hey guyscome back RI M fishing public humilation as despite footage said to be broadcast RI M will be forced to relive at the continuous movement of for the golf Superstar footage to R Mel Roy US Open locker from falls out at set to be release to the public next year after the golf star s let collapse at the P at the watch B son Deo Pine him to GL story from the clubhouse Michael Roy has been holded towards his the first mejor victory since 2014 before Bing third of the last four hours including two short puts after feeling to miss a put inside three fat all the season in to another land is land as Star had to award watch on the dble look a of his meary before more Dam exploded behind the scene as the result of the Netflix full showing documentary set to year in 2025 so guys what do you think so don't forget to like and comment and to subscribe press the Bell icon for latest thank you