apply them today but yeah that's pretty much it for strongest hero pretty simple wakening has a bunch of one shot moves which is pretty crazy but hey it is what it is without further Ado let's go and hop right into Rank 10 let's get some W's with the strongest hero all right we got Ranked an actual first match I keep getting troll matches so I keep having to cut matches from the video like either where someone will leave or someone will like just stand still it's so weird I don't know why it's kind of hard recording this game because what what is he look at this what is he doing man just standing there like what is that there we go oh oops I meant to up til into nor punches I don't even know if I even got his evasive oh God all right uh uh uh shove oh I think the wall got in the way of the combo I'm not too sure though oh he suck on my back that was actually a really nice C on my back oh is that a counter is it 360° I don't know I haven't used that class yet oh God oh God all all all right my guy all all you got it you got it you got it you got it oh what my combo dropped bro why my combo keep dropping bro yo uh uh uh nice oh what the hell something the wrong way yo back up I need to heal back up I need to heal oh I tried to uh uh uh let's go shove nice oh that was too close oh hell no I hate that class what the hell what is the visual indicator for the counter on that class it's hard for me to tell what it is uh only I feel like the only way I'd understand it is if I play the class uh nice wait why is send oh he tacked out of it I about say why s that way just do no punches I should have up tiled into it or maybe I should have shoved and try and combo some of shove miss that nice oh wait you can't use shove on I forgot oh wait no no I saw that I saw that oh no he he whiffed he whiffed I saw that I forgot you can't use shove on down til you had to up til in the shove all right nice that was a good first match let's go to the next one all right we got another match um yeah I'm going to try and do like five matches every video five matches every video sounds about right um what the hell we got Miss the money bags here look at them man dripped out of his mind there we go oh he Ted out of it okay I saw that got to the raser what oh hell no I don't know what that is but oh he's using top to M's thing uh uh U up to into this I keep forgetting up to into that or actually no no I got his a vase already is this guard break I don't know if that guard breaks o Su on that boy back yes sir all right nice but yeah um movement is definitely key in this game I can definitely see that because I mean what is what good is your crazy long combo going to do if you can't even get a hit um oh wow oh wow okay okay interesting um I'm going to vase battle this there we go nice okay I mistakely S forward dashed I didn't mean to forward Dash there I was trying to side Dash nice there we go some flying I want to get mode I got modowe any match yet oh what okay block this uh uh uh a damn it what is happening barage nice oh what my combo whiffed oh no what is that bro this guy is annoying here we go use the one close to mode is this even blockable I think it is but like it's kind of hard to tell nice rage nice that's I have reason not to mode go hit me go hit me big dog go hit me big dog what what no way okay he doesn't know he doesn't know what no way bro okay all right dude what the hell why does that work all right we're got another match oh Lordy okay this time I'm going to try and land the four in mode uh but I don't know let's if we even get some mode cuz some of these classes are crazy I'm not this stupid class again it's a fan fair for sure did he Tech out of that I think he did I got to like zoom out so I can see if he had the tech R oh no what is oh oh wow okay okay okay okay okay my guy God damn I'll try to roll behind him I got remember to take enemies evasive I keep forgetting that that's a thing in this damn game oh no I'm dead I'm playing like trash oh my oh my dam I'm already dead my guy God damn bro I'm already dead God damn n that's crazy man playing with my dead body God damn bro there we go nice one more punch let's go oh Lordy man started playing My Dead Body what is this oh great oh lordy oh lordy oh my bro how does that one beat me oh I was about to say oh no it did just beat me bro what the is happening bro uh uh uh keep oh my God I thought there's a gap between that and uppercut so he countered oh my Lord I feel like this class hard counters this I'm not going to lie to you that stupid counter on oh man just down Tils well even if he if there was a gap if I was trying to combook some uppercut there's a gap in it I had to just baited it I literally would had to just guess all right oh okay now we winning this one God damn bro God that stupid classy is violating me bro what is that what is this dude using what you got for me Big Dog barrage nice oh whoops I meant to down to I'm not going to lie to you but I'm not used to the timing on that I was even next to him how does that oh heing the same class all right bet that bet that bet that stay on the floor I don't want to waste my vas for down to nice down to there we go oh okay he T roll there I saw that attack out of that no punch you ah okay my man's got combos let me see what what you talking about okay I try to do some fancy stuff what was that uh uh uh I'mma down tot you oh what nah that's crazy my guy what okay that's why you down to first I guess for that combo because I guess there's a gap in it if you try and do it like that there we go oh what oh no no no no no no I messed up I think playing