Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:14:57 Category: Gaming

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yo what is good YouTube Welcome Back to another JC 2K video in today's video we're going to be talking about what to do first in NBA 2k 25 my team basically where to start um because I think there are a lot of people that are going to get in the game they're going to open up their pre-order packs just like I did and they're going to sit here and they're going to be like huh what do I do because obviously you don't have the auction house unlocked immediately for example so you can't go buy Cards um some people are going to get in there and rip packs immediately now I personally don't think ripping packs before you open the auction house is actually a very good idea because if you pull a duplicate of anything of value you simply have to quick sell it and that's not very good not to mention Packards aren't very good now I will be doing a pack opening video later today I do not recommend yall do this personally um because I don't think Packards are very good at all as as I said but um I think people are going to kind of be like spot where going to be like huh now what do I do and I think there's a few different things you can do so with that being said before we op into the video if you haven't already make sure you hit that subscribe button help me push towards the 30,000 subscriber mark on the channel I upload every single day tons of consistent daily my team content would really appreciate it if yall do subscribe we're going to be grinding out insane levels of content this year but um to start off with we're doing this video right here on what you should do first so I will say this I personally would not probably recommend going into Showdown immediately because you're likely going to match up against a lot of people who have spent their money on packs immediately I would wait to spend money on packs until you unlock the auction house which leaves you if you're not playing Showdown although I will say Showdown is a decent spot to start if you have a team which again with pre-order packs I mean I just bought the pro the Hoff pass and everything and I opened up my pre-order packs and this is what I have and I technically got lucky and pulled this Emerald wi Bama who has a 71 three ball and like uh he's got 25 speed yes but uh Emerald wimy day one is actually kind of funny he's actually probably kind of a dog but I I think the team that I'm looking at right now isn't a team that can really compete in Showdown which leaves me with a couple options I can go play Breakout for example which is a free uh not a free but it's an offline game mode that isn't going to be quite as hard you can do you can pick how you want to do the game modes um you can do all game modes or you can just do Triple Threat or you can just do clutch time only uh and I think breakouts a decent place to start if you are an offline player especially also could start in Domination I'll make a video on whether or not domination is worth playing in the next video or not in the next video but in the next couple of days I should say and you can actually start in either domination as well you don't have to play through the NBA domination and get 33 stars to unlock the AAS domination this year which is kind of neat so if you don't want to play the 25 MBA domination you want to play the domination you can so again if you're an offline player those are not bad places to start at all in breakout and Triple Threat Park but I will say this my personal opinion on where to start in NBA 2k 25 is going to be in the triple threat park I think that's probably your best bet now obviously you could also play salary cap and the one thing is about salary cap is that you do probably have you have a salary cap of 10,000 so even with your pre-order team you're probably going to get close to that with 9,000 which is going to give you a a decent enough team for salary cap I think think especially day one probably go up against a lot of very similar teams to your own so I don't think there's anything wrong with that whatsoever if you wanted to do that for um for grinding as well there's a lot of things you can do but for me we're going to start in the triple threat Park and that is because I have a few solid cards on my team um do I even care about all this stuff I mean I want you want to get a five win streak eventually just because it'll give you an 84 plus overall if you do that each day so that would be kind of neat to be able to accomplish um but I do think uh this is probably the best place to start and that is for a couple of reasons can I run is there a way to run in this park or do I literally just have to sit here and walk all the way through the park cuz if that's what I have to do that's kind of stupid there we go I had to walk through the store but now I can now I can get in the reason I say Triple Threat Park is probably the best place to start is because even with your pre-order stuff if you have for example amethyst derck rose amethyst Vince Carter couple of solid cards like that you can get in here day one and immediately start grind and rep and start grinding your team out and getting to where you want to be and for example like you can hop in here and um interesting I'm trying to find the individual Triple Threat online Park um not just the uh I don't want to play co-op for example um so this is this is a little interesting I'm not entirely sure how this works right now is this all Co-op I'm so confused um got next not of it I am so confused I guess I don't entirely know how this works actually because I would say that um huh I'm not totally sure how this works y' I'm I'm be completely honest with y'all I don't know uh and now I'm like on this got next spot and I can't back up I is this is this for triple threat park or I don't know which hold on I wish I knew more about the triple threat park again this is the type of thing where you're going to have to figure it out but I'm looking for just like a triple threat here we go the triple threat online courts