Published: Jul 02, 2024
Duration: 00:01:44
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: tim boyle
10 so here's a question for you yeah so you've been dating a girl for 5 years and then you find out she's your cousin are you staying in that relationship absolutely no next question it's been 5 years though what did he say 5 years uh I don't think I'd mistake someone for my cousin I'd probably know hopefully but if I found out uh it's it's a quick exit quick exit exit stage left as fast as possible okay okay I can respect that answer that's surprisingly we've we've gotten a lot I hope yours would be the same answer yeah okay sure and then and then what the people really want to know is edging or gooning one more time eding or gooning I don't quite understand the question oh hell no that's okay that's okay I got what I need can I get more information on this no you cannot you're put me on the I'm put you on the you know all right Tim just did uh just did a workout with you and it was pretty tough did some of your like stuff and I've seen your caves so and you answer who has better caves you or um this has been discussed between Aaron and I for a few years I fig we bring it back up um Aaron has admitted that I have nicer calves he claims his are more functional I don't even know what that means um but I'm going to go ahead and say my Cals are nicer I think better looking um and I think he pulled his calf early on in his career so one's actually smaller than the other one uh so it just doesn't look great to be honest with you so Aaron if you ever watch this video you know I have not your Cavs in you Aaron and I have seen both your guys as C I met you both in person I will say I think I think Tim's got the edge I won't li My Guy