defensively is just good in this game bro they trying to play offensively and just getting your dash wasted is so so frustrating bro oh wow okay okay I ain't Tech roll oh my thing's on cool down maybe where'd he go oh he's right there let me see what you got nice little bit of little bit of poke damage going block that oh my God he suck on my back let me see nice a what oh no wrong button oh no nice he's dead man how did I mess that up dude how am I going to win this he's trying to kill me with that oh my god dude all right we got the next match Bruh Bruh Bruh yo why are so many alts in this game bro why are people so many people playing on alts like are people smurfing or something like the amount of people I see dressed in like Noob costumes is actually insane the amount of people playing Al is crazy in this game I don't know why yeah this is definitely an ALT I mean I'll be able to tell if it's an Al because of their movement so like it won't be like hard to tell or nothing like that nice Tech rolls out of this oh he did tech oh God I wonder why people play on Al so much in this game is it is it just like a thing in this game I like I don't I don't get it oh no this is going to hurt oh attack out of that uh uh uh nice oh no ah I was going to go for a different combo route there go I'm just knock him away uh uh uh I should have up tilted before doing that I would have got more damage probably would have killed N I would have killed him oh I sold Rush nice he ran into it oh yeah I should have up tilted into that wait you're not dead what the hell I was so Weir he wasn't dead to that that's so crazy but yeah why do people play on so many alts in this game like the amount of people I see dressed as like a noob is actually crazy Gage nice oh he teched out of it oh no I'm going to see if I can land a four in this match I want to land a four uh-oh oh that's bad oh no I should have yo I need to know if are you plus anyone that plays fighting games are you plus just do that are you plus after um a dash attack so like if I block his M1 from the dash attack or whatever whatever it's called does he get to go first does he get M1 priority after that I don't know I mean I there's no way for me to test it unless like I have I call a friend um but yeah someone in the comments section let me know what how did he just Dash while that was weird oh nice oh oh my God I'm doing the wrong combos there we go oh he went the wrong way I thought he was going to go the other way all good let me mode though uh I got to make sure I get his a vase before I do it though I want to try and um uh uh nice GG's let's go oh God that was a little too close but we took the W and I landed it so I got my goal this video nice ultimate ultimate finish let's get it also let me know if you guys want to do another uh or see another video with me and Tera uh I think next video he said bruh I think next video I do I'm probably going to do it with Tera as well maybe if he wants to hop into this cuz uh y'all seem to enjoy the first video I did with Tera so I mean we can do some more all last match I'm doing uh but yeah like I said if you guys want to see more videos with me and terara make sure like up the video and uh I don't know just subscribe that's pretty much all I ask for also going to be uploading like every single day next month and uh October as well sparking zero drops in October and like a lot of crazy fun games I'm on iPhone 7 plus big dog I don't got nothing to do with me Big Dog Gage nice oh what I did it wrong there we go knock him away I did it wrong uh iPhone or not you going to catch these ass big dog oh yeah it didn't work I got to do the side Dash if there's a wall I think I can definitely do the combo though oh yeah this is going to be a quick match yeah this guy's really is on iPhone hey he got more rank than me though he got more rank than me on iPhone what the hell you on PC wait what the hell my down didn't come out oh was on quol but still wait why did my down not come out though I was going to say my two didn't come out but my down to didn't come out either what the hell was that about hold on let me chill before I lose i l got mobile yo yo my man's got hands hold on my man's got hands here we go nice oh he Ted out of it okay uh oh he blocked it I think he isn't in like after doing a dash at one I think he is interesting okay okay okay so if I block a Dash M1 I I should just M1 them cuz they're stuck in then like got it got it got it that's not Plus on block but yeah uh I'm going to be uploading like every single day next month so if you guys would like to um oh no my M1 chain God damn it I block that I think the only guard break on this thing oh yeah okay yeah it's not plus it's definitely minus as hell cuz he just oh my God yo I'm not going like this mobile or not you going to catch these s oh that's unsafe on block oh no that's crazy oh I'm dead I'm lowkey dead I lowkey dead I lowkey dead oh no psych let's go let's go what you got for me what you got for me uh I'm going to need to uh uh uh uh no way wait is this going to work wait he's moving slow hey that works W I was lost to a mobile user hold on I can't be going like that all right that's pretty much it for this video hopefully yall enjoyed that um yeah if y'all want to see more videos on this game make sure you hit the like button and subscribe please please please subscribe I'm trying to get to 600k subs and uh yeah catch you on the next video take care guys Outro color down with my life for every woman sh with you not up in the day never fully gone

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