are here at the end it looks like um am I going the right way it looks they should be this these courts should be the triple thre online courts there's four of them okay cool so we'll go over here and we'll hop on this got next spot and um we'll just wait here patiently because this is where we can come in here and immediately start now you could use your free agent cards for this and I don't actually think that's a terrible idea um but let's see am I able to for example can I set my lineup here like in my Triple Threat Park lineup uh this is my Triple Threat Park lineup so I could come in here and I can use my for example my um my pre-order free agents if I wanted to I don't really think I want to do that off rip although that wouldn't be the worst idea in the world if you're just trying to get through it quickly but I think Triple Threat Park is probably the best place to start if you're an online player versus again if you're an offline player probably breakout for me it'll be Triple Threat Park so I'm going to be waiting on this spot and basically my goal is to unlock the auction house and start getting rewards that's about the first thing that I really want to do uh and I may make a video later today on what the actual fastest way to unlock the auction house is but for me again if you're an online player you probably are going to have enough is of a team anyway to start off in the dribble threat Park and um then I think you will eventually progress and be able to get your team to where you really want it to be um this dude has a shild Alexander card out here and I will say the free agent cards if you're not using them could be a bit of a pain but we'll have to wait and see how that really works and I am excited to get into my first game of Triple Threat Park so without further Ado let's skip ahead and let's get this game going all right so these guys games finally ended so we are about to start our first game online now I'm worried cuz this dude has Kareem and Giannis um so he has a lot a lot more size than my lineup which is Derrick Rose Vince Carter and Phil Jackson who can kind of shoot and is okay defensively but is only 6'8 so I might have a tough time winning this game I'll be completely honest and if I lose this first game that's okay uh I may wind up playing some offline as well and again breakout is the place that I would start with that but again your best bet when you start the game is just playing the game that is going to be the place to start because you got to get rep to unlock the auction house and be able to Uno everything else and speed this process up and one thing I will mention later on today as well is that I would recommend um you can use The Showdown spot just for to get one pack basically uh you open one pack on The Showdown spot and that will give you the opportunity to basically um what are y'all doing the help defense is terrible I need to set some defensive settings or something I haven't gone in there and done that yet so that's something I will definitely need to do cuz that was not good help defense At All by Vince Carter but we're going to drive the ball with D Rose hit our pop swing it to the corner Phil Jackson for three slightly early oh no slightly early means a Miss is what that means this is looking this might be a game that we literally just lose because we don't have enough size though cuz look at this dude's Team bro he is Giant and we are not giant put simply um so I think we're yeah we're just I think we're literally just going to lose because I don't have a chance to compete on the inside so this is actually a very unfortunate first game and it's one of the things I will say I like my free agent choices but I like my free agent choices a lot more if I actually like picked cards that if I am able to get like a center because I need a center and uh right now I don't have a center so if I'm matched up against for example Kareem Giannis guys like that it's just going to be it's going to be tough plain and simple I don't think I'm going to be able to do much uh against a lineup like that drive to the rim Vince all the way inside gets blocked oh my Lord this is not good and I get a shot clock violation we are going to get popped in this first game unfortunately and my team does not have enough size or enough talent I don't think to quite compete with his unfortunately which is a shame because would really be nice to win my first game but unfortunately looks like that's just not going to happen cuz we simply cannot compete with these um giant freaking cards that he's got Phil Jackson finally gets a stop on the inside the only reason we got to stop is because we timed it perfectly and I don't want my shot meter on slightly early again goodness gracious can I can I hit a shot please um let's see if we can get a pick and fade same side I tried to burst there's no burst there at all I'm going to have to figure this game out big time right now it looks like um swing it to the corner to Phil Jackson Phil Jackson Blow by and I get another shot clock violation cuz I'm not paying attention to the shot clock we're literally going to lose this first game and that's tough um but I do think the rep online is better than the rep offline so I will say that might be your better your best bet All Things Considered uh day one but it's going to be yeah I think we might as well just chalk this game up to be completely honest cuz this is one of those ones where it's like we literally don't even have this the cards to compete at the end of the day unfortunately I wish we did but we really don't and uh it's going to be tough we're going to do the best we can but it's going to be tough finally green a three with Vince but unfortunately it might be a little too late honestly it's going to be really really tough to have any sort of chance to win this game with the way that this dude's team is um size-wise but we're going to do the best we can and if we can get a couple of paint stops get a couple more threes off maybe green some shots CU I've already missed a couple in this game we'll be in an okay spot um and I just don't even know what I'm supposed to do against that 6'8 Phil Jackson just doesn't have an answer for him honestly we send a body and everything and it just it just doesn't matter very much does it uh Drive the ball here Derrick Rose all the way downhill and we kick it out and it gets deflected ow that's so I don't like that at all bro I don't like that in the slightest man that is really disappointing good defense on the inside he goes up on two people with Giannis catch here with Vince um let's see what we can do here drag it back I just don't know how to dribble at all yet that's something that's definitely going to have to be figured out itself and this D's just hard off balling immediately going to have to learn how to dribble because the hard off ball looks like it's tough gets fouled right there by Anthony Edwards but down 8 to three without the ability to really shot create much yet it's it's going to be it's going to be tough to start off the year man I'm not even going to lie to y'all um against size like this at least uh Drive the ball here attack downhill he's just hard off balling and I get shoved out of bounds yeah well Size Matters a lot in these games so our team just really I mean it's not a horrible team but I don't have the size to compete with his Squad and he can literally just off ball in the corner and there's not much I can do about it right now and he drills a three on my face with Anthony Edwards nice shot got um looking like this is going to be a blowout plain and simple I I don't think there's anything else to say other than that this is a a a good old blowout is basically what this is Vince hits the bucket we'll take that shot it's a big shot too I need to turn off my meter and get everything set up the way that needs to be but look at oh my gosh Phil Jackson what a play holy crap he just made a oh my Lord he just made a play um pump fake here with him let's go see if we can attack downhill uh get around the screen the hard off ball is nuts bro it is nasty slightly early oh Phil you got to hit that this Phil Jackson can kind of shoot I need him to hit that for me um X switch this please X switch X switch hello okay they did an X switch that's cool uh and he's going to score inside on the inside this is tough this is really tough um we're getting popped plain and simple it's going to happen for sure but we are getting big time popped right now D Rose gets downhill gets a dunk but it's too little too late uh I guess let's finish out this video and let's finish out this game and and that's going to be that again you're not going to win every game that's okay especially when you have a size deficiency like this uh we will I'm sure figure it out I'm not particularly concerned whatsoever about the uh likelihood of us figuring out this game but it's going to be tough at first uh a lineup like this especially is going to be really tough to go up against so we're doing the best we can and uh hopefully we can get oursel enough buckets anyway stop pop look at Vince hold on hold on hold on this video is turning into a long video which wasn't really my intention but it's only a three-point game all of a sudden so uh if we can get paint stops we we have a serious chance to win this game look at Vince oh game you screwed me you screwed me Vince should have had a steal there 2K oh that was the one right there that was about to be a steal we were going to go in transition we were going to be we were going to be in there like swimwear and there's Vince again holy crap Vince Carter is carrying me right now he's got 11 points his release is butter and he drills another three ball big shot by Vince Carter stop Anthony Edwards on the dribble Drive uh help down again if you hit a three with y you're him plain and simple if you hit a three with the honest you're him you can have it jump jump he missed it he he made a white this dude is not shooting on um High difficulty I guess that's fun that's really fun dot him in the corner dot Green Let's Go Phil Jackson we're hoping now I just think it's a little too late tough it's fine though I'm already figuring it out we'll be all right once we figure out the dribble and stuff like that I think we're going to be just fine we haven't figured it out yet but we will get there I have no concerns about that whatsoever um again we basically have to paint sit here though I have no other option than that unfortunately which is a shame because it's not really how I want to play at all but dude I just can't stop his mashing plain and simple it's the only reason he's winning is because of size it's tough uh maybe I should have picked Yiannis Kim maybe I should have oh well what are you going to do about it right um stop pop Vince misses one finally and that is going to do it for for this game unfortunately we tried our best we put up a fight for sure in a game that just was not ever going to really favor us at all don't get a bump there either it's just it was never it was never it wasn't meant to be I don't think um I mean that's great defense and he makes it anyway we jumped at the perfect time there's not much you can do you live sometimes you're going to lose to a bot which basically is what just happened and oh well still I think this is probably the best place to start with rep and things of that nature so that is kind of my plan um and I think I'll be in here grinding this until we get the um until we get the auction house unlocked basically season level we leveled up a little bit let's look at this rep level just from bronze to Silver to see how much we got we basically got 75% rep just like that so next game we'll get us oh I guess technically I think next game will get us into bronze and then we'll be going quickly into silver and then quickly into gold and we will progress there's no doubt about that whatsoever so um with that being said that's good it for this video I hope you all did enjoy if you did make sure you hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe I'll be back with more 2K content very very soon I appreciate yall peace

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